CanadaBest Way To Move Money To US?

I have used Paypal when I need to transfer something to our US account.  I have just kept my Canadian TD account, I didn't bother with the cross border one, I can use my debit here without any extra fees, other than the fact that it is Canadian $ I'm using to buy US stuff.  I mainly kept it so I could use it for my EI payments, & my student loan.  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-07-30 12:14:00
CanadaPhotos for the K-1 Visa Interview?

I'd bring 2 just to be on the safe side.  I brought 2 and they didn't take them from me, but it's better to be safe than sorry in case they do ask for them.  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-09-22 23:03:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal

I am sure you will have it in time!  It is stressful though eh! Glad you got your waybill # I was soo happy when I finally got mine!

kc247FemaleCanada2014-02-12 17:08:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal


Did you pick the IMMIGRANT VISA option?  

Yes, finally got my waybill # last night, & as soon as I got it, my MTL# finally worked on the site...weird eh!  I was a bit worried but now it is figured out. :)

kc247FemaleCanada2014-02-11 17:34:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal

I had my interview on Tuesday.  When I type my MTL case number in the CEAC status says 'your search did not return any data'?? :(  no waybill # yet.  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-02-06 09:56:00
CanadaCanada Immigration & K1 Guide for Montreal

Well I just got a date... not till the beginning of March...nothing else was available... I am beside myself. My wedding has been booked for March 16th and I had no idea an interview would take five months. Any tips? I guess I'll just be calling everyday in hopes of getting something else.

Exactly why it is best to not set a date in stone until you at least have the interview date (even better the visa in hand), though either way it shouldn't be set in stone since AP can still happen!  We were hoping for December 20th for a date, just cause that was when he had his Christmas break from school.  Just hoping though, never booked anything.  So unfortunately we will have to aim for the end of February instead.  

Just keep checking.. you could get one for February still and it will give you more time to get your passport back!  

kc247FemaleCanada2013-10-29 16:59:00
CanadaCanada Immigration & K1 Guide for Montreal

@kc247: I have a Feb 2014 date and I would like a sooner one ,but I think we do have to cancel existing one to view calendar. But this message is a bit confusing too..


If you need to reschedule for a different date/time within the existing trip purpose, select 'Reschedule Appointment' below. To change your trip purpose, you must first cancel your existing appointment (select 'Cancel Appointment') and schedule a new one.


so the trip purpose is K-1 ,if I click reschedule it gives me only dates on or after the day that has already been scheduled. would rather not cancel and risk losing date


Hope there was another way around it sad.png

Click reschedule appointment, when it says "the next available appt for your trip purpose is..." then you can refresh that page and it will update itself though.  I have been doing it since Friday as much as I can every day (which is a lot!) and nothing sooner has come up, I did get Feb 4th instead of Feb 10th, but that is as early as I have got! 

kc247FemaleCanada2013-10-29 14:34:00
CanadaCanada Immigration & K1 Guide for Montreal

So when you go in to try and get a sooner date.  Do you just go to the page that says "reschedule appointment", and then it says "the next available appointment....", can you just keep refreshing that page and it will update itself??  I don't want to click 'yes', and lose my spot!  I really want a sooner date than February!!

kc247FemaleCanada2013-10-25 11:52:00
CanadaCanada Immigration & K1 Guide for Montreal


As long as you provided an e-mail on the (I think 156?  One of the forms you need to return for Packet 3 - its question #13) you should receive Packet 4 as an e-mail.

Okay good thanks!  I do remember filling in my email at one point!

kc247FemaleCanada2013-10-21 21:04:00
CanadaCanada Immigration & K1 Guide for Montreal

Is packet 4 sent as an email, or in the mail?  Should I call DOS or just wait for an email?  Seems like DOS isn't reliable with information!

kc247FemaleCanada2013-10-21 14:42:00
CanadaCanada Immigration & K1 Guide for Montreal


It looks like anything is possible!  It took 3 weeks after my Packet 4 for ANY interview dates to pop up.  When they did, they were all over the board... Early January, late January, February... then BAM November dates showed up.  


It took me about a week to get my Packet 4 after I sent my Packet 3.  I wouldn't rule out a pre-Christmas interview... I mean, my interview is in 3 weeks!  If you  get your Packet 4 in 1-2 weeks, you could see a late Nov, early December date pop up (from someone else canceling, perhaps?)  


Just check the CSC website for cancellations incessantly.  Seriously.  At home, at work, on your phone... wherever, whenever you can.  


Goodluck !!


I hope so! Haha I will definitely be obsessive about checking for interviews if I get something later than I want!  

kc247FemaleCanada2013-10-17 09:58:00
CanadaCanada Immigration & K1 Guide for Montreal

WOOOO!  So nice to see those January dates jump to November this morning!


I went from Jan 7 to Nov 7th!!!  Looks like my first Christmas in the US will be this year!

I am jealous!! I hope when I get packet 4 (hopefully very soon!) I can get an interview before the end of the year..was really hoping to get there for Christmas but whatever happens happens!

kc247FemaleCanada2013-10-16 21:24:00
CanadaCanada Immigration & K1 Guide for Montreal


kc247FemaleCanada2013-08-23 20:08:00
CanadaCanada Immigration & K1 Guide for Montreal

So the checklist of documents is just you stating you HAVE all of those?  But you keep them and do not send them.  Correct?  All the other forms/passport pictures/photocopy of passport page etc, you mail, but not anything on the checklist?  Should I get my police check now or wait until closer to my interview date?  I am just making sure I do everything right when I have to send this! :)

Also, does it matter if it is the petitioner who calls or can I (Canadian resident) call NVC? 

kc247FemaleCanada2013-08-23 13:21:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread

So I've got everything cleared with work to give my notice Dec 15th and my ROE will be filed by my employer on the 19th. I plan to submit my EI application on Dec 22.

Curious about one thing - my boss has said she's reviewed the 'reasons for quitting' on the ROE and is going to choose "Moving from Area" as it seemed to be the only one that made sense. The only other option was "Personal Reasons" but there was no where to put an explanation.

"Moving from Area" sounds about right to me, but I just wanted to get some feedback on this. The info on the Service Canada site seems designed to make people like me fret about not being eligible to receive benefits because of moving to live with my spouse.


I know it'll probably be fine, but would appreciate some reassurance from those of you that have been through the process with no issue. I've been with my employer 28 years!!



My other question is about sending EI proof of my eligibility to work in the US once I've submitted my application - can I scan and PDF a copy of the stamp in my passport?? Or copy and fax or mail? Is it not the proof that I am eligible to work once CBP has put my Alien Reg number and stamp in my passport? Am I still waiting for a separate physical green card once I arrive in the US??


Thanks for any info!

Peace all.


They chose 'quit' on my ROE and I had no problems with EI.

kc247FemaleCanada2014-10-11 11:49:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread

People who had received complete EI, I mean who didn't join a job till the entire claim period: For how many weeks in total did you get EI?


For me it says Total weeks of entitlement = 36 weeks.

what does that mean?


I believe that means 36 weeks is the max you can get.  

I am still receiving it even though I am working (my job isn't quite full time though), I just report the amount of hours & total amount of money I earned. But I get much less than I started out with before I got a job.  It still helps though.  I think for everyone it is different the amount of weeks you get.  I think I was approved for 38, but it all depends on how long you've worked and how much you earned I think.

kc247FemaleCanada2014-09-29 15:52:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread


Depends on how much ur new job makes......the more one makes, the less EI one may or may not be worth it.......


This is true!  I started working the end of July, and am still receiving a portion of my EI.

kc247FemaleCanada2014-09-18 15:36:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread

I wish we could do it online...I hate waiting around making sure I get the phone call, it is hard now that I work on Fridays, I have been so busy I forgot to call on Friday, so now I have to try to remember to tomorrow!  One Friday was so horrible, I accidentally hung up on them by accident when they called, then missed it when they called again!  Would be so much easier to do it online.  I would do the mail in forms but then you have to wait so long.

kc247FemaleCanada2014-09-07 18:09:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread


Just got off the phone - same message.  The guy said that even though relocation for spouse is a just cause for EI, they do not pay out benefits to people who are not actively looking for work in CANADA.  Then he put me on hold to check with a supervisor, and said that YES, its only for people in currently living in Canada.  I even said that I know people who have relocated to US for spouses/fiances are getting EI and then he said that would only be the case if they are eligible for an "interstate claim" - meaning that they live in Canada and did some sort of bullshit hybrid work between Canada/US before leaving employment.


UGH... annoying. :(

Whoever it was has no idea what they are talking about haha, since I am receiving benefits now and I came here on a K1.  I did it all online and through the mail so I never had to talk to someone on the phone for them to tell me 'no'.

kc247FemaleCanada2014-08-15 16:10:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread


Do we mark "YES" for willing and capable of work, even though we (K1s) cannot work until receiving EAD?


I filled in my first form last weekend (online) but put "NO" because I don't move to the US until Thursday, and technically not willing to work. 



I think I put 'yes' on those when I mailed them before i started phoning them in...I put 'yes' and then in the comment section wrote 'waiting for EAD' ... I think you could put either, I wasn't really sure what to put, I never was told it was wrong but No probably works as well, I am sure they know what you mean.

kc247FemaleCanada2014-08-12 14:41:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread


Yes, you say "no" to full-time. You are allowed to collect -- I'm trying to remember what the cap is ... ugh -- $250 per week in pay without it affecting your claim. 


Ed note: That's at least for self-employed people. It looks like it's different for regular employment:




Thankyou!  I am just training for two short shifts a week now, and noticed I got a payment today.  Good to know I will be getting something until I start working more hours in a month.

kc247FemaleCanada2014-07-29 19:07:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread


I just got a job on Monday, right now I am only training so I have 2 short shifts a week, until August 25 when I go to 32 hours a week.  When I do my report on Friday..they ask if I worked.. I say yes.  They ask if I got a full time job during that perioud... I would say no, right?  Because it is part time?  Will I still get a portion of my payment since I am not working as much as I did at home?  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-07-22 16:26:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread

Update - make sure to provide your bank information.  We are having major issues depositing a canadian cheque.  Even though he has a RBC account for Canada and US, it is going to be a pain to actually get the money to be available in the account (have to send it back to Canada and then wait until the monies are released). Lesson learned!  Just when I think I have things figured out.... lol


Wow they have to send it back to Canada?  You would think it would be easier.  We have an account with Wellsfargo & didn't have too much trouble depositing a Canadian cheque, the teller didn't know what to do and had to get help but they said I just couldn't cash it, had to deposit it, and it wouldn't be available until the next day.  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-07-22 16:24:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread

I called this morning to do my first over the phone report...I said I was doing my EI report, and said my SIN # and my name & the number to call.  They never called back :(  Will they call on Monday or do I have to call again?

kc247FemaleCanada2014-06-27 19:47:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread

Just wondering if anyone else has gone through this!!

Any restrictions with EI when receiving benefits but traveling home to Canada?

Would you have to declare "not available for work"? During the time you were home? And would this affect benefits?


I have heard you tell them you were gone for that period of time and they stop the payments and then they restart when you get back :)  I assume you tell them on the phone when you call with your reports.  Someone else who has actually done it would know more though !

kc247FemaleCanada2014-06-18 21:38:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread

Performed another scan-to-fax at home** and just lightened the image of my EAD and it worked! Finally... My EI case is complete!

**If anyone is looking for a way to fax documents at home - if you have a Gmail account you can sign up for HelloFax. New users get free outgoing faxes for 6 months. I used it to send 5 faxes today to 2 different Canadian Fax numbers without transmission issue! Highly recommended! Especially after spending $30 to send two faces from Fedex (one that was never received)

I faxed my EAD on Monday, my husband just got a call at work from a case worker asking me to call her back.  Just tried but I think he gave me the wrong number!  Just waiting for the right number now.  I am assuming that is the problem since I just faxed it on Monday, if it is I will have to try that Gmail thing you are talking about!  I faxed mine from stables, when I printed it it was very clear but who knows. 

kc247FemaleCanada2014-06-12 14:01:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread

I just kept my TD account, didn't bother with a cross border account.  I use my TD debit with no problem here.  I make my student loan payments using that account, & just kept money in it when I moved.  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-06-08 13:51:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread

Just double checking with what I do when I get my EAD card, I got a notification it was in production, so do I just fax it to them and write my SIN number on the paper?  Anything else I should fax with it?  Also I am guessing my EAD will be in my married name and I have been applying for EI in my maiden name.  Should I write my maiden name on the paper as well?  Do I wait until they mail me?  Sorry for all the questions just want to make sure it goes well! 

kc247FemaleCanada2014-06-06 10:57:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread

I got the same letter, after I got a letter of approval and how much money I would get.  It said I couldn't get payment because I don't have EAD (obvs) and to forward them the EAD when I get that.  I just assumed I wait till I get the EAD and fax a copy then and I will (hopefully) get EI payments then.  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-05-31 12:07:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread


Congrats!  :joy:


If I'm not mistaken, there's a two-week waiting period before you start receiving EI benefits. I think Service Canada refers to it as "a deductible similar to most insurance policies."


When did you get the EAD questionnaire? And I'm curious about the letter that you got today. I think we have the same timeline but I haven't received a letter discussing payments for a certain number of weeks. The only letter I've received so far was the initial questionnaire about US status, date of entry, EAD, etc.


I got the questionnaire around the end of March I think, the letter I got today said April 7th on it.  It just said they reviewed the ROE I submitted, & that my weekly benefit rate has changed (I was working 2 jobs last year at one point) to 38 weeks, and said my weekly benefit rate. That's about all it said.  I am hoping it means I am approved.   

kc247FemaleCanada2014-04-15 16:21:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread

Well good news I think I am approved for it..I got a questionaire in the mail asking me about EAD and whatnot, and I sent it back and just got a letter today saying I am able to get payments for 38 weeks.  So I am assuming once I fax my EAD when I get it (soon hopefully!) my payments will start??  It would be so nice to have some money coming in if I am unable to find a job right away!  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-04-15 15:54:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread

I am already confused with all this haha..ugh.. I got a letter from EI and it had my access code, and 2 slips of paper with questions on it?  I tried to make a my service canada account...which I need to access one of my ROEs..and it says my information doesn't match with what they have..I tried a few times then it locked me out of the system.  I guess I'll have to call them.  The slips of papers are from 2 weeks asking if I worked or how many hours, if I was capable of work..etc.  Obvs all the answers will be no on them.  But that is the only questions they sent me.  On top of all this one of my paper ROEs from a job I worked for a short amount of time was left at home and my parents can't find it... now Í'm going to have to contact my boss from that company to see about a copy.. will be glad to have this all done with!

kc247FemaleCanada2014-03-18 17:18:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread


Just wait until they mail you.  If you're out of country you can't do anything via email or the website except find out when you'll be paid (and eventually getting your T4E for taxes.)  You'll end up calling a number, leaving a message, and they will call you back to get your statements (or you can mail them but that takes longer.)  They will have the ROE since they can grab it online.  

Also because you're K1 you'll have to fax or mail them a copy of your EAD once you get it to start getting payments.  I suggest faxing if you can.  You can use Hello Fax with Google mail for free.  

Thanks!  I worked another job last year and have my ROE at home, I can get my parents to scan it and send it to me, or mail it to me.  How do I get that to EI?  Or should I just wait to do anything until they mail me?  

Thanks for the help!

kc247FemaleCanada2014-03-15 18:58:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread

I am a bit confused about this..  I did the online application for EI yesterday.  I don't have my ROE from my last job yet, they told me I had to get it online.  I went on the service Canada site and tried to make a my service canada account, & it said I needed some sort of code to make an account, which I don't have, then I read some more and it seemed like I got a code...after I apply for EI?  So I did the application & for the ROE section I said I would add it later.  I haven't received any sort of email from them with any code?  Or any confirmation they got my application?  Do I just wait?

kc247FemaleCanada2014-03-07 13:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC August Filer Approved
Congrats!! :) How exciting :)
kc247FemaleCanada2013-04-13 16:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSilly Oopsies Made While Filing...

About the same distance from here to Montreal as you to Vancouver! 11 hours!  Tons of fun! (not) I will probably fly...I really don't want to drive through Quebec on my own...definitely not in the winter.

kc247FemaleCanada2013-06-07 18:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDelays in CSCIS uploads to NVC

I see people who have the date when their case was sent to do people know this?  I thought you just call and hope they have received your case?  
Our NOA2 was Aug 20, and got the hard copy Aug 23.  (I am aware we are still in the early stages)

kc247FemaleCanada2013-08-29 16:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportshow long after NOA2 till NVC csae #????

I was approved the 21st and am trying to call NVC in one week intervals... after the lady last week (week 1 call) said it would be 8 weeks before they would get our case. Good Luck to you, let's hope it works out for the both of us very soon! 

Ugh I know they told me that to, she said 'um it takes 8 weeks' and then called last Friday and the guy told my fiance to call back in 6 weeks.  Hahaha...will seriously die if it takes 8 weeks.

kc247FemaleCanada2013-09-04 21:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportshow long after NOA2 till NVC csae #????

I thought not everyone always receives notice that it was transferred to NVC?  Ugh wish they would hurry up.  Our NOA2 was Aug 20 and I am already getting impatient.  Trying to wait until Friday to call again... not expecting anything though.  I want to get this process moving so we can get married.  

kc247FemaleCanada2013-09-04 20:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsanyone w/ NOA2 approved aug 12 onwards. help pls...

Got our NOA2 Aug 20th (hard copy Aug 23), called on Friday, told us to call back in 6 weeks hahaha.  Hoping in the next week or 2 they get it! But they seem to be slow lately!

kc247FemaleCanada2013-09-01 07:06:00