IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan
Well i dont have any criminal record so i am not too worried about the whole IMBRA just hope that being as that the filipinaheart website didnt ask me for the information before us talking online doesnt cause us more delays because that is part of the law also that the marriage brokerage is supposed to collect the information before you can have contact with the other members.
Being that it wasnt a law a year ago they never collected that info from me.
gobdogmanNot TellingPhilippines2006-06-21 21:59:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan
Ok i have question about the marriage broker question.
I met my fiancee in june 2005 on filipinaheart but that was before the law was in affect.
1. is filipinaheart a marriage brokerage by the laws terms?

2.with us meeting before the law actually being in affect do i have to say yes or no for the question?

This is so confusing because how can they hold us to something that wasnt even in affect a year ago
anyone have an idea on this?

Edited by gobdogman, 21 June 2006 - 09:49 PM.

gobdogmanNot TellingPhilippines2006-06-21 21:46:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan
My first contact with my fiance was on a site called, it is a free site for philippino and basically all nations to meet and it is absoutely free. I put this information in the I-129f petition along with my trip tickets and passport stamps for the three years that I have been there to see her. I am not sure about cherry blossoms, I do know that it is a paid site but you are not buying addresses just the right to search their database.
des1867MalePhilippines2012-06-30 01:18:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan

I was just told by my lawyer that Yahoo does not count as a MB so I would guess that would fall into the same category.

[color=#3333FF]oh! Thanks GaryC :thumbs: , at least make us happy
wishing all good news soon[/color]!

[color=#3333FF]Littleone & Robert[/color]

I was just told by my lawyer that Yahoo does not count as a MB so I would guess that would fall into the same category.

[color=#3333FF]oh! Thanks GaryC :thumbs: , at least make us happy
wishing all good news soon[/color]!

[color=#3333FF]Littleone & Robert[/color]

:D sorry...not good at making post :P (F)
Littleone+RobertFemaleThailand2006-06-21 22:47:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan

Ok, the questions begin. I met Luz through Yahoo personals. I am guessing that it isn't a MB but I would like to hear that from someone official. I had one previous petition MORE than 2 years ago. If I read that right I don't think I need the wavier. Right?

Im not official but it seems very clear on the RFE what they require.......

If you have filed two or more K-1 petitions at any time in the past or previously had a K-1 petition approved within two years prior to the filing of this petition, you must apply for a waiver.

You say you had a previous petition more then 2 years ago. That would mean the above DOES NOT apply in your case as you have only had ONE previous petition. Being outside of the two years, the second part does not apply either.

Yahoo Personals.......NO WAY :no: and I will bet my life on that.

I and my Fiance' met on I would like to know it is considered as a "Marriage Broker"?
we are also waiting for RFE. if we know we will will have the correct answer....Thanks
Littleone+RobertFemaleThailand2006-06-21 22:24:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan
Anyone else see a red herring in the midst of this form?....

I understood that the "waiver" that the new law included was specifically related to the number of prior K1 application filings by the petitioner. Now, the RFE includes reference to a "waiver" needed for any criminal conviction as well?!!

It was my fear that the delays were very much due to the Justice Dept/Homeland Security's efforts to expand the law beyond what was written. Am I alone in reading the law and RFE this way?
BlueSurfNot TellingUkraine2006-06-21 20:18:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan

Got my IMBRA RFE in the mail today, and already sent it back to Vermont.
Here is a scan of the RFE

A call to Vermont has yielded a fax # to request a "petition expedite". They told me that since I have a copy of your scanned IMBRA RFE that it may further expedite the process if I include the doc, filled out already. I was wondering what kind of info aside from the obvious was blocked out in case it's something pertinent that I should include. Thanks

That's kind of strange that they would allow you to use someone elses RFE. Because isnt there a Barcode that must belong only to your case on the RFE?
Hey, if they allow you to do that great! But it does surprise me...

Also Timmaricel, you and I both got our NOA2's on the same day. Both of us are also dealing with the Philippines.
We should keep in touch with each other....
Madison ManNot TellingPhilippines2006-07-04 07:59:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDoes the IMBRA affect us?
I think you're one of the IMBRA couples Henia...I have read this topic before posted by one of the VJ members.
jenny and mannyFemale02006-07-31 08:32:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAppealing Denial Decision

I received a denial letter for K1 petition today in the mail. At the end it says, if I disagree with the decision, I can file I-290B to appeal but it must be filed within 33 days from the date of the notice. If it's not filed within those days, the decision is final. I was out of the country and just received the notice today dated August 27. I will need to use Attorney's help this time as I don't want to re-apply for the petition as I am sure it's a no go again. Should I wait until the decision is final or that's not possible to appeal a final decision? The time is too little for me! I am freaking out. 

paustinNot Telling02014-09-18 06:37:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan
Thanks Igor :D
RazorNot Telling02006-06-21 19:27:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan
I spoke with a nice person at USCIS who told me about the current status of the "recalled applications" to the Vermont Service Center.

The "files" were recalled along with the "Petitions" from the foreign embassy. My petition was still on its way back to square one so I could be sent my IMBRA addition (ironic considering we met in USA and IMBRA is applied to all K-1's now).

So now she tells me that once my file and petition are together in the office I will get my RFE and my case along with everyone else affected will be expedited. She said the RFE's sent out due to IMBRA will be mailed in bulk from the Vermont Service Center.
How can that be true if I am hearing that other people using the Vermont Service Center have already got their RFE's?

She said my case was of course recalled like everyone else's due to IMBRA, but I am hearing that other people have already gotten their RFE.

Let me if anyone is along the lines of my timeline and has heard back from the VSC.

norotonfdMaleMoldova2006-06-27 10:48:00
IMBRA Special TopicsWaiver For Multiple Fiance Filings

You seem to know a lot about this whole process.  You are correct...  The K1 Visa was approved by USCIS and then denied by the Embassy in Lagos, Nigeria.  However, 4 months after Lagos denied the Visa, I received an official letter from USCIS which told me the Visa was denied.  It seems in this case, the left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing.  I would think that they would have done a little bit of internal investigation to figure this out.  I was reapplying with more evidence to try and prove that our relationship is bona fide.


Are you mixing I-129F and K1 visa?


I-129F is the first part of the processing and once that's approved, the K1 visa filing starts. 

DualityOnenessMaleChina2014-08-10 01:09:00
IMBRA Special TopicsWaiver For Multiple Fiance Filings

Hello All,


   Get this.  I have been waiting a few days to get the letter in the mail from USCIS, request for evidence.  I have been wondering what they could possibly want.  I have had some practice with the fiance visa paperwork, since my first application was denied.  I have refiled, for the same woman, a second time.  The first visa was denied because we couldn't establish a bona fide relationship.  So. I front loaded the second application with a whole ream of paper which included emails, 2 trips to Nigeria, photos, boarding passes, hotel receipts.  You name it.... I sent everything.


  I got the letter and was shocked!  I need to apply for a waiver because I am reapplying for another visa when the first one was denied.  I don't get it.  The first aplication was approved only at approved to move from the US to Lagos, Nigeria.  Lagos, Nigeria denied it.  I later received a letter making it offical from USCIS.  It even told me I could reapply, so I did.


  Luckily, I called the 800 number and was told to make an appointment at the field offie which I just did.  Monday I should have some answers to this dilema.




Nigeria has received much notoriety on many scams that originate from there, 

so perhaps they are scrutinizing even more thoroughly. 


Going through this once is bad enough, let alone doing it again and getting scrutinized again.

Sounds like you are legit, and prepared better the second time, 

so hopefully face to face meeting with the field officer on Monday

can clear the way.    


You should fill out the timeline in the meanwhile.


Best of luck.  

DualityOnenessMaleChina2014-08-09 11:33:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAppealing Denial Decision

I received a denial letter for K1 petition today in the mail. At the end it says, if I disagree with the decision, I can file I-290B to appeal but it must be filed within 33 days from the date of the notice. If it's not filed within those days, the decision is final. I was out of the country and just received the notice today dated August 27. I will need to use Attorney's help this time as I don't want to re-apply for the petition as I am sure it's a no go again. Should I wait until the decision is final or that's not possible to appeal a final decision? The time is too little for me! I am freaking out. 

we also didn't receive our denial right away - it was sent around Christmas time to the old address (even though we and our lawyer were updating USCIS with any changes we had), so our lawyer said that we could a notice to appeal - a quick and short document to meet the 33 days deadline, and prepare and send the Brief later.

It worked (they took the Appeal, and the Brief was send 30 days or so later). BTW - 3 years into Appeal - no news yet. I know if was remanded to the local office after a year for a second look from the office.

Good Luck!

Edited by kazuava, 20 September 2014 - 01:47 AM.

kazuavaFemale02014-09-20 01:46:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan

I see almost everyone we're getting the response to your IMBRA waiver that you filed..

My fiance and I haven't filed for ours because we basically don't have any idea on how do we even send the waiver and
the required documents we need to attach beside the I129F...

I am not sure if I should include my birt cert, cert of no marriage, etc again since I was the same fiancee of the same petitioner.

I was already granted a fiancee' visa previously and entered United States previously but for some personal
reason we did not push through with our plan to marry until now... I need help on the documents I need to send to USCIS along
with the IMBRA waiver plus-- do I need to also include the filing fee for the I129F?

Please help!!!
sweettmayyFemalePhilippines2010-06-12 18:01:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan

Got my IMBRA RFE in the mail today, and already sent it back to Vermont.
Here is a scan of the RFE

A call to Vermont has yielded a fax # to request a "petition expedite". They told me that since I have a copy of your scanned IMBRA RFE that it may further expedite the process if I include the doc, filled out already. I was wondering what kind of info aside from the obvious was blocked out in case it's something pertinent that I should include. Thanks
timmaricelNot TellingPhilippines2006-07-04 06:31:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan
Got my IMBRA RFE in the mail today, and already sent it back to Vermont.
Here is a scan of the RFE Attached File  IMBRA_RFE.pdf   878.99KB   4665 downloads
Igor BrukkerNot TellingUkraine2006-06-21 19:22:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAppealing Denial Decision

I thought by statute, appealing the decision on an AWA waiver request was not even an option. 




It sounds like it's an impossible standard to reach based on that denial.  The psychiatrist compares him to the typical male - I'm not really sure asking for more is feasible.  Chemical castration?

JnRMoMaleLatvia2014-09-18 20:26:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan

Got my IMBRA RFE in the mail today, and already sent it back to Vermont.
Here is a scan of the RFE

Thanks for sharing this. It seems odd that no question relates to the limitation on the number of application you had filed or had approved in the past two years. I guess because it is unenforceable in that it attempts to apply the law retroactively which may be unconstitutional since prior to the effective date of March 06th, 2006 no such limitation existed. They are only requesting that you voluntarily seek a waiver if you know that you have filed more than two K-1 visa before March 06th, 2006. I think it was intended for the post March 06th, 2006 serial applicants by then there will also be database to verify their accuracy
abdcasNot Telling02006-06-21 22:08:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan

Got my IMBRA RFE in the mail today, and already sent it back to Vermont.
Here is a scan of the RFE

You are a life savor!!! I am currently in Spain ! I have been going crazy trying to get my hands on what the RFE will be!!!
ktsuns2Not TellingSpain2006-06-30 18:35:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan
I notice this is for form I-129 F is their a similar requirement for the I-130 forms as well?
lemmonyMalePhilippines2011-10-10 08:01:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan
yeah i'm pretty torn myself on how to interpret this. i met my fiancee on and as far as i can tell, it's as normal of a dating website as, eharmony, etc, and aside from the membership i paid to join, i basically did all the work myself without any additional help from those running the website (again just like match and eharmony).

i'm leaning towards just filling out question #19 and explaining that it's a dating website and that no one brokered a relationship...

so, anyone out there successfully filed the I-129F that has met their fiance/fiancee on a similar type of dating website that can share how they filled out the form?

jmoneyMaleChina2012-01-05 20:27:00
IMBRA Special TopicsVAWA informations

~Moved from Fam.-based AOS to IMBRA Special Topics Forum~

~Similar topics are often discussed at this forum~

~duplicate thread removed~

~ :time: This helps everyone that uses the forum. Additionally, it enables other members to formulate proper responses relative to your specific immigration situation~


Wouldn't this be best in http://www.visajourn...ation-benefits/ where VAWA is discussed more often than in imbra under the K1 section as it is related to AOS and is not imbra related at all, and not awa either?

IlliriaFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-10-04 15:37:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan
QUOTE (Chuckles @ Jun 21 2006, 07:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mike1972e @ Jun 21 2006, 07:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Thanks so much for sharing, it is truly helpful. I thought they would give more details about the marriage broker definition. It is very broad, and leaves a lot of questions.

I met my fiancee on Yahoo personals, should I check yes or no????

Yahoo personals are not considered a IMB because they welcome everyone, international or domestic to join.

That is just my opinion. Please ask others who have filled out the form (mine was done before IMBRA) and read the descriptions for yourself.

Edited by louise21, 27 November 2008 - 02:36 PM.

louise21FemaleGermany2008-11-27 14:35:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan

Thank you for sharing that. :)

Hi I am new to visa journey and logged on just to see how long it was taking others to have their k1 visas processed. I saw that yours is being processed in VT like mine.
My application was initially approved for my fiance from Australia in April. The it was recalled because of the new info they needed for Imbra. I got my RFE and returned it to VT, they noted they recieved it on June 17th.
I was wondering if you could tell me when they said they recieved yours and how long you have been waiting for yours to be approved?
biztasNot TellingAustralia2006-07-30 16:37:00
IMBRA Special TopicsEstimated time to get package from MNL

The embassy is not going to send her forms. She has to download that form from the website and bring it to her interview.

oatmealMalePhilippines2014-10-16 21:49:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAdam Walsh Act - advice on relevance ?

Guess we go to the fingerprint appointment for him and wait for further letters telling us what we have to do next. Seems ridiculous to me as there is no link between his past conviction and the situation he is in now with me.

While your waiting, you should focus on what Capri wrote, particularly:
What you need to establish he is not a threat is the same thing that any one else subject to the AWA needs. Complete court documents. Statements from providers. Newspaper articles. Therapy reports. Affidavits etc.

Is uncertain when you will submit this, but be certain - he will need to submit this stuff.

I think if you are prepared, this 'wait for further letters' can be mitigated 100 percent. But that's just me. Capri outlined the issues, try to reread his stuff without emotional bias. IMO, it's the emotional bias that is going to stifle the two of you for creating the additional evidence required.
DarnellMaleChina2013-04-17 05:24:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAdam Walsh Act - advice on relevance ?
fingerprinting not connected to the other stuff you wrote about.

It is a requirement that he get fingerprinted, because of AWA. That's it, that's all. So, if a ton of other things to overcome, I think your on the right track for the 'tack' to take, when writing up letters of attestation.
DarnellMaleChina2013-04-16 16:58:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIntend to deny I-129F w/ AWA
you are given an opportunity,
at the moment,
to make a complete submittal with the things they are asking for.

Don't have the SOR in your state? Write a letter of attestation explaining why not.

I think Tim is jumping the gun on process, at the moment, fwiw.

However, don't begrude stuff with USCIS, since you already submitted a pile. Now you have to submit yet another pile, even it's the same official stuff from the prior pile. Just do it and go forth.

You might want to consider engaging an attorney at this point, for deeper legal advice and assistance with prepping the pile for this new submittal. I not suggest engaging an attorney to 'handle all', but rather, assistance and overview on prepping the new pile plus deeper legal advice.

Go Get Em, and Good Luck !!

Edited by Darnell, 30 November 2013 - 05:04 PM.

DarnellMaleChina2013-11-30 17:03:00
IMBRA Special TopicsMy Case is denied after 2 years and 6 months

my short list:

--independent evaluations from 2 or 3 state-board-certified psychiatrists

--letter from the probation officer, a detailed letter, outlining the work you did during your probation, the change he/she has noticed in you, and his/her evaluation of your future threat matrix and recidivity index; along with copies of stuff from the casefile that back up his letter.




DarnellMaleChina2014-02-25 17:34:00
IMBRA Special TopicsMy Case is denied after 2 years and 6 months

Way to be persistent -- good luck, and keep us apprised.

TBoneTXMaleEcuador2014-03-05 02:14:00
IMBRA Special TopicsMy Case is denied after 2 years and 6 months

One nonresponsive post removed from this previously old thread.  It would be locked because of its age, except that the OP has logged on to VJ very recently.  OP, is there an update?

TBoneTXMaleEcuador2014-03-02 02:11:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLimit on K-1s from previous marriage?
Avoid the issume, you could be the one to move this time.
BoilerMaleWales2014-04-12 12:21:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLimit on K-1s from previous marriage?

The "waiver" for permission to apply for more than two K-1 is just a letter that you send with the petition asking for an exception.  Getting out of that requirement and doing a CR-1 does not free him of his own history of being a personal immigration portal.  The US gov has checks in place to prevent people from becoming personal immigration portals.  This visa itself doesn't matter as much as his own past, and either way he will have more to overcome than ever before to prove this is a valid relationship.

Harpa TimsahFemaleIsrael2014-04-12 12:09:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLimit on K-1s from previous marriage?

 Have you read the form instructions? From the I-129F form instructions, Page 2 >


2. What Filing Limitations Does IMBRA Place on K-1 Nonimmigrant Petitioners?


You must apply for a filing limitations waiver if any of the following apply:


a. You have previously filed K-1 petitions for two or more beneficiaries; or


b. You previously had a K-1 petition approved and less than 2 years have passed since the filing date of such previously
approved petition.


To request a waiver, submit a written request with this petition accompanied by documentation supporting your claim
to the waiver.




~ Moved from K-1 Process to IMBRA Special Topics ~

KayDeeCeeFemaleMexico2014-04-11 23:49:00
IMBRA Special TopicsMultiple filer

~ Moved from K-1 Process IMBRA Special Topics - topic about IMBRA waiver ~

KayDeeCeeFemaleMexico2014-08-23 00:44:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAmerican fiance has domestic violence charge - please help!

You say you "thought" it was a domestic violence charge, was that the actual charge?


good luck

canadian_wifeFemaleCanada2014-07-29 15:31:00
IMBRA Special == International Marriage Broker

~Moved from K1 Process to IMBRA Special Topics Forum~

~Inquiry about IMBRA~

A&BMaleChina2014-08-27 22:14:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLimit on K-1s from previous marriage?

Do the CR1 spousal visa. No you don't need a lawyer.

yes he needs a lawyer because he needs a waiver

mimoliciousNot TellingJordan2014-04-12 11:38:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLimit on K-1s from previous marriage?


You are 100% wrong.  A CR-1 is NOT a K-1.  The limitation applies to a lifetime limit on K-1 visasThere is no lifetime limit on CR-1 visas.


Quit giving misleading, incorrect advice. 


No, I think she's right. Right on the money in fact.


He needs a lawyer, or to at least confer with one, not because he already has had 2 k1's, two failed marriages where the beneficiaries ended up here and with Green Cards. He needs a lawyer because he has a convoluted and perhaps difficult history to over come.

cdnehFemaleNew Zealand2014-04-12 12:02:00