VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
2010 Interviews at HCMC Consulate:
MEMBER NAME................INTERVIEW DATE.....RESULT............

JasonandHien (CR1)..................01-20-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 00-00-2010....APPROVED
VN10 (CR1)..............................01-21-2010...APPROVED
Josh_A(CR1).............................01-21-2010...Blue-Police Cert, Parental info, Timeline-Resubmit 03-05-2010...Blue-AP
Scottthuy (K1)...........................01-26-2010...Blue-Police Cert, ex's info, Timeline-Resubmit 02-23-2010...Blue-police cert resubmit 3-1-10...Blue-AP

VanNick (K1) .............................02-02-2010...APPROVED
Asian206 (CR1)..........................02-02-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 03-03-2010...APPROVED
Hantinh (K1)..............................02-02-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 03-03-2010...APPROVED
Kevin and Tuyen(CR1 reaffirm)....02-05-2010...Green-I-864, Passport Photos-Resubmit 03-05-2010...APPROVED

Shy1akaanh (CR1).....................03-01-2010...APPROVED
Robert & Mai (K1 reaffirm)...........03-04-2010...Blue-...APPROVED
Steve & Chi (K1).........................03-15-2010...Blue - I-134/financial docs-Resubmit 04-13-2010
Vuster (CR1)..............................03-23-2010...APPROVED

Jacon & Kieu (CR1).....................04-19-2010...

Any news Scott, Josh???
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-04-15 19:32:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

after reading all your issue and problems, i will now notarize the ####### out of everything.
I am heading to vietnam on may 10th anyone want to meet up and share your wisdom with me please hit me up or call me
702-683-1963, i have t-mobile unlimited, free for me anytime, but watch your minutes haha

just remember each case is different, but you can never give to much "good" evidence
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-04-11 06:59:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Just got back from the consulate, needing to hafe my affidavit of single status redone, and I talked to a CO from California. He said they serve 18 months overseas then another 18 back at home in the US, they are broken down into 6 month chuncks so that if there is a shortage in a different country they can be josseled around, and each CO can request perminate status in any country. On a funny note, if you feel that you were given the run around by people at the consulate, dont feel alone. This CO was here to get married to a Vientamese woman and was wanting information on what was quicker the K1 or the CR1 case, and they kept telling him he needed to go to a different place (where he worked for info) He argued and argued with them, and then finally wanted to get the americans name, and the guy gave him his first name only, then this CO said "Don't you ahve a last name?" I heard the person behind the window say "I do not have to give that to you" and then the CO said that he did, it was quite funny. I told him that if he needed forms and got tired of how they handled things that he could come to this site and download them Posted Image
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-04-05 00:01:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Talked to someone this morning that had a recent conversation here in the US with a CO from a consulate in SE Asia and he was a CO in VN before... the CO said they get transfered every 6 months... the clerks can be there for a long period of time but that the Consular officers get transfered regularly to avoid issues... who knows... when they get to the files they get to them... I truly think those cases in AP get set aside until someone decides to address them for whatever reason... and it does not work in an FIFO order as they state in all communications...
That is proven in the cases that were in AP last year.. ust look at the dates of when people got in AP and when they got out...

I talked to a current CO today in district 5 while looking for a dog, and he informed they ARE here for longer than 6 months and he thought it was funny that this 6 month time frame was even brought up. He told me that there was no way they would have anyone in any consulate for less than 1 year just because each case can take up to 4 months to process so for any CO to be in ANY cousulate for only 6 months would not be efficent at all, but most of them do get transfered out every 2 to 3 years, it depends on how long they want to be in a different country, but the average is 2 to 3 years for each CO, when I asked him about AP he told me that the same CO will look over the case that is in AP since he was the one that did the interview, and he would not confirm or deny that when a CO is getting shipped out that they just hurry through the cases that are in AP, but that they DO try to clear their load before they leave this way they have been on each case throughout its time in HCMC. He also said that they when a case gets reaffirmed that the original CO usually will get the case again. He seemed like a nice guy, and I wish we would have had him instead of our CO, but that is how the ball bounced in our case. BTW we did get a english bulldog today!
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-04-03 03:37:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
VJ Members currently in AP/AR at HCMC:
  • Frank And Duyen ___________10/20/2009 CR1 Timeline
  • Terry1____________________11/00/2009 CR1 - proof of paternity
  • AnhBob___________________12/07/2009 CR1- proof of bonafide, timeline, info about ex, info about child
  • RaymondV_________________12/00/2009 K1- timeline
  • Ronnie&Hang______________12/29/2009 K1- timeline, medical results from Cho Ray
  • James & Nicole_____________01/04/2010 K1- timeline, ex-wifes address, medical results from Cho Ray:awaiting TB treatment
  • ScottThuy__________________03/01/2010 K1- timeline, ex-spouse address,police cert
  • Josh_A___________________03/05/2010 CR1- timeline, Parent info, police cert

VJ Members who made it out of AP & results:
  • Lindal24 ________________7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & List of Relatives
  • FrednDaoHoney__________1/17/2009 - 10/15/2009 - 271 days in AP - APPROVED
  • JohnCali9 _______________8/6/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 76 days in AP - APPROVED
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation & Timeline
  • MichaelAndKha___________8/15/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline
    Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent photos, 2.No engagement ceremony, 3.Lack of marriage ceremony details
  • Andy (not a VJ member)____8/17/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • Minh&Nhan (not a VJ member)__09/07/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 46 days in AP - APPROVED
  • Huong and Phung _________9/8/2009 - 10/27/2009 - 49 days in AP - Denied
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • JeromeBinh______________8/20/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 69 days in AP - Denied
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation, Timeline & List of Relatives
    Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent Photos, 2.Communiciation not credible, 3.One visit, 4.Small engagement, 5.Engagement shortly after meeting, 6.B has 3 relatives in US, but only listed 2; P lived close to B's relatives, 7.Lack of marriage ceremony details
  • Ly Trinh _________________8/21/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 68 days in AP - Denied
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline
  • Ituan __________________8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied Additional interview granted for 11/11 2nd denial
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • ToanTien________________8/20/2009 - 12/18/2009 120 days in AP APPROVED
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline-- co-sponsor... yes I said co-sponsor
  • Vi&Art____________________8/5/2009 K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline No results reported.
  • Robert & Mai_______________03/04/10 - 3/30/2010 no docs required--26 days in AP APPROVED

lindal24FemaleVietnam2010-05-05 18:38:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

the same rule applies.. 1 year from the visa application date... whether they approve or deny on that date,... they have 1 year from the date of application (interview) to issue the visa.... Again, this is if you are approved for the visa during your interview date (section 3.1)

as it is worded in that quote.. 1 year from approval to get the visa issued I agree
... as is said in the other reference.. 1 year from interview to provide additional info to get a visa from the HCMC Website: "Note: applications refused under Section 221(g) have one year from the refusal date to submit the requested documents/information. Failure to do so could result in the termination of the case." This only means that you have up to one year to submit requested evidence, not that it will give you approval if you submit. If you don't provide the requested information they can terminate your case
... its all about the same 1 year limit... after 1 year, they can't issue the visa and the beneficiary will need to submit another visa application along with updated documents... The last statement is not stated in the text, so we can't assume that this is fact--even if it comes from the most reliable source.

...My comments in red above

Realistically though, in the scenario where a year has passed since your interview date and you had not heard from the consulate, would you go and reapply if (as far as you knew) your case on file is still an active?

If one year from the date the beneficiary interviewed a notice wasn't received, would you spend another 500+ bucks to file a new petition when you still believe your original petition is still being reviewed? It just doesn't make sense to do that.

For me, I would most likely not refile, because I would still believe that my petition was still valid because I hadn't heard back from the consulate yet. I would email them to ensure that my case was still pending, but until I get the notice that my case was approved or denied, I would just patiently wait. Now, I would hope that it wouldn't take that long, but I'm sure that the CO is not going to say "hey this person's case is about to come up on it's year expiration, we should send them a notice that we're still working on it".
lindal24FemaleVietnam2010-05-05 18:28:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
What you may be referring to regarding the 1-year visa issuance delayed is if you're already approved for it and can't go within the 6 month validity...

From the website:
"Generally, a visa is valid for six months from the date of issuance. The validity of a visa, however, may also be limited because of medical restrictions or other reasons. If a beneficiary knows that departure will not be possible within this period, the beneficiary should notify us to delay the visa issuance. The visa issuance can be delayed for up to 1 year from the day of the interview"
lindal24FemaleVietnam2010-05-05 17:03:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Thats your opinion, The new consular general info came from a highly respected source... not me.. someone very familiar with the consulate.. and he was the one that told me the best hope is that they clean house before the new cheif comes to town. the 1 year info came from the same individual and if anyone knows HCMC policy its him... the 1 year rule is not something they had in the site before... they have added it in the past few months... the rule as was explained to me last night fit right in with the verbage that is provided in the site... the beneficiary officially applies for a visa on the date of the first interview and the consulate has 1 year to issue the visa not eternity. The writ of mandamus and DoS policy prevents eternity... once 1 year passesanew visa application must start... (not petition)

there have not been any cases approved from AP or denied since last year when the bunch went through... Robert's case wasn't a normal AP since he had been through the process already.. he was likely held just to get a supervisor to sign off on the case since it was a rebuttal.

I'm not giving false hope...its a potential outcome that could benefit a bunch of us in AP... it sux that Fred had to sit and wait so long for them to process the AP cases... compared to those that came after him...
what really sux is Frank getting put in APa few weeks after they got the AP files together to process them.... its been over 6 months for him now...

The entire HCMC Consulate site is in the process of being updated, so I agree that it was added in the past few months. But the 1 year you keep referring to is not what the website is saying--it may be what your source told you, but if you read the text on the website it contradicts that completely. Read it and you'll see what I mean.

Maybe a third/additional people can go in, read it, and provide their interpretation(s). But I don't see where you are getting that a decision must be given within a year of the interview (I read it quite the opposite). I wasn't implying that there are cases that sit at the consulate for eternity, just that it's a possibility based on my interpretation of that text on the HCMC Consulate website.
lindal24FemaleVietnam2010-05-05 17:00:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

There will be a new chief consular general for VN as of this summer... they will likely,possibly,hopefully clean out the AP's before the new boss arrives... even though that is over a month away.. it gives some hope it wont be too much longer.. as per the HCMC Consulate website.. The visa issuance can be delayed for up to 1 year from the day of the interview. item 3.1.. thats 1 year from the first interview date... now I see how Fred got stuck in AP so long... it all boils down to some trigger causing them to close out the cases that are sitting idle. last year the trigger appeared to be the end of/start of the fiscal year.. hoping that we dont have to wait until that point this year... Posted Image

Scott - I think you're magnifying into the process too much, and perhaps giving false hope to many. IMO, I don't think it matters if there's a new chief consular general or the fact that a new fiscal year is coming up. If that was the case, why are some completed and others still pending(Fred's case was there well before mine and others)?

And as per the HCMC Consulate website, excerpt from item 3.1 says (which is/was most of our situation):
"If the OF-194 stated that “further administrative processing” is required, the beneficiary does not need to submit any documents and must wait for our consular officers to review the case. We will contact the beneficiary when the review is complete. Please note that the one year period does not apply in this type of denial."

Translated basically means if you got a blue slip that requires them further administrative processing time you don't have to submit anything else and that it can be any amount of time (not necessarily a year) to review and provide an approval or denail.

Where you are reading about 1 year deadline is to submit additional data as requested by the consulate officer before the case is closed--not an extension of a visa issuance. This basically means your case can sit at the consulate for eternity until they make a decision on the case and you can still get approved or denied. As long as you received an administrative processing notice (blue slip testing your patience and relationship) during/after your interview you are better off than receiving a straight out denial (white slip of death).
lindal24FemaleVietnam2010-05-05 14:49:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

For my AP, I think the officer denied my case because I went there to much. The last time I saw him, he said: "I'll take it home over the weekend and review it for you". It was the labor day weekend. My denial letter was dated the week following the labor day.
I went to HCM many many time and saw the interviewer 2 time. Everytime, I got a feeling that everything is fine but at last they denied it. Oh well I am going back to VN again on the 20th of May and no plan to visit HCM. My wife and i just going to have fun and not to think about the wait. I think it is just a matter of time. At least I get to go to vn 3 or 4 time a year.

Yea, my husband ruined it for me. :P Now I've gotta wait 4-5 years before I can go back! :P ...or maybe I'll just go back without him! :P :) My family's (mom dad & sister's family) is going next tet...maybe I can tag along... :)
lindal24FemaleVietnam2010-05-04 16:57:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Terry1: Are you petitioning for your child as a part of a CR1 petition?

I'm helping my step-dad petition my step-brother and I went with him to take the paternity test on Friday. It looks like it's going smooth at this point, but I wanted to ask what the process is in Vietnam after they get the kit from the testing center. Did they call your wife and ask her to take your child in? How long after you took the test did they call your wife to bring your child in to test?

If anyone has experience with this, please PM me. Thanks!
lindal24FemaleVietnam2010-04-19 10:35:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Information regarding CO assignments...

It's typically 2 year assignments...I had attempted to apply for a CO position while my husband's petition was still under review. Took the test last minute (literally) but didn't pass I guess...hahaa...It was a literally a history exam!
lindal24FemaleVietnam2010-04-05 10:34:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Keep your head up everyone who in AP. As long as youre there, you still have a good chance. We are done with AP now and another round at USCIS. It's hard to be apart from your SO but this also can be a test for your future together. I'm going to VN end of July, anyone going? I know you're already there Jerome. ahhahahah

Good luck on your second round guys... You really deserve it... I hope you get success in the near future.
Dai.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-05-03 15:20:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Good luck on your second round guys... You really deserve it... I hope you get success in the near future.

Thanks man. Congratulation on your baby and the new house.
Huong and PhungMaleVietnam (no flag)2010-05-04 15:11:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Keep your head up everyone who in AP. As long as youre there, you still have a good chance. We are done with AP now and another round at USCIS. It's hard to be apart from your SO but this also can be a test for your future together. I'm going to VN end of July, anyone going? I know you're already there Jerome. ahhahahah
Huong and PhungMaleVietnam (no flag)2010-05-03 13:14:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

There will be a new chief consular general for VN as of this summer...

I just read a VOA's interview today with the Ambassador Michalak that this new chief is Le Cong An. That is all I know for now...Hang in there, Happy Mother's Day everyone...
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2010-05-08 21:54:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Thanks Scott, I will have some senses what the response will be in the next few weeks from mine too..hopefully they will get to our file by then so we will hear something soon..hang in there bro!!!
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2010-04-15 20:06:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Wow.. they respond to my congressman the next day every time... I will go back again to have them do another inquiry in a couple weeks.

Really, that's fast. Maybe you live so closed to the congressional office :)
What is the response from the congressional office into those inquiries? Case still open and in HCMC, just wait!?
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2010-04-15 19:51:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

VJ Members currently in AP/AR at HCMC:

  • Frank And Duyen ___________10/20/2009 CR1 Visa - First Blue RFE: Timeline
  • James & Nicole_____________12/4/09 Blue-timeline, ex-wifes address, medical results from Cho Ray
    1/4/10 White/AP medical results from Cho Ray
  • AnhBob___________________12/07/09 Blue:proof of bonafide, timeline, info about ex, info about child
  • Ronnie&Hang______________12/29/09 Blue -timeline, medical results from Cho Ray
  • ScottThuy_________________03/01/10 Blue-timeline, ex-spouse address,police cert
  • Josh_A___________________03/05/10 Blue-timeline, Parent info, police cert
  • RaymondV________________00/00/00 Blue-timeline
VJ Members who made it out of AP & results:

  • Lindal24 ________________7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & List of Relatives
  • FrednDaoHoney__________1/17/2009 - 10/15/2009 - 271 days in AP - APPROVED
  • JohnCali9 _______________8/6/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 76 days in AP - APPROVED
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation & Timeline
  • MichaelAndKha___________8/15/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent photos, 2.No engagement ceremony, 3.Lack of marriage ceremony details
  • Andy (not a VJ member)____8/17/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • Minh&Nhan (not a VJ member)__09/07/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 46 days in AP - APPROVED
  • Huong and Phung _________9/8/2009 - 10/27/2009 - 49 days in AP - Denied
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • JeromeBinh______________8/20/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 69 days in AP - Denied
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation, Timeline & List of Relatives
  • Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent Photos, 2.Communiciation not credible, 3.One visit, 4.Small engagement, 5.Engagement shortly after meeting, 6.B has 3 relatives in US, but only listed 2; P lived close to B's relatives, 7.Lack of marriage ceremony details
  • Ly Trinh _________________8/21/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 68 days in AP - Denied (?)
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline
  • Ituan __________________8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied Additional interview granted for 11/11 2nd denial
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • ToanTien________________8/20/2009 - 12/18/2009 120 days in AP APPROVED
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline-- co-sponsor... yes I said co-sponsor
  • Vi&Art____________________8/5/2009 K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline No results reported.
  • Robert & Mai_______________03/04/10 - 3/30/2010 no docs required--26 days in AP APPROVED

Same here...I'm still waiting after over 3 months so far. I got a letter from the congressional aid near the end of last month and it said to wait for 4-6 weeks for their inquiry to the Consulate. I tried emailed the Consulate many times but not even an auto response..more waiting!!! Wishing to hear good news from all of you soon...
ps: revised the year on my AP from 12/29/10 to 12/29/09
Ronnie&HangMaleVietnam (no flag)2010-04-15 19:45:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
My wife got her notice: :)

(CR1) June 15, 2010
CoolHand2x2y2zMaleVietnam2010-05-12 17:06:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Called DOS today, case still "Pending Review". But! they did say is was touched yesterday.


Edited by Frank and Duyen, 16 April 2010 - 08:42 PM.

Frank and DuyenMaleVietnam2010-04-16 20:41:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

VJ Members currently in AP/AR at HCMC:

  • Frank And Duyen ___________10/20/2009 CR1 Visa - First Blue RFE: Timeline
  • James & Nicole_____________12/4/09 Blue-timeline, ex-wifes address, medical results from Cho Ray
    1/4/10 White/AP medical results from Cho Ray
  • AnhBob___________________12/07/09 Blue:proof of bonafide, timeline, info about ex, info about child
  • Ronnie&Hang______________12/29/10 Blue -timeline, medical results from Cho Ray
  • ScottThuy_________________03/01/10 Blue-timeline, ex-spouse address,police cert
  • Josh_A___________________03/05/10 Blue-timeline, Parent info, police cert
  • RaymondV________________00/00/00 Blue-timeline
VJ Members who made it out of AP & results:

  • Lindal24 ________________7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & List of Relatives
  • FrednDaoHoney__________1/17/2009 - 10/15/2009 - 271 days in AP - APPROVED
  • JohnCali9 _______________8/6/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 76 days in AP - APPROVED
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation & Timeline
  • MichaelAndKha___________8/15/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent photos, 2.No engagement ceremony, 3.Lack of marriage ceremony details
  • Andy (not a VJ member)____8/17/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • Minh&Nhan (not a VJ member)__09/07/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 46 days in AP - APPROVED
  • Huong and Phung _________9/8/2009 - 10/27/2009 - 49 days in AP - Denied
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • JeromeBinh______________8/20/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 69 days in AP - Denied
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation, Timeline & List of Relatives
  • Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent Photos, 2.Communiciation not credible, 3.One visit, 4.Small engagement, 5.Engagement shortly after meeting, 6.B has 3 relatives in US, but only listed 2; P lived close to B's relatives, 7.Lack of marriage ceremony details
  • Ly Trinh _________________8/21/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 68 days in AP - Denied (?)
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline
  • Ituan __________________8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied Additional interview granted for 11/11 2nd denial
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • ToanTien________________8/20/2009 - 12/18/2009 120 days in AP APPROVED
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline-- co-sponsor... yes I said co-sponsor
  • Vi&Art____________________8/5/2009 K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline No results reported.
  • Robert & Mai_______________03/04/10 - 3/30/2010 no docs required--26 days in AP APPROVED
C'mon Frank! its almost 6 months... Any word from anyone? tomorrow will be 2 weeks since my last email... still nothing new... so tired of being apart from each other!

Hey Scott and fellow Ap'ers, I emailed the consulate and my congressman at the end of march, still no reply from either, except the automated ones. April 20 will be the big 6 month mark, were hoping thats the magic marker for us. Duyen knows someone that was put in AP in July and approved excatly 6 months later. Were optimistic (still). The tiny upside to waiting this long is our 2 year annv is in July so could be an IR1 instead of a CR1. They must be slammed over there for things to take so long, even a email reply takes forever. Hoping to post some great news soon, also hoping to read some good news from others in AP.

I will post as soon as I hear something.
Good luck everyone,

Frank and DuyenMaleVietnam2010-04-15 19:08:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
after reading all your issue and problems, i will now notarize the ####### out of everything.
I am heading to vietnam on may 10th anyone want to meet up and share your wisdom with me please hit me up or call me
702-683-1963, i have t-mobile unlimited, free for me anytime, but watch your minutes haha
lambchop4lifeMaleVietnam (no flag)2010-04-11 04:37:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
I cant believe I spent 5 hours Reading this entire post. each and everyone individual post.

Edited by lambchop4life, 11 April 2010 - 04:29 AM.

lambchop4lifeMaleVietnam (no flag)2010-04-11 04:29:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
@Greg: We have the same day...I just received email from NVC a few minutes ago. :thumbs:
KenNMaleVietnam (no flag)2010-04-30 23:05:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
I have heard somebody told me that the interview is only scheduled in 2nd week of the month. Is this correct? I saw somebody was scheduled in 3rd or 4th week of the month also.
Could anyone please tell me how long we're gonna know if there are any RFE on DS-230 or I-864 after the NVC receive the package? Thanks

Edited by KenN, 19 April 2010 - 12:27 PM.

KenNMaleVietnam (no flag)2010-04-19 12:22:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

FINALLY got an interview date!!!!!
06/16/2010 :thumbs:
Greg_n_LienMaleVietnam2010-04-30 21:29:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
For my AP, I think the officer denied my case because I went there to much. The last time I saw him, he said: "I'll take it home over the weekend and review it for you". It was the labor day weekend. My denial letter was dated the week following the labor day.
I went to HCM many many time and saw the interviewer 2 time. Everytime, I got a feeling that everything is fine but at last they denied it. Oh well I am going back to VN again on the 20th of May and no plan to visit HCM. My wife and i just going to have fun and not to think about the wait. I think it is just a matter of time. At least I get to go to vn 3 or 4 time a year.
iTuanMaleVietnam2010-05-04 16:17:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
it's against the vj tos to create another account to flame another member or circumvent a suspension.
ewok notified of duplicate account
flame post and one post quoting it removed.
charles!MaleBrazil2010-05-26 09:54:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
After taking into consideration the responses in both threads to my question, the two threads will remain separate as they are for different functions, although there will be overlaps. Thanks for you help, everyone.
Kathryn41FemaleCanada2010-05-29 19:36:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Thank you for your contributions to my question. The two threads will be staying separate since they obviously have two separate functions although there will be overlaps in information as all people with AP will have interviews, but not all interviews will have APs.
Kathryn41FemaleCanada2010-05-29 19:34:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
I'll pose this question in both threads:

Do the users of this thread and the pinned Interview thread feel that there is good value in keeping them separate or would it be a better move to merge the two threads into one?
As you are the ones who use these threads the most I think your feedback would be very useful in making this decision, rather than an arbitrary one made by me. :)
Kathryn41FemaleCanada2010-05-25 14:25:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
I'll pose this question in both threads:

Do the users of this thread and the AP thread feel that there is good value in keeping them separate or would it be a better move to merge the two threads into one?
As you are the ones who use these threads the most I think your feedback would be very useful in making this decision, rather than an arbitrary one made by me. :)
Kathryn41FemaleCanada2010-05-25 14:24:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
I see my original notice about my friend getting their pink slip was moved for some reason and wrongly I must say. Well I just wanted to say that my friend and his fiancee arrived into the country today safe and sound. Posted Image
luckytxnMale02010-05-25 00:23:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Thuy has a good friend getting married in HCMC this weekend so we decided for her to check with the consulate on Friday.. is she limited to the 1-2PM afternoon window hours or can she check with them before or after that hour? should she take the letter they sent her or does she need anything to ask them the status when she is there?
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-07-06 21:00:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
2010 Interviews at HCMC Consulate:
MEMBER NAME................INTERVIEW DATE.....RESULT............

2009 Results

JasonandHien (CR1)..................01-20-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 00-00-2010....APPROVED
VN10 (CR1)..............................01-21-2010...APPROVED
Josh_A(CR1).............................01-21-2010...Blue-Police Cert, Parental info, Timeline-Resubmit 03-05-2010...Blue-AP
Scottthuy (K1)...........................01-26-2010...Blue-Police Cert, ex's info, Timeline-Resubmit 02-23-2010...Blue-police cert resubmit 3-1-10...Blue-AP
Tony&Trish(K1)..........................01-27-2010...Blue- 2-24-2010 DENIED
VanNick (K1) .............................02-02-2010...APPROVED
Asian206 (CR1)..........................02-02-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 03-03-2010...APPROVED
Hantinh (K1)..............................02-02-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 03-03-2010...APPROVED
Kevin and Tuyen(CR1 reaffirm)....02-05-2010...Green-I-864, Passport Photos-Resubmit 03-05-2010...APPROVED

Shy1akaanh (CR1).....................03-01-2010...APPROVED
Robert & Mai (K1 reaffirm)...........03-04-2010...Blue-...APPROVED
Steve & Chi (K1).........................03-15-2010...Blue - I-134/financial docs-Resubmit 04-13-2010 DENIED Only 1 visit and relationship too short
Vuster (CR1)..............................03-23-2010...APPROVED

Jacob & Kieu (CR1).....................04-19-2010... DENIED

FeelingLucky (K1)........................05-12-2010 ...APPROVED
Dee & Tee (K1)............................05-21-2010...Blue-
t & t (k1) ........................................05-24-2010... Blue - ..Resubmit. 06-21-2010...APPROVED
Patrick & Ann (K1)........................05-26-2010...?


Hieumin (CR1)..............................06-??-2010...APPROVED
nqb_tomm (CR1)..........................06-10-2010...?
2x2y2z (CR1)................................06-15-2010... Blue - Timeline, Medical, Address info, Proof of bonafide...Resubmit. 07-13-2010...Blue- AP
Greg_N_Lien (CR1)......................06-16-2010... APPROVED

KenN (CR1)...................................06-16-2010...Blue - Co-sponsor.....APPROVED
Andy777 (CR1).............................06-24-2010 ...APPROVED

lambchop4life (CR1)............................07-01-2010...APPROVED
ttp (CR1)..............................................07-02-2010... Green- BC for Mother. Resubmit..07-06-2010...APPROVED
Tommy Tran (K1))................................07-08-2010...Blue-Timeline, P's residence info.

Cuong & Nguyen (K1)...........................07-09-2010
Jake & Phuong (K1).............................07-12-2010 Blue- P's residence info, P's ex's info, Timeline-Resubmit 08-?-2010

Andrew - Thu.(K1)................................07-13-2010
TimnTuyen (K1)...................................07-26-2010

artfulalex (CR1).................................08-03-2010
US VN (K1).......................................08-04-2010
Tex_N_Tien (CR1)...........................08-06-2010

utst10 (CR1).......................................08-06-2010
Xuan Duong (CR1)............................08-25-2010

I have inserted the ongoing info on the first page of the topic to avoid reposting the table over and over.. PM me and I will update the table on page 1 or post to the topic and I will update post 1 when I see the new info..

Edited by ScottThuy, 31 July 2010 - 04:33 PM.

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-07-04 12:46:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
USCIS is processing so fast that if they deny, we could be back at the consulate pretty fast on a refile... I saw one member that got NOA2 in 8 days...

If they were going to deny, IMO they should have months ago...If they are still going to deny.. then just do it so I can prove them wrong and move ahead.. living apart from Thuy sucks...

You will hear something in the short term.. they have to do something before the 1 year after the application/interview date... Duyens police cert should expire soon.. its only good for 1 year so when they finally get around to sending you the letter to come get the pink, she will also likely have to get the medical and police cert redone...
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-07-03 22:56:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
VJ Members currently in AP/AR at HCMC:

· Frank And Duyen___________10/20/2009 CR1 Timeline ..... 256Days approaching Freds record

· Terry1____________________11/00/2009 CR1 - proof of paternity ....approx 232 Days

· AnhBob___________________12/07/2009 CR1- proof of bonafide, timeline, info about ex, info about child... 208 Days

· RaymondV_________________12/00/2009 K1- timeline.....approx 192 Days

· Ronnie&Hang______________12/29/2009 K1- timeline, medical results from Cho Ray....186 Days

· James & Nicole_____________01/04/2010 K1- timeline, ex-wifes address, medical results from Cho Ray:awaiting TB treatment ....180 Days

· ScottThuy__________________03/01/2010 K1- timeline, ex-spouse address,police cert.......... 124 Days

· Josh_A___________________03/05/2010 CR1- timeline, Parent info, police cert......... 120 Days

VJ Members who made it out of AP & results:

· Lindal24 ________________7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & List of Relatives

· FrednDaoHoney__________1/17/2009 - 10/15/2009 - 271 days in AP - APPROVED

· JohnCali9 _______________8/6/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 76 days in AP - APPROVED
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation & Timeline

· MichaelAndKha___________8/15/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline
Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent photos, 2.No engagement ceremony, 3.Lack of marriage ceremony details

· Andy (not a VJ member)____8/17/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

· Minh&Nhan (not a VJ member)__09/07/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 46 days in AP - APPROVED

· Huong and Phung_________9/8/2009 - 10/27/2009 - 49 days in AP - Denied
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

· JeromeBinh______________8/20/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 69 days in AP - Denied
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation, Timeline & List of Relatives
Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent Photos, 2.Communiciation not credible, 3.One visit, 4.Small engagement, 5.Engagement shortly after meeting, 6.B has 3 relatives in US, but only listed 2; P lived close to B's relatives, 7.Lack of marriage ceremony details

· Ly Trinh _________________8/21/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 68 days in AP - Denied
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline

· Ituan__________________8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied Additional interview granted for 11/11 2nd denial
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

· ToanTien________________8/20/2009 - 12/18/2009 120 days in AP APPROVED
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline-- co-sponsor...

· Vi&Art____________________8/5/2009 K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline No results reported.

· Robert & Mai_______________03/04/10 - 3/30/2010 no docs required--26 days in AP APPROVED

Edited by ScottThuy, 03 July 2010 - 08:25 PM.

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-07-03 20:18:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
I had Thuy call to see if she could fly down to get an updated medical so it would be out of the way when they finally finish the processing at the consulate.. The hospital said they could not do it unless she already had the new letter from the consulate... So I then thought I would have her go to the consulate to make an inquiry.. the in country tickets are higher than normal now..not just international... it boils down to about 500 bucks to fly down for her and her son and the taxis and hotel for the night... I cant spend 500 bucks for them to say go home and wait for a letter least not for a few more weeks...

After the first of Aug and the coffers are full again, if they have not done anything, I will have a Writ of Mandumus filed... I have no problem with them taking some time to do an investigation.. but when nothing is being done for several months, I have great issue with that... Lets hope they dont let things get to that point, but if it takes getting the court to compel them, then so be it... it may be a good thing in that they may be less likely to lie in the decision if the court is compeling them to act. I wonder what the new Consul-general will think about coming to office with Writs being filed involving the consulates misdoings...

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-07-01 10:32:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
2010 Interviews at HCMC Consulate:
MEMBER NAME................INTERVIEW DATE.....RESULT............

2009 Results

JasonandHien (CR1)..................01-20-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 00-00-2010....APPROVED
VN10 (CR1)..............................01-21-2010...APPROVED
Josh_A(CR1).............................01-21-2010...Blue-Police Cert, Parental info, Timeline-Resubmit 03-05-2010...Blue-AP
Scottthuy (K1)...........................01-26-2010...Blue-Police Cert, ex's info, Timeline-Resubmit 02-23-2010...Blue-police cert resubmit 3-1-10...Blue-AP
Tony&Trish(K1)..........................01-27-2010...Blue- 2-24-2010 DENIED
VanNick (K1) .............................02-02-2010...APPROVED
Asian206 (CR1)..........................02-02-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 03-03-2010...APPROVED
Hantinh (K1)..............................02-02-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 03-03-2010...APPROVED
Kevin and Tuyen(CR1 reaffirm)....02-05-2010...Green-I-864, Passport Photos-Resubmit 03-05-2010...APPROVED

Shy1akaanh (CR1).....................03-01-2010...APPROVED
Robert & Mai (K1 reaffirm)...........03-04-2010...Blue-...APPROVED
Steve & Chi (K1).........................03-15-2010...Blue - I-134/financial docs-Resubmit 04-13-2010 DENIED Only 1 visit and relationship too short
Vuster (CR1)..............................03-23-2010...APPROVED

Jacob & Kieu (CR1).....................04-19-2010... DENIED

FeelingLucky (K1)........................05-12-2010 ...APPROVED
Dee & Tee (K1)............................05-21-2010...?
t & t
(k1) ........................................05-24-2010... Blue - ..Resubmit. 06-21-2010...APPROVED
Patrick & Ann (K1)........................05-26-2010...?


Hieumin (CR1)..............................06-??-2010...APPROVED
nqb_tomm (CR1)..........................06-10-2010...?
2x2y2z (CR1)................................06-15-2010... Blue - Timeline, Medical, Address info, Proof of bonafide...Resubmit. 07-?-2010
Greg_N_Lien (CR1)......................06-16-2010... APPROVED

KenN (CR1)...................................06-16-2010...Blue - Co-sponsor.....APPROVED
Andy777 (CR1).............................06-24-2010 ...APPROVED

lambchop4life (CR1)............................07-01-2010...APPROVED
ttp (CR1)..............................................07-02-2010
Tommy Tran (K1))................................07-08-2010

Cuong & Nguyen (K1)...........................07-09-2010
Andrew - Thu.(K1)................................07-18-2010
TimnTuyen (K1)...................................07-26-2010

Tex_N_Tien (CR1)...........................08-06-2010

utst10 (CR1).......................................08-06-2010
Xuan Duong (CR1)............................08-25-2010

Edited by ScottThuy, 01 July 2010 - 06:09 PM.

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-06-30 21:45:00