VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
2010 Interviews at HCMC Consulate:

MEMBER NAME................INTERVIEW DATE......RESULT............
JasonandHien (CR1)..................01-20-2010.........Blue.....Timeline....Resubmit 00-00-2010
VN10 (CR1)..............................01-21-2010.........APPROVED
Josh_A(CR1).............................01-21-2010.........Blue.....Police Cert, Parental info, Timeline....Resubmit 03-05-2010
Scottthuy (K1)...........................01-26-2010.........Blue.....Police Cert, ex's info, Timeline.....Resubmit 02-23-2010
VanNick (K1) .............................02-02-2010.........APPROVED
Asian206 (CR1)..........................02-02-2010.........Blue.....Timeline....Resubmit 03-03-2010
Hantinh (K1)..............................02-02-2010.........Blue.....Timeline....Resubmit 00-00-2010
Kevin and Tuyen(CR1 reaffirm)....02-05-2010........Green.....I-864, Passport Photos....Resubmit 03-05-2010
Shy1akaanh (CR1).....................03-01-2010
Robert & Mai (K1 reaffirm)...........00-00-2010
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-02-05 22:22:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
2010 Interviews at HCMC:

MEMBER NAME............DATE of INTERVIEW........................RESULT............
JasonandHien.................01-20-2010 IR-1/CR-1....................Blue.....Timeline
2nd date ........................00-00-2010....................................
VN10...............................01-21-2010 IR-1/CR-1....................Pink.....Approved
Josh_A............................01-21-2010 IR-1/CR-1....................Blue.....Police Cert, Parental info, Timeline
2nd date ........................03-05-2010....................................
Scottthuy........................01-26-2010 K1...............................Blue.....Police Cert, ex's info, Timeline
2nd date ........................02-23-2010....................................
Nick & Van .....................02-02-2010 IR-1/CR-1....................Pink.....Approved
Kevin and Tuyen.............02-05-2010 IR1/CR1 reaffirmed......
Shy1akaanh....................03-01-2010 CR-1............................
Robert & Mai...................00-00-2010 K1 reaffirmed................
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-02-02 01:03:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
I'd be really alarmed given that we have purchased tickets and made plans to be there for the date provided...
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-02-01 19:53:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
I would assume the same, but look at the date for Josh.
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-02-01 13:18:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
2010 Interviews at HCMC:

MEMBER NAME............DATE of INTERVIEW........................RESULT............
JasonandHien.................01-20-2010 IR-1/CR-1....................Blue.....Timeline
2nd date ........................00-00-2010....................................
VN10...............................01-21-2010 IR-1/CR-1....................Pink.....Approved
Josh_A............................01-21-2010 IR-1/CR-1....................Blue.....Police Cert, Parental info, Timeline
2nd date ........................03-05-2010....................................
Scottthuy........................01-26-2010 K1...............................Blue.....Police Cert, ex's info, Timeline
2nd date ........................02-23-2010....................................
Nick & Van .....................02-02-2010 IR-1/CR-1.....................
Kevin and Tuyen.............02-05-2010 IR1/CR1 reaffirmed......
Shy1akaanh....................03-01-2010 CR-1............................
Robert & Mai...................00-00-2010 K1 reaffirmed................
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-02-01 10:58:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

2010 Interviews at HCMC:

MEMBER NAME............DATE of INTERVIEW........................RESULT
JasonandHien.................01-20-2010 IR-1/CR-1....................Blue.....Timeline
VN10...............................01-21-2010 IR-1/CR-1....................Pink.....Approved
Josh_A............................01-21-2010 IR-1/CR-1....................Blue.....Police Cert, Parental info, Timeline
Scottthuy........................01-26-2010 K1...............................Blue.....Police Cert, ex's info, Timeline
Nick & Van .....................02-02-2010 IR-1/CR-1.....................
Kevin and Tuyen.............02-05-2010 IR1/CR1 reaffirmed......
Shy1akaanh....................03-01-2010 CR-1............................
Robert & Mai...................? - ? -2010 K1 ...............................

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-01-31 15:21:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Can we get this pinned??

I'll ask him.
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-01-27 11:22:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
The list is above.. the statement of working on July files.. was true last year but not now...
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-01-26 19:57:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
MEMBER NAME.........................................DATE of INTERVIEW...............RESULT

JasonandHien.......................................01-20-2010 IR-1/CR-1............... Blue......... Timeline
VN10...................................................01-21-2010 IR-1/CR-1............... Pink/ Approved
Josh_A.................................................01-21-2010 IR-1/CR-1............... Blue......... Police Cert, Parental info, Timeline
Scottthuy.............................................01-26-2010 K1.......................... Blue......... Police Cert, ex's info, Timeline
Nick & Van ..........................................02-02-2010 IR-1/CR-1...............
Robert & Mai........................................05-29-2010 K1 ..........................
Kevin and Tuyen..................................02-05-2010 IR1/CR1 reaffirmed

Lets start the new year off with a fresh start.. but lets keep the pink train rollin'
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-01-25 23:13:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
MEMBER NAME.........................................DATE of INTERVIEW...............RESULT

JasonandHien.......................................01-20-2010 IR-1/CR-1............... Blue......... Timeline
VN10...................................................01-21-2010 IR-1/CR-1............... Pink/ Approved
Josh_A.................................................01-21-2010 IR-1/CR-1............... Blue......... Police Cert, Parental info, Timeline
Scottthuy.............................................01-26-2010 K1..........................
Nick & Van ..........................................02-02-2010 IR-1/CR-1...............
Robert & Mai........................................05-29-2010 K1 ..........................
Kevin and Tuyen..................................02-05-2010 IR1/CR1 reaffirmed

Lets start the new year off with a fresh start.. but lets keep the pink train rollin'

In response to the previous question.. another member asked that this topic be started for the new year as the other one was specific to those left in 2009..
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-01-21 19:42:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
The consulate can do it for you.. go in the USC side
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-01-20 21:06:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
VJ Members currently in AP at HCMC:
  • Vi&Art__________________8/5/2009 K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • Frank And Duyen (effjaye)___10/20/2009 CR1 Visa - First Blue RFE: Timeline
  • James & Nicole_____________12/4/09 Blue-timeline, ex-wifes address, medical results from Cho Ray
    1/4/10 White/AP medical results from Cho Ray
  • AnhBob___________________12/07/09 Blue:proof of bonafide, timeline, info about ex, info about child
VJ Members who made it out of AP & results:

  • Lindal24 ________________7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & List of Relatives
  • FrednDaoHoney__________1/17/2009 - 10/15/2009 - 271 days in AP - APPROVED
  • JohnCali9 _______________8/6/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 76 days in AP - APPROVED
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation & Timeline
  • MichaelAndKha___________8/15/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent photos, 2.No engagement ceremony, 3.Lack of marriage ceremony details
  • Andy (not a VJ member)____8/17/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • Minh&Nhan (not a VJ member)__09/07/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 46 days in AP - APPROVED
  • Huong and Phung _________9/8/2009 - 10/27/2009 - 49 days in AP - Denied
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • JeromeBinh______________8/20/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 69 days in AP - Denied
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation, Timeline & List of Relatives
  • Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent Photos, 2.Communiciation not credible, 3.One visit, 4.Small engagement, 5.Engagement shortly after meeting, 6.B has 3 relatives in US, but only listed 2; P lived close to B's relatives, 7.Lack of marriage ceremony details
  • Ly Trinh _________________8/21/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 68 days in AP - Denied (?)
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline
  • Ituan __________________8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied Additional interview granted for 11/11 2nd denial
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • ToanTien________________8/20/2009 - days in AP APPROVED
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline-- co-sponsor... yes I said co-sponsor

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-01-19 07:34:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
MEMBER NAME.........................................DATE of INTERVIEW...............RESULT

JasonandHien.......................................01-20-2010 IR-1/CR-1...............
VN10...................................................01-21-2010 IR-1/CR-1...............
Scottthuy.............................................01-26-2010 K1..........................
Nick & Van ..........................................02-02-2010 IR-1/CR-1...............
Robert & Mai........................................05-29-2010 K1 ..........................
Kevin and Tuyen..................................02-05-2010 IR1/CR1 reaffirmed

Lets start the new year off with a fresh start.. but lets keep the pink train rollin'

In response to the previous question.. another member asked that this topic be started for the new year as the other one was specific to those left in 2009..
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-01-17 11:56:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
wishing luck 4 U2
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-01-14 22:45:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
wishin luck back at ya
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-01-14 22:41:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
That's great news!!! :thumbs:
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-01-14 10:46:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
I thought the same, but it looks like he got reafirmed... that may be why.. I understand the holidays slowing things down but that is a long way off...
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-01-13 19:13:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Were still waiting for a response. I went to see my wife november 26 thru dec 12. Went to the consulate 4 times to submit yet more evidence and speak to a co. the first three times I went all they would tell me was our case is waiting to be looked at, on the fourth trip they told me our case was now being reviewed. It could be that all the additional evidence we submitted is causing further delay.
Duyen and I both email them regularly and I also have had my congressman inquire about our case as well. I now spend my lunch hour calling the state dept for a status change.

Otherwise had a great time with my wife, son and extended family ate and lounged around a lot also took a trip to Vung Tau for a weekend, what a fantastic getaway that was. All too soon it was time to say good bye again and fly back to ice cold SF. Good byes are harder now as we hoped to be together by now. All we can do is pray we get some good news from the consulate soon. From what I can see on the AP list here is 60-90 days seems about the the time we should know something, today is the 64th day in AP.
I will update you all when there is a change in our case.

Merry Christmas to all

Frank And Duyen

You should be hearing from them soon.. the holiday really put everything on hold... hoping for the best!!!!!
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-01-13 17:47:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
MEMBER NAME.........................................DATE of INTERVIEW...............RESULT

JasonandHien.......................................01-20-2010 IR-1/CR-1...............
VN10...................................................01-21-2010 IR-1/CR-1...............
Scottthuy.............................................01-26-2010 K1..........................
Nick & Van ..........................................02-02-2010 IR-1/CR-1...............
Robert & Mai........................................05-29-2010 K1 ..........................

Lets start the new year off with a fresh start.. but lets keep the pink train rollin'

In response to the previous question.. another member asked that this topic be started for the new year as the other one was specific to those left in 2009..
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-01-12 19:35:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
I think there are actually 4 or 5 more that are not on the list, its just that those members have not been here since before the holidays... that coupled with HCMC shoving interviews back for the holidays... another case hit the consulate the same time ours did.. they got interviewed mid Dec.
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-01-06 18:50:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

I'll try again to see if another operator says something different. I get the feeling that operators have no idea what the process is. They just read what's scripted or on their computer screen.

Try DoS instead of NVC
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-01-05 16:26:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Congratulations Bernie. :thumbs: :dance:

I just got off the phone with an operator at the NVC. She said that interviews for reaffirmed cases are not scheduled by the NVC, but by the Consulate. Hopefully our interview will be in a month or two.

Worth a shot to call DoS and ask them if they see a date in the system....
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-01-05 16:00:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Exactly the good news we were hoping for! :thumbs:
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-01-05 08:38:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Thanks Bernie.. have you gone back to the consulate to follow up again?
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-01-04 22:38:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
2010 Interviews at HCMC Consulate:
MEMBER NAME................INTERVIEW DATE.....RESULT............

2009 Results Even older stuff
JasonandHien (CR1)..................01-20-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 00-00-2010....APPROVED
VN10 (CR1)..............................01-21-2010...APPROVED
Josh_A(CR1).............................01-21-2010...Blue-Police Cert, Parental info, Timeline-Resubmit 03-05-2010...Blue-AP
Scottthuy (K1)...........................01-26-2010...Blue-Police Cert, ex's info, Timeline-Resubmit 02-23-2010...Blue-police cert resubmit 3-1-10...Blue-AP 207 days .9-23-2010...APPROVED
Tony&Trish(K1)..........................01-27-2010...Blue- 2-24-2010 DENIED
VanNick (K1) .............................02-02-2010...APPROVED
Asian206 (CR1)..........................02-02-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 03-03-2010...APPROVED
Hantinh (K1)..............................02-02-2010...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 03-03-2010...APPROVED
Kevin and Tuyen(CR1 reaffirm)....02-05-2010...Green-I-864, Passport Photos-Resubmit 03-05-2010...APPROVED

Shy1akaanh (CR1).....................03-01-2010...APPROVED
Robert & Mai (K1 reaffirm)...........03-04-2010...Blue-...APPROVED
Steve & Chi (K1).........................03-15-2010...Blue - I-134/financial docs-Resubmit 04-13-2010 DENIED Only 1 visit and relationship too short
Vuster (CR1)..............................03-23-2010...APPROVED

Jacob & Kieu (CR1).....................04-19-2010... DENIED
ViQuoc .(CR1)............................04-??-2010 ...Blue - Cosponsor Resubmit 05/26/2010 -Blue-AP 150 days...APPROVED

FeelingLucky (K1)........................05-12-2010 ...APPROVED
t & t (k1) ........................................05-24-2010... Blue - ..Resubmit. 06-21-2010...APPROVED
Patrick & Ann (K1)........................05-26-2010...?


Hieumin (CR1)..............................06-??-2010...APPROVED
nqb_tomm (CR1)..........................06-10-2010...?
2x2y2z (CR1)................................06-15-2010... Blue - Timeline, Medical, Address info, Proof of bonafide...Resubmit. 07-13-2010...Blue- AP...APPROVED
Greg_N_Lien (CR1)......................06-16-2010... APPROVED

KenN (CR1)...................................06-16-2010...Blue - Co-sponsor.....APPROVED
Andy777 (CR1).............................06-24-2010 ...APPROVED

lambchop4life (CR1)............................07-01-2010...APPROVED
Dee & Tee (K1)...............05-21-2010.07-02-2010..Blue-Resubmit 07-30-2010 DENIED
Only 1 visit and relationship too short no Dam Hoi
ttp (CR1)...............................................07-02-2010... Green- BC for Mother. Resubmit..07-06-2010...APPROVED
Tommy Tran (K1))................................07-08-2010...Blue-Timeline, P's residence info.
DENIED Only 2 visits and no Dam Hoi
Cuong & Nguyen (K1)...........................07-09-2010...?
Jake & Phuong (K1).............................07-12-2010 Blue- P's residence info, P's ex's info, Timeline- DENIED Only 1 relative at Dam Hoi, relationship too short, B did not know enough facts about P.
Andrew - Thu.(K1)................................07-13-2010...?APPROVED

artfulalex (CR1).................................08-03-2010...Blue- P's residence info, B's relatives in US, Timeline-Resubmit 08-31-2010....Blue-AP
US VN (K1).......................................08-04-2010...Blue-P's Ex's address, timeline, P's Residence info last 10 years-Resubmit, details of previous petition, list of relatives in US -Resubmit 09-09-2010....Blue - AP DENIED reasons
Tex_N_Tien (CR1)...........................08-06-2010
...Blue-ex-husbands address, timeline, P's Residence info last 10 years-Resubmit 09-07-2010....APPROVED
utst10 (CR1).......................................08-06-2010 ...APPROVED
Xuan Duong (CR1)............................08-25-2010
Lien_Joseph (K1)..............................08-30-2010 ...APPROVED

TimnTuyen (K1)...........07-26-2010.. 09-10-2010...Blue timeline, B & P's Residence info last 10 years- Resubmit 10-0?-2010 DENIED
Eric & Hang (K1)..................................09-27-2010...APPROVED
Godheal (K1)........................................09-28-2010...APPROVED

Pwolocen (K1)......................................10-06-2010... Blue P's & B's residence info, B's relatives in US, Timeline-Resubmit 11-03-2010....APPROVED
Le+Diep (K1)........................................10-08-2010

Zach & Vi (K1)........................................11-4-2010...Blue-Docs requested...DS156 & I134-Resubmit 11-08-2010...APPROVED
Ron & Thuy
(K1).....................................11-19-2010...Blue- Medical...APPROVED
Hong Tran (K1).......................................11-19-2010...APPROVED


CEdwards001 (K1) ..............................12-20-2010....APPROVED

TN & LT (K1)...........................................01-07-2011...APPROVED
K1visa125 (K1) resubmit 2-16 DENIED another interview scheduled with USC present and ...APPROVED
Jimen & Kenly (K1)................................01-18-2011... Blue P's & B's residence info, B's relatives in US, Timeline-Resubmit Blue AP....APPROVED
Daniel & Ha (K1)....................................01-24-2011...APPROVED
Joenlemy (CR1)......................................01-26-2011... Blue P's & B's residence info, P's ex's info, Timeline- DENIED 10/12/11 reaffirmed
Khoa & Ha (K1).......................................01-26-2011... Blue .. Proof of Bonafide relationship. Submitted evidence 2/14/2011 (a week before date on blue slip) ....APPROVED


AJ&Dzung CR1) ................................... 03-02-2011...Blue ..timeline, B & P's Residence info last 10 years P's ex's residence info- Resubmit ...APPROVED
Mozzer1972 (K1)....................................03-07-2011...Blue P's & B's residence info, P's ex's info, Timeline-...APPROVED
Bobtrann (K1)...........................................03-15-2011Blue P's & B's residence info, P's ex's info, Timeline-..- DENIED Photos submitted show Petition & Beneficiary spent only 1 or 2 days together
*P & B became engage within 3 wks of meeting in person
*B is unaware of basic facts regarding P's children. B unable to recall childrens' names or ages
*in interview, B state the engagement party was 2-20-11 while P's notarized sworn statement, P stated
engagement party was on 1-20-10
huuloimongcam (K1)...............................03-15-2011...APPROVED
thang216 (CR1).......................................03-16-2011...APPROVED
VinceN (K1)..............................................03-17-2011...APPROVED
Logframe (K1)......................................... 03-21-2011..
JustPhobulous(K1).................................. 03-21-2011.....APPROVED

KiKi92 (K1)..............................................04-20-2011...APPROVED
Tuanv (CR1).............................................04-21-2011...APPROVED
Pholy (CR1)..............................................04-26-2011...APPROVED

Julian_Hien (CR1)...................................04-28-2011...APPROVED
Michael and Kha (CR1)..........................04-28-2011...APPROVED
pohtaytoh/Pohtaytoh(CR1).....................04-28-2011 Waiting for medical...
tanstafl(CR1)...........................................04-??-2011 Blue ..timeline,10 years Residence, ex's residence info- Resubmit ...APPROVED

Liemster (K1)............................................05-04-2011 Blue residence info, Timeline, Housebook...APPROVED
Aidenaileen (CR1)....................................05-09-2011-..- DENIED
ricochet (CR1)...........................................05-11-2011...APPROVED

Bpham (CR1)............................................05-12-2011...APPROVED
Chismca (DCF)........................................05-16-2011 Blue Police Cert...APPROVED
Jerry & Fiona (K1).....................................05-18-2011Blue Police Cert...APPROVED
moinguoicungthay (K1).....................................05-18-2011Blue 10 yr residency, timeline ...APPROVED
seattlerain(K1)...........................................05-19-2011Blue Parents birth certs, 10 yr residency ...Blue-AP
cbp-srt (K1)................................................05-19-2011...APPROVED
Vudomenudo (K1).....................................05-20-2011Blue timeline, B & P's Residence info last 10 years- Resubmit
reddyb/jack CR1......................................... 05-23-2011Bluetimeline, P's residence info last 10 years, 2010 taxes - Resubmit after June 13 date on blue
Quann (K1).................................................05-24-2011Blue Waiting for CRBA documents for the child. ....APPROVED


hnguyen3k (CR1).......................................06-08-2011Blue I864a.... APPROVED
tkr (CR1).....................................................06-10-2011.... APPROVED
Astrlsrfr (K1)...............................................06-22-2011.... APPROVED


buggy22(K1)...............................................07-1-2011.... Blue 10 year residency & former spouse info.... resubmit AP
doanh-m(K1)...............................................07-12-2011.... APPROVED
jac_chappin (K1)...............................................07-14-2011.... APPROVED


Rostov007 (CR1) .............8/8/2011...APPROVED

Phuoc (CR1) .............8/25/2011...Blue-Timeline-Resubmit 09-22-2011....


SVU (CR1)...............................................09-15-2011....APPROVED
Jake & Phuong(CR1)...............................................09-23-2011....APPROVED


Sang N Hong(CR1)...............................................10-12-2011.....APPROVED
VinhBao MyTam(K1)...............................................10-17-2011...Blue
xinchaoxinchao(CR1)...............................................10-25-2011.... no results yet?
EmYeu (CR1)...............................................10-26-2011....APPROVED


PM me to get this updated...
names with a strikethrough are a result of no reports of results for an extended period of time.

Edited by ScottThuy, 03 November 2011 - 03:03 PM.

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-01-04 19:01:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Nov 24 2009, 11:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>'s quite in here!! Heard alot of Pink in November <-- good month?

VJ Members currently in AP at HCMC:
  • Vi&Art__________________8/5/2009 K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • Frank And Duyen (effjaye)___10/20/2009 CR1 Visa - First Blue RFE: Timeline

VJ Members who made it out of AP & results:
  • Lindal24 ________________7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & List of Relatives
  • FrednDaoHoney__________1/17/2009 - 10/15/2009 - 271 days in AP - APPROVED
  • JohnCali9 _______________8/6/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 76 days in AP - APPROVED
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation & Timeline
  • MichaelAndKha___________8/15/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline
    Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent photos, 2.No engagement ceremony, 3.Lack of marriage ceremony details
  • Andy (not a VJ member)____8/17/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • Minh&Nhan (not a VJ member)__09/07/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 46 days in AP - APPROVED
  • Huong and Phung _________9/8/2009 - 10/27/2009 - 49 days in AP - Denied crying.gif
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • JeromeBinh______________8/20/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 69 days in AP - Denied crying.gif
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation, Timeline & List of Relatives
    Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent Photos, 2.Communiciation not credible, 3.One visit, 4.Small engagement, 5.Engagement shortly after meeting, 6.B has 3 relatives in US, but only listed 2; P lived close to B's relatives, 7.Lack of marriage ceremony details
  • Ly Trinh _________________8/21/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 68 days in AP - Denied (?) crying.gif
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline
  • Ituan __________________8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied Additional interview granted for 11/11 2nd denial
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • ToanTien________________8/20/2009 - 12-18-2009 - 120 days in AP APPROVED
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline-- co-sponsor... yes I said co-sponsor

Please add yourself if you are currently in Administrative Processing "AP" (aka the 2nd blue slip).

LindaL24 has a copy of the Blue AP slip, Pink Approval Slip, and US Visa issued by HCMC Consulate under "My Photos"

Any updates????????

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-12-23 22:41:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (toantien @ Dec 1 2009, 10:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey guys. I just got back from vietnam, and checked on my case. Right now they are asking for a joint-sponsor. The date to submit is the 18th of dec. I am hoping this is good news, i've already sent her the joint-sponsor papersworks. Can we submit it before the appointment date? Will it cause any inconvienience or should we wait until the 18th to submit?

What happened when she submitted the Co-sponsor?
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-12-20 13:47:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (drifipzit @ Dec 16 2009, 10:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does anyone know anything about a new language school, based in HCMC, called BETTER ENGLISH? Ive been corresponding with them and some things sound good, others eg the hours not so good but theyre still constructing their website and I cant find anyone whos worked for them or heard anything about them.

Mark would know about that. PM Mrsaigon
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-12-16 13:55:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Not AP Ronnie.. you are same as Joseph was.. You should hear news any day as the test should take 2 months...
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-12-11 18:27:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
I hate to say it, but it appears that there are some members in AP, but they have not noted it here...
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-12-06 23:24:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
VJ Members currently in AP at HCMC:
  • Vi&Art__________________8/5/2009 K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • ToanTien________________8/20/2009 CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • Frank And Duyen (effjaye)___10/20/2009 CR1 Visa - First Blue RFE: Timeline

VJ Members who made it out of AP & results:
  • Lindal24 ________________7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & List of Relatives
  • FrednDaoHoney__________1/17/2009 - 10/15/2009 - 271 days in AP - APPROVED
  • JohnCali9 _______________8/6/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 76 days in AP - APPROVED
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation & Timeline
  • MichaelAndKha___________8/15/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline
    Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent photos, 2.No engagement ceremony, 3.Lack of marriage ceremony details
  • Andy (not a VJ member)____8/17/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • Minh&Nhan (not a VJ member)__09/07/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 46 days in AP - APPROVED
  • Huong and Phung _________9/8/2009 - 10/27/2009 - 49 days in AP - Denied crying.gif
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • JeromeBinh______________8/20/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 69 days in AP - Denied crying.gif
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation, Timeline & List of Relatives
    Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent Photos, 2.Communiciation not credible, 3.One visit, 4.Small engagement, 5.Engagement shortly after meeting, 6.B has 3 relatives in US, but only listed 2; P lived close to B's relatives, 7.Lack of marriage ceremony details
  • Ly Trinh _________________8/21/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 68 days in AP - Denied (?) crying.gif
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline
  • Ituan __________________8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied Additional interview granted for 11/11 2nd denial
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

Please add yourself if you are currently in Administrative Processing "AP" (aka the 2nd blue slip).

LindaL24 has a copy of the Blue AP slip, Pink Approval Slip, and US Visa issued by HCMC Consulate under "My Photos"

Any updates????????
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-11-18 07:28:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
I am spending Black Friday on a plane and in Ha Noi.. Will be shopping on Sunday.... A friend just told me about a company that sends him emails about deals... he just got a laptop for under 300.. I will ask him how to get the emails... also try newegg...
I read something about Target having low prices also but they dont have a great variety in electronics
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-11-13 18:29:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
They did an hour with him.. an hour with her and an hour together... They were far from prepared for the first interview.. the second I suspect was similar as they just were not familiar enough with each other...
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-11-12 18:17:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

2010 Interviews at HCMC Consulate:

MEMBER NAME................INTERVIEW DATE......RESULT............
JasonandHien (CR1)..................01-20-2010.........Blue.....Timeline....Resubmit 00-00-2010
VN10 (CR1)..............................01-21-2010.........APPROVED
Josh_A(CR1).............................01-21-2010.........Blue.....Police Cert, Parental info, Timeline....Resubmit 03-05-2010
Scottthuy (K1)...........................01-26-2010.........Blue.....Police Cert, ex's info, Timeline.....Resubmit 02-23-2010
VanNick (K1) .............................02-02-2010.........APPROVED
Asian206 (CR1)..........................02-02-2010.........Blue.....Timeline....Resubmit 03-03-2010
Hantinh (K1)..............................02-02-2010.........Blue.....Timeline....Resubmit 00-00-2010
Kevin and Tuyen(CR1 reaffirm)....02-05-2010 .......Green....updated I-864 and better passport sized photos
Shy1akaanh (CR1).....................03-01-2010
Robert & Mai (K1 reaffirm)...........00-00-2010

Kevin andMaleVietnam2010-02-05 22:11:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Hello all
I hope kevin & Tuyen get pink ,pink ,Pink this time ,god 's wiil Bless in
Good luck Kevin you have been too long
John & kimHai

Thanks John. Two more days of waiting.
Kevin andMaleVietnam2010-02-02 21:40:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

We got blue slip for timeline.

Trade in that timeline for a pick sheet. Good luck!
Kevin andMaleVietnam2010-01-20 09:22:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

MEMBER NAME.........................................DATE of INTERVIEW...............RESULT

JasonandHien.......................................01-20-2010 IR-1/CR-1...............
VN10...................................................01-21-2010 IR-1/CR-1...............
Scottthuy.............................................01-26-2010 K1..........................
Nick & Van ..........................................02-02-2010 IR-1/CR-1...............
Robert & Mai........................................05-29-2010 K1 ..........................
Kevin and Tuyen..................................02-05-2010 IR1/CR1 reaffirmed

Lets start the new year off with a fresh start.. but lets keep the pink train rollin'

In response to the previous question.. another member asked that this topic be started for the new year as the other one was specific to those left in 2009..

Good news, our interview is scheduled.
Kevin andMaleVietnam2010-01-14 09:21:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Worth a shot to call DoS and ask them if they see a date in the system....

I'll try again to see if another operator says something different. I get the feeling that operators have no idea what the process is. They just read what's scripted or on their computer screen.
Kevin andMaleVietnam2010-01-05 16:17:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Congratulations Bernie. :thumbs: :dance:

I just got off the phone with an operator at the NVC. She said that interviews for reaffirmed cases are not scheduled by the NVC, but by the Consulate. Hopefully our interview will be in a month or two.
Kevin andMaleVietnam2010-01-05 15:56:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Isn't this the same as the original topic? They should be combined

Edited by jeromebinh, 07 January 2010 - 10:09 AM.

jeromebinhMaleVietnam2010-01-07 10:05:00