US Citizenship General Discussioncollation with expired car insurance - ramifications for Citizenship

I was letting “Brother Hesekie” know what I was planning to here, out of respect, and only because he gave me some input. I am not asking for anyone’s permission here and I not trying to condom anything. I am going to ask for this because, this is my case, and my family is near the poverty line; I have the tax transcripts to prove this. If the judge thinks I should man up – like you point out I will - but I am not going to stop from given him this information. It’s up to him or she to dice whatever she sees fit me. I think you are committing lapses in judgement here. Only because you think I am guilty or whatever that does not mean I should to omit evidence. I only want the judge to see the whole picture here.

Receiving a hardship waiver of a fine does not relieve you of the conviction or the ramifications of it, you just do not pay the fine. You will still need to submit the papers for this with your application, you will still have problems with insurance in the future once you are convicted. Need the SR-22 or whatever the state law requires. It IS your fault. The incidents leading to the accid3ent are not your fault, hitting the guy in front of you that stopped for cause and had control of his car IS your fault.

You did not have insurance at the time of the accident, they particular reason why you did not is not an issue.

Edited by Gary and Alla, 14 February 2012 - 05:13 PM.

Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-02-14 17:12:00
US Citizenship General Discussioncollation with expired car insurance - ramifications for Citizenship

(Pregnant pause) This one was too good to pass up, if the naked truth be known.

You may not believe this Tbone, but I saw that also and at the moment I saw YOUR member name coming up at the bottom of my screen and somehow (do not ask me how) I KNEW I would not need to comment on that typo. :lol:
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-02-14 17:15:00
US Citizenship General Discussioncollation with expired car insurance - ramifications for Citizenship

I am curious to know in what states it is a violation to drive with out insurance. Probably most states it is a violation, but I think some states they to it much more than other states. I think in Texas they are very tough if some one is driving with out an insurance and especially if they are involved in an accident with no insurance. It is very hard to get new insurance if some one is involved in an accident with out insurance many companies would not be willing to insurance them again. Even if they did the cost of insurance will be so high that one can not afford it easily.

ALL states require insurance. Some enforce the rule more strictly than others in terms of not issuing licenses, registration or vehicle insections without proof of insurance. State vary on the penalty associated with the offense.
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-02-15 05:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionQuestion on Oath Ceremony Date

Yes. I am moving on with my life. I am in the Med School in Caribbean. I flew to US last week to attend the interview and flew back on Sunday to continue attending the classes. Now as soon as I hear the date then I have to fly back to US again and attend the oath ceremony and fly back to school again. I am trying to make the travel plans to return for the oath ceremony as soon as I hear the date. I also have my final exams in the school in the next 9 weeks. Just trying to put all things in perspective and stay focused in the school.

DO NOT make travel plans until you have the date. My wife was given the oath ceremony letter at the interview and the oath ceremony is more than 60 days from the interview, so the 45 days definitely does not mean your oath will be within 45 days.

Edited by Gary and Alla, 14 February 2012 - 04:58 PM.

Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-02-14 16:58:00
US Citizenship General Discussionbecoming us citizenship after receiving 10 year gc.

hi everyone, how soon can you apply for a or becoming a us citizenship after receiving 10 year gc. after sending in the 1-400 application, how long does it take to hear from uscis after sending in the 1-400 application. thanks everyone.

You can file the N-400 3 months BEFORE your 3years (or 5 years if not married to a US citizen) period of Permanent residency. Look at your green card. Look at the "permanent resident since..." date. 90 days before the 3 year or 5 year anniversary of THAT date,

My wife became a permanent resident January 15, 2009. We filed her N-400 in November 2011, she had her citizenship interview February 1, 2012 and will get her oath April 9, 2012. A little over 4 months from when we filed. I thought that was very fast, some people seem to be taking longer.

Edited by Gary and Alla, 14 February 2012 - 05:05 PM.

Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-02-14 17:05:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSpeedy Citizenship

Hi VJ friends,
I am a Greencard holder(Greencard through marriage) since October 2011. I know I have to wait for two years before I can apply for the Citizenship. But we are having a baby this month. The baby will be a US citizen since his father is. Does this change anything? Can I apply for Citizenship sooner? I just want to get it all over with and have my last name changed without paying more money to ICE.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you all!

NO changes for a baby. The baby will be a citizen at birth. You could have changed your last name with AOS and could do so now and change it with USCIS when you do your citizenship. ICE does not grant name changes. You are married, you can change to your married name any time you want.
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-02-12 22:14:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSpeedy Citizenship

Yes, you can apply for citizenship sooner than in 3 years after becoming GC holder. If your husband is in military and deployed overseas and you are going there with him, you can apply for citizenship now. If you are having a baby or not doesn't change anything.
If you want to get your name changed before getting citizenship your need to pay for I-90 and get new greencard.
You don't need to do anything with ICE, unless you are an illegal immigrant and fight deportation.

You can change your name by simply changing your name. Go to the DMV with your marriage certificate and get a new drivers license. Go to the SS office and present your marriage certificate and get a new SS card. Voila!

You only need to pay if you want to change the name ON THE GREEN CARD but you do not have to do that, just keep documentation if you travelthat you are using your married name. When you file for citizenship you can also change your name with USCIS.

You can be "Mrs Smith" today and "Mrs Jones" tomorrow, JUST LIKE ANY OTHER WOMAN who gets married. That is not an immigration matter.
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-02-12 22:19:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionQuestions about USCIS Interview

I really wonder if there is/are any surprise questions at the citizenship interview besides the Civics questions? Do I have to understand, memorize the US history? Where can I buy or get a US History book or study booklet?

Thank you!!! :)

Study the 100 questions, they will not throw you any that are not there. Do not be surprised if you get lots of questions regarding your marriage. After a no questions asked visa interview, no questions asked AOS interview, no interview for RoC, imagine my surprise when Alla told me they had quite a few questions about our marriage and relationship. No problem at all but I did not expect to hear that.

The test is posted in several places right here on this site, I just downloaded it and printed it.
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-02-08 21:20:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionA friends is filing for Citizenship, does economic status matter?

Would filing bankruptcy, affect or jeopardize the filing of her US naturalization process? or it does not matter? She owns property that may have to be short sale... Thanks for the advise so I can pass it on...

Does not matter
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-02-08 21:23:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionA friends is filing for Citizenship, does economic status matter?

Citizenship is not required, the person can remain a GC holder. I believe it's been said here before that there isn't a 'hardship' scenario for the citizenship fee that can be waived. If the person doesn't have the $$$ then don't apply until they have it.

They may not be able to get a waiver (I do no tknow) but I would say "If you do not have the money, then BORROW it and apply"
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-02-08 21:25:00
US Citizenship General Discussioncitizenship interview tomorrow, big mess

Hello, i've been studying for my interview all day and just now I found a white paper in the envelope that they sent me with the interview date. I don't have that tax form they ask, I only have all our tax stuff that we will present to H&R for the income tax. I also don't have a notarized copy of our daughter's birth certificate. What can I do? my interview is at 8am :( I totally messed up. Also, is it required that our daughter comes with us to the interview? she's in preschool and we don't know if it would be good for her to be at this kind of place or if it would be positive that she's there with us. Thanks for any answer to my question.

Your daughter does not have to come and will probably not be allowed in.

Go to the interview. You have what you have. You may or may not be asked to bring documentation back
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-02-07 19:44:00
US Citizenship General Discussioncitizenship interview tomorrow, big mess

Well, the OP had the interview this morning at 8:00am. Hopefully it went well.

Hope so. My answer is unchanged in any case.
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-02-07 19:55:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCertified Birth Certificate of Children

I will be having my Citizenship interview soon and one of the requirements is to bring the certified copy of children's birth certificate born in US.
I have been to my bank to get it notarized but they said they cannot notarize birth certificates.
Please let me know where can i get these certified ( or do i just need to take original and copy during my interview)


Notarized and certified are not the same. The BC needs to be certified by the issuing authority. A notary is a witness to a signature, nothing else. You do not sign a BC so there is nothing TO notarize. The BC should have a stamp or seal from the issuing authority, if it does not then get a certified copy from the issuing authority, usually the county clerk where the child was born.
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-02-07 19:48:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCertified Birth Certificate of Children

Do you need to do this for step-children as well or just biological children?


This refers only to children born in the USA to the immigrant. It does not include the children of the immigrant born abroad OR step children of the immigrant born here.
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-02-07 19:50:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCertified Birth Certificate of Children

Do you need to do this for step-children as well or just biological children?

For example I have two children (not Alla's) born in the USA

Alla has two children born in Ukraine

We brought NO child birth certificates to the interview. No questions asked. They did ask IF we had any children born to us in the USA. No, we do not.
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-02-07 19:53:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWould you recommend I rush to file citizenship?

In a week I will be 90 days within time frame of my 3 year residency date and eligible to file for citizenship. (May 6th is the date). I would like to do it and then get my passport as soon as it is done. My wife, daughter and I will be travelling to South Africa in June/July to visit family there and we want to stay until Christmas, but maybe more than 6 months. So personally it seems like a good idea to file right now and not worry about travelling as a resident. Would you recommend it? Would they be able to have the oath and all those things done in time, or could we have them transfer that to the embassy in South Africa? Also, would they do anything with my paperwork within the 90 days before, like biometrics etc. or approve my case? Or would they only do so after the 90 days? Lastly, I did biometrics in July last year, do I have o do it again? Thank you

They will not issue the oath of citizenship until after your eligibility date. we filed Alla's request the day after Thanksgiving and she was approved today, just 15 days after she became eligible. I would not suggest doing it if you are going to be out of the country.
She will not have her oath ceremony until April 9, so a little over 4 months from filing and that is realtively fast from what I see here.

You can be out of the country for up to one year without an AP provided you maintain residency here.

If your application for citizenship is received within 15 months of the biometrics for your removal of conditions you will not be called for biometrics again, BUT when Alla went for her interview today, they did the fingerprints again. Go figure.

Edited by Gary and Alla, 01 February 2012 - 01:30 PM.

Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-02-01 13:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhen would you file??

I am able to apply for citizenship and was looking to do it mid/the end of February. We have since decided to go visit my family in Canada at the end of June which means I would have to get a passport since my Canadian is expired. Would I be better off filing in February and hoping I get my citizenship in time to get a us passport or should I just wait till we get back/ when we leave to file and renew my canadian passport?

I was hoping to not have to renew my canadian passport but I will if I need to.

Why would you not renew your Canadian passport and have both? You CAN have both, you know. Dual citizenship is rarely a bad thing and having a passport is an easy way to prove citizenship.
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-01-30 22:51:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCAPS or not?

i have a stupid question.... so i am getting ready to send out my N-400 application tomorrow...everything is ready and properly labeled and such...i was doing my last minute checking (double checking) then i read the instuction "Print clearly or type your answers using CAPITAL letters. Failure to print clearly may delay your application. Use blank ink." so i started to freak out.....i followed the sample N-400 form showed here and the only capital letter they did was the last i really have to retype everything to change it all to caps? i know its a pretty simple and clear instruction...but do i really have to redo it?


I did not use all caps and Alla has her interview Wednesday. I am guessing they did not call her to the interview to tell her that she should have used all caps. Whad'ya bet?
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-01-29 20:59:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCAPS or not?
Probably following the instructions is always best, just noting that not using all caps will not be a problem. Preferences are not requirements. Confusion can occur but can be corrected with different fonts also :

Edited by Gary and Alla, 30 January 2012 - 10:56 PM.

Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-01-30 22:56:00
US Citizenship General Discussionurgent

Is this required? Should I include this in the application package? Never heard of anybody need this letter...

It is not a requirment of the application and is not included in the instruction letter I have for the interview, but they can require whatever they want. Wouldn;t take but a minute to whip one out and sign it.

Notary is not required as a notary does not testify to the matter of the letter, only that a particular person signed it. Was the spouse at the interview?
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-01-30 22:59:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAre We in Trouble?

It will surely create problems when you are going to submit your us citizenship form. Getting an immigration attorney, who has expertise in these matters, to take up your case will be of some help but then it will cost you a lot.

It is not a problem. You do not need an attorney.

US citizens can ALWAYS get public aid. They are NEVER ineligible for this because of your immigration status. Your US citizen husband and US citizen child are getting food stamps. You are not. Even if you were it is not an issue for citizenship.

No problem.
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-01-27 20:01:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAre We in Trouble?

As a LPR, you are not entitled to 'means tested benefits,' to which food stamps belong.

If you are not receiving food stamps, if you have not applied for food stamps, if you have not signed a petition for food stamps, then you have done nothing wrong.

Sort of correct. LPRs can get food stamps after 5 years. LPR children under age 18 and here less than 5 years can get medicaid and free school lunches. Sponsors CAN be required to pay for this but usually are not.

The only place you could have trouble is if your husband declared you to be a US citizen on the application form as it specifically asks for each household member and whether that person is a citizen. As long as the forms were completed truthfully, and it sounds as if they were, you have no trouble.

Edited by Gary and Alla, 27 January 2012 - 08:12 PM.

Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-01-27 20:04:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAre We in Trouble?

sorry guys but am still confused. The food stamp applicant was my USC husband. So even if we tried to apply( me and my 2 non USC kids) the application was only approved for 2 people( my USC husband and 3 yr.old son).

SO the food stamps were getting is basically for just 2 people and since we are family of course we eat too. Do i need to hire a lawyer when i file my ctizenship??

I dont think i lied in any immigration forms. They can check that truly my husband has been unemployed for almost 3 yrs. now. He is having a hard time getting a job because of his health.

SO my question is.YES or NO?? are we in trouble for getting food stamps?

Thanks a lot.

NO Not a problem. Good luck
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-01-27 20:15:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAre We in Trouble?


It gets even better. Since the ineligible immigrant is not deemed to be included in the household size, neither is the ineligible immigrant's income deemed to be including in calculating household income. So, she can earn as much money as she wants, and the out of work husband can still collect food stamps.

That is definitely not correct in Vermont. ALL household income is counted whether that household member is eligible or not. Alla does interpretations for people seeking assistance among other things and this is definitely the case here. Food stamps are administered by states and there MAY be exceptions, but to my knowledge all income counts.
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-01-29 20:09:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAre We in Trouble?

First of all thank u so much. Now i don't have to worry. No i did not lie in any immigration form. The food stamps were getting was only good for 2 ppl (my USC husband and our 3 yr. old son). Me and my 2 kids who are non citizens were not on the system since we did not qualify. Me and my kids do not have Medicaid even . Again thank u so much

Your two children are eligible for medicaid if they are under 18 and legally present in the USA. Again I am using the standards we have here in Vermont and states CAN vary. The Federal government distributes money to the states for these programs and the states administer them under government guidelines. In general children are eligible for medicaid

You are fine, no worries.
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-01-29 20:13:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNaturalization and Being Abroad

I am a US citizen from birth.
My wife and I got married 5/2009
She got her Conditional Permanent Residency 10/2009
She just got approved for removal of condition 1/2012

So we will be able to file for her naturalization process this October. (right? Three years of permanent residency)
We didn't leave US for more than 2.5 months and the past 2 and a half years.

Here's the problem. I accepted a two year employment in Asia (not korea her home country) that starts this August.
We have a baby, and we don't want to spend much time apart.

I can get a 1 month vacation this december till january. Another vacation next May to July

So here's my question.
1. Can we apply for naturalization process in December. (She would have been gone for four months)
2. Can she leave US after filing N400? and for how long?
3. Can we come back when it's approved and for the interview day?

So this would be the time line.

2012 August: Leave U.S.
2012 October: Date qualified to file for n400
2012 December: Come back to US and file.
2013 January: Leave U.S.
2013 ????? Come back for more paper work or interview if approved.

Is this legal and possible?

There's also a section that reads........
Time as a Resident in a USCIS District or State
Most people must live in the USCIS district or State in which they are applying for at least 3 months before applying. A district is a geographical area defined by USCIS and served by one of the USCIS “District Offices.”
Does this mean that she's supposed to have come back and stayed here in US for 3 months before applying or just that she hasn't moved to a different state under different district in past 3 months?

Lots of questions.. I'd sooo appreciate your input and help. This has been a lot of headache past few months. Thank you.

1. No. You can apply 90 days before she is eligible. July 2012. She MUSt be a resident of that state for 90 days prior to filing. They WILL deny her application if she is not, see other threads currently in this forum

2. Yes. More than 6 months absence requires proof she maintained her residency and was absent for valid reasons, such as education. Moving to live in another country would immediately invalidate her residency if she intended to live there.

3. Moot point.

You will also find she may have trouble entering or remaining in other countries if she is not a US citizen.

She should stay HERE until she is a citizen. I do not advise anything else in this case. If filed in July she could probably be a citizen before the end of the year.

Wait, I just read that you can apply 90 days before completing the permanent residence requirement!
This means we can apply THIS JULY! Right?

So as long as we are able to go out of the country (I'm talking short term like 3-4 months at a time) then we can file July.
Come back when they require more info or for the interview.
Is that correct?

Yes, but make your visits brief and make sure to maintain residency in the state where you will file. Bank account, address, drivers license, file taxes, etc. If there is anything to indicate she has abandoned her residency to be a resident of another country she can lose her residency here.
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-01-28 17:48:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionFrustrating Interview - Garden City, NY

This is an abstract from the USCIS N-400 instruction page 5:

"For example, if you have been arrested or convicted of a crime, you must send a certified copy of the arrest report, court disposition, sentencing, and any other relevant documents, including any countervailing evidence concerning the circumstances of your arrest or conviction that you would like USCIS to consider. Note that unless a traffic incident was alcohol or drug related, you do not need to submit documentation for traffic fines and incidents that did not involve an actual arrest if the only penalty was a fine of less than $500 or points on your driver's license."

This only means it does not have to be submitted with the N-400. It does NOT mean they cannot ask for it at the interview. They can ask for anything they want. What seems to be the problem? You know what you need to do. You can contact your Senator and it will not matter. Easier to get the documents and go to the next interview.

Edited by Gary and Alla, 27 January 2012 - 07:53 PM.

Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-01-27 19:52:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionFrustrating Interview - Garden City, NY

I really don't think the problem is our preparation - They shouldn't specifically indicate on the instructions that a form is NOT required and the suddenly change their mind and decide that it is required. Plus even if we had shown up to the first interview with the proper documentation they still have to "run it by the manager" to make sure my husband is eligible to become a US citizen even though he made one illegal left turn.

Thanks for the support guys. I talked to my house of representatives office who said to sit tight for a 6 weeks and let them know if we don't hear anything by then. I'm also contacting the senators offices. I will let you know how it pans out.

"Sit tight for 6 weeks"? That means go to the interview in March. In less than 6 weeks it will be March. Just get the documents and go to the interview.

Edited by Gary and Alla, 27 January 2012 - 07:55 PM.

Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-01-27 19:55:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTell me how you did it....
I have three years transcritps, all joint. Married filing separate is also OK if you list the same address for your home address.
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-01-27 20:18:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionRegistration for Selective Services System

I have been scheduled to appear for my Interview for N-400 application on February 17th 2012 and I have been asked for my SSS registration. I never knew that I was supposed to register for Selective Services and never did. I am really confused as to how address this issue. Is there anyone who can help me out as to how I should address this during the interview and what do I need in order to prove/convince them why I did not do it. Help please!

Go register now. Post office! If you are a male between the ages of 18 and 26 you need to register for SSS.
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-01-27 19:57:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWife with no-income required to file Tax Returns?

:help: Hi I am really confused about if I am required to file taxes or not. I'm a LPR since Oct 2009, so that is how long I've been in the US. I'm a student and a housewife, I do not have a job so I don't have income. My husband filed taxes separately for 2009 and 2010. He asked his accountant if I was required to file taxes and he said: "If she is not working, she doesn't need to". Is this true? We live in a Community Property State.

Reading the requirements for application of citizenship it says that you need to include your tax returns. If I didn't have any income myself (besides what my husband makes), and I did not file tax returns for 2009 and 2010 separately, would this affect my application for citizenship?
Do I need to file now for 2011?

What document do I need to submit instead of the tax returns? Or how do I let them know that I do not have income?

I would really appreciate your help on this...

Your husband asked an accountant a question about immigration. The accountant, instead of being honest and saying "I do not know about immigration" gave an IRS based answer. You need a USCIS based answer.

The N-400 asks if you ever failed to file an income tax return because you considered yourself a non-resident So the correct answer for you is "NO"

That said, I would suggest you get a letter from this accountant explaining why and under what tax code you are exempted from filing and that he advised you accordingly. If you did not file taxes you are required to explain why and you need to support that with evidence just as you do any other claim, at least for things like affidavits of support. I have not seen where you can provide such an explanation in lieu of taxes for citizenship though. Be that as it may, you do not have tax returns to present, so you either go with an explanation or you file amended returns for those years. You could also file separately and claim -0- income. It is never too late to file a tax return and if no tax is owed, there is no penalty.

Your application for citizenship is based on marriage to a US citizen and a joint tax return or at least separate tax returns with the same address goes a long way to prove a legitimate marriage.

While a strict reading of the question would not indicate a problem necessarliy, I am looking at Alla's appointment letter for her interview next week and it specifically states to bring her income tax returns OR IRS transcripts for the last three years to the interview. It does NOT say, "or an explanation of why you did not file"

I have been very careful in filing taxes not only for my wife but also for our two sons

Edited by Gary and Alla, 26 January 2012 - 05:47 AM.

Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-01-26 05:46:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAffair before naturalization, but no divorce

Do you think there's a possibility I could be denaturalized?


However there is a good possibility you could become divorced. Especially when the "ex" affair keeps trying to make trouble. But then you knew you were jeaporizing your future and that of your future children when you had an affair so no big deal.
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-01-18 19:49:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMarried Filing Income Tax Separately
To answer your question

There is no requirement that you file JOINT tax returns. There IS a requirement that YOU file a tax return (either joint with your husband or separately)and a requirement that you ARE married and living together. A JOINT return can provide evidence of BOTH paying taxes and living together and being married. Very convenient, but not necessary. You can change your filing status anytime you want.

Just be sure to provide other evidence you are married and live together.
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-01-14 20:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionOther names used - alternate spelling?

I'm starting to fill out my N-400 to apply for naturalization after having my green card for almost 20 years. I have one potential issue related to two different spellings of my last name - one character differs....

Long story, but in my home country the spelling used by my family was different from the official spelling. As a consequence, since moving to the US, I have my green card matching the official spelling (same as my foreign passport), while everything else (drivers license, social security, employment etc.) matching the alternate spelling. Again, the difference is one character in my last name (an "i" vs. "j"). I suppose I ought to get this fixed one day, but it's a huge task.

On my N-400 I plan to put the official spelling (on my green card) as my current legal name, and the alternate spelling under 'other names used'. The question in my mind is if this is likely to be causing an issue with the background check etc. when my application is processed?


USCIS is well aware of various spellings of names, it is fairly common particularly with people whose native alphabet is not the Roman alphabet.

Do as you plan, it will not be an issue.
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-01-08 18:46:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionApplying N-400 based on 3 year marriage - is IRS tax transcript required or regular copies are accepted?

Thank you all! I will order the transcript then.

I called today, the transcript service is out of service until the end of January, but you can order certified copies currently for free (there is usually a charge for copies but because the transcript service is down they will send them free)
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-01-05 21:48:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNaturalization Interview!
We just got Alla's appointment letter for her naturalization interview! We never got a biometrics letter!! ????? Strange. Also in filing her application I noticed I forgot to include two passport photos and expected an RFE but instad it says to bring those to the interview.

It says she will have her test at the time of the interview but we never got the study guide. I will be looking for that online, I presume it is there somewhere. We just sent the application 4 weeks ago! she isn;t even eligible for citizenship until January 15 and her interview is February 1.

I guess our journey is almost over, except for cleaning up Sergey;s citizenship but he needs to wait until he has been a resident more than 5 years. (Oh, almost forgot...Bahbushka :whistle: ) Heeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrreeeeeeeee we go again
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-01-03 18:29:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNaturalization Interview!


You think the Biometrics was skipped because Alla did the biometrics within 15 months for the ROC application? The civics study guide is usually given at biometrics appointment :(

Well, congratulations to Alla or getting her interview date. Here is link that may help:

Thank you, yes her RoC was within 15 months.
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-01-03 18:54:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNaturalization Interview!
Also, does the spouse get to go in the interview? I did for the visa and for the AOS, we did not have an interview for ROC.

The letter asks us to bring certain documents unless we sent them wth the application, which we did, but as for the AOS interview, I plan to bring it all again. I did for the AOS and they never asked for it, I just sat there like a potted plant with the box on my lap.

Another issue, maybe. There are two IOs at the St Albans office and Alla does interpretation for both of them! So she will be interviewed by the people who are her clients. Maybe. They may have a supervisor do it or something. :blink:
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-01-03 19:04:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNaturalization Interview!

Send me $5.40 for Priority Mail postage and I'll send you my 100 civic questions cards, slightly used only.
When I was done studying them, I could identify the question within the first 3 or 4 words and was able to answer all 100 questions in any random order correctly in less than 10 minutes. Ella will be able to do the same.

Have Ella read this:

Thanks. Its "Alla" not "Ella" She would bite me until I was dead for that error. :whistle:
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-01-03 20:54:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNaturalization Interview!

Who is Bahbushka?Posted Image. Google Translate couldn't get me the answer.Posted Image

"Bahbushka" is the transliterated pronunciation of the Russian word for "grandmother", meaning Alla's mother. Due to her age and general declining health we are considering bringing her here to live with us. Once Alla is a citizen she can file an I-130 for her mother. Her mother is not likely to have much to say about it. :lol:

Since Russian uses a different alphabet, there really is no such word as "bahbushka" it is using our alphabet to reproduce the sound of the word in Russian, so no translator is going to work with that

Edited by Gary and Alla, 04 January 2012 - 06:17 AM.

Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-01-04 06:15:00