US Citizenship General DiscussionTraffic tickets on N-400

Yes few people will ever have issues if they don't declare their simple speeding tickets. Those people generally will have to just get proof of them during the interview and usually it's because they have other issues on their application other then just a speeding ticket.

The best advice is to go out and contact the USCIS directly. These free forum boards have lots of misleading facts by people who have no clue how the system actually works. Others can be just one persons experience.

This topic has always been a huge discussion and if you are worried about it, go out and do the research and contact several lawyers and get a consensus, call up the USCIS and speak to someone directly, make an Info-pass appointment etc. and find out from the source.

Doing a simple call or appointment can save you a lot of hassle tracking down unneeded proof etc. If worst comes to worst, they will ask you to just submit proof after the interview. Then you can go about trying to track things down. But seriously this topic always has had 2 sides on every forum out there. People just base it off their own experiences. As I mentioned, I based mine on talking to a lawyer, talking directly to a USCIS rep and then asking my IO about it. But that was my my experience only. Things may have changed since my experience and what I was told by 3 official sources. So it's best to go to them yourself to find out...

There is a lot of truth in that statement, and so many variables on how each case is handled. I always wondered how certain posters can offer advice when they are two or more steps behind in the process than the topic under discussion.

The wife succeeded in getting through the whole process, from K-1 to Naturalization, with one minor snag at the interview in Manila: Her fingerprints were unreadable first time through. We went lean on all the filings, offering exactly what was asked for only. And we lucked out that the same IO handled both interviews in the US, for AOS and for Naturalization. Mostly, we ignored the general consensus to be found here on Visa Journey, of panicking and overloading the filings in order to avoid any possible complication, except a few herniated disks carrying the packet to the do when I have more time pile. Of course, we didn't find out about Visa Journey until after the AOS was approved, so we avoided a lot of bad advice just by our absence.

Some things were helpful here:

1) Early biometrics which shortened our timelines for ROC and Naturalization considerably.
2) Kathryn41's help in confirming one confusing aspect of the N-400 for 3 Year filers. Pretend all the questions are for three years of data instead of five years.

Edited by Crusty Old Perv, 23 September 2011 - 11:10 AM.

The PostmasterNot Telling02011-09-23 11:08:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTraffic tickets on N-400

I'm getting ready to file for my N400 and have a traffic tickets concern also.

My State's (Georgia) DMV will only provide a 7-year history. Nothing beyond that. I did have a few traffic tickets older than 7 years. My question is, how do I get a full history that will show ALL my lifetime traffic tickets so that I provide a complete historical record?

OR Do I just list the traffic tickets that are shown on the 7-year history?

If I didn't have any tickets with fines or $500 or more, or didn't result in any time in custody, other than a traffic stop, and I paid them all on time so that they didn't issue an arrest warrant for failure to appear, or pay the fine on time, I probably wouldn't list them. But I might take a copy of my driving record to the interview with me if I was worried that something might come up, just to ease my mind.
The PostmasterNot Telling02011-09-23 13:32:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTraffic tickets on N-400
I have had to fill out similar forms for the US Government, and knew a few folks whose job it was to review those forms for completeness. I guarantee they don't care if you have a membership at a big box store, nor do they care about your roadside service provider. They don't even seem to care if you have a family member that walked away from a Federal Minimum Security Prison, although the "fugitive from justice" for occupation and "whereabouts unknown" for current address kept them giggling for months when I applied for a Secret Clearance.
The PostmasterNot Telling02011-09-25 16:24:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTraffic tickets on N-400

is there any way to get a record of all the traffic tickets i have ever got in California?

You can go to the DMV and get a print-out. The USCIS is not worried about traffic tickets in general, unless you were arrested, or the fine was above a certain amount. If you report things unnecessarily, you just complicate your case.
The PostmasterNot Telling02012-11-07 19:01:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMy conditional green card never issued.Then,When Can I apply for US citizenship.

If married and living with a US citizen in a bona fide marital relationship, you can file ninety days before the three year anniversary of the "Resident Since" date on your green card.


Why was the conditional green card not issued?

OP has a timeline. Click that.

The PostmasterNot Telling02014-03-10 23:31:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMy conditional green card never issued.Then,When Can I apply for US citizenship.

 I said, the "resident since" date on your green card is the determining factor.


Try this. It will tell you if you are eligible, or not:

The PostmasterNot Telling02014-03-11 09:23:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMy conditional green card never issued.Then,When Can I apply for US citizenship.


My GC resident since is same day i had interview.  on


what is meaing " triage    "?

triage = ?


Triage is not important. The resident since date is. You can file for citizenship about November 16, 2016, 90 days before your 3-year anniversary date as a Permanent Resident on February 16, 2017.

The PostmasterNot Telling02014-03-11 10:46:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMy conditional green card never issued.Then,When Can I apply for US citizenship.

 I know this link , but problem is  {{ what  day is  my   "permanent resident "}}

because i came by visa "K-!"

also i did marry on time too.

Everything was right and lawful . Then in normal way . after marry and sending or 1-485 form and  other documents they need.  I should be  "permanent resident"  without card



in that link you sent me


 page 1 / question 2 

2. I am a Permanent Resident of the United States, and I have been issued a Permanent Resident Card (formerly called Alien Registration Card). 


Then question is now,    If "Permanent Resident" is meaning  someone has a GC . then why they put "And"  between two sentences



on question 3 same page.


They ask  :    3. I have been a Permanent Resident for:  ....   ...... .  .......


if they meaing by  question (3)   "to have  Permanent Resident Card"   why they didn't  put CARD  on end the question 3.


These things make me confused.

Not only do you have to physically reside in the US (the first part) you have to have the Permanent Resident Card (the second part).  Both conditions have to be met.

The PostmasterNot Telling02014-03-11 10:53:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNaturalization test

 Every country have their own rules. Lol :-)

As it should be. The US has no say on who is or is not a citizen of another country.

The PostmasterNot Telling02014-03-09 11:37:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNaturalization test

Good morning,


What about 3 different citizenships?

Does Brazil accept it?



Depends what those three countries are and what their rules are. 

The PostmasterNot Telling02014-03-09 11:40:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 barcode not showing up

For chrome, you have to disable the built-in pdf viewer to enable Adobe.

The PostmasterNot Telling02014-03-08 15:25:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionI owe IRS back taxes, my wife does not, will this affect her N-400 application

I wouldn't be so sure. If both your names are on the installment agreement, both of you are responsible individually for the amount owed. So, technically, she owes taxes. Since you have an installment agreement, that will not be an issue as long you are current with your payments.

Edited by The Postmaster, 06 February 2014 - 09:49 PM.

The PostmasterNot Telling02014-02-06 21:45:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSomething wrong with USCIS N-400 form download on website?
I am not having any problem. Use this link. Check your browser, and make sure Adobe is your default document viewer.

That is the most current form.

Edited by The Patriot, 17 February 2013 - 02:01 PM.

The PostmasterNot Telling02013-02-17 14:00:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSomething wrong with USCIS N-400 form download on website?

Try IE browser instead chrome or firefoc... :)

Or disable the built in pdf viewer.
The PostmasterNot Telling02013-02-17 14:50:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSomething wrong with USCIS N-400 form download on website?

Something is amiss with the USCIS site, tried the IRS site to download a given form, get a box on Firefox that asks me what to do with it, like download it to a directory in my computer.

Tried the same thing on the USCIS site with Firefox, no box, went directly to the N-400 site, with the options of the form, instructions, etc. Clicked on the form, opened a new blank window. No way to download this form.

So I tried IE, it did the same thing, but opened a window with the form showing on the internet. So I hit save as, and tried to download the entire form, only downloaded a part of it and could no open with either Adobe Reader or Pro., said the file was corrupted.

Since today is Presidents Day, doubt if anyone is around at the USCIS to fix this problem, could try tomorrow.

Which pdf plug in are you using? I have no problem using Chrome, and the built-in pdf plug in disabled. Chrome and Open Office don't work with pdf's created using Adobe.
The PostmasterNot Telling02013-02-18 14:57:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSomething wrong with USCIS N-400 form download on website?
No problem with IE9 either.
The PostmasterNot Telling02013-02-18 15:08:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUSPS delivers my N-400 Application to wrong city
If the check bounces, the USCIS will bill you.

If you are paying your fees by check, please be aware of the following:

  • Electronic Deposit of Checks ? If you are paying your fees by check to the cashier, we will convert your check into an electronic fund transfer. When you hand your signed check to the cashier, we will scan your check and retain it. We will then use the account information from your check to make an electronic fund transfer from your checking account for the amount of the check.
  • Insufficient Funds ? Please note that the electronic fund transfer from your account can occur faster than normal processing of a paper check. If we cannot complete the electronic fund transfer because your account has insufficient funds, we will try to make the transfer up to two more times. If your account still lacks sufficient funds, you will be billed the original check amount and a one-time administrative fee by USCIS.
  • Authorization ? By presenting your check to the cashier, you authorize USCIS to convert your check into an electronic fund transfer. If the transfer cannot occur for technical reasons, you authorize us to process the copy of your original check through normal paper check procedures.

They will also put a hold on your packet until they receive payment. Your priority date will be adjusted accordingly.

Edited by The Patriot, 27 February 2013 - 04:17 PM.

The PostmasterNot Telling02013-02-27 16:15:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDivorce people what I should send to get my citizenship

All you really need is proof you have been a permanent resident of the US for at least five years.  Your marriage is irrelevant if you are filing for residence based on five years as an LPR. 


All the requirements are here and a check-list to check your eligibility:


The PostmasterNot Telling02013-10-05 16:15:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDivorce people what I should send to get my citizenship


There isn't a particular rule that filters divorced applicants from N-400. However, if in cases when the candidate marries a US citizen, divorces him/her once (s)he gets the greencard then wait to apply for N-400....this may raise some flags. They check your file at N-400 prior to any decision. If you've removed conditions and already presented evidence, there shouldn't be anything to worry about.

They are not going to re-litigate your divorce. Life changes happen. As long as you meet all the requirements, you will be fine

The PostmasterNot Telling02013-10-21 20:47:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionForm N-445 questions

Thank you guys so much for the head up MY TICKET WAS UNDER $500 AND I DO HAVE THE RECIEPT! !!! but I'm still confused on the question #7 so should i answer YES?.....

Answer the questions honestly is the best advice.
The PostmasterNot Telling02012-11-13 18:22:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCan a Chapt. 7 bankruptcy delay or cause a denail of citizenship?



What is with the copy and paste?

No effect on the process.

The PostmasterNot Telling02013-08-29 21:11:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionOut of State Driver's Licence at Interview

Throw some stop leak in and pass the inspection. $1500 seems a little high for a steering box you could probably get from a pick and pull for under $75.

The PostmasterNot Telling02013-08-06 21:56:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionOut of State Driver's Licence at Interview

1. I don't think it will be an issue, I don't remember them even asking for a DL when my hubby went.


They specifically requested both my wife's and my state driver licence or ID card on the list of things to bring on the interview letter. The IO swiped both through a card reader. He didn't ask for anything else.

Edited by The Patriot, 06 August 2013 - 10:04 PM.

The PostmasterNot Telling02013-08-06 22:03:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionOut of State Driver's Licence at Interview


I had my interview last month. it was specifically requested, as was my GC and passports



Mine wasn't swiped, but she did look at it and appeared to compare the street address to my form but I can't be sure really 'cause she didn't really tell me what she was doing with it...


Why were you in your wife's naturalisation interview? Or did your wife take it in?

I was with her in the waiting room. He told me to stay there, but asked for my DL. He gave it back to me when the interview was over.

The PostmasterNot Telling02013-08-06 22:24:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGot the yellow letter!

We didn't need anything, except my Driver License (USC) and my wife's California ID Card, but it doesn't hurt to bring a copy of everything you have already submitted, just in case. No questions for the wife, the AO just swiped both cards, and started the civics and english proficiency test. It took her maybe ten minutes.

The PostmasterNot Telling02013-07-26 20:07:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionEVER - in ANY way - associated with the Communist Party?
Yep. Answer truthfully and explain the situation. You get another chance to explain at the interview.
The PostmasterNot Telling02011-08-16 14:47:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionEVER - in ANY way - associated with the Communist Party?
It is just a legacy question. Far as I know, we are not at war with the Communists, well, except North Korea and Cuba.
The PostmasterNot Telling02011-08-16 16:56:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionJust wondering to those already had their Oath...

Mrs. K, my husband had his interview on May 6th and they actually scheduled him that very same day for his oath ceremony (which took place the following week, May 15th). He received an actual letter in the mail on Monday May 13th for the oath ceremony. We live in San Diego and thought the scheduling for the oath ceremony would take longer, so we were pleasantly surprised that it only took 9 days from interview to oath.

Good luck to you. smile.png

Same here. After the interview, we went down a floor or two with the AO, and we waited like five minutes before he came back with an Oath Ceremony letter for us a few weeks later.

The PostmasterNot Telling02013-06-18 20:39:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhen is it best to apply

My 90-day window to apply for naturalization opens on September 7, 2013. When is the best time to file? I understand that if you file too soon (still within the 90-day window), your file may be put on hold if you do not have 3 full years of LPR status at the time of the interview, and this causes delay. However, we will almost certainly move to a new home as of January 1, 2014, and I was hoping to conclude the whole process before then. Is it reasonable to expect to have the oath ceremony before December 31, 2013, if I file in early September? Thanks.

There is no rush. I think we filed for the wife's with less that 60 days before her third anniversary, and were the first or second in our peer group approved. I think Murphy's Law applies more here - the more relaxed you are about it - there really is no deadline to file - the sooner you get approved. On the other hand, if you create a sense of desperation about the whole thing, you will inevitably be delayed. You have your 10 year card in hand, no doubt, so unless you are in a hurry to serve on a jury (California will soon allow all legal residents to serve), no reason to file before you are ready.

Edited by The Patriot, 28 May 2013 - 12:51 PM.

The PostmasterNot Telling02013-05-28 12:50:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionImmediate Help.. Oath Ceremony Next week and Marital Status change

Marriage in your case is irrelevant. As long as you never misrepresented a material fact, no problem - Material as in being relevant to the decision in your case, which since you filed for citizenship based on five years of continuous permanent residency, your marriage status is immaterial.

The PostmasterNot Telling02013-05-01 11:10:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMade a Mistake Sending in the N-400
If they have enough to start processing your case, they will just send an RFE for the missing stuff. Otherwise, they will return the whole package. My guess is they will either send an RFE, or just process your case without the missing stuff and ask to see the missing stuff at the interview. If they send you a biometrics appointment, they really don't need the photos for anything anymore, and they will take her green card away at the oath ceremony.
The PostmasterNot Telling02012-07-09 19:26:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionVOTER REGISTRATION MISTAKE

I entered the US with a Tourist Visa and overstayed until 2010 when i finnally received a Green Card through Marriage.

during my illegal time, i renewed my driver's license twice, and the last time in 2005, i accidentally registered to vote.

Now, im getting ready to apply to my citizenship, and i read a story on about a woman that did the same, and she is now in deportation status.

I registered to vote, however, i never voted. Im woundering if i should reconsider this and not apply to become a citizen and just stay here with a Green Card.

If anyone know anything to this topic, let me know.


You are screwed. Keep the green card.
The PostmasterNot Telling02013-03-20 10:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionVOTER REGISTRATION MISTAKE

Thanks everyone for the replies. so during the application for Naturalization, do they ask you about it, or do they check the counties for past voter registration? just curious. I will most likely just stay under my green card status.

Part 10. A. of the N-400, the first three questions.
The PostmasterNot Telling02013-03-20 10:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionVOTER REGISTRATION MISTAKE

My hubby was not registered to vote. We knew about not registering until you were a citizen but oddly he was called for Jury Duty. I thought it was bizarre, bc I was sure they got the jury pool from the voter registration. But he called and wrote back (with a copy of his green card) that he was not a citizen and could serve on a Jury.

They get the jury lists from multiple sources, not just registered voters. Any time you give the county or state your name and address, you can get added to the potential juror pool.

Edited by The Patriot, 21 March 2013 - 09:28 AM.

The PostmasterNot Telling02013-03-21 09:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionVOTER REGISTRATION MISTAKE

Is there a punctuation test as part of the citizenship exam?

You do have to be able to write a simple sentence in English.
The PostmasterNot Telling02013-03-25 13:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionVOTER REGISTRATION MISTAKE

It is akin to The cat sat on the mat level.

For the wife, it was the same grade level as the civics questions. She had to read something aloud about California, then he asked, "What is the largest state?"

The wife answered, "Alaska."

"Okay, that was your first civics question, now write down, 'Alaska is the biggest state.'"
The PostmasterNot Telling02013-03-25 15:20:00
For citizenship based on five years, you would have to be a permanent resident for five years. You can withdraw an application at any time before denial without prejudice. However, since you have already had your interview, I would contact them right away, so that you don't get denied for failing to disclose that you no longer are married, and risk some serious "complications" later on.

Edited by The Patriot, 20 March 2013 - 06:07 PM.

The PostmasterNot Telling02013-03-20 18:06:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionStunned by Social Security Administration
She took you Naturalization Certificate, or did she just make a photocopy of it, and hand it back to you? You need to go back to the field office and have this squared away. It takes a few weeks sometimes for the DHS to update their records, so maybe that is what happened here.
The PostmasterNot Telling02013-03-20 10:56:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionStunned by Social Security Administration

I think this is why it makes sense to apply for the passport before contacting SS office!

We updated the wife's social security file the same day as the oath, without any problem. The person that handled our paperwork was intelligent enough to wait until the wife's information was updated with the DHS before before continuing with the process. The wife received a new card about a month later.
The PostmasterNot Telling02013-03-20 11:28:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionStunned by Social Security Administration

Can someone please explain to me why do you even need to report to SS after becoming a citizen? We did that after getting our green cards and we received new cards with no restrictions on it, looks like a normal SSN card.
Is there a difference in status (in Social Security) between permanent resident and a citizen? AFAIK there is no difference and you can live here all your lives as P.R., and you are still eligible for benefits (is you are eligible to begin with, meaning if you paid into it).

I asked that same question of the SSA, and I was told it had to do with survivor benefits. However, when I checked the website, I only found that non-citizens cannot receive benefits overseas, while a citizen can.

The PostmasterNot Telling02013-03-21 12:31:00