VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
2010 Interviews at HCMC Consulate:
MEMBER NAME................INTERVIEW DATE.....RESULT............

2009 Results

JasonandHien (CR1)..................01-20-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 00-00-2010....APPROVED
VN10 (CR1)..............................01-21-2010...APPROVED
Josh_A(CR1).............................01-21-2010...Blue-Police Cert, Parental info, Timeline-Resubmit 03-05-2010...Blue-AP
Scottthuy (K1)...........................01-26-2010...Blue-Police Cert, ex's info, Timeline-Resubmit 02-23-2010...Blue-police cert resubmit 3-1-10...Blue-AP
Tony&Trish(K1)..........................01-27-2010...Blue- 2-24-2010 DENIED
VanNick (K1) .............................02-02-2010...APPROVED
Asian206 (CR1)..........................02-02-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 03-03-2010...APPROVED
Hantinh (K1)..............................02-02-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 03-03-2010...APPROVED
Kevin and Tuyen(CR1 reaffirm)....02-05-2010...Green-I-864, Passport Photos-Resubmit 03-05-2010...APPROVED

Shy1akaanh (CR1).....................03-01-2010...APPROVED
Robert & Mai (K1 reaffirm)...........03-04-2010...Blue-...APPROVED
Steve & Chi (K1).........................03-15-2010...Blue - I-134/financial docs-Resubmit 04-13-2010 DENIED Only 1 visit and relationship too short
Vuster (CR1)..............................03-23-2010...APPROVED

Jacob & Kieu (CR1).....................04-19-2010... DENIED

FeelingLucky (K1)........................05-12-2010 ...APPROVED
Dee & Tee (K1)............................05-21-2010...?
t & t
(k1) ........................................05-24-2010... Blue - ..Resubmit. 06-21-2010...APPROVED
Patrick & Ann (K1)........................05-26-2010...?


Hieumin (CR1)..............................06-??-2010...APPROVED
nqb_tomm (CR1)..........................06-10-2010...?
2x2y2z (CR1)................................06-15-2010... Blue - Timeline, Medical, Address info, Proof of bonafide...Resubmit. 07-?-2010
Greg_N_Lien (CR1)......................06-16-2010... APPROVED

KenN (CR1)...................................06-16-2010...Blue - Co-sponsor.....APPROVED
Andy777 (CR1).............................06-24-2010 ...APPROVED

lambchop4life (CR1)............................07-01-2010...APPROVED
ttp (CR1)..............................................07-02-2010
Tommy Tran (K1))................................07-08-2010

Cuong & Nguyen (K1)...........................07-09-2010
Andrew - Thu.(K1)................................07-18-2010
TimnTuyen (K1)...................................07-26-2010

Tex_N_Tien (CR1)...........................08-06-2010

utst10 (CR1).......................................08-06-2010
Xuan Duong (CR1)............................08-25-2010

Edited by ScottThuy, 01 July 2010 - 06:09 PM.

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-06-30 21:45:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Some good news.. I just got word that a couple who has been in AP 7 months just got word the case is finished.....She went to the consulate to inquire... this could be a very positive thing for the rest of us since they go through alot of cases at the same time rather than one here and another there...lets hope that we see many visas issued soon....

The theory was that the new GC would be there this summer and that they would clear old AP's before he gets there... july was the expected month for this housekeeping to happen... July starts tonight and a I said I just heard of an AP getting cleared and approved which we have not really heard of for some time...
I really think that if Hang was able to get the clean medical they wanted, she would be here already...
Lets stay positive and not let this get to us... :thumbs: Most of the folks in AP last year were only in for a couple of months... most of us now have been in 2 or 3 times that long.. it really wears on us from one day to the next.. but as has been said so many times before.. look at the finish line ahead rather than the pothole we stepped in... or got pushed into by the CO

Edited by ScottThuy, 30 June 2010 - 05:33 PM.

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-06-30 13:03:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
2010 Interviews at HCMC Consulate:
MEMBER NAME................INTERVIEW DATE.....RESULT............

2009 Results

JasonandHien (CR1)..................01-20-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 00-00-2010....APPROVED
VN10 (CR1)..............................01-21-2010...APPROVED
Josh_A(CR1).............................01-21-2010...Blue-Police Cert, Parental info, Timeline-Resubmit 03-05-2010...Blue-AP
Scottthuy (K1)...........................01-26-2010...Blue-Police Cert, ex's info, Timeline-Resubmit 02-23-2010...Blue-police cert resubmit 3-1-10...Blue-AP
Tony&Trish(K1)..........................01-27-2010...Blue- 2-24-2010 DENIED
VanNick (K1) .............................02-02-2010...APPROVED
Asian206 (CR1)..........................02-02-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 03-03-2010...APPROVED
Hantinh (K1)..............................02-02-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 03-03-2010...APPROVED
Kevin and Tuyen(CR1 reaffirm)....02-05-2010...Green-I-864, Passport Photos-Resubmit 03-05-2010...APPROVED

Shy1akaanh (CR1).....................03-01-2010...APPROVED
Robert & Mai (K1 reaffirm)...........03-04-2010...Blue-...APPROVED
Steve & Chi (K1).........................03-15-2010...Blue - I-134/financial docs-Resubmit 04-13-2010 DENIED Only 1 visit and relationship too short
Vuster (CR1)..............................03-23-2010...APPROVED

Jacob & Kieu (CR1).....................04-19-2010... DENIED

FeelingLucky (K1)........................05-12-2010 ...APPROVED
Dee & Tee (K1)............................05-21-2010...?
Patrick & Ann (K1)........................05-26-2010...?


Hieumin (CR1)..............................06-??-2010...APPROVED
nqb_tomm (CR1)..........................06-10-2010...?
2x2y2z (CR1)................................06-15-2010... Blue - Timeline, Medical, Address info, Proof of bonafide...Resubmit. 07-?-2010
Greg_N_Lien (CR1)......................06-16-2010... APPROVED

KenN (CR1)...................................06-16-2010...Blue - Co-sponsor.....APPROVED
Andy777 (CR1).............................06-24-2010 ...APPROVED

lambchop4life (CR1)............................07-01-2010
ttp (CR1)..............................................07-02-2010
Tommy Tran (K1))................................07-08-2010

Cuong & Nguyen (K1)...........................07-09-2010
Andrew - Thu.(K1)................................07-18-2010
TimnTuyen (K1)...................................07-26-2010

Tex_N_Tien (CR1)...........................08-06-2010

utst10 (CR1).......................................08-06-2010
Xuan Duong (CR1)............................08-25-2010

Edited by ScottThuy, 30 June 2010 - 10:23 AM.

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-06-21 22:01:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
VJ Members currently in AP/AR at HCMC:

· Frank And Duyen___________10/20/2009 CR1 Timeline ..... 240 Days

· Terry1____________________11/00/2009 CR1 - proof of paternity ....approx 216 Days

· AnhBob___________________12/07/2009 CR1- proof of bonafide, timeline, info about ex, info about child... 192 Days

· RaymondV_________________12/00/2009 K1- timeline.....approx 176 Days

· Ronnie&Hang______________12/29/2009 K1- timeline, medical results from Cho Ray....170 Days

· James & Nicole_____________01/04/2010 K1- timeline, ex-wifes address, medical results from Cho Ray:awaiting TB treatment ....164 Days

· ScottThuy__________________03/01/2010 K1- timeline, ex-spouse address,police cert.......... 108 Days

· Josh_A___________________03/05/2010 CR1- timeline, Parent info, police cert......... 104 Days

VJ Members who made it out of AP & results:

· Lindal24 ________________7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & List of Relatives

· FrednDaoHoney__________1/17/2009 - 10/15/2009 - 271 days in AP - APPROVED

· JohnCali9 _______________8/6/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 76 days in AP - APPROVED
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation & Timeline

· MichaelAndKha___________8/15/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline
Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent photos, 2.No engagement ceremony, 3.Lack of marriage ceremony details

· Andy (not a VJ member)____8/17/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

· Minh&Nhan (not a VJ member)__09/07/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 46 days in AP - APPROVED

· Huong and Phung_________9/8/2009 - 10/27/2009 - 49 days in AP - Denied
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

· JeromeBinh______________8/20/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 69 days in AP - Denied
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation, Timeline & List of Relatives
Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent Photos, 2.Communiciation not credible, 3.One visit, 4.Small engagement, 5.Engagement shortly after meeting, 6.B has 3 relatives in US, but only listed 2; P lived close to B's relatives, 7.Lack of marriage ceremony details

· Ly Trinh _________________8/21/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 68 days in AP - Denied
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline

· Ituan__________________8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied Additional interview granted for 11/11 2nd denial
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

· ToanTien________________8/20/2009 - 12/18/2009 120 days in AP APPROVED
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline-- co-sponsor...

· Vi&Art____________________8/5/2009 K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline No results reported.

· Robert & Mai_______________03/04/10 - 3/30/2010 no docs required--26 days in AP APPROVED

Edited by ScottThuy, 17 June 2010 - 02:00 PM.

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-06-16 23:10:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
2010 Interviews at HCMC Consulate:
MEMBER NAME................INTERVIEW DATE.....RESULT............

2009 Results

JasonandHien (CR1)..................01-20-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 00-00-2010....APPROVED
VN10 (CR1)..............................01-21-2010...APPROVED
Josh_A(CR1).............................01-21-2010...Blue-Police Cert, Parental info, Timeline-Resubmit 03-05-2010...Blue-AP
Scottthuy (K1)...........................01-26-2010...Blue-Police Cert, ex's info, Timeline-Resubmit 02-23-2010...Blue-police cert resubmit 3-1-10...Blue-AP
Tony&Trish(K1)..........................01-27-2010...Blue- 2-24-2010 DENIED
VanNick (K1) .............................02-02-2010...APPROVED
Asian206 (CR1)..........................02-02-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 03-03-2010...APPROVED
Hantinh (K1)..............................02-02-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 03-03-2010...APPROVED
Kevin and Tuyen(CR1 reaffirm)....02-05-2010...Green-I-864, Passport Photos-Resubmit 03-05-2010...APPROVED

Shy1akaanh (CR1).....................03-01-2010...APPROVED
Robert & Mai (K1 reaffirm)...........03-04-2010...Blue-...APPROVED
Steve & Chi (K1).........................03-15-2010...Blue - I-134/financial docs-Resubmit 04-13-2010 DENIED Only 1 visit and relationship too short
Vuster (CR1)..............................03-23-2010...APPROVED

Jacob & Kieu (CR1).....................04-19-2010... DENIED

FeelingLucky (K1)........................05-12-2010 ...APPROVED
Dee & Tee (K1)...........................05-21-2010...?
Patrick & Ann (K1).......................05-26-2010...?


Hieumin (CR1)............................06-??-2010...?
nqb_tomm (CR1).........................06-10-2010...?
2x2y2z (CR1)..............................06-15-2010... Blue - Timeline, Medical, Address info, Proof of bonafide...Resubmit. 07-?-2010
Greg_N_Lien (CR1)......................06-16-2010... APPROVED

KenN (CR1).................................06-16-2010...Blue - Co-sponsor..

lambchop4life (CR1)......................07-01-2010
ttp (CR1)..............................................07-02-2010
Tommy Tran (K1))................................07-08-2010

Andrew - Thu.(K1)..............................07-18-2010


Edited by ScottThuy, 17 June 2010 - 06:49 PM.

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-06-16 19:44:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Oh man.. and you were so close... best of luck that there are no more delays brother
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-06-16 19:15:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
if everything goes without any delay the timeline is reasonable.. but you do realize that you cant really get married in VN or the visa will become invalid... you must marry in the US within 90 days of her entry...

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-06-16 17:28:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
2010 Interviews at HCMC Consulate:
MEMBER NAME................INTERVIEW DATE.....RESULT............

JasonandHien (CR1)..................01-20-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 00-00-2010....APPROVED
VN10 (CR1)..............................01-21-2010...APPROVED
Josh_A(CR1).............................01-21-2010...Blue-Police Cert, Parental info, Timeline-Resubmit 03-05-2010...Blue-AP
Scottthuy (K1)...........................01-26-2010...Blue-Police Cert, ex's info, Timeline-Resubmit 02-23-2010...Blue-police cert resubmit 3-1-10...Blue-AP
Tony&Trish(K1)..........................01-27-2010...Blue- 2-24-2010 DENIED
VanNick (K1) .............................02-02-2010...APPROVED
Asian206 (CR1)..........................02-02-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 03-03-2010...APPROVED
Hantinh (K1)..............................02-02-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 03-03-2010...APPROVED
Kevin and Tuyen(CR1 reaffirm)....02-05-2010...Green-I-864, Passport Photos-Resubmit 03-05-2010...APPROVED

Shy1akaanh (CR1).....................03-01-2010...APPROVED
Robert & Mai (K1 reaffirm)...........03-04-2010...Blue-...APPROVED
Steve & Chi (K1).........................03-15-2010...Blue - I-134/financial docs-Resubmit 04-13-2010 DENIED Only 1 visit and relationship too short
Vuster (CR1)..............................03-23-2010...APPROVED

Jacob & Kieu (CR1).....................04-19-2010... DENIED

FeelingLucky (K1)........................05-12-2010 ...APPROVED
Dee & Tee (K1)...........................05-21-2010...?
Patrick & Ann (K1).......................05-26-2010...?


Hieumin (CR1)............................06-??-2010...?
nqb_tomm (CR1).........................06-10-2010...?
2x2y2z (CR1)..............................06-15-2010... Blue - Timeline, Medical, Address info...Resubmit. 07-?-2010
Greg_N_Lien (CR1)......................06-16-2010... APPROVED

KenN (CR1).................................06-16-2010...Blue - Co-sponsor..

lambchop4life (CR1)......................07-01-2010
ttp (?)..............................................07-02-2010
Tommy Tran................................07-08-2010


Edited by ScottThuy, 16 June 2010 - 02:35 PM.

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-06-15 23:24:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
2010 Interviews at HCMC Consulate:
MEMBER NAME................INTERVIEW DATE.....RESULT............

JasonandHien (CR1)..................01-20-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 00-00-2010....APPROVED
VN10 (CR1)..............................01-21-2010...APPROVED
Josh_A(CR1).............................01-21-2010...Blue-Police Cert, Parental info, Timeline-Resubmit 03-05-2010...Blue-AP
Scottthuy (K1)...........................01-26-2010...Blue-Police Cert, ex's info, Timeline-Resubmit 02-23-2010...Blue-police cert resubmit 3-1-10...Blue-AP
Tony&Trish(K1)..........................01-27-2010...Blue- 2-24-2010 DENIED
VanNick (K1) .............................02-02-2010...APPROVED
Asian206 (CR1)..........................02-02-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 03-03-2010...APPROVED
Hantinh (K1)..............................02-02-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 03-03-2010...APPROVED
Kevin and Tuyen(CR1 reaffirm)....02-05-2010...Green-I-864, Passport Photos-Resubmit 03-05-2010...APPROVED

Shy1akaanh (CR1).....................03-01-2010...APPROVED
Robert & Mai (K1 reaffirm)...........03-04-2010...Blue-...APPROVED
Steve & Chi (K1).........................03-15-2010...Blue - I-134/financial docs-Resubmit 04-13-2010 DENIED Only 1 visit and relationship too short
Vuster (CR1)..............................03-23-2010...APPROVED

Jacob & Kieu (CR1).....................04-19-2010... ?

FeelingLucky (K1)........................05-12-2010 ...APPROVED
Dee & Tee (K1)...........................05-21-2010...?
Patrick & Ann (K1).......................05-26-2010...?


Hieumin (CR1)............................06-??-2010...?
nqb_tomm (CR1).........................06-10-2010...?
2x2y2z (CR1)..............................06-15-2010... Blue - Timeline, Medical..Resubmit. 07-?-2010
Greg_N_Lien (CR1)......................06-16-2010

KenN (CR1).................................06-16-2010...Blue - Co-sponsor..

lambchop4life (CR1)......................07-01-2010
ttp (?).........................................07-02-2010

any updates?

Edited by ScottThuy, 15 June 2010 - 10:02 PM.

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-06-12 22:23:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Good luck Bao! She should be at the consulate soon if not already... Pink!!!!Posted Image

Hieu.. which day this week is Thuy's interview..? Best of luck for you two as wellPosted Image Posted Image
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-06-09 19:12:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
VJ Members currently in AP/AR at HCMC:

· Frank And Duyen ___________10/20/2009 CR1 Timeline ..... 232 Days

· Terry1____________________11/00/2009 CR1 - proof of paternity ....approx 208 Days

· AnhBob___________________12/07/2009 CR1- proof of bonafide, timeline, info about ex, info about child... 184 Days

· RaymondV_________________12/00/2009 K1- timeline.....approx 168 Days

· Ronnie&Hang______________12/29/2009 K1- timeline, medical results from Cho Ray....162 Days

· James & Nicole_____________01/04/2010 K1- timeline, ex-wifes address, medical results from Cho Ray:awaiting TB treatment ....156 Days

· ScottThuy__________________03/01/2010 K1- timeline, ex-spouse address,police cert.......... 100 Days

· Josh_A___________________03/05/2010 CR1- timeline, Parent info, police cert......... 96 Days

VJ Members who made it out of AP & results:

· Lindal24 ________________7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & List of Relatives

· FrednDaoHoney__________1/17/2009 - 10/15/2009 - 271 days in AP - APPROVED

· JohnCali9 _______________8/6/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 76 days in AP - APPROVED
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation & Timeline

· MichaelAndKha___________8/15/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline
Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent photos, 2.No engagement ceremony, 3.Lack of marriage ceremony details

· Andy (not a VJ member)____8/17/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

· Minh&Nhan (not a VJ member)__09/07/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 46 days in AP - APPROVED

· Huong and Phung _________9/8/2009 - 10/27/2009 - 49 days in AP - Denied
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

· JeromeBinh______________8/20/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 69 days in AP - Denied
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation, Timeline & List of Relatives
Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent Photos, 2.Communiciation not credible, 3.One visit, 4.Small engagement, 5.Engagement shortly after meeting, 6.B has 3 relatives in US, but only listed 2; P lived close to B's relatives, 7.Lack of marriage ceremony details

· Ly Trinh _________________8/21/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 68 days in AP - Denied
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline

· Ituan __________________8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied Additional interview granted for 11/11 2nd denial
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

· ToanTien________________8/20/2009 - 12/18/2009 120 days in AP APPROVED
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline-- co-sponsor... yes I said co-sponsor

· Vi&Art____________________8/5/2009 K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline No results reported.

· Robert & Mai_______________03/04/10 - 3/30/2010 no docs required--26 days in AP APPROVED

A response to an email to the consulate....

This case has been under processing in our office since when we received it from the national Visa Center. In regard to whether the processing of this case has been improperly or unreasonably delayed, please know that we are required to carefully review visa cases. This requires that officers take time to fully consider all aspects and facts of a case. The waiting period that you cite is not unusual to our decision-making process in such cases. Once we have completed the processing of this case, we will contact the beneficiary.

The email got them to look at the evidence and return it to Thuy, but thats the extent of it... They will do what they want when they want and take as long as they want.... we're remaining hopeful that the visa will be issued in the next month or two after they have made those notorious phone calls to friends relatives or neighbors....

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-06-08 10:06:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
2010 Interviews at HCMC Consulate:
MEMBER NAME................INTERVIEW DATE.....RESULT............

JasonandHien (CR1)..................01-20-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 00-00-2010....APPROVED
VN10 (CR1)..............................01-21-2010...APPROVED
Josh_A(CR1).............................01-21-2010...Blue-Police Cert, Parental info, Timeline-Resubmit 03-05-2010...Blue-AP
Scottthuy (K1)...........................01-26-2010...Blue-Police Cert, ex's info, Timeline-Resubmit 02-23-2010...Blue-police cert resubmit 3-1-10...Blue-AP
Tony&Trish(K1)..........................01-27-2010...Blue- 2-24-2010 DENIED
VanNick (K1) .............................02-02-2010...APPROVED
Asian206 (CR1)..........................02-02-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 03-03-2010...APPROVED
Hantinh (K1)..............................02-02-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 03-03-2010...APPROVED
Kevin and Tuyen(CR1 reaffirm)....02-05-2010...Green-I-864, Passport Photos-Resubmit 03-05-2010...APPROVED

Shy1akaanh (CR1).....................03-01-2010...APPROVED
Robert & Mai (K1 reaffirm)...........03-04-2010...Blue-...APPROVED
Steve & Chi (K1).........................03-15-2010...Blue - I-134/financial docs-Resubmit 04-13-2010 DENIED Only 1 visit and relationship too short
Vuster (CR1)..............................03-23-2010...APPROVED

Jacob & Kieu (CR1).....................04-19-2010... ?

FeelingLucky (K1)........................05-12-2010 ...APPROVED
Dee & Tee (K1)...........................05-21-2010...?
Patrick & Ann (K1).......................05-26-2010...?


Hieumin (CR1)............................06-??-2010
nqb_tomm (CR1).........................06-10-2010
2x2y2z (CR1)..............................06-15-2010
Greg_N_Lien (CR1)......................06-16-2010

KenN (CR1).................................06-16-2010

lambchop4life (CR1)......................07-01-2010
ttp (?).........................................07-02-2010

Edited by ScottThuy, 04 June 2010 - 08:41 PM.

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-05-31 20:31:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
We just got a letter from the consulate today.. they returned all of the documents we submitted and said they need to do additional processing... not approved, not denied.. just still investigating... this may be thier response to my question about DoS policy requiring them to review the documents submitted within 30 days...
I suspect we will get a decision within the next 90 days.... hopefully not too long... it really sucks if Thuy will have to make an extra trip to HCMC and pay again for the medical to be done since they took so long... hundreds of $'s wasted if they wait until after the first week of July....

same thing happened to Johncali http://www.visajourn...idence-form-co/

Edited by ScottThuy, 31 May 2010 - 11:13 AM.

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-05-31 10:42:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Just got a message from another VJer in AP and when they went to the consulate last week to inquire they were asked to get an updated medical... woohoo...:dance:

thats the last step before the visa... I will post more when I can share more...
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-05-31 09:11:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
VJ Members currently in AP/AR at HCMC:

· Frank And Duyen ___________10/20/2009 CR1 Timeline ..... 222 Days

· Terry1____________________11/00/2009 CR1 - proof of paternity ....approx 198 Days

· AnhBob___________________12/07/2009 CR1- proof of bonafide, timeline, info about ex, info about child... 174 Days

· RaymondV_________________12/00/2009 K1- timeline.....approx 158 Days

· Ronnie&Hang______________12/29/2009 K1- timeline, medical results from Cho Ray....152 Days

· James & Nicole_____________01/04/2010 K1- timeline, ex-wifes address, medical results from Cho Ray:awaiting TB treatment ....146 Days

· ScottThuy__________________03/01/2010 K1- timeline, ex-spouse address,police cert.......... 90 Days

· Josh_A___________________03/05/2010 CR1- timeline, Parent info, police cert......... 86 Days

VJ Members who made it out of AP & results:

· Lindal24 ________________7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & List of Relatives

· FrednDaoHoney__________1/17/2009 - 10/15/2009 - 271 days in AP - APPROVED

· JohnCali9 _______________8/6/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 76 days in AP - APPROVED
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation & Timeline

· MichaelAndKha___________8/15/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline
Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent photos, 2.No engagement ceremony, 3.Lack of marriage ceremony details

· Andy (not a VJ member)____8/17/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

· Minh&Nhan (not a VJ member)__09/07/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 46 days in AP - APPROVED

· Huong and Phung _________9/8/2009 - 10/27/2009 - 49 days in AP - Denied
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

· JeromeBinh______________8/20/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 69 days in AP - Denied
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation, Timeline & List of Relatives
Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent Photos, 2.Communiciation not credible, 3.One visit, 4.Small engagement, 5.Engagement shortly after meeting, 6.B has 3 relatives in US, but only listed 2; P lived close to B's relatives, 7.Lack of marriage ceremony details

· Ly Trinh _________________8/21/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 68 days in AP - Denied
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline

· Ituan __________________8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied Additional interview granted for 11/11 2nd denial
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

· ToanTien________________8/20/2009 - 12/18/2009 120 days in AP APPROVED
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline-- co-sponsor... yes I said co-sponsor

· Vi&Art____________________8/5/2009 K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline No results reported.

· Robert & Mai_______________03/04/10 - 3/30/2010 no docs required--26 days in AP APPROVED
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-05-29 22:00:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
The opening line says it all...."]

Edited by ScottThuy, 03 July 2010 - 08:17 PM.

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-05-26 18:05:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Posted Image schizophrenia?
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-05-26 09:36:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

I agree they are somewhat seperate, but for me it would be easier if they were merged

easier how?
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-05-25 21:23:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

I'll pose this question in both threads:

Do the users of this thread and the pinned Interview thread feel that there is good value in keeping them separate or would it be a better move to merge the two threads into one?
As you are the ones who use these threads the most I think your feedback would be very useful in making this decision, rather than an arbitrary one made by me. Posted Image

Posted Image Two seperate and distinct topics... one for interviews and the other for those going through AP....
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-05-25 17:48:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
That took place in the AP discussion not here..
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-05-25 09:24:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Dont feel bad, they removed two of my posts, for no reason, I think I will go to Kath and see if she can shed some light on this matter, I have noticed that many posts have been removed or moved with no notification of it, and I think I might know who is doing it, and if any post is removed there should be a note of the reason for it

I checked and it appears that Lucky's post was initially made to the other topic..not this one... maybe an error in the initial post.. It does not show as ever having been moved...

Edited by ScottThuy, 25 May 2010 - 08:29 AM.

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-05-25 08:20:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
I can only wonder if it is possible to politely ask/insist for and get to talk to a supervisor when at the window... it has been said that when one submits the paper at the first window, to note the request to talk to a supervisor on the paper as the paper becomes part of the case... I would expect a supervisor to try to provide the same copy paste type of responses, but it could be possible that they would potentially provide some insight or influence on the case...

The congressional liason tried to tell me yesterday that they could be sitting on cases waiting for the end of the fiscal to near so they could shift other visas from other visa categories as they are limited the numbers of visas in different categories and near the end of fiscal will shift visas around to use the extras from other categories... this made some sense, but we were already in the queue for a visa when we had our initial interview... it should not be that since we were not granted one then, we have to wait to see if there are any left over at the end of the year... quite an odd theory IMO.. but who knows what the consulate is doing....

I have great hopes that we will all get decisions in the next 70 to 90 days... I know it seems like so much more time to wait, but in the big picture of life, its only 10 to 13 weeks... if anyone gets a face to face with a supervisor,please ask if they clean house in August.. it can't hurt to ask can it?
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-05-22 13:45:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

OH ####### PINK :cry: :cry: :cry:

Congratulations!!! :thumbs: :dance:
Kevin andMaleVietnam2010-06-30 21:45:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
I would like to see them separate.
Kevin andMaleVietnam2010-05-26 09:40:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
I think they should be merged there has been documented confusion on both topics from two seperate regular memebers as to what post was where
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-05-25 21:17:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

That took place in the AP discussion not here..

You ar right my bad, they are similar topics, maybe they should be merged? This would limit the confusion
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-05-25 09:26:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

I checked and it appears that Lucky's post was initially made to the other topic..not this one... maybe an error in the initial post.. It does not show as ever having been moved...

What about your post where you were talking about the senator telling you they clean house and my two follow up posts, and then the other guy that was condemning my initial post? Those four posts have been removed. I feel that they were important to those in AP since your source said that they clean house at the end of the fiscal year, and the CO told me that it is not true? They should have been left at least that is my opinion. Jerome
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-05-25 09:19:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

I see my original notice about my friend getting their pink slip was moved for some reason and wrongly I must say. Well I just wanted to say that my friend and his fiancee arrived into the country today safe and sound. Posted Image

Dont feel bad, they removed two of my posts, for no reason, I think I will go to Kath and see if she can shed some light on this matter, I have noticed that many posts have been removed or moved with no notification of it, and I think I might know who is doing it, and if any post is removed there should be a note of the reason for it
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-05-25 02:08:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Honestly Jerome, dont you have better things to do with your time? You arent helping anyone in AP with you stories, true or not.

I think that a CO saying that when a file gets put into AP that it is up to the petitioner to prove them wrong and that the relationship is legit is a good thing to let people know. Some people simply wait and do nothing, while others email them all the time, and some people even tell others not to email them often because they get no real response. You are entitled to your opinion as everyone is. But when a CO that I have become friends with tells me something I feel that it is helpful to those. Maybe not the fact that most cases are in AP are basically a denial, but that is what it is, there is no way to change it there was a thread on what AP really meant. It might not be something people want to admit to, but facts are facts. My post was not to get people to worry, but to tell all of you that ARE in AP that there is still hope, and that instead of doing nothing like some people suggest, you should send them emails, make them aware that you are serious about your petition and that you are not simply going to let them keep your file on a desk collecting dust for 3 or 4 months. Regardless of your opinion that I am not helping, I am sure other people also feel the same, there are times when you have to be brutally honest, and when a person chooses to be brutally honest there will always be people that object that is what makes a public forum so great. Jerome
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-05-23 11:21:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

I can only wonder if it is possible to politely ask/insist for and get to talk to a supervisor when at the window... it has been said that when one submits the paper at the first window, to note the request to talk to a supervisor on the paper as the paper becomes part of the case... I would expect a supervisor to try to provide the same copy paste type of responses, but it could be possible that they would potentially provide some insight or influence on the case...

The congressional liason tried to tell me yesterday that they could be sitting on cases waiting for the end of the fiscal to near so they could shift other visas from other visa categories as they are limited the numbers of visas in different categories and near the end of fiscal will shift visas around to use the extras from other categories... this made some sense, but we were already in the queue for a visa when we had our initial interview... it should not be that since we were not granted one then, we have to wait to see if there are any left over at the end of the year... quite an odd theory IMO.. but who knows what the consulate is doing....

I have great hopes that we will all get decisions in the next 70 to 90 days... I know it seems like so much more time to wait, but in the big picture of life, its only 10 to 13 weeks... if anyone gets a face to face with a supervisor,please ask if they clean house in August.. it can't hurt to ask can it?

Scott, I talk with a CO from HCMC on a regular basis, and I turned him onto this site. He doesn’t post here, but he does enjoy reading everyone’s posts. He says they DO NOT clean house anytime of the year, and that it is funny to even think this way. There is also NO limit to any visa they can issue PERIOD. If they had one million K1 visa’s that looked good they could approve all one million. He does not know where your senator got his information, but it is wrong. He did say that when a file is in AP for a long time it is not usually a good thing depending on what the petitioner does while in AP. He has a file that he has been “sitting on” for 4 months, the people have only sent in 2 emails requesting information, to him this is a bad thing, and he wants to see lots of inquiries, but he also stressed that other CO’s feel differently, and feel they can be a nuisance. He did say that when they get put into AP and just sit is because there is a bad feeling on the case, or it could be a great case with a very bad interview. He also stressed that for him when he sits on a petition it is usually because he wants to deny, but that he is giving the people one last chance to change his mind, and most of his co workers feel the same way. I showed him the papers from my lawyer in regards to my case with the CO’s notes, and I guess he said that our CO still works there, but that after my inquiry he was suspended and just recently was allowed to start doing interviews again. Jerome

VJ Members currently in AP/AR at HCMC:

· Frank And Duyen ___________10/20/2009 CR1 Timeline ..... 214 Days

· Terry1____________________11/00/2009 CR1 - proof of paternity ....approx 190 Days

· AnhBob___________________12/07/2009 CR1- proof of bonafide, timeline, info about ex, info about child... 166 Days

· RaymondV_________________12/00/2009 K1- timeline.....approx 150 Days

· Ronnie&Hang______________12/29/2009 K1- timeline, medical results from Cho Ray....144 Days

· James & Nicole_____________01/04/2010 K1- timeline, ex-wifes address, medical results from Cho Ray:awaiting TB treatment ....138 Days

· ScottThuy__________________03/01/2010 K1- timeline, ex-spouse address,police cert.......... 82 Days

· Josh_A___________________03/05/2010 CR1- timeline, Parent info, police cert......... 78 Days

VJ Members who made it out of AP & results:

· Lindal24 ________________7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & List of Relatives

· FrednDaoHoney__________1/17/2009 - 10/15/2009 - 271 days in AP - APPROVED

· JohnCali9 _______________8/6/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 76 days in AP - APPROVED
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation & Timeline

· MichaelAndKha___________8/15/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline
Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent photos, 2.No engagement ceremony, 3.Lack of marriage ceremony details

· Andy (not a VJ member)____8/17/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

· Minh&Nhan (not a VJ member)__09/07/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 46 days in AP - APPROVED

· Huong and Phung _________9/8/2009 - 10/27/2009 - 49 days in AP - Denied
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

· JeromeBinh______________8/20/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 69 days in AP - Denied
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation, Timeline & List of Relatives
Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent Photos, 2.Communiciation not credible, 3.One visit, 4.Small engagement, 5.Engagement shortly after meeting, 6.B has 3 relatives in US, but only listed 2; P lived close to B's relatives, 7.Lack of marriage ceremony details

· Ly Trinh _________________8/21/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 68 days in AP - Denied
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline

· Ituan __________________8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied Additional interview granted for 11/11 2nd denial
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

· ToanTien________________8/20/2009 - 12/18/2009 120 days in AP APPROVED
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline-- co-sponsor... yes I said co-sponsor

· Vi&Art____________________8/5/2009 K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline No results reported.

· Robert & Mai_______________03/04/10 - 3/30/2010 no docs required--26 days in AP APPROVED

jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-05-22 23:48:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Keep them separated. One topic deals with AP while the other deals with upcoming interviews (which more recently includes results)
lindal24FemaleVietnam2010-05-26 14:50:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Hahaha :rofl:
Dai.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-05-25 23:21:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
214 days and counting? Hang in there Frank. Better to be there at the Embassy than back to the U.S. Good luck.
Huong and PhungMaleVietnam (no flag)2010-05-21 16:19:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Some good news.. I just got word that a couple who has been in AP 7 months just got word the case is finished.....She went to the consulate to inquire... this could be a very positive thing for the rest of us since they go through alot of cases at the same time rather than one here and another there...lets hope that we see many visas issued soon....

The theory was that the new GC would be there this summer and that they would clear old AP's before he gets there... july was the expected month for this housekeeping to happen... July starts tonight and a I said I just heard of an AP getting cleared and approved which we have not really heard of for some time...
I really think that if Hang was able to get the clean medical they wanted, she would be here already...
Lets stay positive and not let this get to us... :thumbs: Most of the folks in AP last year were only in for a couple of months... most of us now have been in 2 or 3 times that long.. it really wears on us from one day to the next.. but as has been said so many times before.. look at the finish line ahead rather than the pothole we stepped in... or got pushed into by the CO

Thanks for the positive encouragements..we're all need it from time to time. It's such a pain for more waiting but at least we can see the light at end of the tunnel. Hang in there..and good luck to all!!!
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2010-06-30 23:29:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Hang went back for another medical at Cho Ray this week. They told to come back the next day to pick up results and told her she needed to do the sputum tests again. Oh man, that is another 2-3 months more waiting...
They hold our files until the medical expired then asked for another one, now another sputum tests even the results came up clean just few months ago...
I was hoping she will get the visa in the next couple weeks, but now we are looking at a few more months..and another police certificate.
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2010-06-16 19:04:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Thats a record we prefer not be broken . Strange that none of us in AP are getting out. I cant for the life of me figure out what the heck is going on there. Why let our case and all the others sit in limbo so long? Are they testing our resolve, are they really waiting for "Resources" as they claim? Are AP cases a pain in the butt to process, is that why they take so long?

Scott, are you sure the Writ of Mandumus is the way to go? Why force their hand like that? Isnt there a chance they will just deny if forced to take action on your case?

Thanks for keeping this thread alive and noting our near dubious distinction of breaking Freds record !

Hang in there everyone.

Frank and DuyenMaleVietnam2010-07-03 22:36:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Anything positive works for me. Good luck to all in AP.

Frank and DuyenMaleVietnam2010-06-30 22:27:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

I'll pose this question in both threads:

Do the users of this thread and the pinned Interview thread feel that there is good value in keeping them separate or would it be a better move to merge the two threads into one?
As you are the ones who use these threads the most I think your feedback would be very useful in making this decision, rather than an arbitrary one made by me. :)

I would also like to see them stay seperate.

Frank and DuyenMaleVietnam2010-05-25 19:49:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Scott, I talk with a CO from HCMC on a regular basis, and I turned him onto this site. He doesn’t post here, but he does enjoy reading everyone’s posts. He says they DO NOT clean house anytime of the year, and that it is funny to even think this way. There is also NO limit to any visa they can issue PERIOD. If they had one million K1 visa’s that looked good they could approve all one million. He does not know where your senator got his information, but it is wrong. He did say that when a file is in AP for a long time it is not usually a good thing depending on what the petitioner does while in AP. He has a file that he has been “sitting on” for 4 months, the people have only sent in 2 emails requesting information, to him this is a bad thing, and he wants to see lots of inquiries, but he also stressed that other CO’s feel differently, and feel they can be a nuisance. He did say that when they get put into AP and just sit is because there is a bad feeling on the case, or it could be a great case with a very bad interview. He also stressed that for him when he sits on a petition it is usually because he wants to deny, but that he is giving the people one last chance to change his mind, and most of his co workers feel the same way. I showed him the papers from my lawyer in regards to my case with the CO’s notes, and I guess he said that our CO still works there, but that after my inquiry he was suspended and just recently was allowed to start doing interviews again. Jerome

VJ Members currently in AP/AR at HCMC:

· Frank And Duyen ___________10/20/2009 CR1 Timeline ..... 214 Days

· Terry1____________________11/00/2009 CR1 - proof of paternity ....approx 190 Days

· AnhBob___________________12/07/2009 CR1- proof of bonafide, timeline, info about ex, info about child... 166 Days

· RaymondV_________________12/00/2009 K1- timeline.....approx 150 Days

· Ronnie&Hang______________12/29/2009 K1- timeline, medical results from Cho Ray....144 Days

· James & Nicole_____________01/04/2010 K1- timeline, ex-wifes address, medical results from Cho Ray:awaiting TB treatment ....138 Days

· ScottThuy__________________03/01/2010 K1- timeline, ex-spouse address,police cert.......... 82 Days

· Josh_A___________________03/05/2010 CR1- timeline, Parent info, police cert......... 78 Days

VJ Members who made it out of AP & results:

· Lindal24 ________________7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & List of Relatives

· FrednDaoHoney__________1/17/2009 - 10/15/2009 - 271 days in AP - APPROVED

· JohnCali9 _______________8/6/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 76 days in AP - APPROVED
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation & Timeline

· MichaelAndKha___________8/15/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline
Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent photos, 2.No engagement ceremony, 3.Lack of marriage ceremony details

· Andy (not a VJ member)____8/17/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

· Minh&Nhan (not a VJ member)__09/07/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 46 days in AP - APPROVED

· Huong and Phung _________9/8/2009 - 10/27/2009 - 49 days in AP - Denied
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

· JeromeBinh______________8/20/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 69 days in AP - Denied
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation, Timeline & List of Relatives
Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent Photos, 2.Communiciation not credible, 3.One visit, 4.Small engagement, 5.Engagement shortly after meeting, 6.B has 3 relatives in US, but only listed 2; P lived close to B's relatives, 7.Lack of marriage ceremony details

· Ly Trinh _________________8/21/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 68 days in AP - Denied
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline

· Ituan __________________8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied Additional interview granted for 11/11 2nd denial
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

· ToanTien________________8/20/2009 - 12/18/2009 120 days in AP APPROVED
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline-- co-sponsor... yes I said co-sponsor

· Vi&Art____________________8/5/2009 K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline No results reported.

· Robert & Mai_______________03/04/10 - 3/30/2010 no docs required--26 days in AP APPROVED

Honestly Jerome, dont you have better things to do with your time? You arent helping anyone in AP with you stories, true or not.
Frank and DuyenMaleVietnam2010-05-23 08:47:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

214 days and counting? Hang in there Frank. Better to be there at the Embassy than back to the U.S. Good luck.

Thanks Huong. You're right, at least our petition is still there. I'll be back at the consulate soon to shake the tree a little harder this time.
I hope your rebuttal is quick and succesful, you've waited far longer than we have.

Frank and DuyenMaleVietnam2010-05-22 13:27:00