Asia: East and PacificAll Japan Filers
Good to see all these Japan filers in one place. I wish I had found this when we were sending our packet in. The good news is that things seem to move fast and the interview at the embassy is so easy and short. Takako's interview was about 5 minutes and she got the visa 2 days later. She spent less that 1 hour clearing immigration at her POE (Chicago) and everything has gone well. We were so happy to be together that we were a bit slack in preparing our AOS paperwprk. We got married on Saturday so we have time, but the sooner we file the sooner she can get work authorization.

My only problem is that when I was living in Japan I wasn't filing taxes. I'll need to clear this up a some stage but it's not a huge concern now.

Good luck to everyone and if you have questions,please ask.

Also, to the person was asking about the photo, I wouldn't stress too much. I doubt they will even notice. I don't think they do serious review unless any of the basic info raises a flag.
wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-12-13 00:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot my NOA1
I sent my I-129F from Japan in March and then left for Nepal. After a month of hiking, I have returned to Kathmandu to find an e-mail from my mom that we received our NOA1 on March 16. That was stress free. I won't get back to the US until early June and hopefully by then I'll be close to NOA2
wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-04-22 08:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS :p
I should be sending my I-129 this week so I guess I'll also be a March filer. I wish everyone here a speedy journey.
wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-03-05 04:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA 2 Hardcopy
I had the same problem as you and finally received my hard copy last week. I called the CSC and didn't give them a chance to give me any of their BS or to claim I lost it. I called and explained that I had a letter from the NVC stating my I-129 was approved and that I was also looking at a USCIS website that said I was still pending. When they started to talk I politely interupted and said that I need the NOA2 for the AOS process and could I speak to someone in charge to gett this problem corrected immediately. They said they would put in a request to fix the problem and have my copy sent out within 30 days. I received my NOA2 12 days later. I think if you come at them with all the info you have and you are firm and polite, you should get what you need. Good luck.
wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-07-09 10:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS!!!

Oh well. The automated line said there was no updates, and when I called again and used the prompt combination, the message said I had to be the applicant or an attorney etc. I couldn't have the info, so I just hung up. I'll get the OH to call when she gets home.

Thanks for the help.

Try calling the NVC direct, that's what I did. I just said that I was getting confusing info from CSC and I wanted to check if my case arrived yet. They asked me for my recipt #, Beneficiary's name and DOB. I never received an NOA2 and my case has already gone through NVC and is on it's way to the consulate. The number is 603-334-0700. Press 1 for Eng and 5 for a rep. I called around 8:45 EST and only waited about 10 minutes to speak to someone.
wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-06-20 10:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS!!!

Although I don't want to get my hopes up too much, because we filed at TSC (and then sent to CSC) on March 17th, I'm hoping we're going to hear something back very soon.

I am normally ok with waiting for things, but this is killing me! I almost died when we got our first touch, it was nice to know someone had looked at it!

Fingers crossed!

Check out my timeline, we have almost the same dates. Try calling VCS, they might already have your approved I-129. If you have read over this thread you can see that many of us were approved even though we never got our NOA2. Don't trust the info on the USCIS online tracking website. Good luck!
wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-06-20 09:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS!!!
Well after getting touched twice in early June and then nothing, I thought I better call someone like many here have suggested. I decided to just call the NVC and see if they had received my packet and they said that they already sent it on to Japan yesterday (June 18)!!! This is awsome. But...

Does anyone else find the incompetence at the Service Center level unacceptable? Of course I'm thrilled that I'm further along in the process than I thought, but why haven't I received an NOA2? I plan on documenting all the misinformation I got and passing it on to someone (who, I don't know yet). I hope everyone else is doing the same. Who knows, CSC may not even realize that they are having problems. BTW, those of you who had similar problems, did you eventually get your NOA2 in the mail? Do we really need the hardcopy for the interview or later stages?
wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-06-19 21:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS!!!
Wohoo!!! We finally got touched. Twice. Hopefully we will get or NOA2 this week while I'm still living in Japan with my SO. Good luck to everyone else.
wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-06-05 11:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterview time for MARCH filers


we are still waiting for the noa2 hardcopy. also waiting a notice from nvc that they received our case.

march filers, let's keep in touch....we are getting closer and closer. :dance:

and remember guys, keep praying :innocent:

goodluck to us :)

Whre is ous case??? :crying: Why it's not at NVC??? :crying: 17 days after approval already!!!!

Took mine 21 days. Have you gotten through to NVC at all? Around 7:30am or from 8pm to midnight Eastern time are the best times to call. Apparently NVC doesn't send the beneficiary nor the petitioner anything in the mail. The next correspondence you will get will be the Packet 3 from the consulate.

Actually, the NVC does send you a notice. I never received my NOA2 but I do have a letter from the NVC saying "...received an approved I-129F...This letter is to let you know that within a week the petition will be forwarded to the appropriate visa-issuing post where your visa interview will take place."

The letter also includes a new case number. I received my letter on June 18th and my fiancee received packet 3 on June 23. Thankfully for us, things seem to be moving along now.
wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-07-05 21:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 questions
[quote ='KarenCee'
1. I don't see how you could use bills that are NOT in both of your names as proof that you are living together. As for proof of meeting, that shouldn't be hard.

Thanks for the quick reply. The apartent lease isn't in my name, but we both receive bills at the address, our phone bills, city taxes and someother things. I would think statements from the city tax office would be sufficient if I have them translated. Has anyone done this before?
wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-02-18 19:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 questions
Hello, I'm new here and just starting the K-1 proccess and I had a couple questoins.

First, I think this site is great. I have been reading a lot of the posts and have learned a ton, but I still have a couple of questions. I would appreciate any help and advice.

My finacee and I are living together in Japan and have been for over two years, but both our names are not on the apartment lease. Will we be able to use bills with our name and address to prove we are living together? It seems like we should have an easy time with the proof of meeting in the last two years, but I'm not sure what they need.

Also,we are moving soon. She is going back home while waiting for the visa and I'm going to travel and then return to the US and wait for her. If we use our current address on the I-129F form, is there a place where we can include our future addresses?

Lastly, after sending the I-129F and all the other docs, what do I need to do? I will be in Nepal for 2 months and I'm hoping that my parents can receive the NOA and any other stuff that might happen. Any advice here?

wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-02-18 11:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of ongoing relationship
Thanks for the replys. I have a question about passport stamps. When making copies of passports, should I just copy the front page and all relevant pages or should I copy everything?
wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-02-25 09:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of ongoing relationship
Sorry to basically be asking the same question again, but I just want to clarify something I asked about a week ago.

I'm preparing to send in the I-129F packet and I have a couple questions about the proof of ongoing relationship. My fiancee and I are livning together in Japan, but only her name is on the lease. However, we each have official ID's (mine an alien registration card, hers a drivers licsence) with our address on it. I was going to include copies of these along with bills from the city tax office addressed to us. If I include this plus my passport stamps and working visa for Japan, our passport stamps for a visit to the US, passport stamps for our vacation last summer and photos of us together, is this enough? It sounds like good evidence to me but I just wanted advice ffrom people who have already been down this road.

Also, will I need to get the ID's and bills translated?

I really appreciate the help and hopefully in 6-8 months I'll be able to answer lots of questions for other newbies.

wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-02-24 05:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of meeting documents
Thanks for all the quick replys. I should have everything ready to go by this weekend (I hope).

wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-02-28 02:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of meeting documents
After already getting some great advice here, I'm almost ready to send in my I-129F packet. I'm still a little unclear on getting simple things translated like addresses and ID cards. Do I need a certificate from a certified translator or can I traslate this myself? I really only need to translate the address on mine and my fiancees ID cards and on bills that show us living at the same address. I called some translators in Tokyo and they have said there is no special certificate needed. Is this true? Anyone do this before?

What I have done so far is to copy the ID's and bills, highlighted the address and provided the Roma-ji script below it. Is that enough?

wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-02-27 09:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Payment From Abroad
I'm in the same situation in Japan and I plan on using a Postal Money Order. I think just about every country has Postal Money Orders. I use them all the time to pay bills back home and have never had a problem. I would be surprised if Switzerland didn't have a system.

Also, most banks don't realiy care if you have an account because you are giving them the cash and they usually just charge a small service fee.

Good luck!
wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-02-28 08:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere to file my I-129?
Sorry to reply to my own post and bump it, but this is the last question I have before filing my packet next week. If anyone has any thoughts on this, i would really appreciate it.
wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-03-02 23:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere to file my I-129?
OK, so I have checked the instructions and it says that if you are living abroad then you should use your last address in the US. What if you are moving home and want to use your future address? The reason I ask is because it could be a difference between filing with Nebraska or Vermont.

I lived in Ohio before I moved to Japan, so that would be Nebraska, which is really CSC. I'm moving home but don't have an address yet, so I can really pick any, right? I can stay with my parents in Cleveland (filing with NSC) while job and apartment hunting or I can stay with a friend in Boston (filing with VSC) while job and apartment hunting. These seems perfectly reasonable and legal to me. Is there anything wrong with this? Even if I'm not actually staying at the address in Boston? I honestly don't know where I'll live when I come home, probably wherever I can find a decent job.

wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-03-01 21:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVISA APPROVED
That's great news. Congratulations!
wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-03-01 09:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa in hand
Congratulations!!!!!!!!! Good luck on the rest of your journey.

wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-03-01 09:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F final checklist

I didnt sent his birth certificate and did ok, how about names and locations, date on back of the pictures

Yes, the pictures are all tied in with the primary evidence. For example, I refer to our matching entry/exit stamps from our vacation to Vietnam and then also reference photo 1 which is labeled "Halong Bay, Vietnam, August 2005" I figure the photos are stronger evidence if matched with primary evidence.

Thanks for the advice. I'm trying to be really careful because I'm going to Nepal in 2 weeks and will be gone for 2 months and unable to respond to any RFE's until late May.

wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-03-07 21:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F final checklist

Finally, I'm about ready to file my I-129F. Here is what I have, please let me know if I've missed anything.

-G-325A - 4 signed copies of each from me and my fiancee
-2" x 2" passport photos attached to the G-325A
-My birthcertificate
-Letters certifying intent to marry
-Letter signed by translator certifying the accuracy of the included Japanese documents
-additional attachment to question 18B - proof of having met in person in the last 2 years.
-Primary evidence: Passport stamps, boarding passes, ID and bills showing that we share an apartment

OK, now I have a couple questions. I'm paying by Money Order and there is an area for an address. I filled in the Pay to: Department of Homeland Security and left the address blank. Should I write in the address fot the NSC where I'm sending the packet or leave it blank? Also, when copying our passports to show exit/entry stamps, I didn't copy every page. My fiancees passport has 32 blank pages and it semed ridiculous to copy them. Do you think that will cause a problem.

I would appreciate any last minute tips if you have any.


I see you got everything ready... I would like to suggest that you add the beneficiary's birth certificate since in some cases they received RFE for it but if you don't have it and you're so ready to mail the package, maybe it's ok without it. I'm not sure about the money order though since we used personal check but maybe you can write NSC's address in that missing field? I'm sure others can give you more details about this one...

Good luck with your journey! :thumbs:

I was under the impression that they didn't need the beneficiary's birth certificate at this point. Can you actually get an RFE for that?
wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-03-07 02:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F final checklist

Did you include a cover letter? Also, if you have attached an additional page in answer to question 18B, make sure you've signed and dated it.

Finally, I'm about ready to file my I-129F. Here is what I have, please let me know if I've missed anything.

-G-325A - 4 signed copies of each from me and my fiancee
-2" x 2" passport photos attached to the G-325A
-My birthcertificate
-Letters certifying intent to marry
-Letter signed by translator certifying the accuracy of the included Japanese documents
-additional attachment to question 18B - proof of having met in person in the last 2 years.
-Primary evidence: Passport stamps, boarding passes, ID and bills showing that we share an apartment

OK, now I have a couple questions. I'm paying by Money Order and there is an area for an address. I filled in the Pay to: Department of Homeland Security and left the address blank. Should I write in the address fot the NSC where I'm sending the packet or leave it blank? Also, when copying our passports to show exit/entry stamps, I didn't copy every page. My fiancees passport has 32 blank pages and it semed ridiculous to copy them. Do you think that will cause a problem.

I would appreciate any last minute tips if you have any.


Thanks. I have the cover letter and signed 18B but didn't date it. Thanks for the tip.
wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-03-07 02:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F final checklist
Finally, I'm about ready to file my I-129F. Here is what I have, please let me know if I've missed anything.

-G-325A - 4 signed copies of each from me and my fiancee
-2" x 2" passport photos attached to the G-325A
-My birthcertificate
-Letters certifying intent to marry
-Letter signed by translator certifying the accuracy of the included Japanese documents
-additional attachment to question 18B - proof of having met in person in the last 2 years.
-Primary evidence: Passport stamps, boarding passes, ID and bills showing that we share an apartment

OK, now I have a couple questions. I'm paying by Money Order and there is an area for an address. I filled in the Pay to: Department of Homeland Security and left the address blank. Should I write in the address fot the NSC where I'm sending the packet or leave it blank? Also, when copying our passports to show exit/entry stamps, I didn't copy every page. My fiancees passport has 32 blank pages and it semed ridiculous to copy them. Do you think that will cause a problem.

I would appreciate any last minute tips if you have any.

wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-03-07 02:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed a dvice please
First, I agree with what everyone has said, you need to end this K-1 process and move on.

second and more importantly, you deserve better. You mentioned that you have a disability. I don't know what it is and I won't assume but I know that many people due to age, disability, previous divorces and many other reasons sometimes feel that they need to settle for a woman like this. No way. Don't ever settle for someone who won't treat you with the same respect you show them. The only thing worse than what you are feeling now is to share your life and home with someone and still feel alone, isolated and trapped in the relationship. Be strong, use your support network and you will get through this.

Good luck.

wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-03-07 00:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill a 3/4 frontal view photo be excepted?

Passport Pictures - just like the Guides say.

Trust it Luke... use the Guides...

Thanks, master. I did as you said. I guess we'll keep the 3/4 photos as a suveneir of this exciting process.
wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-03-09 02:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill a 3/4 frontal view photo be excepted?

Thanks for the quick replys. I think when I send my fee for the K-1, I'll send them $150 with a note explaining we took of $20 to pay for the second set of photos we had to take because of their ####### instructions.

Only need 1 photo from Beneficiary, and 1 from Petitioner. I see what you mean by bad instructions in the I-129F form, first says full-frontal then 3/4 is mentioned.

You could submit the petition as is and see if you get an RFE, keep in mind all other photos need to be full frontal ones.

In my case My fiancee gave me a picture that was 1.5"x2" and it was accepted with our petition. I take my own picture and print them out for the process, cost to me was about 50 cents a pic.

well, i don't relly want to chance an RFE, especially if others have used the full-frontal. Maybe I'll submit both.
wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-03-04 00:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill a 3/4 frontal view photo be excepted?
Thanks for the quick replys. I think when I send my fee for the K-1, I'll send them $150 with a note explaining we took of $20 to pay for the second set of photos we had to take because of their ####### instructions.
wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-03-03 23:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill a 3/4 frontal view photo be excepted?
We got our photos taken last week based on the confusing directions from 8B of the I-129F packet. It states the photo should be"...full frontal view facial 3/4 frontal view" #######???

We took the photo with the 3/4 frontal view, with our right ear showing. This morning I did a search on this site and found an old post that said the 3/4 view thing is from 2004 but is still on the form. Withou getting into the obvious of why they haven't changed the form, I'm wondering if our photos will be accepted or should we get them redone? Has anyone else sent the 3/4 photos.

wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-03-03 23:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need to be in the US to begin the K-1 Visa Petition?
I just filed this week and I'm living in Japan. I just used my parents address because I'm moving from here in 2 weeks and will be homeless until June (Well, traveling with no permanent addy) As I will be between jobs, I will have my dad co-sponser the I-134 and everything should be fine. The instructions state that if you file from abroad you should use your last US address to determinte which Service Center to file with. Good luck!

wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-03-09 21:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUg... is this really going to take 7 months??

You understand quite well Gigo. It appears that reading is no longer tought in USA schools.

Maybe I don't understand this all but it seem the question like this get asked 10 times day

I think it's just you that can't read. If you had read the OP's post, you would see that they were Canadian (so what they teach in US schools is irrelevent) and that they had checked the timeline at VSC. I'll never understand why people would waste their time to post on a forum when they have nothing to contribute. You must be really bored.

Welcome OP, and good luck. Another way to get a feel for how long it will take is to read other posts that mention VSC and to check out the Canada forum. I have learned a load on here just from browsing other posts.

wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-03-12 00:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Sent!!!
Good luck!!! I would also still be sitting here scratching my head if I hadn't found this site. I sent my I-129F this week, too.

wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-03-12 19:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOut of the Blue Update

All the look in the world to you. Leaving your home is a HUGE step, maybe she really needs to be sure that you will always be there for her. Anyway, good luck. I was sad to read your post last week and I'm happy to see this one.

wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-03-13 05:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBad News I-129 Watch the Dates

Don't worry, I think you just misunderstood the info. The current version is dated 11/24/06 and is now being accepted. the old version was dated 5/23/06 and was also being accepted until 2/18/07. It looks like they had a grace peroid where both editions were accepted, but that has passed. Check this link for the latest info:

Good luck,
wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-03-14 09:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion 11 on I-129F
Does he still communicate with his ex? Can he get the info?

If it's immpossible he could ty to just fill in her name and make an additional note describing that he doesn't have the requested info. Of course, I'm not a lawyer, so you should probably wait for a response from someone who can answer or consult a lawyer.

I would try to contact the ex, though. Iy seems like the eassiest solution.

wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-03-15 03:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPutting lot of yellow post-its?
I used a seperate page to answer 18B. I wrote a short explanation about how we meet and then listed the evedince in clear numbered points.

1. See the following pages for copies of bills, ID cards....showing that we are living at the same address. (I highlighted all relevent info)

2. Passports - Please see the following passport entrance/exit stamps.... (again, I highlighted the relevent stamps)

3. See the attached photos with dates and locations on the back.

I don't really think it matters how you do it, as long as you have all the info asked for and it's organized neatly.

wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-03-09 00:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat happened to the XXmonthXX filers threads?
Thanks. Now I can stop worrying that my file got lost. Looks like everybody goes months without a touch.
wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-05-25 10:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat happened to the XXmonthXX filers threads?
i filed in march and then went traveling for 2 months. i'm back now and looking for the "march filers" thread and i can't fnd it. in fact, i can't find any of the XXXX filer threads. have they been moved? as i recall, these were a good way to see what was happening to other people who filed at about the same time. did i dream this? please help.
wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-05-25 04:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestion about "proof oh having met within 2 years"
There are lots of ways to organize and answer question 18. First I wrote a short paragraph explainging our relationship. I just explained how we met, when we moved in together and where we traveled together. Below that I put three sections and explained the evidence in each. Mine were 1.) Proof of living together - this including copies of ID's and bills witht the same address 2.) Passports - This established that we traveled on the same dates and that I had a valid Japanese visa for the time I claimed we were together. 3.) additional items - I included my work contract, travel itineraries and pictures. The last picture I added was of the two of us holding our completed I-129F.

There is no right or wrong way to address this question as long as you include primary evidence in an easy to follow form.
wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-07-05 23:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 for dual national(not currently living in the US)
I can answer a couple of your questions as I am also living overseas and filed two months ago. If you read the instructions for the I-129F form, it states that if you are living outside the US then you should file with the service center that covers your last address where you lived in the US. Before I moved to Japan I was in Ohio so I filed with the Nebraska Service Center (even though NSC and TSC are all being forwarded to California you should still file where they tell you to) It's also fine to use a relatives address in the US but I don't think it's too difficult to change once you have moved and settled somewhere.

About the income, you can get a co-sponser if you know someone who would be willing to sponser you on the I-134 (I think) This eliminates your gap when you move. But if you have money in the bank, a new job and tax returns, it shouldn't be a problem.

Good luck and read all the info here, it helps a lot. Before I found this site I was ready to give up and just stay in Japan.
wildllamaNot TellingJapan2007-05-31 10:57:00