IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA Article in NY Times

"“It all started with women’s lib,” said Sam Smith, a former salesman of insurance and mutual funds, who founded I Love Latins in Houston six years ago. “Guys are sick and tired of the North American me, me, me attitude.’ ”"

You know, just once, I wish they'd profile a couple that met while studying abroad or on Yahoo, because quite frankly, no one cares if some white, middle-aged bitter divorcée gets his woman whom the translator assures loves him here on time. He's not a sympathetic character, and frankly, the article reads like anyone upset about IMBRA is some loser whiner who wants a foreign bride because if she leaves him, she won't be able to get his money.

I totally agree with you. That article completely rubbed me the wrong way. We had to wait 5 months for our NOA2 because of the IMBRA backlog! and for what? I have nothing to do with marriage brokers or internet dating, in fact I'm a woman applying for a man. I don't think people who actually met their significant other in real life should be categorized with men who troll for women on the internet. I wish they would have profiled someone whose visa was innocently held up because of it.
Martin + AmieNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-10-17 13:21:00
For those that wait long time , is it because you did not include detailed documents for them to review? I am just thinking out loud here..
paustinNot Telling02012-01-24 14:00:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCase with AWA
We plan on providing letters from both my fiance and I. Do they need to be notarized? Meaning, is that an absolute must?
paustinNot Telling02012-02-08 16:30:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCase with AWA
Sorry, it's AWA case.
paustinNot Telling02012-02-04 00:07:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCase with AWA
I am debating whether to hire attorney or not for the K1 visa petition for fiance. Basically, the case falls under Adam Walsh, I am just thinking if I can do it myself it would save lots of money, and I'll be very thorough since it's personal documents and I would know better than any other people. However, I wonder if Attorney has some sort of "formal" legal words and letters that normal people don't ? What is your take on this? If it does not deal with AWA, I would start the process all by myself because it does not seem pretty complicated.

Please advice.
paustinNot Telling02012-01-27 11:38:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA risk assessement and polygraph

Get new ones that are conducted after probation to show your commitment in their eyes to remain safe.

A new Polygraph could be used as well.

evil, are they the same? Risk assessment and polygraph? Who would do risk assessment and what do I tell them to do a risk asseessement? and what do I tell polygraph people about this?
paustinNot Telling02012-02-11 18:02:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA risk assessement and polygraph
So can we go and get the new ones too? Is the risk assessment and polygraph the same? So lost of what to do to even go find those local agents.
paustinNot Telling02012-02-07 16:31:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA risk assessement and polygraph
I just got engaged and our files fall under AWA. We try to gather the documents now. The only questions I have is how do we get the risk evaluation and the polygraph? Do I need the new ones or use the ones that were conducted during probation? If I need to use new ones, where you recommend us to check into to get those done in the state, and what specifics things we need to tell them to conduct?
paustinNot Telling02012-02-05 21:58:00
IMBRA Special TopicsWaiver questions
I have a few questions about the IMBRA waiver. I will soon be applying for my 2nd K1 in the last two years. With my last relationship we got our K1 petition approved and she got scared, cheated on me and we ended it before we even arranged an interview at the embassy.

1. Should I write an additional letter for the waiver request, or just add it to the cover letter?
2. I need to support evidence? What exactly would that be in my situation? We just broke up, it's pretty simple really.

Thanks for the help.
David & YulyaMaleRussia2011-10-20 19:01:00
IMBRA Special TopicsBiometrics x2
My husband had to do 2nd Biometrics too. They explained that Biomentrics expire, and they need to keep it current if the case is still pending. If things go the same way he will have to renew them again.
kazuavaFemale02011-12-14 02:06:00
Feb 2008
kazuavaFemale02011-10-13 02:47:00
Our K1 falls under Adam Walsh Act. As you can see from my signature, we never heard any official decisions from USCIS. But that might be because we were not knowledgeable and did not supply all documents in the first place. But USCIS could have sent the petitioner RFE but they didn't. The case was pending from July 2006 to July 2009 until filed for a withdrawal.
C0881Female02009-10-10 03:41:00
IMBRA Special TopicsFilipinaHeart or FilipinoCupid IMBRA or Not?
Thanks everyone. :)

Very much appreciated!

JNCMalePhilippines2012-01-31 02:59:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA Article in NY Times
It's been years since I've logged in but I was up, bored on line and googled myself and Yesenia to see what is still out there and came back across this thread.

Well, I'm happy to report that my Lovely Wife and I have been married going on 5 years now and she is also a proud U.S. Citizen! We are each other's best friend. In fact, she tells me I'm the best part of her life every single day and I still an in disbelief at my good fortune to have ever found her in the first place.

All the best to everyone. Hope you are all well.

Adam :D
AKW65Not TellingColombia2011-12-06 01:50:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA Article in NY Times


Please let Yesenia know that all of us at VJ welcome her to America. The fact that everyone here is doing it according to the laws sets us apart from the immigration debate. It is insulting the way people are treated when they try to use the system legally. My wife was laughed at by some illegals in her English as a Second Language class last spring because she was waiting for her work permit before looking for work. By the way, she speaks much better than they do, and is only looking to improve her English.

The article in the NY Times just continues to stereo type people. It is true that many applicants fit the profile of middle aged men, (myself included) but everyone is different. For the NY Times to make it seem that the vast majority are men looking for submissive women is a disservice to everyone. As matter of fact, looking at Captain Ewok's statistical analysis, it looks as if the rate of abuse cases is actually dropping.

I think we should organize a letter campaign to the NY Times and get everyone to write a letter the same day. I have always been a supporter of the press and the job they do, but when we see such blatant misuse of the written word for the purpose of sensationalizing the story then it is time to react.

The new media has to be questioned also.

Thanks very much! You are correct. I was completely misquoted, stereo typed, and basically throw in the gutter to make us all look bad when my intent was to try to do some good. For the most part, the fallout has died down. I did write to the editors, they never responded. At this point, I'm happy to let this story stay in the past.
AKW65Not TellingColombia2006-11-05 02:20:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA Article in NY Times

Very well said. This thought hit me this morning, it's true that there may be some men who seek a forign bride with aspirations of having a woman to cook, clean and listen to them. Not all men are nice, not women are either. So, IMBRA is written to protect those relatively few women who fall victim to that kind of man.

It's also true that some executives (Senators or Representatives as well) might hire a young female personal assistant or administrator to handle their paper work. SOME of these men will seduce or sexually harrass these girls, they might have affairs which would destroy families. There isn't a law that requires these men to provide background checks to these women before they hire them in order to protect them... To me, IMBRA could lead to pretty much all men having to provide background checks to all kinds of women...

There are a lot of cases of foreign women who victimize men, so maybe there should a law to require background checks on the women? :lol:

... the story didn't come out the way it was meant to be.

For the record, I apologize to anyone who has experienced any stress as a result of this story. I had hoped for something completely different. In fact, if you go to the audio/multimedia link, you can hear an interview with her and I over the phone, we don't sound like the story reads at all.

ALSO, the quote attributed to Sam Smith is taken out of context. I spoke to him today and he was flabbergasted!

I forgot to mention one other point, I NEVER went on any "romance" tour, used a translator, etc.. The ONLY thing the agecncy did for me was to give me Yesenia's email address. That's it. Nothing more. I contacted her on my own, got to know her on my own, and went to meet her, eventually get engaged, and plan for our future on my own. This is not any kind of arranged "mail order bride" situation where I'm spending thousands of dollars on some company to provide me with a service and eventually a wife!@#$%. I got her email address, that's it. The rest we did as any other couple might if they met on, eharmony, or any other site...


Hi Adam,

No need at all to apologize as your intentions were totally reasonable. We are getting mistreated through an ill-conceived new government requirement that is based on an unfair stereotype. The rate of abuse of foreign spouses is NOT increasing and there were no attempts to see if it is in any way different than the rate for the general population. There's no question the rate of happy marriages with foreign spouses is also dramatically increasing!

The article could have explained more about the completely botched execution of the law. The delay in releasing the proper form, much longer wait times, random processing of individual petitions - some fast, others incredibly slow, and the total lack of information or access to the processing centers. IMBRA was a new requirement but it was terribly wrong to have the law take effect before the USCIS was ready to handle it.

I'm glad you set the record straight here about your own situation because I could see that the article was pushing the "mail order bride" stereotype rather than trying to see if things have changed simply because of the much easier ability today to meet someone a long distance away and maintain a close, daily relationship through live chatting. If you ask me, this is the real story of foreign spouses.

Well good luck to you and Yesenia. We wish you a very happy life together!!

Very well said. :thumbs:

Thanks for your support everyone. I can't wait for Yesenia to get here and I know this site will help us both with the AOS process and beyond.
AKW65Not TellingColombia2006-10-19 19:34:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA Article in NY Times
Very well said. This thought hit me this morning, it's true that there may be some men who seek a forign bride with aspirations of having a woman to cook, clean and listen to them. Not all men are nice, not women are either. So, IMBRA is written to protect those relatively few women who fall victim to that kind of man.

It's also true that some executives (Senators or Representatives as well) might hire a young female personal assistant or administrator to handle their paper work. SOME of these men will seduce or sexually harrass these girls, they might have affairs which would destroy families. There isn't a law that requires these men to provide background checks to these women before they hire them in order to protect them... To me, IMBRA could lead to pretty much all men having to provide background checks to all kinds of women...
AKW65Not TellingColombia2006-10-19 12:24:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA Article in NY Times

Well folks, I don't know what to say about this except that some of you VJ'ers warned me NOT TO TALK TO THE NEW YORK TIMES!!! You were right. The article is about me and is COMPLETELY TWISTED INTO B.S.!!!!!!

I can tell you that I met the reporter in person face to face, we talked for two hours and then he took me to dinner. EVERY single quote attributed to me is either twisted, or taken completely out of context. There is of course some truth to it. I am divorced. I am not bitter like I was made out to be. It is true that I don't want to have a relationship with someone with children again. I have my reasons.

The pictures they used are the worst possible pictures of me. They failed to mention:

  • Yesenia speaks fluent English and put herself through classes for two years prior to meeitng me.
  • Yesenia has a college degree in Business Administration.
  • Yesenia has her own business in Colombia and is NOT some poor girl looking for any man to take her away from a difficult life.
  • Yesenia has her own business there and takes care of herself. I did buy her a computer so we could talk more easliy, but the way they say it is as if I'm purchasing a bride.
  • I have talked to her EVERY day for over a year now. She's had many other offers. I've even told her from DAY ONE, that if she ever had second thoughts, all she had to do is tell me. I would NEVER want her to feel "stuck" with me. She loves me and I love her. I am NOT some creepy middle aged guy like you might think. You can think that if you like, it's not my problem.
The funny thing is, Yesenia is such a positive person that she won't care about the way this reads. She knows how she feels about me and I know how I feel about her.

In closing, I will say this, I got an email from the reporter BEFORE I even knew the story was in the paper apologizing. Here is what he had to say to me today at 10:41 AM:

Hey Adam,

FYI -- a version of the story is in today's paper. I can't say I'm too proud of it. It was cut in half by my editors and stuffed into the paper at the last minute. A bit of a disappointment, really. But it's there.

Anyway, all the best for you and Yesenia.


I'd say that about sums up the fact that the story didn't come out the way it was meant to be.

For the record, I apologize to anyone who has experienced any stress as a result of this story. I had hoped for something completely different. In fact, if you go to the audio/multimedia link, you can hear an interview with her and I over the phone, we don't sound like the story reads at all.

ALSO, the quote attributed to Sam Smith is taken out of context. I spoke to him today and he was flabbergasted!

I forgot to mention one other point, I NEVER went on any "romance" tour, used a translator, etc.. The ONLY thing the agecncy did for me was to give me Yesenia's email address. That's it. Nothing more. I contacted her on my own, got to know her on my own, and went to meet her, eventually get engaged, and plan for our future on my own. This is not any kind of arranged "mail order bride" situation where I'm spending thousands of dollars on some company to provide me with a service and eventually a wife!@#$%. I got her email address, that's it. The rest we did as any other couple might if they met on, eharmony, or any other site...


AKW65Not TellingColombia2006-10-17 17:37:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA Article in NY Times
Well folks, I don't know what to say about this except that some of you VJ'ers warned me NOT TO TALK TO THE NEW YORK TIMES!!! You were right. The article is about me and is COMPLETELY TWISTED INTO B.S.!!!!!!

I can tell you that I met the reporter in person face to face, we talked for two hours and then he took me to dinner. EVERY single quote attributed to me is either twisted, or taken completely out of context. There is of course some truth to it. I am divorced. I am not bitter like I was made out to be. It is true that I don't want to have a relationship with someone with children again. I have my reasons.

The pictures they used are the worst possible pictures of me. They failed to mention:
  • Yesenia speaks fluent English and put herself through classes for two years prior to meeitng me.
  • Yesenia has a college degree in Business Administration.
  • Yesenia has her own business in Colombia and is NOT some poor girl looking for any man to take her away from a difficult life.
  • Yesenia has her own business there and takes care of herself. I did buy her a computer so we could talk more easliy, but the way they say it is as if I'm purchasing a bride.
  • I have talked to her EVERY day for over a year now. She's had many other offers. I've even told her from DAY ONE, that if she ever had second thoughts, all she had to do is tell me. I would NEVER want her to feel "stuck" with me. She loves me and I love her. I am NOT some creepy middle aged guy like you might think. You can think that if you like, it's not my problem.
The funny thing is, Yesenia is such a positive person that she won't care about the way this reads. She knows how she feels about me and I know how I feel about her.

In closing, I will say this, I got an email from the reporter BEFORE I even knew the story was in the paper apologizing. Here is what he had to say to me today at 10:41 AM:

Hey Adam,

FYI -- a version of the story is in today's paper. I can't say I'm too proud of it. It was cut in half by my editors and stuffed into the paper at the last minute. A bit of a disappointment, really. But it's there.

Anyway, all the best for you and Yesenia.


I'd say that about sums up the fact that the story didn't come out the way it was meant to be.

For the record, I apologize to anyone who has experienced any stress as a result of this story. I had hoped for something completely different. In fact, if you go to the audio/multimedia link, you can hear an interview with her and I over the phone, we don't sound like the story reads at all.

ALSO, the quote attributed to Sam Smith is taken out of context. I spoke to him today and he was flabbergasted!

AKW65Not TellingColombia2006-10-17 17:16:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA Article in NY Times

...Because anyone who reads this in the NYT who isn't going through this process will think 'Gee, why should I worry about IMBRA, it's only creeps who hate American women who bother to look overseas anyway.'

I agree. I went through the K1 process this summer, and the delays made it a horrific experience (especially as my wedding is next week!), but this article even leaves me feeling completely unsympathetic.
daresieMaleIreland2006-10-17 09:35:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA Article in NY Times
Saw this article about IMBRA in the NY Times today.

Unfortunately it doesn't discuss enough the decision to invoke the IMBRA legislation on cases already approved months ago, and the delays that this caused. I feel the IMBRA law makes sense, but it was it's application that affected so many people.

It's still interesting reading though, although there's an assumption that it is only men that petition for foreign fiancee's. I came over on a K1 to marry my fiancee, and I'm a guy, and it wasn't 'mail order'.
daresieMaleIreland2006-10-17 08:30:00
if you are a SEX-OFFENDER, you fall under the ADAM WALSH ACT, you have filed a K1 VISA and you are waiting for the USCIS to make a decision on your case then tell us how long have you been waiting?

s.o.MaleEquatorial Guinea2009-09-25 12:40:00
IMBRA Special TopicsGot worst Valentine ever - USCIS intent to deny

If that happened within the past two years YOu Need a waiver explaining what happened,if you bring them in the us you have to provide their case and date of birth on each waiver..and also if they returned home within the same status or you guys get married.

ladyinredNot TellingPhilippines2012-02-14 09:12:00
October 2nd 2009
lemmonyMalePhilippines2011-10-09 19:13:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDoes IMBRA Require you to Disclose Previously Annulled Marriage?
(I previously posted this in wrong forum 'k-3', sorry)

I have a marriage that was performed in the US and Annulled in the US. Being that it was "Annulled" does this mean that on paper it never happened and I dont have to report in during the IMBRA disclosure?

Thanks in advance,

ZeckrinNot Telling02012-04-01 17:29:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA risk assessement and polygraph

I have trouble understanding how our petition adjucators can disregard documents from a licensed psychologist? If USCIS disputes a licensed psychologist then shouldnt they offer to send me to one of their own?

It would be like me, telling a doctor of medicine that he is wrong when i am not a doctor of medicine. So my question is, who are they to determine by just reading documents that a psychologist (appointed by my state) word, isnt good enough for them? Seems like that type of thinking would not hold any legal weight for USCIS

I'm not sure but in the state that I live in, not all licensed psychologist are qualified to conduct a risk assessment in relation to a rehabilitated former sex offender (RFSO). It is the same way with polygraph examiners. Both must be licensed by the state.

Using the same line of reasoning you used for doctor of medicine: Not all doctors are the same. Your family doctor that has been treating you all these years may suggest that you see a specific specialist if your medical situation is beyond what the family doctor can handle.

You should first establish that the credentials of your license psychologist is in line with what your state requires in relation to RFSO. I would do the same thing with your polygraph examiner.

I just found out yesterday that I'm in the same battle. Be strong. Stay the course!
J <3 LNot TellingJapan2012-03-25 11:53:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA Article in NY Times
I feel for ya. Its hard to care about the big picture when other pressing needs are at the forefront. There are other forums to rant about the law so I wont do that here. I just think our compliance should be taken under protest. Its a bad law
butcherNot TellingPhilippines2006-12-12 19:52:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA Article in NY Times
This law wasnt necessary and is an invasion of privacy visited on men by an over zealous politician who made outlandish promises she had to keep. It was passed into law with the trickery of smoke & mirrors and we as a group are all now Indle King, guilty until proven innocent. I understand your willingness to accept whatever it takes to bring your loved ones home and I would comply and do the same in your situation. But when you have your wives and husbands all comfy and at home you will revisit the law, how it was passed and the sweeping generalizations it makes about us as a group and you will resent the twisted spirit of this unconstitutional kick in the gut. It was propped up with bad statistics, will be easily circumvented and provides a launching point for future legislation based on the legal precedent set as judges make rulings based on IMBRA.

Slippery slope
butcherNot TellingPhilippines2006-12-12 19:29:00
IMBRA Special TopicsGot worst Valentine ever - USCIS intent to deny
Thanks for the replies, all!

In fact, neither of the two women even entered the US on the K-1 visas, both applications fell apart before they were completed. I will be sending the included "Response to an intent to deny", just wondering if anyone has any experience with that appeal, or recommendations on what to say.

Happy v-day, everyone! ;)
Fleitz342Not TellingChina2012-02-14 21:11:00
IMBRA Special TopicsGot worst Valentine ever - USCIS intent to deny
Happy Valentine's day, from the USCIS! :bonk:

Recieved an intent to deny letter, because I'd had two previous fiancee k-1 petitions. Both relationships ended due to medical issues (one fiancee found out she couldn't have children at the medical examination, the other had an emotional breakdown), but do not have proof of any of this. Has anyone got any advice on how best to appeal?

Thanks for your :help:
Fleitz342Not TellingChina2012-02-14 08:02:00

if you are a sex-offender and you are convicted and you apply for a K1 visa the USCIS will deny you! the Adam Walsh Act is clear that you are excluded unless you can prove that you are NOt a threat to your fiancee'! i hope that you can satisfy them if you apply...

any ideas?

is anyone interested in bringing a lawsuit against USCIS for this issue?

Personally, I wouldn't want a convicted sex offender to have the same rights that I do. But - I'm not gonna make this personal.

There are several things one (ie - a convicted sex offender) can do to PREPARE documentation to INCLUDE in the petition for INITIAL submittal and subsequent WAIVER application. You may or may not have a 'chance' for petition approval, visa approval. Too many variables, IMO.

You might want to focus on those things, for a bit, ah?
DarnellMaleChina2010-02-03 13:32:00

if you are a sex-offender and you are convicted and you apply for a K1 visa the USCIS will deny you! the Adam Walsh Act is clear that you are excluded unless you can prove that you are NOt a threat to your fiancee'! i hope that you can satisfy them if you apply...

any ideas?

is anyone interested in bringing a lawsuit against USCIS for this issue?

I know I'm late to this thread but two items of clarification. First, US Citizens don't apply for K1 visas. They file I-129F petitions. It's the petition that will get denied. Second, suing USCIS for enforcing the law (Adam Walsh Act) would be like suing your local police department for enforcing the sex crime law violated in the first place. They are simply following and enforcing the law.

Edited by pushbrk, 08 March 2010 - 09:46 AM.

pushbrkMaleChina2010-03-08 09:46:00
Off topic posts removed. Any further such posts will result in administrative action being taken.

Edited by Krikit, 04 February 2010 - 07:36 AM.

KrikitNot Telling02010-02-04 07:34:00
And again.
KrikitNot Telling02010-02-03 13:42:00
Post containing TOS violation has been removed and administrative action taken.
KrikitNot Telling02010-02-03 13:38:00
Some people have a simplified view of a sex offender. That is why they cannot post without being offensive. However, this thread is not asking for your judgements on an individual's case which you know nothing about. It is asking if anyone is interested in taking legal action. Please refrain from personal attacks and derogatory comments or administrative action will be taken.

Moving this thread from K-1 Process to IMBRA Special Topics, where the Adam Walsh section resides.

Edited by Krikit, 03 February 2010 - 07:48 AM.

KrikitNot Telling02010-02-03 07:46:00

Aaah, but Francis Scott Key only wrote the words to "The Star-Spangled Banner." The tune is actually an 18th century British drinking song, "To Anacreon in Heaven." This little nugget of useless knowledge gives me no end of pleasure, because I am rather fond of drinking songs, and drinking as well.

And yes, I am just as smug a little know-it-all as you think. :D

but without the lyrics by FSK, it is not nor ever would have been known as the "Star Spangled Banner"... so does that make FSK the "writer" as the question was originally posed?
payxibkaMaleUkraine2010-02-08 16:00:00

Ahhh, thanks.

I didn't think the citizenship test left room for opinion :D And I've yet to find a USC by birth who can tell me who wrote the Star Spangled Banner...

Francis Scott Key
payxibkaMaleUkraine2010-02-08 14:30:00

Right , like if your criminal case happened before the adam walsh act, then they can't create a law that will go back and punish you before the law was created

Its the same, ex post facto.

You can't make a law in 2006, and go back and re punish everyone from before 2006

The restriction is prospective and not retroactive... No one who submitted a petition prior to the enactment of the law had there petitions denied because of this law... They did NOT go back and deny petitions that were submitted prior to the enactment of the law.. ie. ex post facto, and thus "punish" petitioners who had previously submitted when the law was not in effect.

Edited by payxibka, 03 February 2010 - 05:44 PM.

payxibkaMaleUkraine2010-02-03 17:36:00

It is unconstitutional, because the law passed in 2006, effects everyone who was tried from 2006 back, this is called ex post facto.

Article I , section 9 of the US constituion

No bill of attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.

But was passed anyway, this means all judges that are sworn in , that raise their hand and swear to follow the constitiuion, are clearly not following it and should be removed.

As they are up holding an ex post facto law.

The Supreme Court may disagree with you.

However, not all laws with ex post facto effects have been found to be unconstitutional. One current U.S. law that has an ex post facto effect is the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006. This law, which imposes new registration requirements on convicted sex offenders, gives the United States Attorney General the authority to apply the law retroactively. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Smith v. Doe (2003) that forcing sex offenders to register their whereabouts at regular intervals and the posting of personal information about them on the Internet does not violate the constitutional prohibition against ex post facto laws, because compulsory registration of offenders who completed their sentences before new laws requiring compliance went into effect does not constitute any kind of punishment.

payxibkaMaleUkraine2010-02-03 12:40:00