K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespre I-129F filing questions

if i have to have a bank account, im screwed. i might as well move to Canada.

Aside from the fact that a bank account isn't exactly hard to open and you claim you have a large sum of cash to deposit, why don't you start by reading the requirements of your consulate and consider a co-sponsor?

i would open an account IF it were that easy. my situation is not easy. id rather not go into too much detail. made short, ive been sued by a credit card company, they already seized 2 of my bank accounts and everything i had saved.
DaleMoniqueNot TellingCanada2007-02-04 00:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespre I-129F filing questions

i can provide a photocopy of the large sum of cash i have in my possession though

HUH? :unsure:

Start reading up on the affidavit of support requirements for your consulate. If they require proof of a bank account with a record of deposits and balances (which is a fairly normal requirement) you might want to know about that in advance, as well as to clearly understand what other documents they require i.e. tax returns, etc.

if i have to have a bank account, im screwed. i might as well move to Canada.
DaleMoniqueNot TellingCanada2007-02-04 00:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespre I-129F filing questions

--> Use your itineraries, showing your name as the passenger should be ok. And please DO get a bank account. Your fiance's embassy might ask for copies of your bank account to show your monthly deposits. If you can not provide, you might need a co-sponsor.

--> What's a prepaid call like in the US? In my country, you'd have to get some kind of vouchers everytime you wanna refill your credit. If you have to do the same thing, keep your vouchers, they can be used as evidences, and so are your fiance's calling cards. I have heard couples submitting these and they had no problem also.

Good luck, Dale!

i HAD a bank account but a credit card company had a civil judgement against me and wiped out every dime i had saved in the account. i can provide a photocopy of the large sum of cash i have in my possession though. today, i bought a prepay credit card that i can add money to at any time i need. hopefully, thatll come in handy later. wouldnt the tax form from my employer be sufficient enough to show i can provide for my fiancee ?

if a co-sponsor is needed, i would use my parents. however, they are in the middle of a bankruptcy, would that be a problem ?

on my cell phone, whenever i need to buy time, i go down and buy a $15/30/50/75 card. but that doesnt prove that ive called her or she has called me.

Edited by DaleMonique, 03 February 2007 - 10:47 PM.

DaleMoniqueNot TellingCanada2007-02-03 22:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespre I-129F filing questions
ok, some additional info:

i do not have a bank account or any credit cards, therefore i gave the money to my mother and used her debit card to make the airline ticket purchase.

i have a prepaid cell phone, which does not give me a monthly statement. Monique was using calling cards to call me, so again, no monthly statement.

due to computer crashes, important internet chat logs are non-existant. our emails speak nothing of marriage but only of a countdown as to when i was to fly up to Canada.

about the Canada Immigration, the border patrol officer that did all of the paperwork is actually a relative of Monique's, would a notarized affidavit from her verifying i was there and Monique and i met be sufficient primary evidence ?

as i understand it, photos have to have dates printed on the front. handwritten dates on the back are unacceptable. am i wrong ?

Thanks again !
DaleMoniqueNot TellingCanada2007-02-03 17:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespre I-129F filing questions
WOW, guy here. name is Dale, living in Texas. fiancee is Monique, living in Canada. this is all a bit overwhelming for me so bear with me...

i wish i had known what was involved in the I-129F prior to my trip to Canada. i paid cash for everything, we stayed in her brothers apartment, we walked everywhere (very small town), my airline flight only took me to the US border(i took a taxi into Canada and when leaving, i walked to the border), i only have 2 pictures of us in the apartment.

furthermore, when crossing into Canada, i was detained for 45 minutes to verify my fiancee was expecting me and i was also given a Canada Immigration paper stating i was staying with "my friend Monique." i had to carry that paper everywhere while i was there and returned it when i left. as much as i frowned on the holdup at the border, it just might be my saving grace. would the Canada Immigration paper be primary evidence ?

so basically, all i have for proof of meeting is a non-dated photo and a stamped passport. somehow, i feel this is not sufficient evidence.

moving on: Monique has 2 middle names, the form only has space for one. would she list her other middle name under Other Names Used ?

background check: Monique has a "theft by credit card" charge on her record from October of 1999. it was a family dispute which was dropped as long as she paid the family member back (less than $100 Canadian). the family member realized the grief she had caused and told Monique not to pay her back. will this simple charge be of any problem later ? regardless, we are going to resolve the issue so Monique can have a clean background.

Children: Monique has 3 children out of wedlock and does not have custody of them. without custody, do the kids need to be included on the I-129F ?

if you got this far, THANKS ! any and all help/input/comments would be appreciated. i have literally drowned myself in all of this since i got back from Canada 3 weeks ago.

DaleMoniqueNot TellingCanada2007-02-01 22:48:00