VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Hi Matt,

Coach your fiancee to think of the interview as a mere question and answer session. Leave the hostility thoughts at the door of her home when she leaves that morning. If she goes in with that frame of thought and attitude, things could start out very defensive from the beginning. Nervousness is expected, but prep her for the confidence she needs in her English skill.

We'll all be thinking of you both!


I just hope that is a good thing. Anh is terribly nervous now. SHe was not before, but now she realizes that she will have to speak in English and communicate with someonewho will likely be hostile towards her. Anh has no conifidence in her English for important discussions, despite it now being near perfect.

STL_HCMCMaleVietnam2006-05-30 21:34:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

As far as I know, the only fees for this process after packet 4, is the $100 Machine Readable Visa (MRV) fee payable at Citibank on Nguyen Hue Street, and the fee for the medical examination at Cho Ray Hospital or the International Orgranization for Migration office in Q.1.


How much is the actual interview? I need to send my fiance money.

STL_HCMCMaleVietnam2006-05-30 05:09:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Packet 3 is on its way!

I called today (4/19) because I got no reply to my email after 7 days.

They said they mailed packet 3 on 4/18 to the Can Tho address on file. I asked if they received the address update I emailed about, and she said they were just now replying to emails sent April 5th. She was nice and updated the address and said they would send out another packet 3 to the HCMC address (my office). I didn't ask for the additional packet 3, but I guess she realized the delay in the email, and the addy update should have happened sooner.

We'll see how efficient the mail in Vietnam is. Will the packet mailed on the 18th to Can Tho arrive before/after the second packet sent to the HCMC address? :D

I will say this, I've received very good service every time I've called the info line!


We'll see about a packet 3 soon!

I called the consulate on Thursday (4/13) and got the same general response I've always gotten: "we've received the electronic file for your case. However, it can take up to 8 weeks to physically process a case."

I'm not going to worry about it. I emailed them to update the mailing address. I was concerned the "countryside" address in Can Tho would prove an obstacle for receiving packet 3. The consular gal on the info line told me they didn't care what mailing address they have on file, as long as the mail can get to the beneficiary. So I put my office address in HCMC! Fiancee lives in HCMC, but is registered in Can Tho in the ho khau.


STL_HCMCMaleVietnam2006-04-19 11:00:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
We'll see about a packet 3 soon!

I called the consulate on Thursday (4/13) and got the same general response I've always gotten: "we've received the electronic file for your case. However, it can take up to 8 weeks to physically process a case."

I'm not going to worry about it. I emailed them to update the mailing address. I was concerned the "countryside" address in Can Tho would prove an obstacle for receiving packet 3. The consular gal on the info line told me they didn't care what mailing address they have on file, as long as the mail can get to the beneficiary. So I put my office address in HCMC! Fiancee lives in HCMC, but is registered in Can Tho in the ho khau.


Uh, that was added after he told me it was there. The 3/16 entry was also added based upon his information.

Aha- so you are adjusting your timeline solely based on mike1972e's word that the consulate should have it, although you haven't confirmed this. You ARE mister positive!

Well, it appears mike1972e was correct afterall, eh? STL_HCMC should be seeing pack 3 soon also then..and menyoo not too far after. I'm so happy. I missed my pack 3s. :D

STL_HCMCMaleVietnam2006-04-14 21:12:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
This was posted as a reply to another topic, but I thought I would include it on this post as well. This seems to be the Vietnam hub for all of us.

This is not aimed at any member. Just my two cents.

(1) We don't know ALL the specifics of cases that have been put on hold for further review. We only know what we are told by the members posts on the board and stories we hear outside. There is always TWO SIDES to every story.

(2) For those of us that haven't interviewed yet, we've merely just experienced the US Consulate in HCMC from outside contact (i.e. email, phone or the information booth). We can't pass judgement on consular officers and staff inside that we haven't encountered yet. I hope people don't completely judge me by what they hear from others. There is a lot more story to a book than its cover.

(3) I believe immigration should still be looked at as a privilege instead of a foreign nationals right.

(4) I think it would help us ALL to frame our thought process and pre-conceived/pre-interview thinking to that of the US Consulate in HCMC as a government institution trying to do its job as best it can (given the circumstances of high fraud), and NOT as our enemy. Such negative thinking before the interview, and before any "put on hold review" has even happened to any of our cases, only results in an anger driven and quite defensive attitude going into the interview. This doesn't help the USC's frame of thinking and communication/interaction with the US Consulate, and it sure can be a negative factor being subconsciously leaked into the frame of mind of the beneficiary/fiance(e). We should all know how important confidence and comfortability will be to the fiance(e) interviewing. There is no use raising the stress level before anything negative has happened.

What I'm not trying to do is defend the US Consulate in HCMC, but nobody/institution is perfect. Is it possible my case will not pass the first time? SURE! It is possible for all of us. Is it possible we could all pass on the first try? SURE! Will we accept that fact? We have to.

It is still best to prepare diligently and make sure all your ducks are in order, but lets not lead ourselves - and the others that might read our posts in the future - into such dark ideas that we don't know of yet.

Everyone keep your chin up, think positive, be here to answer questions to help others prepare the best and realize that we cannot control everything.

I'll step down now!

STL_HCMCMaleVietnam2006-04-11 00:14:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

I emailed them back on the 21st of March and received a pretty general response. Perhaps you'll receive the same thing. I've emailed them a second time this week (Tuesday) to see what the status was. It is Thursday evening in Vietnam now, and I haven't heard back from them yet. They say 4-5 days on the website, I believe. I would guess both of our cases are close together. If I remember correctly, we both shipped out of the NVC on the 16th of March.

Here was their reply to me on the 27th of March:

"Please be informed that we received the electronic file for your fiancée on March 17. It usually takes one week for us to receive the physical file. However, it takes approximately 8 weeks for us to process the case and update the information in our system due to the large volume of visa petitions we receive monthly. We will send an Instruction Package (packet 3) to your fiancée at the earliest opportunity."


I just wish I could find out if my case is actually at HCMC. I emailed them (again) yesterday using a different email address. Hope hope.

STL_HCMCMaleVietnam2006-04-06 08:27:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Check my ongoing thread, guys and gals. Yes, I got sick, but then Anh get VERY sick. She has viral Meningitis and likely caught it from me (I caught it from my mom, who caught it from a child of a friend, we think). I and mom never had symptons. But Anh has had her body attacked furiously by the virus. :(

All of this on top of the very difficult adjustment. It's been harder than she anticipated and she is really upset that she cannot work for the next 3 to 4 months. She really is afraid she will go out of her mind with boredom.

Right now all I care about is her fever going away for good and her getting healthy.
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2006-09-02 17:34:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
I am going to be sick. :(
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2006-08-30 11:31:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Progress. Isn't it amazing that those people could not and cannot JUST ASK HIM?!?!?!?! I mean, how hard would it be for them to ASK HIM about their question last year? Disgusting.

Nathan and Nha, I am praying for you both. Good luck and keep us posted!
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2006-06-09 15:58:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
If Anh does not get the visa, you can make it this: Posted Image

If she does, then we can all do this:
Posted Image

Edited by Matt_Stevens, 04 June 2006 - 11:41 AM.

Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2006-06-04 11:41:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
So I am updated on my interview date in the master thread, followed by a :help:

I just hope that on June 27 we can change that to a :dance:
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2006-06-04 08:37:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Thanks. Anh and I need all the well wishing we can get. My entire family is now going crazy with anticipation of when Anh can come to the US. I am trying to keep them calm because it is likely we will all be disappointed. I must remain realistic about this. If she gets a pink slip, then I will be happier than I thought possible. If she gets a blue slip, well, then I knew it was coming and can deal with it rationaly. Maybe.
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2006-05-31 15:36:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
It's so strange to hear her say she thinks her English is bad because really, it isn't. It's better than any English I heard from any Vietnamese person while in Saigon. Her English is amazing.

We will be talking about the interview in depth from here on out. I want her ready.
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2006-05-31 03:41:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
I just hope that is a good thing. Anh is terribly nervous now. SHe was not before, but now she realizes that she will have to speak in English and communicate with someonewho will likely be hostile towards her. Anh has no conifidence in her English for important discussions, despite it now being near perfect.
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2006-05-30 17:24:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
So besides that, there are no fees to pay at the actual interview?
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2006-05-30 06:15:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
How much is the actual interview? I need to send my fiance money.
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2006-05-30 04:13:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Right now I am sick with worry. After finally coming up with a way to prove income so that our case will likely be approved, THIS happens. I am just sick.
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2006-05-09 14:59:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Somehow I left my fiance's mother name off the G-325A form! Yet my fiance already received and sent back Packet 3. :unsure:

OK, I have no idea how this happened. Strange that no one has caught it yet (since it was done all the way back in the I-129 stage). But since I am dealing with Vietnam, I know that this will become an issue.

I somehow left the space for my fiancee's mother blank. Her DOB, place of birth and residence is there, but the name is blank. Somehow I messed up in typing this out.

Last month my fiancee received Packet 3. She filled out the form(s) and sent it back in.

But if this error is there in the G-325A form, the case could be delayed because Vietnam is notorious for delaying things for months with missing information. They really like to stick it to us.

WHAT DO I DO!?!? I have called twice and each time could not talk to someone who could or would help. I emailed them, but they are weeks behind in answering.

I'll be leaving for Vietnam on Thursday, so my fiancee and I could easily go to the consulate and hand over the corrected form, but will they allow that?
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2006-05-09 12:10:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Wow. All I can say is Wow. Please keep us informed of this.

I really think you need to write every reporter out there about this stupid situation and try to get it out there.
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2006-04-19 21:17:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
If we are Blue Slipped and there is no easy or quick way to reverse it, then that is what we shall do.
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2006-04-07 19:36:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
I am trying VERY hard to be positive, despite the mountain of negatives involved in our case. When I think of it I get sick to my stomach. Being seperated from my Anh has been hell. God, just get my ### to Vietnam next month! It cannot get here soon enough.

I will be a happy man for two weeks. :)
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2006-04-07 16:51:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
I called today and couldn't get through. EVentually had to hang up. Oh well. I'll try again on Monday.
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2006-04-07 15:40:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Uh, that was added after he told me it was there. The 3/16 entry was also added based upon his information.

Edited by Matt_Stevens, 07 April 2006 - 03:01 PM.

Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2006-04-07 15:00:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Menyoo, how long after sending your email did you get a response? I sent mine two days aog now.

Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2006-04-07 09:27:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Ah, OK. How did you know mine was sent? Freaky that that info is available to all. :)
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2006-04-07 08:17:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Which number is the correct one to call? I see half a dozen of them.
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2006-04-06 16:59:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
I just wish I could find out if my case is actually at HCMC. I emailed them (again) yesterday using a different email address. Hope hope.
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2006-04-06 07:47:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Congrats on the AOS!!!!!! We are just beginning this part of our journey.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-12-01 07:25:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Matt, my fiancee Huong is the same way. She is worried about the interview because of her English. I tried to explain to her, the person interviewing her has interview probably thousands of Vietnamese people speaking broken English. I am sure that they are very familiar with hearing them speak English, so it should be no problem. We also wanted to wish you both good luck.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-05-30 17:42:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

I just returned yesterday from Vietnam. Lan and I returned to America together last night! The POE experience at San Francisco was very easy! Here is a short description of what happened:


We are so happy for you both!!! :dance:

Good Luck on your future!!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-05-01 10:57:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

Ah, OK. How did you know mine was sent? Freaky that that info is available to all. :)

Hey Matt,

DHL doesn't list your names. If you know the date that the NVC mailed it, then you go to the DHL website and track by reference, not by name. It will give you a list of packages that were sent from NVC to all the embassies and conculates, showing the date shipped and date delivered, but no names. So you just assume that it is yours. I tracked mine, because I knew they shipped it on MArch 30th, so I tracked all packages leaving NVC on the 30th, and one was listed going to HCMC, so I knew this was ours, and it says delivered on April 3.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-07 15:30:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

Which number is the correct one to call? I see half a dozen of them.


Here is the number for NVC, (603)334-0700. When you get to the voice prompts enter 1 and then 5 to speak to an operator.It is really hard to get thru. I see on the Vietnam members page that they sent your petition out on March 16? If that is correct, I checked the DHL site and a package left the NVC on the 16th and arrived at the Consulate on March 20th, and was signed for, so all is good. Both of ours are there, and probably haven't been touched yet. I know we are both so anxious to get packet 3. After looking at your timeline, both of our petitions arrived at the Consulate in less than 1 month from sending it in, that is pretty fast, and I hope both of us continue to have that same kind of luck in getting to our interview.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-06 18:04:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

I just wish I could find out if my case is actually at HCMC. I emailed them (again) yesterday using a different email address. Hope hope.


Your petition arrived at the NVC before ours. I just called today to check the status and they mailed it to the consulate the same day as the date on my letter. So I checked the DHL website and ours arrived at the Consulate in 4 days. If you want to check on yours, you should call the NVC to see when they mailed it, then go to Then you track by reference. You type Correspondence in the Reference field, and put the date they sent it out. Then you type in the outgoing postal code which is 03801. Then you will see a list, and just locate one that was sent out on the date they told you and going to Ho Chi Minh City. Yours should be there already.

Hope this helps
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-06 12:03:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Well, my card will be expired by Nov '07, so i figure I will apply for LC sometimes in August. you guys are about same timeline with me, right?
tcannonFemaleVietnam2007-04-01 08:51:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Hello everyone!!

Checked back in after a long time MIA...lots of new faces around here..Good to see Vietnam still sticking around and still a leader :thumbs: ...To ChuckandKim, Zerovoltz,'s everyone doing? Anyone applied for Lifting Condition yet?



Edited by thuycannon, 31 March 2007 - 04:12 PM.

tcannonFemaleVietnam2007-03-31 16:10:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
...Just tired of seeing the Aussies on top:):)
ridejewelNot TellingVietnam2006-12-09 05:35:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Posted Image Note: PM member Vietnam to be added to this list or to update your information.

10/07/05 --k1 interview -- thai0699 ----------- visa 12/12....... AOS Passed----09/07/06

09/06/06 --k1 interview -- landy ------------------------------- AOS interview--09/06/06
02/16/06 --k1 interview -- scy K3------------------------------- EAD------------06/12/06
08/29/05 --k1 interview -- Kevin&Loan--------- visa 05/24...... AOS BIOM------07/27/06
07/19/06 --k1 interview -- STL_HCMC -------------------------- AOS BIOM------02/22/07

AGES AGO ----interview----wait4ever----------delayed

10/12/04 02/14/07 :joy:
06/27/06 ----interview----Matt Stevens ------ passed------
07/10/06 ----interview----menyoo------------ delayed
08/10/06 ----interview----Icarus-------------- delayed
08/28/06 11/22-- :joy:
09/26/06 ----interview----songsparrow -------passed------ :joy:
10/23/06 ----interview----Robert & Van -------passed------
10/26/06 ----interview----Dave_Thao ---------delayed
01/08/07 ----interview----My Le K3 -----------passed-------:joy:
01/23/07 ----interview----Tony/Anthea-------passed-------:joy:
01/29/07 ----interview----Kimi---------------- passed-------:joy:
02/01/07 ----interview----dkalXuan ---------- passed-------:joy:
02/02/07 ----interview----Gregory CR-1-------passed-------:joy:
02/06/07 ----interview----GREEN/TRAN------- delayed
02/08/07 ----interview----icqworld------------ passed-------:joy:
02/12/07 ----interview----tway22-------------delayed
02/13/07 ----interview----David-Hien--------- passed-------:joy:
02/13/07 ----interview----ridejewel----------- passed-------:joy:
02/14/07 ----interview----Lurker-------------- passed-------:joy:
02/15/07 ----interview----Idinh CR-1----------passed-------:joy:
02/28/07 ----interview----hope&praying------ passed-------:joy:

02/28/07 ----interview----martindart 2nd Rnd-delayed

03/06/07 ----interview----joetheevilsmurf----:yes:
03/07/07 ----interview----phong+mai CR-1---:yes:
03/09/07 ----interview----Sinh & Lien---------:yes:
03/14/07 ----interview----andrew va thuy ----:yes:
03/19/07 ----interview----T&T-----------------:yes:
03/21/07 ----interview----CK&Tydi------------:yes:
03/23/07 ----interview----tlovep--------------:yes:
03/28/07 ----interview----Thuy ---------------:yes:
03/29/07 ----interview----MTDTD--------------:yes:

10/16/06 ----- Pack 3 -----Anh Map -----------:D
01/08/07 ----- Pack 3 -----AaronandThuy -----:D
01/08/07 ----- Pack 3 -----M-OK---------------:D
01/31/07 ----- Pack 3 -----gp1 ----------------:D
02/05/07 ----- Pack 3 -----Phillip-Phuoc-------:D
02/28/07 ----- Pack 3 ----- s2convt------------:D

02/09/07 --Case @ HCMC- Hang and Kevin---- B)

07/07/07 ---- Left NVC ---- ----------------

08/31/06 ------NOA2------quintaris-----------:dance:
10/03/06 ---I130 NOA2----JustDuck CR-1-----:dance:
01/10/07 ---I130 NOA2----What's next CR-1--:dance:
01/17/07 ------NOA2------ KDragon CR-1 -----:dance:
02/20/07 ------NOA2------ sealedkiss---------:dance:

00/00/06 --- IMBRA RFE---some poor bloke ---

12/29/06 ------NOA1------ Lan&Mike----------
01/10/07 ------NOA1------ poppscc -----------
01/17/07 ------NOA1------ Kelvin Ly K-3 ------
01/17/07 ------NOA1------ Cha Gio K-3--------
02/20/07 ------NOA1------ Thai Pham---------

VietnamNot TellingVietnam2007-03-01 00:21:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

Can I be on the list too. I'm new here. My case just got my NOA2.

Always room for one more.
VietnamNot TellingVietnam2006-10-23 16:09:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Tony, Woodgc, Quintaris,Mr Nappy, and newbie ieldanth- Your statuses have all been updated.

VietnamNot TellingVietnam2006-09-23 13:15:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

Pho' Ga, no Bo, and no Fish Sauce dammit.

I drank way too much, After I was done, Van would give me hers. sooo goood

Wait a minute. You drank plain fish sauce? We're talking about the same fish sauce that comes with every single vietnamese dish, right? Drank it straight? Like water? :o

Edited by Vietnam, 06 August 2006 - 04:43 PM.

VietnamNot TellingVietnam2006-08-06 16:42:00