Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I WAS DENIED IN MOROCCO CONSULATE

[font="'Comic Sans MS"]

No this means you are yelling and being rude and disrespectful of others on any site you may post! You may have a sad story and are frustrated and angry, but if you want anybody to have empathy for your story, or for that matter even read it, suggest you quite yelling whether you like it or not! :bonk:
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2011-03-29 07:25:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)i130 petition to NVC

We finally got our daughters number last night after a half hour of redialing and an hour and 15 minutes on hold.  We were told 5 days to 2 weeks to get the email.  3 days ago we were told it could take another 5 weeks to even get a number!   I am not sure if you can carry on the process without the email or not, possibly someone can chime in on that.  Here is what I get when checking on the site with her number.

Please follow the instructions you received from the National Visa Center (NVC) for the next step in the processing of your visa petition. If you have misplaced the instructions sent to you by the NVC or did not receive them, please contact us athttp://travel.state..../info_3177.html for additional information.
Could only suggest first checking nothing has gone to spam (which I am sure you did already) and possibly call back again and talk to level 2 and find out why you are being told something that has not occurred.  I am guessing it may be actually taking that long for some reason and you are being given wrong info.  It probably goes to another group once a number is issued and they are the only ones that can send the email.

LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2014-09-06 07:54:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)i130 petition to NVC

did you find out anything yet?


LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2014-09-02 18:26:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)i130 petition to NVC

Hi there, I asked a similar question to yours a week ago, however, did not get any responses.  We received a I-130 approval dated August 13, for my stepdaughter coming from Korea.  Based on doing searches on the subject it appears the NVC is responding with a case number anywhere from as short as 10 days to 4 weeks plus.  However, the examples were not Korea specific.  When my wife's 129f was approved a number of years ago it took less than 2 weeks to hear from the NVC, and about 30 days for the embassy to schedule the interview once we completed the additional info.  People are saying it really depends on how busy the NVC is which is apparently currently pretty busy.  I am not  sure calling the NVC will speed up the process, but will at least give you a piece of mind and allow you to retrieve the number.  Please keep us updated on your progress!  Congrats on the approval!

LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2014-08-27 15:38:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Past the NVC 60 calendar day wait period and nothing... anyone else in the same boat?

Yikes!  Got the 60 day letter today triggered by the 864 and have not even made it to the second invoicing to do the IV package for my stepdaughter!  This journey is turning out to be far longer than my wife's 4 years ago!  Who would have thought the NVC would be another hurtle after USCIS!  Really need to read about some wins here to lower the BP!

LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2014-09-26 14:58:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How long was your wait for NVC packet to get sent to your Consolate?

Yikes folks hang on to your are almost done with the worst part of the journey!  Do what ya can and hang on! Waiting through this stuff and wondering what is really going on behind the curtain sucks, I know!

LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2014-09-25 19:06:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFraud

I think this opinion is given with the best intentions but some of it is simply wrong.
I know many people that met on Thai Love Links & were approved with no problem. That includes me. There wasnt one question asked about meeting that way. My husband & I met on the net he came to Thailand & we married within 45 days. There wasnt one single question about the timing of our relationship. At the time of my interview the USC was allowed inside the embassy & my husband was standing right there to answer any questions they may have had.
I do agree that there may have been some suspicion cast upon the case if they were told of the friend that helped in the begining. However many do that same thing because of the language situation alone. Many of my friends asked me about using the net. None were hookers.
A close friend owned a beauty shop in Thailand. She had zero problem getting approved. A beauty shop in Thailand is like a beauty shop anywhere. We dont associate them with prostitution as a rule. Does it occur sometimes? Probably but in my 35 years in Thailand I never saw it.
I hope the OP will let us know what happens in this case because it could help others.

Everybody has a right to an opinion, however, while you say my probable assessment is wrong, believe you are overlooking the fact that there is an investigation which you offer no possible reason based on the facts given. It is great you had no problem and others you know did not as well. The fact remains there is a prolonged investigation and taking it all out on an officer is doomed for further delays. There is a reason and it appears profiling is involved based on facts as a whole. There is always the possibility that the OP is not divulging all of the facts or possibly he has not been fully informed. Pragmatically speaking, and yes I have been to Thailand several times, based on cumulative facts presented this could optically appear to be a reason that prompted investigation. I am not saying the spouse is involved with any fraudulent activities, but point out the possible reasons she could be suspected based on the facts presented. Not all, in any country, are as innocent, nice or legit as you may be.
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2011-02-21 22:59:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFraud
OP, mean no disrespect -- this situation has to be gut wrenching for you. You have indicated you have spent time in Thailand -- you cannot be blind to the environment. Would suspect your wife has apparently been profiled as being a high potential candidate for fraud. As to the officer encountered, expect this is routine for him, hardly recent or new. Any signs of disrespect towards him/her would only have made matters worse as they are in the drivers seat. Very likely it is a combination of things that prompted the investigation such the referral by an individual and to the love site. The fact she owns a beauty salon could be perceived as a front, as so often this type of personal service business can be viewed in Thailand. While it is stated that 1 out of 5 relationships begin on the Internet, the fact is you were referred and connected through the site and then apparently immediately married -- knowing you could not live with her for sometime? I would suspect this is an area of high suspicion and one seen many times over by Thai authorities as being the root of attempted fraud. Imagining the possibilities that the Thai Embassy need to deal with on a daily basis in this regard, would suggest that you do not attack them, but try to reason with them. Hope you the very best in getting through this quickly.
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2011-02-21 20:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports60 Day Backlog?

This all seems really kind of ridiculous, not to mention the hurt it is causing us and loved ones.  Unfortunately we are at the mercy of a government to grant access to someone(s) we love.  In actuality, this is not 60 days from receipt of NAO2 instructions by the NVC (or number generated by the NVC) extending to embassy interview which appears the NVC would like you to compare to its past performance. The NVC I believe is portraying it 30 days more than the prior average when the timing is more like 4-5 months.  It appears the folks on the board are considering days from the package receipt to an interview being set up as the 60 days, which apparently is how long it is taking.  When I went through the process 4 years ago with my wife it was about 45 days from beginning to end.  Unfortunately it appears this is something we got to suck up as far as more time, and quite Frankly, the NVC was supposed to be the easy part, and I was truly taken back when the 60 day letter was received, despite a genuine effort and knowing that we are dealing with the USA. Where it should not take 5 months to look at a couple pieces of paper, especially after it took 7 months to year to look at the same stuff prior!  I would love anyone to debate the current timing based on the input of others to show it to be less, less time would certainly help make my family feel better and I am sure a whole bunch of other folks going through the same!

LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2014-09-26 21:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhy?

A better question to get a raise the blood pressure is "Why does it take the NVC 60 days to look at any document"  or 4 - 5 months to complete the entire process?


LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2014-10-17 07:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - October 2014

OK, Finally got the Immigrant Visa Fee Invoice, however no invoice to pay, and no amount showing on the website!  Does anyone know if it takes time to post the invoice to the website after getting the notification by email?

LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2014-10-01 15:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsLosing faith

That is a dangerous tactic. I am delighted to see that it worked for you, but it could have easily backfired. All it would have taken is to piss the wrong person off, and then your file gets "lost" in the wrong filing cabinet.

Believe me, if I thought this tactic could be used safely, I would launch it in a heartbeat.

BTW for those of you questioning my facts in my congressional letter, you should know that in such a letter, your facts do not need to be documented. I dabbled in politics with the local Republican club, and they taught me a few tricks. One of them is that it does not matter how correct you are as long as you present your words with drama and flair.

For somebody who does not believe in the integrity of facts, interesting how one can criticize something that has actually apparently worked for another. Let's see how your so-called "tricks" work for you.
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2010-12-09 16:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsLosing faith

OK, I just took some action.

Here is the letter I wrote to my Congress Member:
(personal data redacted)


Dear Congressman *******

I am a petitioner to the BCIS for a K-1 fiance visa for my beloved fiance, Elena ********.

I started to consider the possibility that something was wrong when BCIS took an inordinate amount of time to issue my NOA2, a document that in the past was issued in 4 to 6 weeks.

I then did some research and learned that BCIS now has a misguided policy that is causing substantial harm to all American citizens looking to bring their fiances and spouses home, where they belong, on a K-1 or K-3 petition.

It turns out that BCIS has decided to put processing of all K-1s and K-3s on hold indefinitely so they can instead process charitable applications for immigration from residents of Haiti whose lives were affected by the recent weather events there.

I am not suggesting that the United States should abandon its fine tradition of compassion towards people in other lands who are suffering, but compassion has its limits, and when American citizens are being harmed, those limits have been reached.

A K-1 and K-3 visa application is special. It is special because the Constitutional right of the American citizen applicant to marry as he sees fit and his Constitutional right to expect expedient service from his government are involved. This hold on American citizen petitions while these charity based petitions are being processed has denied these American citizen applicants these rights for months and months on end, with no conclusion in sight.

Until these petitions are processed, the American citizen applicants cannot marry as they see fit and cannot cohabit with their fiances or spouses as they see fit. And the spouses and fiances we love so dearly are denied their right to live in the homes that are rightfully theirs and instead remain trapped in their countries of origin. This is an unacceptable loss of our basic rights as American citizens, and as a citizen and your constituent, I wish to go on record as being opposed to this summary deprivation of our rights by BCIS.

Charitable petitions are a wonderful work of American compassion in action, but these petitions simply must take a back seat to the exercise of the basic rights of American citizens, as all charitable work must take a similar back seat.

I therefore wish for you, my elected representative, to take whatever actions are possible to correct this well intentioned but severely misguided policy of BCIS, to get them to put things in the correct order, and to respect the rights of American citizen K-1 and K-3 applicants to have their petitions processed first, before any consideration is given to any foreign individual, Hatian or otherwise, for the extraordinary privilege of immigrating to our great nation.

I thank you for your kind courtesy and consideration.

Yours truly,

Al****** **********


Of course one voice is not nearly as loud as a chorus of voices. So who is with me? Who will write a similar letter to your Congress Member? If you are not a good letter writer, please feel free to cut and paste mine.

We need as many voices as we can on this campaign. We need to show BCIS that we are not going to tolerate this abuse any more. And the more voices we have, the more likely it is we will be noticed.

Please, all of you: Stop playing nicey nice. Stand up for your rights and take action!

So I repeat: WHO IS WITH ME?

Nicely written letter, however, what is your credible documented source for statements made? You have stated things as a "matter of fact" which I have yet been able to verify to pursue a similar course.
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2010-12-09 13:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEmbassy Fee
Yikes!!! Thanks VJ friends for your replies! If I add in my 2 trips back to Korea and her 3 trips to the US, and her next trip back, all within 15 months, guess the fees could be considered a bargain!!! :wacko:

Sure am glad for Skype, at least communicating on a daily basis costs practically nothing!
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2010-12-17 10:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEmbassy Fee
I have noticed the US Embassy in Korea charges $350 at the time of interview.

Do the K1 Visa filers who paid the $455 processing fee prior to the recent reduction get a reduced Embassy rate? Did they raise the Embassy rate when they reduced the K1 filing fee?

Seems a bit extreme to pay $455 for a 5-month wait, and then another $350 for a 2-hour interview, not to mention the $150 physical -- that's nearly a grand for the entire process! Add in all the misc. expense for photos, records, notaries, translations, copies and time and it is way over a grand! :wow:
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2010-12-17 08:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2010 CSC Filers

Thank You. I just called and they told me that I got a RFE on December 8th. The problem is than I don't know yet what kind of evidence!

Really glad I was of assistance to you, hopefully the RFE can be overcome quickly. I am a fan of the Ukraine and have been there several times.
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2010-12-22 20:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2010 CSC Filers

Thanks 4 your help. Called them today and got transferred to a higher customer service and said we got "approved" last friday. WOOHOO!!!

:thumbs: Congratulations, glad it helped in finding that you are approved!!! :dance:
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2010-12-22 13:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2010 CSC Filers

just individual. they never want to transfer to an officer. any ideas how?

Please see my post on page 23 of this thread
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2010-12-21 06:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2010 CSC Filers

Called USCIS today on our 5 month mark. They said they will forward the case to the office and said will take within 30 days for them to reply. #######? FML!!!

:unsure:Did you talk to an officer or just the individual that answered the phone? There is a difference here, see prior post.
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2010-12-20 13:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2010 CSC Filers

What is NVC"s #? Can you help?

The number was busy the times I called, but after dialing repeatedly got through each time. Between 8 and 10 EST is said to be the best time to call. Once connected you have a choice between the operator and the automated system. If you choose the automated system you cannot go back to the operator without calling back again. Suggest you go straight to the operator since the automated system didn't even recognize our case. I did have a long wait time for someone to answer. Best of Luck! Number is on NOA2 and given in the prior post by VJ member.
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2010-12-19 06:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2010 CSC Filers
Holy Mackerel...Jumping Jupiter!!! :wow:

NVC processed our case and sent to the Embassy within 5 business days!!! :thumbs:

Guess what? Their Automated System Doesn't Update Either!
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2010-12-17 12:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2010 CSC Filers

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!! Finally got the NOA2 in the mail yesterday! :dance: Congrats to all who have gotten theirs recently also! I'm so happy for all of us, and I know those of you who are still waiting will get wonderful news soon. Bless you all!

There ya go! Congrats! :dance:
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2010-12-16 08:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2010 CSC Filers
:o After receiving our NOA2 on the 12th with approval on the 9th, the system to this day has not been updated; I never received any emails or texts. When I asked USCIS why the system did not reflect the approval she simply stated she didn't know, not an IT person. Hopefully the July filers who have been actively accessing their status seeking to see a touch, will find a surprise in the mail as many of us recent approvals have found.
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2010-12-16 06:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2010 CSC Filers
No NVC received NOA 2 in mail today
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2010-12-13 15:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2010 CSC Filers
There is hope!!! Our I29F petition was approved by CSC last Thursday with no touches indicated!!!

Don't know if the letters sent to CIS and my Congressman helped as it has been a long 4 months 3 weeks and 4 days!!! I received the last letter that I sent to CSC a month ago back in the mail this weekend with a form letter stapled to it stating they have a new process in place for inquiry’s and I needed to follow it! Talk about being crazy, thank God I did not do something stupid!

Called USCIS this morning and was told it was not 5 months yet and it would be approved when it reaches 5 months. They apparently are just able to pull up the same information we can look at. Thought she was very polite and compassionate so somehow I remained calm and civil. I asked to speak with an immigration officer and was told they did not have their numbers. I then asked whom else I could talk with as this was a serious issue and I needed help. She said I could be connected to a higher level of customer service and asked if that is what I wanted (yes). She asked me again if I was asking to be connected to a higher level of customer service (yes). Believe it or not within seconds someone answered as an "officer" who conveyed the essence of professionalism. After being asked about 8 or so personal questions she said with a smile: Your petition was approved last Thursday, was forwarded to the VSC, and I would receive the approval notice in the mail shortly!!! I was stund, repeated what she said, she confiirmed and repeated it to me one more time!

We really needed this today; my fiancé has been in the hospital for the last 8 days with issues contributed to stress dealing with this journey. After knowing each other for several years while I was living in Korea, living together in the US under visiting visas, she really started to lose faith that approval was coming after 2 months past, then 3, 4, and now 5.

Wishes of hope for all others whose cases have approached the 5-month mark and have not yet had any indication of action. While it’s not the Visa in hand, nor us being together for the holidays, it makes for a good Christmas gift knowing we will be together soon as the really long wait is behind us!
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2010-12-13 12:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2010 CSC Filers

:dance: :dance: :dance: Another touch today dec 3!!! :yes:

You have their attention!!! Great sign!!! :thumbs:
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2010-12-03 14:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2010 CSC Filers

Got the text this morning! We've been approved!!!!!

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah to ya! :whistle:

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay
My, oh my what a wonderful day!
Plenty of sunshine heading my way
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2010-12-02 13:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2010 CSC Filers

We were touched today!!!! No text, or email! But we were updated online and we were touched!! Let's hope it's that NOA2!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

That is some really great news for July filers, shows some movement that has not be seen around here for a week! Hopefully you will see your NOA2 soon. Being that VJ board members only represent a very small sampling of total cases processed, possibly things are moving better than what we are experiencing! Time will tell.
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2010-12-02 08:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2010 CSC Filers
Hello to all those patiently waiting to join their loved ones! There is nothing like a little group therapy in a time of need. I was excited to see the movement in NOA2's for many July filers last week. I was hoping that since our NOA1 was received on 7/19/2010 I would see some action this week. It appears the CSC has either taken a short break from processing NOA2's after the holiday or a batch is about to come. The virtue of patience is something I am not blessed with. However, remain optimistic that July filers without a NOA2 touch as of yet will be blessed with one shortly.
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2010-12-01 13:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHell after NOA2


Ramisgreat stay strong! Please don’t judge all American’s by the thoughtless actions and immaturity of the OP. Based on his own writings, and your bravery to confirm the suspicions of many members, he deserves all the diverse opinions he himself requested. I was unaware that a real man even expects a valentines present more or less persecute a women who loves him for not giving them one… and you even tried! It is generally the woman who is offended by not receiving recognition of the day. It is very fortunate you discovered the tip of a toppling iceberg, as it appears there are some deep-rooted issues beyond a man demanding a Valentines present. Hopefully you can quickly move on, get this all behind you, and reestablish happiness.
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2011-02-26 14:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHell after NOA2
OP, as a matter of interest, noticed your (ex?) fiancé posted a topic in late January revealing her concerns and love for you, and later her jubilation of receiving the NAO2. When initially posted, remember thinking it was an excellent post as the very same concerns shared were also concerns of my fiancé. Thought her post was sincere, well founded and stated. It is interesting that she was logged into VJ earlier this morning (US time) and assume reading this post with great interest.
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2011-02-26 11:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHell after NOA2
This appears to be a case to where the length of K1 process has benefited your relationship as apparently your true colors came shining through. As I see it, her father did what a father should have done. His daughter was about to embark on a journey on the other side of the world with what was thought to be with a man of courage, understanding and compassion for his daughter. What he found was a whining individual who thought it was more important he receive a valentines (???) than understand the heart felt, gut wrenching feelings, of parents and daughter who were about to be separated.

Suspect this type of immature “me, me, me” behavior showed up elsewhere during the K1 wait, tearing at the threads of the relationship and the ultimate decision to leave family and country to immigrate.

This thread will probably be shut down, as I would expect others have little tolerance in holding back on giving straightforward observations and advice. For those who have suggested you “ignore the members who tell[s] you to man up” sorry to say, in my opinion, they are misleading you in an attempt to comfort you. I would respectfully suggest you let it go and move on and don’t attempt to make further contact with her or her family. It appears, you are clearly not the only one in this relationship that has been hurt by shattered dreams.
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2011-02-26 09:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUNACCEPTABLE!!!
OP, hang in there, looking like your wait is almost over. Once approved, you guys will be bombarded by a whole new set of issues and tasks that will make the wait seem smaller than it is now --- as it has for so many others who have gone through the process.

I find it amazing that some feel it is their place to accuse another for their feelings…

And those who have forgotten how it felt during their time spent in the waiting game…

Or those who have blessed themselves as experts on what exactly occurs behind the walls of USCIS…

And those who spend their time lambasting another for their opinions when they themselves are clueless…

Or those who just want to feel like somebody by belittling another who has expressed their frustration.

There are some really helpful folks in this community who have some great advice and meaningful opinions… and then there are others who think they are immigration pros behind a keyboard dishing out narrow minded, misguided opinions and thinking everyone should think like them… after all, they filed and eventually got approved.
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2011-03-18 09:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUseless NOA2

i am going through exactly same thing and i blame the wait for NOA2 for the relationship bumps. While some will say love has no boundaries, I feel love is the most difficult lifelong task to manage. Not to mention that in our cases we are separated instead of experiencing the best time of our lives. Should I view this as a government sponsored test of my love? Or simply a test for my fiancee's good intentions? Everyone say to stay calm and patient, but why should I? Why should I apologize for this useless and timely process day after day.

Now to the poor guy with the broken heart. If you still love your fiancee then book a flight and fly to Russia. Go and try to win her back, marry her in russia and then try to move back to the usa together. it will be tough at first, but then you might like it.

In the event she says no, your chances of finding a new love of your life are very high, because finding a girl in russia is much easier than getting a cab.

good luck.

What a ridiculous misguided post from apparently someone who thinks he’s a Russian Love expert who by all indications doesn’t have a clue about Russian woman, their real intentions or culture from which they come. Russian women as a whole are far from stupid in identifying a winner or loser who trolls under the masquerade of love and a promise to marry with a ticket to the US.
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2011-04-16 15:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports; almost 7 months and still no NOA2

; I'll do it tomorrow straight away!! if you dont shoot, you will always miss!! :star:

Channah, Really thought you would have been approved by now, hopefully it will only be a few more days.

Believe it would be best to have the petitioner (your fiancé) talk with the actual officer versus the beneficiary, (yourself). The 1st person on the phone is merely a mouthpiece for what they see on the screen and in documented policy. From my experience, they will not pass you through unless you specifically ask to talk to a supervisor, at which time they will repeat your request to document (I guess).

Can’t imagine it is going to be much longer. As a caveat, enjoy your final weeks in Amsterdam; soon you will be leaving a place I personally hold in my heart as being the best places to be in the world! Keep the faith; the real journey will be the one ahead of you!
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2011-05-20 07:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC - Case number

Hey all, as mentioned on VJ in various different posts the NVC is a mess as far as timing.  We got the NAO2 for my stepdaughter last month and it took about 3 weeks to start the on-line process (we called and got the case number and invoice number) with the  AOS and then another 3 weeks to get to the benificiery app. That's with us paying and doing the apps as fast as possible.  So now from last Friday when I mailed in the supporting docs I expect another 60 days (because that's what they are saying, and most at this stage on VJ are confirming) that we will have an embassy appointment set that will take another 30 days.  So by the way of my calculations show it, it is running about 4.5 months from getting the NA02 to getting a green card.  And that is if you do everything you have to promptly and don't end up with a checklist that could extend by another 2 months or more. Really!   

LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2014-10-15 18:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHoly smokes!! freaking out


Coming from Ireland?!  You'll have your visa within a month, once the embassy has it, IF you have your ducks in a row and have all your required documents together.  Dublin is very fast and efficient.  I would:  Book a medical for about 4 weeks away, get any and all Police certificates you need from every country you've lived for more than six months since age 16, make sure you have an original birth certificate from the govt (They took my husband's at his interview), and get your papers from your American fiance.   My husband got his packet 3 about a week after the embassy had it.  Once he turned it in, he received a letter (packet 4) giving him an interview date.  This date was less than a week away from receiving the letter!  Read up on the embassy info page here on VJ and also the interview reviews.  They were invaluable to us, and once we went through the process, we updated the info. 


One final note: it'll say you need to mail in a copy of your whole DS160.  You don't.  Just the first page.  Good luck!  :D


I'm thinking this may not be possible as there is an apparent NVC backup that based on the experience of others and what the NVC is saying (60 days to review any last doc sent) it can currently take up to 5 months from USCIS approval to embassy interview. Of course thinking the OP has some true magic in getting the USCIS approval in the blink of an eye!  Miracles can happen!  Congrats

LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2014-10-17 17:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMoney Transfers
If you both have an ATM card it is definitely the way to go -- often with a decent exchange rate. Have used my card in 2-dozen countries -- you need to use a global machine. As far as my Fiancée, I have a good friend who has an account in both countries -- I deposit into his US account and he deposits into her account with appropriate exchange rate.
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2011-01-12 17:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalling all Senators and Representatives
Yikes! It's amazing to me how some members think its their right to rant and rave at someone who is trying to expedite the process to be with their loved one and get them out of harms way. True, some cases can be more serious than others and all want faster results. But to pounce on somebody who is questioning how to contact his or her congressman is plain disrespectful and unwarranted.

There is absolutely nothing wrong in contacting a congressman regarding immigration providing the inclusion of true facts, conveyance of understanding of the process, and written tactfully. The goal is to sell your individual situation. I would not attack the process, the center involved, or make far-flung accusations as this could hurt more than help. If one has the time to write or call and can do it effectively why wouldn’t one do it! To suggest you wait for 5 months before you make contact is absolutely ridiculous, there is no Congressman written rule or policy in this regard. There is nothing wrong with seeking every avenue possible providing it is done honestly, truthfully, and tactfully within the limits of the law. This is about you and your loved one, not about someone on this board whom may have an axe to grind or is fearful of contacting their congressman until their 5 months is up.
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2010-12-22 21:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa, K4 Child - S. Korea

As long as the child is listed on the forms she can "Follow to join" at any time within 1 year of her mother's Visa approval. After that you would need to sponsor her as your step-daughter (CR-2 Visa).

Either way the child will require the father's consent and a South Korean passport.

Thanks for your response, it is perfectly understood we need consent and a passport. The question is: does the window to gain a K2 stay open (within the year) and granted once consent and passport are in hand?
LoveMyMikyMaleSouth Korea2010-12-23 15:20:00