VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Thanks Scott. We hope to get some phone calls. That would be awesome. They probably going to get another inquiry from Senator Cantwell in a few days because the one they just received and mentioned was from Senator Murray.

That would be great. I expect that at sometime the calls will happen. Be ready. The CO is probably figuring better get on it.
luckytxnMale02012-03-27 22:44:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Today I received a letter from Senator Maria Cantwell. Her office finally get to my form request. Apparently they didn't lose the request form I faxed. It's just take her office awhile to response compared to Senator Murray.
Since it just happened that two senators (Murray and Cantwell) doing inquiry for me at the Ho Chi Minh City Consulate simultaneously, do you guys think there is any negative impact to my case or will get the Consulate upset? Or the more the merrier?

I say one can never have enough Senators and Congressman inquiring.
luckytxnMale02012-03-20 09:34:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

As you suggested, I contacted senator Patty Murray instead. I couldn't believe how fast her office helped me. I faxed the release form, and they completed on the same day and I received the postal letter from her the next day. The letter stated that her staff contacted the Embassy. She can count on me on the next election.
Thanks for your suggestion.

Awesome. I always have found at least one Senator will have a good staff. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
luckytxnMale02012-03-15 07:17:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

I'm still in touch with my Congressman and will ask for his help again. After the fax to Senator Maria Cantwell, Seattle office, and followed by a phone call a few days later, it seemed like they lost my fax. I'll try again this Monday. From what I noticed, the Senator is a bit harder to get help on this issue.

P.S. I added my timeline to my signature. It has been quite a journey since I meet my fiancee.

Every state has two Senators. If one is not making you happy try the other.
luckytxnMale02012-03-11 11:32:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Thanks everyone for the support. I did all I could. I don't think I can do anything besides waiting and checking the case status via email and calling DoS every so often. Thought the last email I received from them was almost a month later!! The more case the consulate put them in AP and delay the processing time, the more emails they will get.

Stay on the Congressman and Senator also. Call until their ears bleed. Wait them out until they give it to be rid of you. In general stay on their azz.
luckytxnMale02012-03-07 01:41:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Cases in order is BS.. no question about it... the files get set in a bin on the CO's desk and when the CO decides to fwd it to the investigators then and only then does in budge... unless the CO for some reason decides to return it to the US which does happen from time to time... nobody can get the CO to do a darn thing.. its against the law for anyone to try... all anyone can do is ask "hey wassup?" and the usual resonse is we're workin on it..

I agree. Bureaucracy at its finest. I seen good ones and I seen bad ones. All it takes is if they have any care at all and some just don't care. I hate seeing all this Federal enlargement coming our way. They are supposed to be helping us but my whole life all I have ever seen of bureaucracy is anything but that.

I'm glad WeatherEmperor got out of AP. My case is now 255 days in AP. WeatherEmperor got called in beginning of February but we didn't get a call or anything even though we are in AP only a few days apart (I'm ahead of a few days in AP). A recent call to DoS and the status didn't change. DoS stated that the last event was a Congressional inquiry on my behalf in January.
When the Consulate said they did the case in order, they must meant doing in the order of the cases handle by the individual CO. I got Congressman involved, and tried faxing the requested info from my senator, but the senator office has not response. Crazy waiting!!!

I will say a prayer and wish I could do more. It will happen though so just be ready when it does. Need anything you can PM me.
luckytxnMale02012-03-06 01:34:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call


I just got off the phone with DOS. After a brief hold the lady came back on the phone and said that the Consulate sent a packet to Thu's residence on February 14th because the Consulate is requesting additional documents. I asked the lady if her system shows what type of documents the Consulate is requesting in the packet they sent and she said that her computer system does not show her what the documents are...but she suspects that the Consulate is requesting "a few expired documents". I have a hunch that these expired documents are indeed the Police and Medical papers...because those are the only documents I know that are expired.

She said the documents were sent on Feb 14th but Thu never received anything. I guess the local mail carrier is being a typical POS again. Should I have Thu go to her post office and hassle the hell out of them to get the documents??? Or maybe I can send Thu to the Consulate so that she can get the paper herself??

I have a feeling that this is the big moment we have been waiting for. What should we do??

Get them friggin documents as soon as possible and get them the requested papers and get her the hell out and here to the states. Have her or even better take some coffee money and ask nicely for the mail. While y'all are doing this get what is expired so she can get to the consulate and get the pink.
luckytxnMale02012-02-27 20:31:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Today is exactly 180 days in AP. It has been stressful but visiting my fiance last month really helped a ton. We spent so much time together doing everything. It is like we were glued to each other the whole time. I visited the Consulate during US Citizen hours but they were no help whatsoever. I had been in contact with Senator Nelson but I recently got involved with Senator Rubio and Congressman Rivera. My fiance is submitting evidence paperwork to the Consulate about once a month now. We also both email the Consulate as much as possible. We are doing everything we can on top of waiting and waiting and waiting. For some weird reason I cannot explain, I have this feeling that we should get the results from the Consulate within a month or two. I can't imaging it dragging on much more than that but then again this IS the HCMC Consulate I am dealing with :whistle:

I had some arguments with my fiance about if it is a good idea or bad idea to keep submitting relationship evidence while in AP. My concern was that they would put our case at the back of the pile each time and add more time to being stuck in AP. My fiance and I discussed this passionately during my time in VN. The thing that I learned is that no matter what strategy you will use as a couple or what the outcome will be, always go through it TOGETHER as a couple. I want to pass this lesson on to everybody else that is going through the visa process in VN. The worst thing that you can do is to not be on the same page and you start blaming each other because you did not support each other. I still do not feel comfortable submitting evidence to the Consulate at this stage but I decided in my heart of hearts that I want to support Thu and stand by her side no matter what the outcome is. If our case gets approved we will celebrate it together but if we get denied we will go through the pains together. The important thing is to go through everything in life TOGETHER. Being in AP is like going through a set of trials. Along the way you will face different obstacles. Facing yourself and your own demons is one of the most difficult obstacles to overcome. Don't let your pride get in the way of things. Even if you don't agree with your girl on somethings, try to let it go and support her.

At this stage of the AP process, given what I have been through, I felt it was important to share this with you guys because maybe somebody else can learn from this. I want to wish everybody a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Best of luck to everybody in 2012!

Good idea to let it go. She probably feels even more powerless than you do and wants to help. It can't hurt that she goes back I feel.
luckytxnMale02011-12-18 20:13:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

I've been in AP for 6 months now. I contacted my Congressman and he asked specific about my case. I told him that I filed my case 1.5 years and I've been in AP for 6 months. I also told him that the reasons I suspected the Consulate hold my case are because a few red flags which triggered my case into AP. I told my Congressman that those red flags are nothing but just a coincident.

After a few days, my Congressman replied to me and said that he sent mail to the Consulate and said that he would like them to look at my case as soon as possible. He also told the Consulates about my concerns about the potential red flags. These red flags are, same last name, lot of relatives in the US,...ect

Do you think this is going to help me or make it worse? I didn't expect my Congressman to send that but just to explain to them what I think is going on.


It can only help. If it was me I would bother everyone constantly. Good luck and God bless. Keep us abreast of anything new.
luckytxnMale02011-12-18 20:10:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Hey guys. I am in Vietnam now and wanted to give you guys a quick update on my visit to the consulate this week. I spoke to a tall white gwntlemen. The look on this guys face was like he totally did not want to be there at all. He had a soft personality so i saw it as an opportunity to get agressive but no luck. He said they had plenty of evidence that Thu submitted the last couple of months. I told him why it takes so long. I told him that they put me in this situation, not me. He said the same ####### tha oh we cannot take your case out of the queue and it goes first come first serve. He flagged my case so they know i am in vietnam in case they want to speak with me.....yeah right.....basically they are no help at all. Getting angry and yelling will not help because they will not review your entire case on the spot. Like i said, when i go back home i will get my 2 senators and 1 congressman involved more heavily. I will drive to their office personaly. I will fight and fight so hard until i get the pink. I will be back in florida next week. Later guys!

Good luck. At least they know you came back. It will all happen in due time. Keep being patient and enjoy the time with your babe.Posted Image
luckytxnMale02011-12-07 01:23:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

It's time for the 5 month update:

I have continued my constant emails to the Consulate but the case is still pending. A couple of months ago I mentioned that Senator Nelson wrote a letter to me to give the Consulate 3 months to complete processing of our case. November marked the end of the 3 months and I held him to his word and sent him another letter. I basically told him that the Consulate is full of it and not to believe their BS excuses. I will continue to write him over and over and over again. In fact, I also plan to involve my other Senator, Senator Rubio as well as my Congressman so they can start dealing with the Consulate. The moral of the story is that the time has come to become aggressive. I will bombard them with inquiries over and over until our case gets resolved.

My fiance submitted evidence such as emails, pictures and chat logs to the Consulate without my approval a few weeks ago and this angered me. I have heard other VJ members say that submitting evidence at this stage could cause more delays but she swears that some of her friends submitted evidence and suffered no additional delays. The thing that totally pissed me off was that she MAY have submitted chat logs where we address each other as "husband" and "wife". Maybe this is my fault because I should have drilled it in her head from day one that we should NEVER address each other this way until we are married. Now the possibility exists that the Consulate has these chat logs. My fiance is convinced that some friends of hers did the same thing on their own K1 cases and they still got a pink. She is convinced it is no big deal. She wants to submit piles of evidence once per month to show the Consulate we are continuing our relationship. I am not yet sure if I will agree to participate.

I have to say that it is really frustrating when you and your fiance are not on the same page when it comes to strategy execution. Thu thinks this is about showing the Consulate how much we love each other and if we show them how lovely we are as a couple, they will go "awwwww lets give these guys a pink slip". My theory is that they are people paid to do their job of fraud prevention. I don't think they give a sh*t about anybody's feelings or emotions. They are paid to stop fraud at all costs. If our case ends up being denied for inconsistent communication or relationship issues or whatever, I will look back at the day she went behind my back to submit those "husband & wife" chat logs. This AP nonsense can't end soon enough for me :(

Please don't worry about the chat logs showing how you both address each other as husband and wife. It is quite common and the consulate knows this. I also asked mine to stop saying this as I had to turn in these chats to the consulate but she kept doing it. I know almost all do this and it is customary to address each other in this way there. I was upset at first too but just learned to stop going against an ocean of female logic no matter how wrong I think it is. You both will be fine.

I also doubt that submitting more info at this stage is going to prolong the process. They are just going to keep doing what they are doing. If it makes her feel better to keep going to the consulate and trying then just go with the flow. The pink is going to come. Also if you are upset now about the things she does just wait till she gets here and y'all marry. It will be a constant head shaking in amazement of the nutso stuff she does.
luckytxnMale02011-11-20 10:02:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Thank you Curtis and Scott. Your support truly helps me deal with this process. Thanks much!

No need to thank. I hope and have even said a couple of prayers for you both. I want you to get your babe here and be as happy as I have been. Ever need anything don't hesitate to send a message.

I feel it will happen and I just hope it is sooner than later. I hope by the holidays.
luckytxnMale02011-10-24 22:01:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Now it has been 4 months in AP. I really hope that we are past the midway point of waiting. Judging from the timelines of other cases in AP, it looks like they could start investigations within a few weeks. Scott told me that some things to look out for are the random phone calls late at night and also strange visits by Consulate investigators. While not all AP cases go through this, I would still like to see it happen if for no other purpose than to give me peace of mind that they are doing something...

Thu kept bugging me to keep emailing the Consulate and writing my Senator and I did. A while ago I received a letter response to my inquiry from Senator Nelson. He said to give the Consulate 3 months (until November) to finish processing our case. In a couple of weeks or so I will hold him to that and write him again. From that point going forward I want to be more aggressive in terms of contacting them for case updates. It probably won't accomplish much but at the least I am letting them know that I still give a you-know-what about our case. I just worry a little that the Consulate will get pissed if I overdo it too much.

From those of you that have gone through how, how much pressure should I apply before I would piss off the Consulate? How much emailing and writing and complaining should I do? Some people claim that once they contacted this special person, the ball started rolling. Besides emailing the Consulate and contacting my Senators and Representatives who else can I contact to make noise? I am tired of being a weakling. I want to yell and scream about my case so everybody can hear...

I would call them till their ears bleed.Posted Image
luckytxnMale02011-10-24 17:53:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

It's now 3 months in AP purgatory. Ugh...what a miserable feeling :(

Received a letter from Senator Nelson to give the Consulate until November to process our case. Funny thing is that last week my fiance went to the Consulate in person and one of their robot employees told her to wait an ADDITIONAL 1 year :unsure:

It is obvious that the Consulate is just pulling numbers out of their rear end. I guess they are nicely trying to tell us to f&*# off until they feel like getting to our case. I see that about 50% of cases in this AP thread are resolved in 3 months or less. Now our case is going into the other 50% of those waiting beyond 3 months. I really hope that the Consulate will begin the preliminary investigations into our case in the next month or so. The signs I am looking for are random phone calls to my residence or to Thu's residence, random visits by Consulate investigators to Thu's residence or village to question people, etc. This may not be the case for us because some members reported that none of this happened while they were in AP.

On a personal level, I am still in school doing my MBA online. I also will begin job hunting next month. My current job is manageable but the pay is lousy. I am also looking to move up state to Central/Northern Florida. I also got a new phone a few weeks ago (HTC EVO 3D). This is my first ever Android phone so it will take me a while to get used to this smart phone stuff :) Thu got sick a few days ago because she got soaked by a rain storm while on her way back from the Consulate. She is doing a lot better now. She wanted to get a job at a Nike factory not too far from her home but the fumes made her feel nauseous so she quit after 1 day.

Other than that everything else is okay. Once again, I hope the Consulate gets moving on our case soon considering it has been 3 months now. If we don't hear anything by Thanksgiving, I am considering pushing Senator Nelson harder and harder to try to do something. That's it for now. I hope to report something more positive next month. Later!

Hang in there. It is going to happen.Posted Image

Do not ever listen to what the consulate people say unless that you have a visa.

luckytxnMale02011-09-19 20:34:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
:blink: really? You are married right? Not sure why you would think to say anything other than married. Are you saying that if she isn't here, then you are not really married? Marriage does not exist here if she is not here? Once you get married, you are married... everywhere... until you become a widower, or divorce or die. Your status is married....
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2012-09-18 13:27:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
nothing to 'register' here.. you two are married... be sure to have a translated copy of the marriage cert .. or I should say a few copies... you will ned to show them from time to time.
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2012-09-16 20:37:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Hi ScottThuy,

You are correct and my wife is coming by end of month...

Question: Once she comes to USA, do we have to "register to get married" at the city where I live (or we're automatically married due to the approved case)?

Please advise what important steps/procedures we would have go through once she comes here.


if you are fling for your wife and not fiance then you are already married.. if you are filing for your fiance, then the proccess varies from county to county state to state.. some have waiting periods before you can marry after you apply for the license. take a moment and fill in your timeline so we know the actual visa etc.
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2012-09-10 08:12:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
its a done deal my friend! Visa approved and on the way...:thumbs:
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2012-08-14 17:47:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Hi ScotThuy,

My wife just received a letter from HCMC Consulate asking for most recent Justice Record (Ly Lich Tu Phap), health record, DS-230 along with new pictures...

Could you please advise what may be the coming process for our case?


That means they are done with AP and the documents they are asking for are expired. Great news... visa is coming soon....
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2012-07-29 17:15:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call


My senator sent me the e-mail response from the HCMC Consular with the following:


The case file is still pending review by a consular officer. Unfortunately, we encounter a significant number of visa applicants who are involved in fraudulent relationships entered solely for the purpose of obtaining immigration benefits. This requires that all officers take time to fully consider all aspects and facts of a case, requiring at times more in-depth investigation to verify certain facts. Due to staffing and other resource limitations this often means long waiting periods for applicants.
We will notify Ms. Nguyen directly after our assessment is completed and a determination is made on her case.
I hope this information is useful in responding to the concerns of your constituent.


Look like our case may be one of the victim affected by the is so much frustrated even though they've seen evidence of our pictures and daily Yahoo's video call, etc...

Hope our case would be considered soon as we suffer each day passes by...

Being in AP=Being suspected of Fraud...
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2012-06-22 14:39:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
nothing... when the CO is ready, then they will take action, but rarely will a congressional inquiry yeild results... should hear something soon.. call DoS once a week to see if anything has changed...
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2012-06-18 15:39:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
DOS202-663-1225 option #1, then option #0 to speak to someone
The Department of State.. They are the umbrella over the consulates NVC et al...
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2012-06-17 17:50:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
call DoS and ask they what the date of last activity was.. status check.. should be soon... how long since they put you guys in AP?
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2012-06-17 17:13:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Hard to believe they go through all this. Ridiculous.Posted Image

Agreed :thumbs:

One more reason for this topic to be pinned... if nobody knows what to expect, this ordeal could be the end of the relationship in many cases...
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2012-04-04 08:25:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
they had me OTP for 45 min.. Thuy for over an hour.. MIL as well.. then they called Thuys manager..They called my Ex and asked her about my current relationship which she had no knowledge about. . NVC called me asking for my Ex before it ever got to the consulate... The questions when they start investigating can be anything and everything... The guys that came by her house snoping asked neighbors about me, other men, my wife etc... very invasive and very inappropriate.. but that stage is behind us.. all we have now is to get a visa for my stepson...
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2012-04-02 17:06:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
The interpreters suck... They will not likely call you again.. just her... if at all.. the rest of the communication willlikely be via email or snail mail...

@seattlerain - don't be surprised if you get another call in about a week, in reverse order. That's what happened to us.

first I have heard of a double call session.. usually both at same time and only once.. that followed by the two guys snoopin around the locals for info..
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2012-04-01 16:44:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Should have next interview in May/June or so.... she will need to renew some documentation between now and then...

Nothing surprises me when they are asking questions... Some of the stuff they asked us was a surprise, but we went along with them like you did. There still may be a couple of guys poking around in the coming month. Its great news that the CO didnt want to deal with the senators... other CO's have just scoffed at them... :thumbs:
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2012-03-30 09:55:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
its funny ho from day to day or person to person, the results of an inquiry call to DoS can vary widely if any are provided. There was a guy working there that either would tell you everything he saw or nothing at all.. it just depended on his mood...I forget his name...
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2012-03-27 18:44:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
sorry to burst the bubble, but the person you talked to was talking out of the scope of thier ability/job. A senator can't initiate an expedite at the consulate level.. nobody can.. thats the LAW... They probably saw all of the activity associated with the inquiries and it can seem to trigger action, but its not a forced action.. just a CO saying, man I dont want to have to keep responding to these inquiries... Some CO's could care less about responding as they just send copy paste responses.

As you have heard/read here.. a great sign is when someone calls you or her, or anyone involved in the case.. This includes personal visits to the home... once this happens, the ball has started rolling... so lets hope that you get a call soon in the middle of the night from them or her...
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2012-03-27 14:13:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
:thumbs: Now that we are getting some results, I will update the stats when I get back in the States...
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2012-03-07 06:35:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

I'm glad WeatherEmperor got out of AP. My case is now 255 days in AP. WeatherEmperor got called in beginning of February but we didn't get a call or anything even though we are in AP only a few days apart (I'm ahead of a few days in AP). A recent call to DoS and the status didn't change. DoS stated that the last event was a Congressional inquiry on my behalf in January.
When the Consulate said they did the case in order, they must meant doing in the order of the cases handle by the individual CO. I got Congressman involved, and tried faxing the requested info from my senator, but the senator office has not response. Crazy waiting!!!

Cases in order is BS.. no question about it... the files get set in a bin on the CO's desk and when the CO decides to fwd it to the investigators then and only then does in budge... unless the CO for some reason decides to return it to the US which does happen from time to time... nobody can get the CO to do a darn thing.. its against the law for anyone to try... all anyone can do is ask "hey wassup?" and the usual resonse is we're workin on it..
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2012-03-06 01:22:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Also, Thu said that the lady at the Window does not answer questions about our case. The lady said that if you have questions about our case, that you can only email the Consulate. I dont know who I should be more upset with, Thu or the Consulate because I clearly instructed Thu NOT to go there to inquire about case status. I told her to go there and REQUEST the paper they apparently sent out.

This is so unbelievable. You totally cannot script this ####### any better than this.

I always felt that the people at the windows tend to be noobs and that backs it up... the phone call you got was likely someone correcting her noob mistake... Now you got that golden ticket.. there will only be a short interview next visit and she needs to be sure that she matches any previous responses... its all downhill from here..
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2012-02-28 15:51:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

I'm in the boat as WeatherEmperor. We resulted in AP in the same month. I called DoS on Friday and I couldn't get anymore out of the them, all she said was my case is still in AP. Does anyone know if a notification of denial sent to us, how long before the Consulates send the package back to the US? I just wanted to know if there is time for me to fly back and talk to the US Consulates. Just preparing for the worst case.

They will notify you of whatever acion is taken.. it can take a vey long time for them to get back on the case.. When a case gets put in AP, its like you got stuck in another queue... whatever the issue is that they have with the case must be addressed before they approve or deny.. that means they have work to do and they are in no rush to do it... keep calling DoS and as soon as some action is taken, a notation will be made in the computer and the person OTP may be nice enough to share the info with you... any time something happens it must be noted in the computer.. this includes emails, congressional inquiries etc... When i called I would say " can you please tell me the most recent date of activity" and if they answer it would be something like " I see your congressman made an inquiry on #$%^" There is yet to be any evidence of anthing that can speed things up.. nobody can legally make things go any faster. Its all up to the CO.
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2012-02-27 10:50:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

So here we are 8 months into AP. Since the Feb 3 phone calls from the Consulate to Thu's residence there has been dead silence. Thu has been reading cases online and she is telling me that all the cases that were stuck in AP like ours are finally getting worked on like ours. She tells me that many cases reported the Consulate made phone calls in early February. Some of them have already received letters to update their medical and police papers. Also some of these cases were processed after our case and we still have not heard anything back. To make it even more strange, my family and I have yet to receive ANY phone calls from the Consulate. The Consulate only called Thu and her family one time and that was Feb 3. I think I will call DOS first thing in the morning to find out what is going on. Should I also do another Congressional inquiry to help find out what is going on because now I am getting a bit worried :(

Call DoS every so often and just say you want to check the status of the case. depending on the person on the other end of the line, you may get an answer... regardless of what they say, they can see the case in the system and they can see the CO's recent notes/activity. they are not supposed to discuss the case but many do...
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2012-02-23 10:54:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

Another Update:

Thu told me that the Consulate has returned all of the evidence proof we submitted while our case is in AP. She also received a letter from the Consulate that says:

"The consular officer has reviewed and returned proofs to you. Your case still requires additional processing in our office and we will contact you when we have finished processing your case."

I have no idea what this means. I remember vaguely a few members that had the same thing and they said that it was a good step towards the Pink slip. Guys, what does this mean??? :help:

Its a good means no more of that paper shuffling... just need to endure the rest of the investigation and get updated medical and or police cert.
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2012-02-08 16:18:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Keep calling DoS for status updates asking when the date of last activity was...
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2011-10-22 12:57:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
If the call comes to you it will be around 11 or 12 at night... they dont care if you are sleeping and like calling late to catch you off your guard. They will also call her and her family at the same time they have you on the phone.

Central and north FL is alot hotter in the summer than where you are now... those short hills up there are tall enough to block the breeze and lock in the hot air... you will really miss the ocean breezes...

Stay on them and keep busy.... dont forget that the VN workers there dont know #######... when they post a job opening, Lindal shared one a while back, they will pay a USC almost twice what they will pay a VNC... pay is much lower and so are the expectations...
ScottThuyMaleVietnam2011-09-19 18:26:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

~~Similar thread merged -- More work to be coming in the future~~

OntarkieFemaleCanada2014-05-29 10:11:00
VietnamHCMC - Evidence you should have
Having already been through the process, I thought I wold provide my take on it.

Outside the required forms and affidavits required, here is a list of everything else you SHOULD TAKE TO THE INTERVIEW:

  • Credit Card receipt for Airline tickets
  • Airline ticket stubs
  • Chat logs (print them out) (She took 3000 pages..hehehe)
  • Phone bills showing showing you called
  • Hotel receipts in VN
  • If you buy her jewelry, keep the receipts
  • receipts for the engagement ceremony and party (dress rental, food, beer, cake, facility or restaraunt,car rental, band or dj, etc)
  • Tax returns / transcripts - take 3 years
  • pictures (you and her/him together / engagement ceremony (make sure they take pictures of all the guests)
  • A list of ALL relatives your fiance has currently living in the US (brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins. Atleast have the STATE they live in, we provided addresses and phone numbers.
  • IF your fiance happens to be pregnant - take copies of the ultrasounds
  • A timeline of your relationship (this is VERY IMPORTANT - they will give you a BLUE SLIP without one) (send me an IM if you would like a copy)


Edited by b_weeks, 28 March 2009 - 08:09 PM.

b_weeksMaleVietnam2009-03-28 20:06:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Our case has entered AP - my consulate review offers more detail. They seemed convinced of our bona fides (that's what the CO said). I won't bother asking how long we have to wait because I doubt anyone knows. That said I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who's been through party membership issues in Vietnam. Our case seems benign (and we disclosed everything, along with supporting third-party documentation). I would though really like to talk with someone with direct experience with this situation in Vietnam.
JRFMaleVietnam2014-01-26 08:47:00