PhilippinesHow Did You Meet
QUOTE (jom @ Oct 2 2007, 07:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Met my Myla in a website called HeartsinAsia September 2006. I was easily captured by her smile and achievements in life. For a month we exchanged emails and after our first chat online she called me to check on my voice !! It was so unexpected , I mumbled and fumbled smile.gif From then on we talk 3 times a day and met face to face February 2. She captured my soul. The two weeks I was with her was absolutely wonderful and tomorrow she will be with me again and I know I will have a lifetime of bliss with this wonderful woman.

We guys are all so lucky to have found our soulmates from the Philippines . It is a long journey of meeting and bringing them here but they are worth it and I will do it again and again if I have to.


"The measure of love, is to love without measure"

Who would have thought that clicking a program on the Internet could change my life forever. My story that I would like to share is about how I met and fell in love with my husband.

I can still remember those days when I was afraid to used a computer. I'm overly nervous every time i see a computer because honestly, I don't know how to use them. Well, I had to learn how to used them or else my teacher in my minor class in computer will fail me. Can you believed that I learn how to used them when i was in my sophomore year in college. But I'm not actually ashamed about it.

One afternoon, I went with my best friend Jhema to an Internet cafe. Wow, I was very amazed because a lot of students were there. They are concentrating on what they are doing in the computer that they don't even notice that i was there looking at them. My best friend ask me if i would like to used a computer, so i said I would love too but can you teach me how? She replied, of course! kaw pa kinakusgan nakong amigo (LOL)....Then eventually, she instruct me on what to do first. I need to register first to a site before i can have an email address. The terms are not new to me because we discuss this during our class in( BM 1 )that's what the name of the class before it was change to IM 1. Well, i have no problem about familiarizing all the things that can be seen on the keyboard because i was one of the best student in my Typing 1 and 2 class (ehemmm murag hinambog but true).Day by day,I always reserved an hour or two to our suki na Internet cafe (suki means a place were you usually go or buy something).

Then one fine day, I decided to join a chat room in the Yahoo site. One of the room there is called "Romance" but I am not sure how i end up there.I was just clicking things and just curious on what to learn on every site that i visited with.

The very first person who approach me on the chat room and send me a private message was Tony, the man whom I became my husband. At first, I was very excited and happy that somebody was chatting with me( ay ignoy pa lagi ta ani)ha ha. We talk about a lot of things , culture, family, school, love-life and almost every topic we could possibly think to be discuss during that time. He was the first person on my friends list and the person whom I always chat on the net every time I got online. He was the first to sent me a picture of him together with his Dad. At first, I say to myself on he's not that handsome as I thought he would be, but I now believed that "first impression won't last long". Likewise, it was my turn to send a picture to him. I had this picture of me with a friend and decided I'll better scanned this so I can sent it to him.

By the way, Tony at that time was turning 19 and I was turning 18. He was a Mexican-American from El Paso, Texas USA. His parents are both Mexicans but migrated in the US in the late 40's.Eventually, he was raised and born in the US.He can understand Spanish but cannot speak the Spanish language at all. He was the youngest child and he had four older sisters.

Sometimes, we knew we are online on the net but we don't chat too much or just ignoring each other. One afternoon Tony told me about what happened on his "date".Well, i thought it only applies to us Filipinos the so called "gi-indian"ha ha.That's what happened to Tony's date. He was so upset and sad and depressed because he told me that he likes the girl very much. Well, let's say I was the friend he can lean on even just online. We chat and I told him it's not yet the end of your world. I was able to cheer him up. Then the next day, we chat again and I told him I got a dream about a boy and a girl who fell in-love online. I was telling him "oh i wish i was the girl", to my surprised he ask me "do you want me to be the boy on your dream"?I was gonna passed out during that time, I was nervous, I don't know what to do, I can't even type the words, my hands are numb. Glad I was able to recover and say in a funny way "sure" why not.

At first, I felt that we were only playing just to kill the time and just to have fun on the net. During that time web cams and voice chatting were not introduce yet. So we agreed to elevate our relationship from friends to boyfriend/girlfriend online. Wow, who would have thought it will work out. He didn't tell me that he got a crush on me not until we agreed to became lovers online. Everyday we chat online, we sent emails,and he was the first one to send me a snail mail letter (mailed letter ba) on December 2001.By that time, we make sure that we always exchange letters and sent pictures to each other through mailed letter.

Around February 2002, I gave him a surprised call that lasted for 2 hours.Wow, it was a long distance call from me. He was surprised to hear my voice and can't even say a word all he can say is that"he love me and he started to cry on the phone".He's actually a baby, such a baby, we are so silly that he asked me to sing a song for him. I was the one who said I have to go because I know it's very expensive to have a long distance call and I know he will be the one to pay for it. Guess what?he was grounded for a week because their phone bill went up high.He need to gave $350 to his Mom for the long distance bill that appeared on the telephone bill.

We know each other so well that we already knew if one of us was not feeling well or not in the mood to be funny or not in the mood to be silly. He decided to come and visit on 2004. I actually can't believed that it will happened because he had been planning for almost two years to come and visit me in the Philippines. I wouldn't say we don't have arguments or misunderstanding, of course we have those so called "Lovers Quarrel".But it doesn't stop us to make our relationship blossoms everyday.

Alas, the day came when he called me that he was in Manila International Airport.And he's expecting me to be in the airport to met him. But before that, the night before he will arrived in the Philippine, I can't really sleep at all. I was so nervous that I can't even try myself to be sleepy.My family knew that I was nervous and even teased me about me not sleeping the following day that I went to the table and eat together with them. Hmmmmm, I was having my class when the plane he was boarding arrived in Tagbilaran City Airport.The Philippines-Airline arrived at 4:00 in the afternoon. Guess what I'm wearing?wow, my school uniform.I was with my mother and my uncle. They are more anxious to see Tony than me. I was just afraid you know if we realized that we really don't love each other when we met in person.

I was actually hiding behind those people who were also waiting for their love ones to come out from the airplane.We agreed the day before he had his trip to the Philippines that he will be wearing the shirt that I sent to him so It will be easy for me to recognized him.But it turns out that he was wearing the shirt during his trip but decided to change as soon as he arrived in Manila.It was very exciting,nervous moments of my life. At last, my mother saw him and gave him a wave and then he saw my mom and uncle too and he was walking/running to met them.He was busy asking them if where is Geraldine and then my mom point the direction where I was standing and I was holding my breath.My knees were shaking (ha ha)....My hearts beating fast, I can feel that i was blushing when he turns and run towards me.I felt that everything in our surrounding came to a halt,basta palamoot gyud. Oh to my surprised he hug and kiss me, well, you know what?i was shy to do that not because I don't love him but because I was afraid my mom will get mad at me if i do the same gesture. Likewise, the peoples attention was with us so that's the other thing that I was shy about.My uncle was looking for a taxi but he can't find one so we decided to ride a tricycle.Wow, while riding a tricycle, he was trying to break the silence by holding my hands and asking me to talk with him. I was really silent and I just gave him a smile, I can't talked I was tongue -tied.After we arrived in the hotel we decided to go to the restaurant of my Uncle and eat there.I introduce Tony to the employees there and decided to visit my Mom's office because they also knew that my boyfriend arrived.

He stay in the Philippines for three weeks.And during those times we realized that we really love each other and he brought a ring to me.He proposed to me on the hotel and we are the only one who knew that we are engaged with each other. We were thinking that It was not the right time yet to tell my parents about the ring.We simply tell them that it was his gift for me.He also brought gifts for my family. I visited him everyday at the hotel and he went with me to my school and waited for me outside my class room. Most of my classmates knew him and even my teachers knew him. He was also able to attend when I defend my thesis.They were amazed with our love story.But the time is running out, and the days seems fast approaching for him to go back to Texas.Wow, the night before he go back to the states was so emotional, we were crying with each other, he doesn't want to leave me but he needs too or else he will be put to jail if he over stay. But he told me, you have the ring already and as long as you have that ring remember that I will be back to get you.

He went back to the states and everything seems falling apart.I can't concentrate on my studies and part-time work.I was sad and I was missing his presence.But then we chat online again, exchanging emails everyday, talking on the phone almost everyday and assuring each other that we will always be faithful and promised to communicate more.

He was planning to visit again by middle of 2005 but then his Mom passed away.He was depressed and very sad.I know he needs me to be there for him but I can't we are too far from each other. I don't have the capacity to go and visit him in the US. I am glad that even if we were just chatting and talking on the phone at least he was able to know that eventually he will be reunited with his Mom in the future. We then plan to process our papers.

We start to fill up some forms for our K1 Visa papers.Wow, it was hard, we are just researching all the things that we do online because it's very expensive to hire an immigration lawyer.But we are glad that everything went well. During that time I was still studying and waiting for the papers to be approved. I graduate with my degree in Commerce major in Banking and Finance last March of this year. I received my appointment letter from the US Embassy in Manila around July. We were excited but we are also nervous on what is the outcome of the interview. I was schedule to have my medical examination last August 22, 2006 and my visa interview will be last August 29, 2006. I have to stay in Manila for a week but we stay there for 10 days. I need to have a chaperon with me so my Uncle Harold was there to help me. We both are not familiar with Manila.But thanks to a friend of my Uncle and my best friend who help us with our stay there.

It was very hard you know, honestly I don't like big cities especially when I really don't know the place at all.But we have to deal with it,I need to be there. But we always chat with my boyfriend and talk on the phone and report my whereabouts while i stay in Manila.

We arrived in Manila via Cebu Pacific last August 21, 2006 and ride a taxi to go to Kuya Mike's house. We stay there for awhile and I was able to met my best friend Jhema again since she also stay there in Manila. I stay at Jhema's house while my Uncle stay at his friend's house. August 22, was my big day for my medical examination.Wow,we have to wake up very early in the morning so we will be the first to be accommodated when we arrived in Saint Luke's Medical Clinic.My medical examination was hilarious but it's needed so no question on their policy.I am very happy that I don't have problem with my health and everything. My visa interview date arrives and we wake up very early again and I was the only one who can go inside the embassy minus my Uncle.A lot of people were there also, those people were also scheduled to be interview on that day. In my heart and in my mind I was praying all the time I was there.I had everything needed to me. I also needed to wear a formal attire and bring all the stuffs and the documents that prove that our relationship our genuine and not an arranged marriage or something. I had my appointment at 6:30 A.M. in the morning. My number was called and I have to go and met the consul.He was a white American guy around his 30's .He just ask me about 5 questions which I fluently answer it. He was very amazed with our love story too.He told me to wait again for my number to be called again.Then my number was called, I was very nervous because this will be the last window i need to go so I will know if I passed the visa interview or were denied.Guess what the lady say?Just pay this amount to Delbros Inc so your visa will be delivered.Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I was so happy, i was smiling while walking towards the window to were i pay for the delivery of my visa. I paid for the delivery and was excited to call Tony and informed him about the interview.I went outside and my Uncle was there making signals if I passed or was denied. I gave him an approved sign as he was very happy too. I decided to call Tony, he was very surprised because we didn't expect to get a visa and be approved. We were very happy and told me that he wanted to chat with me online.

I go to Bohol and stay there for awhile and work too while waiting for the visa to be delivered. It was delivered last September 4, 2006. By that time, Tony was also preparing for his trip to the Philippines. He was scheduled to arrived in the Philippines last October 4, 2006.I was very excited to met him again and for sure this time we will have each other always.

I was patiently waiting for him to arrived in the Tagbilaran City airport. My mother and my uncle was there again. We see each other and this time I was not shy to hug him back. He stay in Metro Center for 3 days and we leave Bohol by October 7, 2006.But we had our farewell party last October 6, 2006. We arrived in El Paso, Texas last October 8, 2006.

"Ending of the first part of our " Love Story" More to come!!!!

Geraldine & Tony

Let me now continue to share the second part of my Love Story..........

We had our flight at the Tagbilaran Airport at 1:40 in the afternoon with Cebu Pacific Airline.We are schedule to arrived around 3:00 in the afternoon at the Manila International Airport.My family was there in the airport and we are very emotional. We are just trying to hold back our tears on our eyes.I kissed and hug our youngest sister Eunice and hug my brother J-poy.My sisters are telling me can you just please stay with us?It was very hard for me to say No.But I have to let them understand that Tony is there and he needs me.

My bestfriend Cristine and her boyfriend Loive was there also, they are both my friends.We are just joking around and telling each other that we will still met again in the future. My teacher in high school Ma'am Thelma was there together with his son Joel since they asked me to bring the luggage for my bestfriend Jhema in Manila. They were able to met my boyfriend Tony.So the time comes that we need to go already.We say goodbye's to my parents and my siblings, to our friends.I can't help but cry especially my brother J-poy, he asked me please come back for him.We are best buddies that's why he's very sad when he knew that i'm about to leave them.

So we went inside the Tagbilaran Airport and just waiting for us to aboard the airplane.Now that we are inside the airplane I told Tony, I started to missed my family. And also I have to leave my cellphone already since I cannot used them when i arrived in the US.Time flies so fast and we just arrived at the Manila International Airport, it was raining very hard so we decided to call for a Taxi inorder for us to go to the new Airport since we are in the Old Airport in Manila. We asked the people who work in the airport if we could leave our luggage because it will take a long time for us to wait for the next flight.So we went there and we payed the TAX for the ticket and I showed them my passport and visa.At first they thought that we were OFW's haha.And we told them that I am a K1-Fiancee and that Tony is my boyfriend. So we leave our luggage and also payed for the entrance fee in the waiting area.

We leave the airport and ride a taxi to go to Market-Market Mall in Makati where Jhema is patiently waiting together with Raven her son. We arrived there and still we have her luggage with us and just looking around, finally we see her and then we decided to eat our dinner at Kenny Roger's Restaurant. It was a very good meal.Tony was very happy because he told me that the dinner is not expensive .But for me i will consider it expensive already.Then finally, we say goodbye's to Jhema and Raven. Then after that we just stroll around the mall and buy some stuffs too.While waiting for our time to go back to the Airport again.We decided to go back to the Airport, and Tony had a good time watching the big buildings in Makati and the nice hotels too.

Our departure time from Manila was 10:00 in the evening and we will be arriving in Los Angeles, California at 7:40 in the evening California Time.It was a long ride, very long, we either sleep, eat or just watch tv.The plane was full of passenger mostly Filipinos who are having there trip back to the US. We just keep on talking with Tony and some of the filipinos who sit nearby.

Alas we arrived in Los Angeles, California.And we have to wait in line again because they have to check my documents to make sure that i'm a legal immigrant in the US.The guy who interviewed me from the Customs and Border Patrol was very good,he is a black guy and he asked me questions too.And then I was waving with Tony and then the officer noticed and ask if I know some people behind him and I said yes, my boyfriend is there. He said you must have a very good man since he went there to bring you back with him in the US.So i said, Yes he is very good to me.So we went to the exit door and just walking around and I can see Filipinos waiting for their love ones as well as talking to their family.

We decided to rent a van since we are almost out of budget with the money that Tony had. We went to Inglewood,California and went to Applebees.I was to keen to see how L.A. looks like haha. I can't believed that i am actually in the US already. It was snowing a little bit.....I was just smiling and just wandering around. So we just stroll around L.A. and then go back to the rental office and then we ride the bus going to the airport again and we decided to wait for our next trip in the airport.It was very tiring, I have jetlag but still it was amazing.Knowing that Tony and me will start our life together was a complete achievement in my life.

Our next flight was schedule around 6:40 in the morning California time and then arrived in Phoenix, Arizona around 7:58 in the morning Phoenix time.Its a 1 hour and 18 minutes ride. Then after that, we will stop there and then change plane again.We arrived in Phoenix, Arizona and then we went to another plane.We aboard the plane around 8:53 in the morning Phoenix time and schedule to arrived in El Paso, Texas around 11:19 in the morning El Paso time.The flight was good for 1 hour and 26 minutes nonstop.Finally, we arrived in El Paso, Texas on October 8, 2006.

Tony's dad was waiting for us together with Linda, Tony's step mom. I finally met Tony's Dad. They hug me and kiss me and ask if how's the trip.We talked and we went to Hong Kong Buffet Restaurant. Then I met Carleen, Tony's sister and she's pretty.We also talk and just getting to know each other and took pictures.They are excited to see me.After that we went to Tony's parents house. We stay there for awhile while we are not yet married.

After two weeks from the time that I arrived here in Texas, it has been very quite depressing for me. Its already winter here in the US and its so cold.I am still trying to adopt the weather and everything especially the food. I've been crying most of the time when Tony works and go to class as well since I have no friends here, all i have is the computer so I can still keep in touch with my family back in the Philippines. It was a very strange experience for me to be alone. I felt very alienated for the first few days.I've been able to talked with my relatives on my father's side here in the US. They are the relatives that i don't know.I have an uncle who lives in Weslaco, Texas and an Aunt who lives in California.They were also surprised that I am in the US since they only know my father.

We move out from Tony's parent house after we got married the following month after I arrived here in the US.There were a lot of challenges that we experienced.We move in at Warren Inn apartment ,it is located at the West Side of EL Paso, Texas. We lived there for 2 months before moving in at Tony's Step Dad's house. We are renting a room here.The house is big and I feel more comfortable living here.Tony's Step Dad is very good to me.We always talked and he teaches me how to make Mexican food. He speak fluent spanish and English too.

I already know how to drive car but I still need more practice.I still don't have a drivers license but i enjoyed my practice. I had my first experience when you can actually see snows falling from the sky.It was a very beautiful experience, we were able to took pictures.It was very cold too.We have to wear gloves and jackets and boots.

Most of the time we go visits Tony's sisters in New Mexico, 4 of his sisters are living there. We are the only one who lives here in El Paso, Texas.It's not really easy to adjust with your sisters-in-laws and family, to many dramas going on......Which i don't want to share.

We also process my papers for my adjustment of status here to become a permanent resident. The paper works was real crazy too many documents to be complied, it needs time , money and effort to complete the requirements.But thank God, everything fall into places already. I am already approved and just waiting for my Green Card to be delivered very soon. After that I am planning to get my drivers license and then start working here.

Hopefully, I will make myself busy by working a lot of hours very soon.Tony is very busy working and going to school too. I have a lot of friends here from the church as well as filipina friends who are now residing here in El Paso, Texas.I am able to adjust a little bit of myself living here in the US. I am looking forward to visit my family in the Philippines next year.

I am just happy that our love for each other is getting stronger everyday and the more we know each other, the more we realized that we can't live without each other. Our next goal is to buy our own house and start our own family together.

To all my avid readers of my love story...i'll promised to keep you all posted with my Love Life.....See you on the 3rd Chapter....Have fun reading....Keep the love burning!!!!

Geraldine & Tony 070307
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2007-10-11 20:38:00
PhilippinesPinoy bilangan (roll call)
83 here

Tony & Geraldine

TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2008-05-27 04:42:00
PhilippinesAge difference between Filipinas and americans (Poll)
QUOTE (beameup @ Apr 1 2007, 06:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (beameup @ Apr 1 2007, 03:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
By "Americans", are you referring to Filipino-Americans?

I've seen age gaps as much as 40 years. The only advice I received many years ago is that it is best to marry a Filipina that is close to 30 or older - I got that from a Filipino Pastor and friend of the family before I even began to consider marrying a Filipina. Generally you don't see huge age differences between Filipinos who live in the Philippines - I am assuming that would probably also be true between a Fil-Am and a petitioned Filipina.

In my particular case both times the difference was about 15 years.

Husband(USC) 26 years old
Filipina 25 years old

Edited by TexaswithLove, 14 October 2007 - 12:35 PM.

TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2007-10-14 12:34:00
We don't have a problem with xoom.We've been using them for almost 3-4 years now. Hopefully, we will not encounter this situation in the future. Anyways, everytime we sent xoom we usually put a password.And my Mom usually go to PCI Bank only if I sent the money during weekend when she go to Cebuana Lhullier.
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2008-05-27 05:07:00
PhilippinesAnyone from New Mexico?
QUOTE (php2 @ Sep 24 2009, 04:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi fellow pinays.

New Mexico, anyone? If yes, what city?
Let's group in...

P. S. Up to now, I haven't seen any Filipina when I visit shops, places, restos, etc here in NM.....just an observation whistling.gif

Hey where in NM are you from? I have two filipina friends that live in Bloomsfield,NM and Alamogordo, NM.
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2009-10-05 12:25:00
PhilippinesAnyone from New Mexico?
QUOTE (tallcoolone @ Oct 2 2009, 06:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (php2 @ Sep 24 2009, 04:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi fellow pinays.

New Mexico, anyone?

Never Heard Of It.................

New Mexico? It is part of the 50 states of the US.

QUOTE (ManilaIdaho @ Oct 1 2009, 06:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (php2 @ Sep 25 2009, 05:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi fellow pinays.

New Mexico, anyone? If yes, what city?
Let's group in...

P. S. Up to now, I haven't seen any Filipina when I visit shops, places, restos, etc here in NM.....just an observation whistling.gif

we'll be moving soon in albuquerque star_smile.gif

We always go to Alburquerque,NM every year.
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2009-10-05 12:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEl-Hamdulilah!!! WE FINALLY GOT OUR VISA!!! =oD
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2009-07-20 04:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaPoll - how did you meet your fiance/husband
I met my husband through yahoo chatroom Romance 20....We started as friends for awhile and then finally we started a new relationship.We met online last 2001. THen we first met in person last 2004.Then he came to Philippines last 2006 after my visa was approved.
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2007-11-14 02:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestion about co-sponsor.....pls help!
Hello there....I am a filipina as well, based on my experienced the consul just asked me about what is the relationship between my petitioner and my co-sponsor, so simple as long as you have the proper documents and the knowledge about the co-sponsor there will be no problem.Good luck on your paper works.More to come!
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2008-03-20 23:01:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS

Oops meant 167 days from Interview to Oath day, Its been a very long day. :bonk:

Congrats Ontarkie, you are almost there! :dance: :dance: :dance:
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2012-06-09 23:34:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
My Oath Ceremony this morning was very successful. There were 32 participants from 5 different countries. I happened to be the only one from the Philippines who became a Naturalized US citizen and I am very proud of it! God Bless America:)

I would like to thank everyone from the VJ family as well as my co-October Filers.... and for those of you who are still waiting, cheer up! You are almost there!
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2012-03-28 20:46:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Wohooo, I received a call from the local Immigration office about 15 minutes ago and the Immigration officer told me that I will be joining a small Oath taking ceremony here in El Paso, Texas which is schedule for March 28, 2012 at 8:30 AM. They are sending the appointment letter today. I was really surprised but happy! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Kindly update my timeline please and thank you.
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2012-03-19 17:18:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
It's been 2 months since my interview and still waiting!!!! I am trying to be patient and hopefully it will stay that way :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

Edited by TexaswithLove, 19 March 2012 - 12:29 PM.

TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2012-03-19 12:29:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
I am still waiting for my Oath Date/Oath Letter! :blink: :blink: :blink:
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2012-03-02 02:23:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Woohoo, I received both email/text message with the message below from USCIS.

Your Case Status: Oath Ceremony

On February 13, 2012, we placed your application in the oath scheduling que. We will send a notice when the ceremony is scheduled. If you move prior to the scheduled ceremony, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.

I can't wait to know the date of my actual Oath Ceremony. I'm almost there baby wohoo!!!!
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2012-02-13 13:16:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS

Two interviews this week Alice and I (mari&Ryan):wacko: Good luck to us and also the best of luck to those that have interviews this week but their dates are not reflected in the list.

All the best!

Wish you good luck mari & Ryan and Alice! :) :) :)

Edited by TexaswithLove, 31 January 2012 - 04:05 AM.

TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2012-01-31 04:05:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Wohooo! I passed the interview not too long ago. My appointment was at 1:00PM but I got called around 1:15PM. The IO checks all my documents and realized that I had to do a name change, and we did that. Then, the officer asks me to read one sentence (Who lives in the White House?)And ask me to write down the answer (The President lives in the White House). Then, he asks me six questions as follows:

1. What is the capital of your state?
2. What is one promise you make when you become a United States citizen?
3. Who was the first President?
4. What movement tried to end racial discrimination?
5. Where is the statue of Liberty?
6. Name two national U.S Holidays?

I am super relieved and thankful and can't wait to receive my Oath Letter. Good luck to the rest of the fellow filers for the month of October.... :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2012-01-19 16:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Wow, congratulations Ontarkie...
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2012-01-13 02:52:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
I received my interview letter three days ago and my interview is scheduled for January 19, 2012.... Please update my info! Thank you and good luck! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Edited by TexaswithLove, 04 December 2011 - 01:55 AM.

TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2011-12-04 01:54:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Woot!!! Woot! I received both text and email not too along ago that my N-400 is already schedule for interview as of Nov. 29! Kindly, update my timeline. Thanks! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Testing and Interview

Your N400, APPLICATION FOR NATURALIZATION is now scheduled for interview. You will receive a written notice with a time and place for your interview. You should receive this notice within 14 days. If you do not receive this notice within 14 days from November 29, 2011, please call customer service at 1-800-375-5283 for further assistance. If you move, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address.

Edited by TexaswithLove, 29 November 2011 - 02:55 PM.

TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2011-11-29 14:54:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS

I received both text and email informing me that on 11/28 I was placed in line for interview scheduling! :dance: :dance: :dance: What a great start for a whole new week! Good luck to all of us! Kindly update my timeline as well. Thank you guys!
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2011-11-28 18:26:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Done with my Biometrics today. I was there for about 15-20 minutes. Now waiting for the next stage. Good luck to all of us! :dance:
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2011-11-17 16:19:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
I received my Biometric Appointment Letter on 11/03/11 and I am scheduled to appear for 11/17/11. Kindly update my FP date! Thanks :thumbs:

Edited by TexaswithLove, 06 November 2011 - 10:23 PM.

TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2011-11-06 22:20:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS

I've got the same massage today. they are moving fast!

I also received the same message! :dance:
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2011-11-02 01:41:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Received NOA 10/31/11. Priority Date was 10/24/11 updating info :whistle:
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2011-11-01 23:55:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Check Cashed 10/28/11 updating info!
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2011-10-30 03:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Also, my local field office is El Paso, Texas. Thanks!
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2011-10-22 20:46:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Can you please add me to the October Filers group? I just sent my papers as of 10/22 to the Dallas Lockbox Facility. Thank you in advance and good luck to all of us here!

Edited by TexaswithLove, 22 October 2011 - 08:05 PM.

TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2011-10-22 20:04:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner?
We have chicken adobo,rice and then beef soup.
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2008-05-03 21:11:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhat is the difference between AR-11 and AR-11SR?
Can please anyone tell me if what is the difference between AR-11 and AR-11 SR? I am about to notify uscis for change of address and I am confused if which form to use?

Thanks in advance.

TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2008-03-09 23:03:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDo you really have to informed the USCIS if you change your home address every now and then?
Thank you very much for your replies.

I will do it ASAP.

TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2008-03-06 20:33:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDo you really have to informed the USCIS if you change your home address every now and then?
I was wondering if it is necessary for you to keep informing the USCIS every now and then if you change your residence address? Since I received my Green Card last July of 2007 we've been residing already for two different apartments and I haven't informed them.
My question is that would I be in trouble when I removed my condition for my Green Card next year if I don't informed them about my change of address since then?

Need your response.Thanks and more power!

Tony & Geraldine

TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2008-03-06 05:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionShould I expect a letter from USCIS after I notify them of Change of Address as a Sponsor?
Yes, I have a delivery confirmation.I just want to know.Anyways, we don't have any pending documents with the USCIS for now.
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2008-05-29 18:53:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionShould I expect a letter from USCIS after I notify them of Change of Address as a Sponsor?
I am just wondering if I will be expecting a letter from USCIS since I notify them of a change of address (I-865) as a sponsor , along with my wife's AR-11, two months ago. Thank you!



TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2008-05-29 18:02:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHow much evidence or documents you need to submit?
QUOTE (Bituin @ Mar 30 2009, 02:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (TexaswithLove @ Mar 29 2009, 06:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I will be applying for my Removal of Condition and I was wondering if how much documents or evidence you need to submit? Is there any limit or any specific requirement? Does it need to be original?

I would greatly appreciate your help and ideas about this.

There is no limit, the more proofs you can gather the better!Just photocopies no need to submit originals and do not file too early wait until your 90 days window opens before you send your I-751 so USCIS won't return your packet.Good luck!Read the guides like haole had suggested. good.gif

Thank you very much Haole and Bituin...

TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2009-03-30 02:45:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHow much evidence or documents you need to submit?
I will be applying for my Removal of Condition and I was wondering if how much documents or evidence you need to submit? Is there any limit or any specific requirement? Does it need to be original?

I would greatly appreciate your help and ideas about this.
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2009-03-29 20:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDo I need to send My Co-Sponsor Tax Return when I file for Removal?
QUOTE (AntandD @ Apr 3 2009, 12:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi TexaswithLove,

I was wondering the same thing too, when I sent in my I-751 last year. was bad enough that I had to get a tax return for the co-sponsor when I filed for the AOS, and getting another one...forget about that! (heck, it was hard enough just to get a co-sponsor as it is at that time, but that's another story)

The I-751 has nothing to do with support and/or affidavit of support. Rather, it focuses on a "genuine joint relationship/marriage" between the immigrant and their USC spouse. Therefore, you should focus your evidence based on that instead.

So if you have tax returns, send those of yours and your spouse (filed jointly married, or separately married) instead, as that's what they look at and focus on instead, between you and your spouse.

Hope this helps. Good luck on the rest of your immigration journey too.

Ant (Still waiting for I-751, Still waiting for Baby...)

P.S. Try not to use bold in your text next time, as that can appear to be like yelling...thanks...

QUOTE (TexaswithLove @ Apr 3 2009, 12:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello, I am wondering if I still need to send a copy of the Income Tax return of our co-sponsor. Your response is highly needed. Thanks a lot!

Thank you very much for the answer. Oh, I am sorry I thought it would be good to type it in bold letters to attract attention, I guess it was the other way around.
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2009-04-03 00:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDo I need to send My Co-Sponsor Tax Return when I file for Removal?
Hello, I am wondering if I still need to send a copy of the Income Tax return of our co-sponsor. Your response is highly needed. Thanks a lot!
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2009-04-03 00:07:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionApproved
Congratulations! We are very happy for you......
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2009-06-02 01:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionStick a fork in us, we're done!
TexaswithLoveFemalePhilippines2009-06-05 19:40:00