United KingdomInterview 10th July London
Just like on the waterfront yes. I coulda been a contender.

I thank you all once again. I fly home on Delta(BA was booke dup for the day i wanted) on the 28th of July. :dance:
yabastaMale02006-07-18 11:59:00
United KingdomInterview 10th July London
I had a job lined up through my father in law but the Ford plant is now closing down so i will just have to apply everywhere i can think of. I might go back into retail for the money but i don`t really want to. Otherwise i will perhaps take a trip to and learn a trade and get medical etc. A union job is where it`s at over there.
yabastaMale02006-07-15 02:44:00
United KingdomInterview 10th July London

When are you off have you your tickets?

& What did you do with the record collection.... I'm worrying about mine... Getting expensive shipping with the P.O.........

No tickets yet. My problems are financial. I am a lover not an accountant. I have however told the agency i work for that my last day will be 27th of July. I am going to book my flight for the friday or saturday i think but i am waiting to have the visa in hand just in case. The visa should arrive tomorrow hopefully.

I have been taking my record collection over in bits during my visits over the year. Not many have made the trip yet though and i still have a good few apple boxes worth of vinyl to transport. I will hopefully be able to afford to ship a pallet or something without selling my babies. People on here have mentioned and they do seem cheap. I had another place that ship 2 cubic metres of whatever for like 600 or something like that and they shrink wrap and box up etc. That looked a nice secure way but until i have that kind of money then i will just leave my dad with my collection and take some each time i come back to England. I have got most of my clothes in America at least, trouble is i use clothes to cushion my vinyl. ha.

Do you have a lot of records to transport? What about other stuff?

Edited by yabasta, 14 July 2006 - 04:19 PM.

yabastaMale02006-07-14 16:16:00
United KingdomInterview 10th July London
No bible was involved, it was just raise your right hand. I can`t remember though if he said "so help you god" or not. I just waited for him to finish and said "i do"(i think we might be married now).

The band was thankfully nothing anti-american sounding but the website is now useless for meeting a spouse(haha). The band was Hole.

The Embassy guy looked kind of like David Duchovny when he didn`t smile but not really as much as when he smiled. His hair was too short too.

A mod look could be bad but not as bad as say a Lennon cut. The hut was very much a burger van type thing but with a metal detector in it instead of a frying worktop thingy.

No pin ups that i recall but i was not in there long.

thanks for all the well wishes everybody.
yabastaMale02006-07-14 15:34:00
United KingdomInterview 10th July London
Well today i had my interview. First things first.

Posted Image

So yeah it all went smoothly.

I arrived at the embassy just before 9 a.m. and saw a big line of people outside standing in the road(which has been closed and looks like it will be for some time. The embassy is now surrounded by a big thick fence and has lots of armed po po doing patrols and staring at you to see if you look dodgy i guess. I tried to avoid looking like a terrorist.

A guy from the embassy in a blue jacket(like the FBI etc wear) with American embassy or something on the back of his jacket told people to line up 9.30 and earlier on the left and later on the right. I swear though that he smiled at one point and looked just like David Duchovny.

Posted Image

Eventually the line moved. The guy checked my letter and passport and sent me up the road aroudn the outside of the make shift fence and into the little security hut. Airport style scan. So then you walk all the way around outside the building past the sentry and around to the visa entrance at the side of the building. Then he tells you to switch off mobile phone and go up the stairs to the left. You go through take a number from the woman and then you sit down and wait for your number to be called.

I sat down with number 11 and waited. They were callign out 242 and numbers like that which at first confused me. Then i realised immigrant visas had low numbers and other visas had higher numbers. So yeah i eventually got in the building by about 9.47 (when i turned my phone off). I got called up after a short wait an dhad to go to the window and he asked for my paperwork. I handed him all that was required and he handed back some stuff i had included which was not required. He copied my documents which i had not done. I was expecting to pay $1 for each one but he did not charge me. He then gave me the courier form to fill out while i waited and sent me back to my seat with my x ray which he said i need to take when i fly. I dunno why. I didn`t see anybody else with one. He told me i had 6 months to travel and as my wife said since i don`t have that long. haha.

So then eventually i get called to a different window and this is the interview proper i guess. He said hi and the first question he asked me was how i met my wife. I said it was a band website and he asked which one. He aske dhow long we had known each other, asked if i was living in GA when we married. Asked what my wife did for a living , asked what i did and my in laws. He also asked who my co sponsor was and if my wife had any children. He asked how old the child was and he asked what i intended to do for work in America.

Oh yeah and he made me raise my right hand and swear to tell the truth before that. Then it was the usual airport style fingerprint scans. He then said that the fingerprint checks take a few minutes and is borign to watch so he said that he woudl assume they are o.k. and let me go. He was friendly enough as everybody there was, it was just the place that was cold and unfriendly. So then i took my form to the courier desk and paid the £13.50. The letter i got said £9.50 but this was of course a lie. ha. Then i came out of the embassy and called my wife from the park on my mobile. I hung up when she answered and she called me back on our calling card.

Then i came home and made this post. Hope it helps put some minds at rest. The process was straight forward as i expected. Some waiting involved and that was it really.

So again thanks for all your help everybody. I have asked for help a lot and so has my wife. Usually people have been very understanding and helful. It has been a long hard road but by the end of the week i will have my visa.

Thank you all and good luck to all those still waiting for their trip to the most protected waiting room in London.
yabastaMale02006-07-10 08:20:00
United KingdomJuly 3rd Interview, Visa finally approved today
Congratulations. Sounds like you had a real worry for a while there. Glad you got it sorted out.
yabastaMale02006-07-13 15:07:00
United KingdomU.S. Citizen not allowed in U.K.

Why does being born in England give you more right to be in England?

Actually, it doesn't. Or at least not since 1983. Being born in England today doesn't give you any right to be in England, per se.

You really do need to read what i say rather just spout your hate. Everybody is free when they are born. They are soon shuffled off into school and work and paying taxes etc but that is all from the same people that brought you immigration and terrorism.

You forgot religion -- another way to keep people from thinking outside the box.

Well my list was not meant to be all inclusive but yes religion too. You are what you eat so eat more variety.
yabastaMale02006-04-07 16:01:00
United KingdomU.S. Citizen not allowed in U.K.

what because you are jewish he is supposed to tip toe around glass for you? STOP BEING SO DEFENSIVE

Hella-classy. <_<

You love emoticons but you never actually say much. What is hella classy or not hella classy about a question with a point like that? It is a perfectly reasonable question.

As I happen to be Jewish I find your last remark totaly out off line....

Go away and take your type of thinking somewhere else...


Probably best not to feed the troll.

The last time I came across something like this, it turned out that the poster was 11, at least he, or she, had that as an excuse.

Mind you it is probably OK to marry at 11 in some of the weirder parts of the US.

Some may say it is a sad commentary on the UK education system.

I could not possibly comment.

So why exactly am i a troll? ha It is funny that you keep responding without really sayign anything. So far you have just tried to put me down. Well guess what? I am not scared of internet bullies as i am much older and wiser than i was at 11.

Something like this would of course be "people that don`t agree with you on everything" shock horror.
yabastaMale02006-04-03 15:54:00
United KingdomU.S. Citizen not allowed in U.K.

Wow, we're fascists AND sheep. This thread is awesome! :thumbs:

Who called YOU a sheep? and who called YOU a fascist?

It is interestign to note that you said "we`re" just like a sheep would though. Plus of course during the Third Reich there were thousands of people if not more who were said to be merely "following orders" . There have been studies on this which have shown that people will be really evil towards a fellow human being if encouraged to do so by a "superior". You see the problem is when you stop thinking for yourself.

So I am now a Defensive Jewish Fascist who need help....

Thank you for your thoughts

Well being jewish does not make you immune to being fascistic(or defensive). After all it is possible that Hitler was partly Jewish himself.
yabastaMale02006-04-03 15:49:00
United KingdomU.S. Citizen not allowed in U.K.

As I happen to be Jewish I find your last remark totaly out off line....

Go away and take your type of thinking somewhere else...


You happen to be jewish? so what? My point was a repsonse to your point. You said that i had a problem with authority. I pointed out one case in which many people were following orders which resulted int he deaths of many jewish people. The fact that you are jewish should of course make you outraged at the idea but then you should think about why you don`t question authority. Then ask yourself why you tell me that my head is up my ####### for thinking for myself. You see i would not have gassed jews. I would have refused to follow those orders. You would have said "well jews are taking our jobs and causing crime and terrorism". I won`t go away either sadly. You don`t have control of me. You have no authority. You have to work it out or leave yourself. That is life.
yabastaMale02006-04-03 15:43:00
United KingdomU.S. Citizen not allowed in U.K.
Actually some might say that you need help because you like to do what other people tell you regardless of whether you wish to do it or not. Like if your boss says gas these jews you would just do it. After all he is in authority.

Free thinkers are dangerous it is true but equally sheep are deadly. You are a sheep it would seem. A rude sheep at that. the word is spelled ####### btw.
yabastaMale02006-04-03 15:32:00
United KingdomU.S. Citizen not allowed in U.K.

If you belive that everyone is born free then your head is well and trully up your A$$... every sinle one on this planet is born with restrictions wether it be by society, Culture, Family values and geographical boundries...


You really do need to read what i say rather just spout your hate. Everybody is free when they are born. They are soon shuffled off into school and work and paying taxes etc but that is all from the same people that brought you immigration and terrorism. It is not hard to understand me so please at least try. I would appreciate the insults to stop too. Again that is just rude.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

from your response i assume you have nothing of note to say in response? Emoticons are very funny but they do not actually convey intellect. Perhaps you should try coming back with words as this is a place for words.

yabastaMale02006-04-03 15:25:00
United KingdomU.S. Citizen not allowed in U.K.

Well, I thought it'd be an interesting conversation as I was alos detained but am not bitter about it> I feel they were right to stop me & find out what the deal was.....but after reading the two ridiculous statements below,...I'm seriously no longer interested in discussion!

The royal family have no more right to be here in England than Osama Bin Laden does........ Why does being born in England give you more right to be in England? That is ridiculous.

Well you were detained and you didn`t mind which is great for you. Some people do not like beign treated like a criminal. I don`t like my wife(fiance at the time) being treated that way and i didn`t like being treated like an accomplice on the phone. They did not face me of course those slimy immigration officers. If you wish to be treated like a sheep that is up to you. Personally i don`t want to be a sheep. I was born human and will die human. You say they were right to stop you but were you denied entry? You want to know the stupid thing? My wife was denied entry but given a days pass type deal so she came home with me that night and i had to take her back to the airport the next day. If she had been plannign to be illegal then she could easily have done it. Again you say ridiculous statements yet you do not even counter them. Just going witht he heard again?


The Queen has no more right to be in England than Osama Bin Laden for the very reason that was stated by mr history on page 5 i think it was. You see people are born and are born free. This may of course be debated but it is my belief that people are free to travel and live wherever they please as long as they are not invading/killing etc and other morally suspect behaviour (this again is of course open to debate but there ya go).

You do realize that you completely contradicted yourself there, right?

I didn`t contradict myself but please tell me how you felt i did?

"as long as they are not invading/killing etc and other morally suspect behavior"

So Osama bin Laden doesn't count as an invader or killer?

And "morally suspect behavior" doesn't include, say, lying to immigration or customs officials? That one is okay?

Osama Bin Laden`s first response to 9/11 was that it was not him, 911 is the way of the JFK assassination sadly and willa lways be unsolved. Sure as a CIA asset that is rather suspect but until he is convicted by a fair trial then he has the right for argument sake to travel freely. The Queen has plenty of blood on her hand si am sure but again it is not proven in a court of law or whatever. As for invading i believe Bin Laden was the defense side during the Soviet thing but again it is all a muddy pool. So you see there is no contradiction really. It is just semantics anyway since my point was that they have equal rights. Lying is something i am sure everybody is guilty of.
yabastaMale02006-04-03 15:18:00
United KingdomU.S. Citizen not allowed in U.K.

To say the Royal family have no more right to be in this country than Osama BIb Laden is stupidity at its worst. !!!

Well you can say it is stupidity at it`s worst but can you say why? I mean the rest of your post was pretty much not related to the topic and didn`t have any bearing on the point i was making and i didn`t see any point that you were trying to make. Maybe you just discovered how to find things out with a computer and wanted to show off or something. Or again maybe you just thought you would try and put me down and make yourself feel superior. Osama Bin Laden(not bib) has the right to travel (i believe the American government would arrange him a jet to travel wherever he wanted to go) and the Queen has no more or less right to travel the globe. How exactly is that stupid? You might not agree with my view but how is it stupid?

The Queen has no more right to be in England than Osama Bin Laden for the very reason that was stated by mr history on page 5 i think it was. You see people are born and are born free. This may of course be debated but it is my belief that people are free to travel and live wherever they please as long as they are not invading/killing etc and other morally suspect behaviour (this again is of course open to debate but there ya go).

You do realize that you completely contradicted yourself there, right?

I didn`t contradict myself but please tell me how you felt i did?
yabastaMale02006-04-03 15:04:00
United KingdomU.S. Citizen not allowed in U.K.
Well firstly my point about the Royals was somewhat missed it seems, at least by some. An intelligent debate is easy to have if you don`t resort to comments like "there is no point in try for an intelligent debate"(or words to that effect before you tell me those were not your words).

The Queen has no more right to be in England than Osama Bin Laden for the very reason that was stated by mr history on page 5 i think it was. You see people are born and are born free. This may of course be debated but it is my belief that people are free to travel and live wherever they please as long as they are not invading/killing etc and other morally suspect behaviour (this again is of course open to debate but there ya go).

It is funny how people will put my opinions down but they will not actually debate my points. People have just said ridiculous etc without even attempting to debate my points. Sure people have argued that the Queen is British and this and that but they have not reached the point i was making which tells me that they never really understood or never really listened/read my point.

You see i would have thought my view would be appreciated on an immigration website but it seems i was wrong on that score.

You are many and i am one man so i will have to reply lots in order to cover all poitns individually. I am sure a lot of you responders have no inclination to read what i have to say as so far there has been rudeness and intolerance towards me on this thread.

so i shall now respond to some repsonses individually. This might be brick wall meet head but worth a try.

I wrote out a long reply, but after reading this post above...I thought it best to refrain.

I got slagged of for saying the same thing!

One of my favourite Board games from many years ago is Britannia. Amusingly some German friends were really into it and we always played when I was over there.

Anyway, it covers the period between the Roman Invasion and the Norman Invasion, and whilst not 100% accurate, certainly for the historically challenged it might be an eye opener to Britain's rather complicated past.

You did not get slagged off for saying the same thing. You did not get "slagged off" even. You showed me zero respect and did not debate me on any of my points. "bollocks" is not an argument. If you had or have somethign to say then say it but don`t just try to belittle me to make yourself feel superior because trust me that kind of comment makes you look spiteful and little else.
yabastaMale02006-04-03 14:55:00
United KingdomU.S. Citizen not allowed in U.K.
For the record i didn`t slag off a whole country or even part of a country. I made a reference to the royal family being German to point out the fact that British immigration is not really in the position to discriminate against people based on their origins. The royal family have no more right to be here in England than Osama Bin Laden does. My point is not that the German royal family are "bad" because they are German(they are bad for a range of other reasons but not their geography but that is beside the point) i was simply pointing it out as something relevant to immigration. Rights etc are odd don`t you think? Why does being born in England give you more right to be in England? That is ridiculous.
yabastaMale02006-04-02 09:03:00
United KingdomU.S. Citizen not allowed in U.K.

I was going to write a long winded reply, but as the above is all such complete bo**ocks, I really can not be bothered.

Well since you have nothing of note to say then why reply? Just to be hateful again? Your lack of a response pretty much tells me that you have nothing to say to that "bollocks" and therefore you have no way to really prove your viewpoint. I guess that makes you full of ######. How about telling people why you think my views and experiences are bollocks? Do you actually just say bollocks to all things you disagree with or do you ever offer an argument? Try showing some bollocks yourself(not literally you understand) and sound off like you got a pair.

You can`t be bothered translates to "you have nothing intelligent to say".

Have a nice day. :thumbs:
yabastaMale02006-04-02 04:19:00
United KingdomU.S. Citizen not allowed in U.K.
Well i can say that having a fiance refused entry based on nothing more than an immigration officer at Gatwick`s "feeling" is really ###### shitty and the attitude soem of you have makes me ashamed to be human nevermind being white or anything else.

That ticket cost me over £500 which is about 3 weeks wages on my current agency work(which i do while i wait on my visa). Not only can i not afford to pay that kind of money for flights but to then not see my love is simply not acceptable.

People in this thread have been saying they were right to check you out and detain you and stop you? Well who gave them the right? Was it the german queen? Or perhaps it was the prime minister who puts u.k. citizens at risk everyday by making children in place like Iraq and Afghanistan into angry orphans.

There should be no borders as borders are divisive. When people can not be with their loved ones they get angry. I don`t think an immigration official should tell me where i can go.

I looked into my legal side through a friend of a friend who is a barrister. She said that you don`t have right to appeal or anything because the visa waiver is exactly what it says. You sign it and waive your right to appeal any decision.

Finally i will state that naturally immigration is racist and of course it operates on stereotypes. I am sure that anybody given a job where they simply decide who to let in is going to be biased in some way. It is sadly a racist intolerent and poorly educated world and the lest tolerant and least educated seem to be in power.

oh p.s.
Those who say hey i was stopped and i am white totally miss the point i think. It is not just about skin colour. You might have had a rucksack for example. I guarantee that next time i go through gatwick i get picked for a random spot check. I do everytime so far i think. I am not black but i am young and i don`t wear a suit and i probably look like a terrorist to a small minded immigration official.
yabastaMale02006-04-01 18:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)ds3032 agent selected
ahh thank you yamsam

thank you both
yabastaMale02006-01-30 17:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)ds3032 agent selected
You as agent didn`t get any paperwork after approval? You mean approval at the NVC? I am confused sorry.
yabastaMale02006-01-30 12:58:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)ds3032 agent selected
I have 2 questions hopefully somebody can answer for me.

First question is:

1. If i select the petitioner(US) as the agent does this mean i won`t get anything at all mailed to me? Or is there still some mail sent to me?

second question:

2. How long after sending off out AOS bill and DS3032 should we expect the next mail?

I am just curious and impatient really.

Thanks for any help you might be able to offer.
yabastaMale02006-01-30 12:47:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Interview Update..... YAAAAAAAAAAYY!!!!
well done and congratulations.
yabastaMale02006-02-13 17:35:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Mial time from CSC to NVC
It took us ages to get to the NVC i forget how long but it was longer than it should have been.
yabastaMale02006-02-07 11:17:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)so now what?
I hope not but we have yet to get our 230.
yabastaMale02006-02-20 17:35:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)so now what?
yeah i am trying t find out the dates. I got a bit slack there.

thanks for reminding me.
yabastaMale02006-02-20 10:01:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)so now what?

we got our bill aparently. Any idea how long before we get the 230? I am going to try and get it done and mailed to my usc wife asap either way. Just wondered how much longer we would be at nvc.
yabastaMale02006-02-15 12:54:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)so now what?
I know i should know all this but i wanted to check and double check.

We just got our 864.

So is it send back 864
get immigration bill
then get 230 form then embassy?

Is that it unless they want more?
yabastaMale02006-02-13 17:53:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)um.. freaking out kinda
yeah relax honey.
yabastaMale02006-02-26 19:13:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)change of address for NVC and travel after filing DS230
thanks yet again. If i had an estate to leave in my will i would leave part of it to you.
yabastaMale02006-03-13 15:01:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)change of address for NVC and travel after filing DS230
two questions i have are:

1. i am moving and our case is at the NVC how do i change my address as the beneficiary? I mean i don`t know what mail comes to me if any now but my address has changed and i don`t want that to hold up the visa process as it goes slow enough as it is.

2. I filled out my DS230 where it asks for visits etc to the US. Well now i am hopign to go again. Presumably this is not applicable to the form i already filled out as it will be after the form date. But is it goign to cause alarm bells or problems at POE? Do they put me on file or something?
yabastaMale02006-03-11 14:47:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)CASE COMPLETE
Thanks all and yes miss wench feel free to add us.
yabastaMale02006-05-03 12:00:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)CASE COMPLETE
April 21st we got case complete. Sorry for the delay in letting you all know. Also sorry that i have not updated my dates very well lately. For those following cases to get an idea of their own likely timeline.

I am currently visitng my wife and hopefully going back to England for the final stage. Interview and medical. I just hope it is not too long now. I love being home but now all the mail will go to England i think. Well just letting you all know. We are not done yet but the end is in sight.
yabastaMale02006-05-02 13:57:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)WOO CASE COMPLETE!!!!!
o.k. so we both made the same thread and yes that was my fault.


thanks all.
yabastaMale02006-05-04 00:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHotels near the Medical Centre
so what is cheapest? ha

I also have no clue where the medical takes place as i am still not there.
yabastaMale02006-04-01 19:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRecieved Packet 3
good luck and congrats so far. I would have thought they would be legally obligated to do everythign they can to help you if you are disabled. From all i have read the embassy are very friendly. I sure do hope so.

Sorry i can`t help with your questions really as you are ahead of me but i would imagine that they will assume a blank form is the not the one to look at. Then again they might not be so smart. ha.

good luck anyway.
yabastaMale02006-04-01 18:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLONDON INTERVIEWS
Sorry did you say 4 to 6? I was getting depressed after reading like almost ayear on the timelines section. Is that out of date?

I sent my DS230 to my wife and it got lost it seems so the other day i sent it again. I think the whole error has put us a month behind but i wonder how long from sending that of fi can expect to get an interview?

Any ideas?

Also is it right to think the visa should be days after the interview rather than weeks or months?
yabastaMale02006-04-01 18:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Tomorrow and house sale Cancelled
the way house sales in England works is stupid. :thumbs:
yabastaMale02006-05-12 08:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Tomorrow and house sale Cancelled
You could maybe find one of those places that buys houses. They might not pay much though. Just a thought. Good luck.
yabastaMale02006-05-09 10:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical was ok

LOL :) No - they are only interested in your relationship being legitimate and seeing that you won't be a risk to the US people. Politics don't enter into it. Free country after all - you can dislike anyone all you want! Just be happy you won't be allowed to vote for awhile - with ALL the candidates this country has been turning out lately I only vote out of respect for those who fought so I have the right to do so!

Well not really free and actually if you are a member of the communist party you can not migrate to the U.S. but i would say best not to mention politics to the person who interviews you unless you are pro skull and bones or something. ;)
yabastaMale02006-05-12 01:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon Interview Date - YES!!!!
Just out of curiousity. Did they not give you an exact date?
yabastaMale02006-05-28 20:51:00