VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Note: Reply here or PM member Vietnam to be added to this list or to update your information.

AGES AGO ----interview----wait4ever-----Visa---June 2007---
07/10/06 ----interview----menyoo-------Visa---01/08/08---
02/06/07 ----interview----GREEN/TRAN---Visa---06/06/07---
02/09/07 ----interview----Etrnaly--------------delayed
02/28/07 ----interview----martindart ----Visa---05/11/07---
03/09/07 ----interview----Sinh & Lien----Visa---05/16/07---
03/28/07 ----interview----Thuy ----------------delayed
04/13/07 ----interview----dethuong--------delayed
07/12/07 ----interview----poppscc-------Visa--08/31/07----
07/19/07 ----interview----Kelvin Ly------Visa--07/20/07----
07/20/07 ----interview----Thai-----------Visa---07/27/07---
07/20/07 ----interview----What's next---Visa---08/08/07---
07/23/07 ----interview----Sweet Love---Visa---07/24/07---
07/30/07 ----interview----V. Dom--------Visa---08/03/07---
08/16/07 ----interview----Kevin & Tuyen-------delayed
08/24/07 ----interview----AustinJohn----Visa---09/05/07---
08/29/07 ----interview----LoveForever--Visa---09/14/07---
08/30/07 ----interview----Cha Gio-------Visa---09/05/07---
09/17/07 ----interview----HQMP---------Visa---10/18/07---
11/06/07 ----interview----Marc+Lam----Visa---11/09/07---
11/26/07 ----interview----Lovemyhuegirl--Visa--01/08/08--
12/05/07 ----interview----SteveLA ------passed-12/19/07--
12/10/07 ----interview----NeverSeen----passed-------------
12/10/07 ----interview----Thanh---------passed-------------
12/14/07 ----interview----hanho---------passed-------------
12/18/07 ----interview----TungLinh ------delayed
01/09/08 ----interview----MR2nice------------passed
01/11/08 ----interview----Eric and An Thuy----passed
01/28/08 ----interview----Guy&Hoa ------delayed

12/13/07 ----- Pack 3 -----tungchau
12/28/07 ----- Pack 3 -----PeterFB
12/28/07 ----- Pack 3 -----Lucas
01/02/08 ----- Pack 3 -----2007K1
01/10/08 ----- Pack 3 -----Vietnam07
01/25/08 ----- Pack 3 -----Minh and Mai

11/30/07 -----Case @ HCMC----Dave_Thao--- RD 2
01/31/08 -----Case @ HCMC----Cuong
02/04/08 -----Case @ HCMC----Haonie

03/18/08 ---- Left NVC ---- b_weeks

03/18/08 --NVC Received--

11/28/07 ------NOA2------ robertwdalton
01/25/08 ------NOA2------ Melrose Plant
02/06/08 ------NOA2------ kosuke85
07/10/07 ------NOA1------ AmericanGentleman
09/05/07 ------NOA1------ AaronandThuy [color="blue"]RD 2

10/19/07 ------NOA1------ VKOL
11/11/07 ------NOA1------ moondoggy
12/18/07 ------NOA1------ IchThuy

TyrobeMaleVietnam2008-03-20 14:35:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Note: Reply here and/or PM member Vietnam to be added to this list or to update your information.

09/06/06 --k1 interview -- landy ------------------------------ AOS PAssed----04/23/07
10/23/06 --k1 interview -- Robert & Van----------------------- AOS Passed----05/22/07
02/13/07 --k1 interview -- ridejewel--------------------------- AOS Passed----06/14/07
02/01/07 --k1 interview -- dkalXuan--------------------------- AOS Passed----07/31/07

03/14/07 --k1 interview -- andrew va thuy -------------------- AOS interview--08/30/07
02/16/06 --k1 interview -- scy K3------------------------------ AOS BIOM------06/21/07
08/29/05 --k1 interview -- Kevin&Loan--------- visa 05/24..... AOS BIOM------07/27/06
08/28/06 --k1 interview -- mike1972e---------- visa 11/22..... AOS BIOM------03/06/07
01/29/07 --k1 interview -- Kimi---------------------------------AOS BIOM------04/24/07
02/13/07 --k1 interview -- David-Hien--------------------------AOS BIOM------06/07/07
03/29/07 --k1 interview -- MTDTD-------------------------------AOS BIOM------06/19/07
03/19/07 --k1 interview -- T&T ---------------------------------AOS BIOM------07/12/07
03/21/07 --k1 interview -- CK&Tydi-----------------------------AOS BIOM------07/14/07
03/29/07 --k1 interview -- Leon&Ha ------------ visa 04/10.....AOS NOA1------05/21/07

AGES AGO ----interview----wait4ever....Visa---June 2007---- dancin5hr.gif
07/10/06 ----interview----menyoo------------delayed
02/06/07 ----interview----GREEN/TRAN Visa---06/06/07---- dancin5hr.gif
02/09/07 ----interview----Etrnaly--------------delayed
02/12/07 ----interview----tway22 -------------delayed
02/28/07 ----interview----martindart ...Visa---05/11/07---- dancin5hr.gif
03/09/07 ----interview----Sinh & Lien...Visa---05/11/07---- dancin5hr.gif
03/20/07 ----interview----Anh Map.......Visa---03/30/07---
03/28/07 ----interview----Thuy ----------------delayed
04/06/07 ----interview----AaronandThuy ------delayed
04/13/07 ----interview----Phillip-Phuoc--------delayed

05/15/07 ----interview----gp1 -----------------passed------- dancin5hr.gif
05/16/07 ----interview----JustDuck CR-1 ------passed------- dancin5hr.gif
06/14/07 ----interview----Lan&Mike -----------passed------- dancin5hr.gif
06/27/07 ----interview----sealedkiss ----------passed------- dancin5hr.gif
07/12/07 ----interview----poppscc ------------ delayed
07/19/07 ----interview----Kelvin Ly K-3--------passed------- dancin5hr.gif
07/20/07 ----interview----Thai----------------- passed------- dancin5hr.gif
07/23/07 ----interview----Sweet Love----------passed------- dancin5hr.gif
07/20/07 ----interview----What's next CR-1--- passed------- dancin5hr.gif

07/30/07 ----interview----V. Dom-------------- yes.gif
08/16/07 ----interview----Kevin & TuyenCR-1-- yes.gif
08/24/07 ----interview----AustinJohn---------- yes.gif
08/29/07 ----interview----Anh Tuan------------ yes.gif
08/30/07 ----interview----Cha Gio K-3---------- yes.gif

05/11/07 ----- Pack 3 -----s2convt ------------
06/06/07 ----- Pack 3 -----SteveLA ------------
06/11/07 ----- Pack 3 -----Danny&Diem07-----
01/29/08 ----- Pack 3 -----D2007K1------------

07/13/07--Case @ HCMC--HQMP--------------
01/31/08--Case @ HCMC--Cuong--------------

00/00/07 ---- Left NVC ----

07/18/07 ------NOA2------ Lovemyhuegirl-----
08/03/07 ------NOA2------ NeverSeen---------
08/05/07 ------NOA2------ Thanh--------------
03/06/08 ------NOA2------ Tyrobe-------------

05/29/07 ------NOA1------ MR2nice-----------
06/11/07 ------NOA1------ PeterFB------------
06/14/07 ------NOA1------ Lucas--------------
06/21/07 ------NOA1------ Dave_Thao--RD 2--
07/09/07 ------NOA1------ Vietnam07---------

Add Cuong to the list (case is now at HCM).
TyrobeMaleVietnam2008-03-14 21:07:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Note: Reply here or PM member Vietnam to be added to this list or to update your information.

09/06/06 --k1 interview -- landy ------------------------------ AOS PAssed----04/23/07
10/23/06 --k1 interview -- Robert & Van----------------------- AOS Passed----05/22/07
02/13/07 --k1 interview -- ridejewel--------------------------- AOS Passed----06/14/07
02/01/07 --k1 interview -- dkalXuan--------------------------- AOS Passed----07/31/07

03/14/07 --k1 interview -- andrew va thuy -------------------- AOS interview--08/30/07
02/16/06 --k1 interview -- scy K3------------------------------ AOS BIOM------06/21/07
08/29/05 --k1 interview -- Kevin&Loan--------- visa 05/24..... AOS BIOM------07/27/06
08/28/06 --k1 interview -- mike1972e---------- visa 11/22..... AOS BIOM------03/06/07
01/29/07 --k1 interview -- Kimi---------------------------------AOS BIOM------04/24/07
02/13/07 --k1 interview -- David-Hien--------------------------AOS BIOM------06/07/07
03/29/07 --k1 interview -- MTDTD-------------------------------AOS BIOM------06/19/07
03/19/07 --k1 interview -- T&T ---------------------------------AOS BIOM------07/12/07
03/21/07 --k1 interview -- CK&Tydi-----------------------------AOS BIOM------07/14/07
03/29/07 --k1 interview -- Leon&Ha ------------ visa 04/10.....AOS NOA1------05/21/07

AGES AGO ----interview----wait4ever....Visa---June 2007---- dancin5hr.gif
07/10/06 ----interview----menyoo------------delayed
02/06/07 ----interview----GREEN/TRAN Visa---06/06/07---- dancin5hr.gif
02/09/07 ----interview----Etrnaly--------------delayed
02/12/07 ----interview----tway22 -------------delayed
02/28/07 ----interview----martindart ...Visa---05/11/07---- dancin5hr.gif
03/09/07 ----interview----Sinh & Lien...Visa---05/11/07---- dancin5hr.gif
03/20/07 ----interview----Anh Map.......Visa---03/30/07---
03/28/07 ----interview----Thuy ----------------delayed
04/06/07 ----interview----AaronandThuy ------delayed
04/13/07 ----interview----Phillip-Phuoc--------delayed

05/15/07 ----interview----gp1 -----------------passed------- dancin5hr.gif
05/16/07 ----interview----JustDuck CR-1 ------passed------- dancin5hr.gif
06/14/07 ----interview----Lan&Mike -----------passed------- dancin5hr.gif
06/27/07 ----interview----sealedkiss ----------passed------- dancin5hr.gif
07/12/07 ----interview----poppscc ------------ delayed
07/19/07 ----interview----Kelvin Ly K-3--------passed------- dancin5hr.gif
07/20/07 ----interview----Thai----------------- passed------- dancin5hr.gif
07/23/07 ----interview----Sweet Love----------passed------- dancin5hr.gif
07/20/07 ----interview----What's next CR-1--- passed------- dancin5hr.gif

07/30/07 ----interview----V. Dom-------------- yes.gif
08/16/07 ----interview----Kevin & TuyenCR-1-- yes.gif
08/24/07 ----interview----AustinJohn---------- yes.gif
08/29/07 ----interview----Anh Tuan------------ yes.gif
08/30/07 ----interview----Cha Gio K-3---------- yes.gif

05/11/07 ----- Pack 3 -----s2convt ------------
06/06/07 ----- Pack 3 -----SteveLA ------------
06/11/07 ----- Pack 3 -----Danny&Diem07-----
01/29/08 ----- Pack 3 -----D2007K1------------

07/13/07--Case @ HCMC--HQMP--------------

00/00/07 ---- Left NVC ----

07/18/07 ------NOA2------ Lovemyhuegirl-----
08/03/07 ------NOA2------ NeverSeen---------
08/05/07 ------NOA2------ Thanh--------------
03/06/08 ------NOA2------ Tyrobe-------------

05/29/07 ------NOA1------ MR2nice-----------
06/11/07 ------NOA1------ PeterFB------------
06/14/07 ------NOA1------ Lucas--------------
06/21/07 ------NOA1------ Dave_Thao--RD 2--
07/09/07 ------NOA1------ Vietnam07---------

Update for 2007K1 and me.
TyrobeMaleVietnam2008-03-14 20:56:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
I don't know if we have any CR-1 Vietnam VJ members still active currently. Anyway, would any one please help me with the detailed road map for CR-1 route once my case has been sent from NVC to HCM City? Specifically, does CR-1 case for HCMC also receive packages 3 and 4 similar to K1 case?
TyrobeMaleVietnam2008-01-16 01:26:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
QUOTE (IchThuy @ Dec 27 2007, 10:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone,

I am a newbie here. So far I found a lot of helpful information in this site. We are in the early stage of the journey, just received our NOA1 on December 18.

Now I want to ask my first question. In a post by Landy (, Lan said that one of the girl got the blue slip because her fiance did not have enough money in the saving account, and she said the minimum amount should be $20,000. I want to konw if this is true: the petitioner must have at least $20,000 in his/her account?

Thank you

Yea, it is hard to tell without knowing the inside story. I'll take a guess at this one, too. The way I see it is that the sponsor of that girl's with blue slip doesn't have income proof to meet the requirement of 125% poverty line and still need another $4000 to qualify for the requirement.

According to the guideline to Affidavit of Support, for sponsors of immediate relative spouse of U.S. citizens, the amount of required assents is reduced five times the difference between the governing poverty guideline and actual household income. So for a household size of 4, it follows:

125 percent of poverty guideline:

Sponsor's income:


Multiply by 5:

Minimum required cash value:

If your salary (W-2) qualify the 125% poverty line, then you don't even need to show asset/bank record.

my 2 cents.
TyrobeMaleVietnam2008-01-09 21:22:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
QUOTE (toddandhien @ Apr 16 2009, 01:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (hniHnitsuJ @ Apr 16 2009, 01:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Huong and Phung @ Apr 14 2009, 07:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
dang, my bad. This will show you how NOOB i am right? hehehhe Thanks

Huong and Phung, I think we should create a spreadsheet for all new vj member for updates.

I agree. maybe I will do that this weekend. seeking input on content. thanks

That's cool Let's do it
I guess ur gonna do it then?

Huong and PhungMaleVietnam (no flag)2009-04-16 23:02:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
dang, my bad. This will show you how NOOB i am right? hehehhe Thanks
Huong and PhungMaleVietnam (no flag)2009-04-14 21:08:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Hello Vietnam,
Can you add us into the list. Thanks
Huong and PhungMaleVietnam (no flag)2009-04-13 21:03:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Add B_Weeks to list.....

Left NVC 3-18-08 for HCMC
b_weeksMaleVietnam2008-03-20 00:31:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
QUOTE (Melrose Plant @ Feb 6 2009, 12:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm getting Deja Vu all over again.

Brings back memories don't it James?
Dave_ThaoMaleVietnam (no flag)2009-04-14 11:46:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
QUOTE (Huong and Phung @ Apr 13 2009, 09:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello Vietnam,
Can you add us into the list. Thanks

Huong and Phung,
This list isn't being updated anymore. Not since early 2008.
Dave_ThaoMaleVietnam (no flag)2009-04-14 11:44:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
This is a great forum with so much helpful information. Thanks!
CoolHand2x2y2zMaleVietnam2008-06-01 18:55:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Hello all,

I am really not sure how to post here so i will give this a try. I have made one trip to Siagon and getting ready to make my next trip. I have lots of questions about the engaugement party as that is the main reason I am going this time. Xuan and I have already filed all of the inital paperwork, the I-129 and such. It has been recieved by the USCIS on March 10 so I fear we still have a long time to wait. If anyone can give me a heads up on what to expect or any advice at all to make this process quicker or better please drop me a note. My email is I will check back here as well. I will say that I have learned many thinks from your postings so far.

Looks like I am the newbee so everything is welcome.

Thanks for your help.

Jack & XuanMaleVietnam2008-03-30 05:54:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
QUOTE (Melrose Plant @ Jan 11 2008, 09:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That BETTER be the way it is. My annual income is around $60K, but I sure don't have 20,000 in the bank. I'm working to have 10,000 in there before the interview, so I can go over there to be with her and still pay everything back home. Of course, by the time we come back the U.S., most of that will be gone!

You make $60K per year, that's way above poverty line; you don't need to show anything else, just employment verification, tax transcript for the year before the interview or '06 if you don't have '07 yet
Tom99MaleAmerican Samoa2008-01-11 11:20:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
I knew this forum by searching google, very good info.... anyway, I sent my application to Nebraska but I checked the status, it states my app belongs to California center, any idea why?
Tom99MaleAmerican Samoa2007-04-20 12:14:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Thanks Luckytxn for your encouraging PM. We were blessed to have your support. And of course, we did not disappoint you. We finally received our pink slip. Yen will pick up her visa on 09/05. This was a stressful journey. However, it worth every minute of it because we have learned a lot from this prolonged process; and without all the help from Tyrobe and many other supporters, we would not have gone this far of the journey.

Specially thanks to Landy for his book recommendation. It was a great book that guide through how to get an immigration visa. This book is a keeper from NOLO
HuanyenNot TellingVietnam2008-08-27 00:16:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
QUOTE (Tyrobe @ Jul 16 2008, 01:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Huanyen @ Jul 13 2008, 04:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We just got the interview date, Aug 19

Congrats and good luck on the interview!


I need your help to prepare for this interview. There are a few things that I 'm not clear about this interview process.

Let me describe my situation:

In November 2007 I submitted the I-130 and G-325a with the following evidences:

1. Marriage certificate
2. Insurance Policy that my wife is the beneficiary
3. A photocopy of my passport

In April 2008, our case was approved and forwarded to the NVC. I submitted the following along with required forms:

A. DS 230 part 1 and 2 for my wife
1. Birth Certificate
2. Marriage Certificate
3. A photocopy of my wife's passport
4. Police Records

B. AOS I-864:
1. Employment letter
2. Pay stubs from the most recent three months
3. 2007 Federal Tax Return and W2
4. 2006 Tax Transcripts
5. 2005 Tax Transcripts

Preparation for Aug. 19 Inteview:

1. Our relationship timeline : 3 pages long
2. Wedding pictures and other pictures we took when we were together. We did not have the engagement ceremony.
3. Emails from 2004 to 2008. we have a lot of emails; over 500 emails
4. Phones Records from the past 7 months. Unfortunately, I did not keep the phone records from the beginning. However, we have one phone records in Jan. 2006.
5. Phone Bills from 2005 to 2008
6. Letters (with postmarks and without postmarks because they were hand-delivered by my friends who came back to Vietnam)
7. Birth Certificates of our Parents ( We do not have the same last names; I was born in the South; my wife was born from the Central of Vietnam)
8. Boarding pass of three visits to Vietnam
9. Credit Card statements show I made the ticket purchases. ( One ticket I bought with cash, so I do not have credit statement for that. However, we have travel agency receipt for the purchase)
10. The VoIP phone we use to make calls everyday

Note: My wife does not have any relatives that currently live in the US so we do not need to prepare for the list of relatives.

We were introduced by a mutual friend who currently live in the US. However, she lives in CO. I live in CA.

Here are a few questions that I have:

1. Do I need any other supported evidence that you think I may need?
2. During the interview process, when does the C.O. request to see evidence? Should we submit them during check-in before the actual interview?
3. If we were given the blue slip and we have the requested evidence at hands, should we turn them in immediately? Or should we return the next day to submit them?
4. If we were given the blue slip, when would that happen? Before or After reviewing the evidence my wife brings????
5. My 2005,2006,2007 tax returns are below the poverty line (below $17,500). However, my (2008) current salary ($60K) is well above the poverty line. Should I worry about the tax returns? If so, what do you suggest us to do to avoid unexpected results due to the troublesome tax returns?

Thank you very much in advance for providing answers.
HuanyenNot TellingVietnam2008-08-03 21:50:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
We just got the interview date, Aug 19
HuanyenNot TellingVietnam2008-07-13 16:56:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

Welcome sucks that a little while back the powers that be here decided to erase all the threads for some reason. (maybe a good reason..maybe bad..I don't know.) ...there was ALOT of good stuff that used to on here including SEVERAL posts from an immigration attourney who specialized in VN cases and an actual consulate officer who had been posted at HCMC untill recently...That doesn't even include all the valuable input from all off the members who went through HCMC already. ...Anyhow...I still come back here from time to time to see what is going on and would be more than happy to help out if need be. Good to see chuck and kim still here...probably few other vets around as well to help out. Good luck to everyone.

Just to clarify this. Threads where not deleted by the admin for any reason. The old site became totally unstable and the only option was to move to a new site. The majority of the threads can still be found at the old site by clicking HERE You just cant post there anymore. Anything that you think is worth bringing across you can either copy and paste the posts into here with a credit to the original poster or post a link to it.

I am new here and I try to open that link, but it doesn't work.
Can you please tell me why? Does my new user ID work at the old site too?
2007K1MaleVietnam (no flag)2007-08-17 14:28:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

Posted Image Note: PM member Vietnam to be added to this list or to update your information.

09/06/06 --k1 interview -- landy ------------------------------ AOS PAssed----04/23/07
10/23/06 --k1 interview -- Robert & Van----------------------- AOS Passed----05/22/07
02/13/07 --k1 interview -- ridejewel--------------------------- AOS Passed----06/14/07
02/01/07 --k1 interview -- dkalXuan--------------------------- AOS Passed----07/31/07

03/14/07 --k1 interview -- andrew va thuy -------------------- AOS interview--08/30/07
02/16/06 --k1 interview -- scy K3------------------------------ AOS BIOM------06/21/07
08/29/05 --k1 interview -- Kevin&Loan--------- visa 05/24..... AOS BIOM------07/27/06
08/28/06 --k1 interview -- mike1972e---------- visa 11/22..... AOS BIOM------03/06/07
01/29/07 --k1 interview -- Kimi---------------------------------AOS BIOM------04/24/07
02/13/07 --k1 interview -- David-Hien--------------------------AOS BIOM------06/07/07
03/29/07 --k1 interview -- MTDTD-------------------------------AOS BIOM------06/19/07
03/19/07 --k1 interview -- T&T ---------------------------------AOS BIOM------07/12/07
03/21/07 --k1 interview -- CK&Tydi-----------------------------AOS BIOM------07/14/07
03/29/07 --k1 interview -- Leon&Ha ------------ visa 04/10.....AOS NOA1------05/21/07

AGES AGO ----interview----wait4ever....Visa---June 2007----:joy:
07/10/06 ----interview----menyoo------------delayed
02/06/07 ----interview----GREEN/TRAN Visa---06/06/07----:joy:
02/09/07 ----interview----Etrnaly--------------delayed
02/12/07 ----interview----tway22 -------------delayed
02/28/07 ----interview----martindart ...Visa---05/11/07----:joy:
03/09/07 ----interview----Sinh & Lien...Visa---05/11/07----:joy:
03/20/07 ----interview----Anh Map.......Visa---03/30/07---
03/28/07 ----interview----Thuy ----------------delayed
04/06/07 ----interview----AaronandThuy ------delayed
04/13/07 ----interview----Phillip-Phuoc--------delayed

05/15/07 ----interview----gp1 -----------------passed-------:joy:
05/16/07 ----interview----JustDuck CR-1 ------passed-------:joy:
06/14/07 ----interview----Lan&Mike -----------passed-------:joy:
06/27/07 ----interview----sealedkiss ----------passed-------:joy:
07/12/07 ----interview----poppscc ------------ delayed
07/19/07 ----interview----Kelvin Ly K-3--------passed-------:joy:
07/20/07 ----interview----Thai----------------- passed-------:joy:
07/23/07 ----interview----Sweet Love----------passed-------:joy:
07/20/07 ----interview----What's next CR-1--- passed-------:joy:

07/30/07 ----interview----V. Dom-------------- :yes:
08/16/07 ----interview----Kevin & TuyenCR-1--:yes:
08/24/07 ----interview----AustinJohn---------- :yes:
08/29/07 ----interview----Anh Tuan------------:yes:
08/30/07 ----interview----Cha Gio K-3----------:yes:

05/11/07 ----- Pack 3 -----s2convt ------------
06/06/07 ----- Pack 3 -----SteveLA -----------
06/11/07 ----- Pack 3 -----Danny&Diem07----

07/13/07--Case @ HCMC--HQMP--------------

00/00/07 ---- Left NVC ----

07/18/07 ------NOA2------ Lovemyhuegirl----- :dance:
08/03/07 ------NOA2------ NeverSeen--------- :dance:
08/05/07 ------NOA2------ Thanh-------------- :dance:

05/09/07 ------NOA1------ 2007K1------------

05/29/07 ------NOA1------ MR2nice-----------
06/11/07 ------NOA1------ PeterFB------------
06/14/07 ------NOA1------ Lucas--------------
06/21/07 ------NOA1------ Dave_Thao--RD 2--
07/09/07 ------NOA1------ Vietnam07---------

2007K1MaleVietnam (no flag)2007-08-15 00:04:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
QUOTE (tup14ongtu @ Jan 12 2009, 09:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just got an e-mail from my Fiancee! I was out of town for a few days and in my absence my fiancee called the consulate and asked if she could pick up Packet 3! They told her to send them her passport with CMNN????(which she has already done) I never heard of anyone sending in the passport before getting Packet 3 and I have no idea what CMNN means. She is sleeping right now so thought you good people may have some insight to these questions!

CMNN is ID in Vietnam. She can come over to the consulate office and bring her PP + CMNN for them to verify her identification before they hand out PK 3 to her. That is how it process otherwise she can wait for them to mail it out. Good luck.
H&HNot TellingVietnam (no flag)2009-02-12 15:08:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Just got an e-mail from my Fiancee! I was out of town for a few days and in my absence my fiancee called the consulate and asked if she could pick up Packet 3! They told her to send them her passport with CMNN????(which she has already done) I never heard of anyone sending in the passport before getting Packet 3 and I have no idea what CMNN means. She is sleeping right now so thought you good people may have some insight to these questions!
tup14ongtuMale02009-01-12 12:10:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
how do you find out NVC information? Like when they recieved the package and when it left the NVC?
SteveLANot TellingVietnam2007-06-13 14:12:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Hello everyone,

I am a newbie here. So far I found a lot of helpful information in this site. We are in the early stage of the journey, just received our NOA1 on December 18.

Now I want to ask my first question. In a post by Landy (http://www.visajourn...topic=153&st=75), Lan said that one of the girl got the blue slip because her fiance did not have enough money in the saving account, and she said the minimum amount should be $20,000. I want to konw if this is true: the petitioner must have at least $20,000 in his/her account?

Thank you
IchThuyFemaleVietnam2007-12-27 11:18:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
QUOTE (JimVaPhuong @ May 13 2009, 12:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey, I finally got around to changing my signature today. whistling.gif

HI, everyone!! how are you all doing? i'm new to this web. please show me more..
i jsut recieved an email update USIC said that my case (I129F) has been approved. Does that mean i'm waiting for my NOA 2. If so. What do i do after i received NOA2?? Pleae give me more update..
BN010809FemaleVietnam2009-08-12 08:25:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
"A list of VJ members traveling to Vietnam"
Please post your name and date if you are in, going to, or thinking about traveling to Vietnam...
Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature...

Mr. Saigon..........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
Ralph&Hanh........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
Jeromebinh.........................................Living in Vietnam (HCMC) late March 2010
James & Nicole..................................May 21?-31 2010


Greg & Lien.......................................March 30, 2010 - April 13, 2010
Jake & Phuong...................................April 2 - April 13, 2010
Bob-KhaHan......................................April 17, 2010 - April 27, 2010
Dang Lang Thang..............................April 19, 2010 - June 7, 2010
julian&hien........................................April 28,2010 - may 22,2010
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-03-24 22:39:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
"A list of VJ members traveling to Vietnam"
Please post your name and date if you are in, going to, or thinking about traveling to Vietnam...
Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature...


Mr. Saigon..........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
Ralph&Hanh........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
Icarus...............................................Mid-January 2010 - Mid-March 2010 late March 2010


Jeromebinh.......................................March 19, 2010
Greg & Lien.......................................March 30, 2010 - April 13, 2010
Bob-KhaHan.....................................April 17, 2010 - April 27, 2010
julian&hien........................................April 28,2010 - may 22,2010
James & Nicole..................................May 21?-31 2010
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-03-09 01:09:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
"A list of VJ members traveling to Vietnam"
Please post your name and date if you are in, going to, or thinking about traveling to Vietnam...
Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature...


Mr. Saigon..........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
Ralph&Hanh........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
ksoh08..............................................December 5,2009 - March 4, 2010
Icarus...............................................Mid-January 2010 - Mid-March 2010
b_weeks............................................February 4, 2010 - March 5, 2010
hniHnitsuJ (aka Loi and Suong)............February 2010 for Tet
Mike n Huong.....................................February 2010 for Tet
Scottthuy..........................................February 21, 2010 - March 4, 2010


Jeromebinh.......................................March 19, 2010
Greg & Lien.......................................March 30, 2010 - April 13, 2010
Bob-KhaHan.....................................April 17, 2010 - April 27, 2010
julian&hien........................................April 28,2010 - may 22,2010
James & Nicole..................................May 21?-31 2010
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-02-22 16:58:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
"A list of VJ members traveling to Vietnam"
Please post your name and date if you are in, going to, or thinking about traveling to Vietnam...
Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature...


Mr. Saigon..........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
Ralph&Hanh........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
ksoh08..............................................December 5,2009 - March 4, 2010
Ronnie&Hang.....................................January 16, 2010 - February 21, 2010
Kevin and Tuyen................................January 28, 2010 - Mid February 2010
Icarus...............................................Mid-January 2010 - Mid-March 2010
b_weeks............................................February 4, 2010 - March 5, 2010
hniHnitsuJ (aka Loi and Suong)............February 2010 for Tet
Mike n Huong.....................................February 2010 for Tet
Scottthuy..........................................February 21, 2010 - March 4, 2010


Jeromebinh.......................................March 2010 will be living there
Greg & Lien.......................................March 30, 2010 - April 13, 2010
Bob-KhaHan.....................................April 17, 2010 - April 27, 2010
julian&hien........................................April 28,2010 - may 22,2010
James & Nicole..................................May 21?-31 2010
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-02-21 01:45:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
"A list of VJ members traveling to Vietnam"
Please post your name and date if you are in, going to, or thinking about traveling to Vietnam...
Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature...


Mr. Saigon..........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
Ralph&Hanh........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
ksoh08..............................................December 5,2009 - March 4, 2010
Ronnie&Hang.....................................January 16, 2010 - February 21, 2010 (revised)
Kevin and Tuyen................................January 28, 2010 - Mid February 2010
Icarus...............................................Mid-January 2010 - Mid-March 2010
b_weeks............................................February 4, 2010 - March 5, 2010
hniHnitsuJ (aka Loi and Suong)............February 2010 for Tet
Mike n Huong.....................................February 2010 for Tet
MichaelAndKha...................................February 19, 2010 -


Scottthuy...........................................February 21, 2010 - March 4, 2010
Greg & Lien.......................................March 30, 2010 - April 13, 2010
Bob-KhaHan.......................................April 17, 2010 - April 27, 2010
James & Nicole...................................May 21?-31 2010
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-02-18 08:43:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
"A list of VJ members traveling to Vietnam"
Please post your name and date if you are in, going to, or thinking about traveling to Vietnam...
Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature...


Mr. Saigon..........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
Ralph&Hanh........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
ksoh08..............................................December 5,2009 - March 4, 2010
Ronnie&Hang.....................................January 16, 2010 - February 21, 2010 (revised)
Kevin and Tuyen................................January 28, 2010 - Mid February 2010
Icarus...............................................Mid-January 2010 - Mid-March 2010
b_weeks............................................February 4, 2010 - March 5, 2010
hniHnitsuJ (aka Loi and Suong)............February 2010 for Tet
Mike n Huong.....................................February 2010 for Tet


Scottthuy...........................................February 21, 2010 - March 4, 2010
Greg & Lien.......................................March 30, 2010 - April 13, 2010
Bob-KhaHan.......................................April 17, 2010 - April 27, 2010
James & Nicole...................................May 21?-31 2010
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-02-16 15:55:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
"A list of VJ members traveling to Vietnam"
Please post your name and date if you are in, going to, or thinking about traveling to Vietnam...
Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature...


Mr. Saigon..........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
Ralph&Hanh........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
ksoh08..............................................December 5,2009 - March 4, 2010
Ronnie&Hang.....................................January 16, 2010 - February 21, 2010 (revised)
Kevin and Tuyen................................January 28, 2010 - Mid February 2010
Icarus...............................................Mid-January 2010 - Mid-March 2010
b_weeks............................................February 4, 2010 - March 5, 2010
ceedwards.........................................February 7, 2010 - February 14, 2010


Scottthuy...........................................February 21, 2010 - March 4, 2010
hniHnitsuJ (aka Loi and Suong)............February 2010 for Tet
Mike n Huong.....................................February 2010 for Tet
Greg & Lien.......................................March 30, 2010 - April 13, 2010
Bob-KhaHan.......................................April 17, 2010 - April 27, 2010
James & Nicole...................................May 21?-31 2010
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-02-12 16:40:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
"A list of VJ members traveling to Vietnam"
Please post your name and date if you are in, going to, or thinking about traveling to Vietnam...
Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature...


Mr. Saigon..........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
Ralph&Hanh........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
ksoh08..............................................December 5,2009 - March 4, 2010
Ronnie&Hang.....................................January 16, 2010 - February 21, 2010 (revised)
Kevin and Tuyen................................January 28, 2010 - Mid February 2010
Icarus...............................................Mid-January 2010 - Mid-March 2010
b_weeks............................................February 4, 2010 - March 5, 2010
ceedwards.........................................February 7, 2010 - February 14, 2010


Scottthuy...........................................February 21, 2010 - ?
hniHnitsuJ (aka Loi and Suong)............February 2010 for Tet
Mike n Huong.....................................February 2010 for Tet
Greg & Lien.......................................March 30, 2010 - April 13, 2010
Bob-KhaHan.......................................April 17, 2010 - April 27, 2010
James & Nicole...................................May 21?-31 2010
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-02-09 20:19:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
"A list of VJ members traveling to Vietnam"
Please post your name and date if you are in, going to, or thinking about traveling to Vietnam...
Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature...


Mr. Saigon..........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
Ralph&Hanh........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
ksoh08..............................................December 5,2009 - March 4, 2010
Ronnie&Hang.....................................January 16, 2010 - February 21, 2010 (revised)
Matt_Steven......................................January 16, 2010 - February 8, 2010
Kevin and Tuyen................................January 28, 2010 - Mid February 2010
Icarus...............................................Mid-January 2010 - Mid-March 2010
b_weeks............................................February 4, 2010 - March 5, 2010

ceedwards.........................................February 7, 2010 - February 14, 2010
Scottthuy...........................................February 21, 2010 - ?
hniHnitsuJ (aka Loi and Suong)............February 2010 for Tet
Mike n Huong.....................................February 2010 for Tet
Greg & Lien.......................................March 30, 2010 - April 13, 2010
Bob-KhaHan.......................................April 17, 2010 - April 27, 2010
James & Nicole...................................May 21?-31 2010
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-02-05 09:50:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
"A list of VJ members traveling to Vietnam"
Please post your name and date if you are in, going to, or thinking about traveling to Vietnam...
Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature...


Mr. Saigon..........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
Ralph&Hanh........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
ksoh08..............................................December 5,2009 - March 4, 2010
Ronnie&Hang.....................................January 16, 2010 - February 21, 2010 (revised)
Matt_Steven......................................January 16, 2010 - February 8, 2010
Kevin and Tuyen................................January 28, 2010 - Mid February 2010
Icarus...............................................Mid-January 2010 - Mid-March 2010

ceedwards.........................................February 7, 2010 - February 14, 2010
Scottthuy...........................................February 21, 2010 - ?
hniHnitsuJ (aka Loi and Suong)............February 2010 for Tet
b_weeks............................................February 2010 for Tet
Mike n Huong.....................................February 2010 for Tet
Greg & Lien.......................................March 30, 2010 - April 13, 2010
Bob-KhaHan.......................................April 17, 2010 - April 27, 2010
James & Nicole...................................May 21?-31 2010
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-01-31 15:23:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
"A list of VJ members traveling to Vietnam"
Please post your name and date if you are in, going to, or thinking about traveling to Vietnam...
Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature...


Mr. Saigon..........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
Ralph&Hanh........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
ksoh08..............................................December 5,2009 - March 4, 2010
Huong and Phung...............................December 30, 2009 - January 30, 2010
Ronnie&Hang.....................................January 16, 2010 - February 21, 2010 (revised)
Matt_Steven......................................January 16, 2010 - February 8, 2010

Kevin and Tuyen................................January 28, 2010 - Mid February 2010
Icarus...............................................Mid-January 2010 - Mid-March 2010
ceedwards.........................................February 7, 2010 - February 14, 2010
Scottthuy...........................................February 21, 2010 - ?
hniHnitsuJ (aka Loi and Suong)............February 2010 for Tet
b_weeks............................................February 2010 for Tet
Mike n Huong.....................................February 2010 for Tet
Greg & Lien.......................................March 30, 2010 - April 13, 2010
Bob-KhaHan.......................................April 17, 2010 - April 27, 2010
James & Nicole...................................May 21?-31 2010
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-01-27 11:30:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
A list of VJ member traveling to Vietnam"
Please post your name and date if you are in, going to, or thinking about traveling to Vietnam...
Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature...

Mr. Saigon..........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
Ralph&Hanh........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
ksoh08..............................................December 5,2009 - March 4, 2010
Huong and Phung...............................December 30, 2009 - January 30, 2010
Ronnie&Hang.....................................January 16, 2010 - February 21, 2010 (revised)
Matt_Steven......................................January 16, 2010 - February 8, 2010

Kevin and Tuyen................................January 28, 2010 - Mid February 2010
Icarus...............................................Mid-January 2010 - Mid-March 2010
hniHnitsuJ (aka Loi and Suong)............February 2010 for Tet
b_weeks............................................February 2010 for Tet
Mike n Huong.....................................February 2010 for Tet
Greg & Lien.......................................March 30, 2010 - April 13, 2010
Bob-KhaHan.......................................April 17, 2010 - April 27, 2010
James & Nicole...................................May 21?-31 2010
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-01-20 16:12:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
A list of VJ member traveling to Vietnam"
Please post your name and date if you are in, going to, or thinking about traveling to Vietnam...
Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature...

Mr. Saigon..........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
Ralph&Hanh........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
ksoh08..............................................December 5,2009 - March 4, 2010
Huong and Phung...............................December 30, 2009 - January 30, 2010


Ronnie&Hang.....................................January 14, 2010 - February 19, 2010
Matt_Steven......................................January 16, 2010 - February 8, 2010
Icarus...............................................Mid-January 2010 - Mid-March 2010
hniHnitsuJ (aka Loi and Suong)............February 2010 for Tet
b_weeks............................................February 2010 for Tet
Mike n Huong.....................................February 2010 for Tet
Kevin and Tuyen................................Will be going for the interview, Jan-Feb (?)
Greg & Lien.......................................March 30, 2010 - April 30, 2010
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2010-01-12 19:28:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
A list of VJ member traveling to Vietnam"
Please post your name and date if you are in, going to, or thinking about traveling to Vietnam...
Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature...

Mr. Saigon..........................................Living In Vietnam
Ralph&Hanh........................................Living In Vietnam
toantien.............................................November 4, 2009 - ???
Ashley and Cuong..............................November 24, 2009 - ???
bn010809..........................................around November 25th
cavoi xanh1.......................................Thanksgiving - Christmas 2009
ksoh08..............................................December 5,2009 - March 4, 2010
JimVaPhuong.....................................December 7,2009 - ?

Huong and Phung...............................December 30, 2009 - January 30, 2010
Ronnie&Hang.....................................January 14, 2010 - February 19, 2010
Matt_Steven......................................January 16, 2010 - February 8, 2010
Icarus...............................................Mid-January 2010 - Mid-March 2010
hniHnitsuJ (aka Loi and Suong)............February 2010 for Tet
b_weeks............................................February 2010 for Tet
Mike n Huong.....................................February 2010 for Tet
Kevin and Tuyen................................Will be going for the interview, Jan-Feb (?)

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-12-11 18:48:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
A list of VJ member traveling to Vietnam"
Please post your name and date if you are in, going to, or thinking about traveling to Vietnam...
Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature...

Mr. Saigon..........................................Living In Vietnam
Ralph&Hanh........................................Living In Vietnam
toantien.............................................November 4, 2009 - ???
wratran.............................................November 14, 2009 - ???
Ashley and Cuong..............................November 24, 2009 - ???
bn010809..........................................around November 25th
cavoi xanh1.......................................Thanksgiving - Christmas 2009
ksoh08..............................................December 5,2009 - March 4, 2010
JimVaPhuong.....................................December 7,2009 - ?

Huong and Phung...............................December 30, 2009 - January 30, 2010
Ronnie&Hang.....................................January 14, 2010 - February 19, 2010
Matt_Steven......................................January 16, 2010 - February 8, 2010
Icarus...............................................Mid-January 2010 - Mid-March 2010
hniHnitsuJ (aka Loi and Suong)............February 2010 for Tet
b_weeks............................................February 2010 for Tet
Mike n Huong.....................................February 2010 for Tet
Kevin and Tuyen................................Will be going for the interview, Jan-Feb (?)

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-12-10 00:21:00