Asia: East and PacificNew Cambodian Law no marriage over 50

Apparently the Cambodian government in yet another embarrassing grandstanding move has alerted Embassies that Khmer women cannot marry expats over the age of 50 or with less than $2,400 per month income. Leaving aside the utter hypocrisy the question is how is the US Embassy dealing with this? The diplomatic note specifically says it only deals with marriage within Cambodia so one would assume it would not impact US policy re: K1 but would appreciate any information anyone has on this as my !-129F is on its way to the US Embassy in Cambodia right now.

See the post here: http://cambodia.usem...n_cambodia.html

Does anyone know just what this new quote means. It says $2500 on the web site.
My question being..this it th amount you take home per month..or pre tax amount you make?
Many of us will wonder such thoughts..and not know how to interpret this.
It could mean the difference between able, and unable to meet the requirements.
Randall and KhengMaleCambodia2011-05-18 17:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurescambodia law changes
thank you, and im sorry I took up your time.
Yes, the new law is for Cambodia,, and I already said that.
My question was $ 2500U.S. net..or gross..
Im doing a CR1 Visa

hopefully..some one from the Cambodian thread can answer this for me
Randall and KhengMaleCambodia2011-05-20 00:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurescambodia law changes
I am going to visit a girl I have gotten to know In cambodia.
March 17, the law changed saying you have to be under 50, and make $2500 a month.
Does anyone know if that means 2500 net,...or Gross?
It simply says $2500 a month..please let me know..this will decide if I can get married or not.
Randall and kheng
Randall and KhengMaleCambodia2011-05-19 14:06:00