VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Our case is still at the consulate. I met with my congressional rep on Friday. She's been making inquiries to the consulate for me for some time now. Brought her up to speed on our case and shes going to resend some dox for us and follow up with a phone call. Said she will get back to me next week.

Coolhand, like Scott said, I wouldnt provoke the consulate by emailing them like that. I email them then I follow up after they reply, it amounts to about 2 emails from me and 2 from them a month. Duyen has been going to window B once a month with both of our previous months phone records and chat logs. I hope some of us in AP can add some good news soon.

Frank and Duyen

Frank, this could be some of your problems. Every time you submit more evidence your file then the time starts over, and this can cause delays. I admire your determination, and I dont blame you, because with everything you are submitting if they try to deny you for lack of proving an ongoing relationship then you will be in the same situation I was in and easily able to prove that they knowingly lied in your denial letter. I just wanted to bring this point up, after all you are the one that has to decide what to or not to do, but it could be one of the reasons you have been in ap for so long. Jeorme
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-08-28 21:12:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

even though it may be canned, it must be documented in the record.. so it is a touch of sorts... any email to you or your rep = an update in the system... (not the autoreply).... If they did what Jerome's friend thinks they did, then they made a big mistake as it will require a great deal of work to resolve.. the cases sent to NV without proper documentation will be returned to the consulate my NVC or USCIS.... they do have a protocol they must follow and returning cases without an official decision/documented reason for denial is against protocol.

Scott I talked with him last night, from what he is saying it is mainly the cases that have been in AP for over 90 days that are getting sent back, but some of his older cases are still waiting. The issue he has and the other CO’s is that there was no pattern to what petitions they took and sent back, most were over 90 days, but some were not. They are getting denied, but it is a person that is unfamiliar with the case, they simply looked over the CO’s notes then either denied or approved. So in actuality, not all of them were being sent back, I guess some were approved, but most were being denied. The problem Jeff and the other CO’s have is that the people making the decisions do not know anything other than what is in the file and they feel that their toes have been stepped on. Jerome

jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-08-22 00:14:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

He is in position now.

I'm sure the real couple will pass easier but the fake one ( those take money to bring commies here) will get catch; especially women USC sponsor VN man, multiple marriages to VN get tougher ...

What is your reasoning behind this theory? ...just wondering.
lindal24FemaleVietnam2010-08-20 15:12:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

From the chart on the first post of this topic created based on results reported by VJ members.

So then it's safe for me to say that these are just VJ statistics (as reported by VJ members ONLY) and may vary from the actual statistics coming out of the consulate. Just want to make this clear incase people coming to this forum seem to think otherwise.
lindal24FemaleVietnam2010-08-10 12:43:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

2010 interview stats as of 8/10:
87% approved
13% denied
61% blue slip at interview
39% pink at interview
13% of the blue slips to AP

What does this mean? Don't be surprised if you get a blue slip at the interview... its common...but most get approved after all is said and done. of those denied this year, most were a result of a very short relationship with limited visits/documentation...

Where are you getting these stats from and/or what data are you using to come up with these stats?
lindal24FemaleVietnam2010-08-10 10:04:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Hey Scot
you will got it
I am happy for you
your brother
johncali9MaleVietnam2010-07-21 10:13:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Congratz Scott, it's about time!!! Just drop in in ChoRay early in the morning and most of the time they will let you do it. That's what Hang did. She just back to Hanoi to get another Police Cert., and will be ready by the end of September. We're still waiting for the complete Medical, hopefully by mid-October. I plan to fly back in November to bring her over if everything goes smoothly :whistle:
You're almost there!!! :dance:
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2010-09-14 22:10:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

The sputum smear and culture are pretty reliable. The smear can be used to confirm TB pretty quickly. The culture can also produce a confirmation within a couple of weeks. Getting a negative result takes a while because the bacteria grows so slowly. They can't say for certain that there's no TB unless the culture doesn't produce any TB bacterial growth in a couple of months.

Thanks Jim for clarifying the TST procedure. I would definitely want to know the results for certain too but we just went through the same things and was clear 6 months ago. It wasn't fun to go through the sputum collection again, especially for Hang. She could not cough it out for almost 3 straight weeks. They ended up collecting it through her nostril with a plastic tube..ouch!!! :crying:
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2010-08-10 20:34:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

skin test would save so much time... How long until the test results are finished? how long did it take to get the police cert last go? they wanted us to wait 1 month when we got ours...

Yes, that would be nice..the skin test would only take 72 hours for the results to come back, that what I learned. The hospital staffs said the turn around time for the sputum will take approx 10 weeks, so that would be around mid-October for us. Last year, the Police Cert would also take us a month too if it wasn't for someone her Dad knows whom help us expedited in time for the interview. This time, we will try to get it done earlier, hopefully before the results come back. I wonder if her family can pick it up for her if she can't stay in HN for the whole month?
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2010-08-09 22:20:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Just talked to Thuy and there were two men from the consulate at her address in HaNoi yesterday asking the building manager and 4 neighbors questions and had them sign affidavits about Thuys living alone. She said she kept 4 copies of the Police certificate as she had them give her 5 when she got it done just in case...

Your case is progressing nicely, at least you know where it's going and not stuck somewhere. Hoping for the good news soon...We still have the Police Cert to redo, which will be expired next month. Hang will fly back to HN for that while waiting for the sputum results...wish they offer the skin tests at ChoRay thou.
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2010-08-09 20:52:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Thanks Scott for maintaining and improving the List. It's been a really helpful tool... :thumbs:
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2010-08-01 12:25:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

My mind was racing all night long after they called.. I feel like I have been awake for days and I think I actually slept like normal last night... those that got calls last year got them within days of each other... I hope you guys get done soon too.

It is a hopeful signs that your case is active and ongoing..relax with the comfort that some good news coming soon!!!
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2010-07-20 23:09:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Oh man, sorry to hear that Scott..we tried going to the Window a couple times and were told to go home and wait. Then, I got out my passport and went in a couple times to get the CO to pull our files for another Senator's inquiry was going nowhere too..they're not very helpful. I guess Feinstein is not up for re-election so she doesn't care much...should have contact Boxer instead.
ps: Hang has the sputum appt next week, we're looking at another 2-3 months for the results to come back. Our police cert. expired near the end of September, will be very close.
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2010-07-09 14:59:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

I'm sweating bullets for you, Scott! I'm really hoping for the best, but however it turns out at least you'll finally end the suspense and get some closure. :thumbs:

I agree. I hope nothing but the best for you and Thuy. Good luck brother :thumbs:

WeatherEmperorMaleVietnam2010-07-24 22:58:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Well... Well...

They came to see my wife yesterday.

One CO, one outsourced translator, and an outsourced driver. They were there over an hour. Apparently, they had a bunch of cases to visit.

Let's hope they make a decision soon. I don't care about the result at this point; I just want a decision.
CoolHand2x2y2zMaleVietnam2010-09-15 06:15:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
CONGRATS, SCOTT!!! :dance:
CoolHand2x2y2zMaleVietnam2010-09-14 18:22:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
I think it might be a good time to get my congressman to rattle the monkey's cage once more to see if anything happens. This way, at least new head monkey gets questioned about it. My luck, it's just going to be the outsourced rice-eater who gets the request and then presses a button to send out a canned response. And then my congressman has to mail it to me.
CoolHand2x2y2zMaleVietnam2010-08-31 21:29:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
What if I start writing love emails to them?

I'm thinking of something like this:

Dear Darling,

It's been sooo long since you've held my paperwork in your hands. I miss you so.

Could you please tell me what's in your heart? Do you approve or not? Are you there?


CoolHand2x2y2zMaleVietnam2010-08-28 15:30:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
What do you guys think of this?

I want to send the HCMC monkeys an email every day. And I want to quote them saying that they must reply to each of my requests.

It is my understanding that they have to record every communication, so I want that list to grow every day. The longer our case is in "jail," the longer the list grows.
CoolHand2x2y2zMaleVietnam2010-08-28 07:15:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Canned response #3,892,635

Thank you for your inquiry.

The beneficiary's file is pending review by a consular officer. Please
note that the beneficiary will experience delays in receiving a response
from our office regarding the case due to the large number of cases
pending review.
Our office will notify the beneficiary by mail once the review is

CoolHand2x2y2zMaleVietnam2010-08-23 06:32:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Scott, I don't know if when we send an e-mail to them and they answer, does that constitute as a touch? I was looking at the date that DoS told as the last touched and it matched up with when I got the canned answer to my question.

I sent them another e-mail a few days ago. I guess it's about a week before the canned answers are sent out.
CoolHand2x2y2zMaleVietnam2010-08-21 07:13:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

The call today yielded a total b!tch on the other end... she said they were not allowed to tell me anything other than that it was currently under AP.. no dates nothing... I had to laugh at her and say she was only one of a handfull of people there that do things that way..That I am told the last date of update in the system at least 1 time each week.... she said she would have to bring it up at a meeting as they are not allowed to provide dates... I let her know that this process is difficult enough on us and that I am always polite when I call... the way she treats people just adds to the stress and agrivation...

They all want to play G-man. I tell 'ya, they all swing from the same trees and eat bananas: CHIMPS!

We are stuck on the edge of democracy. Nothing to be done about it.
CoolHand2x2y2zMaleVietnam2010-08-20 15:33:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Oh Well .....

Thank you for your inquiry.

A consular officer reviewed the beneficiary’s case on July 31. However, the case is now pending a final review by a consular officer. After the officer review, we will let the beneficiary know what documents she need to submit to complete her application.

We will contact the beneficiary when there is a conclusion on this case.

Not a copy paste for a change.... not the good news I wanted, but not bad news...

Sounds like it's turning the corner for you, Scott.

Let's hope it's days away!
CoolHand2x2y2zMaleVietnam2010-08-18 09:51:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
I called the DoS today and got Sara. She was very nice, the nicest person since this whole nightmare began. She told me the chimps in Vietnam (yes, she used the word 'chimps') touched our file at the end of July but nothing has been decided.

Man, talk about BS. Why don't those monkeys just get it over with? I'd even be happy to hear 'NO!' right now. Being in limbo is just terrible.
CoolHand2x2y2zMaleVietnam2010-08-17 18:39:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Yeah, I've called twice and those telephone people sounded pretty uptight. One of them even told me to contact HCMC about my inquiries in a almost-hostile manner. I could have easily gone off on her but I stayed cooled and thanked her. Maybe it was because it had just turned 5:00pm -going home time for them.

Say, Scott, regarding AP, do the HCMC chimps always contact both the sponsor and the spouse, or is that just when they deem it necessary?
CoolHand2x2y2zMaleVietnam2010-08-10 06:51:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Just talked to Thuy and there were two men from the consulate at her address in HaNoi yesterday asking the building manager and 4 neighbors questions and had them sign affidavits about Thuys living alone. She said she kept 4 copies of the Police certificate as she had them give her 5 when she got it done just in case...

Sounds great, Scott! Good luck!
CoolHand2x2y2zMaleVietnam2010-08-09 16:55:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
That number worked like a charm. Thanks, again, guys. Like Madonna's song, the file is "like a virgin" and remains untouched since the interview.

Say, did you guys ever guys ever pump the DoS operator to see if they could tell you anything about the case, like why it's being held up? It seems to me they have access to everything that's ever been logged into the system.
I didn't try to find out and I wish I did.
CoolHand2x2y2zMaleVietnam2010-08-04 12:27:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Thanks for the number, guys. I've been calling that dud number that I had from before: 603 334-0700.

Thanks, again.
CoolHand2x2y2zMaleVietnam2010-08-03 23:37:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
How do you guys get through to their number? I've tried but it's perpetually busy.
CoolHand2x2y2zMaleVietnam2010-08-03 22:56:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

same copy paste response that those VN clerks will give when anyone emails a status request and it was the same my congressman was provided yesterday...

AP is an all encompassing umbrella when one calls DoS or NVC.. anything being done on the case is considered AP... If a case is denied and returned to USCIS it is also considered AP when one calls to inquire.... a far to vague label for the staus of a case IMO... but getting any real response or info would be nice IMO...

one new thing they added to the response to my congressman was that we were in AP to validate that our relationship was valid... funny thing that they did not ask for any proof of bonafide when we got the blue slips... but I did in fact load them up with a bunch of evidence of bonafide which they returned to her in May saying it had been reviewed... I truly think these clerks (not and actual CO) answering emails have no clue as to what is going on with the case... they just regurgitate a canned response to any case that has gone beyond the interview... inappropriate on so many levels...

Scott, the sad thing is that even people who "know what they are doing" (as in what to submit and how to find out) like us are getting screwed over by the process. Now, for people who have no idea and who just fill out forms, they've got no chance. This isn't democracy; it's lunacy.

When it's all said and done, no matter what happens to my wife's visa, I'd like to create a document that charges that entire consulate staff (immigrant visa section) with fraud. Fraud for using tax dollars and pretending to do a good job and a dozen of other charges. And I want to mass-mail it to the NVC and all the addresses I can find, even offices in D.C. And I want it get it out to the major papers also. I'm going shake the hornet's nest to see what falls out. I want most of them fired and relocated and so on. Honestly, I'll do it.

Edited by CoolHand2x2y2z, 30 July 2010 - 07:15 PM.

CoolHand2x2y2zMaleVietnam2010-07-30 19:14:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
In high school, AP was "advanced placement." Here, it stands for "almost pointless."

The beneficiary's file
is now pending such review by a consular officer. Case files and
additional information are prepared for review based on a first-come,
first-reviewed policy. Our office will notify the beneficiary by mail
once the review is completed.

Due to the large number of cases to be reviewed and the need to be fair
to each applicant, we do not review cases out of sequence except when
there is an urgent need to do so. Please be assured that the
application and supporting information will be given every consideration
consistent with U.S. law and regulations.

CoolHand2x2y2zMaleVietnam2010-07-30 11:06:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

What is your reasoning behind this theory? ...just wondering.

Every body in VN community know that more than 50% of visa are fake.

these days the VCs are very rich and they want to live in US they are willing to pay any price to come to US

in the past I saw many fake couple either sister-brother marriage, money marriage....(vietbride post is an example fake couple) go through that because the white can't detect vnese tricks

now the new consular is VNese he can at-least detect 90% of VNese tricks .

my point is: top the fake and let the real go
NQT1976Not TellingVietnam (no flag)2010-08-20 17:14:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

We knew he was appointed, just have not known exactly when he would start working... There was hope they would clear cases out before he got there.. does not seem to have happened.. now we are hoping it happens at the end of fiscal like last year...

He is in position now.

I'm sure the real couple will pass easier but the fake one ( those take money to bring commies here) will get catch; especially women USC sponsor VN man, multiple marriages to VN get tougher ...
NQT1976Not TellingVietnam (no flag)2010-08-20 12:36:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

My wife had her interview November 9, 2009. After the interview she received blue asking for additional papers. We brought everything they requested to the Consulate on November 13,2009 and was told to go home and wait for a letter. Well, its been 10 letter, no phone call, no investigaters. I really don't know what their major malfunction is? Any ideas?

Duyen and I are in the same boat, her interview was sept 22, 09. Given blue for notarized timeline, gave them the timeline 30 days later, got another blue stating our case needed additional processing. No investigation for us either. I guess it could be they dont have any issue with VN side and are checking US side for who knows what. Other than that I have zero clue why its draging out like this. 10-11 months is plenty long to do what they need to do in IMO.

Frank and Duyen
Frank and DuyenMaleVietnam2010-09-18 09:05:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Thats awesome Scott !!!!!!!! :thumbs:
Frank and DuyenMaleVietnam2010-09-14 18:28:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

I still think we'll all be out of AP like was the case last year.. by mid Oct. thats only 6 or so weeks away... have there been any updates when you call DoS.. They may not be able to say what happened on the date but they did tell us last week that the case was last worked on Tuesday... They must be doing something with your case...

Yeah, DOS says its currently under review and noted some updates from August, most likely Duyen turning in phone records and chat. Oh well, what can ya do? Just wait and wait and wait...
Frank and DuyenMaleVietnam2010-09-05 21:26:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
10 months of AP...what the hell??? :angry:
Frank and DuyenMaleVietnam2010-09-05 19:49:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Frank, this could be some of your problems. Every time you submit more evidence your file then the time starts over, and this can cause delays. I admire your determination, and I dont blame you, because with everything you are submitting if they try to deny you for lack of proving an ongoing relationship then you will be in the same situation I was in and easily able to prove that they knowingly lied in your denial letter. I just wanted to bring this point up, after all you are the one that has to decide what to or not to do, but it could be one of the reasons you have been in ap for so long. Jeorme

Jerome, I think you could be right :thumbs:
Frank and DuyenMaleVietnam2010-08-29 14:31:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Our case is still at the consulate. I met with my congressional rep on Friday. She's been making inquiries to the consulate for me for some time now. Brought her up to speed on our case and shes going to resend some dox for us and follow up with a phone call. Said she will get back to me next week.

Coolhand, like Scott said, I wouldnt provoke the consulate by emailing them like that. I email them then I follow up after they reply, it amounts to about 2 emails from me and 2 from them a month. Duyen has been going to window B once a month with both of our previous months phone records and chat logs. I hope some of us in AP can add some good news soon.

Frank and Duyen

Edited by Frank and Duyen, 28 August 2010 - 09:11 AM.

Frank and DuyenMaleVietnam2010-08-28 09:07:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Yeah . Let just hope.
BTW alot of your thoery has never come true Scott LOL!
It's okay

Yeah but you have to love his optimism !
Frank and DuyenMaleVietnam2010-08-19 18:37:00