ThailandIs my future Thai Bride a Bar Girl?

So what happens when they are not so young?

It's kinda funny.  After awhile you rotate out to Phuket, then maybe Pattaya (the worst place on the planet)  You can still make money by working at the bar.  Basically when you buy a round of drinks for the girls, they get a cut of that.  Of course the girl drinks are more expensive.  The bars I hung out in had a bell.  When you ring the bell you buy everyone a drink.  I left there many nights after running up a $150 tab. 

KareeMaleThailand2014-07-24 18:35:00
ThailandIs my future Thai Bride a Bar Girl?

The best example I know of does exactly what Karee describes. The money is spent on all of these things instead of her family including her two kids. Once in awhile she will return to the village and spend a little on them but her mother pays for almost everything by working 7 days per week.

Her daughter is working a German guy now. She tells him she is in school taking German which of course he is paying for. She had him pay for a cosmology school which she actually attended but doesn't really want to work in that business. She just likes to play with the makeup ect.

There are many women in Thailand that do not work in these bars so I hope no one believes this is all women can do to make money. I know many that are hard working successful women that do not need a man to provide for them.

Yeah I tried sending my first girl back to school.  She'd leave everyday in her uniform.  The I'd get my credit card bill (yeah I was stupid enough to give her a credit card) and come to find out she was shopping at Central World all day instead of going to school.  She was pulling the wool over my eyes in a lot of ways.  Keep in mind we lived together in Bangkok.  I can only imagine what it's like for some guy that's 10 thousand miles away.

KareeMaleThailand2014-07-24 18:30:00
ThailandIs my future Thai Bride a Bar Girl?

But, but....




:rofl: I think a lot of foreigners justify they're long term relationships with hookers based on that movie.  That somehow the reason they're hookers is because they have no other choice.  Here comes the foreigner to the rescue.  Unfortunately, that's the furthest thing from the truth.  Truth is, they enjoy the lifestyle and the easy money.   It's better than working in some rice paddy for 10 hours a day for peanuts.  They make big money for doing very little.  Get taken shopping.  Get to stay in nice hotels.  Get taken out to eat.  Hell I'm starting wish I was a young Thai girl!! 


KareeMaleThailand2014-07-24 18:26:00
ThailandIs my future Thai Bride a Bar Girl?


You know the old saying, "you can take the girl out the bar, but you can't take....................." Or so I've heard it said.

That's true in almost all cases, although I have seen some exceptions.  Rare exceptions.  I hung out with a lot of these girls as a group on a daily basis for a year or so.  Partied with them, went on trips within Thailand etc.  The story about them working in a bar to support the family back in the village in the biggest lie of them all.  That money goes to the latest handbag, latest mobile phone, new designer shoes etc.  In some cases it supports a Ya Baa habit.  Very little of that money ever makes it's way back to the village.  These girls I hung out with would have 5 different farang boyfriends all on the hook at the same time from different parts of the world.  I used to laugh when two of them were coming to Bangkok at the same time.  It was funny watching them try to juggle that.  They usually pulled it off with no issues though.


They're experts at the game and have either been doing it for quite awhile or have been taught quite well by people that have been doing it a long time.  The main goal, and only goal for that matter, is to separate the farang from as much money as possible.  Even though I was taken for a ride in the beginning, I have no hard feelings, and by the same token really don't have much sympathy for the guys either.  If you get mixed up with a bar girl, you know deep down what you're getting yourself into no matter how young and hot she is.  Hence my advice to rent and not buy.

KareeMaleThailand2014-07-24 18:02:00
ThailandIs my future Thai Bride a Bar Girl?

just let her know how you really feel and ask how she really feels about you. if you guys truly love each other than it may be meant to be. Good luck!


The only true feelings I've seen out of a bar girl are raging violent anger. 

KareeMaleThailand2014-07-24 10:59:00
ThailandIs my future Thai Bride a Bar Girl?

11. Can she drink you under the table?


12. Can she kick your ### at pool?




These are bad omens - in general - but also for the topic at hand!


:thumbs:   I was going to add tattoos and cigarette smoking, but seems everyone has tattoos these days.

KareeMaleThailand2014-07-21 07:20:00
ThailandIs my future Thai Bride a Bar Girl?

Nice one.  Do you get this a lot here or on thaivisa?


Edit:  Sorry I mean do you get the question asked a lot here or on thaivisa?


I've seen some real horror stories since I've been coming here in 2007.  Most of them via PM.  Aaron told me a story that tops them all though.  Not concerning him or his wife, but a couple he knew in Vegas.  Maybe he'll share it some day.

KareeMaleThailand2014-07-12 21:20:00
ThailandIs my future Thai Bride a Bar Girl?

Nice one.  Do you get this a lot here or on thaivisa?


Both.  Mostly here.  Thai Visa is filled with a bunch of angry farangs.  Maybe my original post has something to do with their perpetual unhappiness.

KareeMaleThailand2014-07-12 21:11:00
ThailandIs my future Thai Bride a Bar Girl?

I figured I'd compile a list of warning signs since these questions get asked a lot.


1.  Did you bar fine her in Pattaya the first time you met her?  The question is the answer on that one.


2.  Does she work in Pattaya, but she's from Isaan?


3.  Does she work at a girly bar, but only claims to be a hostess?


4.  If you did meet her in a bar, does she claim that she she has only been in that line of work for a short period of time? Or that she is only in that line of work so she can send money back home?


5.  Is she asking for money for things like family emergencies, English school, or flat out saying I wont work in the bar if you send her enough money?  (she'll keep the money and continue working in the bar)


6.  When you call her, does her phone go straight to a recording between 8 pm and 4 am Thai time.  This is a HUGE one.  It could mean she has multiple SIM cards and doesn't want to take calls from you while she's with her Thai boyfriend or she's with a customer.  Also, some of the mama sans have rules about them using their phones while working.  In Thailand if a phone is powered down, it will not ring at all like it will in the U.S. 


7.  Does she disappear for days at a time, where you can't get a hold of her, and then comes up with some story about her phone being broken, and then asks you for money for another phone.


8.  Wants you to build a house for her parents back on the farm as part of the agreement to marry you


9.  Wants you to buy her a car.  (Why would you buy her a car if she's planning on moving to the U.S.?)


This is by no means a complete list, but hopefully some will learn from it.  I lived in Thailand for 3 years and met my first girlfriend in the bar.  I learned most of these things the hard way.  It actually took me getting hauled down to the police station with a minor knife wound and threatened with imprisonment if I didn't sign a confession in Thai, before I finally woke up and saw the reality.  The good news was that I didn't bring her to the U.S. on a visa. 


I know most will be blinded by the hot Asian girl that says they love the farang.  I was.  There's no shame in that.  If you meet one of these girls in the bar, rent, don't buy.  It will save you a lot of money and pain in the future.


Keep an eye out for the red flags I've posted above.  Especially #6.


Also, do some reading on Stickman. 




Actually, I just looked at Stickman, and a lot of the things I posted above are there in this link:










KareeMaleThailand2014-07-12 20:09:00
ThailandCatch-22 Police Clearance style...

NOA 2 did the trick.  The PCC is in process.


Unfortunately they told us it won't be ready until Aug 13!  I did not expect more than 3 weeks!


I guess old corrupt ways die hard, the cop behind the desk started to offer "expedited" service for only 1500 Baht, but stopped and just told us to suck up the 3 weeks - "its a very long process"


I have yet to hear from the embassy of course, but I will update this post with whatever their reply is.


Thanks again for the quick, accurate info, and what ultimately turned out to be the solution.


On a side note, there was another woman there with a page that looked Identical to the sample I was given and posted here.  Of course hers was her own name and address (I assume, I did not look) but what I did look for was the visa type, and that was k-1.



S & N


Glad to hear it worked out.

KareeMaleThailand2014-07-21 17:15:00
ThailandCatch-22 Police Clearance style...

Thank you very much Keree for the excellent info, and follow up.


I have the e-mail to the embassy ready to go (I was going to call them in the morning, but e-mail right now scratches my itch to DO something all that much better!! :-))


The NOA-2 is a very good idea I think.  We are only two hours away from the embassy/police office by bus, so we will probably head there in the morning I think.


I will of course post what I learn, especially if its not just a snafu with the guy who happened to be working the desk when we arrived last time!


Thanks again,




Calling the embassy is a complete waste of time.  So is emailing them without a case number.  I've found them to be pretty responsive when emailing them with the case number.  Keep in mind the term responsive is relevant, meaning a day or two.  You are dealing with a U.S. govt. entity in Thailand after all, so 2 days is light speed within that context.

KareeMaleThailand2014-07-20 09:05:00
ThailandCatch-22 Police Clearance style...

Another possibility is to call NVC and explain the issue to them.  They're pretty decent to deal with, unlike USCIS.  Explain your predicament and they may go ahead and complete your case and forward it to the embassy without the police report, and your wife will need to bring it with her to the interview.  This way she'll have the interview letter (packet 4) to show the cops.  I would go this route as a last resort.


NVC contact info:  (603) 334-0700 (7:00 a.m. EST to 12:00 a.m. EST)

KareeMaleThailand2014-07-20 08:43:00
ThailandCatch-22 Police Clearance style...

Whoops, you replied again before I posted :-), 


Well, the lack of a packet 3 would fit with what my wife thinks... she thinks this is a letter from an agency, not from the Embassy. Which would make sence if the embassy does not send out package 3's.


However, one thing about that.  The medical is not sent to the NVC, that is triggered by something from the embassy, and is brought to the interview (or it is sent directly to the embassy by the Dr.) AFAIK so far.


I have added a picture of the sample letter the Police gave us (sorry, I don't have a scanner) name address and case number redacted since I doubt the police asked her if they could use her paperwork for a sample!


Thank you,


S & N



Right the medical is part of packet 4 in an IR-1/CR-1 case.  There is no packet 3 in an IR-1/CR-1 case, only K visa cases.  That letter seems somewhat sketchy IMO mainly because of the dates on it, and it has no seal etc..  I know that alot of people have just shown them a copy of NOA2 from the I-130 or the letter from NVC asking for the documents.  In my wife's case she just paid a lawyer 5000 THB in Chiang Mai to deal with it because she didn't want to make the trip to Bangkok. 

Edited by Karee, 20 July 2014 - 08:36 AM.

KareeMaleThailand2014-07-20 08:34:00
ThailandCatch-22 Police Clearance style...

You can also contact the police service center here:


The Police Clearance Service Center

Building 24, Royal Thai Police
Rama 1, Pathumwan
Bangkok, Thailand 10330
Tel: 66-2205-2168, 66-2205-2169
Fax: 66-2205-1295
For more information please visit their website

KareeMaleThailand2014-07-20 08:28:00
ThailandCatch-22 Police Clearance style...

Thinking about this more, I would send an email to the embassy and make them aware of your dilemma.  Email them at:  Make sure you put this in the subject line:  "IV Inquiry BNK2014xxxxxx"   The BNK2014xxxxxx will be your case number.

KareeMaleThailand2014-07-20 08:24:00
ThailandCatch-22 Police Clearance style...

Hello those in the know,


We are at NVC, AOS fee in-process, ds-261 submitted, AOS package ready for the post.


In preparation for the 260 filing we went to the Police dept. to request the Police clearance.  They said we needed a paper from the embassy, in order to proceed.  The sample they showed us, seems to be a cover sheet from package 3 (it says "Enc: Package 3").  From what I can tell, that is sent by the embassy, once they get the case from the NVC. But the NVC needs the PC in the IV supporting docs before they will complete and send the case to the embassy!! Catch-22.


Am I missing something, (probably obvious) or am I supposed to write my own cover letter with the Case ID penciled in?  Hypothetically, if I were to do that who the would know anyway? Or is the PC sent directly to the Embassy like the medical is?


BTW, we are coming from Bangkok, Thailand.


Thanks in advance,


Stuart & Nok

There is no packet 3 for IR-1/CR-1 visas in Thailand since everything is sent to NVC.  Hmm.  This is a catch-22.  Seems the cops have changed their policy.  I'm going to ask that this thread be moved to the Thailand forum.  Maybe you'll get better answers there.


KareeMaleThailand2014-07-20 07:34:00
Thailandtravel to thailand

I love driving in BKK, but only motorcycles.


Good way to get dead. 

KareeMaleThailand2014-07-31 16:36:00
ThailandGetting Medical Prior to Packet 3 Request

You are right, the examples people give me may not have anything to do with Yadfon's situation. Even so, I would like to hear from some couples that have went through the medical that had no records after the Mar-14 revisions to the instructions came out. I want to see if the reality of the medical changed any. I do want to make sure we do what is in her (our) best interest for the long haul to citizenship. And getting all the correct vaccines is one of them, then following up. I just don't want her to need to get them all at once. Good advice on the follow ups. Same goes in Thailand, there can be a big difference in cost for the vaccines from one place to another.

I have already gained insight from this conversation and hope more people way-in.


Thanks for the comments

I know you are interested in making sure the case moves along as well as possible. Nothing wrong with the questions of course because as you say you are going info that can only help.

As others have said Thai people dont always or seldom maintain a health record as I see here in America. My husband & I work with about 4,000 children here and each one must have the correct health information to begin and that info is updated often. I just love the systems in America and hope one day Thailand will adapt some of what I see here to help the people.

I think in Thailand it isnt about cost because we do have govt assisted health care but a lot of people there dont know much about the subject. My husband for example was surprised when he saw one family member laying on a bamboo bed outside a house with coals burning under it as a method of healing a sick person. This is where I learned about the Donner party I mentioned. He asked if they had already eaten the mules.

NingFemaleThailand2014-07-09 10:01:00
ThailandGetting Medical Prior to Packet 3 Request

Thank you master for the great words of wisdom and guidance.

Good to see you have a sense of humor because we need this along this journey. 

A master I am not. A guide? Possibly with the help of others. Then we must remember the Donner party had a guide too which is why I always bring a fork. I think Karee brings a glass from what he has said especially if the trip is more than one block long.  

NingFemaleThailand2014-07-09 09:48:00
ThailandGetting Medical Prior to Packet 3 Request

My wife ended up having 4 shots when she went to the medical.  She was under 25 and had to do the HPV, since that is no longer a requirement, she would have ended up with 3.   So it will really depend on what anti-bodies your fiancee already has.


One more reason I thought of to delay your medical is having to redo them in the US for AOS, you can use the K1 medical for the AOS, provided it was done less than a year before you file for AOS.  So depending on dates etc, you can be pushing it if something happens and you get put in AP.


We had the shot records transferred to the AOS form for free at the local Civil Surgeon.   Also we never finished the series of shots on the vaccinations either.


This is what I was hoping would come up here. The O P is only interested in these most recent situations but didnt seem to be aware that what happened to others relative to the shots may not have anything to do with his fiances circumstances. The laundry list of shots he posted are not always needed and in fact most of us only needed a few. I had just three but that was not in the isolated time frame he thinks is important. 

Money may not be a factor here but if the timing of the medical isnt understood then as Aaron points out there will be another very expensive medical required. 

Additionally his lady will or should be given follow up shots once in the USA and prior to the AOS meeting even though in my case for example they didnt even ask nor were interested in the medical form they had requested.

For the benefit of those that do care about the costs of such things I suggest they check with a local county health clinic to obtain the follow ups. A doctor wanted 300 for mine and over 900 for my daughters. At the clinic I paid 23 for mine while my daughters 9 shots were 100% free. 

NingFemaleThailand2014-07-08 23:32:00
ThailandGetting Medical Prior to Packet 3 Request

1. Why risk it?  You never know what might happen and you'll be getting the medical done again if it expires. 


3. What rules have changed?

Because the O P wants info from only a select few I will not add anything except to say there is a lot to be understood about the process. Sometimes when people lean too far forward they fall rather than have any sense of balance which will be gained by experience.

Good luck grasshopper.

NingFemaleThailand2014-07-02 21:19:00
ThailandIs my future Thai Bride a Bar Girl?

If she prays a lot and goes to the temple a lot (like 3 or 4 times a week) that's a good sign I think. Age is a big factor too. You are young so of course you are going like someone under 30 which is there are more dangerous ladies. Take is slow. There are bg's that are fine people, just not so many of them. A lot of free lancers too that really do send the money home. I  know this. It all just takes time. Even if you meet someone who is pure as the driven snow, there will still be ups and downs over time. 

I went temples many times in Thailand and I assure you there were these hookers there as well. In Thailand we don't consider bar girls as fine people. In fact they live with the shame of what they have done and so does their family. In the villages people all know what the girl is doing and talk about it all the time unless, as is the custom in Thailand, she is standing right there. The girls actually feel they have a tattoo on their forehead showing what they do and that cant be washed away.   Prayers cant replace prejudice nor our culture.  

I don't believe it snows anywhere in Thailand but I do know there are hills and valleys to overcome.

NingFemaleThailand2014-07-25 09:56:00
ThailandIs my future Thai Bride a Bar Girl?

So to use a Football example they get relegated down through the divisions.


Makes sense.

Some that lived near me when I was a little girl changed leagues and became what today is called human traffickers selling girls to people that sent them to these bars. Their own families would bring them to sell them into this life or they were kidnapped.   

NingFemaleThailand2014-07-24 20:27:00
ThailandIs my future Thai Bride a Bar Girl?

That's true in almost all cases, although I have seen some exceptions.  Rare exceptions.  I hung out with a lot of these girls as a group on a daily basis for a year or so.  Partied with them, went on trips within Thailand etc.  The story about them working in a bar to support the family back in the village in the biggest lie of them all.  That money goes to the latest handbag, latest mobile phone, new designer shoes etc.  In some cases it supports a Ya Baa habit.  Very little of that money ever makes it's way back to the village.  These girls I hung out with would have 5 different farang boyfriends all on the hook at the same time from different parts of the world.  I used to laugh when two of them were coming to Bangkok at the same time.  It was funny watching them try to juggle that.  They usually pulled it off with no issues though.


They're experts at the game and have either been doing it for quite awhile or have been taught quite well by people that have been doing it a long time.  The main goal, and only goal for that matter, is to separate the farang from as much money as possible.  Even though I was taken for a ride in the beginning, I have no hard feelings, and by the same token really don't have much sympathy for the guys either.  If you get mixed up with a bar girl, you know deep down what you're getting yourself into no matter how young and hot she is.  Hence my advice to rent and not buy.

The best example I know of does exactly what Karee describes. The money is spent on all of these things instead of her family including her two kids. Once in awhile she will return to the village and spend a little on them but her mother pays for almost everything by working 7 days per week.

Her daughter is working a German guy now. She tells him she is in school taking German which of course he is paying for. She had him pay for a cosmology school which she actually attended but doesn't really want to work in that business. She just likes to play with the makeup ect.

There are many women in Thailand that do not work in these bars so I hope no one believes this is all women can do to make money. I know many that are hard working successful women that do not need a man to provide for them.

NingFemaleThailand2014-07-24 18:17:00
ThailandIs my future Thai Bride a Bar Girl?

just let her know how you really feel and ask how she really feels about you. if you guys truly love each other than it may be meant to be. Good luck!

Absolutely a great idea to ask a bar girl how she feels and believe in what she says. She has practiced this many times so it shouldn't take long to be taken. I suppose it should be said that if you shop in a cat house you will end up with a cat and the box she uses will come with her.

NingFemaleThailand2014-07-23 22:28:00
ThailandIs my future Thai Bride a Bar Girl?

I figured I'd compile a list of warning signs since these questions get asked a lot.


1.  Did you bar fine her in Pattaya the first time you met her?  The question is the answer on that one.


2.  Does she work in Pattaya, but she's from Isaan?


3.  Does she work at a girly bar, but only claims to be a hostess?


4.  If you did meet her in a bar, does she claim that she she has only been in that line of work for a short period of time? Or that she is only in that line of work so she can send money back home?


5.  Is she asking for money for things like family emergencies, English school, or flat out saying I wont work in the bar if you send her enough money?  (she'll keep the money and continue working in the bar)


6.  When you call her, does her phone go straight to a recording between 8 pm and 4 am Thai time.  This is a HUGE one.  It could mean she has multiple SIM cards and doesn't want to take calls from you while she's with her Thai boyfriend or she's with a customer.  Also, some of the mama sans have rules about them using their phones while working.  In Thailand if a phone is powered down, it will not ring at all like it will in the U.S. 


7.  Does she disappear for days at a time, where you can't get a hold of her, and then comes up with some story about her phone being broken, and then asks you for money for another phone.


8.  Wants you to build a house for her parents back on the farm as part of the agreement to marry you


9.  Wants you to buy her a car.  (Why would you buy her a car if she's planning on moving to the U.S.?)


This is by no means a complete list, but hopefully some will learn from it.  I lived in Thailand for 3 years and met my first girlfriend in the bar.  I learned most of these things the hard way.  It actually took me getting hauled down to the police station with a minor knife wound and threatened with imprisonment if I didn't sign a confession in Thai, before I finally woke up and saw the reality.  The good news was that I didn't bring her to the U.S. on a visa. 


I know most will be blinded by the hot Asian girl that says they love the farang.  I was.  There's no shame in that.  If you meet one of these girls in the bar, rent, don't buy.  It will save you a lot of money and pain in the future.


Keep an eye out for the red flags I've posted above.  Especially #6.


Also, do some reading on Stickman. 




Actually, I just looked at Stickman, and a lot of the things I posted above are there in this link:










Another consideration should be how many kids these women have that are often times left with Mom back in that little village.

One bar girl or greeter from our village has two but never tells the johns until she has them where she wants them. She then begins to ask for extra money for those little kids. I know her mother who tells me this women almost never send money to provide care for the kids.

Most of these women do have kids but were never married especially if they are over 20 or so.

NingFemaleThailand2014-07-23 22:16:00
ThailandIs my future Thai Bride a Bar Girl?

I figured I'd compile a list of warning signs since these questions get asked a lot.


1.  Did you bar fine her in Pattaya the first time you met her?  The question is the answer on that one.


2.  Does she work in Pattaya, but she's from Isaan?


3.  Does she work at a girly bar, but only claims to be a hostess?


4.  If you did meet her in a bar, does she claim that she she has only been in that line of work for a short period of time? Or that she is only in that line of work so she can send money back home?


5.  Is she asking for money for things like family emergencies, English school, or flat out saying I wont work in the bar if you send her enough money?  (she'll keep the money and continue working in the bar)


6.  When you call her, does her phone go straight to a recording between 8 pm and 4 am Thai time.  This is a HUGE one.  It could mean she has multiple SIM cards and doesn't want to take calls from you while she's with her Thai boyfriend or she's with a customer.  Also, some of the mama sans have rules about them using their phones while working.  In Thailand if a phone is powered down, it will not ring at all like it will in the U.S. 


7.  Does she disappear for days at a time, where you can't get a hold of her, and then comes up with some story about her phone being broken, and then asks you for money for another phone.


8.  Wants you to build a house for her parents back on the farm as part of the agreement to marry you


9.  Wants you to buy her a car.  (Why would you buy her a car if she's planning on moving to the U.S.?)


This is by no means a complete list, but hopefully some will learn from it.  I lived in Thailand for 3 years and met my first girlfriend in the bar.  I learned most of these things the hard way.  It actually took me getting hauled down to the police station with a minor knife wound and threatened with imprisonment if I didn't sign a confession in Thai, before I finally woke up and saw the reality.  The good news was that I didn't bring her to the U.S. on a visa. 


I know most will be blinded by the hot Asian girl that says they love the farang.  I was.  There's no shame in that.  If you meet one of these girls in the bar, rent, don't buy.  It will save you a lot of money and pain in the future.


Keep an eye out for the red flags I've posted above.  Especially #6.


Also, do some reading on Stickman. 




Actually, I just looked at Stickman, and a lot of the things I posted above are there in this link:










I hadn't seen this Stickman info before but it is very real from what I know. Two girls from my village are doing many of these same things. Their mothers are friends and are so ashamed of them its had to watch what happens in the village when they come back.

One of the worked the Pattaya scene for a few years until she had to come back to get help with the STDs. After she recovered she went straight back because its all she thinks she can do other than have a real job.

Another girl has had many men in at least two locations everyone knows about. She was working a Russian guy for every dime until she had the idea to get pregnant by him so he would feel obligated to pay for the child. Lucky for him he figured it out and left. Very quickly she had another German while living with her Thai B friend who serves as an adviser. They have been working him for over a year now. She works in bars while staying with her Thai then goes to meet the other guy when he arrives in BKK thinking she is waiting on him. She has two kids that these men are not aware of because as is usual they are left with her mother. The Thai men will do these things because they don't have to work and don't care what has to be done by the female.  

Karee what happened to you was terrible and I am very happy to know you were not hurt worse in any way. In Phuket for example there have been farangs killed by these people and I am sure in other places too. The confession bit is just so Thai. I am so ashamed of Thais that do these things because of the reputation earned will never be lived down. Its so hard to tell who is telling the truth unless you really know whats going on and what these people will do for money.

The problem is no one wants to believe this will happen to them. My husband never had a relationship with anyone other than me but he did buy a water buffalo that didn't exist. He wasn't fooled by a women. He thought he was helping a guy he met stay out of jail for stealing a buffalo. When he stopped to listen to me he was so mad he took me to the place where the buffalo was supposed to be insisting I was wrong.  There was no buffalo and the police just smiled at his story.

NingFemaleThailand2014-07-12 22:20:00
ThailandCatch-22 Police Clearance style...

Right the medical is part of packet 4 in an IR-1/CR-1 case.  There is no packet 3 in an IR-1/CR-1 case, only K visa cases.  That letter seems somewhat sketchy IMO mainly because of the dates on it, and it has no seal etc..  I know that alot of people have just shown them a copy of NOA2 from the I-130 or the letter from NVC asking for the documents.  In my wife's case she just paid a lawyer 5000 THB in Chiang Mai to deal with it because she didn't want to make the trip to Bangkok. 

Karee is once again correct in what he says. I have known people that have shown the police NOA 1 or 2 and have seen quite a few here on V J.

In the course of helping people I have called the police at the number Karee indicated with good results.

NingFemaleThailand2014-07-20 11:24:00
ThailandIs my future Thai Bride a Bar Girl?

I figured I'd compile a list of warning signs since these questions get asked a lot.


1.  Did you bar fine her in Pattaya the first time you met her?  The question is the answer on that one.


2.  Does she work in Pattaya, but she's from Isaan?


3.  Does she work at a girly bar, but only claims to be a hostess?


4.  If you did meet her in a bar, does she claim that she she has only been in that line of work for a short period of time? Or that she is only in that line of work so she can send money back home?


5.  Is she asking for money for things like family emergencies, English school, or flat out saying I wont work in the bar if you send her enough money?  (she'll keep the money and continue working in the bar)


6.  When you call her, does her phone go straight to a recording between 8 pm and 4 am Thai time.  This is a HUGE one.  It could mean she has multiple SIM cards and doesn't want to take calls from you while she's with her Thai boyfriend or she's with a customer.  Also, some of the mama sans have rules about them using their phones while working.  In Thailand if a phone is powered down, it will not ring at all like it will in the U.S. 


7.  Does she disappear for days at a time, where you can't get a hold of her, and then comes up with some story about her phone being broken, and then asks you for money for another phone.


8.  Wants you to build a house for her parents back on the farm as part of the agreement to marry you


9.  Wants you to buy her a car.  (Why would you buy her a car if she's planning on moving to the U.S.?)


10. Am I a middle age/old age/overweight/balding/ugly all of the above guy, that couldn't possibly attract a fine looking American piece of ### but is happy to convince myself that young, hot Asian women will genuinely want me for me? Yes? Then I'm a ###### idiot and I deserve to be fleeced.

Damian PMaleEngland2014-07-24 20:53:00
ThailandIs my future Thai Bride a Bar Girl?
Hollywood fairy tales
MerrytoothFemaleSingapore2014-07-24 18:13:00
ThailandGetting Medical Prior to Packet 3 Request


The only changes I am aware of is they no longer require HPV vaccination for woman.  Other than that I don't think there were any changes since we went through in 2009.


If money is no object and you just want to make sure she has the records, just goto the hospital and pay for the vaccinations now, and have them do a shot record and then bring it when they do the official medical.   Your not saving any time, the medical takes 1/2 a day, and when you get NOA2 you are going to have at least a 4 week wait for the interview.


As far as I know there has not been any changes since 2009 as well.  The last paragraph is spot on.  The medical only takes half a day so you are not saving time.  I was with Pui when she did her's and it was mostly just a LOT of waiting.  I know I would not want to put anybody through that process twice.


Why is there a big rush to get the medical done now when you just received your NOA1? 

Andy and PuiMaleThailand2014-07-05 22:39:00
ThailandIs my future Thai Bride a Bar Girl?

Nice one.  Do you get this a lot here or on thaivisa?


Edit:  Sorry I mean do you get the question asked a lot here or on thaivisa?

Edited by Andy and Pui, 12 July 2014 - 09:09 PM.

Andy and PuiMaleThailand2014-07-12 21:08:00
ThailandGetting Medical Prior to Packet 3 Request

This is what I was hoping would come up here. The O P is only interested in these most recent situations but didnt seem to be aware that what happened to others relative to the shots may not have anything to do with his fiances circumstances. The laundry list of shots he posted are not always needed and in fact most of us only needed a few. I had just three but that was not in the isolated time frame he thinks is important. 

Money may not be a factor here but if the timing of the medical isnt understood then as Aaron points out there will be another very expensive medical required. 

Additionally his lady will or should be given follow up shots once in the USA and prior to the AOS meeting even though in my case for example they didnt even ask nor were interested in the medical form they had requested.

For the benefit of those that do care about the costs of such things I suggest they check with a local county health clinic to obtain the follow ups. A doctor wanted 300 for mine and over 900 for my daughters. At the clinic I paid 23 for mine while my daughters 9 shots were 100% free. 


When I did the research on the I-693 for AOS, there were people that never did it and got through, and there were other people that got RFE or asked to go get them done and come back.  When we went in to do the interview that was the first thing the officer asked for.  He opened it reviewed it, and then put it in the stack.   We had filed AOS so fast our file from BKK had not even made it to the US, they were still waiting for it.  That might have been the reason he looked it over. 


I have been doing my sons shots at the hospital in Thailand, and they have been as expensive as they are in the US.   I don't trust some of the clinics and prefer to pay the money and make sure we get the real vaccination.


On a funnier note when my wife was pregnant while we were in the US, they took 9 viles of blood, then when she went to Thailand to have the baby the doctor looked over the blood work, and said "wow" we don't test for any of those.   She was quite happy last month when she had to only take a single vile at the Thai hospital when she got the positive results.

AaronLVMaleThailand2014-07-09 00:30:00
ThailandGetting Medical Prior to Packet 3 Request

You are right, the examples people give me may not have anything to do with Yadfon's situation. Even so, I would like to hear from some couples that have went through the medical that had no records after the Mar-14 revisions to the instructions came out. I want to see if the reality of the medical changed any. I do want to make sure we do what is in her (our) best interest for the long haul to citizenship. And getting all the correct vaccines is one of them, then following up. I just don't want her to need to get them all at once. Good advice on the follow ups. Same goes in Thailand, there can be a big difference in cost for the vaccines from one place to another.

I have already gained insight from this conversation and hope more people way-in.


Thanks for the comments


My fiancee had no shot records at all.   I think very few people in Thailand keep shot records at least in the past, seems to be more now with computers as all my son's shots are on file.    

Also some of those vaccines on the list are age dependent, so they won't give them at her age.   Check out this PPT on page 7


This will pretty much tell you exactly which ones she is going to have to take, it is an interesting read and will give you all the information you need.





Edited by AaronLV, 09 July 2014 - 12:17 AM.

AaronLVMaleThailand2014-07-09 00:16:00
ThailandGetting Medical Prior to Packet 3 Request

My wife ended up having 4 shots when she went to the medical.  She was under 25 and had to do the HPV, since that is no longer a requirement, she would have ended up with 3.   So it will really depend on what anti-bodies your fiancee already has.


One more reason I thought of to delay your medical is having to redo them in the US for AOS, you can use the K1 medical for the AOS, provided it was done less than a year before you file for AOS.  So depending on dates etc, you can be pushing it if something happens and you get put in AP.


We had the shot records transferred to the AOS form for free at the local Civil Surgeon.   Also we never finished the series of shots on the vaccinations either.


Edited by AaronLV, 08 July 2014 - 09:02 PM.

AaronLVMaleThailand2014-07-08 21:01:00
ThailandGetting Medical Prior to Packet 3 Request

Not sure what kind of wavier she would need for the medical, I am not even sure there is a wavier for medical.   I think if it is a disease that is not treatable she is just non-admissible.   If she has one of the diseases that would prevent her from getting a visa, I think you have bigger problems.  


As Karee said why risk having the medical start to early, do it when you get the BNK number, you never know if you get put in AP, or have some other event that happens.  They can test her blood for antibodies and they will know what shots she needs and doesn't need, if it is a series she just needs to start them.  They don't require that they are done.   Most of the vaccines my wife didn't have to get because she had the antibodies already.


The only changes I am aware of is they no longer require HPV vaccination for woman.  Other than that I don't think there were any changes since we went through in 2009.


If money is no object and you just want to make sure she has the records, just goto the hospital and pay for the vaccinations now, and have them do a shot record and then bring it when they do the official medical.   Your not saving any time, the medical takes 1/2 a day, and when you get NOA2 you are going to have at least a 4 week wait for the interview.

AaronLVMaleThailand2014-07-02 22:36:00
Thailandtravel to thailand

if anyone is considering trip to Thailand we booked 2 round trips Aug20/sept18, Cathay pacific,$2013.00 total....I paid $2117.00 just for myself Aug2013!!! Also, we have a early morning departure Sept18(11:50am),and since we cannot get to BKK from Korat by bus that early we were able to book 2 nights at the Landmark BKK, a five star hotel for $60.00 per night! Don't know if there low prices are due to the past and present "situation in Thailand? We were worrying about receiving Songsang`s EAD/I-131 combo card in time but we today received e-mail that combo card went to card production!


Pretty good price, how many stops?   We just came from Chiang Mai to Vegas on Korean for 3400 (2 adults, 1 child) RT with only one stop in Seoul, less stops the better, used to pay the extra money when Thai flew non-stop from LA to BKK, well worth the extra money.   My  friend in BKK that does B2B travel packages told me that the groups are currently not filling up the planes and they are releasing seats back into inventory which has driven the price down. 


If you plan on eating at the Landmark at all get the Membership (5900 baht for 1 year), gets you discounts at all the restaurants.  The restaurants are a bit expensive, but really good food.   I eat on the terrace whenever I am in Bangkok and it is good food.  I get bored with Thai food pretty quickly.   On soi 11 there are some good restaurants also (lots have opened up in the past year), one of our favorite places is a Pizza place behind the Old German House, and Zaks Wine Bar has some good wine for happy hour (at least good wine at reasonable prices for Thailand).   We have spent a lot of time in the area since my Mother in law owns several condos on Soi 13.  I have a few other places I enjoy eating, but all are western :)  


If you have a chance head over to the Baiyoke tower, they have a bar at the top with awesome views.   Don't eat up there as it is very expensive and my friend said it was horrible (after 40K baht for dinner), but surprisingly the drinks are quite reasonable, cheaper than Lebua and I think the view is much much better.


I would suggest renting a car rather than taking a bus to Korat, more expensive but well worth the extra expense. I did the bus to Burirram on a few trips, and having to rely on Cousins and other people to take me places, sucked.  Of course my wife was from a village quite a way out of town.  I think in the end with gas, food, and extra baht I had to give people for driving us, it would have always been cheaper to rent a car.  Now I won't go unless we are driving.  Don't be afraid to drive, Korat is a simple drive from BKK, and driving in Thailand is quite easy, took me a bit to get used to driving on the opposite side of the road, but just remember, the center line is always outside the drivers window.   The worst part is driving in Bangkok, I missed my exit for Sukumvhit one time and it took me 2 hours to get to the condo.  I have been driving for about 4 years in Thailand, and the only thing I have hit is poles (don't ask).   

AaronLVMaleThailand2014-07-28 03:17:00
ThailandIs my future Thai Bride a Bar Girl?


The only true feelings I've seen out of a bar girl are raging violent anger. 


You know the old saying, "you can take the girl out the bar, but you can't take....................." Or so I've heard it said.

khwaidee1MaleThailand2014-07-24 14:49:00
ThailandIs my future Thai Bride a Bar Girl?

just let her know how you really feel and ask how she really feels about you. if you guys truly love each other than it may be meant to be. Good luck!


Good luck with that. Kind of like asking a car salesman if the car you want to buy is a good price.

khwaidee1MaleThailand2014-07-24 10:56:00
ThailandSingle Status and Marital Status Certificates

My wife has no children and she still went and got the cert form the police station. The few Bhat it costs to get it is better then going to the interview and having someone put you in AP because you didn't have it.



joshandgigiMaleThailand2014-08-14 10:22:00