United KingdomWorld Cup 2010 Footie Prediction Compo
Notworkste's picks for r3

Mexico 2 -2 Uruguay
France 3 -1 South Africa
Nigeria 0-1 S Korea
Greece 0-2 Argentina
Slovenia 0-2 England
USA 3-1 Algeria
Ghana 0-2 Germany
Australia 1-1 Serbia
Slovakia 1-2 Italy
Paraguay 1-1 New Zealand
Denmark 0-0 Japan
Cameroon 1-2 Holland
Portugal 2 Brazil 2
Ivory Coast 1 N Korea 1
Chile 1-2 Spain
Switzerland 1-0 Honduras
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-17 14:57:00
United KingdomWorld Cup 2010 Footie Prediction Compo
ha ha, i had visions of me being the standout leader while I sagely picked the results. :D
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-16 14:57:00
United KingdomWorld Cup 2010 Footie Prediction Compo
Sorry for delay, new job stress!

South Africa 0-1 Uruguay
Argentina 2-0 S Korea
Greece 1-1 Nigeria
France 0-1 Mexico
Germany 2-0 Serbia
Slovenia 1-1 USA
England 2-1 Algeria
Netherlands 2-0 Japan
Ghana 0-1 Australia
Cameroon 1-1 Denmark
Slovakia 1-1 Paraguay
Italy 2-1 New Zealand
Brazil 2:0 Ivory Coast
Portugal 2:1 N Korea
Chile 2-1 Switzerland
Spain 2-1 Honduras
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-16 09:04:00
United KingdomWorld Cup 2010 Footie Prediction Compo

Isn't Drogba Ivorian? I was kinda hoping they would knock Portugal out!

Yeah my mistake, he is Ivory Coast.
See today Obi Mikel out, and potentially Arjen Robben. Robben will be a big loss for them, a great player to watch too on form.

Edited by NotworkSte, 05 June 2010 - 01:12 PM.

NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-05 13:08:00
United KingdomWorld Cup 2010 Footie Prediction Compo
Yikes! Potentially Drogba out for Nigeria and Rio out for England!
That's going to hurt England.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-04 10:17:00
United KingdomWorld Cup 2010 Footie Prediction Compo
If Gattusa plays, they will be long odds. I love that guy, favourite player in the Italian squad.
I will never forget Italy at Italia 90 either, I used to run around the playgrouond after scoring goals shouting "Schillaci!!!" Legend.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-03 09:54:00
United KingdomWorld Cup 2010 Footie Prediction Compo
Jenn! gets prize for biggest predicted upset, Italy losing to Paraguay!
There's always upsets so you never know! If that comes off I'll make you as cup of tea myself :)
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-03 09:25:00
United KingdomWorld Cup 2010 Footie Prediction Compo
South Africa 1 Mexico 2
Uruguay 1 France 2
Argentina 1 Nigeria 1
S Korea 0 Greece 1
England 3 USA 0
Algeria 2 Slovenia 2
Germany 2 Australia 1
Serbia 1 Ghana 2
Holland 3 Denmark 0
Japan 0 Cameroon 2
Italy 4 Paraguay 1
New Zealand 1 Slovakia 2
Ivory Coast 2 Portugal 3
Brazil 5 N Korea 0
Honduras 1 Chile 2
Spain 4 Switzerland 0
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-01 15:30:00
United KingdomWorld Cup 2010 Footie Prediction Compo
I'm in
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-17 08:02:00
United KingdomRound-up of yesterday - Visa in Administrative Processing!

And 'I'm out'! :dance:

Letter arrived yesterday asking to send in my passport. :)

Great news! :)
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-18 10:50:00
United KingdomRound-up of yesterday - Visa in Administrative Processing!

We are a bad lot you know... :rofl:

That made me laugh! Apart from being true, it reminded me of the Gerry Adams quote "They haven't gone away you know"
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-01 10:23:00
United KingdomRound-up of yesterday - Visa in Administrative Processing!

Here's a link for you.

Not entirely sure of the relevance of the link, but the content doesn't surprise me at all. ACPO runs the background checks for immigration to the US and it does it for all areas of the UK, hence you only need one report from them. I am not aware that any other agency would run a check on you inside the UK for immigration purposes, though I am not familiar with the process of going into AP in the UK.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-29 19:40:00
United KingdomRound-up of yesterday - Visa in Administrative Processing!

The explanation for that would be that the Police Service of Northern Ireland is a separate body apart from that on the mainland.

PSNI falls under ACPO same as any other police service does in England/Wales/NI. ACPOS covers Scotland.
ACRO, set up by ACPO is a co-ordinating unit that works UK wide, so includes Scotland.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-29 15:53:00
United KingdomRound-up of yesterday - Visa in Administrative Processing!

Yeah, that's highly likely. And to be honest i don't mind if it takes longer... but i don't understand why they can't do these checks alongside the USCIS stuff in NVC, or while the case is sitting 'idle' in the embassy between P3 and the interview. And the fact they they process 2- 3 million of them in a year, yet they have 'no idea' how long they will take.

I have no idea. All i know is that i do have one. In fact all our folks have at least 1 middle name. Sometimes 2. :)

My Dads's side of the family, no middle names, mum's side, all have. Me and my brother don't have middle names at all, most people find that really strange now. I had a few mishaps when I was young, and common name Wilson. I never had any issues, but I also have a police background and previous military security clearance, maybe helped or maybe didn't.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-29 11:36:00
United KingdomExperience so far
I sent the link to C, I'l check it out when I am next up that way (she works up there during the week). Thanks for the recommendation. Now if they do back bacon and strawberry ribena she'll be in heaven!
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-18 11:31:00
United KingdomExperience so far

My fiancee is from way up north in the UK and when she was visiting northern Virginia (Washington DC metro area) we found a place here called the British Pantry. They can get food items including the HP brown sauce - so it's nice to know we can have access to important things like that. I imagine it's a little more different for those UK folks immigrating out into the sticks or a "back water" part of the US where the cultural and geographical differences are more stark.

CoffeeMuse - is that the place in Aldie, Va?
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-18 10:30:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Slightly OT since this is the interview thread, but didn't want to make a new thread...
Got my lpr card today. Took only 5 weeks, is that fast or normal? I thought it might take months. Would rather have had my SSN first but not complaining too much!
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-22 14:15:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Just so you know, it is perfectly fine to open your x-ray envelope and examine the contents to your heart's content. (Obviously it's not okay to do the same for the Mysterious Brown Envelope. :P)

Congrats on the recent approvals! :star:

As a matter of curiousity, has anyone had their xray looked at when they went through poe? When I handed mine over with the MBE, I was handed it straight back and the lady in secondary said "oh I'm not bothered with that one you can keep it if you want"
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-09 21:13:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

My fiance has been pretty overwhelmed with stuff he needs to do. He's listed a bunch of stuff on ebay and getting bidders, so at least he's getting rid of things he doesn't want/need before he comes. He's still researching tickets, but wants to get here the end of March. I wanted so badly to fly out there for a week to help him pack everything up, but I just can't afford it. :( It'll all work out though. We're just happy we're finally at this point.

I started doing this, a little too late though. I shifted a few thnigs, but fell victim to some scam merchants wanting me to ship to Nigeria, and ran out of time. Ended up taking some stuff to CeX (psp, mobile phone etc). As for my CD's, books and DVD's, I still need to go back sort them out later this year. A faff to be sure, will teach me to procrastinate since I knew for months this was coming! When I was at CeX, they have a sign up saying they now take CD's, so I might try that when I get back. Although I could get a price maybe on ebay, I'm way too lazy to ship everyone at the post office.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-25 18:35:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

APPROOOOOOOVED!!!!! So happy! I'm sitting in a starbucks trying to let it sink in. So relieved! I'll post a review later today when I get home. Thank you so much everyone for your help and uppity, I'm so glad we have this place!

Fantastic news, and exactly what I did when approved, Starbucks!
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-25 07:44:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Hey Doghandler - I didn't think I'd come across someone else from L&B, I threw that into my profile just in case though! Did you do Dogs in E? We used to get them from time to time for turning over cars and the like, if I had of gone full time (believe me they tried) I would have wanted to do dogs.

I have Navy recruiter yesterday try to talk me into Navy Reserve cop. Took the asvab and aced it too. We'll see though ;-) They couldn't believe we do it without weapons!
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-23 16:56:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
You know, something keeps striking me as well. The surreality of it all, I remember when I first created my account here, C and I were desparately seeking advice and how to go about the whole process. Then when we saw the time frames and finally submitted the i-130 the whole process seemed to stretch on forever. Hard to believe it is all done now and we did get through it!

At times this forum has kept me sane! And as pdcvcm says, good luck to the rest of you January inerviewees and everyone else going through the process, your time will come! :)
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-22 09:20:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Welcome does feel good doesn't it! I've been home 6 weeks now and it's just beginning to sink in that I don't need to leave him ever again and that is the best feeling ever.
Enjoy your time together
Amanda :)

I keep catching myself realising I am a resident now, almost like I keep forgetting then realising again. And then right after that is the remembering I don't have to leave C again exactly as you describe!
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-22 06:55:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Well... NotworkSte has now been reunited with his family!

Port of entry was Philadelphia. Nice easy airport to come through, by and large. But some points (which I will also add into poe review).

Getting off the plane, there was a lady directing people to immigration desks. I don't need an i-94 right? Got an immigrant visa. Says right there on the white form, first pararaph. Well, not for her it doesn't! She made me come out of line and fill one out! I was about 4th off the plane and went from a no wait to a 15 minute wait at this point. Ah well, no biggie - I had nearly 5 hours to connect.

First inspection took 2 mins, guy opened corner of my mbe, finger printed me just both index fingers and took pic and told me to take a right and walk down to secondary.

At secondary - no wait. 4 people behind desks and one other person waiting. Lady took my stuff, but after couple of mins asked me if I had any more photos as they were missing one. Oh dear, not a problem I hoped! Luckily, her colleague saw LND and says "uh, check the backs of all the forms, look in the oddest of places because them guys over there have a habit of hiding them" and they both laughed. And then she did find the photo, stapled to the back of some random form.
HINT - if this happens, ask them to check the backs of all the pages ;-)

Next had to sign and finger print a form - not allowed to see where on the form my finger print was placed. Passport stamped and lady says "Good luck"

It's done! I am now a permanent resident! I didn't think it was appropriate to hug the first person I saw though!

Funny thing going through customs after. Fellow looks at my customs forms, sees my 3 big bags and asks if I am studying. I says no, I'm emigrating here today and he laughs and changes my country of residence from UK to USA and smile and says "Well boy, you live here now, welcome home"
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-21 07:01:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
poe tomorrow, leave manchester at 1055 on us airways. don't think it has sunk in yet that I am leaving even though I am packing tonight. feeling a little surreal actually, and relieved that when i make this trip I won't have to leave again.

now i need to find a job!
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-19 14:44:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Passport arrived today, 13 Jan!
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-13 06:42:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
okdokey, I've had a little doze and some dinner, so here's a little recap on my day.
The 3 of us caught the bus down to London on Thursday night. It was a cold one up here in Scotland but the bus was running, left only half an hour late and got into London at 0815. Ended up getting to the embassy at 0915, 45 mins late.

Bad attitude at the initial securty check.
Bad attitude at the reception where you get the number.
4 hour wait before getting first call to window.
Bad attitude at first window. They had "lost" my medical results and found it after some searching at the back.
Each of the 3 people I dealt with were, I believe, British!

During my 2 hour wait for interview with ConOff we had a security alert where we moved into the passage alongside the bathrooms for 10 mins before allowing to return back to the seat.

Called to interivew. Got up there and introduced Cindy and Josie to the nicest government employee I have ever met. He smiled and said
"where did you guys meet"
"Oh wow nice! Please raise your right hand"
Did affirmation
Signed DS-230 part 2
"ok you guys will be pleaaed to know I'm going to go right ahead and approved this, welcome to America!"

Seriously that was it! During the whole day there was only maybe 3 windows doing I visas at any one time. and for the second rounds I believe that most seemed to get a lengthy interview - seemed that way anyway - so I was pleasantly surprised how short mine was.
I believe since I turned up with both C and J and how nervous but together we looked, sort of amrs round each other and "close" he made a quick determination within the first couple of seconds. He never asked to see any of the documentation I brought with me. I would have hugged him if there hadn't been a partition between us. He ever shared a wee joke with Josie!
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-09 17:08:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Interesting day, will post more later, but the ConOff part lasted all of 3 minutes! Yippee!
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-09 09:11:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
In 48 hours time I'll have the result of this long process. Can hardly believe it. Buses seem to be running for now so still on track for leaving tomorrow night.
Rather nervous now.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-06 09:49:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
All those approval stars are great to see. :-)
3 days for me, hopefully I don't get any weather issues trying to come down from up North!
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-05 10:20:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Booked flight to US for my PoE. If all goes well on the 8th, will be flying over on the 20th. Trying to find flight at a decent price, is another matter. Continental from Edi, forget about it. In fact Continental from anywhere in the UK very disappointing. Went for US Airways from Manchester so my poe will be Charlotte NC. If there is a problem I can change to later date the change fee is not too bad.

Wife is stsying an extra week after Christmas so she and stepdaughter will come to my interview. Anyone else done this? Had any problems with other half coming along? Anyone found it actually helped smooth the interview over? Our case seems pretty solid, but obviously the nerves are starting to hit now it is so close.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-02 18:57:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
QUOTE (david'sgirl @ Dec 20 2009, 09:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It might be cheaper to just book the return and not use it.

I am thinking that yes. Can't use miles for that though as I don't have 50k so it would be a straight purchase. I'll have to give CO a call as the wording says "only round trip rewards can be purchased online" which suggest I might be able to get a one way going through the elite phone line.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-20 21:39:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
At this time I don't know how I am going to get down to London for the 8th. Perhaps I will have to take the bus again, ugh.
Bus gets in early enough, at half 7, with enough time to get to the Embassy, but, I'm really worried any delay at all will cause me to miss my time.
I hit another issue too, been looking at flight prices from Edinburgh to Tampa and they are pretty high. Smugly thought to myself I have enough for a reward flight with Continental, 25K miles, but turns out they want you to book a return, damn! I am going to have to call them to see, since I don't need a return.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-20 19:52:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
QUOTE (lirwin2000 @ Dec 15 2009, 11:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hey all,

Managed to push my date up from the 8th to the 5th (Still 8am though)... everyday counts!!! just rang embassy in london and they gave me an email address to request it to, the soonest date available was the 5th - so we changed to that!!! hoorah! Was hoping to get a date in dec, but alas just glad to have a date to count down too!!!!

You can do that?! Jeez! C and J are with me for Christmas, if I could get mine forward I could take the young 'un to London. I'll give them a bell too.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-15 11:26:00
United KingdomEPL Prediction Compo - 2010/11

Hey all, nice to see you're all still playing away!

Getting to be a rather good end to the season (of course I *would* say that). I think Newcastle are in for a bit of a doing tonight. 3-0 at least....

This is why I was bottom of the table!
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2011-04-20 17:37:00
United KingdomEPL Prediction Compo - 2010/11
Hey all, nice to see you're all still playing away!

Getting to be a rather good end to the season (of course I *would* say that). I think Newcastle are in for a bit of a doing tonight. 3-0 at least....
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2011-04-19 11:26:00
United KingdomEPL Prediction Compo - 2010/11
Hey all. Long time no speak. Been /afk for a bit from this side, work, holidays and a family illness got in the way, so not been participating.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-04 16:40:00
United KingdomEPL Prediction Compo - 2010/11
Blackpool United postponed, there goes my Saturday afternoon :-(
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-03 17:11:00
United KingdomEPL Prediction Compo - 2010/11
Arsenal 1-1 Fulham
Brum 1-3 Spurs
Blackburn 0-1 Wolves
Chelsea 2-0 Everton
Citeh 1-1 Bolton
Blackpool 0-4 Man Utd
Baggies 1-2 Toon
Liverpool 2-2 Villa
Pompey 1-1 Burnley
Hartlepool 2-1 Saint
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-03 11:35:00
United KingdomEPL Prediction Compo - 2010/11
Even by my standards, last week was awful! :rofl:

####### 2-2 Spurs
Brum 2-1 Chelsea
Blackpool 1-1 Wolves
Bolton 1-2 Toon
Man Utd 3 Wigan 0
Liverpool 1-1 hammers
Blackburn 2-2 Villa
Fulham 1-1 Citeh
Sunderland 2-1 Everton
Barnsley 1-1 Pompey
Saints 2-1 Posh
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-19 12:56:00