USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Alexashe, you should call the national visa center. That's what I did after waiting 3 weeks to hear from them.

chakka141MalePeru2013-09-09 11:33:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

I have a question for you all. My fiancee has her appt with the embassy in Lima on Sept. 26. I am flying in a few days early to help her with everything even though I was told by the State Dept rep I may not be allowed in the interview. I want to make sure I have all the correct documents so our visit does not cause delays. here is what I have:


Form DS-156 Nonimmigrant Visa Application x 2 (2 copies)

Form DS-156K Nonimmigrant Fiancee Visa Application (1 copy)

Form 1-134 Affidavid of Support with 3 years W2, 2012's Tax Return, 3 Years Pay Stubs and a letter fo employment from my HR


Do I have everything currently required?


Thanks in advance.,..we are sooooo close now!!!



chakka141MalePeru2013-09-05 12:16:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Woooooooooo!!!!! Just received our approval !!!! NOA2 took approx 8 months but what a relief. Thanks all for the support you provide on this forum


chakka141MalePeru2013-07-23 21:18:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Got a text and a letter in the mail my RFE was received on 07/16. No approval yet. Am I the last December filer left? Wow its getting lonely ...

chakka141MalePeru2013-07-22 17:07:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Sent back our RFE last Thursday with what we missed, affidavit of marriage. This web site has been such a huge help! My lawyers checklist did not include the affidavit so we missed it but when I reviewed the check list on this site we both knew what we needed and saved 2 weeks because my fiancee wrote hers that night and sent it express mail it to me. We also included receipts for wedding dress, wedding gifts for guests, rings, receipt from the place we will be married and a letter from a state judge who will be performing the ceremony. 


Got this update yesterday: 

Request for Evidence Response Review

On July 16, 2013, we received your response to our request for evidence. This case is being processed at our TEXAS SERVICE CENTER location.


I really hope we get approval soon. Anybody know approx how long after the RFE is returned approval can be expected?



chakka141MalePeru2013-07-17 18:52:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Received my RFE in the mail today, as I suspected I was missing the Petitioners Letter of Intent to Marry and Beneficiary Letter of Intent to Marry. Lucky I anticipated this and already had my fiancee send hers to me in the mail. Both hard copies can be mailed back tomorrow.

chakka141MalePeru2013-07-08 19:49:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

My RFE is for "Initial Review" is this bad? Any idea what it could be? I looked through the checklist here and am pretty sure we did not include Letter of Intent to Marry, would this be flagged as an initial review? 

chakka141MalePeru2013-07-03 20:55:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Today I received an email that I have been sent an RFE. Kind of perverse but I am actually happy to know at least somebody was looking at my case. Now I can get them what they require so I can be approved. 

chakka141MalePeru2013-07-03 17:25:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Not approved yet NOA 1 dec 20. My honey is coming next week here. Thanks God ! We will spend the whole month together. I really want us to be approved this week.



Dec 12 , its been almost 7 months now


Count me / i think the veteran here/ - December 4.


Tomorrow i will ''selabrate'' 7 months since NOA1 / sarcastic /


They got my file dec 12, almost 7 months now

chakka141MalePeru2013-07-03 06:15:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Since June 19 I have been in limbo..... I have not received an RFE yet and neither has my attorney. I called my senators office Monday and she called the congressional contact at immigration's. They told her an RFE was still indicated for my case even though the level 2 processor i spoke with last week said the RFE was cancelled. My senators aid is working to find out what happened.  Any suggestions? I feel like calling MSN or CNN and being a whistle blower in USCIS. 

chakka141MalePeru2013-07-02 21:04:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!


chakka141MalePeru2013-06-29 11:04:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

In my humble opinion, maybe you need to not check in here daily for a few days and just see what happens, live your life as much as you can...go out and have a good time with your friends or something, or you can always go to Wal-Mart!!!!!!!


Just try to take this off you rmind for a few days and maybe you will feel better about the situation.

its inevitable that we will all be approved, its just a matter of when, and that will be soon.


Hang in there it will be OK.  We are all in the same boat!!!!!!!!!


Good advice, you are right of course but the wait has been so long and fraught with mismanagement of our lives. I will try to remain positive this weekend

chakka141MalePeru2013-06-28 21:45:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

But they certainly dont give a damn about us!

chakka141MalePeru2013-06-28 21:26:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Next week will be 7 months, Immigrations please please please get my visa done!!! What recourse do I have, contacted a senator, talked to multiple people at USIS...I'd love for the news networks to pick up on this VT to TX transfer. Somebody really should be fired over this fiasco!

chakka141MalePeru2013-06-28 20:50:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

 That just sounds like B.S. If RFE is not required why not just finish the case up? It takes all of 20 minutes.. geesh. 


I asked him why they just don't process the case then and he said some nonsense about they need to do background checks on us to make sure we are good people....good lord, I am in purgatory! 

chakka141MalePeru2013-06-27 19:05:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!


Call up the USCIS and inquiry about it, you may need to get a higher tier person but if you were issued an RFE it must be in their systems. Tell them what the Senator's office told you, and if they don't have it or can't find it go back to your Senator. Then let them do some more digging around for you. You have 2 ladders right there to get out of limbo, keep climbing. 



Thanks St&Sv!! I called and requested a call back from a supervisor. He told me that the same day of the RFE the adjudicator decided the RFE was not required and is continuing to process my application. He said it could be another 2 weeks mid July and I should have my answer. 


I feel like this is good news but have the feeling that in 2-3 weeks I will be in the same spot, I am going to keep th congrssional pressure on until I get an NOA. 



chakka141MalePeru2013-06-27 14:50:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

My Senator's aid told me last week that on 06/19 they issued an RFE to me. Neither my lawyer or I have recieved this document yet. What do I do? I am in limbo all over again!!



chakka141MalePeru2013-06-27 12:26:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

RFE sent on 06/19, checked the mailbox today...NOTHING! Called my lawyer, she still has not received either. These government employees hold our lives and futures in their hands and all I have seen is incompetence, lack of process one delay after another. Another week lost. Thanks USCIS

chakka141MalePeru2013-06-25 18:25:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!


The physical address of the Texas Service Center is:


4141 North St. Augustine Road

Dallas, TX 75227


Does the RFE not say where to send it? I've not received one (and I'm hoping not to), but I'd be surprised if they don't say where to send it...



Thanks! I don't have my physical RFE yet. I just know it was sent and why so I am getting my paperowrk ready to send back as soon as it arrives. I am done wasting time, USCIS has wasted enough time already!

chakka141MalePeru2013-06-25 15:40:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Could somebody provide me with the address for the Texas Service Center? I googled but there are at least 20 Texas locations listed. I need to know where to send my RFE. I am pretty sure my Attn forgot to include the "Fiancé Letter of Intent"


Thanks in advance!!


chakka141MalePeru2013-06-25 14:04:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

chakka141, on 24 Jun 2013 - 4:09 PM, said:snapback.png

Well my senators office just called and today will not be the day for me. She informed me on the 19th I was sent a RFI for something she said needs clarification on the initial request form. I had an immigration Attorney complete my application and send phone records, reciepts fro our vacations together, phone records photo albums...What the hell! could the government have lost all those documents in the shuffle from VSC to TSC? I am really stressed now. I just want my fiancee here. Does anyone have experience for what they ask for typically in an RFI?

Hi chris!

I dont have that much experience on RFEs but i think i know that the message they get is kinda standard... Did your congresmann said exactly that they need more evidences? Or he just said that "they need more clarification on the inicial form"? Because to me (idk what other people said) that sounds like the typical standard message you get when u get an rfe...
Dont worry cause they might just ask about something small... Maybe the pics need to be some other way... Sonething that you guys didnt sign... Letter of intent not sent... 
I know is difficult not to worry but stay patient until u knownexactly what it is...
A friend of mine had an rfe about the passport pics and it only delayed their approval 10 days...

Try to find oyt more about it... Did they say when or how are you going to know what is that they exactly need?





Thanks so much for the reply Strictly, The senators office said that it was something to do with the initial request that needs to be answered, they would not tell her anymore. I should know tomorrow what they need from us. I hope it is simple as you say and we can get our approval finalized quickly. If it takes another month I may go back to Peru so we can be together for Rosio's birthday.

chakka141MalePeru2013-06-24 15:36:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Well my senators office just called and today will not be the day for me. She informed me on the 19th I was sent a RFI for something she said needs clarification on the initial request form. I had an immigration Attorney complete my application and send phone records, reciepts fro our vacations together, phone records photo albums...What the hell! could the government have lost all those documents in the shuffle from VSC to TSC? I am really stressed now. I just want my fiancee here. Does anyone have experience for what they ask for typically in an RFI?




chakka141MalePeru2013-06-24 15:09:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Still nothing Dec 12 my I129 was received, I try to remain positive but one thing is for certain. After my approval I am going to continue to work with my senator to shine a light on the terrible process used by Immigration. Its clear VSC relocated our applications to maintain a 5 month processing time. Management probably receives a bonus based on that metric. 

chakka141MalePeru2013-06-22 07:57:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

My last five are: 36445




chakka141MalePeru2013-06-21 09:46:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Mine starts with 139 and ends with 445, a bunch after mine have been approved :(



chakka141MalePeru2013-06-21 09:19:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

12/12 file date and nothing yet! This is terrible. They approve out of order and not by date received. So unfair, if a privately run comany operated like this they would be out of business in 6 months yet we are forced to go through a process run by an organization that follows no process!!!!! 


My senators office called me Wednesday and said your I129 is on an adjudicators desk now, call Monday of you have not heard anything. I was so hopeful the last few days but now I am simply disgusted. 


Question for the forum, how is the Igors list populated? My name does not appear on that list and I would like to enter it so I can track.




chakka141MalePeru2013-06-21 09:09:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

6 months for me also 

chakka141MalePeru2013-06-11 17:28:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!

Hi Everyone, I am a new member here and found this site when I googled "I129 Transfer from VT to TX" My Visa was one of those transferred from VT to Texas. I was so happy late in May when after months of hearing nothing to be receiving text messages, emails and finally the deflating letter that my case wasn't nearing had been moved.



Angelina, I am also from CT and called Blumenthal?s office Friday. I am still waiting to hear back from his office via email.

I have a question, where are you all seeing approvals being made by various offices? This must be a website I have not seen yet but I would love to start tracking the Texas approvals when they begin.


My fiancée has a low A- alien registration number and my case was received in VT on Dec 12. The status update online said that at this stage of the process they are performing background checks. I suppose that is the same auto generated message you all received.

Thanks for this great site and good luck to you all this week!


chakka141MalePeru2013-06-10 09:55:00