VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Sep 19 2009, 11:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Has anyone been emailing the consulate weekly to inquire about the current status of the case? John and I talked about this yesterday and it may be advantagous since all communication for a case ends up in the case. At a minimum they will see that you are actively concerned about the case. If I were a co I would not be impressed if there were no inquiries about a case in AP. I know the uscis website says wait 60 days, but why wait. If they have everyone in AP as a ploy to look good at end of fiscal, then we should see some visas after the end of the month.

I have been actively emailing. You get an automated response, but then a follow up, personalized response about 5 days after you send the email. I was told by the CO when I went in that it is adventagous since they see and keep track of the emails you send. When I send emails, I usually try to provide more details or go more in depth about my relationship with my husband, but keeping with a theme. For example, the last email I sent had a theme of the # of vacations and the duration of the vacations that my job has allowed me to take.

I did wait a full month after the 2nd blue slip date, but I don't think that is a big issue or anything. When I was there this past trip, I made a trip to visit a CO, but since I'm no longer there, I'll continue to send weekly emails until we hear something...
lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-09-19 14:15:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (JimVaPhuong @ Sep 10 2009, 06:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Anyway, now I'm in a mad scramble trying to get the house ready. My little workshop has to be converted back into a bedroom, like it was when I bought the house. My workshop is going into the garage, which currently looks like a warehouse full of stuff. There's a 14 foot dumpster on the street in front of my house that I rented to clear out the garage. It's minor pandemonium around here, but I'm loving it! blush.gif

I haven't even told my boss that I'm going to need another couple of weeks vacation in a couple of months... whistling.gif

I felt the same way when my husband's interview came up. He got the blue and I went back (4 weeks) with anticipation that he'd get the pink since he submitted the requested info...NOPE...still waiting. I don't know if I'll have a job if I do take another few weeks of vacation, but at this point, I'm ready to sell my house here in the states and move over there already... ohmy.gif(
lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-09-14 15:28:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (imfromaoi @ Sep 13 2009, 05:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
im curious of those are in ap in hcmc are of different ethnicity other than vietnamese. circumstancial wise, people i've talked to are having a pretty smooth ride. aka parents of beneficiary and petitioner knows each other back in the old days so they bring the petitioner to vietnam and look for a wife/husband.

My husband and I are both Vietnamese. I am 90% fluent in Vietnamese, he is 25% in English. We communicate in Vietnamese. Our families did not know each other prior to us meeting. I met him when I went on vacation with my family...
lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-09-14 15:25:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (Huong and Phung) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't know yet, still debating on whether or not I should meet with them.

It is a good idea to meet with the Consular Officer. I went in and met with them when I was there in VN. I probably should have done it when I first got there and then went back every week. The officer I talked to said that if I were persistent, visiting them and sending them weekly emails, it gives them sign that I am genuinely active and interested in my case. Since my visit, I have sent them a thank you letter for meeting with me and have begun sending them weekly emails requesting an update on the status of our case.

When I did go in to talk to the CO, he said the original officer was on leave - he'd gone to Thailand because his wife was giving birth. A little TMI, but maybe someone else go the same officer?

QUOTE (luckytxn @ Sep 13 2009, 10:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
But we can all keep coming up with all kinds of scenarios. I personally would like to know what people are Catholic or Buddhist and if that makes a difference or easier to get a pink or blue.

My husband and I are both Catholics, we haven't seen the pink yet, but haven't given up hope....

Edited by lindal24, 14 September 2009 - 03:22 PM.

lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-09-14 15:20:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Sep 13 2009, 05:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This could just be an end f fiscal year show of force to look like they are doing more on paper.... they could just be doing it through the end of this month to show a larger number of AP's on paper for the end of fiscal report.

You think they have to meet some kind of quota? Man if they do than that really sucks....
Dai.MaleVietnam (no flag)2009-09-13 17:14:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Anyone in Hcmc right now? We are going to see the CO on Wednesday 16th. If anyone interested in meeting with the CO or meeting up with us, please come and see us and drop us a PM if you're interested. We might go to Ralph's new Grill that he opened for food afterward.
Huong and PhungMaleVietnam (no flag)2009-09-14 19:57:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (johncali9 @ Sep 13 2009, 09:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i just come back from vn
i was come to See the CO and speak to them ,not help i sit there see a bout 95% people get Blue slip and ,before i go home to State come se them again ask the Co when my case process ,now this week i see a lot poeple got pink for interview second and AP the consideration now me Ituan there

What's up anh John! I guess ur back to the States. Anyway, we tried to call you to see if you wanna come out and meet us on the day that i went to turn in the documents but you didn't answer your phone. It was a long wait so I don't think you wanna spend the whole day with me. Anyway, guess you haven't heard anything about your case yet then huh? Was planning to go see the CO but I don't know if I should anymore since they're haven't given you or any Tuan an answer yet and you guys were way before me. I don't know yet, still debating on whether or not I should meet with them.
Huong and PhungMaleVietnam (no flag)2009-09-14 00:11:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Here is our story on our day that we went in to turn in our evidence:
We got there at 12:30pm on September 8th 2009.
We both walk up and being turn down by the guard and said that only one of us can come in.
My wife walk in with all of the evidence in two bags. One bag was our BEFORE WEDDING and AFTER WEDDING evidence.
My wife turn in all the documents around 1:10pm and told to wait for the result.
My wife sit at the bench until 5:05 pm and they call my wife's name. They then told my wife that they're running out of time so they gave my wife a blue slip and said to go home and wait. Think about it everyone, my wife wait for almost 5 hours and just to receive such news. Not to mention I was sitting outside at the corner on the other side of the street waiting patiently. I didn't go to the bathroom or taking my eyes off the doors. I see 1 door close, then 2 doors close then all three close. I was worry about my wife safety more than getting the pink slip. I talked to one of the american that just got out of the consulate about my wife. I explain to him how my wife looks and he said she's still in there. That ease my worry a little and I keep on waiting. At 5:10Pm, my wife walk out and cross the busy street and told me that we have a second blue slip. Part of me was glad because my wife is okay and part of me was angry about them keeping someone in the consulate for 5 hours. After all, we're glad that it's not white slip and we were so hungry to think about anything else. We jump into the car and find the next restaurant to eat. We ate at "Quan An Ngon" just down the road on Nam Ky Khoi Nghia.
That's our story on our second time at the consulate. We are waiting for them to give us an answer and hope it turns out well.
Huong and PhungMaleVietnam (no flag)2009-09-09 00:00:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Sep 8 2009, 01:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Since there are so many stuck in HCMC AP it may be helpful to have a discussion to let everyone know were they are in relation to others in the same situation….
Those in AP at HCMC:
Lindal24 7/8/2009
JohnCali 8/6/2009
Ituan 8/10/2009
JeromeBinh 8/20/2009
Ly Trinh 8/21/2009
Huong and Phung 9/8/2009
Michaelandluyen ?
Han & James ? no word since 7/6 interview…..

Let the others there know what you have heard since the blue slip and this way it may not be such a painful wait.... there are at least 6 couples in the same boat at the moment....

hello Scottthuy
i just come back from vn
i was come to See the CO and speak to them ,not help i sit there see a bout 95% people get Blue slip and ,before i go home to State come se them again ask the Co when my case process ,now this week i see a lot poeple got pink for interview second and AP the consideration now me Ituan there
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-09-13 23:00:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
If you want to see whats in the mind of the CO the following link is a good article

bryonm4MaleVietnam2009-09-11 23:16:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (Kevin&Loan @ Sep 9 2009, 12:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Also, I have been wanting to say this for a while but I wanted to see if it is true or just plain rumor

My wife and I took the kid over to my parents house one day about 2 months go to have dinner and my father said he just heard that the US Consulate in Saigon just decided to stop issuing K1 visas for a while due to fraud and they would backtrack and scrutinize even more all the cases that are presently at the Consulate. I then asked him if he was sure. He affirmed. I asked for the source of the news and he said he just happen to work around the house with both the TV on in the living room and the radio on in the garage so he did not remember where he got the news.

Now, in Houston, there are about 3 Vietnamese radio stations but I know he only listens to Radio Saigon-Houston AM900. As far as Vietnamese channels on TV, I know he watches via DirectTV the following: SBTN, VHN, Hon Viet.

Now, like I said, I wanted to tell you guys but not sure if it is true but now we can see that everyone in here that walked in for anterview, walked out with a blue sheet. I also frequent a site called and I saw a the same pattern. Now, all we need is to verify if the news is indeed authentic or the people at the stations just make it up to make news. So, if you happen to live in SoCal or HTown, please call around and ask if anyone else heard the same thing. I have asked but none of the people I know listen or watch anything Viet ... sad.gif

Again, please don't be alarmed. I hope it isn't true. Spank me if it turns out to be a hoax.

I have heard that it was really difficult to get a K1 or K3 now but I see they still issue them from what I read on here many people have gotten them. I think the people on here are more prepaired then others and have a better chance of getting a K visa.

The good news is that CR1 visa are still possible.
bryonm4MaleVietnam2009-09-10 12:22:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (Huong and Phung @ Sep 9 2009, 01:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here is our story on our day that we went in to turn in our evidence:
We got there at 12:30pm on September 8th 2009.
We both walk up and being turn down by the guard and said that only one of us can come in.
My wife walk in with all of the evidence in two bags. One bag was our BEFORE WEDDING and AFTER WEDDING evidence.
My wife turn in all the documents around 1:10pm and told to wait for the result.
My wife sit at the bench until 5:05 pm and they call my wife's name. They then told my wife that they're running out of time so they gave my wife a blue slip and said to go home and wait. Think about it everyone, my wife wait for almost 5 hours and just to receive such news. Not to mention I was sitting outside at the corner on the other side of the street waiting patiently. I didn't go to the bathroom or taking my eyes off the doors. I see 1 door close, then 2 doors close then all three close. I was worry about my wife safety more than getting the pink slip. I talked to one of the american that just got out of the consulate about my wife. I explain to him how my wife looks and he said she's still in there. That ease my worry a little and I keep on waiting. At 5:10Pm, my wife walk out and cross the busy street and told me that we have a second blue slip. Part of me was glad because my wife is okay and part of me was angry about them keeping someone in the consulate for 5 hours. After all, we're glad that it's not white slip and we were so hungry to think about anything else. We jump into the car and find the next restaurant to eat. We ate at "Quan An Ngon" just down the road on Nam Ky Khoi Nghia.
That's our story on our second time at the consulate. We are waiting for them to give us an answer and hope it turns out well.

sorry to hear about that brother Huong, hopefully you will get the good news really soon.
kevinbui86MaleVietnam2009-09-09 10:16:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Back in my day it was called Administrative Review (AR) what is AP ?
martindartNot TellingTonga2009-09-08 17:50:00
VietnamHow do you get married in HCMC: how long does it take and how much does it cost?

In response to a message I received I would like to post this because it deals with marriage in Vietnam.



The Vietnamese wedding ceremony and dinner can be a wonderful and happy event.  Wedding restaurants dot the  landscape here almost as much as banks and pharmacies.  Family homes host as many or more wedding parties as do the wedding halls.  Wedding photographers with a bride and groom can seen down town, on beaches, in wooded areas or other famous landmarks any day or hour of the week.  Bridal shops are everywhere.    The wedding dinners at  wedding restaurants can typically feed hundreds of guest.  The cost of the food depends largely on the number guest, number of courses, quality of food, and the wedding restaurant rental.    Entertainment from announcers, dancers, singers, laser beam shows and loud music are a few of components that will add to the overall cost.  Most of these weddings have a lot of planning and preparation put into them.  Money  has been put away for years in some cases.  They can cost into the thousands of dollars or they can also be modest with the cost under one thousand dollars.  Your wedding party can be tailored to fit your  budget.  You do not need a marriage certificate to have the religious service and wedding dinner.



I was also asked "September is the rainy season, so we should marry in February?"  The rainy season starts in May and ends in November.  One reason to be cautious of getting married in February is TET or Lunar New year.  In 2015 TET begins on Feb. 19th..  For the two week following it will feel like the entire country is moving.  Shops, restaurants, and government offices will be closed.  Airline, bus and train tickets will be harder to find and they will cost more as will hotel rooms.  It is a festive time but a bad time to get anything done, make sure to allow for this. 

Note:  the pictures of the wedding dinner with family and friends provide a wonderful tool to help prove your bona fide relationship for the I-130 and interview.             


Edited by T&T&T, 31 May 2014 - 06:55 AM.

T&T&TMaleVietnam2014-05-31 06:46:00
VietnamHow do you get married in HCMC: how long does it take and how much does it cost?

there is no requirement to pay "coffee money" in Vietnam..


skyking02, you will order the translated copies of your marriage certificate when you pick up your original certificate. 

T&T&TMaleVietnam2014-05-29 11:27:00
VietnamHow do you get married in HCMC: how long does it take and how much does it cost?

Getting married in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.  I am sure the procedures are similar but  vary in  other provinces.


First I would obtain a marriage application packet from the Department of Justice located at 141-143 Pasteur St., Ward 6, Dist.3, HCMC, (Cost 15,000 to 30,000 VND).  You can  buy the application in a small office to the right of the parking lot.  They can also recommend an interpreter for your interview if you don't speak Vietnamese.   On the inside cover of the packet there is a list of the documents you will need for you and your fiancée.  


1. Document showing you are single and eligible to get married.


    a. USC can present their passport at the US consulate to obtain an affidavit of single status. If  previously married you will need an authenticated copy of a divorce decree or death certificate for each marriage.  Currently the charge for notarizing the affidavit is fifty dollars. Same day service.  Take the affidavit of single status to the Office of Foreign Affairs located at 6 Alexandre P Ben Nghe Q 1 HCMC.  It will take 3 - 5 days for the Foreign Affairs office to stamp your affidavit.  You can also use a marriage search letter from you home state, however in Ho Chi Minh City the Office of Foreign Affairs rejected my letter from the state of Kentucky. They require the affidavit of single status from the consulate because they are familiar with this form.       


     b. VNC can present their National ID Card and Family Book to the People's Committee in the district in which he/she lives to obtain a Martial Status letter. Divorce decrees from previous marriage/s are required.   Approximate cost 20,000 VND and it can take up to two weeks or more to receive the letter. Your fiancée can obtain this document before you arrive in Vietnam which will save you time if your time is limited.


2.  Identification:


    a. USC can obtain  certified copies of their passport from the People's Committee in district 1 located at 47 Lê Du?n street.  Same day service. They are not expensive buy several.

    b. VNC can obtain certified copies of their family book and national identification card from the same location.  They are not expensive buy several.


3. Mental health evaluation:


    a. Both applicants can obtain their mental health evaluation at:   B?nh vi?n Ch? Quán 179 B?n Hàm T? ?ông - Tây 1st Ward, District 5.  The cost for the evaluation is 800,000 VND for next day service  or 1,200,000 VND for express same day service. You will need 4 photos of each applicant measuring 4x6cm. Don't be surprised if you are asked for "coffee money".  I think 100,000 VND should do. 


4.  If the USC is living in HCMC you will need a letter from the police station in the district which you live showing you have registered with the police.  If you do not live here and are staying in a hotel you will need to get the hotel to register you with the police and obtain a stamped copy. 


Once you have your documents take them to the Department of Justice (location in item 1 above) to be submitted. (Cost 1,000,000 VND). One passport type photo of each applicant measuring 3x4 cm. will be attached to the application when submitted.  When you submit the documents you will be scheduled for an interview.  We had to wait 10 days before our interview.


If you do not speak Vietnamese you will be required to bring an interpreter to the interview with you.  You can use one recommended or choose one on your own.   Make sure the interpreter knows that the interviewer can speak English and if they do not translate for you accurately they will dismiss the interpreter and your interview will be rescheduled. I hired a travel agent for 500,000 VND.


At the interview you are proving that your relationship is bona fide.  Take a timeline, photos, receipts for gifts, chat logs, copy of emails, etc. anything you think will help you prove the relationship is real. ("Coffee money" to the interviewer is recommended-- 500,000 to 1,000,000 VND should do)


If your interview is successful you will be given a date to return to pick up your marriage certificate.  Be sure and order a dozen translated, certified, copies of your marriage certificate when you pick up the original. It will take 10 days but they can be delivered by mail.


All prices quoted are from a year ago, they could have changed.  I hope you can use this as a guide but depending on your case times could vary.  Remember the consulate is closed on American holidays and the Vietnamese offices are closed on their holidays.   

I wish you happiness and good luck.....      

T&T&TMaleVietnam2014-05-29 09:25:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
im curious of those are in ap in hcmc are of different ethnicity other than vietnamese. circumstancial wise, people i've talked to are having a pretty smooth ride. aka parents of beneficiary and petitioner knows each other back in the old days so they bring the petitioner to vietnam and look for a wife/husband.
imfromaoiNot Telling02009-09-13 17:53:00
VietnamHow do you get married in HCMC: how long does it take and how much does it cost?


woodpeckerskneeNot Telling02014-05-29 21:55:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
topic closed for review

After review I have re-opened this topic and removed several inappropriate, heated comments that detract from the information. I am also returning to the discussion useful information from the removed posts through copy and paste. Please do not insult each other or call each other names - this adds nothing to the discussion:


No need to call names man. I just really want to know where you get your info. I can get any person to say it is 95% and call it fact??? what ever man. I asked a simple question because half of the things you type do not seem remotely close to the facts, so I want to know where you get your info at, because if it is in fact true then it is a sad day for all of us. If in fact that it is far from the truth, maybe I can give you a source that is far more accurate so that you do not sit at home and worry yourself. Look at the post man and see what I say because I am straight forward and to the point. It might aggravate some but ohh well. If you cant take the truth don't post. I try to be as accurate as possible with everything I post and to look on both sides of every story. I don't simply post to see my own words or make people think I know what I am talking about unlike other people here. take a chill pill. If me asking you about your sources hits a sore spot in you then maybe you will look at your sources a bit better next time.


lets leave this disagreement behind us.. this is an AP discussion and we dont all have to respond to everyone here...

Edited by Kathryn41, 20 September 2009 - 11:11 PM.

Kathryn41FemaleCanada2009-09-20 22:49:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Sep 28 2009, 02:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ummm, I know the rules, that is why I filed the petition, I was just making a statement that I had could have waited just a day or two and not needed to file for the waiver. I just added that part to my post so that other people would know and so that I would not get any backlash with some people thinking I go from one woman dirrectly to the next, or from one denial to the next petition.

No worries. I know that you know the rules. The way you worded your post gave the impression that asking for the waiver was something you chose to do, rather than something you would have been required to do, given the timeframe. I was trying to clarify what you said, mainly for the benefit of newcomers reading this thread. As you say, we should be trying to help people. good.gif

QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Sep 28 2009, 02:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I do admit that it helps knowing that you are not the only one going through this, but if you read my post, you also have to admit if we keep posting horror stories people will get freaked out and scared. That has happened with me and I brought that point up also. But if you currently look at most of the post's in this forum there are more horror stories from regular posters than help going on. When I first got on here there was mostly information and help, people asking for advice and what not. Now we have all these posts about waiting and red flags, and very few questions accept for a massage and a tug and the price of a aircon, then throw in the posts of the wife or fiancée that skipped out on their husband or fiancée. This is becoming more of a chat room than of actually helping anyone. I am sure you have to also admit that. To truly help a person you first have to give them hope, not tell them "HCMC?? ohh you are in for a long road, you wont get pink 99% fail for the visa, and most go in AP for 6 months, and this woman did this and that one did that" Lets keep the hope and help. I might sound crabby, but come on man, look at the other forums out there they are not chat rooms like ours is becoming. I think it is time for all of us to wake up and start asking questions for ourselves and helping those that ask for help instead of having 9 page posts.

Frankly, I wish there had been more threads like this when I first started lurking here last December. People were posting about their SO's interview, and listing the interview questions and such, and then ended with "We got a blue slip asking for x, y, and z". After that, a bunch of condolences from other posters, but not much insight into why they got the blue slip. Since I was looking at the possibility of doing this myself, I wanted to know as much as I could, ahead of time, about what to do or not to do in order to improve my own chances of success.

AP cases seem to have increased in HCM. I think it's important to follow this and try to pinpoint why it's happening, especially if there's something that can be done before filing the petition to help improve the odds. That will help newcomers immensely.

I also think it's important to read about the horror stories, even if they aren't extremely common. Nobody wants to think this stuff is going to happen to them, but people needs to go into this with their eyes wide open. Bad things do happen to people. If reading about relationships that have gone horribly wrong helps even one person avoid falling into the same trap, then it's worth it.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2009-09-28 08:27:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Sep 27 2009, 11:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I had one but before HCMC ever got my petition it passed the 2 year point. I did go ahead and file for a waiver prior to sending in for the visa

For Scott's purposes, that would count. I think he's talking about a previous petition anytime in your life. It's not about IMBRA filing limitations, but whether the consulate is possibly thinking that the petitioner is acting as a portal for immigration. It's a very interesting theory that I hadn't thought of. Maybe they're using the AP time to thoroughly investigate the previous marriage for signs that any fraud may have been involved. They're not just looking for fraudulent beneficiary's, but also for USC's who might be a sucker, a patsy, or a willing accomplice.

Man, Scott's brain just never stops churning over this stuff. blush.gif

BTW, the interval that matters for determining whether an IMBRA filing limitation waiver is required is the time between the previous petition approval and the current petition submission. Sounds like you were within two years, so you would have had no choice - your petition wouldn't have been approved if you didn't ask for the waiver.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2009-09-27 14:25:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
I think everyone probably imagines what most of their daily activities will be like once their fiancee or wife arrives in the US. I work at home, so we're going to be around each other a lot. Many of the things I do will not interest Phuong at all, like debugging a software problem, or working on a circuit design in my shop, but I still daydream about having her around. Like, I'll be in the shop testing circuit boards while my buddy Phong is stuffing circuit boards with components, and I'll imagine Phuong coming in and asking us to take a break for tea. smile.gif

One little daydream I have consistently happens every time I go out and then drive back home. On the way home, I imagine Phuong is sitting beside me, and we're coming home from the airport on her first day in the US. Her kids are sitting in the back of my car, pointing out interesting things to each other and chattering away. I imagine her reaction as we cross the San Mateo bridge, and she looks across the bay to San Francisco and Oakland. I imagine her seeing the town where I live for the first time. I imagine driving down my street, and pulling into my driveway. I imagine the look on her face when I open the door, and there are about 50 of her family and friends waiting to welcome her and her kids to the US. blush.gif

I agree with Kevin - it's best to be realistic and not overly optimistic about the initial outcome. I want Phuong to be calm and confident when she goes to the interview. I've told her repeatedly that she's probably going to get a blue slip - nearly everyone does. This is not a problem - it's just part of dealing with the consulate in HCM, and we should expect it. When she walks inside for the interview, she shouldn't think about "passing" the interview. She should constantly remind herself - "This isn't a test. I'm just here to pick up my blue slip, and then we'll go have lunch."
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2009-09-26 08:19:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Sep 27 2009, 07:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
First & Only Husband...First & Only petition... smile.gif

I seriously think my case is just sitting on some empty desk awaiting a CO who probably decided he liked Thailand over Vietnam and decided to leave his post... tongue.gif

Or he took the file with him... whistling.gif

Jerome, Nobody is panicking.. Actually we are trying to help those that come along after us so they can be better informed... If I was just starting out and saw a bunch of people in AP I would freak out.. But if there was some common thread that did not apply to me, then I would be less stressed... I started this forum to help those that are in AP to get through it easier as a group... and those that are starting to see what they can expect... You have to admit that if you knew why you were in AP it would reduce the stress associated with being in AP...
Only worry now is the storm heading to VN... I know my SO's apt floods easily....

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-09-27 19:21:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (JimVaPhuong @ Sep 27 2009, 03:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Man, Scott's brain just never stops churning over this stuff. blush.gif

BTW, the interval that matters for determining whether an IMBRA filing limitation waiver is required is the time between the previous petition approval and the current petition submission. Sounds like you were within two years, so you would have had no choice - your petition wouldn't have been approved if you didn't ask for the waiver.

It actually came up when John and I were OTP the other day and were discussing Tuan's options... He was doing his second filing and I knew John and Jerome were also and John mentioned that there were others in AP that had filed before.. so a light went off... maybe... hmmmm ....

This is likely not the case in all of those in AP as I assume Huong has not filed before... But if most in AP have filed previously it could be just an extra fraud detection phase that VN is doing.... If there are a bunch of folks in AP that did not file before this could just be one of the factors they used to put the case in AP.
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-09-27 14:35:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Has anyone on the AP list not petitioned for a spousal visas prior to the current case? I am realizing that several of the cases in AP had previous petitions with another spouse. Is this a possible common thread? Not saying this is why everyone is in AP but close to half of those that are in AP had a previous petition that I know of and I am not familiar enough with the rest to know...

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-09-27 12:21:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
An Email recived by someone in AP....

Dear AP Victim:

The beneficiary's file is pending further processing and further review by a consular officer. Case files and any additional documents or information submitted after the interviews are prepared for review based on a first-come, first-reviewed policy. Please note that the beneficiary will experience delays in receiving a response from our office regarding the case due to the large number of cases pending review.


Information Team

Consular Section

U.S. Consulate General HCMC

Tel: (84-8) 3520 4200

Fax: (84-8) 3520 4235

E-mail: (regarding visa issues) (regarding services for U.S. citizens)



This e-mail is UNCLASSIFIED based on the definitions provided in E.O. 12958.

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-09-26 08:51:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (Kevin&Loan @ Sep 25 2009, 10:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Tell him to buy lunches for everyone at the Consulate ... You know, a little kiss up at this stage won't hurt devil.gif ... Nonetheless, I do pray for you guys ... Waiting, like u said, is the hardest part. When we were in AR, our lives almost came to a halt. I remember every time I tried some new restaurants, I always told myself to take my wife there whenever she came over. Everything I did, I thought of her doing it together with me.

I do that same thing now... It seems like everything I do, I think about the fact that we are missing out on this time together. Boy this bowl of Pho would probably taste better if she was sitting here with me... or catching that fish would have been so much more fun with her here.... Or when I was feeding dolphins yesterday I was imagining what she will say when she experiences it for the first time...

I think if we end up in AR or AP the most difficult part will be the thought of possible denial being that much closer than it was at previous stages... I see the same thought in some of Huongs posts now... As if the process isnt painful enough... that added thought running through the mind even if seldom has to be more painful than all of the other stuff that we could go through in the process combined. The hope and love that we share with our SO's is what its all about and what will get everyone through this stage of the process... Stay strong all AP'ers! good.gif good.gif good.gif
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-09-25 21:49:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (Huong and Phung @ Sep 25 2009, 07:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Any news on any of you guys case yet? Those who are in front, did you receive any news? Did you try your congressman to request an update on your case? I think you should because they usually do some goods.

John tried congressman but no real improvement... but thats not to say that it would not help someone else... The catch is the line they have in the website to allow them at least 60 days to handle AP... I would not be surprised if the congressman got a response that said "working on it, please allow us 60 days" ... But at this point anything is worth a shot... Have you emailed the consulate each week?
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-09-25 18:28:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Sep 25 2009, 11:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kevin&Loan @ Sep 25 2009, 07:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lindal, I meant using Bac Ho ONLY works with the Viet officials smile.gif

Yea...I got what you meant... smile.gif

...I've started wondering about that though cause when I went in to visit the CO I swear I thought I noticed him thumbing through my passport like he was looking for a little "somethin' somethin'" lol...So maybe they DO accept gratuities! J/K!!!

You know what they say... "when in rome do as the romans do".. well, when in Vn accept Bac Ho CO!
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-09-25 10:43:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (Kevin&Loan @ Sep 25 2009, 08:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lindal, I meant using Bac Ho ONLY works with the Viet officials smile.gif

And it works well.... good.gif
I will leave it at that... I didnt just say it worked for me today did I? whistling.gif
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-09-25 07:30:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Sep 24 2009, 10:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Sep 24 2009, 09:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Some good news.. 2 couples that are not VJ members that have been in AP since July/August just got Pink! Visa on the way. This is good news for those here in AP...

Can you find out the dates they got the 2nd blue slip putting them in AP?

I dont have exact dates.. 1 was 5 weeks ago and the other 8 weeks...
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-09-24 23:27:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Some good news.. 2 couples that are not VJ members that have been in AP since July/August just got Pink! Visa on the way. This is good news for those here in AP...

Edited by ScottThuy, 24 September 2009 - 09:12 PM.

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-09-24 21:11:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Sep 24 2009, 06:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Sep 24 2009, 05:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am surprised you have not heard anything yet... Have you guys called or emailed them lately?

Every week... smile.gif

Do they give you the same canned template respone each time/?

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-09-24 17:41:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
I am surprised you have not heard anything yet... Have you guys called or emailed them lately?
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-09-24 17:38:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (Kevin&Loan @ Sep 24 2009, 01:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Great idea. Let's pin it.

Just requested to get it pinned
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-09-24 16:15:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Updated list:

Those in AP at HCMC:

Lindal24 ___________________7/8/2009
Vi&Art _____________________8/5/2009
JohnCali9 __________________8/6/2009
Ituan ___________________8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 36 days in AP Denied
Ly Trinh ___________________8/21/2009
Huong and Phung ___________9/8/2009

Please add yourself if you are currently in Administrative Processing (AP) 2nd blue slip.

Additional entry deleted as it was not AP.. they were denied CR1 at second blue submission of timeline. The second attempt after K1 denial 2 years previous.
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-09-23 19:32:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (NQT1976 @ Sep 22 2009, 03:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was in HCMC consular to submit document for my wife, nobody talking to me; the lady receive my timeline and tell me to sit down and wait.

I wait untill 5PM and they almost lost my blue slip, I'm the last person to get out of consular.

as I see 99% get blue only 2 pink that is the lady who has baby and a girl who interview by english, the left over get blue.

I get a blue say "administrative close".

there will be no more pink at HCMC these days.

Sorry to hear about your denial... They will not stop pink, they just dont give many pink on first interview...
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-09-22 14:59:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Thanks Brother Kevin...
The consulate has failed a great many visa requests.. Half of my students got denied recently and I would not be surprised if 95% got failed on first interview as John says... when he went to talk to the CO... I have read several posts from many months back and it is quite common to see nothing but blue or white coming out of the consulate with few pinks...

Everyone in AP is there for one red flag or another as Linda has indicated... its a hurdle that must be overcome or it will get denied as did Tuan's.

The stress can be overwhelming and misunderstanding what someone is saying adds to the frustration..
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-09-20 15:14:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
lets relax guys.. I know what you said John.. two sources have told you alot of failures... and now you are calling every week to check status.. He is having a major problem understanding what you are saying... not always easy for me but since we talk so much on the phone I know what you mean when you say something. You are a good guy.. relax man...
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-09-20 15:01:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (johncali9 @ Sep 19 2009, 11:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello all
I was called on THURDAY In HCMC ask that,now they procssing who was interview second time isssue ,from Jan to Aug the man say very nice and polite

I'm not real clear on what you are saying..
I think you said that you called HCMC on Thursday and asked what is up with the people in AP? The man told you that they were working on files from Jan-Aug?
It is amazing that they can have a file in the works for 8 months... there is no valid reason that could justify this situation. They should have a 90 day limit on this... if you cant find a reason to deny in 90 days.. for gods sake give them the visa... its easy for them to make up a reason to deny and send it back to the states.

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-09-19 22:20:00