US Embassy and Consulate Discussionpacket 3- wait or send already

There's a thread here about the montreal consulate and how and when to do everything. 




DoS number is : 1-202-663-1225

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-08-07 08:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionpacket 3- wait or send already

You have to wait until your file is logged at the consulate before mailing packet three.   You don't have to wait for the letter, but you have to make sure that Montreal has received your file and logged it in. If you call DoS, they will tell you if montreal has logged it in, or not. It took about 10 days between the time our package got to NVC and we got assigned our montreal case number and the time it was logged in in Montreal, for us. 
Actually, concerning Montreal, it seems many people don't even receive the packet 3 instructions by mail anymore, or it takes forever so XD

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-08-03 19:38:00
Canadacanada people

still sounds better than telling people we met while holding set props of alien slug/snake larva in our hands for pics during the stargate sci-fi convention hahahaha

It sounds a bit silly I guess when you try to explain to others how you met, but personnally I think that's pretty awesome :D
FayearaFemaleCanada2013-04-04 12:57:00
Canadacanada people
Hiyas, I'm from Quebec too. My man is in Alabama :) We met playing World of Warcraft hehe.
FayearaFemaleCanada2013-04-03 12:08:00
CanadaCanada - Where we take our Ketchup Seriously
I don't eat that much ketchup. I only eat it on the normal stuff : fries, hotdogs, burgers.... and on some tourtières (meat pies). My fiancé saw me putting ketchup on my meat pie one day and kiddingly said to his son that it was a tradition for canadians to put ketchup on everything XD. Fast forward a few weeks. We are eating supper and his son goes and get the ketchup to put on his meal saying that he was becoming a bit a canadian. hahah Posted Image
FayearaFemaleCanada2013-04-17 16:02:00
Can anyone explain to me how to see those reviews? I seem to be able to find some of them but... I guess not all? Like for example, I didn't see MsHogan's review?
FayearaFemaleCanada2013-04-21 21:49:00
CanadaWhat to do in Montreal
If you like chocolate and hot chocolate, Juliette et Chocolat is really the place to go to. It's like drinking heaven!
The best place I found for ice cream is Tache de Café near metro Cote-Vertu. It's all made there, the guy even roasts his own nuts.
For something pretty different there's l'auberge du dragon rouge, though you might get teased for speaking in english. It's a medieval style
restaurant, with musicians on place and the staff dresses and acts. Usually there's a lot more animation on fridays and saturdays, but it might be harder to get in.
I also like to go on top of Mont-Royal to take in the view of the city.
In the summer, on sundays, you can catch the Tam-tam players that come and jam in the park.
In the summer also, there's a lot of festivals going around, so you can maybe catch a few free shows :)
FayearaFemaleCanada2013-04-02 09:02:00
CanadaInterview Montreal Consulate

Awesome :D congrats!!! dancin5hr.gif

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-06-03 11:38:00
CanadaShipping Personal Items after POE

I've shipped stuff via Canada Post before. it's kinda pricey, as they go by the size of the box and weight. it was around 300$ I think for two boxes with clothes and dvds.

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-06-24 09:35:00
CanadaWanting to move home

Well from the marriage, it was 1 year and a half for us, but it tooks us 6 months to send the package. Took forever to get our marriage certificate and his police record ><

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-06-20 15:49:00
CanadaWanting to move home

Oh... btw, if things are the same now as they were before, you will be needing a police record (WITH fingerprints) for him from the fbi.  Do it as soon as you can, as it took a couple of months for us to receive it. It delayed us quite a bit, just waiting for it to arrive. 

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-06-19 20:43:00
CanadaWanting to move home

When my ex-husband came here to be with me, he just drove here, carrying all his things in his car. We weren't married at the time though. Told the border agents basicaly Hi, I'm coming to get married and live with my girlfriend. they gave him a visa that they stappled inside his passport giving him a couple of months to be in canada. He paid duties on the things he was carrying with him and that was it. We got married one or two months later and filled for permanent residency. Normally, it's true that you can't just stay in canada like that while waiting on a visa, but in the case of married people, they allow it, or so they did when we filled in 2005. it took exactly one year from the filling time to the interview. 


And now I'm in love with another american and I'm the one moving. I must have a masochistist strike in me or something to go through immigration again XD. I wish I could be with him while waiting on the visa, like it's the case for in canada though :(

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-06-19 20:39:00
CanadaWhy did you pick K1 vs CR1? (for Canadian beneficiaries)


His grandma died a year ago and I wasn't able to be there with him for the funeral so I know how much that sucks.  I didn't have a valid passport at the time because we were waiting for the marriage certificate to come back before I renewed it. One of the few people he wanted me to meet in his life and timing just robbed us of that opportunity.  sad.png



I'm sorry :( *hugs*

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-06-19 09:12:00
CanadaWhy did you pick K1 vs CR1? (for Canadian beneficiaries)

For me, the K1 was the fastest way to be able to be with him. We could send the papers in as soon as we made the decision that I'd be the one who was going to move. If we had decided to get married first, well, we would have had to wait probably until this summer to be able to have the wedding and then file. And even though that's just 6 months, 6 months when you are apart is so long. 

I'm already feelign like I'm left behind and missing out on sooo much (his son's birthday, friends gatherings, etc...), it might have been even harder for me if we had been married because I'd feel even more like I should have been there.

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-06-18 12:46:00
CanadaGreen card arrives

Awesome! Grats!

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-07-09 15:46:00
CanadaAhh..the famous DS-156K phrase.....need some up-to-date info guys,please!

People have been sending the list of required documents with checkmarks to say that you have them, and then bringing the documents (original + photocopies) at the interview.

Others have sent the photocopies of the documents + the list with checkmarks and brought the originals with them at the interview. 



I would not send the originals with the packet 3. Because if you lose your original of your birth certificate in the mail, that's gonna suck. Or if they refuse to give it back to you. There's also a guide about the Montreal Consulate on top of the Canadian forum.

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-07-09 15:44:00
CanadaRed Flagged at Border, anyone else? What are my chances...

I'll be moving to southern Alabama. Last year when I visited in January, we were grilling marshmallows on the fire and wearing shorts. O_O!

Though I have to admit that celebrating christmas without snow is going to be weird for me. I'm also looking forward to being able to grow veggies all year round.

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-07-10 16:07:00
CanadaRed Flagged at Border, anyone else? What are my chances...

  People who tell you stories about trying to cross and have been refused may have overpacked (don?t show up at the airport for a ?2 week visit? with 5 gigantic suitcases - it looks suspicious), 




Packing not enough is also suspicious to them XD that was one of the reasons I was put into secondary.

My parents were also pulled into secondary once, because they didn't bring toothbrushes with them oO;.....

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-05-06 17:50:00
CanadaWhat is process for reversing immigration, bringing US Citizen to Canada

Hmhm Niki is right.  You can either file for permanent residency with your hubby staying in the states, but you also have the right to file while both of you live in canada! No need for separation time :D Which is pretty awesome.

He just won't be able to work while waiting for his visa, unless you file for a work visa too.

My ex-husband came to Canada, it took exactly one year from the time we sent the papers till we received an answer. The proccess is pretty simple too. You file everything in one shot, mail it and wait and wait and wait. Then you have the interview. And that's it.

It ended up costing... a lot. I don't remember the numbers right now, maybe around 1k. You paid part of it with the initial papers, and then the rest at the interview. 

When you file initially, you have to send a police certificate for your husband. It had to be done through fingerprints and the FBI. It took several months to receive the certificate, so I would suggest doing it as soon as you can, so you won't be delayed. 

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-07-09 15:33:00
CanadaInventory list

My cat is already in the states XD We didn't need any vaccines. Maybe it depends on which state you are moving to.

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-07-09 16:35:00
Canada33 hours from Interview to POE!

Grats :D That's awesome!

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-07-11 09:39:00
CanadaRescheduling Interview

Awesome!!!!!! :D  I hope I'll be as lucky as you when my time comes!

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-07-15 16:15:00
CanadaRescheduling Interview

I just got my NoA2 this week, so I'm not yet at the interview booking stage, but I don't want it to be in 4 months D:
I think we should all check for earlier opening spots and warn each other if we see some :)  I know that's what I'll do once I'm at that stage. 

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-07-12 19:39:00
CanadaMail from Montreal

You got packet 3 via email too?

hmm I don't remember giving them my email address anywhere, though that would be very convenient.

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-07-10 16:10:00
Canadafor montreal interview

I was thinking of bringing 2 paper folders myself. One with all the stuff, and one with my originals, so I don't get them mixed up. Been thinking of bringing my copy of the I-129F too, though I think it might be too much. ><

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-07-29 20:33:00
CanadaVaccination records - Carnet de Santé

Awesome! Thanks <3

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-08-06 13:54:00
CanadaVaccination records - Carnet de Santé

Mine is blue with a picture of a little... girl or boy on it. 
I'm so glad is good enough proof :D I'm stressing enough already XD so that's one worry I can leave behind now. Woot!

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-08-05 20:56:00
CanadaVaccination records - Carnet de Santé

So, I have this 'Carnet de Santé' that my mom got when I was a kid.

It's a little booklet that was given to new parents by the governement  in the 80's here in Quebec.

Inside you can write a bunch of stuff, it contains for example my statistics at birth, my growth charts and what not.

It also contains a list of all my vaccinations, dates, stamp from where it was given, and initials of the doctor or nurse who gave the shot. 

Is that a good proof of my vaccinations, or should I get something more official?


Thanks :D

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-08-05 13:26:00
CanadaSent Packet 3 to MTL over a week ago and still not received; normal?

Wooooo!!! :D Awesome news!

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-08-12 19:00:00
CanadaSent Packet 3 to MTL over a week ago and still not received; normal?

I mailed mine on the 2nd, it got delivered on the 5th. I just got an email one hour ago with the packet 4.  Until that point DoS was saying that it had not been received yet.  So don't worry :) you were probably sitting in the same pile of unopened mail as I was. 
Did you give them your email adress?

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-08-12 12:10:00
CanadaReview - Medisys Medical in Montreal for K-1

Done with the medical! Woot! That's one weight off my shoulders.


When I took the appointement,  the guy on the phone was really friendly and helpful, and told me clearly all I needed to bring to the medical with me. 

You need :

-3 passport pictures ( I saw some people getting their pictures taken care of on the spot by one of the secretaries, but I don't know if you can do that for the american visa, or if it was for something else completely. )

- The copy of your packet 4 letter (it should have your case number at the bottom)

- Copy of the confirmation for the interview date

- List of your vaccinations

- List of my prescriptions, or the med's bottle themselves. ( I was asked to bring that but they never asked for it once I got there.)

- Your Passport

- With taxes, it ended up costing 270 some dollars.

I heard the secretaries talking about someone who had their case number and date for the interview but didn't have the letter with them, and they had to refuse him. 


My appointement was for 10am. The traffic was good, no problem for that. There's pay parking ( 9$ for 3 hours) on the streets leading to the building, but my mom decided to pass those and try to get closer to the actual place in the hopes there was spots available there. There seemed to be about 3 spots directly in front of it (all taken of course) and then the streets around it all require a 'vignette'.  We ended up doing a lot of driving around because it's all one ways around there and finally were able to trace back and take those spots that we had seen earlier.


I got there at 10:15. The secretary made photocopies of all my documents and gave me a form to fill. Pretty easy questions, and there's nothing very scary there. Have you ever been hospitalized, or suffer from heart problems, leprosy, what meds you take and why, if you have a history of substance abuse, or psychiatric problems. I brought the forms back to the secretary and was called almost right away by the nurse.


She was very nice. First thing that we went through was the Eye test. You just had to stand behind a line and read the letters on the board with and without glasses. I couldn't even read the first line without mine, doh XD, she then takes your weight and height and then asks you to sit down. She takes your heart rate ( mine was high because I was stressed) and your pressure. She wasn't able to hear correctly to take my pressure with the first band she had, so she took the bigger one out and pumped that thing so full of air. Ow! She then said that my pressure was super good, and she wouldn't have needed to squeeze it that hard after all XD. She explained to me that all my vaccines were up to date and since we weren't in flu season, I wouldn't need the flu shot. Woohoo! She then took a single vial of blood, (she asked me if I have a history of fainting during blood tests, first). I used to be really scared of needles and I also have veins that like to escape, but she got it on the first try and it didn't hurt at all smile.png yay. I then went back into the waiting room. 


Maybe one minute passed and I was called for the x-rays. I took my shirt and bra off and put the gown on. They took 2 pictures, one from the back, and one from the side. They make you strike weird poses and hold your breath, but nothing painful. I put my clothes back on and was sent back to the waiting room. I gave the secretary the paper confirming the x-ray was done and sat.


I had to wait about 40 minutes before being called by the doctor. I think he was on break though because the last person he had seen had gotten out of his office 30 minutes before that. He was very down to business, but nice enough. Asked me about the time I was hospitalised (kidney stones) and then proceeded to the exam. I was a bit nervous before going in because I have fibromyalgia and I thought maybe for some reason in could be a problem, but he didn't even mention it. Like always, I worked myself up for no reason. He told me to put the gown on, but to keep my panties and bra on. He listened to my breath and my heart, checked my ears and my throat, touched my neck to check the lymph nodes and then my stomach area and that was it.


You have to go back in the waiting room and the secretary calls you again to make sure you got all your exams done and then you are on your way. I was out by 11h45. I was fast and people were nice. Nothing to stress about ^.^

Edited by Fayeara, 20 August 2013 - 02:31 PM.

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-08-20 14:29:00
Canadapolice certificate

It shouldn't matter where you get it, as long as it has your full name and it's clearly stated that the national database was searched. 

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-08-20 20:47:00
CanadaInterview letter??? Doesn't have case number...

Your case number is written in the packet 4 email. at the bottom.




Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to seeing you at your appointment.




Immigrant Visa Unit

                U.S. Consulate General Montréal





Preference Category: K1 - CAN


Traveling Applicants:

(P)XxXXXXXXX                   XXXXXXXXXXXXX




                                                                                                                                               Appointment letter: (Packet 4)''


So I brought that letter + the confirmation letter for my appointement.

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-08-23 08:57:00
CanadaQuestions about medical exam in Montreal

I haven't got any vaccines done at Medisys, but they do say they it costs extra for each vaccine you need to get. 

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-08-23 09:01:00
CanadaDriving across the border with 2 Cats

I crossed with my cat when I went to visit in 2012, a 24 hour drive. It went very well. she was quite behaved.
I had brought her vet sheet with her vaccinations listed, but they didn't even ask for it. 

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-08-26 21:00:00
CanadaVISA APPROVED! - Montreal - My Experience

*cheers* woohoo!


I hope I'll get mine as quickly. Honey is booking tickets to come pick me up one week after the interview.

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-08-28 19:14:00
CanadaVISA APPROVED! - Montreal - My Experience

Yay! Congrats!!! So happy for you :D


What did you bring as evidence of relationship?

My interview is in about 2 weeks, but I'm already starting to stress about it XD. People were nice over there? 


When are you planning to move? :)

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-08-26 21:04:00
CanadaVisa Approved - A Review of Montreal

Food labels usually come with French and English. As for the restaurants, most of the ones in Montreal have an English menu, sometimes you have to ask, other times if they hear you speaking in English they'll give it to you. Fast food places where the menu is on the wall though, yeah, it's in French only more often than not. 


But I guess it depends on where you go :)  I have been to Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and PEI, and I never noticed any french anywhere, unless we were in certain towns where there was french speakers. So most of the time I had to play translator for my parents who don't speak English very well. 


I agree that there's progress to be made, and that since we are in a bilingual country, you should be able to find services in both languages everywhere - I'm still a bit frustrated that I can't get my birthcertificate in english -_-;  -  

I think part of the problem is that there's some resentement toward anglophones here, especially among the older generation. But I also heard some pretty crazy stuff coming from the anglophones too. So I guess the problem goes both ways : /

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-07-18 13:55:00
CanadaPacket 3 - Montreal Question!

They might be off today since it's the St-Jean.
Not sure if they follow those holidays or not though, since well, it's an american embassy.

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-06-24 09:39:00
CanadaStaying in Montreal to get VISA

Eck... those places are more troublesome to get to. : / , especially if you are taking public transportations.

FayearaFemaleCanada2013-09-01 13:24:00