VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members


Will Miss Anh be able to get a visa to "visit" Canada?

Just curious?


She could likely get a visitor's visa but that also requires that we have (I am paraphrasing, despite the quotation marks) "enough money to stay for 6 months and also to return home", which, when I checked is equal to about $10,000 sitting in stocks or a bank or something.

The way I am thinking right now to do it is to come in as skilled workers. The most amazing part is that she can come in as my commonlaw wife and no need to be technically married - This is according to what I have learned so far but I could definitely be wrong and I am still not convinced it can be so easy.. As my commonlaw wife, we are looked at together and it actually seems to make it even easier for us. In some cases, families are only required to submit one form for the entire family! They will let me add my commonlaw wife's education and experience to my own and adds even extra "points" for us in giving preference. The skilled worker visa is an immigration visa but from what I can tell it is often used for temporary visitors and is another term they use with it. As a skilled worker, the asset requirement is waived so long as you have an employment offer waiting. I hate to leave my business behind mostly and get a j.o.b. but it's a matter of priorities I guess.

I still have a lot to figure out and there may be problems which make it impossible so I am trying to be conservative in my excitement. I am still not 100% sure about all this and if others know answers please post, but my god it seems so easy that I have this fear I am missing something. Since we'll still have the process going in HCMC consulate, I'll be consulting about this and need to make sure that is still ok and if it affects either visa. When I know more I will definitely keep you posted, in case others find this an idea to help them through the long wait times.

Edited by sweetiewynn, 19 April 2006 - 10:15 PM.

sweetiewynnNot TellingTaiwan2006-04-19 22:10:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

Wow. All I can say is Wow. Please keep us informed of this.

I really think you need to write every reporter out there about this stupid situation and try to get it out there.

I hear what you're saying, Matt. However, I am not convinced it is the best way to go about getting action taken. I am forced to believe the HCMC consulate will get it done whenever they do and nothing we can do, with the exception of Congressional intervention will help to speed it along. Here is an interesting immigration diary I found of a guy who did probably everything you are suggesting and more:

It's ridiculous how much effort this guy invested and in the end he said it probably had nothing to do with his case finally getting approval.

You might be right but first I will try with the Congressman again and in the mean time be making plans to be together too. As far as I can tell, our case isn't being held up because other people $omehow get put ahead of us and it is just a matter of our circumstances and some mistakes we have made. Believe me I have tried to find wrongdoing in every way and come to the conclusion that as hellish as this process is and as simple as it would seem, we aren't actually being abnormally victimized, it just feels that way sometimes.

Edited by sweetiewynn, 19 April 2006 - 09:44 PM.

sweetiewynnNot TellingTaiwan2006-04-19 21:41:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
There is a very good chance Nha and I might be moving over to the Canadian message board soon here. Those of you who know us know we haven't been the fastest movers through Ho Chi Minh City and the U.S. immigration process and you might also know that we are experiencing "further processing" which in HCMC can take years as in the case of wait4ever and who knows how many others. Meanwhile us and other couples try to live their lives as normally as they can from a distance. Starting the process over and trying for the CR1 or other spousal visa doesn't offer overwhelming hope for at least a year and who knows how long and if that would be any better at all?

Years ago I looked into immigrating to Canada. I have traveled through B.C. and the Yukon several times and I dare say it might be my favorite piece of land on this earth. Vancouver is definitely the most enjoyable city I have ever experienced and the area around it is unparalleled beauty. The Canadian government likely has problems but in general I think the general Canadian way is unmatched. like the idea that for my tax dollar I am receiving health insurance rather than creating an insurance industry like we do in America and I like the emphasis Canada places on education... well.. To be honest I like Canadians even if I AM a dumb and ignorant American sometimes. I feel I have always been treated well, fairly, and with respect from Canadian citizens and government alike and of course people are people but the general feeling I have in Canada is a very good feeling. I don't want to generalize too much but my attitude towards Canada and my gut feeling told me I belong there many years ago and I looked into it. At the time there was no way I was going to be accepted into Canada. I didn't have fifty grand sitting in a bank and I didn't have anything to offer Canada on paper.

Today I looked into it and I am absolutely stunned! Seriously I was not expecting anything like I have been reading on the Canadian immigration pages and I am ever pleasantly surprised. I am pretty certain that Nha and I can both fly right into Canada with open arms based on the friendly assessment test offered by the Canadian government here:

Nha and I, WHO CAN COME IN AS A COMMONLAW MARRIED COUPLE! together score an 87, well above the estimated acceptance score of 67, and the test did not even allow me to enter my full range of qualifications for a "Skilled Worker" under Canadian law. Their test only allows you to enter one skilled labor job experience, but the law says you can use multiple, so according to the law we are even more overqualified to be accepted into Canada. Their website is WOW! It is user frinedly and I think they put it online to actually help people rather than dissuade people. It's a breath of fresh air and reading and understanding the text is just unexpectedly fabulously sanctimoniously - I can't say enough good about it right now and it feels so right.

The catch is that we need, or actually only one of us needs, a job offer in Canada. I don't think this will be a problem for us. I may have already lined up jobs for us both at a ski resort which I have been to a couple of times but never skied at yet and for those of you who don't know I am a skier and have experience doing professional ski action photography. It is a passion I have. The job I have applied for pays well, uses lots of my skills and isn't routine work. It's advertising, which is somethign I love and have experience combined with photography and skiing.. and pays enough to make it worth going to work too. For Nha, we tried for an entry level position and made mention that she is quite skilled as well but has little experience. For her, the skiing is not a real draw. I am holding my breath that she will be happy there if we do this. Sure, she says she wants to try snowboarding or skiing, which is good if you're going to be living in a ski town, but for her the snowsports will more likely be a way to forget how cold and snowy it is. If we both don't get jobs, we're not going there because without a job that will keep her interacting and growing etc., it just wouldn't be good. Not being a ski fanatic like me could be serious but the town I have in mind is not only a small ski town but is an international mecca and I think Nha will get more enjoyment out of the experience than from the skiing or snowboarding. For me, I've got the great skiing and access to everything I need and for Nha she's got a wide variety of introductions to people from all over the world in a place where people carry many different ideas. I am thinking it might be a good introduction to North America and with Canadian citizenship being granted within only 3 years, Nha would be able to come and meet my family here in the States and be able to travel here with me without a problem, which really satisfies all our needs. Maybe we won't stay in Canada forever and maybe move around there too but right now it might be our best option and it looks so easy I feel like it's too good ot be true still. The reality of the feeling of true freedom to roam about our earth freely and as we choose, wow, Au Canada!
sweetiewynnNot TellingTaiwan2006-04-19 19:36:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

I just wish I could find out if my case is actually at HCMC. I emailed them (again) yesterday using a different email address. Hope hope.

Tell her to call the consulate, it will be easier. It seems answering emails is a difficult job for them so it takes forever too.
sweetiewynnNot TellingTaiwan2006-04-12 18:56:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Be strong Matt. Like other guys posted, face the officer and tell them what was missing. Have a pleasant trip and goodluck.
Duc_UyenNot Telling02006-05-09 19:45:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
QUOTE (Huanyen @ Aug 27 2008, 12:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks Luckytxn for your encouraging PM. We were blessed to have your support. And of course, we did not disappoint you. We finally received our pink slip. Yen will pick up her visa on 09/05. This was a stressful journey. However, it worth every minute of it because we have learned a lot from this prolonged process; and without all the help from Tyrobe and many other supporters, we would not have gone this far of the journey.

Specially thanks to Landy for his book recommendation. It was a great book that guide through how to get an immigration visa. This book is a keeper from NOLO

Totally awesome and many congrats. I am so happy for y'all. You would not have disappointed me if it went the other way. The only way I could be disappointed with anyone is when someone does not even try or they quit and you went and did it.

This success is because you both went and did it so it is all on you and I am proud of this achievement for y'all. Many blessings and much good luck in the future.
luckytxnMale02008-08-27 22:18:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Howdy all. I returned a few months back from VN and met my fiancee's family and we got engaged and had a party (Wasn't sure it was a engagement party at the time and thought it was more to just have a party) and met a few hundred family that lived nearby. We knew from our long time chat and talking that we would get engaged.

I returned and had already been on this site for a long time and did the paperwork myself and sent it all in to the Vermont office back in May as my timeline shows. I wanted to thank the site and the people here on the forum for all the great info. I was ready to hire a lawyer and all but decided to just do it all myself.

I have been very confident and all with our prospects and expected no probs except the regular little things and reading recently about the fraid marriages and the embassy giving many a hard time has me concerned. I am not gonna worry about it as I will do what needs to be done and all to get the process and my future wife for life here with me.

I will continue to monitor and even start posting if I feel anything relevent that I go through. I do hope and pray for all. Thanks again for all the help so far and any help in the future.
luckytxnMale02008-08-18 21:49:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Hey, I finally got around to changing my signature today. whistling.gif
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2009-05-12 23:39:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Since this topic is kinda out of commission I just thought we'd make good use of it since it's already pinned... tongue.gif

Please post if you are going to be traveling to Vietnam...Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature... smile.gif

If you're thinking about can put estimated time of travel too! smile.gif

"A list of VJ member travelling to HCMC"
JeromeBinh.........................................October 7, 2009 - ???
ScottThuy...........................................November 26 - December 2
cavoi xanh1........................................Thanksgiving - Christmas 2009
hniHnitsuJ (aka Loi and Suong)..........February 2010 for TET!!
ScottThuy...........................................January 2010

Matt_Steven ***MAYBE*** January/February 2010
Huong and Phung ***MAYBE*** January/February 2010
LindaL24 ***MAYBE*** February 6, 2010 - February 27, 2010

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-10-05 23:38:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

Since this topic is kinda out of commission I just thought we'd make good use of it since it's already pinned... tongue.gif

Please post if you are going to be traveling to Vietnam...Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature... smile.gif

If you're thinking about can put estimated time of travel too! smile.gif

"A list of VJ member travelling to HCMC"
JeromeBinh.........................................October 7, 2009 - ???
ScottThuy...........................................November 26 - December 2 or later
cavoi xanh1........................................Thanksgiving - Christmas 2009
hniHnitsuJ (aka Loi and Suong)..........February 2010 for TET!!

Matt_Steven ***MAYBE*** January/February 2010
Huong and Phung ***MAYBE*** January/February 2010
LindaL24 ***MAYBE*** February 6, 2010 - February 27, 2010

ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-10-05 19:41:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
QUOTE (BN010809 @ Aug 12 2009, 09:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JimVaPhuong @ May 13 2009, 12:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey, I finally got around to changing my signature today. whistling.gif

HI, everyone!! how are you all doing? i'm new to this web. please show me more..
i jsut recieved an email update USIC said that my case (I129F) has been approved. Does that mean i'm waiting for my NOA 2. If so. What do i do after i received NOA2?? Pleae give me more update..

Start with guides6ly.gif
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2009-08-12 14:09:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
QUOTE (2007K1 @ Aug 17 2007, 12:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (aussiewench @ Mar 26 2006, 05:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Zerovoltz @ Mar 11 2006, 12:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Welcome sucks that a little while back the powers that be here decided to erase all the threads for some reason. (maybe a good reason..maybe bad..I don't know.) ...there was ALOT of good stuff that used to on here including SEVERAL posts from an immigration attourney who specialized in VN cases and an actual consulate officer who had been posted at HCMC untill recently...That doesn't even include all the valuable input from all off the members who went through HCMC already. ...Anyhow...I still come back here from time to time to see what is going on and would be more than happy to help out if need be. Good to see chuck and kim still here...probably few other vets around as well to help out. Good luck to everyone.

Just to clarify this. Threads where not deleted by the admin for any reason. The old site became totally unstable and the only option was to move to a new site. The majority of the threads can still be found at the old site by clicking HERE You just cant post there anymore. Anything that you think is worth bringing across you can either copy and paste the posts into here with a credit to the original poster or post a link to it.

I am new here and I try to open that link, but it doesn't work.
Can you please tell me why? Does my new user ID work at the old site too?

Those threads were pretty old. Could be permanantly deleted.
daleggMaleVietnam2007-08-18 11:06:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

how do you find out NVC information? Like when they recieved the package and when it left the NVC?

The NVC will receive it the week after your NOA2. In order to find out if the HCMC consulate has received it, it's best to E-Mail them.
daleggMaleVietnam2007-06-13 22:45:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

I knew this forum by searching google, very good info.... anyway, I sent my application to Nebraska but I checked the status, it states my app belongs to California center, any idea why?

A lot of times if a service center gets too busy they will start forwarding the petitions to other service centers. Maybe they've changed geographical boundries.

Edited by dalegg, 20 April 2007 - 06:03 PM.

daleggMaleVietnam2007-04-20 18:02:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Yup, November is our expiration also.
daleggMaleVietnam2007-04-01 18:43:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
This thread is still active. The thread was originally created to capture a list of VN-US couples on VJ. However, as you can see, the whole "Asia: East and Pacific" board is dominated by VN-US couple PERIOD! biggrin.gif So the list seems to be unneccessary and therefore less people visit it. Most questions are asked and responded via the general area on Asia: East and Pacific.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2009-04-21 06:30:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
The answer to this is "MAYBE"!
Keep in mind from now until the day you are finished with this VJ journey: when it comes to Immigration/Visa, there is no Silverbullet or magic trick to get by or short-cut the process. It is long, painful and fill with stress everyday until the day she arrives in the US!
I do not know the whole story, but if HCMC claims someone's didn't have $20K in the bank, I would ask myself the following questions:
1. Is this guy applying for the same type of Visa? (K-1, K-3, or what not)
2. Does he have a co-sponsor? HCMC is very funny about co-sponsor, they still accept it in rare cases, but not often.
3. $20K is the magic number??? why not $50K, or $100K? Wouldn't that be batter?
4. Why saving account but not Life Insurance/Stock Portfolio/Checking/Bonds or they meant: GUIDELINE Poverty?
5. What is Guideline Poverty you may ask, read the GUIDE's and FAQ's
6. If $20,000 is the magic number for this girl's fiancé to cough up, think again, HCMC has 1000's reasons to as tools to DELAY/DENY a Visa application and this could be one of a fews.
7. Your case is NOT this guy's case, very unique in so many ways.
8. No silver bullet, nobody can guaranty your Visa approval

BTW, post your question in the Regional board for better response for the oldheads from HCMC VJ don't come in here quite as often as I notice!
Good luck and have fun on your VJ!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-01-08 08:04:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Since this topic is kinda out of commission I just thought we'd make good use of it since it's already pinned... tongue.gif

Please post if you are going to be traveling to Vietnam...Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature... smile.gif

If you're thinking about can put estimated time of travel too! smile.gif

"A list of VJ member travelling to HCMC"
JeromeBinh.........................................October 7, 2009 - ???
ScottThuy...........................................November 26 - December 2
cavoi xanh1........................................Thanksgiving - Christmas 2009
ScottThuy...........................................January 2010
hniHnitsuJ (aka Loi and Suong)..........February 2010 for TET!!
b_weeks............................................February 2010 for TET!!

Matt_Steven ***MAYBE*** January/February 2010
Huong and Phung ***MAYBE*** January/February 2010
LindaL24 ***MAYBE*** February 6, 2010 - February 27, 2010
Kevin and Tuyen***MAYBE*** Christmas or Tet

Kevin andMaleVietnam2009-10-06 09:44:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Aug 12 2009, 02:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BN010809 @ Aug 12 2009, 09:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JimVaPhuong @ May 13 2009, 12:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey, I finally got around to changing my signature today. whistling.gif

HI, everyone!! how are you all doing? i'm new to this web. please show me more..
i jsut recieved an email update USIC said that my case (I129F) has been approved. Does that mean i'm waiting for my NOA 2. If so. What do i do after i received NOA2?? Pleae give me more update..

Start with guides6ly.gif

And look at other people's time lines. That will give you an indication of how long you might be waiting.

So timeline.gif

Kevin andMaleVietnam2009-08-12 14:12:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
QUOTE (cantho_usa @ May 20 2008, 10:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi every1,
My fiancee and I have decided to get married in Cantho city, then apply for K3 visa. I guess this question is for the folks who have been through process to obtain marriage certificate in VN. I 'm obtaining the following documents, which I got from VN embassy website, for my fiancee to submit along with application for marriage:

1. An application for marriage registration (photo attached, filled out, signed, and notarized)
2. An affidavit of single status (notarized)
3. A certificate of no-marriage record issued & signed by county registrar
4. A premarital exam of mental health (notarized)
5. A photocopy of US passport signature page (notarized)
6. A bio info sheet (filled out and signed)
7. A power of attorney (notarized)

Our planned wedding is in 2 months and i hope to get their approval on time. Must these documents be authenticated by US department of states to be accepted by vn government ??! What is the timing from submission of registration till approval for wedding then issuance of marriage certificate ? At what point do I need to be there for the signing ? Will 3 weeks be enough time for the wedding and getting the marriage license back to start the k3 process ? Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks a lot !!

If you have all the required documents 2 months should be fine. If not you might be cutting it close.

Once you get all the required documents notarized. Call the Office for the Secretary of State in the state which you reside in and tell them you need Authorizations for a Public Notary. They will let you know the process.

You must then send all the paperwork to the VN consulate. Call the VN Consulate to get the processing fee. There was an extra fee for expiditing, but I'm not sure about now. You must pay for the shipping fees, so use Fed Ex or something like that for next day or express delivery. That took a few weeks.

Once in VN go right away to the Offical to get everything rolling. 3 weeks may not be enough time. I got married in May and had to go back in July to sign the book. We went to that office 3 or 4 times. You should be there for submitting the papers and you must be there to sign the book.

Good luck
Kevin andMaleVietnam2008-05-23 11:32:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
QUOTE (Huong and Phung @ Apr 14 2009, 07:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
dang, my bad. This will show you how NOOB i am right? hehehhe Thanks

Huong and Phung, I think we should create a spreadsheet for all new vj member for updates.

hniHnitsuJMaleVietnam (no flag)2009-04-16 12:39:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
"A list of VJ member travelling to HCMC"
Please post your name and date if you are in, going to, or thinking about traveling to Vietnam...
Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature... smile.gif

Ronnie&Hang.......................................September 10, 2009 - ???
JeromeBinh.........................................October 7, 2009 - ???
Dai TX................................................October 9, 2009 - December 2, 2009

ScottThuy..........................................November 26 - December 2
cavoi xanh1.......................................Thanksgiving - Christmas 2009
ScottThuy..........................................January 2010
hniHnitsuJ (aka Loi and Suong)............February 2010 for TET!!
b_weeks............................................February 2010 for TET!!

Matt_Steven.......................................January/February 2010
Huong and Phung................................January/February 2010
Kevin and Tuyen.................................Christmas or Tet

Edited by lindal24, 14 October 2009 - 09:58 AM.

lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-10-14 09:58:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
"A list of VJ member travelling to HCMC"
Please post your name and date if you are in, going to, or thinking about traveling to Vietnam...
Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature... smile.gif

Ronnie&Hang.......................................September 10, 2009 - ???
JeromeBinh.........................................October 7, 2009 - ???

ScottThuy..........................................November 26 - December 2
cavoi xanh1.......................................Thanksgiving - Christmas 2009
ScottThuy..........................................January 2010
hniHnitsuJ (aka Loi and Suong)............February 2010 for TET!!
b_weeks............................................February 2010 for TET!!

Matt_Steven.......................................January/February 2010
Huong and Phung................................January/February 2010
Kevin and Tuyen.................................Christmas or Tet

lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-10-08 14:47:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Since this topic is kinda out of commission I just thought we'd make good use of it since it's already pinned... tongue.gif

Please post if you are going to be traveling to Vietnam...Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature... smile.gif

If you're thinking about can put estimated time of travel too! smile.gif

"A list of VJ member travelling to HCMC"
JeromeBinh.........................................October 7, 2009 - ???
ScottThuy...........................................November 26 - December 2
cavoi xanh1........................................Thanksgiving - Christmas 2009
ScottThuy...........................................January 2010
hniHnitsuJ (aka Loi and Suong)..........February 2010 for TET!!
b_weeks............................................February 2010 for TET!!

Matt_Steven ***MAYBE*** January/February 2010
Huong and Phung ***MAYBE*** January/February 2010
LindaL24 ***MAYBE*** February 6, 2010 - February 27, 2010

Edited by lindal24, 06 October 2009 - 08:43 AM.

lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-10-06 08:43:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Since this topic is kinda out of commission I just thought we'd make good use of it since it's already pinned... tongue.gif

Please post if you are going to be traveling to Vietnam...Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature... smile.gif

If you're thinking about can put estimated time of travel too! smile.gif

"A list of VJ member travelling to HCMC"
JeromeBinh.........................................October 7, 2009 - ???
ScottThuy...........................................Thanksgiving - Christmas 2009
cavoi xanh1........................................Thanksgiving - Christmas 2009
hniHnitsuJ (aka Loi and Suong)..........February 2010 for TET!!

Matt_Steven ***MAYBE*** January/February 2010
Huong and Phung ***MAYBE*** January/February 2010
LindaL24 ***MAYBE*** February 6, 2010 - February 27, 2010
lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-10-05 17:20:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Since this topic is kinda out of commission I just thought we'd make good use of it since it's already pinned... tongue.gif

Please post if you are going to be traveling to Vietnam...Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature... smile.gif

If you're thinking about can put estimated time of travel too! smile.gif

"A list of VJ member going to HCMC"
JeromeBinh.........................................October 7, 2009 - ???
ScottThuy...........................................November ??, 2009 - ???
hniHnitsuJ (aka Loi and Suong)..........February 2010 for TET!!

Matt_Steven ***MAYBE*** January/February 2010
Huong and Phung ***MAYBE*** January/February 2010
LindaL24 ***MAYBE*** February 6, 2010 - February 27, 2010

lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-10-05 14:50:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Since this topic is kinda out of commission I just thought we'd make good use of it since it's already pinned... tongue.gif

Please post if you are going to be traveling to Vietnam...Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature... smile.gif

If you're thinking about can put estimated time of travel too! smile.gif

"A list of VJ member going to HCMC"
JeromeBinh.........................................October 7, 2009 - ???
ScottThuy...........................................November ??, 2009 - ???
hniHnitsuJ (aka Loi and Suong)..........February 2010 for TET!!

Matt_Steven ***MAYBE*** January/February 2010
LindaL24 ***MAYBE*** February 6, 2010 - February 27, 2010
lindal24FemaleVietnam2009-10-04 16:22:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
I just got to Vietnam on October 9th last Sunday and I will be working here until December 2nd. My wife is here with me going to her father's ?ÁM GI? and then we are going to jump back and forth to Thailand and Vietnam for my work. I just remembered, I don't like walking around in Vietnam too much... The people here are just crazy! oh well.. at least we get to eat some different food.
Dai.MaleVietnam (no flag)2009-10-12 19:30:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
I'm getting Deja Vu all over again.
Melrose PlantMaleVietnam2009-02-06 00:12:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
QUOTE (Tyrobe @ Jan 9 2008, 08:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IchThuy @ Dec 27 2007, 10:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone,

I am a newbie here. So far I found a lot of helpful information in this site. We are in the early stage of the journey, just received our NOA1 on December 18.

Now I want to ask my first question. In a post by Landy (, Lan said that one of the girl got the blue slip because her fiance did not have enough money in the saving account, and she said the minimum amount should be $20,000. I want to konw if this is true: the petitioner must have at least $20,000 in his/her account?

Thank you

Yea, it is hard to tell without knowing the inside story. I'll take a guess at this one, too. The way I see it is that the sponsor of that girl's with blue slip doesn't have income proof to meet the requirement of 125% poverty line and still need another $4000 to qualify for the requirement.

According to the guideline to Affidavit of Support, for sponsors of immediate relative spouse of U.S. citizens, the amount of required assents is reduced five times the difference between the governing poverty guideline and actual household income. So for a household size of 4, it follows:

125 percent of poverty guideline:

Sponsor's income:


Multiply by 5:

Minimum required cash value:

If your salary (W-2) qualify the 125% poverty line, then you don't even need to show asset/bank record.

my 2 cents.

That BETTER be the way it is. My annual income is around $60K, but I sure don't have 20,000 in the bank. I'm working to have 10,000 in there before the interview, so I can go over there to be with her and still pay everything back home. Of course, by the time we come back the U.S., most of that will be gone!
Melrose PlantMaleVietnam2008-01-11 10:13:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
QUOTE (mhaze @ Apr 20 2009, 12:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hello....just a quick question from a friend..

my friend got their approval yesterday already but later found out that there is a missing form for her child (who is 9 years old)..i think the husband forgot to file the I-130 for the child...
i am not really familiar with her situation..

thank you

Is your friend in VN? This is the Vietnam forum and it is not currently active.
toddandhienMaleVietnam2009-04-20 09:00:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
QUOTE (almostawesome @ Apr 17 2009, 12:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Vietnam.

Interview is May 18 in HCMC.
Did anyone here pass the HCMC consulate interview with a co-sponsor? My fiancee is hearing that her chances of passing the interview are very low because we are petitioning with a co-sponsor. The woman helping her with her application on that end said 10% sad.gif . Co-Sponsor is my mother.

Also, can I borrow money from family to put in my bank account for sponsorship purposes?

Almost, you posted this previously in another forum and got several responses. Please post once.

QUOTE (Huong and Phung @ Apr 17 2009, 12:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (toddandhien @ Apr 16 2009, 01:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (hniHnitsuJ @ Apr 16 2009, 01:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Huong and Phung @ Apr 14 2009, 07:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
dang, my bad. This will show you how NOOB i am right? hehehhe Thanks

Huong and Phung, I think we should create a spreadsheet for all new vj member for updates.

I agree. maybe I will do that this weekend. seeking input on content. thanks

That's cool Let's do it
I guess ur gonna do it then?

Can you update your timeline? thanks
toddandhienMaleVietnam2009-04-17 18:09:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
QUOTE (Huong and Phung @ Apr 17 2009, 12:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (toddandhien @ Apr 16 2009, 01:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (hniHnitsuJ @ Apr 16 2009, 01:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Huong and Phung @ Apr 14 2009, 07:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
dang, my bad. This will show you how NOOB i am right? hehehhe Thanks

Huong and Phung, I think we should create a spreadsheet for all new vj member for updates.

I agree. maybe I will do that this weekend. seeking input on content. thanks

That's cool Let's do it
I guess ur gonna do it then?

Not trying to take charge. If you or anyone wants to do it, no problem. If folks would like to have it but don't want to invest the time, I would be happy to pitch in. Let me know.
toddandhienMaleVietnam2009-04-17 18:04:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
QUOTE (hniHnitsuJ @ Apr 16 2009, 01:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Huong and Phung @ Apr 14 2009, 07:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
dang, my bad. This will show you how NOOB i am right? hehehhe Thanks

Huong and Phung, I think we should create a spreadsheet for all new vj member for updates.

I agree. maybe I will do that this weekend. seeking input on content. thanks
toddandhienMaleVietnam2009-04-16 15:08:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
yes she is from Vietnam
oh too bad..why is that?
mhazeFemalePhilippines2009-04-20 22:18:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
hello....just a quick question from a friend..

my friend got their approval yesterday already but later found out that there is a missing form for her child (who is 9 years old)..i think the husband forgot to file the I-130 for the child...
i am not really familiar with her situation..

thank you
mhazeFemalePhilippines2009-04-19 23:44:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
QUOTE (Huanyen @ Jul 13 2008, 04:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We just got the interview date, Aug 19

Congrats and good luck on the interview!
TyrobeMaleVietnam2008-07-15 13:16:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
After I gathered those 7 documents that you have listed, I sent the package to VN Consulate in San Francisco with an additional $250 for rush service in March '07. I got the package back from the Consulate and immediately sent them to my future-to-be wife in VN as I know I only traveled there for 15 days in May '07.

At first I thought the Power of Attorney would let my wife submitted the application on my behalf, but that was not the case in Dong Nai province. When I got back there in May '07, we immediately went to the Justice Dept on the first day but 15 days were not enough to obtain the marriage certificate.

Similar to Kevin, I had to go back in July '07 to physcially be there to sign the marriage certificate. So, your 3 weeks in VN are going to be really, really close. I recommend 4 weeks if you can schedule it so you don't have to make another trip to VN.

Good luck!
TyrobeMaleVietnam2008-05-24 06:11:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
QUOTE (Jack & Xuan @ Mar 30 2008, 05:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello all,

I am really not sure how to post here so i will give this a try. I have made one trip to Siagon and getting ready to make my next trip. I have lots of questions about the engaugement party as that is the main reason I am going this time. Xuan and I have already filed all of the inital paperwork, the I-129 and such. It has been recieved by the USCIS on March 10 so I fear we still have a long time to wait. If anyone can give me a heads up on what to expect or any advice at all to make this process quicker or better please drop me a note. My email is I will check back here as well. I will say that I have learned many thinks from your postings so far.

Looks like I am the newbee so everything is welcome.

Thanks for your help.


First of all, welcome to our VN VJ community. We've a big K-1 members here. Check this K1 Process Flowchart to see what to expect. For further information regarding specifically Vietnam post, read up on Vietnam K1. If you have any questions throughout the process, feel free to ask in a new thread as there are some very experienced members still posting in this board to answer your questions.

About your main concern regarding Vietnamese engagement party (dam hoi), there are many posts such as this one, or engagement party, is it necessary? or join this recent thread and many others. Good luck in your journey and don't forget to post your experience, too!
TyrobeMaleVietnam2008-03-30 17:33:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Note: Reply here or PM member Vietnam to be added to this list or to update your information.

AGES AGO ----interview----wait4ever-----Visa---June 2007---
07/10/06 ----interview----menyoo-------Visa---01/08/08---
02/06/07 ----interview----GREEN/TRAN---Visa---06/06/07---
02/09/07 ----interview----Etrnaly--------------delayed
02/28/07 ----interview----martindart ----Visa---05/11/07---
03/09/07 ----interview----Sinh & Lien----Visa---05/16/07---
03/28/07 ----interview----Thuy ----------------delayed
04/13/07 ----interview----dethuong--------delayed
07/12/07 ----interview----poppscc-------Visa--08/31/07----
07/19/07 ----interview----Kelvin Ly------Visa--07/20/07----
07/20/07 ----interview----Thai-----------Visa---07/27/07---
07/20/07 ----interview----What's next---Visa---08/08/07---
07/23/07 ----interview----Sweet Love---Visa---07/24/07---
07/30/07 ----interview----V. Dom--------Visa---08/03/07---
08/16/07 ----interview----Kevin & Tuyen-------delayed
08/24/07 ----interview----AustinJohn----Visa---09/05/07---
08/29/07 ----interview----LoveForever--Visa---09/14/07---
08/30/07 ----interview----Cha Gio-------Visa---09/05/07---
09/17/07 ----interview----HQMP---------Visa---10/18/07---
11/06/07 ----interview----Marc+Lam----Visa---11/09/07---
11/26/07 ----interview----Lovemyhuegirl--Visa--01/08/08--
12/05/07 ----interview----SteveLA ------passed-12/19/07--
12/10/07 ----interview----NeverSeen----passed-------------
12/10/07 ----interview----Thanh---------passed-------------
12/14/07 ----interview----hanho---------passed-------------
12/18/07 ----interview----TungLinh ------delayed
01/09/08 ----interview----MR2nice------------passed
01/11/08 ----interview----Eric and An Thuy----passed
01/28/08 ----interview----Guy&Hoa ------delayed

12/13/07 ----- Pack 3 -----tungchau
12/28/07 ----- Pack 3 -----PeterFB
12/28/07 ----- Pack 3 -----Lucas
01/02/08 ----- Pack 3 -----2007K1
01/10/08 ----- Pack 3 -----Vietnam07
01/25/08 ----- Pack 3 -----Minh and Mai

11/30/07 -----Case @ HCMC----Dave_Thao--- RD 2
01/31/08 -----Case @ HCMC----Cuong
02/04/08 -----Case @ HCMC----Haonie

03/18/08 ---- Left NVC ---- b_weeks

03/18/08 --NVC Received--

11/28/07 ------NOA2------ robertwdalton
01/25/08 ------NOA2------ Melrose Plant
02/06/08 ------NOA2------ kosuke85
07/10/07 ------NOA1------ AmericanGentleman
09/05/07 ------NOA1------ AaronandThuy [color="blue"]RD 2

10/19/07 ------NOA1------ VKOL
11/11/07 ------NOA1------ moondoggy
12/18/07 ------NOA1------ IchThuy

TyrobeMaleVietnam2008-03-20 14:35:00