Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBeijing Olympics 2008
The opening ceremony was held successfully last night in Beijing. Even though I couldn't be there in person, in stead, I could only sit in front of the TV with Mom, I felt so proud. I knew Hodgie also cared about such a big event, because he mentioned it to me during the daytime, and he asked me when the opening ceremony started. I knew I couldn't force him to watch it at the same time with me, since it was 5:00am his time. But still, I gave him e-mail with my emphasis about the Beijing Olympics.

Fortunately, he started to watch it at around 7:20pm, August 8, 2008 his time. He said:" It's incredible. When I turned the TV on, I was glued it, except for the commercials time when I could cook a little bit. I cried for the opening ceremony several times. I've never seen such a ceremony like that, ever. It's amazing. It also reminded me the ceremony of Chongqing 10 years anniversary. At that time, we were there and saw it alive.(Hodgie came to Chongqing to see me in May last year.) This time, even though we couldn't be there and see it alive, all Asians should be proud. I wish I were there."

I was deeply moved by what he said. Perhaps both of us are Asians, we can understand eastern culture better. He is right, I love Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony. It's very Chinese and original.

Today, I went to donate blood, being company with my uncle. I only donated 200ml, while my uncle donated 300ml. It's been the second time for both of us to donate blood. Hodgie called me when I was ready to donate my blood. He has known I've experienced it in the past time. But he was still wondering why I decided to do it suddenly. Well, I actually don't have any kind of so called "reasons", it's just the responsibility on my mind. If I'm good enough physically, I want to try my best to help others.

From the blood station, I knew that there're so many people donating blood yesterday because of it's the beginning of Beijing Olympics. All of them were in a long line waiting. Some of them couldn't even donate their blood because of the increasing number of people. I was surprised. For me, I didn't think too much. It's just what I should do. I only hope that everything will go well with Beijing Olympics. No more negatives events.

Good luck to Beijing Olympics! Good luck to China, my mother country!
xiziFemaleChina2008-08-09 08:36:00
ChinaMembership of Chinese Communist Party
I actually don't have any moods to say anything. But I think my interview might be helpful to you. Now I only give you the whole process of my interview.

I had a VO with brown skin. He’s kind of skinny.

VO: You are getting married, congratulations!
ME: Thank you. But what did you say?
VO: You are getting married, congratulations!
ME: Thank you.
VO: You can speak English very well. How do you study?
ME: I talk to my fiancé every day. He helps me a lot. I heard you just now. You can also speak Chinese very well.
VO: Oh, I’m sure that I cannot speak Chinese as well as you speak English.
ME: Thank you.
VO: Where did you meet?
ME: Lijiang.
VO: Why is Lijiang?
ME: His friends XX and XX invited him to teach dance at the summer camp. At that time, I went to Lijiang to practice my English. We just met.
VO: When?
ME: Feb 15, 2007.
VO: How many times did he come to China in total?
ME: Twice.
VO: When did he leave last time?
ME: May 18, 2007, until his visa has been expired.
VO: When did you fall in love?
ME: When I left Lijiang, I felt very sad. I even cried. I knew that I would miss him. Because we missed each other so much that he came to Kunming to see me. I introduced him to my parents. From then on, we started a relationship.
VO: How do your parents see your relationship?
ME: Honestly, they disapproved this marriage because of our age differences. But when they first met, they really enjoyed each other’s company. After they convinced of our love, they approved our relationship.
VO: What does he do?
ME: He’s an artistic director and teacher.
VO: Artist?
ME: Dancer.
VO: What kind?
ME: He started out of Martial Arts because he’s born in Korea.
VO: ??
ME: Kongfu. When he went to US, he was trained in Ballet and Jazz. Later on, he combined Hip-Hop with them and created his own style.
VO: Do you dance with him?
ME: No.
VO: Why?
(He’s surprised?)
ME: Because I cannot dance. I don’t know how to dance. He asks me to stretch every day. It’s really hard to me. But when I was in his dance class in Lijiang, he taught me. I can only take some simple movements, like Cha Cha Cha.

VO: He’s a Korean. How did he go to US?
ME: After his grandma died, his father went to US first.
VO: When?
ME: I have a letter here.
VO: You can just tell me.
ME: XXXX, in Feb, probably. And he went there in Nov the same year.
VO: XXXX year, right?
ME: Right.
VO: How many children does he have?
VO: Have you seen his children?
ME: Only through the camera.
VO: Do you have photos?
ME: Yes.
VO: How do you contact each other?
ME: We talk to each other every day. Most times…

(VO turned the microphone off and discussed with other VOs)

VO: Sorry, you just said “most times” …
ME: Most times through cell phone, sometimes through Skype so that we can see each other.
VO: Do you have any records?
ME: Yes. I also have photos of my fiancé and his family in US.

VO: Please put it here.

VO: Do you have a marriage plan?
ME: No. There’re so many things that I haven’t known until I get there in person. But we will have a concrete plan as soon as I get there.

VO: Do you like hot weather?
(Both of us laughed.)
ME: I know that the weather in Arizona, especially in Phoenix is really hot. But I think I will get through.
VO: You are approved, congratulation. Please take this to the post office. (Pointing at the Pink Clip) But we have to keep your passport for a while.
ME: Thank you so much. (I was so excited to hold the Pink Clip.)
VO: Congratulations. Bye.
ME: Thank you.

VO: Oh, please wait. (He suddenly saw “CCP” on my material.)I have to ask you a quick question. Are you currently the member of Chinese Communist Party?
ME: Yes.
(The whole world got dark. I felt down.)
VO: Sorry, could you please give that back to me?
(Pointing at the Pink Clip.)
I’m sorry I just said “You are approved”.
ME: That’s fine.
VO: When did you join the Party?
ME: Apr 2006 when I was in university.
VO: What do you have to do with the Party?
ME: Nothing.
VO: What’s your job?
ME: I don’t have a job. I’ve been focusing on this visa since I graduated from university.
VO: What’s your major?
ME: Safety Engineering.
VO: What?
(Maybe he heard “safety” which is sensitive. But it’s actually totally different from security on their mind.)
ME: Safety Engineering.

(VO turned the microphone off again and discussed with other VOs)

VO: What is Safety Engineering about?
ME: For example, before we build a house, we have to assess if the house will be safe enough.
VO: Is it the same as Civil Engineering.
ME: Yes. (Actually they’re different. But I was nervous and I felt like I didn’t have other choice.)

VO: Well, Miss XX, I cannot give you the visa today. We still need more time on your application. The sooner you fill out all the items here?Pointing at the Yellow Clip?, the sooner we will contact you. If you have more questions, please go to NO. 30 window.
ME: Is this all because of my membership?
VO: Well, we have more things to do.
ME: How long is it gonna take?
VO: I really don’t know. But we strongly suggest you not have any plans, not waste money until we make the final decision.

(I was hold the Blue, Yellow and White Clips and feeling down. I suddenly thought that I had prepared a statement for myself. Then I went back to the VO right away.)

(VO looked nice and he turned the microphone on.)

ME: I’m sorry to bother you again. I’ve already had those materials.
VO: Are you sure that you’ve already had all the items?
(Pointing at the Yellow Clip.)
ME: Yes.
VO: That’s great.
(He took the Yellow and White Clips back and returned the Blue one back to me.)
ME: Thank you.

I’ve cried for the past couple days. When Hodgie said ” I still love you, babe” I cried like crazy. Everybody felt sad and disappointed. What should I do?

xiziFemaleChina2009-01-15 06:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQ about GUZ Interview
My situation is as similar as yours. We met each other Feb 16, 2007 in Lijiang. After I came back in Kunming which was my hometown, he came to Kunming to see me and had dinner with my parents. Then I went back to Chongqing University. He went to Chongqing to see me during the golden week in May, and he spent two weeks there companying me. But he hasn't come back again since May 18, 2007 when he went back to US. It's been more than one year for us to see each other. Now I'm still waiting for NOA2. We got NOA1 on Mar 28, 2008. It's been 4 months since then.

I just graduated from Chongqing University. It's not easy for me to find a job as long as I mention my K-1 to people. I'm so worried sometimes. And I also hope that my fiance will be able to come back one more time before I go to the interview. However, it's depending on so many factors. My fiance always asks me to be positive. And I feel much better after talking to him every time.

Please come, NOA2!
xiziFemaleChina2008-08-05 09:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI finally got the NOA2
I couldn’t help myself crying when I checked my e-mail this morning. It said that Approval Notice Sent. I finally got my NOA2. It’s a long process to get it. I’ve been waiting for 146 days since we sent out the application. And it’s been 140 days since we got the NOA1.

I was a little overconfident at the very beginning because everybody said that now CSC worked faster than before. So I believed that I would get NOA2 in no more than three months all the time. However, after I waited 3 months, there’s nothing new on my case, either a new update. I began to worry as if something’s wrong with my application. But Hodgie always comforted me and encouraged me to be a little more patient and confident.

Unfortunately, 4 months have been passed, and I still didn’t get anything new. I was really worried then. I asked Hodgie to call USCIS very often. But they couldn’t give us a satisfied answer. Instead, they told us that the only thing we could do was waiting, waiting and waiting.

Since my birthday Aug.16 is coming and I hope that NOA2 will be coming before my birthday, I started to call USCIS by myself. In the past two days, I tried several times calling USCIS at the number 800-375-5283, however, nobody answered. It took me more than half an hour to try this number every time, which made me go to bed until mid-night everyday. I was kind of desperate.

I’ve been informed that cases of CSC on March 26 were being processed. That almost drives me crazy. Even though Hodgie and also my parents have tried their best to calm me down every day, I couldn’t help myself being upset.

Today is really another good start. NOA2 means I’m really on the visa journey. It’s also my best birthday gift.

Nothing can stop me being happy today.
xiziFemaleChina2008-08-12 02:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI cannot wait for NOA2
Thank you smile.gif
xiziFemaleChina2008-08-05 10:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI cannot wait for NOA2
Hodgie took me to his class today. I actually went to his class yesterday also. However, he taught high school students yesterday while he taught those kids who were only around 8 years old today. You might wonder how I could go with him. Well, I really appreciated the advanced technology. We couldn't be so close to each other without laptop and camera. Even though we were on the opposite side of the world, and we haven't seen each other for more than one year, we could see each other through the camera. I had so much fun going everywhere with him.

Sometimes, I was indeed worried about our case because it's been 4 months since we applied for K-1, but we haven't received NOA2 yet. However, Hodgie always asked me to be positive. Every time after I talked to him, I got more confidence, so that I could continue to wait for my visa patiently.

Please come, NOA2! August 16 is my birthday. NOA2 would be my best birthday gift if it could come.
xiziFemaleChina2008-08-05 09:22:00