Old Dominion -
It's really unknown what the OP's thought process was in his post, except he said that all AWA filers will be denied by the USCIS. While it's apt to be an uphill approval, we have seen in several posts in different threads that certain AWA filers have been granted waivers and ultimately have been approved for their petitions.

In 68 responses to the OP's original thread, I believe one person expressed interest in the OP's recommendation of a class action against the USCIS. Regardless of the OP's intent, the USCIS did not enact this law - the US Congress did. The USCIS merely enforces the laws provided to them.

It's been an interesting debate on this thread.

az110965MaleCosta Rica2010-02-08 18:51:00

1) "be" is encouraged in certain sentences ie: "would probably "be" the proper place (just an arbitrary example I thought of).
2) Opinion (with 2 i's) is completely voluntary - when you take your Citizenship test they will confirm this!
az110965MaleCosta Rica2010-02-08 10:09:00
Really good insight in your post. Diverse opinions are what founded this country and thank God we have the right of freedom of speech.

Personally, I think the USA will be a better place when you're a USC and have the right to vote. Keep posting - you're right on the mark with your posts I've read.


P.S. When you become a USC you have to spell favour "favor"... :)

Edited by az110965, 06 February 2010 - 10:49 PM.

az110965MaleCosta Rica2010-02-06 22:47:00
You just made a recommendation that anyone's post not pertaining to the OP's be banned. In reading your posts, you never said you'd join the OP in his quest for a class action... Unless I missed something???

I think the OP has had his question answered...

az110965MaleCosta Rica2010-02-06 22:21:00

I don't think any of the replies in this thread spoke of hating Adam Walsh filers, I just think that the general consensious is that there's not many people who hold sexual offenders in high regard. Did you really expect a different outcome? I would have found it highly unusual for the majority of comments to be supportive and positive in nature. While it's true that each individual case is different, the social stigma of someone who is a convicted sexual offender is what it is and is not likely to change anytime in the near future.

If I remember the first post, the OP asked if anyone would be interested in a class action lawsuit against the USCIS. Of 41 replies to the OP, none indicated that they wanted any part of a class action. AWA filers are not the only category of petitioner that must be waivered. Since IMBRA many other people have found themselves potentially non-approvable for a k-1.

In one thread the OP basically stated that it wasn't fair because the crime was comitted prior to his petition. EVen someone convicted of 3 DUI offenses prior to their petition basically is in the same boat as a sexual offender and my own personal belief is that an alcohol related offense is not on the same par as a sexual offense.

I'm not passing judgement on anyone or anyone's situation but I don't think he's apt to get much sympathy on a forum that's basically dedicated to family. I'm sure that the OP can find other forums where he will gather support and possibly find others to join in his endeavor of a class action.

az110965MaleCosta Rica2010-02-06 20:50:00
IMBRA Special TopicsWaiver questions

I have a few questions about the IMBRA waiver. I will soon be applying for my 2nd K1 in the last two years. With my last relationship we got our K1 petition approved and she got scared, cheated on me and we ended it before we even arranged an interview at the embassy.

1. Should I write an additional letter for the waiver request, or just add it to the cover letter?
2. I need to support evidence? What exactly would that be in my situation? We just broke up, it's pretty simple really.

Thanks for the help.

No interview = no visa. No visa = no problem. Just state that the situation did not work out on your I-129F suppliment sheet. It's technically a waiver, but it won't be a problem at all.
az110965MaleCosta Rica2011-11-07 20:52:00
I believe that if you look around the forum, you'll see at least one or two posters who've "beaten" the AWA.

Also, I hope that whoever goes over your case also looks at the details of the conviction versus the general SO label, which can be anything from diddling little kids to drunkenly peeing in public. Common sense in a lot of these cases would go a long way. :)
HannahPFemaleCanada2010-02-03 16:06:00
[quote name='dwainsrockin' post='3683037' date='Feb 2 2010, 09:11 PM']if you are a sex-offender and you are convicted and you apply for a K1 visa the USCIS will deny you! the Adam Walsh Act is clear that you are excluded unless you can prove that you are NOt a threat to your fiancee'! i hope that you can satisfy them if you apply...

any ideas?

The laws are too grey in some situations.

Edited by Married2009, 03 February 2010 - 08:44 PM.

Married2009FemaleCanada2010-02-03 20:42:00
IMBRA Special TopicsWaiver questions

I have a few questions about the IMBRA waiver. I will soon be applying for my 2nd K1 in the last two years. With my last relationship we got our K1 petition approved and she got scared, cheated on me and we ended it before we even arranged an interview at the embassy.

1. Should I write an additional letter for the waiver request, or just add it to the cover letter?
2. I need to support evidence? What exactly would that be in my situation? We just broke up, it's pretty simple really.

Thanks for the help.

I would do a separate letter for the waiver.

No evidence is needed - Just a simple explanation that it did not work out.
Matt & BingMalePhilippines2011-11-03 11:06:00
IMBRA Special TopicsUSCIS answers to AILA's on AWA processing time

Refer to Question 2 of this link....


8 months


Total Bureaucratic BS

2.5 years here = 30 months
evli1966MalePhilippines2011-10-31 19:20:00
The troll that started this thread really struck gold here, didn't he...

"S.O." LOL... the only thing he did wrong was not wait until April 1.

Edited by toma1, 03 April 2010 - 12:33 AM.

toma1MaleThailand2010-04-03 00:30:00

if you are a sex-offender and you are convicted and you apply for a K1 visa the USCIS will deny you! the Adam Walsh Act is clear that you are excluded unless you can prove that you are NOt a threat to your fiancee'! i hope that you can satisfy them if you apply...

any ideas?

is anyone interested in bringing a lawsuit against USCIS for this issue?

What would be your grounds for a legal suit? Discrimination? That's laughable. Immigration and citizenship are privileges and not a right, notwithstanding whatever rights you have under your respective country and citizenship there. However, applying for immigration to another country means you have to pass the tests. I'm not convinced people that are convicted for sexual offenses against children would meet the approval of the US government or other governments adjudicating visas.

Again, what would be your grounds for a lawsuit? The government would have a right to decide based on applicants criminal activity and the nature of an offense, whether that person is eligible or not. If your grounds are simply because you or someone is 'discriminated' against because they were convicted of preying on children, then you will very likely learn a whole lot more about immigration law, as well the dealings you had with the criminal code of whatever country dealt with the criminal behaviour.

Insofar as you or to whomever you are referring, not being a threat to your fiance, there may be some level of truth there because a sex offender is a high threat to children and not adults but they seem to pick their female counterparts carefully. Should you have a conviction of this nature and should you have children, I can guarantee you the response you would get from child protective services. This I know. These types of offenses are big obstacles and should be because the nature of the offenses are repulsive and the victims have also been given tremendous obstacles as a result. I want to also add a caveat that offenders are not gender specific and appear on both sides of the male/female equation.

Good luck with your lawsuit. Don't count me in.
zenaxeMaleCanada2010-02-03 22:10:00

My 50 cents, I think sex offenders, as in any man or woman who has sexual contact with any other person against their will should be locked up in a dungeon never to be released again and suffer for the rest of their lives without any contact with the outside world untill they go to hell and suffer more.

" I think sex offenders, as in any man or woman who has sexual contact with any other person against their will "

I agree, but keep in mind in the usa a lot of people that are sex offenders are not people that did things against someones will.

Consensual sex can still be considered rape based on age and state , each state has different rules/limits. One state you could be a sex offender, another, you could be perfectly legal. The rules are not across the board.
A and TMalePhilippines2010-04-10 17:02:00

Well bless your heart nonversation, your point of view certainly has a noticeable level of vehemenacy to it. It’s a tough road to hall to persuade those who are so closed minded to an issue that their steadfast beliefs won’t let them show the slightest bit acclamation for your poignant admonishments. I give you credit for you tenacity.

Hey by the way……. You wouldn’t happen to want to buy a bus for any reason would you? I have a really cool bus for sale if you’re interested. I'll include a photo of it for you to check out......

That bus does look nice, how often do you ride in it?
A and TMalePhilippines2010-03-31 20:20:00

Exactly: "I just don't think this is the setting that a wrongly stigmatized sex offender would choose to conduct poll to find support in his efforts to be treated as an equal. So in my book that puts him and his staunchest defenders in the groups of people I don't take a likin' to.... thieves, child molesters and men who beat or rape women or defend those who do (to include lawyers)."

The statement really makes no sense not all sex offender are rapist, big difference in a lot of the things that can get you labeled an offender vs touching or having sex with small children.

Also, all citizens should have the legal right to due process , so its really not for any person to judge without all the facts. This thread is a giant troll board, a sex offender posts, then everyone after posts how terrible and how un deserving, etc this person is, without knowing anything about them at all

So, shame on you all that condem without facts. You don't see other people that have been denied , have long posts with people saying " oh well thats what you get"

Edited by nonversation, 31 March 2010 - 05:47 PM.

A and TMalePhilippines2010-03-31 17:45:00

I know I'm late to this thread but two items of clarification. First, US Citizens don't apply for K1 visas. They file I-129F petitions. It's the petition that will get denied. Second, suing USCIS for enforcing the law (Adam Walsh Act) would be like suing your local police department for enforcing the sex crime law violated in the first place. They are simply following and enforcing the law.

They should still be required in a resaonable time frame to provide a yes or no answer. Also they could help themselves by making a post of who under IMBRA will really be considered and who won't.

They really need to be more specific , if they don't respond, how long should a person go before sueing them? What is a reasonable time frame? 1 year? 2 years ? how long would you wait personally?

If you are a dangerous person, then you should remain in jail. If you are not in jail, or did no time in jail , then clearly you are not a threat. If they think you still are, then they should take that issue up with directly with law enforcement , or state reps .
A and TMalePhilippines2010-03-08 17:32:00

Really good insight in your post. Diverse opinions are what founded this country and thank God we have the right of freedom of speech.

Personally, I think the USA will be a better place when you're a USC and have the right to vote. Keep posting - you're right on the mark with your posts I've read.


P.S. When you become a USC you have to spell favour "favor"... :)

Big difference in Diverse Opinions and Bigotry...

For those Non Americans that don't know what Bigotry is..

"One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

That would mean being negative to any group, race, religion, sex , political group, and the list goes on.

Those of you applying for the Unitied States might want to clean up your acts before trying to come here. I don't believe Immigration will allow known Biggots into the United States
A and TMalePhilippines2010-02-08 16:52:00

You just made a recommendation that anyone's post not pertaining to the OP's be banned. In reading your posts, you never said you'd join the OP in his quest for a class action... Unless I missed something???

I think the OP has had his question answered...


yes Alan my posts and yours should be deleted from this thread as they do not Pertain to the original post

And for everyone else, its not an opinion thread, he was asking for those that wish to file a lawsuit, not your opinon, unless you are all wanting to help him file a lawsuit?

Where are the hate posts? A global mod removed those that were in violation of the ToS. Any community, whether online or in the physical world, should support open discussion and debate.

It strikes me, between this post of yours and your other one stating that anyone who is not a USC shouldn't comment, that you're more interested in only reading posts that support AWA affected petitioners. How many of the non-USC posters will be USCs, with a vote, in a mere 3 years give or take.

Taking this kind of dismissive attitude, while being a vocal advocate of more leniency towards AWAers, could serve only to push on-the-fencers in the opposite direction. If I ever have the opportunity to vote in favour of reclassifying the AWA into some kind of 'severity of offense' grouping, I would. But basically being told that I have no right to opinion or comment leaves a bad taste in my mouth, if it is a common voice of those who would fall into that less severe category. It smacks of arrogance and a disregard for personal responsibility for the situation in which they find themselves. Doesn't make me particularly sympathetic towards them.

*shrugs* Not that you care, right?

Voice your opinon to the Queen of England , would probably the proper place
A and TMalePhilippines2010-02-06 23:13:00

I feel the posters are all reminding the OP of the facts of life in the U.S., and that the USCIS is abiding by the law, as it should. Amending or repealing the law is not likely anytime soon, since no member of Congress would be willing to defend such an action to the voters.

In all honesty, any posts made as replys that aren't regarding the OP's original topic should be banned. If VJ were to be a forum of any integrety. So when people search they can find answers and not page after page of hate posts

Any mods here?
A and TMalePhilippines2010-02-06 22:09:00

Breaking the law is breaking the law. We have an ad in Australia about drink driving with the slogan "only a little bit over? You bloody idiot". I think it's obvious from that that we're saying that over the limit is over the limit. "I was only speeding a little when I lost control and killed that woman", "I had slept for a little bit, I shouldn't have been too tired to drive", "I only stabbed him a little bit". Where do you draw the line?

Whether you want to admit it or not, in the eyes of the law you slept with a minor. How would you have felt if that was your 17 year old daughter and it was some 40 year old man? You were considered an adult, adult is adult. You made the choice, you suffer the consequences. Whether it be jail or fighting to prove you're not a pervert who's a risk to all the other minors out there. Does it suck? Yes it definitely does but it does make me feel a bit better to know there are certain measures in place.

I do feel that it should be judged on the severity of the crime and whether your "victim" stated it was consensual, but there certainly should be MORE questions for people like you than the average person, and I don't feel that it's unfair... Though to be honest, you could have been committing crimes all your life and never been caught and just be caught in the US... it's just you're high-risk, you have been caught, you have a history. Sucks, but you do.

I find it very intresting on VJ of how the topics get twisted so much from the original post , I really find it hard to fathom all the hate towards adam walsh filers without knowing the full facts .

I guess it makes you guys feel better to put people down.

As for your example I think a 17 and 40 year old here, where I live is legal? Not sure. Also in many countries thats legal, not sure about yours.

Also in the usa , the age of consent veries by state, so someone could be with someone younger in 1 state legally, and in the other be a sex offender. The laws are not across the board

But I love watching you guys troll these posts, keep it up! Also if you aren't from the usa you should have 0 say so about our rules. Worry about the rules in your home country instead

A and TMalePhilippines2010-02-06 18:31:00
The "discrimination" part I spoke of eariler, is because I was informed that some USCIS workers were posting on VJ, and if they are making biased or negative comments, while also in a job position that requires them to be "un biased" a lawsuit would cause VJ to hand over the information/ip addresses

meaning if you work for USCIS and you posted negative things here, its going to come back you .
A and TMalePhilippines2010-02-04 18:21:00

AWA or not, this is a democracy and the people of the United States have made it clear that our minor children deserve legal protection against molesters. One technique to protect children, Congress has decided, is to let prospective molesters know that the government will slam various doors in their faces for years to come. State governments have additional restrictions that prevent them from leading normal lives. Until proven otherwise, molesters are thought to be capable of repeating their crimes and many do.

Rightly or wrongly, the people have spoken.

It wasn't that long ago when African Americans were slaves, and Women did not have the right to vote. It was the law then , I guess you could say if anyone questioned that back in those days, they would probably be given an answer similar to yours

"the people have spoken"

But, give it time, they will find a new witch hunt, currently they are now destroying childrens lives for sexiting , Thats the latest which hunt, victumless crimes between children
A and TMalePhilippines2010-02-04 17:22:00

I do not believe that the law is "ex post facto." The proper definition I believe you are looking for is "grandfathering." That is, does this law have a "grandfather clause." Yes, I believe it does. Is a grandfather clause legal. Yes, it is very likely to hold up.

ex post facto simply means after the fact. An example of ex post facto is you walk across a street where it is legal. The next day, the city passes a law now making that street crossing illegal. The city goes back to look at their traffic cameras and sees you crossing the street when and where it WAS legal. But it is not legal now. They cannot arrest you as you crossed the street when it was legal. They cannot arrest you because the next day it became illegal. That is ex post facto.

Right , like if your criminal case happened before the adam walsh act, then they can't create a law that will go back and punish you before the law was created

Its the same, ex post facto.

You can't make a law in 2006, and go back and re punish everyone from before 2006
A and TMalePhilippines2010-02-03 17:29:00

The USCIS is simply following a law (Adam Walsh Act) that was passed by Congress and signed by the President... The USCIS would not be the appropriate party to sue here but the US government.

Adam Walsh Act is well known and has been effective for several years now (2006?). If it was something unconstitutional, I would have thought the ACLU would have been after this already.

So, no I am not interested in bringing a lawsuit... good luck

It is unconstitutional, because the law passed in 2006, effects everyone who was tried from 2006 back, this is called ex post facto.

Article I , section 9 of the US constituion

No bill of attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.

But was passed anyway, this means all judges that are sworn in , that raise their hand and swear to follow the constitiuion, are clearly not following it and should be removed.

As they are up holding an ex post facto law.

Sex offenders should not have equal rights, just my opinion!

Everyone from ghana is a scammer! just my opinion!
A and TMalePhilippines2010-02-03 11:57:00
IMBRA Special TopicsUSCIS answers to AILA's on AWA processing time
2 Years 3 months here, still waiting
A and TMalePhilippines2011-11-01 04:20:00
People want to blame politicians for making a law that attempts to protect children. Then of course they blame politicians if they don't make a law that attempts to protect children. Of course the laws are political in nature. They are written by politicians. It's been that way since 1783. If you don't think so you are very naive. If you don't like the law write your Congressman. Vote against him/her if they voted for it if you disagree.

As for as the SO debate. Actions have consequences. An SO complaining about having to wait for a decision illicits no sympathy from me. The USCIS is understaffed. They have too many petitions per adjudicator to process. There are non-offending folks who have waited a long time for their paperwork to be processed. If a SO has to wait that is OK with me.
Tanya and BarryMaleUkraine2010-04-08 06:41:00
Honestly, this is the wrong place to try to find people for this. Contact your local ACLU rep and see what they say.

The problem isn't the Adam Walsh act, it's the definition of "sex offender." WILDLY varying things can land you on that list, and unfortunately once you're on it you're subject to a whole host of laws designed to deal with the worst of the batch. Your only hope is not to attack Adam Walsh but to get the government to more carefully classify sexual offenders. An 18 year-old kid who has sex with their 17 year-old significant other can be put on the same list as a convicted rapist. That's the real issue. I don't think anyone, anywhere, is going to be comfortable with allowing honest-to-goodness sexual predators to request visas for their spouses/significant others under ANY circumstances.
spectheintroMaleIran2010-02-03 11:22:00
My 50 cents, I think sex offenders, as in any man or woman who has sexual contact with any other person against their will should be locked up in a dungeon never to be released again and suffer for the rest of their lives without any contact with the outside world untill they go to hell and suffer more.
DeniseBillFemaleNetherlands2010-04-10 01:40:00


I'd be interested to hear people's rationale for why that 18 year old who has intimate consensual contact with his 17 year old gf should not enjoy the same rights as other USCs.

It would also be interesting to hear whether any of the people denouncing "sex offenders" in general might actually be one of those people who had sex with an underage gf after their own 18th birthday but wasn't prosecuted. Did you report yourself to USCIS when you filed your petition? Will you now send back your fiance/e or wife since you have improperly enjoyed a right that no one who has committed such a heinous act should enjoy?

Just wondering.
Wei&Shu(Joe)MaleChina2010-02-03 18:52:00
hell no ! i applaud the goverment. wish they would tighten the restrictions on passports to sex offenders. then they would not be able to travel to other countries at all
NVC FAN :(Not TellingPhilippines2010-02-02 22:39:00

The statement really makes no sense not all sex offender are rapist, big difference in a lot of the things that can get you labeled an offender vs touching or having sex with small children.

Also, all citizens should have the legal right to due process , so its really not for any person to judge without all the facts. This thread is a giant troll board, a sex offender posts, then everyone after posts how terrible and how un deserving, etc this person is, without knowing anything about them at all

So, shame on you all that condem without facts. You don't see other people that have been denied , have long posts with people saying " oh well thats what you get"

Well bless your heart nonversation, your point of view certainly has a noticeable level of vehemenacy to it. It’s a tough road to hall to persuade those who are so closed minded to an issue that their steadfast beliefs won’t let them show the slightest bit acclamation for your poignant admonishments. I give you credit for you tenacity.

Hey by the way……. You wouldn’t happen to want to buy a bus for any reason would you? I have a really cool bus for sale if you’re interested. I'll include a photo of it for you to check out......

Attached Files

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-31 19:48:00

you know the best thing for you is just live with ur fiance wherever she at try to migrate there if you really loves your fiance. Im just saying! :D

I read every post in this thread because I enjoyed the bantering. I found some posts are written quite well with intelligence and more than a bit of insight. While other ones, uh.....well.... tended to be written by those who might have better luck not trying to argue with folks much smarter than themselves (I think you know who you are). I must say that I have to go with the one post above as my favorite. I'm just sayin'

Oh and by the way has anyone else noticed that the original poster SEEMS to wear his status as a "Sex Offender" as a badge by creating a profile with the name s.o. and then posting a question with regard to the issue?

As for my stand on the issue.... Look, sure there are some of those who get screwed by the laws the way they are written. Sure there are those out there who have gotten caught skinny dipping or knockin' boots with their 17yo girlfriend while they're 19yo or something. But don't you think that if that were the case with the original poster and our buddy nonabilitytoconverse that they would be raring to fight against it long before they ever have to deal with this privilege being taken away? I mean that's like me getting my identity stolen and then getting angry with the mortgage company about it only when I get turned down for a house having known the whole time. My fight would have long ago been with the credit bureaus.

Now of course if I was just a bad credit risk, than I might tend to get angry at the mortgage company for not giving me a break and having rules against loaning people like me money. You see what I'm saying?

I just don't think this is the setting that a wrongly stigmatized sex offender would choose to conduct poll to find support in his efforts to be treated as an equal. So in my book that puts him and his staunchest defenders in the groups of people I don't take a likin' to.... thieves, child molesters and men who beat or rape women or defend those who do (to include lawyers).

For those of you who are, or choose to fight for those who are, wrongly stigmatized by the law...More power to you, but this isn't the place nor is USCIS the agency to take that fight to. I do wish you good luck however....

Tech-MoLeidyMaleColombia2010-03-29 05:55:00
IMBRA Special TopicsReply to Noid
We married in June 2010. Applied for I-130 and the I-485. Beneficiary was issued work permit.
Had interview in November 2010. RFE. Responded. June 2011 renewed and received workk permit.
August 30, 2011 received NOID and had 30 days to reply. Got documents together and replied by
September 26, 2011. How long is the wait for an approval/denial?

Thanks for any info.
CanTexMaleCanada2011-10-20 20:33:00
Haven't people had to register as a sex offender for public urination or some nonsense like that? I don't exactly find that crime worthy of losing rights but meh whatever........
George&HazelNot TellingPhilippines2010-02-08 15:03:00
IMBRA Special TopicsWaiver questions
no help here??
David & YulyaMaleRussia2011-10-27 06:50:00

I'd be interested to hear people's rationale for why that 18 year old who has intimate consensual contact with his 17 year old gf should not enjoy the same rights as other USCs.

It would also be interesting to hear whether any of the people denouncing "sex offenders" in general might actually be one of those people who had sex with an underage gf after their own 18th birthday but wasn't prosecuted. Did you report yourself to USCIS when you filed your petition? Will you now send back your fiance/e or wife since you have improperly enjoyed a right that no one who has committed such a heinous act should enjoy?

Just wondering.

:thumbs: I am glad my thumbs up caught your ire. I enjoy the part where everyone who sides with less rights for sex offenders are probably one. This :thumbs: was my aggreeance with ones post. As you obviousley know by your OPPINION there are instances where one being labled a sex offender is a little overboard. I am sure that if the OP was one of those instances he should not worry as the LAW and hopfully a objective VO will take this into account.
Matt&CuiMaleChina2010-02-03 23:53:00

My 50 cents, I think sex offenders, as in any man or woman who has sexual contact with any other person against their will should be locked up in a dungeon never to be released again and suffer for the rest of their lives without any contact with the outside world untill they go to hell and suffer more.

My personal opinion is that if people can change and improve, I will give them a chance. Certainly these people have to be responsible for what they did. But if they have done their time and they have changed to start a new life. I will give them a chance. I can't say I don't keep a record of wrong doings. I do. But I try to be fair to people who want to change and truly regrets what they did wrong.

Also, not all sex offenders are rapists [who have sexual contact with any other person against their will]. Somtimes under-aged teens have sex and get caught. The boyfriend became S.O. But I understand what S.O. means to the general public. The AWA law, to me, implies that S.O. petitioners need to provide strong proof and evidence to the USCIS that they are not a risk and threat to the beneficiary - and this application has no guarantee to be approved by USCIS. The best thing to do is to be prepared documentation-wise and hope for the best...

I am not a S.O. so other people please don't come after me to condemn me. There is no need to be emotional or personal.

Lastly I want to say although there is freedom of speech here, this IMBRA forum should aim at exchanging and sharing of immigration information and experiences related to the IMBRA and AWA category. This particular thread has been up for a couple months having all sorts of negative comments towards sex offenders. I am glad that people who responded to this thread [postive or negative] have sticked with this thread and not started another new threads. And I am glad that people have not stepped onto other threads [from AWA filers who are sharing critical information and progress] to post personal comments or condemn.
C0881Female02010-04-10 14:12:00
IMBRA Special TopicsReply to Noid
I am very sorry to hear that....If you are stressful now, I have been there...

Can you tell us briefly what was being said in your NOID? Did they say the evidence you submitted was not enough?

Also, you said you were given only 30 days to respond to the NOID. Why did they only give you a little bit of time? I suggest you check your USCIS online case status to see if there is any date change on "last updated" field. If there has been a date change, it means someone has worked on it. Also have you gotten a lawyer yet? I suggest you try calling USCIS's toll free number and ask for a tier-2 immigration officer (not the regular operator who reads from scripts). They should be able to tell you if your response is received by the Service. Perhaps you could wait like 60 days and schedule an info pass appointment cause right now perhaps they will not have much to tell. Don't bug them so often or they might deny you quickly cause these geniuses there don't like to be chased. Let them take their time to work on your case while your EAD is still valid.

Please hold your job cause you might need to spend some money on a good lawyer. I mean it. I don't want to sound blue, but if you are to fight any negative decisions they make, you will need at least $110 for the I-130 appeal fee, $585 for the I-485 motion to reopen fee, and perhaps thousands of dollars on lawyer fees. If they deny you, make sure you file the motion to reopen your I-485, so that you can renew your EAD again. I did not file an MTR for my I-485, so the whole time I have been waiting for the appeal of the I-130, I can't work.

My I-130 appeal was remanded end of June. This looks like there is some hope.

Although I really hope that your case will be approved cause they have issued an RFE and a NOID to you separately. Does that mean they have asked you for additional evidence twice so far? I would think that they want to work with you.
C0881Female02011-10-20 21:38:00
IMBRA Special TopicsUSCIS answers to AILA's on AWA processing time
Refer to Question 2 of this link....
eagerlyNot Telling02011-10-31 10:05:00

You are making a common mistake, assuming that SORNA & AWA are really about protecting children. The fact is that they are not. Neither is the Center for Missing & Exploited Children. It's really just politicians who have found an easy way to get voters behind them.

AWA & SORNA are both reactionary after the child has already been abused. Find one part of either that works towards prevention.

The Registries tell parents to be on the look-out for the stranger pervert hiding down the block but it's a fact that more than 90% of sex offenses against children are committed by "insiders" who are either family members, considered to be close trusted friends of the family or in some other position of trust within the child's life such as teacher or babysitter.

The Registry gives parents a false sense of security so they are more likely to let their guard down. While keeping an eye on the guy down the street who has never had any contact with their child they are overlooking the all of the adults in their child's life on a daily basis.


Sorry for a Jackaroo here don't know how to edit the post. I agree with you said "It's really just politicians who have found an easy way to get voters behind them."


Sorry to say,many of the registries were convicted dated back to decades ago, who poses no risk to society and no thread to re-offend but get stigma attached to him all his life long.
purpleorchidFemaleChina2010-03-09 22:02:00