United KingdomPacket 3 still not logged

AAAAAND letter arrived this morning, interview is November 3!

6 1/2 weeks later... and after many calls and emails it appears they have lost my docs and asked for me to email them over ... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
raeFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-26 19:20:00
United KingdomPacket 3 still not logged

Rae, they still don't even show you as logged? That's so frustrating, I wish there was some way to hurry them along!

Yes really frustrating indeed :-(
trying not to think about it too much- and calling and hearing it hasnt been logged is becoming too much-- so I will probably just leave it until the end of the month- not a lot more I can do, emailed and got told it could take 6-8 weeks to log and contact them at end of Oct if havent heard anything-- so we will see...
raeFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-14 17:09:00
United KingdomPacket 3 still not logged

An update: our packet has been officially logged since last Thursday, but still no interview date (as of yesterday). Hurry up, London! I'd like to be married before the year is out.

Anyone else having any progress?

Congrats-- It will be 5 weeks for me on Friday... I emailed the us embassy London last week and they emailed me back today sayin it cd take 6-8 weeks to log and if I do not hear from them at the end of Oct to contact them... realy upset :-(
Hope u get ur interview soon...
raeFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-13 13:11:00
United KingdomPacket 3 still not logged

Good luck! I know it's aggravating, but we are talking about the US government - what can we expect? ;)

raeFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-07 11:11:00
United KingdomPacket 3 still not logged

Are other people on VJ having their packets logged at the London embassy? This Friday is 4 weeks for you. Sometimes it really does take that long.

If you're incredibly unhappy maybe on Monday you could pay the extortion line price to talk to someone and possibly have them give you an email code. GOOD LUCK!!!


Thank you.

I actually called the extortionate line and the lady advised me to email and gave me a ref... so hopefully things will move forward now...
raeFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-07 10:51:00
United KingdomPacket 3 still not logged

HI there
I sent it on 8th Sep by RD and it was signed for on the 10th sept. My Fiance called last week and they said it had not been logged yet... will try again this week :-(

Yes I will do this week. My fiance called last week and it hadnt been logged. I sent it off on 8th Sept by RD and it was signed for on 10th Sept.

Just called DOS and nothing. It hasnt even been logged... nothing...nothing...nothing... :-(
Woman wasn't vey helpful or nice and told me I should just wait, I said it had been four weeks and she again told me to wait and said it could take longer.

Make sure you call DOS and ask about the packet being logged and if there is an interview date yet. I just read somewhere that another UK couple had their P3 papers delivered (they had proof of this) and 4.5 weeks later they still had not been logged. By then they called the extortion line and were able to email over the required forms because the embassy agreed that they must have been lost.

Just called DOS and nothing. It hasnt even been logged... nothing...nothing...nothing... :-(
Woman wasn't vey helpful or nice and told me I should just wait, I said it had been four weeks and she again told me to wait and said it could take longer.
raeFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-07 09:37:00
United KingdomPacket 3 still not logged

Ugh... when did you return packet 3? Have you called DOS yet?

HI there
I sent it on 8th Sep by RD and it was signed for on the 10th sept. My Fiance called last week and they said it had not been logged yet... will try again this week :-(

Make sure you call DOS and ask about the packet being logged and if there is an interview date yet. I just read somewhere that another UK couple had their P3 papers delivered (they had proof of this) and 4.5 weeks later they still had not been logged. By then they called the extortion line and were able to email over the required forms because the embassy agreed that they must have been lost.

Yes I will do this week. My fiance called last week and it hadnt been logged. I sent it off on 8th Sept by RD and it was signed for on 10th Sept.
raeFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-06 17:20:00
United KingdomPacket 3 still not logged
I have been waiting almost 4 weeks :-(
raeFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-05 19:31:00
United KingdomAttending the interview with your fiance

Hello all! N's interview is in two weeks, and since I'm here in London, I'd like to attend. The letter from the embassy says, "If you need to bring a carer, translator or U.S. Citizen spouse/fiance(e) to assist you during your time at the Embassy, please send us their full name(s) as soon as possible so that we may arrange their access to the Embassy. Please let them know that they are required to bring photographic ID, such as their passport, with them."

But it doesn't say HOW to send them this info. Do we write? Email? Call? Anyone done this recently?

Also, his letter doesn't mention payment at all, and I remember someone recently mentioning their fiance had to pay in advance. Will they send another letter before the interview with payment info or should we just plan to pay on the day of?

Congrats on getting your interview date!!! im still waiting for pack 3 to be logged but staying positive :-)
raeFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-21 07:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3 questions

I fully understand. Just stay focused and find comfort in knowing you are almost at the finish line. You are really almost there! Nevertheless I do hope someone has answers to your questions! stay blessed!

I received a reply to my post "Post NOA2 Help" you may want to read it as it may help.
raeFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-22 15:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3 questions

Im down to the wire on this and its so frustrating and I hate the toll it takes on all of us. REALLY REALLY hope someone can answer this for me. When they changed the website here last month, it left us so confused.

I fully understand. Just stay focused and find comfort in knowing you are almost at the finish line. You are really almost there! Nevertheless I do hope someone has answers to your questions! stay blessed!
raeFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-22 12:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3 questions

We are trying to figure out what documentation actually needs sent with packet 3. My fiance has filled out DS 230 part 1, DS 156, Ds 156K, and Ds 157. We are confused as to what actually goes along with the DS 2001 and cover letter. Since the embassy has stated it will be another 6-8 weeks to process the packet for interview and we are just waiting on a copy of tax returns to go with the AFF. of Support. Does the evidence of support need to be enclosed with packet 3? Or does that only get shown at the interview? We want to not be delaying things any llonger than its already been. HELP...

I am looking for the same answers! hopefully you will get a response! I received my NOA2 last week and i am trying to get things moving as quickly as possible.
raeFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-22 11:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhen will we receive interview date??

Thank you... Hopefully won't have to wait that long. Will you let me know when you do finally get the interview date through please.

Good luck

finally got a date after a lot of calls and emails...its next week ...soo happy... hope you get yours soon!
raeFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-27 17:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhen will we receive interview date??

Thank you... Hopefully won't have to wait that long. Will you let me know when you do finally get the interview date through please.

Good luck

Thanks, I will let you know. If you havent heard anything at week three i woudl call the US embassy London and say would would like to email to chase up you application (they should then give you the email add to write to and a code to put in the subject of the email)I called DOS at week three and they infomred me it had not been logged but I was hopeful at week 4 it would be so I just waited- so I was shocked/not impressed when it had not been done at week 4!!
Good luck
raeFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-11 13:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhen will we receive interview date??

I sent back all my forms 4 days ago and i have had my medical, how long will i have to wait for the embassy to issue me with an interview date?

Would really love to be over there for Christmas.

Hope someone can help.

Thank you

I sent my pack 3 four weeks ago on Friday, and when I called the USA embassy, London on Thursday it hadnt even been logged. I was told to send an email detailing that it had now been 4 weeks etc...hopefully you will not have to wait as long.
raeFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-10 14:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHelp! Wrong address on the I-134, interview is on Wednesday
That is what I would do. Get your father to write that he notes the error on the form dated X/X/2010 and that at section X the correct address should be XXXX.
I would also go as far as to ask him to also scan a revised copy of the form with the correct address and signed and dated with the same date as the letter explaining the error... Also get him to also send it first class in the post to you (just incase they want the original copy so you will not have that much of a delay.)
All the above is just covering all grounds but I do not believe you should have an issue.
raeFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-01 03:06:00
PhilippinesDocuments Preparation for K1 Visa Interview

thanks rae for the well for the skype records. go to history and then press alt + print screen and copy paste to notepad or word document. Good luck to you and God bless!

Thank you!!!! Godd luck with your interview and God Bless too!!
raeFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-21 07:23:00
PhilippinesDocuments Preparation for K1 Visa Interview
Just want to wish you good luck. You are one step ahead of me so I can't be too much help. I have just recently received NOA2 and just trying to make things go as quickly as possible, hoping I am doing everything right!
BTW how did you print out your skype records?
raeFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-21 06:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReceived NOA2- What to do now???

I assume you are pursuing a K-1 visa? Your profile says you are pursuing a F-1 visa, which is a student visa.

This link (http://london.usemba..._documents.html) is directly from the London Embassy website which is the document checklist you will be required to present to the CO on the day of the interview. I did not find anything about receiving a packet from the embassy, but that does not mean they will not send you one. People who have applied through London in the past are better able to speak to that. I recommend you neatly organize all of your documents.

THANK YOU!!! I will check it out and yes it is a K-1 visa :-)
raeFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-21 04:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReceived NOA2- What to do now???
Hi all,

I need your help. I so want to be with my fiance ASAP! I got email notification on the 18th Aug that the application had been approved.

What shoudl I be doing before I receive the pack in the post??? I sent off for my police certificate yesterday- I paid £70 for the quick service. What else should I be doing?? Any help would be appreciated! I WANT TO BE WITH HIM FOR THANKSGIVING!!!

Many thanks
raeFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-21 03:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPost NOA2 help

Yes, you can start filling them out. They do not need to be dated after Packet 3 is sent. Many Embassies do not send a Packet 3 but just a link to the web site.

You can either send copies of those forms required by the DS-156K but in general the originals will be produced at the Embassy. It is best not to send the originals in case they are lost in the mail or at the Embassy.

A new and original letter of intent can be produced at anytime. It should have been within six months.

Thank you for your informative reply!!
This is great! So I guess I can just get all the paperwork ready and signed to send off immediatly I receive a letter from the embassy saying they have received my case?
raeFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-22 15:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPost NOA2 help
Hi I received the NOA2 last week and want to get things moving as quick as possible.

I read of the US embassy London website, that I will need to submit the folllowing forms

-Form DS-230-Part 1
-Form DS-156
-Form DS-157
-Form DS-156K

I do not know if the NVC has received the papers yet but I want to do what I can to speed up the process. So my questions are as follows:

1) should I start filling out the above forms now and print ready for when I receive pack 3-do they need to be dated after pack 3 is sent?
2)Form DS-156K details that I also need to send my birth certificate, police certicate, evidence of financial support, evidence of engagement. So is that the correct time to send it? I thought these documents were to be produced at interview?
3) when is the letter of continued intention to marry from my fiance supposed to be produced?

I thank you all for your help in advance.
raeFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-22 11:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS 156 K - Please could someone help me :)

Ok - thanks for that, I get all paranoid about this kind of thing because I just want everything to go to plan!

I have completed all forms and checked them a million times - ready to be sent off, so first thing Monday I will be down at the post office.

Thanks again for your help, I really appreciate it!

No problem!! I know the feeling, I was the same!! Its natural, you just want to make sure you have done everything right as you do not have any delays. GOOD LUCK!
raeFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-06 09:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS 156 K - Please could someone help me :)

Thanks for that! What did you do about your Affadit of support? Did you just leave that form out? I do have it, but I don't have all the supporting evidence I will need just yet. Also I just read that I need my long form birth certificate and I think I just have my short form at the moment.

I'm starting to think I will just leave out these forms as there is that note on the official visa website. I am really keen to get off this stuff now, my approval letter has an expiration date of 'Dec 2010' so I need to make sure I submit the forms asap for it to be extended!

"Before returning Form IV-15K, to the Immigrant Visa Unit, you are required to assemble all of the documents required in support of your application. Note: These documents must not be mailed to the Embassy; you will be required to furnish the original of all documents and one copy on the day of the formal visa interview."

Thanks again for your help - it has been really useful :thumbs:

I produced the Affidavit at my interview. You are not required to send copies of birth cert, police cert etc... all those MUST be produced at interview (original plus one copy)All you have to send are the forms and yes you definately need your full birth certificate...If you have all you documents completed I would go ahead and send them in asap.
raeFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-06 09:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS 156 K - Please could someone help me :)

Hi there everyone,

I've tried searching for this and looking around but haven't had much luck.

I received my letter from the consulate and have downloaded and filled out the requested forms.

"Form DS-230-Part 1, Form DS-156 and DS-157
In addition, the principal applicant is also required to complete form DS-156K. Note: Forms DS-156 and DS-157 must be completed in duplicate"

There is a part on the DS - 156K that says 'the following documents must be attached in order to apply for a fiance non immigrant visa'

However, I have been reading that you don't attach these? That you just bring them with you to the interview?
Is this the case?
I read something about a checklist and needing to tick things off - but I don't understand where this checklist is?

I was under the impression that you attach them to the back of the document and send this to the embassy so have delayed sending of the forms until I collected all the evidence. As such I have everything I need so I am now ready to be interviewed - shall I just send off the forms requested without the evidence attached and in the same envelope print and fill in the 'DS-2001' form saying I am ready for my interview?

I haven't had a medical yet and I know I need to have this before I get a date. I will do this in the next few weeks but presume I am ok to send of my DS 2001 in the meantime?

I know that's a lot of questions but I am just really confused by it all! If someone could help clear everything up for me then I would really appreciate it. Thank you so much! :)

Hi there,

Below is what I wrote on my cover letter (documents I sent) hope it helps: DO NOT SEND ORGINALS IN THE POST (IE FROM ITEM 6)!!! I sent the documents below all at once.

Original documents

1. Form DS-230- Part 1 and one continuation sheet.

2. Form DS-156 (two copies)

3. Form DS-157 and two continuation sheets (two copies)

4. Form DS-156K

5. Form 2001

Photocopied documents (Originals to be produced at my interview)

6. Passport (photograph page)

7. Police certificate

8. Full Birth Certificate.
raeFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-06 03:38:00