Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)ugh 221g
Its not difficult to comply with. i already have the list.
im submitting the info for it tomorrow.

my questions are related to WHY they asked for this.
my suspicion of it being a stalling tactic
is this representative of a bigger problem.......possibly leading to more troubles.
They gave me no timeline of when i will hear from them.
so i have no goal date of when the step will be completed.

i was hoping to find people that had similar happen to them so i would know if this is something serious or just minor. i really dont know what to make of it

ManuNSamMaleIndia2007-01-15 13:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)ugh 221g
Please anyone who has had a 221g respond to me with thier experience.
my husband received 221g requesting a list of wedding attendees

ManuNSamMaleIndia2007-01-13 12:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)ugh 221g
you understand exactly.
your question is my question exactly
i kind of feel like there was something that they needed/wanted to checkout, maybe verifying a document or something. instead of just saying they would get back to us on it they gave us busy work.

we do have to provide with the list of names and a copy of thier voters card or ration card. so we cant just make the list up. or i guess we cant make it up without thier permission .......

anyways we have plently of people to list.
but this just feels like a stupid step!
i dont know why this happened

ManuNSamMaleIndia2007-01-12 07:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)ugh 221g

so upset. husband just got out of interview and got a 221g
on the paper it requests a lsit of 30 wedding attendees
and what makes me more angry is that is says "guests NOT related to you or petitioner"

well - who do they think came to the wedding!
nearly all peoples are related to us
so what counts? aunts uncles etc.
however - you know how it is - cousins of cousins and uncles of uncles come
where do we draw the line?

If we submit this does this mean most likely we will be approved? Is this a tactic thats used simply to stall things so they investigate more? im not quite sure what to think of this. has anyone else ever received this?

i really dont get it. we had a court marriage and then did a ceremony at a temple for our own memories. they are requiring us to give the list based on the cememony - the one that had NO LEGAL SIGNIFICANCE.

does anyone know how long it takes for this to clear if after we submit the list? is this a quick thing or is this gonna be a few more months!

ManuNSamMaleIndia2007-01-12 01:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Passports - how long does the embassy keep it?
No sorry if i didnt explain better
my husband went to the interview and got a 221g
we had to gather more documents for them and submit them with his passport to the embassy (not another interview - we only dropped them at the embassy)

please only those with knowledge or experience of a 221g respond.
i really am looking for those who experienced it or had a friend experience it
i dont really need anyones best guesses (although i appreciate the support)

ManuNSamMaleIndia2007-01-21 17:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Passports - how long does the embassy keep it?
We got a 221g, and submited the additional info the embassy requested.
we had to submit my husbands passport with it
just wondering how long it will be before we hear back from them.
if they take longer than a month, do they keep the passport the whole time?

for those of you who have been waiting a long time to hear, does the embassy keep the passport?


Edited by ManuNSam, 21 January 2007 - 01:01 PM.

ManuNSamMaleIndia2007-01-21 12:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)POLL - How long have you been in 221g / administrative processing?

my husband got a 221g so we are now stuck in this step.

Im curious how long others who got the 221g were stuck in the process?
for those still under processing-how long you have been in the process?

ManuNSamMaleIndia2007-01-22 12:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)adm Processing
i am currently in admin proc in delhi.
what have the 221g papers stated? i assume there was some additional information required to submit the embassy.

my husband went for his interview jan 12th. we also got a 221g and they requested a list of nonrelative wedding guests. we submitted that and now we got another 221g that requests phone numbers of the list submitted. so in my case it appears they are questioning our marriage. i too am discouraged. i waited for 5 weeks after we originally submitted the list of wedding guests, only to find out they wanted the phone numbers. seems to me if they had thier ####### together they could have asked this the first time.

im sad to hear this has been going on 9 months for you.
can you call someone at the embassy? do they have a general info line? better yet, does chennai have a window you can go to for general questions (they have this in delhi). i call at least once a week and get a case update over the phone.

i cant imagine going through this for 9 months.
are you living with your spouse or are you separated?
ManuNSamMaleIndia2007-02-27 20:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Entered Legally or Illegally?
i would consult with a lawyer
it sounds a but tricky
the first steps you take will be important

does this guy have a legal job?
ManuNSamMaleIndia2007-03-11 20:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)APPROVED! OUT OF ADMIN PROCESSING!

Im so happy..........we jsut got approved!
finally - life can go on!
i just wanted to share my joy with everyone!

we had our interview in jan, got 221g
we submitted additional papers, but got another 221g in Feb
We submitted more papers - inlcuidng letters of support of our marriage, and today we found out its approved!!!!!! visa is in route via courier.

im so estatic.......
for all those having a 221g ......... hang in there
our AP was only for 2 months, i know others have gone longer.
but there really is an end.

ManuNSamMaleIndia2007-03-12 12:12:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Anyone get a 2nd request for more info after interview?
my husbands interview was jan 12, he left with 221g that requested a list of wedding guests and identification.
we submitted that and yesterday i called embassy for update. they said a 2nd letter has gone out requesting additonal wedding guest information.

has anyone gotten a 2nd letter requesting information after thier interview?
this seems to be a big red flag.
now im really worried that they seem to be questioning our ceremony.

im totally weirded out by all of this.
we have been engaged since july 2005 and got married oct 2006.
i even lived with him from may 2006-dec 2006 (returned to us for holidays with family)

even stranger.....we had a court marriage for the legal purposes and then had the ceremony 2 days later. so the ceremony they are questioning is the one that has no legal value only family value.

I appreciate any opinions or helpful info.

ManuNSamMaleIndia2007-02-15 12:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)how to sign 864 - for a sponsor and a household member?
got it..... its the i864a that they want.
ManuNSamMaleIndia2013-01-03 08:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)how to sign 864 - for a sponsor and a household member?
We FINALLY got a 221g letter (8 weeks after interview!) for my father in laws visa.

so weird .... the 221g states they need the originally signed form I-864 signed by the sponsor and wife as a household member.

this is my husbands dad - so he is the sponsor - and he is the person who signed the i-864 form.

I looked at the 864 again, there is only one spot at the end to sign the form. you cannot sign it as a household member. you can only sign as a sponsor.

what am i missing???

also just want to note, i did my mother in laws papers at the exact same time as dads. her papers were completed exactly the same and there was no question..............

Edited by ManuNSam, 03 January 2013 - 07:36 AM.

ManuNSamMaleIndia2013-01-03 07:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusvisa denied 01-16
theres a difference in coaching and practicing
i would go over questions that she is going to get asked
it would make the spouse more comfortable to know what to expect

coaching would be more like telling them to answer a specific way
like in an attempt to hide facts or an attempt to make things appear a certain way.
ManuNSamMaleIndia2007-01-31 22:33:00
Asia: SouthDid you change your religion for your Desi SO?
Me and my husband are also different religions.
im christian hes sikh. we kept our own religions.
In fact being different is part of what brought us together believe it or not.

my curiousity about his religion caused many questions and discussions and a few requests for trips to temples. Since i never thought i would be returning to india (i was there on a short term assignment when i met him) i thought i had nothing to loose by asking him ANYTHING.

However i do have to say that it has been not so accepting by my friends at home - especially from church. i dont really see those guys anymore. my parents and relatives are fine with it though - thank goodness.

i am a practicing christian - in fact i had been fairly involved in missions before i got engaged.
my husband is also a practicing sikh - he does do his prayers each day and follows all traditional practices........however he doesnt have a turban or a beard.

if anything i feel that having my husband in my life has made me a stronger christian. being in india and being with my husband has made me review everything i know as religion. and i have learned so much about his. i feel even more defined in my beliefs and realized some things i think are ridiculous.

i also dont think that other couples have had nearly as many conversations about religion as we have had with each other. so to all my friends from church that gave me woes when i first got engaged - i knew i had shared more with my man than they had with thiers. i doubt any of them ahve even questioned thier religion - they just go to chruch every week and feel good.

im really interested in hearing others chat about thier thoughts and feelings on this topic.
to even go futher with this topic, id like to add to the question how your friends and family responded to your union iwht someone of a different religion, is there anything you relearned about your religion or changed your mind about, and what plans do you have when you have children

ManuNSamMaleIndia1/14/2007 18:33
Asia: SouthMarriage Certificate for Indians
marriage certificate, photos of wedding, photos of trips, bills, phone call history, passport stamps showing trips and visits .......anything i had to show.

be sure to register your marriage and use that certificate for the visa purposes.
ManuNSamMaleIndia2/19/2007 22:55
Asia: SouthI am so afraid - Nepali fiance's family creating big problems!

I just saw this topic (didnt see it until today).
I feel for you and i am sad to hear that you are dealing with this.

Although my husbands mom loves me, his aunt however doesnt.
his aunt has caused us great problems over the year
she says that she had a wife selected for him
and that before agreeing to marry me he should have consulted her
reality is that she just thinks she is so important in the family that all big decisions should be run by her!

his aunt called him at work 10 times a day
she also called me 10 times a day and said the only english word she snows (rhymes with witch)
when he stopped taking her calls she would come to his office
when his co-workers started telling her he was at meetings - she would sit for hours and wait
after that, she got the hint but she started damaging his car.
she used bricks to put dents all over and break all the lights
then she used the glass from the broken lights and totalled the inside of his car
then he parked his car at a secured (pay for parking) lot

she has also made threats on his life, his moms life and even mine
she threatens to call the police on him and make up anything simply so he will have a police record (she knew he would need a police certificate for immigration). she threatens to burn down the house. call the embassy and tell them hes married to someone else........

we have to keep all the steps a secret from her.
couldnt even invite her or anyone else from that side of the family to the wedding.
its been a royal pain.
we cant even tell anyone other than his mom when he plans to leave!

however - in reading your post i think you have come to the right conclusions for your situation
getting a bank security box is a good idea.
however - what will you do with the mail that comes to the house showing its from the us embassy? the correspondance is importnat. and you cant always get the info you need over the phone or email with the embassy. they are not the easiest to reach! youll need the papers that are mailed.

you also might want to prepare for the things i mentioned about his aunt.
in india its very easy to make a story up about anyone, pay the cop a few bucks, and then it goes down on permanent recrod. this was our biggest fear. so - just keep in mind thats something that she COULD do to cause problems.
also calling the embassy and saying anything (its a sham, hes already married.......) would cause problems.

i hope you make it through. it was tough for us. it was an everyday ordeal for us to deal with. now she SEEMS to have lost steam and has left us alone - but we never know when shes going to come back and what shes going to do. we are almost done thank goodness!

BTW - i got called Pape after we got married. i think this means eldest sister in law (punjabi). but his cousins also called me that. his mom called my Bahoo (spelling?) for a month after we got married.

and one time i got in a fight with his mom. i learned Pagal Mahilla (Crazy lady)
and while trying to teach my husband to pick up his things (hes used to having the maid) I learned to call him Jangli Janvar (wild animal)

i also learned Chello Pie!
I heard my husband use it in the car one day
It means Move People
Whenever I used it for some reason people would roar with laughter
especially if you say it with force (not chello pie but CHELLO PIIIIEEEE!!!!!)

thats about the extent of my language.
i think i learned a few other things but cant think of anything at the moment!

ManuNSamMaleIndia1/10/2007 12:55

i didnt go through mumbai and i also applied via DCF
however, on the mumbai website they have the packet available for download.
you might want to ask one of the other guys if the packet online is the same one you get in the mail.

if you search one of the other india threads youll find Raj. he just went through mumbai and would beable to tell you.

try this one
ManuNSamMaleIndia2/4/2007 19:20
Asia: Southanyone received visa from Delhi consulate??

my husband had his interview at delhi on jan 12th
he said that they were cordial
he didnt feel uncomfortable
normal questions ........ nothing tricky or unexpected
how did oyu meet your wife
whats her parents names
where do you plan to live
how old is she

we didnt get the visa yet
we received a 221g at the window
this is what you get when you are missing something
believe me - we werent missing anything
we have been together for over a year, had tons of phone calls, travels with passport stamps, photos, etc
i lived in his house from may-dec - passport shows my stay.

but the counselor said he needed to look through the papers more
so he gave us a 221g
on the 221g he requested a list of persons not related to us at the wedding (30)
so we had to collect that, along with thier voters id card.
we submitted that exactly 2 weeks ago today.
still waiting......any day now we should hear.

my husband said about 4 people went before him and they got the same paper he did. he doesnt know what they were missing or requested to submit.

I wouldnt be worried about the actual interview.
maybe practice questions to make your spouse comfortable with experiencing answering questions

one thing tho - on the papers and on the ewbsite it says you are not allowed to be at the interview. However the interviewer asked my husband if i was there with him. I wish i would have been! so if i were you i would go call the embassy and ask about it. if you are allowed to go then go. i would even go and just sit out side and wait. so if the counselor asks if you are there your jsut outside and can come inside immediately.

i wish you luck.
ManuNSamMaleIndia1/31/2007 22:13
Asia: Southlooking for countries allowing entry for Indian citizens
champi: thanks that is exactly what i was looking for!
ManuNSamMaleIndia7/16/2009 11:41
Asia: Southlooking for countries allowing entry for Indian citizens

yes my son is half indian - but you dont get immunity from DNA!
ManuNSamMaleIndia7/16/2009 11:11
Asia: Southlooking for countries allowing entry for Indian citizens

my mother-in-laws visitors visa to the US was denied. No big surprise there. (she is just a housewife and has no ties to prove return).

but we need to see her soon, she hasnt gotten to meet her grandson (our son) yet.

we are considering going to india, but i have concerns over him being so young and not having immunity to things he will be exposed to.

so..... i was considering meeting her somehwere for a vacation.
I know that we could get her a visa for thailand or singapore.
but i was hoping NOT to go tooo far, and maybe something in the carribean.

does anyone know any countries that give visas to indian citizens fairly easily?
i know i can look up each country - but i thought i would pick the VJ brain first for ideas.

ManuNSamMaleIndia7/14/2009 10:24
you dont have kids do you?

ManuNSamMaleIndia7/18/2009 22:52
we are thinking that maybe we will go straight to punjab after landing in delhi.
its a cleaner area, has less people, and really is where most of the family is anyways.

for those of you that thought i was a little over-worried.
you have to understand that while i was living/working in india I was working for the national polio program. i really got to know all of indias health issues.

how did you bath your child? did you use the purified water?
i know that seems overboard, but my kid drinks water while bathing.
not literally drink - but when running water over his head(for hair rinsing) he opens his mouth and water gets in.

can you think of any other issues you had while there?
any ideas/help is appreciated! I would like to prepare all i can.
ManuNSamMaleIndia7/15/2009 9:56

my mother-in-laws visitors visa to the US was denied. No big surprise there. (she is just a housewife and has no ties to prove return).

so we are considering visiting india so she can meet her grandson. (our son)
hes 10 months old now. an so worried about taking him there.
there are so many things he will be exposed to there (meaning diseases) that he has does not have immunity for yet.

Im wondering - how did others deal with this?
how old were your children before you took them to india the first time?

ManuNSamMaleIndia7/14/2009 10:14
Asia: East and Pacific221g
i think the pic of you guys when you were kids might have hurt you
it could "Appear" that you have an "Arrangement" as friends

i would agree with the previous post that writing a letter explaining everything would be good. Not only is it clarification, but it shows written words from the petitioner.

but who knows what is in the mind of the visa officers.
i lived with my husband for 7 months and we still got a 221g
we are still waiting........

ManuNSamMaleIndia2007-03-09 19:54:00
Asia: East and Pacific221g
what kind of relationship evidence did you have for proof?
ManuNSamMaleIndia2007-03-08 22:30:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdomicile - how stringent?
No i dont think it will be
there is a whole list inside the form that gives examples of what you can show.
i am facing the same thing right now and i also had to research this.

do you have any property? (house car.....)
bank accounts in the US iwht us address
bills in the US (school loans, life insurance....) iwht us address
credit cards iwht us address
do you have a copy of a plane ticket purchased to go home?
i know you dont want to buy this until you know he has the visa..........i also felt the same. but i went ahead and bought it since i knew it would help. If you ahve to change it to a later date then you just pay the extra fee for my mind it was worth it.

they are also more strict in some cases than you never know!

the wortst case i read was that someone was denied for the domicile reason. so the petitioner went home to us and then the applicant went back to embassy 1 month later, showed domicile, and it was done.

so even if you get have to just show domicile to get approved. you dont have to start the whole thing over.

ManuNSamMaleIndia2006-12-04 06:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3 for Mumbai Consulate! Please Advise
im not mumbai or k3 but looking on the web i found this
ManuNSamMaleIndia2006-10-06 06:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIndia Police Certificate
For all those searching for how to get police clearance certificates in delhi (other than from passport office)

you dont go to the district police office - although you need clearance from the district police office.

you have to go to the Deputy Commisioner of Police for your District
Take iwht you the documentation from the embassy that you need a police clearance certificate for immigration, a copy of your passport, and proof of residence.

The paper you complete with them, goes to the district police office.
then the district police officer comes to your neighborhood/house, does his routine, and then sends the form back to the Deputy Commisioner.

then you go pick it up
we havent gotten ours back yet - but they told us a week.

In order to know we were supposed to go to the Deputy Commissioner, we had to call my husbands AUnt that lives in Canada. She used to be a police officer here in India, so she called her friend here which she used to work with, who in turn called another friend. I dont know how other people in the past have figured this out.

ManuNSamMaleIndia2006-12-03 23:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVERY IMPORTANT Note about Document Submission
ok - can yu guys confirm if i finally GOT IT

I got this packet at the window when filing I-130
i send these few papers over to VFS
then after this they send me an interview date with a list of more items to send
then - my husband gets the medical etc and we go and send the rest of the papers via VFS as well, this has to be done 10-15 days before the interview

is this right?!
ManuNSamMaleIndia2006-11-29 12:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVERY IMPORTANT Note about Document Submission
i am confused

for the packet of papers we drop at the VFS office - dont we submit everything?

I just completed I130 nov 17 and they gave me packet 3 at the window
I have completed it, and attached all documents (EVERYTHING!)
but my husband doesnt have the medical yet (we dont have packet 4 yet)
we are going to go and drop these at the vfs office.

so.......arent i supposed to submit this NOW?

ManuNSamMaleIndia2006-11-28 05:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioncalling everyone going through new delhi,chennai ,mumbai,consulate.
his interview is the 12th
i guess the embassy just ignored my emails until they scheduled it. because out of the blue i got a response via email

do you have your case # ?
i wouldnt be surprosed if your interview is also in jan
check the list when its posted

im so excited.
while i loved india, im ready to go home. i have been here since may.

i want burger kind value meal #1 please

ManuNSamMaleIndia2006-12-12 15:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioncalling everyone going through new delhi,chennai ,mumbai,consulate.
I am so excited - we just got the interview date for my husband!!!! YIPPEE!

Since we did DCF we are ir1/cr1

What does this mean as far as when my husband will beable to start working after coming to the US?
after his interview.....what are the next steps. We actually have to start planning the next steps! WAHOO

thanks to all of you
ManuNSamMaleIndia2006-12-11 07:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDelhi Interview Date
i would not expect packet 4 by christmas!
they arent going to make the next schedule until mid january.
thats when you should get packet 4 - thats when they schedule you.

however it doesnt hurt to stay on top of them!
ManuNSamMaleIndia2006-12-20 17:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDelhi Interview Date

i did DCF so im not sure i know the exact answer for you.
we got packet 3 at the window when I filed hte petition.
we returned it a few weeks later, NOT BY MAIL but by the VFS office.
if i understand - all visas have to use the VFS office. the embassy doesnt accept things to be mailed in using the real mail system. so you might want to chck on that if she used the real mail submission and not vfs.

also - no matter when yo usubmit it i think that they do the letters all at once. near the middle of hte month they get ready to make the interview schedule for the next they make the lsit, check it twice, then make the interview dates and send out the letters.

we just got our notice of interview date for mid january and we got the letter in the mail (packet 4). if you havent gotten yours yet i would say that you might be going on the february interview list.

i would be checking that you submitted packet 3 correctly.

and bug the embassy - call and email them.
it takes a lot to get through on the phone and many emails until you get a response.....but you will get there if you keep going.

ManuNSamMaleIndia2006-12-15 11:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUGH Finished Interview - Got 221g
did you have this happen to you as well? ie experience?

we had submitted with our original application the marriage certificate and photos as well
in fact we had 2 certificates, 1 from the court (we did a court marriage) and then we did a temple ceremony for us and family and the temple gave us a certificate as well.
ManuNSamMaleIndia2007-01-14 11:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUGH Finished Interview - Got 221g

husband just got out of interview and got a 221g
on the 221 paper it requests a lsit of 30 wedding attendees

If we submit this does this mean most likely we will be approved?
Is this a tactic thats used simply to stall things so they investigate more?
im not quite sure what to think of this. has anyone else ever received this?

does anyone know how long it takes for this to clear if after we submit the list?
is this a quick thing or is this gonna be a few more months!

i would appreciate hearing from anyone who has experienced this
(i knows someone who did)

ManuNSamMaleIndia2007-01-13 22:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionpolice clearance from other country HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In India the police required to see the paper that the embassy listed the police certificate as a required document. SO once we showed them that they started the ball rolling.

you should beable to contact the embassy in japan or the poice in japan to get the police certificate. using fax im sure you can send them something to get things going.

i think that you shouldnt worry too much
go to the interview as scheduled like the others have reccomended here
the worst that could happen is you get the 221g
that just puts things on hold until you get the papers your missing
from there you can get the japanese police certificate, send it in to the embassy and pick things up from there. most likely you wont even have to go in for another interivew, just simply mail those papers with your passport to the embassy.

dont fret!
i know its hard not to do
just go through the process and get things as you can.
i dont think it would delay months, i think a month at the most.

ManuNSamMaleIndia2007-01-31 22:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat kind of check requires 3 weeks time?

i too am waiting for the final answer
my husbands case is in india, where people also get to walk out same day with visas .

my husbands case is in AP (admin processing)........i got a 221g though
a 221g is a request for more information.
but since i submit the requested info i have been waiting 3 weeks

i THINK maybe there is some piece of paper they are verifying

do youhave anything about your case that is intersting?
either party previously married?
any kids?
ever visited the us before?
maybe they are just checking the facts on the forms..........

ManuNSamMaleIndia2007-02-06 15:54:00