Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Processing times at the NSC

Its taking a very long time. Did you have to re do the medical exam?

WaitingandHopingNot TellingMexico2013-07-22 13:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Processing times at the NSC

Good Morning


I am new to this.


M husband filed his i601 and his i212 papers in May and they were received on may 21st. Everything i have researched says it is 4 months for papers to be processed. we called this morning to get an update on what was the status and were told as of today they are only processing papers from Feburary 16th. That as of today they have 90 days to get us an answer on whether the papers are approved or not. Has anyone else had this same answer given to them? I am currently 7 months pregnant and now facing an unwanted c-section along with my other tow girls. Any advice on what we can do? Also his medical exam is only valid till the end of August.

WaitingandHopingNot TellingMexico2013-07-18 12:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)How do you submit an EXTREME HARDSHIP

Your kids are american citizens and they are considered an extreme hardship. Who ever said that has misinformed you. Anyone who is American Citizen and is effected by your husband being gone can put in their extreme hardships. Its best to get letters from friends explaining how much your kids need him and how much he is a part of their everyday life. You need to send all medical proof to the,. Every appointment every piece of paper you can. Right now my husband and i are getting ready to call them and ask to submit paperwork for my up coming c-section. MAJOR SURGERY. But you just have to give them everything you can. Doctors can write letters explaining your medical condition and explain why you need your husbands suuport here. Believe me everything helps. Best of luck to you.

and get rid of your lawyer. Those people are useless. You can find someone to help you file those papers for way cheaper. A lawyer is not needed always


WaitingandHopingNot TellingMexico2013-08-12 15:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601A waiver success stories or timeline?

Still havent heard anything on our papers yet. Ours was filed in May and i doubt i get any response by October. Called in July and were told that they are only processing papers from Feburary. So I just hope you the best and all you can do is wait.

WaitingandHopingNot TellingMexico2013-08-13 09:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601 filed but...



You are a jerk. And you know what all i can try is my best. I really dont care what your high paid attorney says or your sentor either. Im sorry but for me this isnt routine and its being done because if i had the baby naturally... IT IS LIFE OR DEATH SINCE I ALMOST BLEED TO DEATH WITH THE LAST CHILD I HAD. AND YOUR REMARK ABOUT HAVING THREE C-SECTIONS... GOOD FOR YOU!! FOR YOUR ITS ROUTINE.  


And by the way maybe you didnt try hard enough or your high paid attorney. Im going to try everything i can to get my husband home.  



WaitingandHopingNot TellingMexico2013-08-22 13:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601 filed but...

It's not routine surgery. Its not like im having plastic surgery. Im sorry you think so. If you have never had it done or have never been told this was your only way of having your baby then you certainly will not understand the fear of it.

Thank you Samber for your understanding.

I did speak to an immigration officer and was told to get everything together and send the papers in quickly. She gave me the address and person i should send my request to.

But thank you for all your uninformative help Harpa.



WaitingandHopingNot TellingMexico2013-08-16 11:25:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601 filed but...

I dont think you read what i wrote. Its a c-section (major surgery!!!) not normal delivery where i am going to push a baby out. Im having it done for medical reasons such as diabetes. 

WaitingandHopingNot TellingMexico2013-08-16 10:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601 filed but...

So we filed my husbands i-601 and i-212 on May 21st. But i did a little research and found out that he can come home based on medical emergencies... Well i will be 8 months pregnant next tuesday and have a c-section scheduled for October 8. Does anyone know how to send papers to NSC and actually have them looked at without someone throwing it on their desk? Any advice would be great. thank you

WaitingandHopingNot TellingMexico2013-08-15 15:13:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 waiver Ground of Inadmissibility

My husband is still wating for his and last time we called they said they were only processing papers from Feburary. He turned his papers in on May 21st. The guy we talked to told us we had another 90 days to wait for an answer. I really understand your hardship on this and it sucks to wait this long. I hope you the best of luck but its all a waiting game right now. Hopefully we hear something soon.

WaitingandHopingNot TellingMexico2013-07-25 10:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I601, 4 months coming up on 08/03/13 (Mexico)

You call the number on the letters you received in the mail. But call Wednesday-Friday. And you will need to ask to speak to an immigration officer. They can give you some more information on your case.

WaitingandHopingNot TellingMexico2013-08-09 14:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I601, 4 months coming up on 08/03/13 (Mexico)

Same here. My husband had his i601 recived on may 21st. we havent gotten to the 4 month point yet but we called on July 18th and were told they are only processing papers from Feb 16th. So we come to face the fact that he could be home next year and have heard the consulant in Juarez could take another 90 days to issue the visa once its approved. We are expecting our 2nd baby in October and know he wont be home to see her. But its a waiting game with them and the best you can do is wait. Hope and Pray to God all goes well. Believe me there are so many people in the same situation and nothing you can do. The more you push them the longer the wait could be. We just stay positive and its so difficult to do when all you have ever known is each other. But i pray for people going through the same thing me and husband are. Best of luck to you and keep just praying.  

WaitingandHopingNot TellingMexico2013-08-01 15:40:00