IMBRA Special TopicsAnyone had any movement on your Adam Walsh Cases?

Have any of you contacted the Ombudsman about the process not being followed? Im temped to, but worried it might not do any good. Anyone tried it?

I really think that only by nocking to all doors possible the right ear may hear the problem. I think the real problem is that there is no clear policy how to handle such a petitions, but AWA petitions are small fraction of other type of cases - so we are not a priority for the USCIS. Plus, we are type of cases where officials are not eager to help. But the only way to get something is keep bugging, and better in numbers (the more people are signed petition, the more "weight" it has).
So, write, please! I keep asking my husband to write somewhere, but he had git dissapointed in the US system long time ago...
kazuavaFemale02011-10-13 01:28:00
IMBRA Special TopicsUSCIS teleconference AILA

I happened to be searching and found a little update on USCIS' website.

On page 5 there is a little something. Not sure if this helps anyone, but at least AWA applicants have
not been forgotten.

Thank you for posting the info. But what I read there just makes me angry. They say the lag between fingerprints and issuing NOID is 4-5 month? For us it took 2.5 years. They say it takes 10 months to adjudicate the reply for NOID? For us it took 1.5 years. And when I read the posts on VJ - my experience with waiting seems to be closer to the reality then what USCIS claims. All those responces are to make an impression of their hard work, but really, they could do better.
kazuavaFemale02012-09-09 05:06:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAILA - USCIS - Adam Walsh Topic
Just how long to wait for it??? A life time? We were married for over 6 years now, and this immigration causing us a lot of trouble and affecting our narriage, that is about to fall apart now. It is not about me, or my green card - screw it. My husband wants to initiate it - to make a long storry short, I think that the guilt he feels for a lot of our trouble is one of the reasons...
This summer someone told that he is a sex offender and child protection services were all over here... Funny, Police does not notify them - but if they learn it anyhow, they are there. We had to go thru the 4 months program with our kids to save his parental right. This was difficult for all of us. The social worker promissed to write a strong closure letter and send a copy to me, as she was saying repetedly that she doen't see any risk here, and I was hoping to use it for my immigration - I got it just now, and it is not what she promissed. How people can be so two faced? She is calling him "minimal risk", but still I need to check on kids "every 30 minutes", when she said there are going to be no conditions on us upon closing? Also she promissed to write a few words that she doesnt see a threat to me - there is not a word about it! But that is what bueracrats are - they want to cover themselves.

And myself - divorce is a solution sometimes, but we don't have a right even for that, or I would loose all immigration benefits, and going back home when I have two kids here - he would be fitting and can win them staying with him - that breaks my heart!

I do not think the board itself has a say in what happeme vague answers they are given shows USCIS does not answer to them.

What does happen is those answers open the doors to the ACLU cases they USCIS is trying to avoid.

by not answering also opens a can of worms that ACLU would use against them.

but the ACLU is not stupid everyone sees the BS the USCIS is hiding and when it does open up there will be top officials pointing fingers up the ladder and down the ladder.

kazuavaFemale02012-12-04 05:46:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA waivers
We got an RFE today stating that we need to submit a "waiver" because we have filed previously in the past 2 years and been declined. The explanation/waiver is to address why a waiver would be appropriate as well as to add any additional evidence I feel would support my request. We have remedied the reason for which we were 1st declined and are now reapplying. Does anyone have any experience with this or can offer tips? Really want to get this submitted ASAP.

Electric86FemaleIndia2012-07-18 15:20:00
IMBRA Special TopicsQuestion regarding IMBRA?
What is IMBRA? If it has to do with background check, I have never been convicted of any charges. Never been arrested. I however been the victim of assault and the defendant was arrested Not me. I have no bad record or criminal record on my FBI file. Do I have to submit this form?

Thanks my fellow VJ friends.
d and cNot TellingGhana2012-12-18 23:01:00
IMBRA Special TopicsQuestion regarding IMBRA?

IMBRA stands for Internet Marriage Broker Act. Since you have no criminal record, it does not apply to you.


G&DMalePhilippines2012-12-19 00:02:00
IMBRA Special TopicsK - 1 Visa & IMBRA
Hello Again Fellow VJer's ! Correct me if I am wrong about this . In 1973 I was convicted on a Misdemeaner Marijuana charge and also in 1991 a conviction that I have posted here . So this is 2 convictions in a lifetime . Here is what the Istructions for the I 29-F says about IMBRA Step 2 Of The General Requirements and " For additional IMBRA requirements , see Items 7 and 9 of these instructions ". Item 7 A says, " If you have ever been convicted of any of the following crimes, submitt certified copies of all court and police records showing the charges and dispositions for every such conviction. This is required even if your records were sealed or otherwise cleared, or if anyone, including a judge, law enforcement officer, or attorney told you that you no longer have a record ." Then it goes on to 7 A #3 to say this , " Crimes relating to a controlled substance or alcohol ON THREE OR MORE OCCASIONS, ( this is actually underlined in the instructions ) and such crimes did not arise from a single act .
For me there was 2 drug convictions from the same act in 1991 and 1 drug conviction from a single act in 1973 . I am reading this as I Do Not fall under this IMBRA Law . Opinions please. As far as any secrets, my fiance knows about this and has a FULL Copy of my Pre - Sentencing Report that the Feds did in 1991 !! So no secrets. I told her about that when I knew we were falling for each other and then I took her the copy of the report at our meeting in the Philippine in October 2010 . Sorry so long but this may shed some light on the Visa Journey Of Others ! Thanks .......Terry
thirdtimeacharmMalePhilippines2012-04-02 21:38:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAnyone had any movement on your Adam Walsh Cases?

The Ombudsman emailed me and said a "decision has been made on my case' !!!!!!!! But, online the status still shows as initial review. But lets hope its correct and positive!

Finger crossing! :thumbs:
C0881Female02011-12-24 10:51:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAnyone had any movement on your Adam Walsh Cases?
well ours was filed 2008... made numerous calls and sent service requests many many times....we got an email saying our case was approved last february 14, 2011, of course we rejoiced!.. but it never reached the NVC to this date...then USCIS said it went to appeals, appeals returned it to uscis as they can't do anything with an approved, uscis said the approval notice was just a PRELIMINARY DECISION although it was clearly stated there that YOUR I129F PETITION has been approved blahblahblah.follow the instructions blahblahblah... what was that, a false hope? they took it back? it really hurts!!! the approval email sent was just a preliminary approval??? and then what?? NO CLEAR ANSWER AND NO TIME FRAME, JUST WAIT...then they said it was sent to archive and will be dealt with when a GUIDELINE for adam walsh petition will be ready...yeah right, it has been almost 4 years! I myself as the beneficiary should be the very first person to know if my fiance poses risk on me, we've been together for almost 4 years... much more that i will never ever put myself at risk just for me to get to the US!
pumpkin29FemalePhilippines2011-09-29 08:55:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAdam Walsh Act?

Fighting with a stranger or someone or a relative in your own house?

I suggest starting a separate thread as you and OP are in different leagues. The Adam Wash act is not a small thing.

i fought with a colleague at working place and it was in self difense but i already have my police clearance as i cleaned and closed the case.will it be a problem ? and on the question :Have You been arrested for a crime ? should it be yes or no
chianroseNot TellingNigeria2012-09-03 12:32:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAdam Walsh Act?

Ok, so before everyone freaks out, my husband is a 'registered sex offender' and was charged with attempted sexual assault on a child, but it was a false accusation by his sister (her 3 year old daughter was the 'victim') because they were about to inherit a lot of money from their deceased fathers business and if either of them were in any legal trouble, the other would get all the money. Hubby took a plea bargain because someone who was in county jail with him on similar charges was sentenced to a long time in prison even though they didn't have any evidence, so he took the plea bargain out of fear.

This kind of messes us up a bit when it comes to immigration because of the Adam Walsh Act. We need proof that he isn't going to be dangerous to me. His offence is NOT a violent offence. My husband had an assessment done before (possibly while) he was in prison, and the assessment says he's of no threat to the general public. As a registered sex offender, in Massachusetts, he is classed as not likely to re-offend. He has finished parole earlier than expected in January and was on good terms with his parole officer the whole time. He never had any problems with that. He did NOT finish the mental health group therapy he was required to do while on parole, but that's because he finished parole before the group was over. As he was put in prison, he seen a psychologist, and they gave him a clean bill of health. No mental health problems at all.

Anyway, would this assessment saying he's of no threat to the general public be enough for the Adam Walsh Act? What else could we use? Statements from people we know? Could I write a letter? The guy wouldn't hurt a fly. I have emotional/psychological issues myself and I'm the one who causes all the drama in the relationship, but he's so patient and understanding. I just wish they could see that for themselves. I so afraid they will deny immigration. I miss my husband to death.

i had been arrested for fighting and i paid fine after 3 days in jail,i need answers from anyone who replies your case as i am interested too
chianroseNot TellingNigeria2012-09-03 11:31:00
IMBRA Special TopicsI'm back
Thanks. When she cheated on me, I had to be strong and move on. Sometimes, things happen, and if you believe, like I do, that things had to happen, so that things are made to be better, then it's the way it is. Fast? Maybe. OR it could be that I didnt cut the relationship soon enough when I saw the "signs". But I filed anywaysssss. With that, the past is past and the future is more important. We all make mistakes and if there is a lesson for us it's this... "trust your gut instincts" mistake can be everyone's lesson.

FYI...why is my ex messaging me after i told her i'm with someone else?
seer8Male02012-04-30 03:28:00
IMBRA Special TopicsI'm back
I'm back after a miserable and terrible approved I-129F back in Oct 31, 2011. My ex-fiance fooled around and let my whole family and friends down. Happy to say, I am with someone else now and I am very happy with her. Of course, I need to be careful this way around or else I may be in the same situation again.

The reason I'm here again is the I-129F application states that if someone has filed 2 or applications in the past OR filed an approved I-129F within the past 2 years, a waiver must be requested.

So, with that, what is the format for the waiver? What are the formal requirements for the waiver? The I-129F which was approved in Oct31, 2011 was sent back to USCIS because I requested it to be withdrawn. USCIS sent a letter to me saying that the petition had expired due to the 4 month rule.

I don't want to rush in to this but I am simply reviewing the I-129F just in case I do file another one.
seer8Male02012-04-29 18:54:00
IMBRA Special Topicsimbra waiver
I called higher customer service at USCIS. Basically, I asked them if I needed an IMBRA waiver if I have filed for an I-129F before in the past. Anyways, the person said that as long as the case has been closed and concluded as far as USCIS is concerned, a waiver is not needed. She said that as long as all past cases is closed and not pending or expired, then there would be no problem in getting another one filed and approved.
seer8Male02012-05-28 16:54:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAILA involvement
Are you from Indianapolis Evil? So you are aware of this....

Just curious, this is just the right on being on Facebook and social network sites. am I right? Nothing has been publicized about how immigration's deals with AWA case on marriage to foreign spouse. the statement you said ..."USCIS use practices which are questionable when it comes to AWA cases or do not practice any sort of transparency for checks and balances. Which leads to the question of what other practices are questionable."

I have not heard nor ready anything.

The last time they inquired USCIS shuffled cases to head off any questions regarding time frames as they do when any officials try to pin down their practices.

USCIS works with in the law

In my opinoin

USCIS use practices which are questionable when it comes to AWA cases or do not practice any sort of transparency for checks and balances.

Which leads to the question of what other practices are questionable.

eagerlyNot Telling02012-05-31 07:17:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAILA involvement
Anybody knows if AILA is involved in discussing AWA case with USCIS recently?
eagerlyNot Telling02012-05-21 05:53:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAnyone had any movement on your Adam Walsh Cases?
In what way would the US children increases the risk to the beneficiary? Hmmmm....
eagerlyNot Telling02012-01-07 09:52:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAdministrative Errors
In case you havent read this topic on VJ...
eagerlyNot Telling02012-04-13 15:00:00
IMBRA Special TopicsUSCIS, Congress: Don't let government take my wife!
pls. disregard my questions on earlier posts..I guess it was to be used to support petition to USCIS... i wonder though if Congress knows of what is going on with marriage that falls under breaking the marriage and taking spouse away from a US citizen.
eagerlyNot Telling02012-09-23 14:19:00
IMBRA Special TopicsUSCIS, Congress: Don't let government take my wife!
I have a site to share...

If in any case the writer of this website is here in visa journey, I am interested to know how updated his website is, in terms of the votes that he has gathered so far. Do i understand it right that if he hasnt gotten 100 votes, the petition letter wont be sent? or has it been sent?
eagerlyNot Telling02012-09-23 14:02:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAILA - USCIS - Adam Walsh Topic

On page 8 are the questions posed by AILA. And the non-answer by USCIS.

Will be interesting when USCIS gets some answers from the Board.

Has anyone out there had any movement on their cases?

So I guess my question is, with how the AWA law was written..does the Board have a say to what USCIS decides?
eagerlyNot Telling02012-10-20 07:36:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAnyone had any movement on your Adam Walsh Cases?
[quote name='Adam and Thet' timestamp='1317342481' post='4927306']
You really need to sue, if they sent you an approval but wont let it go further! They cant just throw your application in a bin and wait for someone to write guidelines . Thats insane! Sounds like its time to lawyer up , just make sure to use a good one!
hi all, our case was denied in June 29, 2011. then we tried to get visitor visa for me, but they denied it too. now we are going to start new process with new attorney, i think our old case was not strong enough. we found out about pardon, but we were told that my husband will be able to apply after 10 years since his crime. it is just 6. we are not going to give up. we will fight for our happiness.
marekhiFemaleGeorgia2011-10-05 04:18:00
IMBRA Special Topicshello :)
hi people, how are you doing :)
everyday i check site with hope i will find out something helpful, your experience is very important, but i see you stay on same place, it means nobody care about
we were denied almost 1 year ago. my husband and me have discussed and decided to wait for pardon, but we have to wait 4 years before he will be able to apply pardon process.
have you heard about pardon, how helpful is getting pardon? if you have any experience or you heard about please share it with
marekhiFemaleGeorgia2012-06-13 09:29:00
IMBRA Special Topicsawa exposure


what can you do if they ask for fingerprint, but you both dont live US ?

Thank you

i think you have to go to embassy of US of country where you live????
marekhiFemaleGeorgia2012-07-22 03:42:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAlcohol charges

On the forms,for k1 it asks about 3 or more substance charges and for records...
Well, i was collecting my court records, and in total i have 6 minor in possesion charges. But 3 of those mips were dismissed by the courts.
Now so i state i have 6 or 3 on the paperwork?? When i write a description should i add that there are dismissed charges...
Next question.
I only have court documents, are they sufficent, the police station was saying they can't give them out to me??? IF i need them, i\ll push harder for them and see what i can do..
I would like to avoid the rfe.. but i also wanna be prepared for them as well.
Thanks for input and anyone who has been threw this process already.

I think they need to see a court disposition for all six since that will give them an idea if the 3 were dismissed or not. Now if u do go for an interview i suggest you obtain a police record of the offense you have to ask, you have the right to it all they do is edit and hide witnesses information thats all but ICE officer will need a copy of it
highHopesNot TellingGhana2012-07-26 10:06:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAnyone had any movement on your Adam Walsh Cases?
:blink: how do you find out if they are looking at ur case or not???
ineedhelpMale02011-09-28 01:11:00
IMBRA Special TopicsFilipinaHeart or FilipinoCupid IMBRA or Not?
Hi all,

I'm filling out the I-129F and not sure what to put for the infamous Question #19.

I've done the search here on VJ and it seems that nobody has had a problem with their Visa if they met on CherryBlossoms or FilipinaHeart or similar websites.

My question though is do I mark YES or NO for question #19?

I was going to mark NO and then put this in the box below:


What do you think?

JNCMalePhilippines2012-01-30 02:47:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAlcohol charges
i have told him everything already, infact we have goin through the court papers 2gether. and thanks for the replyies to the both of you. I will be sending all the papers on the 6. thanks much once again
Wish me luck, :P
HopeisaliveFemaleAlbania2012-07-28 08:41:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAlcohol charges
anybody else?? :P
HopeisaliveFemaleAlbania2012-07-27 09:17:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAlcohol charges
.......... :S
HopeisaliveFemaleAlbania2012-07-27 08:55:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAlcohol charges

I think they need to see a court disposition for all six since that will give them an idea if the 3 were dismissed or not. Now if u do go for an interview i suggest you obtain a police record of the offense you have to ask, you have the right to it all they do is edit and hide witnesses information thats all but ICE officer will need a copy of it

I am the petitioner btw. And thanks for the reply! :)
HopeisaliveFemaleAlbania2012-07-26 10:16:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAlcohol charges
On the forms,for k1 it asks about 3 or more substance charges and for records...
Well, i was collecting my court records, and in total i have 6 minor in possesion charges. But 3 of those mips were dismissed by the courts.
Now so i state i have 6 or 3 on the paperwork?? When i write a description should i add that there are dismissed charges...
Next question.
I only have court documents, are they sufficent, the police station was saying they can't give them out to me??? IF i need them, i\ll push harder for them and see what i can do..
I would like to avoid the rfe.. but i also wanna be prepared for them as well.
Thanks for input and anyone who has been threw this process already.
HopeisaliveFemaleAlbania2012-07-26 09:56:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDissmissed charges count as convictions?
idk, i guess ill see what happens now, i hope i did the this right. i gave them the court n arrest papers that they gave to me at the courthouse. I did not included the dismissed for the fact it stated for convictions. Ill repost here if i do recieve an rfe to let anyone else know.
HopeisaliveFemaleAlbania2013-01-06 09:03:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDissmissed charges count as convictions?

I believe it asks if you've been convicted not charged. Am I right? Because if you are charged with something is quite different than being convicted. Being charged can result in being found innocent. Coviction is a result of being found guilty. What does it say? Charged or convicted?

convicted. I just wasnt sure.. it#s been a bit of a stress point tryn to work this out. And i thank you for taking the time to reply to my post. It has been appreciated.
HopeisaliveFemaleAlbania2012-10-24 07:34:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDissmissed charges count as convictions?
anyone?? anyone got a number of an attorney i could call for this infor
HopeisaliveFemaleAlbania2012-10-12 06:32:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDissmissed charges count as convictions?
I had minor in possession of alcohol. 5 in total, But 2 were dismissed in court by county procecutor, i was convicted of 3 and each time given a small amount of probation time, sucessfully completed. I know i have to check and disclose, not a problem. But do i disclose the dismissed charges or not.
I am asking again, for the fact we are putting our documents in and i need to know now, as we are going to mail our package out by next week.
HopeisaliveFemaleAlbania2012-10-12 01:42:00
IMBRA Special TopicsK - 1 Visa & IMBRA
I understand it as you DON'T have to enclose your record! You would only do this if you have three or more drug convictions on three seperate occasions, and since two of your drug convictions was from a single act, you can tick no in the box. Lucky you! :)
mallafriNot TellingSweden2012-11-14 03:33:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAdam Walsh Act?
Ok, so before everyone freaks out, my husband is a 'registered sex offender' and was charged with attempted sexual assault on a child, but it was a false accusation by his sister (her 3 year old daughter was the 'victim') because they were about to inherit a lot of money from their deceased fathers business and if either of them were in any legal trouble, the other would get all the money. Hubby took a plea bargain because someone who was in county jail with him on similar charges was sentenced to a long time in prison even though they didn't have any evidence, so he took the plea bargain out of fear.

This kind of messes us up a bit when it comes to immigration because of the Adam Walsh Act. We need proof that he isn't going to be dangerous to me. His offence is NOT a violent offence. My husband had an assessment done before (possibly while) he was in prison, and the assessment says he's of no threat to the general public. As a registered sex offender, in Massachusetts, he is classed as not likely to re-offend. He has finished parole earlier than expected in January and was on good terms with his parole officer the whole time. He never had any problems with that. He did NOT finish the mental health group therapy he was required to do while on parole, but that's because he finished parole before the group was over. As he was put in prison, he seen a psychologist, and they gave him a clean bill of health. No mental health problems at all.

Anyway, would this assessment saying he's of no threat to the general public be enough for the Adam Walsh Act? What else could we use? Statements from people we know? Could I write a letter? The guy wouldn't hurt a fly. I have emotional/psychological issues myself and I'm the one who causes all the drama in the relationship, but he's so patient and understanding. I just wish they could see that for themselves. I so afraid they will deny immigration. I miss my husband to death.
merclavetteFemaleCanada2012-09-03 10:29:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDoes having an Aggravated Assault on record require Adam Walsh Act?
Where do I actually find out if it is or isn't? I do not believe I was charged with a domestic aggravated assault, since i took a plea. But it was with my ex-girlfriend. My question now is, how do i find this information out? Can i go to the courthouse, or what do you think my best option is?Again, i just do not want an RFE.
charleywillettNot TellingRussia2012-11-24 04:07:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDoes having an Aggravated Assault on record require Adam Walsh Act?
My question is simple, but i can't seem to find the appropriate answer on here. I got an aggravated assault charge 7 years ago, was charged as a misdemeanor and I went through 18 weeks of Anger Management. Will i have to file a Adam Walsh Act form to proceed with my initial I-129F packet? I do not want to have an RFE, so what should i do? Also, is it required to pull criminal history and add to the I-129F regardless if my crime needs it? Any help would be very good. Thanks.
charleywillettNot TellingRussia2012-11-23 11:35:00