US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoes this mean they got the Package 3?



My financee received her Package 3 on 2, November and sent it back to the Frankfort Consulate on 29, November.   DHL still says it's being delivered but doesn't have delivery confirmation yet. 


However, when we go to the Consulate Visa Check website (https://ceac.state.g...YzCYubaSQI RA==and plug in our information, we get this: 



Immigrant Visa Case Number: FRN****** FRN Case Creation Date: 22-Oct-2013 Status Updated Date: 05-Dec-2013    


Your case is ready for your interview when scheduled at the U.S. Consular section. If you have already scheduled an appointment for an interview, please prepare your documents as directed in your appointment letter and appear at the consulate on the appointed date and time. Otherwise, please wait until you have been notified of your interview appointment. Additional information about how Immigrant Visa interview appointments are scheduled can be found at:http://travel.state..../info_3731.html
I'm confused.  Does this mean the Consulate got it even though DHL is saying that they haven't delivered it yet?  We're kind of confused here. 
Thank you for your help.

OwnerjfaMaleGermany2013-12-09 09:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE sent but no news yet.

If that's what you think it is and cannot think of any other reason aside from that document, then maybe you can prepare it ahead of time. But then again, you'll never know until you get the letter. Good luck! I hope you'll get approve soon too after they receive your response.


Got the RFE in the mail today. They didn't like what I sent as proof of my divorce (in 1999).  They want the decree.  I'm going to get that and send it as fast as possible to them. I was sure it was the birth certificate because I sent them the "short form", so I got a couple of copies of the long form.


I'm thinking I should send a long form birth certificate along with what they ask for.  Just in case. 


Is this a good idea?

OwnerjfaMaleGermany2013-09-25 15:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE sent but no news yet.


Sorry to hear you also got an RFE. But no, you would never really know what document/s they needed until you get hold of that letter. We are confident that we're not going to get an RFE cause we follow every step here, also what needs to be submitted. But unfortunately, we also got one. Best thing to do is be patient and wait.. and wait.. and wait.. and wait...


Thank you for the support.  After doing some research, I think I have an idea.  I sent the short form of my birth certificate. After reading this forum, I realized that there is a long form that exists that I should've gotten and sent. I hope that's all it is. 


The not knowing is driving me up the wall.

OwnerjfaMaleGermany2013-09-24 07:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE sent but no news yet.

I just got an RFE notification this morning (23rd).  They sent the letter out on the 20th.  I'd like to know what they need evidence of so I can tackle it asap, so I called them and they basically told me to wait until I get the letter.   :-(   


Is there no way to find out what the problem is before you get the letter?

OwnerjfaMaleGermany2013-09-23 14:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC Transferred Cases August 2013

Nothing yet here too.  The estimate of our NOA2 is the end of October, so we're not holding our breath.  :-(

OwnerjfaMaleGermany2013-09-04 13:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC Transferred Cases August 2013


If precedent is anything to go by, you're off to TSC (Texas Service Center).


You're right.  I got my I-797C a day or so ago, and it confirmed that it's back in Texas. 


I just hope this doesn't, for lack of a better word, "reset" the time it takes for approval.   :-(

OwnerjfaMaleGermany2013-08-16 06:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC Transferred Cases August 2013

Good day all,


I received the case xfer notifications and thought it would be great to track progress along with others who may have received the same:we transferred your I129F, PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)


Our case was filed and NOA1 both June 2013.  Xfer Notification came August 8, 2013.  Hoping others will share.




We also recieved our NOA1 in early June 2013.  And we did recieve the same transfer notice yesterday as well.  I am assuming that since I'm in Connecticut, they transfered our petition to the Vermont Service Center.

OwnerjfaMaleGermany2013-08-09 13:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2013 Filer of K1 case transfer from VSC to TSC



We filed in June, and got a notice of transfer yesterday, but it said it was transferred to my "local service center" which I assumed is Vermont.  (I'm in Connecticut).  Am I wrong?

OwnerjfaMaleGermany2013-08-09 14:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTo G-325A or not G-325A...that is the question. Again.



My finacee and I (she's in Germany coming to the US) are presently working on completing our I-129F form.  We keep running into a lot of contradictory advice as to what to do with form G-325A.  


We have the most recent form, but one source says to send four copies for each person, another source says just one, one source say they have to be originals, another says that copies are okay, we even found contradictory advice about what color pen ink to use.......


Before our brains explode, can someone give us the best suggestion on the G-325A form?


Thank you for your help.



OwnerjfaMaleGermany2013-04-29 20:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSuggestion of proof of visit

Thanks everyone.

We do have our passport stamps and the few airline tickets we have.  We've got some pics for secondary proof.  :-)

OwnerjfaMaleGermany2013-05-02 18:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSuggestion of proof of visit

Hi everyone.


In January 2012, my fiancee visited me here in the States.  I took her to my work for a quick visit to my co-workers at that time.  There were a couple of pictures taken together.  Although I have those pictures, none were date coded.


One of the managers suggested that I write out a small statement that says "We the undersigned do verify that Frank's fiancee, (her name), was here on (date, time) and we have seen them together."  Then have it notarized. 


This sounds like a great idea to me because, at the very least, it will confirm the date of the pictures I'm sending.  However, I'd like you guy's opinion of this.  


Thanks again for your help.



OwnerjfaMaleGermany2013-05-02 15:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSending Skype records.



I'm still building the I-129F package.  My fiancee and I have known each other for seven years.  During that time we communicated via Second Life, then MSN IM and finally, Skype.


Presently I have a the log of Skype communications going back to April, 2011.  I am fairly certain I can get the logs of earlier than that, including MSN IM and Second Life.   


Now we're talking seven years of logs.  I'm looking at the Skype log file I have, which is only two years, and it's a HUGE file. I'm in the process of editing it so I don't have to give them 30 plus pages of this log alone (not to mention keeping some stuff private), and I'd like to show the logs of prior to and after her trip here and my trip there, but I need some advice.


What else, exactly, should I keep?  Should I edit it down to show the times we called?  Should I show some random conversation we had?  Would I even need logs going back to when we first met in 2006?  And I'm looking at a mountain of text files here, and since text files can be created, I can't help myself from asking Is it really worth it?


Thank you in advance for you advice. :-)



OwnerjfaMaleGermany2013-05-04 09:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFurther proof of relationship for I-129F

Is it worth it to include notarized letter(s) from my family and friends that they have met my fiancee and we're getting married and vice versa? 


OwnerjfaMaleGermany2013-05-11 07:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBest way to proof your relationship


Don't over think it. You just need to show that you had contact with each other, it doesn't even have to all flow together. Just include a random sampling of your conversations, maybe something where you talk about your future plans or feelings for each other something like that. Most likely they're just going to glance at it and then put it back in the folder. Keep simplicity and organization in mind, more is not necessarily better. 


This is exactly the kind of advice I needed. Gives me an idea of what they are looking for. 


Thank you so much.  :-)  

OwnerjfaMaleGermany2013-05-10 15:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBest way to proof your relationship

I'm sorry.  I'm really having some kind of a mental block or something about editing the Skype logs.

I like the idea of one page of Skype logs per month, so the whole thing isn't more than 24 pages, but what should I send?  Sample chats?  Every notice of every time we talked on Skype (e.g. the log that says ****call from Melanie**** and *****call duration 01:45:34*****) or a mixture of that?  Right now, our two years of logs is over 600 pages.  

I know I am over thinking this and I need some kind of idea of what they are looking for, you know?  :-(


OwnerjfaMaleGermany2013-05-10 11:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancée's name slightly spelled wrong: U instead of Ü

Hey, if Fonzie is giving us the thumbs up, then I'm not going to worry about it.  :-)  Thanks for your help.  

OwnerjfaMaleGermany2013-07-02 17:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancée's name slightly spelled wrong: U instead of Ü

I just got the I-797C notice today.  I received notice of the NOA1 last week.  There's a slight problem.  My fiancée's last name has an Ü, (A "U" with an umlaut.) in it.  We spelled it with the umlaut throughout the entire petition.  However, the I-797C came back with just the normal "U" without a umlaut.


Should I be concerned with this?  Should it be corrected or does it not matter at all? 

OwnerjfaMaleGermany2013-07-01 17:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance's end of the K-1 Fiance Visa

This is kind of my question too.  Do I have to send my fiancee an exact copy of the original application complete with her own set of certified  documents (the documents with the raised seal), e.g. my divorce decree, birth certificate, etc. or would a copy of it do?  


It is my understanding that she needs a copy only to bring with her to the interview and the original application I sent the interviewer should have, because it was sent to them via the NVC. 


I know I have to send her my I-134 documents too, correct?


Finally, since I've scanned all my documents to my Google Drive, and if she just needs a copy (and not the certified documents) couldn't she just get all those documents from my Google Drive, print them and take that?  

OwnerjfaMaleGermany2013-10-29 06:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot the NOA2 - What to send my Fiancee

Thank you.  I didn't know about those webpages on VisaJourney.


I went ahead and sent a complete copy of the original K-1 Visa application, along with the notices from the USCIS, the RFE, certified documents responding to the RFE, and the I-134 with evidence (work letter, bank letter, etc) on Friday via express mail.


Thanks again for your help.


OwnerjfaMaleGermany2013-11-03 07:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot the NOA2 - What to send my Fiancee

We got our NOA2 on the 8th of October.  (Yay)  I'm working on getting the copy of our K-1 application to her, but there are a couple of things I'm unclear on.


First off, do I have send her another set of certified documents?  For example, do I have to send her a certified copy of my birth certificate and divorce decree, (both with the raised seal) or would a copy of that be okay?  I'm under the impression that our original K-1 application, along with the certified documents will be sent to her consulate and the interviewer would have them. So what she would have a copy to take to the interview.


And about the I-134.  If I am reading this correctly, I'm supposed to send it with the copy of the K-1 application. Is that correct?

I only ask because she does have her half of the documents, so would it be okay to just send my half?  

Also, I had an idea. I have all of the documents, the RFE, the NOA2, etc, scanned and organized on my personal Google Drive.  She has access it, so could she just print all that out from there and use that?  Seems to me that her printing out the documents from the cloud would save a lot of time and money. 


Thank you for your help.

OwnerjfaMaleGermany2013-10-27 15:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Proof: Is there such a thing as too much?

Whew! Thank you guys SO much! This is such a relief! You have no idea how much I've been obsessing over this. 

Then again, maybe you do. wink.png

After all, we're all kind of in the same boat, here. 


Alright, so I finally have an idea of how to shorten it and make it more quality, way less quantity. cool.png


One more question, though, if it's okay. Does anyone know if blacking out parts of conversations for privacy reasons is okay? 


Thanks a lot in advance! 





My gf and I were in the same boat as you on this, but we had eight years of Skype logs to go through.


What we decided on, (and seemed to work) was give them one conversation from every month going back two years.  We did black out the more personal parts of the conversation, (and in some cases edited it out altogether) and it didn't seem to affect us negatively at all. 


Keep this in mind while choosing a conversation:  look for something that you two chatted about that illustrates a connection between you both, e.g. we had a few chats when we talked about how similar our parents are; what we got for Christmas and birthdays; minor events at work; memories of visits together; dreams and plans for our future together; etc. 


That's all you really need.  :-)  Good luck.

OwnerjfaMaleGermany2014-01-17 09:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List

Never mind my question.  I just found out we were approved.... :-)

OwnerjfaMaleGermany2013-10-09 03:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List

When sending in my 129F.  I had to submit evidence for a previous divorce (10 years ago).  I went to the courthouse and obtained a CERTIFIED COURT COPY of the divorce decree and sent that in with my package.  HOWEVER, I still got a request for evidence because the CERTIFIED COPY did not state on it that it was the FINAL DIVORCE DECREE.   I got a RFE asking me to provide evidence that the marriage had been terminated.  I had to return to the courthouse and ask them to produce a CERTIFIED CERTIFICATE OF NO APPEALS which stated on it the the included divorce decree was therefore final.


Make sure that if you have to provide a divorce decree that it says that it is a FINAL DIVORCE DECREE, and if not then included a CERTIFICATE OF NO APPEALS which states that the divorce decree is final.


My case was approved by USCIS five days after they received this evidence.


Okay, now I'm worried.  When I first sent my package, I included the separation agreement.  I got the RFE notice on Monday, 09.23.  Here's what happened in chronological order so there's no confusion.


I called the USCIS on Tuesday 09.24, and asked about the RFE.  They told me to wait for the mail.


Wednesday, 09.25. I got the RFE in the mail.

Thursday, 09.26  I sent the divorce decree (the agreement with three pages that stated the marriage is dissolved with a stamp on every page) that the clerk assured me was what I needed. I bought two of them


Friday, 09.27 USPS delivered it to them.


Saturday, 09.28  I got the exact, same RFE I got on 09.25.  Nothing different.


Monday morning 09.30 - I called them. They told me to send the other decree I bought to make sure.


Monday night 09.30 - I got a text and our petition was upgraded to "Request for Evidence Response Review

Once a timely response to the request for evidence is received by USCIS, we review the evidence or information you submitted. If you submitted the requested evidence, we continue with the adjudication of your application or petition in light of the new evidence." 


Thursday, 10.03 - Our petition was upgraded to  "Request for Evidence Response Review

Once a timely response to the request for evidence is received by USCIS, we review the evidence or information you submitted. If you submitted the requested evidence, we continue with the adjudication of your application or petition in light of the new evidence."  again.

I'm not sure what to do from here.  Are we okay or did I send the wrong decree are they really looking at it?  I'll admit I'm beginning to worry a little more. 

OwnerjfaMaleGermany2013-10-08 16:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJesus is my King
Hey,can you remember the quens they asked you...share with us if you do. .
kidekideNot TellingKenya2014-01-15 01:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNairobi us embassy interview
VISA so happy...can't imagine al be with Mah hubby soon....everyday...evernight :). ...Glory be to God.
kidekideNot TellingKenya2014-02-06 08:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNairobi us embassy interview
Thanx alot nyosh...l will make it..I knw i fear no tension...dats wot i keep telling mahself. ..Thanx alot for the are a big help..I salute you.
kidekideNot TellingKenya2014-01-16 14:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNairobi us embassy interview
Hey nyosh,that latest interview link has been of big help to me. ..thanks alot nyosh....wot am praying for is confidence...i get so tense in this kind of situation even explaining mahself becomes a problem....wish there is anything I can take to calm mah nerves.Am so scared it will happen again.
kidekideNot TellingKenya2014-01-16 00:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNairobi us embassy interview
Thank you Nyosh.
kidekideNot TellingKenya2014-01-15 01:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNairobi us embassy interview
Having an interview on 6th Feb...any body who passed through this consulate and approved?how woz it?
kidekideNot TellingKenya2014-01-14 14:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNairobi embassy
How long does the visa take to reach to the beneficiary had mah interview on 6Feb...on 12Feb it was in transit now it's 14th Feb and the status hasn't changed.lts a k1 visa.

Edited by kidekide, 13 February 2014 - 11:15 PM.

kidekideNot TellingKenya2014-02-13 23:13:00
CanadaNever done my own taxes, moving from CAN to USA

Have you done your taxes yet for 2012? Did you make any money in 2013?

I gave my T4 slips to my parents and they did it for me for 2012. I'm working right now
lauraandkrisFemaleCanada2013-04-04 19:59:00
CanadaNever done my own taxes, moving from CAN to USA
I need some help with what to do in terms of taxes for both Canada and the US.
I have my interview for K-1 April 9th, 2013 and assuming all goes well, I'm lost on what to do with taxes.

I have lived with my parents my whole life so they would handle taxes for me. I need to know step-by-step what to do before leaving Canada and once I've arrived in USA. I've worked every year since I was 16, now 20.

I've never done my own taxes and I don't even understand what gets taken off my paycheque! Can someone please help me!
lauraandkrisFemaleCanada2013-04-04 16:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-797 Approved, email says RFE but not in letter?
Today we got out I-797 notice of action. In an email we got from USCIS, it says that there's a Request for Evidence (RFE), however in the I-797 letter, there is no mention of a Request for Evidence. Does the RFE get sent afterwards, or is it really approved without any additional information. Maybe the email's are wrong?
Can someone help us out?

Thank you!
lauraandkrisFemaleCanada2013-02-04 22:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWrong RFE??
Update: After talking to the USCIS yesterday, I got an email back from them.

It stated as follows:

The status of this service request is:

We have corrected the error on our systems. We apologize for the error on your notice and any inconvenience it may have caused you.

Also, we no longer have this petition as it was sent to the National Visa Center (NVC).

Future inquiries should be sent to the address below:

Attn: CB
Department of State National Visa Center (NVC)
31 Rochester Avenue
Portsmouth, NH 03801-2909

So the NOA2 was real and we're on to the next step. I'm so excited and glad there was an end to this confusion. Thank you everyone for your help and support!
lauraandkrisFemaleCanada2013-02-07 12:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWrong RFE??
So today I received a RFE, after already receiving NOA2. Listed on the front page is my fiance and I's names, but on the back where it tells us what to send it says a completely different name. I'm so frustrated, I don't know if our case is on hold or not, and I talked to a woman at the USCIS, but she said it could take up to 15 days to get a response to fixing the problem. Has this ever happened to anyone before? I know the items listed on this RFE are things that we had already sent..
lauraandkrisFemaleCanada2013-02-06 15:35:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionplease help so confused!

First of all, I’m sorry for the RFE. Second, having a child together has to do nothing with be approved faster or to get a RFE, not at all. Many cases are approved every day and they don't have kids together. I got approved this very week and we don't have children together. So don't worry about that, nor think that is the reason that you got the RFE. Anyway that is evidence that you cannot provide them within the next 30 days.

Focus your energy in looking for evidence that you can provide and really forget about you haven't had kids together so far. That is definitely not a reason to send a RFE, approve or denied a case. Now, your list seems good for me, but then again I'm not the IO reviewing your case. You have basically the same that I provided them and maybe a little more than us.

I wish you the best luck.

thanks the thing is i already submitted all that stuff and i got the request for more evidence i dont know what else to send!
forever hisFemaleJamaica2010-09-17 09:45:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionplease help so confused!
So we filed to remove conditions back in july. went to the biometrics. Now i get this letter of more evidence needed with a list. This list contains everything I have already sent in. When we filed to remove conditions I included letters of affidavit, leases from all prior address, shared bank accounts, joint taxes for years of 2008 and 2009, photos, utility bills with both of our names on it. The only thing I did not include is a birth certificate of our child because we do not have one.
I am so confused why they would want "more" evidence when I sent in everything we have. Do I resend in the information? I am so lost. I feel like this is because we do not have a child together, and we have been trying. Last year I was going through infertility testings. My heart feels broken. This green card has been nothing but a stress and burden on our relationship. My husband feels like this is it for his life in America, and I do not know how to build him up.
Sorry if I seem stupid or am going on and on and on. But I do not understand why they are requesting evidence I already submitted! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!
When getting his conditional green card we were sent to investigations due to a prior marriage we than hired a lawyer and he received his green card 30 days later. is that maybe a route i should now take. We only have 30 days to respond. :(
forever hisFemaleJamaica2010-09-17 05:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 RFE

It drives me absolutely INSANE and up the wall that if you don't have a kid or a house after two years of marriage, they will send you a RFE.
I already know that the same thing will happen to us. If it does, I will send them the bill for our fertility treatments to shut them UP.


forever hisFemaleJamaica2010-10-08 05:47:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Thanx crazy happy.
kidekideNot TellingKenya2014-02-08 10:06:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Was approved yeppy :)
kidekideNot TellingKenya2014-02-07 09:05:00