Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
good news, she had no trouble and you are together. She got her B1/B2 probably before you filed I130. Because my wife and I tried for B1/b2(as well as F-1) and they said we must wait for our immigrant visa. If I could get the visa, I would have stayed with her in the States for 6 months(thats how long visa allows me). but it didnt happen. she had to come here and live with me instead.

well. my interview date is not so bad however it would be great if it was 1 weak earlier to fit my wifes school schedule. so we emailed Ankara for that purpose. They replied today, they cant give us a sooner date as Ankara embassy is already overloaded.

for you guesstimation of your wifes visa......february is a bit too soon.....assuming you are going to submit DS230. from your writing , your lawyer mostlikely submit it next week someday. That is between 18-22th of december. Give 3+ week for NVC to review them. (usually 4 weeks). your case will be complete on January 18-24th. You will have to wait till february 7th for NVC to schedule your interview(NVC schedules interviews only on the second week of each month.) and now we have the info that Ankara embassy is overloaded mostlikely give appointmants for 2 months ahead. I say her interview will be around march 15-20th.

You are too late for Jan 7th scheduling. if you submit you ds 230 today 15 december....and you are too lucky they review it in record time 2+weeks and be complete by jan 7th. her interview , still slim to none chance for late feb (but possible) but probably early march.. .but there are too many " if" s in this case.

I dont like to say this but I believe mid to late march is most realistic one.

hope you dont hate me now....but I explained my points as I have been through all of this.

have a good time with your wife in the are almost done...dont worry
substanceMaleTurkey2006-12-15 04:49:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
I have my interview date. NVC scheduled it on the 7th of December(they told me they would do it on 15th) Its not as close as I wanted but too bad either. Its in Mid january. My case was completed on November 22nd. The interview is about 2 months and couple days from that date.
substanceMaleTurkey2006-12-13 11:18:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
yes it does mean the later one. on the 15th of december(this month) NVC is going to sit down have my case on the desk and give a call to ankara and discuss the possible dates available and assign one of them to my case. my case was complete on november22nd so i will have my interview later than the guys who was complete between november 15th-21st. but my date should be sooner than anyday after 22nd.

she said they usually schedule dates for the following month(january in this case) but the dates available are limited and NVC will not guarantee the following month or the month following that and so on.

for your wife. maybe it is better for her to not to tell about the immigrant visa petition at the poe. i have heard they denied some ppl saying they should wait for their immigrant visa and cancel their B1/B2.

if she was any nationality other than turkish , she would be fine but american officals dont like the turks anymore and they usually give hard time to them. i know what you think but its not 9/11 that changed it. its the turkish parliement rejected the note in 2002 when america was going on a war with iraq. since then no more alies, no more friendship but all sort of hardship.

well ds 230 is pretty easy to fill out for a person who has never been to usa. but its quite difficult for us bc we have to state each visit , each visa, purposes, how long we stayed and all that.

part 2 is easy too. you say NO to all of them.(mostly questions like are you a terrorist, prostitute, etc..) only 5 countries plus the ones in africa does the part 2 which puts ppl into lowering themself and emberrased. having to sign the paper in front of the officer saying i am not a terrorist and stuff. this is what i meant with turkey and america no more alies. and all sort of hardship. there are hardly barely any terrorist from turkey and i dont know any problems from the turks to america(people wise). but they put us in the black list. this is just politics. there are a bunch of countries where 20% of their population lives in the US illigaly and there is no restriction for those.
substanceMaleTurkey2006-12-05 19:39:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
i called nvc a min ago. the lady said they will schedule the interview appointment on the 15th of december. The embassy gives them plenty of dates available. depends on when your case was complete , you get a sooner or later date. december interviews are already scheduled, so the soonest can be january but they dont guarantee that.

i will have to wait 10 more days and see
substanceMaleTurkey2006-12-05 10:29:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
You really should call NVC and make sure if they want the originals. When we recieved the DS 230 package, it said the originals or the certified copies. We were also told not to send the originals but the copies. SO we went on noterising the originals of the birth and marriage certificates. they want them translated too. Along with the DS 230 package, we sent the certified copies of everything.

I called NVC everyday atfer i sent ds 230(this was the last package , i sent I864 and other before ds 230) asked them if they recieved them and once they recieved them i again continued on calling them everyday asking if its been reviewed or complete. well after like 3 weeks they told me some documents were missing, they sent out a checklist. I asked them whats missing. they said the originals of the birth and marriage certificates. for Turkey, they need all the original forms and certificates , the officer said, they will put these in my folder and send it to Ankara. well i sent the originals of the certificates next day. it took about 5 weeks for nvc to recieve them. i called them everyday they told me the same thing, they dont have them yet please allow us 2-4 weeks to recieve them due to high volume of mails they recieve each day. and another 2-4 weeks to process the missing documents. well mine took 5 weeks. the officer also admited. if NVC dont have everything required they dont touch my case. so bc of the missing things my case was there for months untouched. well then after this 5 weeks waiting, they finaly said they recieved them and reviewing , pls allow 4 weeks to complete. fortunately it took only 3 weeks for them to complete and no security check or RFE. If i had sent the originals in the first place my case would have been complete 2 months earlier.

well we filed the I 130 first day of feb so it took like 4 months actually to get approved but our NVC stage took too long. our case went to nvc in 30-35 days then we recieved each form pretty late. it was mostly like they send out a from , it gets to my wife in 3-4 weeks then my wife replies , the mail gets to nvc in 3-4 weeks.

for the turkish-american(in heart) spouses, there are actually many on this forum. we have advantages and disadvantages of course. for example a spouse who has never been to USA will have adapting issues where we wont at all. However a spouse who has lived in the US and went back to wait for the visa will be sick of the waiting more. its kinda like missing double times. both usa and the spouse.

i take it like kind of being prisoned without walls around me. for example I want to go buy a car then i say im only going to be here for a few months anyway. im not really proceeding in my life but my life is going on as time is going on. If i had only knew it would take this long, it would have had a different 1 year here. I never expected this.

well paying for 2 homes and stuff. yea i hear ya:) but what hurt me most was. my car tanked in value big time as a new body style came out a few months ago. I so much wanted that car some years ago , I gave up so many things to buy it. now its lost 25% of its value ,without ever been driven for a single mile over the last year. and I paid for the extended warranty 1 year of it was for nothing. I am not afraid it will give me problems bc of having been sat on the park for a year, fortunately the warranty is valid till 2008. Hopefully I will make it to USA by then heheh.
substanceMaleTurkey2006-12-05 07:22:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
OK the email didnt work. I requested for early scheduling of the interview date. as internetkafe did and it worked for him/her but not for me. they replied my email as below

Your inquiry has been received at the National Visa Center (NVC).

All documentation necessary to complete the National Visa Center's processing has been received. As soon as an interview date has been scheduled, the designated representative of this case (applicant, petitioner, or attorney) will be notified. The US Embassy or Consulate General may require additional documentation at the time of the interview.

they did not really answer me. i didnt ask them if my case was complete. i asked them i had a hardship needed my interview in a specific time frame(not too early , not too late) but they told me what i already know. and the funny thing is it took them 5 days to give me this answer.
substanceMaleTurkey2006-12-01 18:15:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
my medical exam on December 6th at American Hospital in Istanbul

DO I need anything else than the medical exam reports in the interview?(for IR1)

What is required by the embassy other than the medical?
substanceMaleTurkey2006-11-28 09:20:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
now everything about this visa thing got more exciting lol

i am writing them an email right now. I had to skip 2 semesters because of this visa thing. They have to give me a closer date. And yes I already have papers from the school but i can ask them to send more recent one. The spring semester starts on january 9th. So I have to be there by january 5th the latest as i need a few days to enroll buy books and stuff.

Lets see how it goes. I will let you know if it works

I wish I had known this early scheduling thing. I have my medical exam on the 5th december (i scheduled that already).

I didnt think this 1-2 month waiting for the interview made any sense anyway. WHen you ask for a tourist or student visa , they give you a date for the next day, but when its a immigrant visa ,its 1-2 months(and every paper work and prep has already been done by the nvc , embassy will only interview, just like tourist visa)
substanceMaleTurkey2006-11-27 20:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
well actually didnt cancel it. It was a 5 year F-1. It expired when we came to Turkey to get married. We filed for I130 instead of renewing F-1. I didnt know it would take 1 year or so to get the visa, otherwise we would have taken a different route.

I have heard several ppl got closer dates thats why I was curious. I had thought the same thing too(everyone would ask for a closer date) but you are right I will take my chance.

Well that 4 month is from her the last day of her last visit, we had been apart before several times each couple months or so. No one could give us any guestimate about how long it would take(no one official) In january when we started this, we were thinking we would be done around may,june. when we were in june, our I130 was approved, we said probably in late august or early september. well in september we said probably late october or november . now we are in November and we say its going to end in late january or feb. we will see whats going to happen in january or feb. maybe i will get the visa maybe i will say probably march or april lol

this was the worst thing about this waiting. we could make no plans. as i said before i am stuck here. i have less than 1 year of college left so i am still high school graduate and no chance to get a decent job here, then again my school is there waiting , no progress in that either. i have a car(i miss it badly too, dont tell my wife lol ) an apartment and stuff that i am paying every month but not using. well basically the spring semester starts on late january and i wont make it usa in time. so i will have to wait 8 more months to start and finish school lol
those 8 months nothing to do, just spend time with my wife, this what motivates me:)
substanceMaleTurkey2006-11-26 20:51:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
quote from internetcafe
The Embassy does not give the applicant any notice. It is the NVC that does everything even setting up of the interview date. The Consulate does the interview part of the process only. You can e-mail the NVC and ask for a closer interview date stating your reasons convincingly and clearly as I did. However I ended up having to postpone my interview date because of job-related reasons and astronomically high prics for plane tickets in summer- especially if you are looking for flights a few day from that day. "


My case was just completed on november 22nd. And I will have to wait for the second week of december to get an interview date obviously. This process took already too long and I can have the medical exam by december or the first week of december. So I have no reason to wait for another month or so. Could you give me some more info on rescheduling the interview for a closer date. How much of a chance I have? If I tell them I am done with the medical exam and everything they ask , would that convince them enough? or it has to be a convincing reason? (actually I dont know what would be convincing)

If you can share your experience about getting a closer date, if you dont mind. at least how long apart was the original date and how much closer date you got after you asked them to.

I really made a big mistake , canceled my student visa and married my wife in turkey and ended up stuck here for over a year. I had lived in the US since I was 17 and I really want to go back as soon as possible as I am having adjusting problems here in Istanbul. My wife ended up staying here with me because this waiting kept getting longer and longer but we last decided it would be better for her to go back and finish her school. Now we have been apart for the last 4 months of this 1 year waiting as well. So I really would like this interview happen someday in January so she has her christmass break and she can come here to go tru the interview with me then we can fly to USA together.

Well, I know your going to ask me why we did marry here in turkey hehe. Well first of all , we didnt know it would take over a year. secondly, she is turkish origin and we wanted to get marry in the city where we both were born(istanbul). Ohh again we were misinformed about the K3 visa at the beginning of all this, We were told K3 was a fiance visa, so we skipped that options but now deeply regret we didnt ask anyone else.
substanceMaleTurkey2006-11-25 00:15:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
We first sent the I864 affidavit of support form along with the necessary documents in august. And sent the DS230 Part I and II in september. IN late september(about 3 weeks after we sent the packages) NVC sent us a checklist saying there are things missing ,needed to be sent. We sent the missing documents in the first week of october. Our case was completed yesterday about 6 weeks after we sent in the missing papers.

NVC does not do anything untill they have everything. I am assuming you sent I864 and preparing to send Ds 230 Part I and II. NVC will not touch your I864 before you sent DS230 part I and II. Once they have everything and they admit they have everything. It takes about 3-4 weeks to review them.

If you didnt not fill out I864 and DS 230 par I and II correctly or missing a document. They will send you a checklist telling you whats missing. AND again, they wont touch your case untill they get those missing documetns or corrections on the forms. THEN AGAIN, when you send the missing things, it takes 2-4 weeks to review all. But that 2-4 weeks starts after they admit they have the mail you sent.

In most cases , you send mails , it gets there in 1 or 2 days but NVC pick them up in 2-4 weeks due to very large volume of mails.(in our case it took 5 weeks)

So from my experiences, You should allow 3 months or so, after you submit the last form which is DS 230 part I and II.
this whats going to happen;

You will mail the Ds230
then in 1-2 weeks(sometimes more) NVC will admit they recieved it.
then 3 weeks and some days for them to review them and complete your case.
then your case will wait till the second week of the next month to get a interview date(nvc only schedules date on the second weeks of each month)

after this point, you may expect something like 40-70 days (from the time your case was completed and the interview)

summary= about 5weeks (give or take a few days) for your case to be completed+ then 1-3 weeks to get an interview date+ then 40-70 days from the day interview date scheduled to actual interview date= total of 3 to 4 months.

this is the best case . as i said any mistake in I864 and ds 230 will add 2 more months of waiting.

to give you how long it took for us. Our case was approved in may 28th. today is novermber 23rd. we just got done with NVC in 1 week less than 6 months.

Edited by substance, 23 November 2006 - 08:14 AM.

substanceMaleTurkey2006-11-23 08:13:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
OK I just called the NVC,

My case is completed and waiting to be scheduled for an interview date. NVC schedules dates on the second week of each months the lady said. So mine will be scheduled in December.

I asked her if i can reschedule it to a closer date. She said you can try but we dont guarantee that.
substanceMaleTurkey2006-11-22 19:43:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
apperantly nvc was really fast in april. Loot at when they recieved I864 ds 230 and when the case was completed? in only 1 week....thats so very uncommon. I say she was really lucky.

well as i said before interview dates and how long apart from nvc completes the case varies a lot. but right now you can go to US embassy ankaras website and see all of the scheduled interviews. The site was updated on nov 21st. and most of the IR1 interviews are on late january and early feb. but remember these IR1 interviews were scheduled about a week or two ago since they update the site every 20 days. so from this info , i guesstimate mine late feb or early march.

and one more info(i think its valuable) know everyone talk about how fast things go depends on each case.....well i do not agree with that. here is my proof....My wifes brother got married to a none us citizen about 1 and half month before we did. HE basically used the same financial paper work(he also had his father as co sponsor) but his I864 was processed in no time , ours took 1 ages.(still being processed). SO i dont really think it depends on each case.. it should depend on the nationality of the beneficiary and how busy the nvc is.
substanceMaleTurkey2006-11-22 17:04:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
DS 230 Part I and Part II

these are the forms that you submit after you are done with 3032 , AOS Bill , IV bill.

I864 is basically about the American applicant sponsoring the turkish beneficiary. From what you said what you just gave to your lawyer, I think you are at this stage.

DS230 is some biographic info and Part II is where you say you(the turkish beneficiary) are not a terrorist , drug addict or seller, etc...
Along with DS 230 , you will have to provide the orginals of the birth certificate, marriage certificates, police reports from turkey, etc...

then you should allow 2 to 4 weeks for nvc to review them(usually 3 weeks and couple days ).

If there is any of the above i exlained missing , you will recieve a checklist , which basically tell you whats missing and what you have to provide further. Once you send the missing documents, it takes about 2 months for nvc to complete your case.

I am at this stage right now..its been 2 weeks since NVC got all the papers and forms from me. (and they admited they got them) so i can not tell you anything about whats after.

but from my research , jannuary 15 is a slim to none chance.
substanceMaleTurkey2006-11-22 14:27:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
My Ds230 and I 864 are being reviewed (been 2 weeks)called the nvc today and the lady told me its almost done , call back someday next week to know your interview date. Well, I wasnt really expecting such responce since they usually would say allow 2 to 4 weeks. BUt she sounded too certain as if she has seen whats been done already and could mostlikely be completed next week. Anyway, if her estimate is correct. When should I expect my interview date?

i have read some of the last posts and there are people who just started to this and asking for info. Along with the question, i can share my experiences so far.
Well my I130 took exactly 120 day to get approved , then about 30-35 days for NVC to admit they recieved my case. Couple weeks after I recieved 3032 AOS and mailed it back . It took 1 month for NVC to admit they recieved it. then about couple weeks after I recieved the IV Bill, paid on the same day. NVC recieved the check on the same week(they recieved the AOS bill on the same week too) Then a long wait till we got I864 (about 1 month) and after a week we got ds230. We filled them out well and mailed them back. AGAIN 1month for nvc to admit they recieved them and about 2 weeks after they sent us a checklist for missing documents( we sent the certified copies of the birth and marriage certificate, they wanted the originals) well , we mailed the certificates and it took them exactly 5 weeks to admit they recieved them. and now its been 2 weeks since they got everything . we are waiting for our case to be completed.

So...if you want to be done with NVC in shorttime , one should be very carefull and fast. May consider James shortcuts. Any mistake results in a delay of 5-8 weeks. Especially make sure you handle ds 230 and 864 well , if there is somethig wrong or missing, that will cause you 2 months delay.
If you have questions about your case, email nvc instead of calling them. the operator can only tell you what she/he sees on the computer, but if you email , they can go through your case and answer you back with much accurate and detailed info.

Also how fast nvc works varies depending on the month and volume of the cases. For example, they would recieve mails and send out forms quicker in september but they almost came to a complete halt in late october and november. ( they dont admit it but I think thats because of the lottery winners cases are also being reviewed in these months as most have their interviews in the following months) I have heard several k3 applicants had their interview dates about 2 months or so ahead in the last 2 months however I have seen 3 people had their K3 interview happened 7-13 days after they submitted all their paper work to ankara.

as of now , i have not seen anyone got rejected, including k3s. but i have heard a few people got rejected for k1 in the last a few years. Most of the reasons why they got rejected was female american applicant was older than the male turkish beneficiary. I know thats against the human rights telling ppl who to marry or not but thats how it is, you simply have no rights in the immigration process. one can expect some questions which can emberasse you. DS230 Part II is emberassement itself, signing the bottem of the form in front of the officer , simply saying " I am not a terrorist, drug addict, criminal, etc...."
substanceMaleTurkey2006-11-21 22:17:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-3032 sent. now what?
what are these DS-230? and I-864 packages?
My consulate will be Ankara Turkey. I heard there are some different procedures for Turkey.

When should I expect my interview date?

aos bill paid last week and 3032 sent this week.
substanceMaleTurkey2006-07-20 08:52:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-3032 sent. now what?
I-130 approved on june 2nd. since then we recieved DS-3032 , filled it out , paid the 70 dollars fee( july 12th) and mailed it today(july 19th).
what should we expect now?
substanceMaleTurkey2006-07-19 16:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS230 Part II for benefitiary from Taiwan
Why is DS-230 part 2 required for only Albania, Canada, Lebanon, Turkey, Philippines, United Arab Emirates, The Continent of Africa? more terrorists there? lol
substanceMaleTurkey2006-07-20 14:19:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)When is the best time to call NVC?
call them at 7:29:50 AM in the morning. you will be the first person talking to them:) it always works. I always call early in the morning
substanceMaleTurkey2006-08-28 18:55:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Funny story!!!

do you cry to solve all your problems? :o)

Nope and nor do I make it a habit of slapping someone across the face cause they are being a ####, but there is always the exception. And you are ####. Of all the threads here on VJ you felt compelled to post your first on this thread in the way that you did. Get a life.

you're telling me to get a life, yet you are talking about some website like it's a real life thing- you must think about this forum a lot (L) do you have more cyber friends than real ones, aussie wench?

i'm sorry, but do you feel you are right to try to go into a government building and cry to the security guard if you can't?

why dont you give me your address , so i can come to your address and make you cry?

You already made me cry with your subpar grammar (F)

Kid , Why dont you get lost? we dont need you here.
substanceMaleTurkey2006-09-02 12:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Funny story!!!
she actually didnt want to talk to anyone and put our case ahead of other people. she just wanted to pick up the forms and hand them back because it takes weeks to get the forms on snailmail where she actually lives an hour away from the building.

I posted this story to inform people what really happens in that building from real life experience. as you can read, i wasnt complaining or anything . I even put the title" funny story". Thats shows we are pretty much aware of it was a stupid thing to go up there, but since its not so far away and she wanted to show me she really wants to get me there and she is really trying hard for it.

there is another issue going on here. I met my wife in the US while I was going to college there and she was a student as well. We made a mistake and I didnt renew my visa before I got married. So i after we filed the I 130 and I-129F, i was ineligable for F-1 . the officer told me I had to wait for my immigratn visa. SO my life here in Turkey is basically only waiting. because I had lived in USA for years, I went to high and college there ( only 1 semester left to graduate). I have a house , car and all my things waiting there and i am paying for them still. because of that remaining semester, i am a high school graduate only here and its not easy to find jobs. If i had anything to do here, time would pass faster probably. I went to usa when i was too young and lived 1/3 of my life there. Now i am a complete stranger in my own country. It really makes me sad and depressed leaving all my life including my Wife back in USA and wait her for a year . She left her college and lived here with me for some months but we decided its better for her to go finish her college instead of waiting here and doing nothing( we thought we were almost done when we reached to NVC part of the process) but now we are seriously considering her skipping another semester and live with me here untill i will be able to get back to usa.
substanceMaleTurkey2006-09-01 18:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Funny story!!!
by the way, borat sagdiyev from kazakhistan is the character in the ALI G show of HBO and Channel 4 of UK. SO its not this persons correct name and nationality. thats being his/her first post also gives it away that its just a made up profile to make that comment.

Dont take him/her serious.

thanks for the support

i'm sorry, but do you feel you are right to try to go into a government building and cry to the security guard if you can't?

I'm the wife, and being a USA CITIZEN, I do believe that it is sad of how the goverment really does not make it easy for the immigrants to just talk to someone in those GOVERNTMENT BUILDINGS without waiting 1 hour on the phone or waiting 2 weeks to get an email reply back. Try being away from your newly wed husband or wife for over a year, see if you dont start crying because you have nothing in your power that you can do.
substanceMaleTurkey2006-09-01 14:22:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Funny story!!!

i'm sorry, but do you feel you are right to try to go into a government building and cry to the security guard if you can't?

why dont you give me your address , so i can come to your address and make you cry?
substanceMaleTurkey2006-09-01 14:07:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Funny story!!!
yeah , we decided to do that today. We already prepared the forms, now preparing the documents then will be sending them possibly thursday. Thanks for the advice.

do you have any idea how long after NVC completes my case, I can get my interview? I have heard its only a few weeks for ankara turkey. but it so hard to believe.

substanceMaleTurkey2006-08-28 21:59:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Funny story!!!
I-130 was approved in may 22nd. Got the approval letter on june 2nd. Then we recieved the 3032 and Aos bill in mid july. We made the payment on the same day i think it was july 14th. and mailed the 3032 a few days later. then heard nothing from them for a month. We called 603 334 0700 and tried to know whats going on. they told us they mailed the I864 form on july 22nd. My wife told them it was august 11th and she still havent gotten it. then the person said she is going to send it again the next day , our IV bill was also generated a couple days before so we should expect it soon as well.....well again some 2 weeks later , still no I864 and IV bill. I called the NVC again and told them still recieved nothing. the person said My I864 was send on august 11th and Iv bill a week before that. a couple days after this call, we recieved the IV vbill and paid it on the same day again but still no I864.

My wife got so pissed . She lives in Massachusetts , only 1 :30 hour away from the NVC building in NH. She drove up there and tried to get the papers herself. But there was this security guy didnt let her get in. He said no one can help her. there is no helpdesk or anyone she can talk to. no one other than people work there can walk in there. and she cant pick the papers or return paper to there, she should wait for the mails and mail them back. My wife started a fight with the guy but no use then she started crying but no use again. She drove all the way back home and no gain . Only thing we found out was its a huge building and some thousand people working in it and they work from 7 30 to midnight. unfortunately no help desk.

I am very well convinced that there is no way to make things go faster. I just have to wait. even the posts takes weeks to get to my wife. they dont pick up the mails you sent them from their mail box very often either. Most of the papers were picked up a week or more late. When we sent the 3032, it took them 3 weeks to put the info in to the system so we called the post office and ask when they delivered our mail. it was the next morning at 9 am. but it took them 3 weeks to pick it up from the mailbox and enter it to the system.

right now i am waiting for the Ds-230 and I-864 forms. they said its another 1 to 5 weeks for them to complete the case after i return them to NVC and who knows when the interview will be after they complete the case. I am from turkey and NVC assings the interview dates for turkey. only thing good is i know the embassy in ankara is not so busy. so i say its probably another 4-5 months for me untill the interview.
substanceMaleTurkey2006-08-28 17:45:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Any one from Turkey?
we filed the I129f as well, no hear from it since then. for the I130, just recieved DS230 and sending it back on monday.

i have heard some good news from ankara. they are not busy at all. somebody have gotten their interview date for 5 days after they submited all the documents. and couple people got theirs for 10 days after. but mostly about a month.

they also say it takes 2-3 weeks for nvc to complete the cases.
omer is getting his interview soon i believe.

good luck

Any turk wants to share information about the process in nvc and after?

merhaba, raskeli olsun.

hanginiz turk simdi hocam? martin mi amie mi?

birinizden birinin uk vatandasligi varsa neden london dan bu isi cozmeyi denemediniz?

turke atla deve ederler bu isi bildiginiz gibi. benim esimin abisi japonla evlendi , kiz 1, 5 ayda aldi greencard i. ben 8 ayi gecti bekliyorum.

neyse selametle
substanceMaleTurkey2006-09-02 14:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Any one from Turkey?
Any turk wants to share information about the process in nvc and after?
substanceMaleTurkey2006-08-28 17:54:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)how long after NVC recieves DS230?
I was told 2 to 4 weeks to process the papers and complete the case. But i see here most people cases get completed in only a week. Which one is the common time frame?

Edited by substance, 01 September 2006 - 01:59 PM.

substanceMaleTurkey2006-09-01 13:58:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS 230 Part II , Question 31
makes sense.

but the question 31 doesnt make one ineligble to be granted a visa. it can only confuse the officer and ask you more question in my opinion.

but the question 30 can make you ineligable , then one should file a waever form and such. this is stated on the form also.

correct me if i am wrong

thanks for the help
substanceMaleTurkey2006-09-03 21:19:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS 230 Part II , Question 31
yeah i think the same but i dont want them to make things take much longer because of a none important , none violent thing. no charge no nothing either.

otherwise dont need to hide anything but gonna have to say yes i guess.
substanceMaleTurkey2006-09-03 20:41:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS 230 Part II , Question 31
question 31. have you ever been charged , arrested, or convicted of any offense and crime?

who should say yes here?

getting arrested in USA because of a fight or speeding, or alcohol, but then released free with no charge should say YES?

and if said YES, it will get things slower or no affect?
substanceMaleTurkey2006-09-03 19:43:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Does everyone feel this way??
i think he meant infidel. i like it too. why didnt i think of it lol

by the way, i know its too late now but, why didnt you consider direct consular filling? if he lived in brasil more than 12 months , i think you could do that. but i guess you were also misinformed like my wife and i. we filed the i129f k3 visa petition 5 months late, because we were told it was for fiances only by the town hall marriage consular and the immigration.

my wifes brother got married in japan it took his wife about 40 days to get her cr-1, the enbassy in japan didnt require 12 months stay for the american citizen.

DCF was unfortunately wasnt offered for Ankara. they said they abondened it 3 years ago. now the american citizen must live 12 months in turkey to be eligable for dcf.

maybe there is still a way for you to do DCF since he lived in brazil for 2 years and its still recent.
substanceMaleTurkey2006-09-15 01:10:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)whats after the case is completed?
I called the NVC yesterday and asked them about it. They told me once you submit all the forms and necessary documents, they review them all which takes 2 to 4 weeks. Once they complete your case. They DONT send out your case right away to the embassy where you will be interviewed. They store your case at the NVC untill your interview date is scheduled, and once the embassy is ready to interview you(scheduled a date), they forward your case to the embassy. The person on the phone told me they do it very quickly, It usually takes 2-3 days for them to ask the embassy when they can schedule the interview date.

Then I asked the person if I could find out my interview date 2-3 days after my case has been completed. The person said, mostlikely yes because it doesnt take too long for the embassy(or NVC for those 8 countries and the ones in africa) to schedule an interview date for you. most cases its within 3 days.
substanceMaleTurkey2006-09-20 03:39:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)whats after the case is completed?
thank you for the info
substanceMaleTurkey2006-09-17 17:32:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)whats after the case is completed?
nobody knows what happens after the case is completed?
substanceMaleTurkey2006-09-17 12:45:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)whats after the case is completed?
NVC forwards your case to the embassy where you will be interviewed, that takes somewhere between 1-5 weeks. then the embassy reviews your case and send you the letter which says you interview is on xxxx date xxxx time. please bring these xxxxx documents along with you (probably the medical test report)

or i am completely wrong?

i mean for the ir-1/cr-1 interview , not k3 or k1. i know those have to prep a lot of paperwork and send them to embassy before they can get an interview date.
substanceMaleTurkey2006-09-16 08:00:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)For those 8 countries and the ones in Africa
I called the NVC yesterday and asked them about it. They told me once you submit all the forms and necessary documents, they review them all which takes 2 to 4 weeks. Once they complete your case. They DONT send out your case right away to the embassy where you will be interviewed. They store your case at the NVC untill your interview date is scheduled, and once the embassy is ready to interview you(scheduled a date), they forward your case to the embassy. The person on the phone told me they do it very quickly, It usually takes 2-3 days for them to ask the embassy when they can schedule the interview date.

Then I asked the person if I could find out my interview date 2-3 days after my case has been completed. The person said, mostlikely yes because it doesnt take too long for the embassy(or NVC for those 8 countries and the ones in africa) to schedule an interview date for you. most cases its within 3 days.
substanceMaleTurkey2006-09-20 03:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)For those 8 countries and the ones in Africa
For those who are working on their IR-1/CR-1 application and from those 8 countries and the ones in continent Africa.

I know they have to fill out DS230 part II also and NVC schedules their interview date.

DO any of you have any idea whats being done at the NVC process right after you submit all the paperwork(ds230 , i864)?

lets assume you ve done everything properly and nvc wont return your papers back to you for anything missing or mistaken.

from what I have heard....they process the forms, meaning put all the data on the system, check if you your sponsor meet with the financial requirements.
And what else?

Do NVC shedules the interview dates within this period? (they say it takes 2-4 weeks) or its after you case ve been completed and forwarded to the embassy where you will be interviewed.

if its scheduled within the nvc processing period, can we call nvc right after our case has been completed and ask them for the interview date , even before our case reach the embassy?
substanceMaleTurkey2006-09-16 07:56:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)how does the lottery winners effect the spouse visa process?
well. the lottery winners of 2005 are having their interviews october november december and janury. most of the applicants cases are at the nvc right now. thats like 100 000 people i think. 55 000 of them will get the greencard.

do you think these guys are slowing down the spouse visas?

i know that ankara embassy is busier due to the lottery guys interviews. it would take 15 to 40 days to get an interview when the case is completed in august september . now they give dates for 2 months or so ahead. so it does effect the interview dates but how about the process at the nvc?
substanceMaleTurkey2006-10-24 16:12:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How long for i-864 and ds230- for review??
about 2 to 4 weeks but the average is 3 weeks and couple days i think . but its getting longer lately.
substanceMaleTurkey2006-10-24 16:06:00