VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 15 2009, 09:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I did forget to mention one thing that was said. I will now address the "censorship" What I asked was for people to not glorify all the negative, because it scared people and to simply try to post more positive posts than negative. There are far to many people that glorify all the negative posts and most of which are not needed, if a question was asked and the answer was negative, then it needed to be posted, but to simply post negative because they had a bad day or just to post it I felt was un needed, and instead of calling a person out in a public forum, I went to him in private to try and solve this problem, and when I did this words were put into my mouth, and then it came on a public forum as well instead of trying to settle things like a grown up it has turned into a childish game. Regardless of what else is said about this, I am no longer going to comment on what was or was not said, but I did want everyone to know he was talking about me, and for me to give my version of what transpired. I think it is sad that he had to stoop so low as to put this on a public forum when I was simply trying to give his post new life because it is a good post. I never try to poke at people behind their back, I might be brash and rude at times, but that is who I am, I do apologize when I make mistakes, and no one is perfect, that is what makes us human. But there is one thing that I refuse to do and that is stand by when someone is making accusations about me that I feel is untrue. I apologize that everyone had to read all these negative posts, but when one person decided to make it public when I went to him in private then I had to make a stand. I am by far not god, nor do I ever claim to be. I claim to be a straight shooter, if I feel something is not right I will point it out, if I am mistaken I am not to proud to eat my own words. I believe that posting good things will help the confidence of people going into a interview, if you scare them with only horror then why should they even try? If you know you are going to get blue or that everyone is getting white why even try? If you go to a interview scared how is that going to help you?? Yes people need to be aware of what it is like, I agree with that, but how many times have everyone of you read posts from me or other people about the horror that was not needed? How many times have you read that someone says 95% fail how do you get this information? Why should it be posted? I do not see the value in things like that. But as I said, sorry for you all having to read this, but I refuse to bow down to someone making accusations against me. I am here to help, and I am also here to try and cheer people up, and make them confident and not scared. Jerome

This adds nothing positive to the HCMC AP discussion...

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-10-15 20:10:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
VJ Members currently in AP at HCMC:
Vi&Art _____________________8/5/2009
JohnCali9 __________________8/6/2009
Ly Trinh ___________________8/21/2009
Huong and Phung ___________9/8/2009

VJ Members who made it out of AP & results:
Ituan _____________________8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied
Lindal24 ___________________7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED
FrednDaoHoney_____________1/17/2009 - 10/15/2009 - 271 days in AP - APPROVED

Please add yourself if you are currently in Administrative Processing "AP" (2nd blue slip).

The initial blue slip (*IF you don't get pink) at the initial interview date IS NOT the same as an AP Blue Slip you get when you submit additional information as indicated on the 1st blue slip from the initial interview. The date listed is the date the 2nd blue slip is received, not necessarily the date that was listed on the 1st blue slip (in case you submitted your requested documents early)

Sample AP Blue Slip:

(luckytxn @ Oct 4 2009, 06:32 PM)
Also to others about to go through the process and/or interview please do not fret so much. Just do the best one can is all that one can do. I had quite a few red flags and even had a few send me messages saying how I was going to be in AP and I screwed up something and I still got a pink and really in a decent time. Others have to so just because there are quite a few here in AP does not mean everyone will be in AP or even a majority.

We discuss this because we are trying to figure out the whys and therefores and to help others. It is good to discuss this stuff.

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-10-15 19:27:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
kicking.gif A bit of additional good news.. just got an Email from James and he & Han got pink and she is here in the states now.. he's been too busy to post but she got blue as many do the first go and then pink at the second. If I get any additional details about what the blue was I will let you guys know...

Those of us currently in AP at HCMC:

Vi&Art _____________________8/5/2009
JohnCali9 __________________8/6/2009
Ly Trinh ___________________8/21/2009
Huong and Phung ___________9/8/2009

Those who are out of AP w/ results:
Ituan ___________________8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied
Lindal24 ________________7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED kicking.gif
FrednDaoHoney_____________1/17/2009 - 10/14/2009 - 270 days in AP - APPROVED kicking.gif

Please add yourself if you are currently in Administrative Processing "AP" (2nd blue slip).

The initial blue slip (*IF you don't get pink) at the initial interview date IS NOT the same as an AP Blue Slip you get when you submit additional information as indicated on the 1st blue slip from the initial interview. The date listed is the date the 2nd blue slip is received, not necessarily the date that was listed on the 1st blue slip (in case you submitted your requested documents early)

Sample AP Blue Slip:

QUOTE (luckytxn @ Oct 4 2009, 06:32 PM)
Also to others about to go through the process and/or interview please do not fret so much. Just do the best one can is all that one can do. I had quite a few red flags and even had a few send me messages saying how I was going to be in AP and I screwed up something and I still got a pink and really in a decent time. Others have to so just because there are quite a few here in AP does not mean everyone will be in AP or even a majority.

We discuss this because we are trying to figure out the whys and therefores and to help others. It is good to discuss this stuff.
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-10-15 11:32:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (Dai_Tx @ Oct 15 2009, 10:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Oct 15 2009, 08:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There have been PM's to censor what I post. To the other VJ member that feels he is the GOD of VJ and decides who should post and what they post... enjoy yourself... VJ members have the right to freely post and I have not submitted the communication to admin to have you reprimanded for the TOS violation as I will not lower myself to that level. Its easier to ignore a fool. You will eventually realize that bullying VJ members is not the way to help people...

That said... This forum was started to help everyone stay in touch as they go through AP. The REALITY of what happens during the Entire Visa process is what is important... Unfortunatly this is not a pleasant journey. The difficult voyage is worth it when we reach the destination. There are many pitfalls that have been identified by others that have gone before us and those experiences are what prepares those that jorney behind them. It has been argued that the reality is too scary, but it is what it is "Reality". If someone denies the reality that exists in this Journey and in life, then they have some serious issues to address. I really hope with all of the visa fraud, that has taken place, that nobody here has denied the reality of a fraud that is being perpetrated on them.

Just because another forum has been created for those in HCMC AP does not mean I will close this one.. by keeping this one open it allows for others to stay in touch with reality rather than censorship.

Wait..... are you talking to JeromeBinh directly? What happened?

Who? I am not talking about anyone directly, I would not want to violate a TOS.. Just making the point that someone here (who knows who they are) feels the need to try to censor what is said here and I refuse to go along with any bullying.. lets leave it at that...

If anyone feels the need to create a new thread.. that is between them and the Mods... not me..

I just want to be able to prevent those that currently dont know what to expect, from getting denied based on info that is available. I am not trying to "scare" any noobs.. just the facts as Joe Friday used to say...
I am not even in AP at HCMC.. I am still in AP @ NVC.. and that AP forum has been beneficial to those that are going through what I am..

Edited by ScottThuy, 15 October 2009 - 11:27 AM.

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-10-15 11:27:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Those of us currently in AP at HCMC:

Vi&Art _____________________8/5/2009
JohnCali9 __________________8/6/2009
Ly Trinh ___________________8/21/2009
Huong and Phung ___________9/8/2009

Those who are out of AP w/ results:
Ituan ___________________8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied
Lindal24 ________________7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED
FrednDaoHoney_____________1/17/2009 - 10/14/2009 - 270 days in AP - APPROVED

Please add yourself if you are currently in Administrative Processing "AP" (2nd blue slip).

The initial blue slip (*IF you don't get pink) at the initial interview date IS NOT
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-10-15 08:12:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (WeatherEmperor @ Oct 16 2009, 11:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey guys,

I looked through the list Jerome created for those that got a blue slip and I see many of those are because of the Time Line and Evidence of Bona fide relationship. When should the evidence of a bonafide relationship be submitted? During the interview or sometime before? I am assuming this bonafide evidence should include the emails, chat longs, letters, pictures, passport stamps for travel, etc. Is this correct?


Carrick, I would submit some of it when you file for the K1 and make sure what you submit she has copies of. People here suggest to front load your file with lots of things, and then they also say to not put that much in it. I would submit a time line with the original K1 application, and then also submit some of the proof of a bonifide relationship along with it. Send many photos of the two of you together, a few chat logs, maybe a phone bill or two just basic things, the hard part is not getting past the service center in America, but getting past the CO in HCMC. Submit everything you have with the interview, and hope for the best. Just as I said remember to have copies of everything you submit. I am going back to the consulate Tuesday to resubmit more evidence and try to talk to a supervisor about our case. I am going to submit everything that they did not accept at her interview. devil.gif They did not look at our chat logs, and our screen shots with times on them for our voice and video chats, so they will get them Tuesday this way they can not try to use the phone calling card against us. We chat more than we call if you were to only look at my phone bills it would look like we do not have a bonifide relationship because we chat and talk on yahoo every day. It is free, well not free but we both already pay for INTERNET so it is free in that sense, and even paying for INTERNET for both of us would be far cheaper than just calling her. Good luck bro, hope you get everything worked out with your trip and that you do not go through what most of us in AP are going through now.
Jerome and Binh
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-10-16 22:51:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Oct 16 2009, 11:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
IMO...I think it's just another thread to have to read through--esp if this thread also gets to 18 pages...

If it gets to 18 pages then a new thread can be made. People choose what they want to read, if they want to read this thread they can read it if not they wont read it. Half of the threads that get up to 18 pages only get read by new people and when we go to a thread that has that many pages we go tot he back first and read what is new any way. This gives people more things to read, love it or hate it it is your choice.
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-10-16 22:27:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 15 2009, 07:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 15 2009, 05:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lets divide up those of us that are in AP. Please add to this post and put if you are in AP on a K1 visa or on a CR1 visa, please list your first blue and your reason for that blue along with your second blue that put you into the AP limbo. This will help those determine what they need to do, and help us figure out if we can expect results and possibly when. With the difference in case and people emailing and getting the same response that they do not go out of order it might be helpful to separate us all out. Please if you are denied, give us that reason as well. This is the current list of those I know that are in AP

Those of us currently in AP at HCMC:

Vi&Art 8/5/2009 K1 Visa
First blue requesting Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

JohnCali9 8/6/2009 K1 Visa
First blue requesting Ex-wife's living situation, Timeline

MichaelAndKha 8/15/2009 K1 Visa
First blue requesting Timeline

JeromeBinh 8/20/2009 K1 visa
First blue requesting Ex-wife's living situation, Timeline, and where Binh's family live in the USA

ToanTien 8/20/2009 Cr1 Visa
First blue requesting Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

Ly Trinh 8/21/2009 CR1 Visa
First blue requesting Timeline

Huong and Phung 9/8/2009 CR1 Visa
First blue Requesting proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

Those who are out of AP w/ results:

Ituan 8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied

Lindal24 7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED

FrednDaoHoney 1/17/2009 - 10/14/2009 - 271 days in AP - APPROVED

jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-10-16 21:52:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Oct 16 2009, 09:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
IS there still reason for two threads now? Can we get a MOD to combine the two threads??

The reason is the same as it always was. I feel that there needs to be more information and not simply just the list of those on AP. There are threads posted about who is for what kind of visa, those that got blue for what reasons, and those that got AP. I just tried to combine 3 threads onto one, and with the old thread and 18 plus pages for new readers they have to sift through 18 pages of only one part of the information. A new thread breeds new life into a good thread. We went from the model A to the Smart car. Evolution is what makes humanity great, let this thread evolve into what it can be. Eventually with all the suggestions of using wiki this thread may also become outdated as well. With the original thread, there is a bunch of great information on it that deserves to be read, and hopefully this thread will grow and be as beneficial to people as well.
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-10-16 21:00:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Those of us currently in AP at HCMC:

Vi&Art 8/5/2009

JohnCali9 8/6/2009 K1 Visa

MichaelAndKha 8/15/2009

JeromeBinh 8/20/2009 K1 visa
Interview date with first blue requesting proof of where my ex wife lived, Time line, and Proof of where Binh's family live in the USA

ToanTien 8/20/2009

Ly Trinh 8/21/2009 CR1 Visa

Huong and Phung 9/8/2009 CR1 Visa
Interview date with first blue requesting BONEFIDE MARRIAGE & TIMELINE

Those who are out of AP w/ results:

Ituan 8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied

Lindal24 7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED

FrednDaoHoney 1/17/2009 - 10/14/2009 - 9 months in AP - APPROVED

jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-10-16 19:17:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 15 2009, 07:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 15 2009, 05:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lets divide up those of us that are in AP. Please add to this post and put if you are in AP on a K1 visa or on a CR1 visa, please list your first blue and your reason for that blue along with your second blue that put you into the AP limbo. This will help those determine what they need to do, and help us figure out if we can expect results and possibly when. With the difference in case and people emailing and getting the same response that they do not go out of order it might be helpful to separate us all out. Please if you are denied, give us that reason as well. This is the current list of those I know that are in AP

Those of us currently in AP at HCMC:

Vi&Art 8/5/2009

JohnCali9 8/6/2009 K1 Visa

MichaelAndKha 8/15/2009

JeromeBinh 8/20/2009 K1 visa
Interview date with first blue requesting proof of where my ex wife lived, Time line, and Proof of where Binh's family live in the USA

ToanTien 8/20/2009

Ly Trinh 8/21/2009 CR1 Visa

Huong and Phung 9/8/2009 CR1 Visa
Interview date with first blue requesting BONEFIDE MARRIAGE & TIMELINE

Those who are out of AP w/ results:

Ituan 8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied

Lindal24 7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED

FrednDaoHoney 1/17/2009 - 10/14/2009 - 9 months in AP - APPROVED

jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-10-16 19:14:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 15 2009, 05:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lets divide up those of us that are in AP. Please add to this post and put if you are in AP on a K1 visa or on a CR1 visa, please list your first blue and your reason for that blue along with your second blue that put you into the AP limbo. This will help those determine what they need to do, and help us figure out if we can expect results and possibly when. With the difference in case and people emailing and getting the same response that they do not go out of order it might be helpful to separate us all out. Please if you are denied, give us that reason as well. This is the current list of those I know that are in AP

Those of us currently in AP at HCMC:

FrednDaoHoney 1/17/2009

Vi&Art 8/5/2009

JohnCali9 8/6/2009 K1 Visa

MichaelAndKha 8/15/2009

JeromeBinh 8/20/2009 K1 visa
Interview date with first blue requesting proof of where my ex wife lived, Time line, and Proof of where Binh's family live in the USA

ToanTien 8/20/2009

Ly Trinh 8/21/2009 CR1 Visa

Huong and Phung 9/8/2009 CR1 Visa

Those who are out of AP w/ results:

Ituan 8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied

Lindal24 7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED

More great news, Joseph got the visa!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-10-16 07:06:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

if i dont have engaged party and wedding in vietnam how can i have evidence before wedding and after wedding, he propose me on valentine's day 2009 and we got rings together on 23rd May 2009 should i put evidence how? pls help me, i had appointement on nov 5th 2009, i'm waitting fot that hopefully pink sheet...thanks for everyone

Do as Linda said, get other evidence, if you have any reciepts for things you did like going to the movies or on tourist trips, any dinners out in nice places, all the photos of not only you two together, but in different places and with her family as well. I have seen some people and talked to some at the consulate that were denied because the evidence they provided showed only 2 or 3 days together, so make sure you have many photos in different clothing, this shows at least you were changing clothes between photos lol, but seriously, I do not know how anyone could only show proof for being together for such a short time unless they did not have many photos and not of just a few poses, make sure your photos show different days, and not with a date on the photo, I hope you understand what I mean with different clothes, and lots of photos, Just be prepared as much as possible. Good luck! Jerome and Binh
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-10-16 04:15:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
I did forget to mention one thing that was said. I will now address the "censorship" What I asked was for people to not glorify all the negative, because it scared people and to simply try to post more positive posts than negative. There are far to many people that glorify all the negative posts and most of which are not needed, if a question was asked and the answer was negative, then it needed to be posted, but to simply post negative because they had a bad day or just to post it I felt was un needed, and instead of calling a person out in a public forum, I went to him in private to try and solve this problem, and when I did this words were put into my mouth, and then it came on a public forum as well instead of trying to settle things like a grown up it has turned into a childish game. Regardless of what else is said about this, I am no longer going to comment on what was or was not said, but I did want everyone to know he was talking about me, and for me to give my version of what transpired. I think it is sad that he had to stoop so low as to put this on a public forum when I was simply trying to give his post new life because it is a good post. I never try to poke at people behind their back, I might be brash and rude at times, but that is who I am, I do apologize when I make mistakes, and no one is perfect, that is what makes us human. But there is one thing that I refuse to do and that is stand by when someone is making accusations about me that I feel is untrue. I apologize that everyone had to read all these negative posts, but when one person decided to make it public when I went to him in private then I had to make a stand. I am by far not god, nor do I ever claim to be. I claim to be a straight shooter, if I feel something is not right I will point it out, if I am mistaken I am not to proud to eat my own words. I believe that posting good things will help the confidence of people going into a interview, if you scare them with only horror then why should they even try? If you know you are going to get blue or that everyone is getting white why even try? If you go to a interview scared how is that going to help you?? Yes people need to be aware of what it is like, I agree with that, but how many times have everyone of you read posts from me or other people about the horror that was not needed? How many times have you read that someone says 95% fail how do you get this information? Why should it be posted? I do not see the value in things like that. But as I said, sorry for you all having to read this, but I refuse to bow down to someone making accusations against me. I am here to help, and I am also here to try and cheer people up, and make them confident and not scared. Jerome
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-10-15 20:01:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (Krikit @ Oct 15 2009, 07:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There is no need to be rude. I politely asked for clarification because I obviously did not understand the situation..... despite the fact that I "read that and then looked".

I was not trying to sound rude, if you feel i was, i do apologize for that. I just thought it was clear as to why I put up the new thread, also i thought it might help to fine tune the previous thread as it was/is a really good thread, I just wanted to give it new life. Jerome
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-10-15 19:01:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
There have been Pm's to censor what I post. To the other VJ member that feels he is the GOD of VJ and decides who should post and what they post... enjoy yourself... VJ members have the right to freely post and I have not submitted the communication to admin to have you reprimanded for the TOS violation as I will not lower myself to that level. Its easier to ignore a fool. You will eventually realize that bullying VJ members is not the way to help people...

That said... This forum was started to help everyone stay in touch as they go through AP. The REALITY of what happens during the Entire Visa process is what is important... Unfortunately this is not a pleasant journey. The difficult voyage is worth it when we reach the destination. There are many pitfalls that have been identified by others that have gone before us and those experiences are what prepares those that journey behind them. It has been argued that the reality is too scary, but it is what it is "Reality". If someone denies the reality that exists in this Journey and in life, then they have some serious issues to address. I really hope with all of the visa fraud, that has taken place, that nobody here has denied the reality of a fraud that is being perpetrated on them.

Just because another forum has been created for those in HCMC AP does not mean I will close this one.. by keeping this one open it allows for others to stay in touch with reality rather than censorship.

First off, I did not ask for this forum to be shut down, and the reality of it all is that I simply wanted to group people a bit better than just put us all in the same AP. If you stop and look at what I have asked in my thread it makes perfect sense. If you want to throw things out there, why don't you mention the truth and not your twisted version of the truth, why do you say that I bully people because of their bad English when you know you were doing that long before I made the post apologizing to the person for remarks I had made that were far less abusive than yours?? Then why don't you mention the fact that in your Pm's to me you we putting words in my mouth??? you want to make a post and say that you could have me reprimanded, I would have to say that is funny. This post might get me reprimanded, but any pm I sent you would not, although I think the ones you sent to me would do the job. But truly unlike you, I want to help people and this cat fighting is not doing that, I went in a pm instead of a public forum, and yet you try to bash us without mentioning any names, man get a life, and you should really look at my post, because after our little disagreement I was still posting on this thread, but then I wanted to simply separate things out and give your original thread new life, I thought it was a good thread and still do think that, but I simply wanted to sharpen it a bit or at least in my mind I thought to sharpen it would help to clarify the differences in cases, as well as group the reasons we got a initial blue slip and that it would be all in one place, so instead of having to look for other posts in different threads or send pm to ask why they got a blue it would be right there in front of you. Jerome
jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-10-15 18:56:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (Krikit @ Oct 15 2009, 11:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I guess I don't understand the need for a duplicate thread. jeromebinh, could you please explain how this thread is different than the other? Thanks very much.

Link to original HCMC AP thread

First off, on this thread I asked for people to say what visa they are filing for, and to also put why they got a original blue slip, if you would have read that and then looked you would see that I have the reasons for our first blue with the list. Instead of a reader looking through 2 or 3 posts and the persons status it will be all on one place. It should be easier for readers to look and understand that each case is different, and to simply group them all together can be confusing. I simply wanted to take out most of the confusion. I hope this clarifies this for you. Jerome

QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 15 2009, 07:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 15 2009, 05:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lets divide up those of us that are in AP. Please add to this post and put if you are in AP on a K1 visa or on a CR1 visa, please list your first blue and your reason for that blue along with your second blue that put you into the AP limbo. This will help those determine what they need to do, and help us figure out if we can expect results and possibly when. With the difference in case and people emailing and getting the same response that they do not go out of order it might be helpful to separate us all out. Please if you are denied, give us that reason as well. This is the current list of those I know that are in AP

Those of us currently in AP at HCMC:

Vi&Art 8/5/2009

JohnCali9 8/6/2009 K1 Visa

MichaelAndKha 8/15/2009

JeromeBinh 8/20/2009 K1 visa
Interview date with first blue requesting proof of where my ex wife lived, Time line, and Proof of where Binh's family live in the USA

ToanTien 8/20/2009

Ly Trinh 8/21/2009 CR1 Visa

Huong and Phung 9/8/2009 CR1 Visa

Those who are out of AP w/ results:

Ituan 8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied

Lindal24 7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED

FrednDaoHoney 1/17/2009 - 10/14/2009 - 9 months in AP - APPROVED

jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-10-15 18:31:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 15 2009, 05:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lets divide up those of us that are in AP. Please add to this post and put if you are in AP on a K1 visa or on a CR1 visa, please list your first blue and your reason for that blue along with your second blue that put you into the AP limbo. This will help those determine what they need to do, and help us figure out if we can expect results and possibly when. With the difference in case and people emailing and getting the same response that they do not go out of order it might be helpful to separate us all out. Please if you are denied, give us that reason as well. This is the current list of those I know that are in AP

Those of us currently in AP at HCMC:

Vi&Art 8/5/2009

JohnCali9 8/6/2009 K1 Visa

MichaelAndKha 8/15/2009

JeromeBinh 8/20/2009 K1 visa
Interview date with first blue requesting proof of where my ex wife lived, Time line, and Proof of where Binh's family live in the USA

ToanTien 8/20/2009

Ly Trinh 8/21/2009 CR1 Visa

Huong and Phung 9/8/2009 CR1 Visa

Those who are out of AP w/ results:

Ituan 8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied

Lindal24 7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED

FrednDaoHoney 1/17/2009 - 10/14/2009 - 9 months in AP - APPROVED

jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-10-15 06:08:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Lets divide up those of us that are in AP. Please add to this post and put if you are in AP on a K1 visa or on a CR1 visa, please list your first blue and your reason for that blue along with your second blue that put you into the AP limbo. This will help those determine what they need to do, and help us figure out if we can expect results and possibly when. With the difference in case and people emailing and getting the same response that they do not go out of order it might be helpful to separate us all out. Please if you are denied, give us that reason as well. This is the current list of those I know that are in AP

Those of us currently in AP at HCMC:

FrednDaoHoney 1/17/2009

Vi&Art 8/5/2009

JohnCali9 8/6/2009 K1 Visa

MichaelAndKha 8/15/2009

JeromeBinh 8/20/2009 K1 visa
Interview date with first blue requesting proof of where my ex wife lived, Time line, and Proof of where Binh's family live in the USA

ToanTien 8/20/2009

Ly Trinh 8/21/2009 CR1 Visa

Huong and Phung 9/8/2009 CR1 Visa

Those who are out of AP w/ results:

Ituan 8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied

Lindal24 7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED

jeromebinhMaleVietnam2009-10-15 04:09:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Definately don't give them the original blue/green slip unless they're exchanging it for a pink!!!
lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-10-17 15:35:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Yea, I didn't wait 90 days before I contacted the embassy... tongue.gif I wanted to inquire 30 days after the 2nd blue slip!! tongue.gif

Having been in AP, what I would recommend to others is to send an email once at least every two weeks -- nothing pushy or demanding, simply an inquiry email to let them know you understand that they are still reviewing/processing the case but that you have an active interest in your case.
lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-10-17 09:53:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
IMO...I think it's just another thread to have to read through--esp if this thread also gets to 18 pages...
lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-10-16 22:20:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
IS there still reason for two threads now? Can we get a MOD to combine the two threads??
lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-10-16 20:45:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
VJ Members currently in AP at HCMC:
  • Vi&Art _____________________8/5/2009
  • JohnCali9 __________________8/6/2009
  • MichaelAndKha______________8/15/2009
  • JeromeBinh_________________8/20/2009
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's living situation, Timeline, and List of Beneficiary Relatives in USA
  • ToanTien___________________8/20/2009
  • Ly Trinh ___________________8/21/2009
  • Huong and Phung ___________9/8/2009
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

VJ Members who made it out of AP & results:
  • Ituan _____________________8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied
  • Lindal24 ___________________7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED kicking.gif
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • FrednDaoHoney_____________1/17/2009 - 10/15/2009 - 271 days in AP - APPROVED kicking.gif

Please add yourself if you are currently in Administrative Processing "AP" (2nd blue slip).

Sample AP Blue Slip:

lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-10-16 20:43:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (nhimatt @ Oct 15 2009, 10:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
if i dont have engaged party and wedding in vietnam how can i have evidence before wedding and after wedding, he propose me on valentine's day 2009 and we got rings together on 23rd May 2009 should i put evidence how? pls help me, i had appointement on nov 5th 2009, i'm waitting fot that hopefully pink sheet...thanks for everyone

Make up for this with other evidence--primarily photos of you two together, but also correspondence between the two of you, receipts of things you did/places you went, affidavits from people who know of your relationship, etc

On another note regarding what's going on with the new AP thread and everything -- everyone is entitled to post and no one controls the thread (except for maybe mods...). If anyone wanted to see change, they could have just as easily made it and I'm sure no one would have cared either way...I change it all the time and just keep reposting the information to "bump" the topic. Just a note...
lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-10-16 02:11:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
VJ Members currently in AP at HCMC:
Vi&Art _____________________8/5/2009
JohnCali9 __________________8/6/2009
Ly Trinh ___________________8/21/2009
Huong and Phung ___________9/8/2009

VJ Members who made it out of AP & results:
Ituan _____________________8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied
Lindal24 ___________________7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED kicking.gif
FrednDaoHoney_____________1/17/2009 - 10/15/2009 - 271 days in AP - APPROVED kicking.gif

Please add yourself if you are currently in Administrative Processing "AP" (2nd blue slip).

The initial blue slip (*IF you don't get pink) at the initial interview date IS NOT the same as an AP Blue Slip you get when you submit additional information as indicated on the 1st blue slip from the initial interview. The date listed is the date the 2nd blue slip is received, not necessarily the date that was listed on the 1st blue slip (in case you submitted your requested documents early)

Sample AP Blue Slip:

(luckytxn @ Oct 4 2009, 06:32 PM)
Also to others about to go through the process and/or interview please do not fret so much. Just do the best one can is all that one can do. I had quite a few red flags and even had a few send me messages saying how I was going to be in AP and I screwed up something and I still got a pink and really in a decent time. Others have to so just because there are quite a few here in AP does not mean everyone will be in AP or even a majority.

We discuss this because we are trying to figure out the whys and therefores and to help others. It is good to discuss this stuff.

lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-10-15 12:21:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Oct 15 2009, 11:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
kicking.gif A bit of additional good news.. just got an Email from James and he & Han got pink and she is here in the states now.. he's been too busy to post but she got blue as many do the first go and then pink at the second. If I get any additional details about what the blue was I will let you guys know...

YEA! smile.gif
lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-10-15 12:15:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Very interesting...

I don't quite understand the reason for the new thread... tongue.gif hmmmm...
lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-10-15 09:23:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
thanks! smile.gif
lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-10-14 20:47:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (vi&art @ Oct 14 2009, 01:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Vi&Art...have you guys heard anything about your case?? Please keep us updated...
lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-10-14 14:01:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Yea, I thought it was 6 months too...but the visa said one month from the date of the pink slip...

I don't think it expired since we got the police certificate on 4/2/09 so if it has a 6-month expiry, then that would mean the certificate expired on 10/2/09. Our case was approved on 10/5/09 (as signed by the CO per the pink notice...).
lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-10-14 12:59:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Oct 12 2009, 04:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (toantien @ Oct 12 2009, 04:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Oct 12 2009, 12:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So my husband will be picking up his visa tomorrow (10/14) and I know the visa is good for 6 months after it is issued, but after that point, does it expire for good and we just have to reapply all over again? Is there a waiver or an extension that we can file to change the date on the visa?

Is he planning to stay in vietnam more than 6 months? If not then you don't have to worry about it. CONGRATS!!! good.gif star_smile.gif good.gif kicking.gif
And to answer that question, yea it does expire and you'll have to start all over again, so tell your husband to GET OUT OF THERE! hehe kicking.gif

Not totally correct.. It expires after 6 months.. but an extension can be granted by the consulate. We all know how friendly they are there so not a good idea to risk it...
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Oct 14 2009, 09:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
MY HUSBAND PICKED UP HIS PASSPORT WITH VISA on 10/14/2009. And then went to get purchase his airline ticket for ~$600!!! He's flying Delta from HCMC --> Tokyo, JP --> Detroit, MI --> Houston, TX on 10/31/2009!!! smile.gif We're so excited!! smile.gif

I forgot to mention this: The expiration date stated on the visa is a month after issuance--not 6 months as I was expecting!

QUOTE (toantien @ Oct 14 2009, 10:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hey lindal i have a question for you. Did your Ly lich tu phap expired? was it good for 6 months. IF we got approval after the ly lich tu phap expire do they request a updated one?

We did not have an problem with the police certificate. I believe that the police certificate does expire after 6 months, but I don't think it matters once NVC receives it. If the COs want to delay your visa, they may or may not ask you to request it and resubmit it. This would give them another 2-3 weeks as that is how long it took us to get our certificate.

Edited by lindal24, 14 October 2009 - 12:18 PM.

lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-10-14 12:17:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Those of us currently in AP at HCMC:
Vi&Art _____________________8/5/2009
JohnCali9 __________________8/6/2009
Ly Trinh ___________________8/21/2009
Huong and Phung ___________9/8/2009

Those who are out of AP w/ results:
Ituan ___________________8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied
Lindal24 ________________7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED

Please add yourself if you are currently in Administrative Processing "AP" (2nd blue slip).

The initial blue slip (*IF you don't get pink) at the initial interview date IS NOT
lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-10-14 12:06:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (Kevin&Loan @ Oct 14 2009, 09:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, I send my warmest welcome from an HTowner. Hope Houston will cool down a bit by the time your husband lands in Houston. So you guys drive back to San Antonio right away or you plan on spending sometime in Houston?

Almost all of our family lives in Houston so we will stay there for the weekend, and then drive back to San Antonio Sunday night. I want to take him Trick or Treating for sure and then I'll probably take him around HK and stuff so he will see what he'll miss in Saigon and Houston 'cause San Antonio ain't got none of that stuff... tongue.gif hahaa...poor guy...doesn't know what he's got
lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-10-14 10:04:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (toantien @ Oct 12 2009, 03:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Oct 12 2009, 12:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So my husband will be picking up his visa tomorrow (10/14) and I know the visa is good for 6 months after it is issued, but after that point, does it expire for good and we just have to reapply all over again? Is there a waiver or an extension that we can file to change the date on the visa?

Is he planning to stay in vietnam more than 6 months? If not then you don't have to worry about it. CONGRATS!!! good.gif star_smile.gif good.gif kicking.gif
And to answer that question, yea it does expire and you'll have to start all over again, so tell your husband to GET OUT OF THERE! hehe kicking.gif

MY HUSBAND PICKED UP HIS PASSPORT WITH VISA on 10/14/2009. And then went to get purchase his airline ticket for ~$600!!! He's flying Delta from HCMC --> Tokyo, JP --> Detroit, MI --> Houston, TX on 10/31/2009!!! smile.gif We're so excited!! smile.gif
lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-10-14 09:50:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 15 2009, 06:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There have been Pm's to censor what I post. To the other VJ member that feels he is the GOD of VJ and decides who should post and what they post... enjoy yourself... VJ members have the right to freely post and I have not submitted the communication to admin to have you reprimanded for the TOS violation as I will not lower myself to that level. Its easier to ignore a fool. You will eventually realize that bullying VJ members is not the way to help people...

That said... This forum was started to help everyone stay in touch as they go through AP. The REALITY of what happens during the Entire Visa process is what is important... Unfortunately this is not a pleasant journey. The difficult voyage is worth it when we reach the destination. There are many pitfalls that have been identified by others that have gone before us and those experiences are what prepares those that journey behind them. It has been argued that the reality is too scary, but it is what it is "Reality". If someone denies the reality that exists in this Journey and in life, then they have some serious issues to address. I really hope with all of the visa fraud, that has taken place, that nobody here has denied the reality of a fraud that is being perpetrated on them.

Just because another forum has been created for those in HCMC AP does not mean I will close this one.. by keeping this one open it allows for others to stay in touch with reality rather than censorship.

First off, I did not ask for this forum to be shut down, and the reality of it all is that I simply wanted to group people a bit better than just put us all in the same AP. If you stop and look at what I have asked in my thread it makes perfect sense. If you want to throw things out there, why don't you mention the truth and not your twisted version of the truth, why do you say that I bully people because of their bad English when you know you were doing that long before I made the post apologizing to the person for remarks I had made that were far less abusive than yours?? Then why don't you mention the fact that in your Pm's to me you we putting words in my mouth??? you want to make a post and say that you could have me reprimanded, I would have to say that is funny. This post might get me reprimanded, but any pm I sent you would not, although I think the ones you sent to me would do the job. But truly unlike you, I want to help people and this cat fighting is not doing that, I went in a pm instead of a public forum, and yet you try to bash us without mentioning any names, man get a life, and you should really look at my post, because after our little disagreement I was still posting on this thread, but then I wanted to simply separate things out and give your original thread new life, I thought it was a good thread and still do think that, but I simply wanted to sharpen it a bit or at least in my mind I thought to sharpen it would help to clarify the differences in cases, as well as group the reasons we got a initial blue slip and that it would be all in one place, so instead of having to look for other posts in different threads or send pm to ask why they got a blue it would be right there in front of you. Jerome

WOW! Seriously??

Edited by Dai_Tx, 15 October 2009 - 07:23 PM.

Dai.MaleVietnam (no flag)2009-10-15 19:20:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Oct 15 2009, 08:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There have been PM's to censor what I post. To the other VJ member that feels he is the GOD of VJ and decides who should post and what they post... enjoy yourself... VJ members have the right to freely post and I have not submitted the communication to admin to have you reprimanded for the TOS violation as I will not lower myself to that level. Its easier to ignore a fool. You will eventually realize that bullying VJ members is not the way to help people...

That said... This forum was started to help everyone stay in touch as they go through AP. The REALITY of what happens during the Entire Visa process is what is important... Unfortunatly this is not a pleasant journey. The difficult voyage is worth it when we reach the destination. There are many pitfalls that have been identified by others that have gone before us and those experiences are what prepares those that jorney behind them. It has been argued that the reality is too scary, but it is what it is "Reality". If someone denies the reality that exists in this Journey and in life, then they have some serious issues to address. I really hope with all of the visa fraud, that has taken place, that nobody here has denied the reality of a fraud that is being perpetrated on them.

Just because another forum has been created for those in HCMC AP does not mean I will close this one.. by keeping this one open it allows for others to stay in touch with reality rather than censorship.

Wait..... are you talking to JeromeBinh directly? What happened?
Dai.MaleVietnam (no flag)2009-10-15 09:36:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Congratulations Fred & Dao!!!
Dai.MaleVietnam (no flag)2009-10-15 06:16:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (fred n Dao Honey @ Oct 15 2009, 06:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Take us off the list. Today in HCMC we got pink!!!

After several visits to the Consulate. The Supervisor promised something in a week. We recieved a request for new medical (blue paper). Dao took the new information in today 1pm VN time. She turned in the material and took a number to wait. Number was called and pink issued.

Dao was really worried that they would interview again and has been pumping me for answers about the house, city and extended family.

Good luck to all.

My advise, If you have an attorney that says be patient after 2 months of waiting. Get ride of the attorney. If you are in AP. Flood them with evidence of your relationship they have to except it. You have to proove a bonified relationship and eligability. They have to qualify a denial. Fill their file box with all your junk!!! The more times you go inside the Consulate the more you learn and become familiar with it.


Congrats, Fred and Dao! kicking.gif kicking.gif
toddandhienMaleVietnam2009-10-15 23:10:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Wow... All these Visas approval makes me wanna jump up for joy. Comon' comon' comon' come to papa pinky.... WISHING FOR PINK!
Huong and PhungMaleVietnam (no flag)2009-10-16 16:40:00