USCIS Service CentersHow many days it takes the case to get transfered from local office to NVC?

Ours took over a month before NVC acknowledged the receipt - every time we spoke to them they said it can take up to 8 weeks.  I think some of this may have been down to forms being sent to the wrong place and redirected but still a long time to wait for no reason.

r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-05 09:51:00
United KingdomHelp.. Forms for package 3

London  Embassy sent me a link to this page for guidance on package 3 for K1 Process (don't forget to include copies of the 156 and 157, I forgot and had to send them separately)  


Specifically states that you should add N/A if a question doesn't apply.  It's worth noting though that some of the form fields have validation that doesn't allow letters and or characters so putting N/A just isn't possible.



Edited by r3dg3cko rob, 08 August 2013 - 05:27 AM.

r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-08 05:25:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Maybe get a printout of the x-ray and frame it? Could make some pretty cool wall art?


Also, unrelated, Interview technically tomorrow (5th), despite checking everything several times and constantly reading this site, I can't help but be nervous. I'm sure I know the exact process of what happens at the interview after reading so many of the reviews. Just feels weird to be at this stage.


Good Luck tomorrow :)  You'll be fine.

r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-04 06:54:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Thanks for all the congratulations - I've got to say it feels like such a huge weight off my shoulders after everything that happened with delays and transfers to Texas etc.  Such a huge void of obscure processes miss-communication that makes this whole process so much harder than it needs to be.  We filed our petition in November and I swear all the stress, uncertainty and waiting has aged me significantly.  I really feel for anyone still waiting for interviews and anyone having to go through this in the future and hope that they can simplify it all in the future.


On a more positive note (sorry) the actual interview day was pretty straight forward for me and hopefully my account of the day might help someone else.  I dropped my phone and ID card (door pass) off at Goulds Pharmacy which is about a hundred yards away from the embassy cost £3 and was very organized.


I completely empathize with Queen having to deal with the English girl outside as she was shouting that everyone had to have a D260 or they wouldn't be allowed in (panicking, I frantically went through my well organized folder looking for a form I knew I didn't have) only to be told when I got to the front that I didn't need it as I was emigrating!  Bit of last minute stress and uncertainty before I went in, so thanks to her for that.  Only other issue I had outside was that my trousers were rather loose and removing my belt in line could have potentially been rather amusing ;)


I got in and seated and think it was just before 10 (my appointment was scheduled 8:30) That I got called up to the Chinese lady who was very chatty and friendly although she kept talking quietly from time to time and I wasn't sure if I was missing something important.  She took my Passport, birth certificate +copy, police certificate +copy Courier receipt and the i-134, gave me my fiance's tax returns and pay info back as she said they didn't need it. Then did the bio-metrics and then gave me the xray DVD in the opened envelope.  I thought she said that was the envelope that I had to give to immigration on POE (although the second lady I spoke to said I could keep it?)


Got called up again about half an hour later and had a lovely chat with a nice young american lady :)  She was very informal apart from the section where she asked me if what was written in the application is accurate and true where she severely eyeballed me and caught me off guard for a split second.  Went through a few other bits of paperwork and then quite conversationally went through the following questions.


  • When and where did we meet?
  • How did the relationship develop from there?
  • Where did I visit when I went to the U.S.
  • Did I meet her family?
  • Does she have any siblings?
  • Do they all live in Florida?


I responded quite conversationally and as such it flowed quite naturally and in total I think I was done in under 8-9 minutes.  After confirming my travel plans and that I'd arranged the courier/collection  She said "well that's all fine, your visa is approved"  I stood there for a second and asked if that was it.  She responded by saying that I could go and sit in the waiting area for as long as I liked as that was free :) so clearly had a good sense of humor.


I completely agree that there was distinct anticlimax to it after over 10 months of build up and was amazed at how little they asked for after I meticulously put together duplicates of virtually every document we've looked at together with additional evidence. but am so happy and over the moon that it''s all done with.  We're getting married on the 11th October so It means I can travel over well before the wedding and really can't wait :)


Good luck to everyone waiting whether it's for NOA1, NOA2, Case Numbers, Medicals or interviews.  It'll all be worth it in the end ;)



r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-03 16:29:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Goulds pharmacy, dont know the address but I believe it is very close by

Cheers for that. It's down the road on the right as you approach the embassy.

Visa has been approved! Interview was really easy just lots of sitting around and waiting :-) I got the icl at first who was really nice although mumbles quite a bit so i could only just make it what she was saying lol

r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-03 05:10:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

I haven't seen Amy since March..
And wait, what!? FARNBOROUGH! Stay the hell away from me, you! (I'm in North Camp..)

March! Wow. You have my sympathy that must be crazy.

Does anyone by chance know the name or address of the pharmacy with the lockers to leave mobiles near the embassy?

r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-03 00:55:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

MAY! blimy!!
Where are you getting the train from? I think what im most nervous about is navigating my way round the tube. Ive been there tons of times but you always worry that something will go wrong and you'll get lost. Ive written myself out maps, and drawn directions etc. but still scared. Ill be getting the train from Farnborough, Hampshire. Only an hour or so train ride. You going to Paddington or Victoria?

I'm getting the train from Huntingdon into Kings Cross then Victoria line to Oxford circus. Sorry walk to the embassy from there. Sat on the train platform now and my stomach is doing cart wheels lol don't know why, I must have checked everything about six times :)

Good luck to everyone today


r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-03 00:22:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread


Good luck, bet your gettign nervous now smile.png


Thanks, Yeah bit nervous but more excitement than worry I think.  We went through all the documents and forms yesterday on Skype so I'm feeling prepared.  Getting the half 6 train down to London in the morning.  Really can't wait to get it all over with.  We haven't seen each other since May which seems like an absolute age ago and we started this whole process in November, so will be very glad it's all over with :)  (this stage of it anyway!)

r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-02 04:51:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Heading out for London in an hour for our weekend stay before our interview Tuesday morning.. Wish me luck sad.png. Feeling very anxious and want it out the way now.



Good luck!  Mine is at 8:30 on Tuesday morning too so I might see you there.  I'll be the lanky nervous looking guy :)

r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-01 16:01:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone from TSC K1 fiance please comment when you get a case number!!

Just got the case number!


NOA1 - 7th Dec

Transferred to TSC - 29th May

NOA2 - 18th June

notice that it was sent to NVC - 11th July

NVC Case number - 19th July

r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-19 14:10:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone from TSC K1 fiance please comment when you get a case number!!

Some positive sounding news now, congrats to those who finally have case numbers :)


NOA1 - 7th Dec

Transferred to TSC - 29th May

NOA2 - 18th June

notice that it was sent to NVC - 11th July


No case number yet though.... fingers crossed for next week.

r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-19 04:54:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone from TSC K1 fiance please comment when you get a case number!!

Congrats - fingers crossed they all start going through now.

r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-16 13:33:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone from TSC K1 fiance please comment when you get a case number!!

Right there with you.  Can't believe how stressful this is getting - My plan was to be in the states at the beginning of October (NOA1 7th December 2012) and I can't believe that we've just been told by USCIS that it "could" take another 30 days for our application to get to NVC!  As of this morning NVC have not yet received our file and by the sounds of it on here, they are telling people up to 8 weeks to get the file to the embassy?  Is that right?  That's a potential 16 weeks from NOA2 (16th Jun) before the Embassy get to see it!


I know we should never have made plans but we had to aim for something and thought ten months was realistic!

r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-16 10:46:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone from TSC K1 fiance please comment when you get a case number!!

Do you guys think it's worth me contacting the US Embassy here in London to explain the situation?  We've received the dispatch email but still no sign of nvc receiving it.  I'm just thinking at this point that it might be worth contacting them to ask what the possibility is of me actually getting an interview within the next ten weeks?


NOA1 - 7th Dec

NOA2 - 19th Jun



r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-12 15:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon Embassy Contact Details Changed

That's to schedule an appointment though isn't it?  I'm not sure you can do that with Fiance visa as they have to have the paperwork and medical in first then they issue you with a date?

r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-05 11:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon Embassy Contact Details Changed

Visa related Questions can also be sent via their online form



r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-05 10:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon Embassy Contact Details Changed

Hi all,


Does anyone have a useful method of contacting the US Embassy?  They closed the premium rate number on the 26th July and as far as I can see there is now no way to speak to anyone?  The number referred to and listed on their site (02074999000) is an automated system that refers you to read the website when you go through for K1 related questions.  How are people now getting the email subject line etc.?  I'm trying to confirm that they have my correct address but there is no-one to talk to and emails just get rejected.




Edit*  Just realised that if you wait until the end of the first message without choosing Visas(1) you can speak to an operator by pressing 0!  She has just said there is an online contact form on their website.  I must have missed this before.



Edited by r3dg3cko rob, 05 August 2013 - 10:08 AM.

r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-05 10:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMail your congressmen/women!

8000 sent to Teaxs after waiting our 5 months and uscis is telling us to wait another 188 days. sent to texas that dose not report on i-129f and now the rest look like they are at the five month goal. its just dirty number games. washington at its finest. so were were all bascialy told to start the wait all over. while every one else that stayed in the normal centers jumed two months ahead of the line. Fair ????


Indeed, It looks like Vermont and California are now processing NOA1s received in Feb/Mar  While our receipt date is Dec 7th and no-one knows whats going on!


Also 8000! I didn't realize that many had been transferred.  Have you had it confirmed that the wait will start over again then?

r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-11 13:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved at Vermont! - 3 months, 2 weeks.

Congratulations, hopefully there's some  good luck coming soon then.

Congratulations smile.png
Can you please share with us your letter to the congresasman. I also want to wite to mine.


I'd second this please, as we're currently in the process of contacting our senator.

r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-11 13:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCase transfer of I-129F? VSC

Good news for these guys but more than slightly upsetting for those of us who've been waiting since the beginning of December!  Still no information from Texas about expected waiting times and no indication of what dates they are processing!



r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-11 13:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCase transfer of I-129F? VSC

The letter is rather frustrating as it says to check online at the expected processing times for Texas and to contact USCIS if you're outside that window.  However there are no processing times at Texas for i-129fs so really not sure what to do now.  we are at the six month point now and no-one at USCIS seems to know anything.

r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-04 12:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCase transfer of I-129F? VSC

Received this yesterday - The I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E) was transferred and is now being processed at a USCIS office. You will be notified by mail when a decision is made, or if the office needs something from you. If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.


Is this sounding positive or is it just another confirmation of receipt?

r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-31 17:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCase transfer of I-129F? VSC

We got this too i129f - NOA1 Dec7th - hopefully transferring will mean that it gets sorted soon, as we are already well out of the 5 month window.  Good to know we're not alone though.  Fingers crossed for everyone.

r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-24 16:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportshello everybody i am new here please i really need your help Post Decision Activity

Unbelievably fast!  Ours took 7 months from NOA1 to NOA2!  Congratulations

r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-06 10:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot my interview date

we got our interview letter today but they dnt mention about any p3 or p4 which we need to send the consulate,can anybody guide us


Best thing to do is to go to the relevant U.S. Embassy site for your country as the advice will vary from embassy to embassy.

r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-09 07:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot my interview date

Thanks for that, really good to get an idea of the timescales involved.



r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-09 06:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot my interview date

Congrats!!!!  I think stressing about nothing is an essential part of this process :)   Could you please tell us what date you posted packet 3?  It would be really useful as we can then gauge how long it's taking?


I'm waiting for interview date now too.   That new courier site is confusing and awful to use.  I keep having to reset my password before I can log in, v frustrating.

r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-08 06:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow long for NVC?

NOA2 - 18th June

NVC Received - 19th July


It's worth noting that I received an email from London where they confirmed they received my info on the 19th July so I imagine that NVC's definition of "received date" is actually when they put the file onto the system (not when they actually physically received it) Boxes full of files to be entered into their system sounds more feasible than the files actually taking 4 weeks to move from one location to the next.


Luckily I didn't wait for packet 3 as it only arrived yesterday (7th Aug) I wrote to the embassy explaining our situation and the delays which was why they emailed me telling me to send the forms listed on this page as they'd received the file on the 19th.


So by that deduction it might be worth contacting the London embassy as soon as NVC say they've received the file and you have a case number?  As they may give you the go ahead to send your paperwork without waiting for packet 3!  Potentially this could save over two weeks.



r3dg3cko robMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-08 05:41:00