United KingdomVisa4UK site is down, I guess??

similar topics merged

charles!MaleBrazil2014-02-03 14:13:00
United KingdomI filed my I-134 with my Initial I-129F?

duplicate topics merged

charles!MaleBrazil2014-01-25 20:37:00
United KingdomWhere is my visa?

duplicate topics merged

charles!MaleBrazil2013-08-28 09:34:00
United Kingdombirth certificate

related topics merged

charles!MaleBrazil2013-08-09 11:37:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

Welcome to Oklahoma, one of the most backwards states. And it's always windy here because Kansas blows and Texas sucks!

didn't anyone tell you it's illegal to go barefoot in oklahoma?
charles!MaleBrazil2010-08-30 21:09:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
dodi, i've learned something about funerals - they bring out the worst in people. you have my sympathies with that situation.
charles!MaleBrazil2010-08-30 21:13:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
(F) ((((((((gemmie)))))))))
charles!MaleBrazil2010-09-16 23:18:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

Right now, the wife has a migraine. And there's nothing I can do to help or cheer her up. :(

and all this time i thought you was female.
charles!MaleBrazil2010-10-25 00:54:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

Good Lord. Is there nowhere I can go to get away from American politics? lol

it's all part of an evil plot :devil:
charles!MaleBrazil2010-11-22 10:57:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

He's not nice either. I've asked him to knock off the insipid "si,man" ####### as it is irritating. But Tbone, being the hemorrhoid that he is, he persists.

you can always place him on ignore too.
charles!MaleBrazil2010-11-22 11:23:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
one post removed for personal attack and thread ban put in place.
charles!MaleBrazil2010-11-23 14:26:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

So sorry to hear about your house being broken into, Heather. (F) It's such a violation of privacy. One time my car was broken into and the culprits left a ten pound note. I felt really stupid calling the police to report it. :lol:

:unsure: if someone breaks into your car and leaves money, was a crime committed?
charles!MaleBrazil2011-01-13 16:53:00
United Kingdommy Izabela will be here friday evening !!
yes, we're off topic. and we know what happens then.
charles!MaleBrazil2012-09-19 13:11:00
United KingdomUK immigration laws spark Pakistan wedding boom

To acquire British nationality, foreign spouses now have to wait five rather than two years to test whether a relationship is genuine, must be proficient in English and once in Britain, pass a Life in the UK test.

can one imagine the outcry that would happen if a similar standard was put in place in the usa?
charles!MaleBrazil2012-07-19 13:19:00
United KingdomRidiculous objectification of our SOs thread

Please, for the Love of God, can you stop doing that?

I know you think it's clever or funny, or it's you 'schtick', or maybe you do it to annoy peeps - I dunno. But could you at the very least, scale it back a little?

none are so blind as those who cannot si. :hehe:
charles!MaleBrazil2011-03-23 08:16:00
United KingdomDealing with debt when moving from UK to US
duplicate topics have been merged
charles!MaleBrazil2012-02-23 16:15:00
United KingdomInterview At Embassy :'(
duplicate topics merged
charles!MaleBrazil2012-01-05 11:31:00
United KingdomPsych Evaulation
some threads within this regional forum about this topic that may be of assistance to you:




this thread is probably in the best location due to any regional specific info that may benefit it.
charles!MaleBrazil2012-01-04 15:54:00
United KingdomWhat do you say when Americans tell you they are Scottish?
one post removed for a personal insult. next time there will be a recommendation for a time out.
charles!MaleBrazil2011-12-01 17:46:00
United KingdomCan we sue the London Embassy for unprofessional conduct
duplicate topics have been merged - and moving to the uk regional as it is primarily about the uk.
charles!MaleBrazil2011-07-31 17:29:00
United KingdomJumping the gun.
i thought this was a firearms thread :(
charles!MaleBrazil2011-05-09 19:49:00
United KingdomMedical and self harm
some related threads that may be worth reading:



charles!MaleBrazil2011-03-27 16:23:00
United KingdomCheerio, farewell!
charles!MaleBrazil2011-01-28 16:18:00
United KingdomAny idea how to prepare power of Attorney
topic title edited from aby to any.
charles!MaleBrazil2011-01-10 10:14:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
6 off topic posts removed, contents of one post returned below that quoted one of those removed, and thread ban emplaced to prevent repeat behavior.

So how is the weather in England, I haven't been for awhile...

charles!MaleBrazil2010-08-23 22:46:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

VISA APPROVED!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

It took him literally HALF AN HOUR! I'd thought that having the I-134 frontloaded was stupid - the only thing they asked him for were his police clearance and birth certificate!! He was out the door within an hour of going in!! They asked him NO QUESTIONS, just congratulated him, told him to pay the courier fee, and said he should have it next week between Wednesday and Friday!! :wow:

I'm so excited!!! WE'RE GETTING MARRIED IN A MONTH!!! B-) (F) (L)

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
charles!MaleBrazil2010-09-17 18:53:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
best wishes for tomorrow, marlea Posted Image
charles!MaleBrazil2010-09-27 21:29:00
United KingdomUpdates! :P

Looks like we'll have to call in Batman for this one, sigh man... :)

fixxored :hehe:
charles!MaleBrazil2010-10-28 03:36:00
United KingdomPacket 4
please refrain from baiting and bickering in this thread.
charles!MaleBrazil2010-09-11 15:27:00
United KingdomSo sad

I'm so sorry to hear that Sienna, that's awful.

If there's any justice, the chick he's been carrying on with will give him an incurable case of crotch crickets.

sabertooth crotch crickets at that. :thumbs:
charles!MaleBrazil2010-09-24 01:13:00
United KingdomGetting MPs involved in the process
cease the bickering and baiting please.
charles!MaleBrazil2010-09-14 14:08:00
United KingdomGetting MPs involved in the process
again, cease the bickering or baiting. next instance of a report from this thread will result in thread bans being issued.
thanks for your cooperation.
charles!MaleBrazil2010-09-14 16:07:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does
one bait post removed. let's not restart the fiasco that got the other thread locked please.
charles!MaleBrazil2010-06-03 17:47:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

That would be the reason.

Besides I wasn't braggin'. Y'know, Alla is a grandmother and had her 15th college re-union like (OMG!) 9 years ago...holy #######! But she still looks best naked...with the lights on...doesn't that annoy the sh!t out of you? I just had to post how she annoys me with that every night and then when it is cold, expects me to hug all over her and keep her warm. It's a lowdown dirty job and she ought to just get one of those flannel bags so many women wear...don't you think?

Posted Image
charles!MaleBrazil2010-06-05 08:09:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

I had such a witty reply typed out at the RUB thread. But Charles had to close the thread a nanosecond before I hit post :ranting:

just doing what it says in my custom member title. :devil:
charles!MaleBrazil2010-06-08 13:48:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

So, ummmmm...... is there really a desert in Washington State? :unsure:

did i ever tell you i used to be a lumberjack in the sahara forest?
charles!MaleBrazil2010-06-08 14:15:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!
can't we all get along for a change?
charles!MaleBrazil2010-08-18 14:46:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!

I'll say it again: why does this have to be such a big deal? There is nothing wrong with me starting this thread. If a bunch of you can start a thread for the sole purpose of b!tching then the newer members can have a thread for hope. Can you please just lay off? This thread had nothing whatsoever to do with you and the only thing you've done in it is try to start a catty argument. And you tell ME to lighten up. Good grief.

quadruple post quoted, edited to just one post, and returned above. previous post made invisible, all per op request.
charles!MaleBrazil2010-08-18 14:50:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!
i'm sure the op would have posted in the existing thread if she wanted to - and it appears she didn't want to. i don't see a reason to merge it the existing thread for that very reason.
let's stop badgering the op.
charles!MaleBrazil2010-08-18 15:53:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!

I need a drooling smiley.

Thank you!

Posted Image Posted Image

pick one
charles!MaleBrazil2010-08-19 08:58:00