IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdifferent question
QUOTE (bgreed @ Oct 8 2007, 04:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No she has not worked in any security sensitive type work. The grey area is that technically she was not legally employed in Ukraine because she used her Russian work papers to prove that she had work experience to get better jobs. She has been a manager at a bank and a upper level administrator working for the city of Sumy in the planning dept. The thing is if she were to say she worked these places there would be no record. So any further ideas?

First of all just tell the truth. They're not going to ask about the employment book, that book is maintained by her employer. My fiancee has the same book, and it is one of the reasons she is planning on giving 2 weeks notice before leaving. She wants the book back, it does show her employment history.

The hassles they must go through to get a job, keep a job, and make an "honest" living over there are incredible. Add to the fact that Ukraine is a poorer country than Mexico and most of South and Central America with all of the same corruption and political discord, and it is not a great place to make a living.

Don't forget she'll need a Police Cerificate from EVERY place she has lived more than 6 months from age 16. The ones from Russia can be a real hassle (time consuming) to get.
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-10-08 18:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice Needed: Error on Divorce Decree

I would have the marriage license (showing where) and maybe a letter from the attorney stating what happen in error to back up the divorce paper as it stands, just my thought as i dont really know papers they will accept, also wonder why they wont change as an amended decree

It is rather strange that they will not ammend or change the decree. I was told you can change a Birth, Death, and Marriage certificate. The Divorce Certificate cannot be changed. I would imagine that this takes two parties to deal with, and would make for a mess.
etripkeMaleUkraine2006-12-26 16:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice Needed: Error on Divorce Decree
The other day I finished filing out my G-325A and had put the place of a previous marriage in as requested. I then just happened to look at the official decree certificate issued by the State of Wisconsin and noted that the certificate has the WRONG place of the marriage. I contacted the Bureau of Vital Statistics who issued it, and it was apparently an error made by my Divorce Atty. They DO NOT make changes, or addendums.

I guess I'm stumped on what to do. I certainly will not lie about it by changing the 325A, but there has to be something I can do. The divorce is still valid of course, the certificate is valid, but their will be a discrepancy bewteen the certificate & the 325A.

What "official" forms/letters will USCIS accept for the proof of the divorce? I have the Final Findings and conclusions with finding of Divorce from the Court, signed by a judge. Would this suffice?

This is an admistrative error beyond my control, I don't want it to impact the process. Any tips, or similar experiences would be GREATLY appreciated.
etripkeMaleUkraine2006-12-26 14:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresjust get on plane as a tourist and stay

ok, probably a stupid question, but............can't someone from another country, ukraine, just get on a plane and come to the states as a tourist???

Sometimes a woman in the Ukraine will tell her American BF that for enough money she can pay off the right people and get a tourist VISA. Then he sends the money for the VISA and the airline ticket, and poof, she's gone! :o

yes, we know, and thank God this is not the case...

My Understanding is that it is next to impossible, unless like what was said before it is for employment or school. That fact was a rude awakening for me when I first met my fiancee. I wanted her to "just fly on over and take a short vacation". It'll never happen. The "Matchmaker" for my fiancee and I is a Ukrainian, now a naturalized USC. It took him three (3) years to get a Visa for his father to visit, and four (4) years to get a Visa for his Mother to visit. They are VERY restrictive for Ukrainians entering this country. Very Sad.
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-02-02 22:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdivorce judegement to be included with I129F

I got an RFE because I only had the Judgement Nisi, not the final decree. Recommend you send it! :)

According to the Guides "Copy of final Divorce Decree(s) or Certificate(s) for the US Citizen and/or foreign fiance(e) if either has been previously married" So, if your State issues a "Certificate" you should be covered. A Certificate will also keep all of the extra language about property division, et. al out of the equation. I would imagine this may be dependent on if your State has such a document. Wisconsin does, it is certified by the Vital Records people here. Just an idea.
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-02-20 23:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDocument Assembly question

Binders (report, clear, spiral-bound, etc), Color-Coordinated Paperclips, Candy Treats, Tabs (3M or otherwise), Colorful Seperators (paper or sign-here/look-here pointers, etc), Cute Stickers, Measured Staples, Two-Three-hole punches, Cartoon Doodles (even if Dilbert), Scratch-n-sniff scents..etc are just a tad overkill.. don't ya think???

Scratch and Sniff sounds good. What really need however is a K-1 "Easy Button"
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-02-22 22:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 visa documents check list

I just got a speeding ticket from a pig yesterday going 17 over the limit. I paid the fine, but they say I have 2 points on my license.

Will this have an impact on my record and slow this process down? or do they even check on this? I heard they check for criminal history and stuff, but what about a speeding ticket?

I am worried they will see this little violation and slow down my process. :help:

As a Law Enforcement Officer; (or "PIG" as you so eloquently put it), I can assure you that a speeding ticket is NOTHING to be concerned about. OMVWI (DUI), or traffic crimes...maybe, depends on the offense and the number.

There are several of us in Law Enforcement who are going through this process just like everyone else is, and are VJ members.
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-02-26 17:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport question
Ukraine does not allow dual citizenship.

Israeli citizens need a Visa for the US?
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-02-27 23:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBest Overnight Shipping to NSC
Thanks's back to the Post Office I guess.
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-03-08 18:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBest Overnight Shipping to NSC
While putting this Petition together, I stopped at the local Fed-Ex Center, and was told that I cannot ship overnight to the Nebraska Service Center due to the address being a Post Office Box. Maybe this has been addressed already, but does anyone have a way around it with Fed-Ex? or do I have to look to ship it with someone else?

I plan on sending it on April 10th, so I have the time now to find the correct method.

Any ideas would be appreciated.
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-03-08 18:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAn interesting "why" question...
So, the public comment time on the "proposed" fee increase is supposed to be through the end of April right? Then when do we expect the increase to occur? The beginning of the new fiscal year on October 1st?
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-03-20 17:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about evidence of in person meeting

I did the same, but this question perplexes me still, how do you "prove" to someone else that you met another person. Passport stamps, boarding passes, hotel receipts only show you were at a particular place at a particular time, but nothing in there shows proof of meeting anybody in particular (except maybe customs officials, airline officials, or hotel workers). I think pictures are better proof (assuming we say *nothing* about PhotoShop), but unless you are holding up a newspaper or something giving the date, how is that proof that the meeting happened in the last two years? I passed this question around my office, no-one has yet to come up with definitive proof, everything seems to be just circumstantial evidence. I think a better form of proof would be an eyewitness under oath (who would lie to the USCIS?), but haven't come-up with a good way yet to mail one into the USCIS :huh:

It's too easy to slip into the notion of 'proof', which of course is impossible. You can't prove an event happened, even if there are witnesses to it! All you can do is collect 'evidence', which when taken together builds a picture that shows it is more probable than not that the meeting took place in the time required. It helps to think of evidence like a jigsaw, where every piece adds to the picture until it's complete. Provide what adds to the picture, and don't provide what doesn't.

Don't take this too casually though, because otherwise you risk getting an RFE. Consider what evidence is more solid and what is weaker. Things that cannot be tampered with, such as airline boarding passes with name, date and flight details are telling because they can't be faked and can be verified with airlines, while letters or emails can be faked and are therefore of lesser value. That doesn't mean NO value, just less telling.

The boarding passes, visas, passport stamps other airline information only put you in country. THEN the photos in well known locations TOGETHER establish the "Proof" of meeting. This is your primary evidence of meeting and should be what is most focused on. The more primary evidence furnished the less likely you'll see an RFE. Emails, letters, etc, are going to be needed for the interview later. Since she was here legally I would imagine you have photos of the two of you in public places, landmarks etc right?

Evidence provides the basis for your proof.
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-03-30 17:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnother question
Ok, I did a search of the Foreign Services Manual and here it is:

9 FAM 41.81 N6.6 Petitioner and Beneficiary Must be Legally Free to Marry
(CT:VISA-756; 07-27-2005)
a. For a K-1 petition to remain valid, the petitioner and the beneficiary must:
(1) Have been legally free to marry at the time the petition was filed;
(2) Have remained so therafter; and
(3) Continue to have the intent to marry within 90 days after the beneficiary’s admission into the United States.

b. A K-1 petition filed when the petitioner and/or the applicant was still legally married shall not serve as the basis for visa issuance, even though that marriage was terminated and applicant/petitioner became free to marry within 90 days of arrival in the United States. If a consular officer finds that the petitioner and/or applicant is/was not legally free to marry, post mush return the K-1 petition to the national visa center (NVC) under cover of memorandum detailing the specific, objective facts giving rise to the officer’s determination
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-04-02 09:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnother question

We are trying to get an idea on how soon we will be together. My divorce will be final in 2 months, but the law here is I can't marry again for 6 months after.

Do we have to wait that whole 6 months before filing or can we file as long as I am legally divorced?

The plan was that we would file and she would come here 60 days before my 6 months was up that way we could get married within 30 days after.

Maybe thats not real great either if we have to worry about the time it takes to get approved for marriage licenses?

We just want to be together really bad, this wait sure sucks.

Trust me I feel your pain. Wisconsin has the same archaic law. We are a Marital Property state, a divorce can take years to finish, and a state that rarely if ever enforces crimes against a marriage like adultry etc. But this is one that has been on the books forever, and it is made clear at the final hearing that if you marry within the 6 months (not 180 days but the 6 months) that marriage is "null and void" under Wisconsin law. The judge made it clear that any marriage performed 'anywhere in the world" would be null and void in Wisconsin if it is performed within the 6 month time constraint. You need to check your appropriate State Statute to see if this is the case, because if it is, you can't do the "honeymoon in Vegas" routine within the 6 month time period.

My initial thought about the waiting period was that "Hey I can file, because it will be over six months or close to it for processing" Then I figured that I could possibly get by within the 90 days of my fiancee's arrival if we were within the 6 months once she arrived. I think that would have worked but....nope it will not. I found the corresponding rule in the Foreign services manual which clearly states that any FSO or Consular Officer that determines that either the petitioner or beneficiary were not free to legally marry "at the time the petition was filed" SHALL <-----meaning they MUST, deny the visa and return the petition back to NVC and the USCIS.

Now, I have heard of others slipping through the cracks on this, but at the risk of having a denial, and then having to re-apply all over again (which will no doubt raise some flags the second time around) it just is not worth it. In your statement of intent to marry you are also saying at that time that you are legally free to marry as of the date on that statement. You would be providing false information otherwise.

It really is tough to see that aspect of the process, and it has been a long 6 months for my fiancee and I. But, next week Tuesday April 10th, I can legally marry and the petition will be sent over night to Nebraska. In some respects the months that have passed, and my lurking here on VJ since December has helped a great deal. It gave both of us more time to make certain we had this packet of information together, and to make certain we have exactly what is required and then some. We were also able to squeeze in another meeting during this time to add more evidence to meeting in person.

I can't find the exact section of the FAM Manual right now, but if you PM me, I'll dig it up and send it to. Good luck, it's painful, but you can make it.
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-04-02 08:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOfficial NOA1

I never got an email NOA1 nor a letter. But I got the NOA2 yesterday by email.
Please see my sig for dates.

Congrats on the NOA2!! They seem to be moving again.
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-05-05 21:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOfficial NOA1
I have the same problem. Never received a hard copy. I called this week to ask about it, and was told that they CANNOT verify your address over the phone. I was advised to give it additional time, and then make an info-pass appointment with my local office (85 Miles from me), go there for the appointment and they will pull up the information at that time and make any changes etc. So, if I do not receive it by the end of the week, I will plan on making the appointment and doing what I have to do. My biggest concern is that if I get an RFE I would be sitting here waiting for something that will never arrive due to an address error.
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-05-05 13:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestraffic warrants
Most States will not extradite on a non-criminal (forfeiture) traffic violation. You're going to get a a name hit on NCIC though which will be run during the name checks. I think you'd be wise to take care of it now while you can and get it off the system.
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-05-15 17:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBad credit question

How about an unpaid parking ticket ? (USC)

I would advise getting that paid. It can be possible that unpaid parking tickets escallate into a want or warrant for you; which could eventually cause some issues.

Have'nt ever heard of anybody in the U.S. ever having a warrant issued for unpaid parking tickets. Worst that might happen is they impound/boot your vehicle if they run across it. Still a good idea to get it taken care of.

Depends on the state. It USED to be common all over. It could also be entered as a county or municipal warrant...not sure where...Wisconsin stopped that a long time ago, now we just take your car.

Edited by etripke, 21 May 2007 - 07:10 PM.

etripkeMaleUkraine2007-05-21 19:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat's an NOA1? Please help!!
Sometimes those CSR's (Customer Service Reps) are worthless. I had 2 different answers when I called. The first was 2-3 weeks. Then the second call was 45 days.

On the lighter side, you are experiencing what many (including myself) are experiencing right now as part of the slow down out of CSC. They are working the petitions, but the notification system seems to be hit or miss.

Hang in there.
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-05-22 16:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce q./Immigration reform, any new options for us?/etc.

I need to know if I have to wait to apply until my waiting period for remarriage is fulfilled. It is 6 months in my state. I was divorced in Feb so that will be August. I was separated when we met.

Are there any new options for immigration with the new laws/reform?

I would be VERY cautious with this. The Foreign Affairs Manual is pretty clear on what they must do in the event they discover you were not legally able to marry "at the time the petition was filed". If your state allows you to marry outside of your state, and will recognize that marriage even if you are married within the 6 month waiting period, then you should be ok. I would follow what ever your appropriate laws are because you will no doubt face additional scrutiny due to your Fiance's country of origin.
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-06-06 09:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestax returns

I have my own buisness and last year i worked most of the year for a department store as a designer. the previous year i unfortunately forgot to file a tax return. is this a problem.. my accountant is working on 2006 returns any help would be much appreciated.

You "Forgot"?
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-06-16 17:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFee's Increase on July 30

This is OLD news.

etripkeMaleUkraine2007-06-23 20:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWHAT IS THE LONG FORM BIRTH CERTIFICATE?

In the US you can get two different versions of your birth certificate. The short form is a small card small enough to carry in your wallet- it has limited info such as your name, name of your parents, date and place of birth. The long form includes EVERYTHING, your time of birth, birth weight, parents addresses, your gender, your race. I think it may also include your parent's social security numbers. You can see examples at this link:


I've seen where some have recieved RFE's for their birth certificate stating that USCIS wants the LONG FORM. What exactly is this?

It all depends on the State and sometimes the county of birth. Wisconsin does not have a small wallet size form, but the Vital Records Division does give 2 options for the birth certificate. One will have just basic information (Mother's Name & Father's name, place of birth). The other will have ALL information including your parents place of birth. I guess that would be what some people refer to as a "long form". My understanding is that which form you send in, it must also give the parents complete information.
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-06-24 22:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI suspect RFE

I don't think you're that far off from receiving a NOA2. You can definitely call USCIS using the RFE trick to see if you do have an RFE, but here is a list of people who received their NOA2s from VSC in June.

Name     Visa   Country     NOA1    NOA2 Carmi & Lonnie    K1  Philippines    04/11/07   06/22/07 Steph & Joe    K3  India    11/02/06   06/21/07 Chinenye & Amadi  K1  Nigeria     05/03/07   06/21/07 Pri & Ran   K3  India    04/18/07   06/15/07 Ayodeji & Kia Smith  K3  Nigeria     12/14/06   06/12/07 M & S    K1  Estonia     03/16/07   06/11/07 Dawn & Aaron   K3  United Kingdom 02/05/07   06/04/07 Elena & David  K1  Russia   03/13/07   06/04/07 S & V    K3  India    03/22/07   06/01/07
Hopefully you will get yours in the next couple of weeks.

Next couple days would be good too, of course. :) I just have a sinking feeling that you know...6 months from now my receipt date will be the one on the processing times page. I think the person I talked to at USCIS wasn't one of the people from VSC because it was kind of late in the day and it mentioned at one point that no one was at the service center I was trying to contact, yet I got a breathing person on the other end...I'll keep trying...but honestly I question how much longer I can stand it here in the US before hopping a plane and going back to him for good. I don't care where we live as long as we're together, hell, we could live under a bridge on the moon for all I care. Maybe we'll find some stray I-129Fs sitting in a bin up there or floating in space. lol

My Guess is that he is stuck in name checks. Huskerkiev spoke of this before and it is not all that uncommon with MENA benificiaries.
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-06-24 22:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestion about divorce papers

OY VAY here we go again,


Get Certified Copies of BOTH divorces, the whole ENCHILADA not just a letter the WHOLE thing. I was RFE'ed because of this I sent in only a LETTER. Save yourself the TROUBLE and get BOTH of them and be DONE with it. Trust me the TIME you spend now getting the COMPLETE and PROPER paperwork will save time in the end.

I request a sticky, CAUSE I'm tired of ppl not gettng it thru their skulls :P Send the WHOLE thing not just a piece why waste time.

For the people who only send in the letter or part of the decree and got past, AWESOME for you, but that is not always the case, the point of the website is to help people complete the forms with the information of what they need, share experiences, and to provide a support system for them.

Most of us have been and or are going thru this crazy process.

Peace out,

Very well put. I have heard so many others cutting corners and trying to do the minimum on this and you really are risking an RFE over it.
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-06-30 16:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa vs. Getting Married in US

Better to use work or student visa. Using a visitor visa to "save time" of K-1 petition is "penny-wise, TON-foolish".

Say what? Those aren't any easier to get.
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-07-03 10:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about Service Center

Yes. TSC and NSC dont process I-129F's anymore. But you are still required to send to the service center covering your area. Though that is changing and soon you will be able to send directly to CSC or VSC.

Where did you get the information on the change of sending to the service centers? Did they make a press release?
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-06-23 19:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswould u believe it???

yeah am sooooooooooo pissed.. i dont know what will i do now.. I did called the CIS and said they already sent my papers in my consulate... they keep telling me that i insisted cis should send it in nvc, but they keep still telling me its in my consulate

nwei thanks for the comment and idea

That's Weird. But, I remember reading some time ago about the Service Centers sending to the Embassy/Consulate direct. Seems like last fall or early winter that was being done from time to time. Anyone else remember that?
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-07-27 02:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfiancee work concern


LOL I was just about to ask the same. :)
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-08-09 13:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 interview
QUOTE (queball @ Aug 28 2007, 06:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone. Well I am just about done with getting all my documents ready to send to my fiancee in the Ukraine. I am a little confused about what documents need to be originals and or copies. I am looking at instructions for immirgrant/k visa applicants and there is a chart that says for example , Evidence of the relationship ( photos, letters,plane tickets) should be originals. Also for K-visa applicants . The American Fiance's tax returns,w-2's, pay stubs, should be originals and copies. What if this package I send gets lots. I would loose the original important documents. Could use some help on this. Thanks !!! Jeff and Yulia helpsmilie.gif

Jeff, Go to the Kyiv Beat thread in Regional. There is alot of information there from recent interviews. You can get answers just by reading through it. FYI: It is Ukraine not "The Ukraine" like in Soviet Days.
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-08-28 22:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFree to marry??

I agree with BackPages. If you are free to marry anywhere you are free to marry. You also would not HAVE to live in Texas. If honoring the divorce was in issue you could hypothetically move to another state. Remember these aps are being looked at by a lot of governement empolyees that are basically clerks. All they are going to care about is that you are divorced. Perhaps if it is stamped in big black print that any file clerk would see that said. May not ReMarry until 7/1/2007 I would worry and wait otherwise send it off.

As I have posted before, and I promise this will be the final post on this thread, it depends on the state. I suppose if like in my case, I was to move from Wisconsin to another state and establish residence there, that I could have gotten around the 6 month wait as required by Wisconsin law. Wisconsin is pretty specific in that they will not recognize any marriage, performed anywhere in the world, that is performed within the 6 month period after the divorce is granted. The point is that you must be legally free to marry at the time the petition is filed. In my case I can not marry (as long as I am a Wisconsin resident) for the six months.

True, the adjuducators are probably not in tune with every state's law in this regard. But as Huskerkiev said they do have access to the internet, they could dig if they had time or wanted to, and the Embassy or Consulate could also create problems. I WISH the law was different here, but it isn't, and it has been a LONG wait for us. I also have a career here, and moving was not an option, otherwise I'd try to head east towards Vermont to get the faster processing.

Just my 2 cents, if you think you can file then by all means do it.
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-04-07 11:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFree to marry??

Yes it is true. The judge told me when I got my divorce and it is stated in my divorce papers. As far as I know it is a state wide law but you never know, the time frame may vary from county to county. I live in Nueces County and the 'Cooling Off' period is 90 days unless you choose to remarry your ex, you can do that right away. :blink:

and as far as the visa is concerned, as long as she is free to marry by the time you get married it shouldn't be a problem. I mean, 90 days is 3 months, I don't know what the k-1 timeframes are like for UK but are you really going to be getting a visa, fly in to the US and marry before her 90 day divorce cooling off peroid is up? Just to be 100% safe I guess I would just wait out the 90 days before filing. Even mailing out the application on the 90th day.

As FWAGUY has just posted this has been discussed within the past week. You cannot file the petition unless you are legally free to marry. If your state or whatever requires a mandatory wait after the divorce is granted, you have to wait until that period has expired. You are best to check your appropriate State Statute or consult with an attorney. Some states will not recognize a marriage performed anywhere if it is within the wait period.
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-04-06 20:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance Visa denial
QUOTE (DKM @ Oct 20 2007, 02:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I included a sample of everything. Like noll, I was paranoid at first that we didn't have enough emails, maybe 10 total from March through June. After we fell in love, we stopped using email except for sending each other pictures and links to things we find funny. I thought maybe the consulate would deny because we didn't have much else other than proof i bought some phone cards ( i dial the 800 # on it). Other than that we chat online probably 1-2 hours a day, but those "records" don't really show anything especially since they can be faked anyway. We also use the free skype web cam to talk for hours on the weekends but there is no way to record proof of that either.

I think the visits are what will settle it though... I'd be a bit worried if it weren't for those. Really the large rock on her hand and the picture of our families meeting together in Russia should be enough for anyone. If not then they will have to explain to me why I would spend tens of thousands to fly my girl to different places in the world to spend time with me if this was some sort of immigration scam...

So, a "Large Rock" on her hand is needed? I can't disagree more. All it shows is you have $$ and that she just won the lottery. We exchanged simple engagement rings which will be OUR rings.

Visits (the family meeting is a great one I did the same), and additional combinations will make the case for the Visa. Rings are never required. Bringing a letter from clergy or a judge to the interview stating they will be performing the marriage is a great asset also.

Right now I think NOLL needs to decide what he is doing, and what he wants. I also see some red flags based on his description of how the relationship is going and where HER intentions are as well.

Edited by etripke, 21 October 2007 - 11:13 AM.

etripkeMaleUkraine2007-10-21 11:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to type Cyrillic in DS-156K pdf?
QUOTE (jlogajan @ Oct 27 2007, 09:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi. I downloaded the most recent DS-156K pdf form which the Moscow embassy says must be filled out in Russian. However when I type in Cyrillics from a seperate on-screen keyboard, the form shows blank spaces. This Cyrillic font works in other applications -- and actually worked on my I-129F pdf form I filled out in May.

Is there a specific Cyrillic font I should use?


Where did you download it from? Can't the fiance(ee) just hand write it? It's not an electronic version so if you're sending it over, just have him/her fill it out by hand.
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-10-27 21:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew here

I'm sorry, I should have mentioned that he was here illegally and got caught. He spent some time in immigration jail and was released on $6,000 bond. The judge allowed him time to stay here so he could be here for the birth of our daughter.

As soon as you said "Voluntary Departure" (USCIS Speak) I knew there was more to this. If he was found here illegally, you best find an attorney to consult with. VJ can help a great deal, but there are legal issues which will surface with your petition.
etripkeMaleUkraine2007-03-27 22:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting fiance' when NOA2 is issued
QUOTE (Grid @ Dec 31 2007, 08:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I found a thread that indicates that the NAO2 is not neessary at the interview.

Kyiv doesn't require the NOA2 copy. Go to the Embassy website and download the instructions, this will give you a listing of everything they require.
etripkeMaleUkraine2008-01-01 22:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures2009 Tax Return-married but may file single? Please help!
If your spouse is coming on an IR1 visa then just file for an extension if he/she does not arrive by the tax date. They will get a SSN number shortly after they arrive.
damulagNot TellingPhilippines2011-01-28 19:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAOS Income Taxes for past 2 years, making payments
I was on a payment plan when we did the AOS, and also for the K1 interview and it was not a problem for us. I was never late with the tax forms and made over the minumum.
damulagNot TellingPhilippines2010-12-05 11:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134
Do not forget it is only documented wages and tips that count, if the person does not claim all their tips so they get taxed on them then only what is claimed will count toward the poverty level.
damulagNot TellingPhilippines2006-02-02 12:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCAN WORK ON K1
Then you need to get the potential employer to accept the document, I bet most will not.

Mike and Luvy
damulagNot TellingPhilippines2006-02-01 16:53:00