IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview in Rio - packet 4 and original documents
Hi everyone!

Could you please tell me how long it took for you to get your visa in the mail?

Thank you!
MariaGabrielFemaleBrazil2012-08-08 16:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBons Antecedentes
Oi! Estou com uma duvida é espero que vocês possam me ajudar. Para a entrevista do meu marido eles aceitam o atestado de bons antecedentes do RJ em vez do Certidão de Vida Privada? Qual é a diferença?

Nós moramos no Rio Grande do Sul é mandamos uma procuração a uma amiga, mas não foi o formulário fornecido no cite do consulado do RJ. Vai ter algum problema?

MariaGabrielFemaleBrazil2012-07-12 14:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazil Police Records

Sorry Maria,
I thought this was a K1 visa and not a CR1. Rodrique answered your question correctly. However, the online police certificates are accepted.
Boa Sorte,

Hey guys! Thank you very much for taking time to answer some of my questions. I really don't know why they ask for a different background check for people that live in Rio de Janeiro, but the Certidão de Vida Privada is also provided by the Secretaria de Segurança Publica. So, better safe than sorry at the time of the interview and get that certificate...

How did it take you from the time you sent in all your documents to get an interview marked?

Obrigada pela ajudinha!!!
MariaGabrielFemaleBrazil2012-07-14 11:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazil Police Records

Not sure the difference? Where did you read this. Please see my 3rd link on my signature for the Consulate directions. It is a link directly to the consulate in Rio. Read through those instructions. If it is not there, then you don't need it. And yes, they DO accept the online version as long as you print out the authentication page. All the information needed for the K1 for Brazil is found from that link.
Boa Sorte,

That's good to hear that they accept the online Police Record from the Policia Federal. I am not sure what the difference is between the Atestando de Bons Antecedentes and the Certidão de Vida Privada. I guess better safe than sorry and go ahead and send a procuração to our friend in Rio de Janeiro.

Once you have all your documents, do you send them all to the NVC and they forward it to the Rio consulate? I am a bit confused about that because in the Rio Consulate website it says that we have to send them the DS-230 form, the DS-2001 form, copy of my husband's passport, and a 5X7 foto.

Thanks for the help!!
MariaGabrielFemaleBrazil2012-07-13 11:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazil Police Records

They will accept online certificates. I was just approved on July 11th and I used them.
You must print the authentication page also.
I was unsure just as you so I sent an email to the Consulate and inquired of them and they replied
that they do accept them. I attached this email in my NVC DS-230 packet and was never asked about it.
If you are still uncertain do as I did, email the Consul and annex the email in your submissions.
I wish you the best.

Thank you Rodrique! I still have one more doubt:

My husband is not from RJ, but he lived there for a couple of years. So, we sent a pro curaçao to a friend of ours to get the atestado de bons antecedentes. However, to my
surprise those who live or use to live in Rio have to get a Certidao de vida they only accept this or can we use the atestado of bons antecedentes? Why the difference for RJ residents????
MariaGabrielFemaleBrazil2012-07-12 21:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazil Police Records
Hi everyone,

Could someone please help me with this question: Why do people from RJ have to have a Certidão de Vida Privada? Will they not accept the other certificate of Good Conduct?

Thank you
MariaGabrielFemaleBrazil2012-07-12 14:33:00