IMBRA Special TopicsDoes a person who has domestic violence can get visa K1?


Your fiance should take the advice of the posters in here to consult an immigration attorney. K-1 Visa process takes 2 different Departments approvals. Your petition may get approve by USCIS but it may also get denied by the Department of States based on those criminal record. You should read IMBRA forum section to see if there are others in similar situations like yours.

does every ppl who has domestic violence cant be approved fro the visa k1?
and he said his case is misdamenor.
now we have argued about this problem.
NovelFemaleIndonesia2012-12-21 02:22:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDoes a person who has domestic violence can get visa K1?

yes he has read. but he said it isnt big problem.

also his case has done.
NovelFemaleIndonesia2012-12-21 01:54:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDoes a person who has domestic violence can get visa K1?

Has he read the I-129F instructions yet? In particular, starting on page 2, section #7.

yes he has read. but he said it isnt big problem.
NovelFemaleIndonesia2012-12-21 01:41:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDoes a person who has domestic violence can get visa K1?

his domestic violence will most likely be an issue so its best you at least consult with immigration lawyer so you can be prepared with options to face a possible denial

can u give me the reason why domestic violence or why we need to consult to attorney?
my fiance ask me.
NovelFemaleIndonesia2012-12-21 01:18:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDoes a person who has domestic violence can get visa K1?

Again, he will need to meet with an immigration attorney. VJ is primarily for people who can handle this process on their own. Your case is clearly not something that should be done without consulting with an immigration attorney.

my fince ask me why domestic violence is hard case?
NovelFemaleIndonesia2012-12-21 01:15:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDoes a person who has domestic violence can get visa K1?

If you want to pursue this, your fiancé will need to meet with an immigration attorney to attempt to mitigate the strikes against him -- drug charges, domestic violence, and he can't meet the poverty guideline requirement. Be sure he reads through the I-129F instructions and answers honestly about his past. Part one of this process is reviewing the US Citizen to ensure they're eligible to petition.

Also, have you two actually met in person?

yes we have. he has came to my country twice or once every year.
Our relationship has in 2 years now.

And about the 129F, he will attach police records and court records. Is it enough?
NovelFemaleIndonesia2012-12-20 23:27:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDoes a person who has domestic violence can get visa K1?

his domestic violence will most likely be an issue so its best you at least consult with immigration lawyer so you can be prepared with options to face a possible denial

the domestic violence wasnt hard or bad. it just because aurgued with his ex gf and the girl pushed him so he pusshed back that girl.
I think courd record can explain the history to USCIS right?
NovelFemaleIndonesia2012-12-20 23:18:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDoes a person who has domestic violence can get visa K1?

Seriously? Just asking. :unsure:

What about the his drug problem/case?

I think you may want to seek an immigration lawyer's advice on his cases.

seriously of what?
the drug problem happened in 2009. he was arrested when he used weed with his friend and his friend's gf in his car.
the criminal history will give bad influence for our petition?
USCIS will be looking the court records and police records right?
NovelFemaleIndonesia2012-12-20 23:12:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDoes a person who has domestic violence can get visa K1?
i knew why he got domestic violence. his domestic violence is minor. he got cause argued with his ex gf in 2006.
and he is a nice guy. i know him very well. i have known for 2 years.

Any of members in VJ who had gotten K1 visa or while in processing has criminal background wants to share their experience?.
I just want to know.

Thank u
NovelFemaleIndonesia2012-12-20 23:06:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDoes a person who has domestic violence can get visa K1?

Hi Novel.

First, if you submit the petition in December (this month) you are unlikely to get it approved/denied for about 6 months (sometimes longer, very occasionally earlier) so you would not get the visa by February. You are best case looking at August 2013.

Second, the criminal background will almost definitely be an issue. I'm sure some people here on VJ will be able to advise you on that.

Third, some embassies accept a co-sponsor and others do not. It is entirely dependent on the embassy you are interviewing at. He will still need to submit the proper income/financial forms at the interview regardless of whether or not he meets the requirements.

I have emailled embassy of U.S in Indonesia and they accept co-sponsor. but i am still confuse about the financial evidence. Do we need to submitt the financial evidence and co-sponsor in our 129F petition? because he called USCIS and they said if in the instruction "ya" we must but if "no" we dont. And also the USCIS said maybe there is a chance so if they need the financial evidence and we dont attach with the 129F they will send back our petition or deny the petition.

So should i submitt the financial evidence with the 129F together?
NovelFemaleIndonesia2012-12-20 22:56:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDoes a person who has domestic violence can get visa K1?

The domestic violence will be a problem, I believe it is one type of offenses that prevents US citizens from petitioning for alien fiancees. I don't mean to be judgmental, but...are you sure you want to marry this guy?

Fisrt let me explain, he got domestic violence in 2006 because he had argument with his ex gf. His ex gf pushed him to the wall and he pushed back the girl. The girl has a bi-polar mental. after he arrasted he still came to that girl and argued again and arrasted again because the girl called police again. His problem wasnt hard.
NovelFemaleIndonesia2012-12-20 22:49:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDoes a person who has domestic violence can get visa K1?
Dear All of members...
I just join in VJ because i concern about my visa k1 process. Im Novel from Indonesia. I and my fiance will submitt fiancee visa in this Feb'2013.
First we wanted to submitt the petition in Dec'12 but because he cant get his police record until Jan 20, so we postpone till it completes.
My question: Is it possible for us to get visa K1? because his criminal background. He has domestic violence in WA and drug problem in OR.

Also we will use co-sponsor because his income doesnt meet with the qualification. He has works part time and has financial aid from his collage.
Will the USCIS look his work in the past?

Thank you.
NovelFemaleIndonesia2012-12-19 21:59:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA

good afternoon fellow vj members i wanna ask any opinions if there are members here who met their fiance/e thru dating site they considered as IMB??im still thinking what we miss on our petition because we got RFE..we answered no on the question did u meet your fiance thru the services of an international marriage broker...any insights will be gladly appreciated!! Good luck to our journey..

I met my fiance also In that site 2009 FilipinaHeart pa dati! were currently in Initial Review .Its not IMB.
killmewidursmileFemalePhilippines2013-03-14 23:57:00
Grats man.....

My wife and I were approved this morning and also beat the Adam Walsh Act!

eagerlyNot Telling02010-04-22 14:35:00

VISA APPROVED!!!...wheww! what a journey

Congrats guys!!!! That is a wonderful news!
missingyou_01234Not TellingPhilippines2010-12-02 22:46:00

Pleas what's going on now? Did you find a lawyer in A?rizona? did you find any good criminal pshchologist in AZ? do you need a licensed polygraph examiner?

we are going to appeal just search a lawyer fron California... Please help if you some.

Sorry, I forgot my log in and FINALLY figured it out. Well we have been getting the run around. We have an amazing Lawyer, our file has been transferred to Vermont. We get NO ANSWERS. VERY frustrated. I just wish I could have a temp working visa during this time. This is going on 4 years now.

What exactly is the AWA Waiver? I have never found a form for this.

It is an Adam Walsh Act Waiver, in other words, the beginning of a nightmare.
CanadianLadyNot TellingCanada2013-03-22 03:21:00
Thank you very much. We have been together for over 15 years....
CanadianLadyNot TellingCanada2011-06-17 18:07:00
HI Everyone,
We just got the Intend for denial notice due to the AWA. I just can't believe this. We knew NOTHING about this.
Does ANYONE know of a good lawyer in Arizona that can help us with this. Finding a lawyer with any AWA experience is not working out.
We only have 75 days to prove that my husband is not a threat to me or our kids, even though I think the last 15 years that we have been together with no issues should be enough proof.
This is crazy. HELPPPP.
CanadianLadyNot TellingCanada2011-06-16 16:33:00

We are looking for an attorney, just really hard to find an attorney that even knows about AWA

CanadianLadyNot TellingCanada2011-06-16 16:28:00
i ll start by wishing everyone Merry Christmas!and wish for all Adam Walsh filers will get their petitions approved soon.
I had interview few days ago i was so nervous that day so many emotions but if u arrive there u ll have big chances to get the is easy too write but few days ago in interview day i thought im going crazy and i was praying everything to be fine!
here is what happened so i arrived inside ambasy....they took my fingerprints than i went to sign forms 156 and 156k....and give the criminal record passport and all documents they need...than after a while i went to give the evidences...that moment the lady ascked me"Do u know about ur fiance convinction?",so i answered "yes i know".....than she sayed :"ok...please write a short letter saying you know about his conviction and despite that you will still marry him".
so i did that after a while they acsked me to go close and a lady Us Consul ascked me few questions :
"How you and your fiance meet?"
"How many times he visited you?""Did you ever visted US before?"
"what job he has?"
"Do you planne to get marry and where?"
"when you have intentions to go in the US?"
and last question"Do you know about his conviction?"
so thas all...
I wish everyone good luck and hope soon i ll read here you got aprovals and visa
Best Wishes!
Rachel555Not TellingRomania2009-12-25 05:34:00

HI Everyone,
We just got the Intend for denial notice due to the AWA. I just can't believe this. We knew NOTHING about this.
Does ANYONE know of a good lawyer in Arizona that can help us with this. Finding a lawyer with any AWA experience is not working out.
We only have 75 days to prove that my husband is not a threat to me or our kids, even though I think the last 15 years that we have been together with no issues should be enough proof.
This is crazy. HELPPPP.

not sure how good they are as my process is still in the pipe but I solicited the Lawrence Holmes and associates law firm. google them and give them a call?
lemmonyMalePhilippines2011-10-10 07:52:00
Hi C0881, I'm sorry to read that your petition was denied. I am about to submit our reply to the NOID that we received in a few weeks. We are going to submit a polygraph test, letters from my husband's parole officer, letters from family and friends, a certified background check.

What are your plans now? Are you planning to file an appeal? Being in this situation is so scary, I'm always thinking that any day now someone will be at our door to come take me for deportation or something. I' m also in the process of renewing my work permit and we have not received work on that yet.
siciliantizio1979MalePhilippines2010-06-22 12:02:00

I can not give to you any advice in regards to your process I have no experience except for our K-1 process we are still in.

I will say the need for an attorney is there; as with any complicated case I recommend hiring an immigration attorney.

Some would say you do not need an attorney and that may be true but for us having the attorney lowers the stress levels and has helped our process move somewhat quicker than others by being proactive.

Also being new here some may ask what the offense was that made your husband an AWA filer; I do not believe this matters as much and a competent attorney should tell you the risks.

Read through the posts here on VJ and learn what other AWA filers did to be successful.

It was a non-violent case, he got involved with a minor who lied about her age and the mother filed a case against my husband when she found out about it. He was convicted, did time for 2 years, was on parole for another 3 yrs and now he has been released from parole since Dec of 2009. We do have a lawyer but she is not familiar with AWA and ours is the first one that she handled. She thought that AWA only affected K-1 filers. The clinical psychologist told my husband it would cost around $2,000 for the psych evaluation. As part of his parole, he was not mandated to see a therapist since his parole officer didn't see it necessary and he was profiled as a non-violent person. He did see a therapist for a few sessions and did a polygraph test as well before he was released. I'm basically counting on letters of recommendation from family, friends and employers to get us through this.
siciliantizio1979MalePhilippines2010-04-30 15:24:00
Hi. We are new to visa journey and is an Adam Walsh filer as well. It is only on this site that I have seen any approvals and we are very hopeful that our petition will be approved. Just a brief background on our case, me and my husband were married in 2008 in Texas and filed for our I-130 in April. We had our initial interview in June and that was when they told us that we needed to submit evidence that he poses no risk to me. He did the biometrics and we submitted documents from his case from the attorney who handled his case. He was still under parole at that time. Then we heard nothing. He was released from parole in December of 2009 and we received our NOID on april 27 asking for more evidence that he poses no risk. Since our filing, we had a son who is a year old right now. He does not have any prior convictions and did not have any problems with his parole officer. He was seen by a psychiatrist and did a polyraph test as well and his parole officer gave us a letter which we forwarded, but they still gave us the NOID. In a way it's a relief that we got the NOID, at least we know that things are moving along but I am scared of what will happen if we do not give them enough evidence and we get denied, will I be deported? I cannot even bear to think that I will be separated from my family, they are all that I have. Me and my husband work hard to provide as much as we can for our son. Any insights from other AWA filers would be very much appreciated.
siciliantizio1979MalePhilippines2010-04-30 09:45:00
hi i'm going though a simalar case but have been denied all the way piles of reports and documents proving no threat but yet i have exhausted everything next step is federal court if you or anyone reading this can help with ANY information or a good lawyer (i dont like mine) please please help me on this matter please also i am very happy for you i wish i knew how that felling is

Application Type: I130 , IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On June 2, 2009, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

I worked very hard on this case. With polygraphs, letters from family memebers. I will work very hard this week for others to know my portfolio of what I sent to get this approved this week. Peaple that prayed for us thank you sooo much. God bless you all.

Shane & Angie
just13126MaleMalaysia2010-01-10 13:52:00
We are looking for an attorney, just really hard to find an attorney that even knows about AWA
crazytimeNot Telling02010-05-27 17:07:00
I see , my husband didnt even do any jail time, he did 2 years parole and counseling. And he was convicted as a minor. Our lawyer thought they want to know about criminal backround for me only, we didnt even think about hm , cuz he is already a citizen.
crazytimeNot Telling02010-05-27 17:03:00
Hi you guys first of all, Congratulations. We know how hard you guys worked to get to this day! If you guys have any ideas of what we can do , please, please....please let us know! we are desperate. My husband was 13 years old(now 28 years old) was playing house with other kids, then the neighbor decided to press charges. Ever since he has never had any issues with the law. Weve been fighting them for 3 years now, we have a little baby boy(7 months) and they want to deport me back to europe, again if you guys haver any advice or any ideas , please let us know. One more time Congartulations to you guys !!!
crazytimeNot Telling02010-05-27 16:56:00

Hello well here is the good news. I received my approval notice today. My case showed enough evidence i Pose no rosk to my wife. ADAM WALH WAS DEFEATED. Adam walsh filers rest at ease, <img src="http://www.visajourn...#>/kicking.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":dance:" border="0" alt="kicking.gif" />

Application Type: I130 , IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On June 2, 2009, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

<b></b>I worked very hard on this case. With polygraphs, letters from family memebers. I will work very hard this week for others to know my portfolio of what I sent to get this approved this week. Peaple that prayed for us thank you sooo much. God bless you all.

Shane & Angie

crazytimeNot Telling02010-05-27 16:39:00
IMBRA Special TopicsHow long?

Filed in Feb 2008, denied in December 2011 - 3 months short of 4 years. My case had been denied for 8 month now, and the web site still shows "initial review", just like it had been showing for all 4 years.

Please what going on now did you appeal?
minipieNot TellingHong Kong2013-02-13 23:48:00
IMBRA Special TopicsHow long?

I originally filed July of 2009, still waiting on my appeal

we are going to appeal but why your got your appeal result so quick just around one month, what did they say?
minipieNot TellingHong Kong2013-02-13 23:45:00

HI Everyone,
We just got the Intend for denial notice due to the AWA. I just can't believe this. We knew NOTHING about this.
Does ANYONE know of a good lawyer in Arizona that can help us with this. Finding a lawyer with any AWA experience is not working out.
We only have 75 days to prove that my husband is not a threat to me or our kids, even though I think the last 15 years that we have been together with no issues should be enough proof.
This is crazy. HELPPPP.

Pleas what's going on now? Did you find a lawyer in A?rizona? did you find any good criminal pshchologist in AZ? do you need a licensed polygraph examiner?

we are going to appeal just search a lawyer fron California... Please help if you some.
minipieNot TellingHong Kong2013-02-21 17:00:00

Hello well here is the good news. I received my approval notice today. My case showed enough evidence i Pose no rosk to my wife. ADAM WALH WAS DEFEATED. Adam walsh filers rest at ease, <img src="http://www.visajourn...#>/kicking.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":dance:" border="0" alt="kicking.gif" />

Application Type: I130 , IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On June 2, 2009, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

<b></b>I worked very hard on this case. With polygraphs, letters from family memebers. I will work very hard this week for others to know my portfolio of what I sent to get this approved this week. Peaple that prayed for us thank you sooo much. God bless you all.

Shane & Angie

merclavetteFemaleCanada2012-09-03 11:12:00
IMBRA Special TopicsQuestions about Adam Walsh Act in regards to juveniles
I should probably add that in the supplemental guidelines for SORNA, it talks about my situation but doesn't actually say if I'm included in SORNA or not as it's talking about what individual states are required to include in their laws to be considered compliant with SORNA.

"... the final guidelines reflect a judgment that the objectives of SORNA § 111(8) will not be substantially undermined if jurisdictions are afforded discretion concerning registration and notification for juveniles adjudicated delinquent on the basis of offenses that are within the definitional scope of 18 U.S.C. 2241 only because of the age of the victim."

Edited by GenericUsername, 13 January 2013 - 06:14 PM.

GenericUsernameMaleRussia2013-01-13 18:09:00
IMBRA Special TopicsQuestions about Adam Walsh Act in regards to juveniles
Does anyone know if a juvenile adjudication for a incest (in 1994) would trigger the AWA in regards to filing a I-130 for my wife? From what I've read, USCIS doesn't treat juvenile adjudications as convictions in regards to immigration law, but under AWA I'm require to register as a tier III offender because I was 15 years old and my victim was 11.
GenericUsernameMaleRussia2013-01-13 17:12:00
My wife and I were approved this morning and also beat the Adam Walsh Act!
Jeff 0731Not TellingPeru2010-04-22 14:14:00
IMBRA Special TopicsNo Decision on our Answer to NOID
CanTex, get an ISO at the USCIS call center, on Friday.

ask for casefile status.

Good Luck !
DarnellMaleChina2012-04-26 20:23:00
IMBRA Special Topicsawa exposure
info on background checks:

Also, pay attention to the I-129F instructions, as there's some stuff the petitioner is supposed to submit if convicted.
DarnellMaleChina2012-08-19 23:23:00
IMBRA Special Topicsimbra

this is what my visa lawyer stated about 6 weeks ago

Get another lawyer. Changes to LAWS (IMBRA is a LAW "International Marriage Broker ACT") are made by congress, not by USCIS. USCIS does not make any laws, cannot change any laws and would have no say in any such change, except perhaps testifying to a congressional committee. Your lawyer has no clue and/or is talking smack.

IMBRA is highly unlikely to have any affect on your petition in any case.

Nothing is currently proposed (introduced) in congress in regards to IMBRA which does not rule out an amendment being hung on something else along the way, but it seems in an election year there are bigger sheep to fleece.
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2012-04-10 17:37:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAdam Walsh Act?

i had been arrested for fighting and i paid fine after 3 days in jail,i need answers from anyone who replies your case as i am interested too

Chianrose, please create your own threads to ask questions. Do not hijack other's threads. Especially when their subject matter has nothing whatsoever to do with yours.
KrikitNot Telling02012-09-03 13:12:00