Thank you for those who have supported me threw this process. First of all, those posting out there about beating Adam walsh. I did not beat the law, I did prove my self by a reasonable doubt I pose no threat. For some this may be easy or difficult.

I went through many professional channels and legal advise. But I did really everything on my own. God takes the credit yesterday for this mircle that happened with the final approval. Here is a break down of evidence I sent for my request for evidence.

1)A letter from the Paster that married me and my wife in Colombia
2) One etter showing my remorce from my conviction in 1997.
3) A confecsion letter to my wife of my prior conviction before marriage.
4) A letter from my wife she is aware of my conviction. (Translated)
5) One family member letter showing and proving our marriage is bonifide and my charector. A IMMIDATE family mother, father, etc. (Translated)
6) A certified polygraph updated there has been no other convictions since relaese from probation.
7) A state police letter I do not register as a Preditory offender. THIS IS A IMPORTANT DOCUMENT

8) No other convictions since 1997. A state police background check, Certified.
9) Definition of a Christian marriage, etc or what ever religion you believe.
10) Communitty activity, voting card, ballet pickup receipt is what i used.
Angie Y ShaneMaleColombia2009-06-03 21:59:00
Hello well here is the good news. I received my approval notice today. My case showed enough evidence i Pose no rosk to my wife. ADAM WALH WAS DEFEATED. Adam walsh filers rest at ease, kicking.gif

Application Type: I130 , IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On June 2, 2009, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

I worked very hard on this case. With polygraphs, letters from family memebers. I will work very hard this week for others to know my portfolio of what I sent to get this approved this week. Peaple that prayed for us thank you sooo much. God bless you all.

Shane & Angie

Edited by Angie Y Shane, 03 June 2009 - 12:19 AM.

Angie Y ShaneMaleColombia2009-06-03 00:18:00
IMBRA Special TopicsThere is Hope
Oh wow that's such a wonderful story. My fiance is still in the country, you both had each other in the US, that's a plus side of it, but either way, this AWA thing stresses everyone out. Could you please IM me what attorney did you use?
paustinNot Telling02013-01-03 16:10:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA: 3 years married, no greencard yet
dear friends! I appreciate the messages some of you sent me asking and worrying about how my case is going. I apologize for taking my time to reply, and will do it to each of you personally after this short update.
Well... As you might know, after 2nd denial we appealed in Feb 2012, and so far I didn't hear anything from BIA yet. Still waiting and hoping...
I hope that the people who work in USCIS can sleep better then I do after 6.5 years of fight to simply be with the person I chose to be my husband.
kazuavaFemale02013-04-07 03:42:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA: 3 years married, no greencard yet
I haven't been posting anything for a while, since there is really little progress on a case.
But life is moving: we are married for 4 years now and recently we had our 2nd daughter born. SHe is adorable! She smiles so bright and Dad is her favorite person. Also, to fell a little better, I hope to start college this Jan. But I started admission prosess so close to a deadline that I'm not sure if I will make it for Spring Semester...

And Infopass a week ago revied that my case is being actively prosessed but there is no decesion yet and there is no prosessing deadlines for I130 petition, but they hope to have it decided on some time in 2011...

So, new year, new hopes and new child to love and take care of!

I wish all of the aplicants good luck with their process and have a great holiday season!
kazuavaFemale02010-12-20 05:18:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA: 3 years married, no greencard yet

Thank you fo rthe update.

When did the court start following your case and why?

Would there be a reason for anyone else to go to court besides appealing?

WE applied 1st time back in 2007. We were sent NOID then as well, but were given only 30 days to reply, and we missed a deadline. So we were denied. We reaplied, since at that point we would likely loose appeal because of missing a deadline for NOID. And all denied cases, if they are not appealed go to Court (remuval prossedings). If our 2nd case is approved, remuval prossedings will be terminated, if denied, we will have to appeal or fight it in court.

If you appeal, case doesn't go to court untill you exaust all possible ways to appeal... I don't worry about Court right now, since while 2nd case is pending they will not do anything. I worry about destiny of our 2nd case.
kazuavaFemale02010-08-26 11:25:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA: 3 years married, no greencard yet
Another update.
Today we had Master Hearing again. Yes, my pending case was sent to Court, just a procedure, in case, prosecutor wants to review it. After Court it is going to be send backk to USCIS. SO, hopefully, somebody will start working on it. THe good news for me was that prosecutor proved that they received our reply for NOID.
Judge was not happy with all this tossing a pending case from USCIS to Court and back, since she doesn't see a reason for it. I agree. What for? Just to loose another 2 months, while somebody could be working on it and making a decision?

In 30-40 days I will make another Infopass appointment, to see, if there are any updates...

THe Master hearing was reset for another 6 months to see if there going to be any decision on my 2nd case then.
kazuavaFemale02010-08-23 23:02:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA: 3 years married, no greencard yet
A few updates on my case...
I'm very frastrated today. I scheduled an Infopass appointment on 65th day since we sent reply on NOID. The reason for Infopass was to make sure USCIS receved our reply (even though we have a confurmation from FedEx) and it started to be prossesed.

THere were no updates in a USCIS system the officer could find. She said that case is still pending, and she saw that we were sent NOID, but she doesn't see any notice about our reply. She also said that NO agent was assigned to work on a case yet.

We wanted to hear if our NOID was attached to a file, so she went to look for a file and came back with a news that she could not find file at all and it was attached to our frevious file, the one we filed in 2007 and were denied in the end of 2007.

(In early 2008 we filed again and regulary going on hearings on remuval prossedings after 1st denial. Have to say here, that all those 2 years that I'm in a remuval prossedings, court hearings are kept being reset for later, because Court is waiting for a decision on a 2nd file. Since having 2nd file pending is my relief from remuval now).

Anyway... Back to a subject.
Not a long time ago somebody in USCIS for some reason combined two totally unrelated files and the officer at Infopass couldn't even find a file now because it is with my 1st one in court.
While it is in court no one is going to work on it.
Untill there is a decision on a 2nd case, court will not work on 1st, denied case. Vicious circle?
Why did I say that it happened resently that somebody combined 2 cases together? Because on the date of my last court (in late Feb 2010) 2nd case was not in Court.

No, 2nd case is NOT denied. It's showing pending with no agent assigned.

SO, instead start adjudicating our reply for NOID somebody... hide it well in a court system, so no one can even get to it now.

I'm very happy that I made this Infopass... I will have Court hearing again in just a few days, so I hope we will strait things out there.

2nd case, while it's pending has no business to be in court. It needs to be in USCIS office and somebody to be assigned to it (after 2.5 years!!!) and work on it, to have any decision born! (Hopefully a good one!)

I just feel like USCIS passes AWA files from one corner to another, and nobody wants to start working on cases. Yes, there are some cases approved, some, unfortunatelly, denied, but most are pending for months and years.

Again... For me, Infopass is the way to go. 2nd time we find case in ... inproper location. Like the last time, after not hearing after interview anything for 8 month, I went to Infopass, and it was found and moved "in a proper location", like the officer said and after that we finally got NOID. AT that time my case was already pending for 2 years.

So... We will se what happens at Court. And I will schedulle another Infopass in about 60 days, just to know in what hole they put it then. Hopefully, it will be at somebody's desk who is assigned to work on it. Then, we may hope to hear decision eventually.

May be everybody should schedulle Infopass?
kazuavaFemale02010-08-13 11:05:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA: 3 years married, no greencard yet

Had an interview today but IO didn't gave us definite answer if I am approved or not. The only hope we are holding are the words he said,"Everything looks fine (with a smile), just wait for 30-60 days for the decision". He didn't talk about the AWA, he just ask for our joint assets. We are hoping for the best at this time.

I wish you to get a good news soon!!!!!!!!
kazuavaFemale02010-07-02 02:15:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA: 3 years married, no greencard yet's just so hard for me everyday to check our case of denial, should i reapply for the whole process or just the work permit??i'm crossing my fingers's just so hard..the psychologist said that my husband is not a threat to me and marriage will reduce his stalking as the years go by in terms of courtship..pls pray for's your case going on??

In case of denial, really, only lawyer will give you the best advice of what is right for you at that time.
I know, you can't just reapply for work permit only, since it requires filling I485 first, and I485 can't be done without applying for I130. Normally, people send all those petitions at the same time, so that is not a question for most people.
But, in your case it might be better not to reapply, but to appeal. Even though reapplying is an option, nice to have options.
Really, if you went so far in a prosess, sent reply for NOID, appeal is probably better. Why would you whant to send new petitions to the SAME office and know you will have to go through the same prosess and long wait? Plus, petitions are expensive novadays.
We could not appeal for our unique reasons AT THAT time, now, if we are denied again we will appeal.
kazuavaFemale02010-07-02 02:07:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA: 3 years married, no greencard yet

hello just curious are you AWA filers also? cud you pls help us what are the evidences you sbumitted..thanks im so worried about this no idea at all coz we have no lawyer we just submitted few..hope you can extend help to us( b4 too late for us)...many thanks Godbless and Godluck
btw my fiance was charged of possession of child pornography yr 2004( jst 4 yrs probation level one S.O)


We submitted Psychological evaluation, letter from ex parol officer, statement from me and my husband, letter from DOC about restoration of civil rights.
Good luck!
kazuavaFemale02010-06-24 23:52:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA: 3 years married, no greencard yet

kazuava, im sorry im always at work but i'll try to reach you once i'll get a husband already got his treatment and was submitted last june went pretty smooth, and what i'm thinking why the us immigration would put me down like that if the girl that he stalked is not even a minor!!that is not really fair..and it says on the NOID that the offense was substantially "similar" of that of a minor which is not really fair at all...and besides the psychologist noted on his treatment that he does not pose no risk to me and if there is a risk, it will be reduced by marriage or companionship and not stalk anybody anymore..i'm just scared and lose everything even my job..i don't even have a driver's license,,should we reapply again in case of denial, what should i do..please leave me a message..thanks..

Hello, tel_raider!
YOu live with feelings like if you already was denied, but you really weren't.
That is insain to make you guys do AWA journey for a similar conviction, but really not the one which falls directly under AWA. How old was this girl? YOu said she was nor minor already. Minor is anyone who is not 18 yet.

Anyway, right now things are ok with you. You have work, your husband, you found money and did all you needed for reply to NOID, your case is in prosess and you WASN"T denied yet ever! Relax and enjoy what you have. It sould be OK, but you can't exoust yourself thinling negatively untill you hear decision from USCIS. I know, you worry, but don't get nutts before time!

It case of denial I would go to lawyer and he will explain your options for you, you really have a few, not just reaply. But yes, reaplying will work, but there may be better options for you.

THink positivelly and good things will happen!
kazuavaFemale02010-06-24 23:46:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA: 3 years married, no greencard yet

As most people is their means of protecting the non-citizen wife or to quote " Adam Walsh Act is to protect children, to secure the safety of judges, prosecutors, law enforcement officers, and their family members, to reduce and prevent gang violence, and for other purposes." But if that is the case, wives of AWA filers should be immediately sent home or deported if the petitioner is harmful. The long wait doesnt make it logic to say "to protect". Kazuava has been married for 3 years with an AWA filer..i dont understand...or are we just allowed to breath and not to have a second chance in life?

Thank you for the warm words. THat is what upsets me the most too: the long wait which doesn't seems like a protection, but a total dependence of a "theat". Which if he were, he could abuse me a lot, since with 1st denial I lost my work permit and DL.
Besides, in 4 months it's going to be 4 years we are married now.
THe funniest thing, if I'm sen't back, our 2 daughters can stay with him, they were born in the US. (I'm LUCKY to have MY husband, because he is willing to give me permit to take kids with me in a case of deportation, which he DOESN'T have too, but he thinks that will be better for them... And he is a great carrying husband and a good provider).

I hope USCIS will give people a chanse to have a life again.
kazuavaFemale02010-06-18 15:11:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA: 3 years married, no greencard yet

Hello AWA filers,

I got my Notice of interview today and it will be scheduled on July 1. I hope evrything will go smoothly.
Look at my profile for my timeline. It's almost been 10 months since I filed.
I will update everyone on the progress of our petition so AWA filers, don't lose hope.

Good luck to you on your interview!

We sent evidence for NOID withing the timeframe! Hooray!
Now, waiting, fingers crossed.

Edited by kazuava, 15 June 2010 - 11:56 PM.

kazuavaFemale02010-06-15 23:56:00
IMBRA Special TopicsThere is Hope
:wow: WOW! in reading this, you made me cry. I was touched by your story. Congratulations! Very happy for both of you and your happy ending.

You have given me some encouragement with our case.
MichellMaleMexico2012-12-29 11:32:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA: 3 years married, no greencard yet
hello just curious are you AWA filers also? cud you pls help us what are the evidences you sbumitted..thanks im so worried about this no idea at all coz we have no lawyer we just submitted few..hope you can extend help to us( b4 too late for us)...many thanks Godbless and Godluck
btw my fiance was charged of possession of child pornography yr 2004( jst 4 yrs probation level one S.O)


Edited by RS2, 21 June 2010 - 11:56 PM.

RS2MalePhilippines2010-06-21 23:53:00
I really like your idea nonversation. I also hesitate to disclose my husband's charge in front of the all visajourney users.
C0881Female02009-11-06 02:24:00
Hi nonversation, are you AWA peititioner? My husband is..

QUOTE (nonversation @ Nov 5 2009, 02:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rachel555 @ Nov 5 2009, 10:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi i decided to write in this topic...not sure who is remebering my case but yesterday my fiance got an email saying our petition was Approved!
we filed in september 2007 and we were approved yesterday....i cant really find my words because im still in shock and i feel like can be a joke ahahahha going to let rest of Adam Walsh filers what will happen from now on!
Best wishes AW filers!

Please tell us about your case, and how you got it approved, what steps you took, what happened , etc, what was he charged with in the past, how long ago it had been between then and now, is he still on the registry?

C0881Female02009-11-05 15:42:00
Hey Rachael congratulations!!!

My K1 case was pending since 2006 and we withdrew it in 2009.

Can you share with other AWA peitioners your experience with USCIS over these 2 years?
C0881Female02009-11-05 13:13:00
IMBRA Special TopicsThere is Hope
If you have questions, please post here..Thanks :)
C0881Female02012-12-29 10:08:00
IMBRA Special TopicsThere is Hope
1997-2009: long distance relationship with my husband (then boyfriend). I have a 10 year b1/b2 visa since 2001. Been seeing each other once a year since 2001.

2008.10.29 travelled to the US to visit him,
2009.4.11 got married, small wedding no gown no tuxedo
2009.4.17 meeting with our immigration attorney. Attorney to file withdrawal of K1, new application for I-485, I-130, I-765 for us
2009.5 attorney filed withdrawal of K1
2009.5 medical check-up done and got sealed report
2009.7.10 receipt from USCIS confirming withdrawal of K1
2009.8 received husband's psych report (by a licensed psychologist in Michigan)
2009.9 husband got certified copies of court records ready + my affidavit stating I am aware of his and he is not a threat to me + friends affidavits
2009.9.16 attorney sent off package to chicago (I485, I130, I765)
2009.9.28 received NOA1 for all of the above peititions (dated 09.24)
2009.9.30 received NOA for biotmetrics appointment (10.23)
2009.10.23 biometrics appointment and I-485, I-765 got touched on USCIS case portfolio
2009.10.26 I-485, I-765 case touched on USCIS site
2009.11.9 email update EAD (I-765) card production ordered
2009.11.10 EAD touched again
2009.11.13 received the same EAD email from USCIS again!
2009.11.14 received interview notice from USCIS in the mail (Dec 17)
2009.11.16 EAD touched again
2009.11.17 EAD touched again
2009.11.18 received EAD card in the mail early morning!!
2009.11.19 Applied for SSN
2009.11.30 I-485 case touched online
2009.12.01 Received SSN card in the mail
2009.12.02 I-485 case touched again
2009.12.07 received interview cancellation letter from USCIS in the mail!
2009.12.18 received biometrics appointment letter for my husband (petitioner) for Jan 4 2010, which we think is STRANGE.
2010.01.14 I-130 case number finally shows up on USCIS website. Initial Review stage.
2010-5-25: I-130 and I-485 been denied. The letter of denial said they mailed us and lawyer a copy of request for further evidence. But neither did we or lawyer got any copy. We are skeptical both copies got lost in mail.

2010-6-24: our lawyer sent off the appeal package for the I-130 by overnight delivery. Packaged was received and signed on 6-25, right on the 30th day since the denial letter was issued.

2010-7-6: received lawyer phone call saying he received a letter from USCIS saying the appeal form he used is not the latest version and the appeal package was rejected. But lawyer said the appeal form he used was downloaded strict from USCIS website one day before he mailed the package out. So it is the current version. Lawyer resubmitted the same package again today asking USCIS not to reject.

2010-7-14: touched but no actual textual update
2010-7-15: touched but no actual textual update
2010-7-19: lawyer received a receipt from USCIS for the I-130 appeal.
2010-7-29: lawyer submitted his brief in support for the appeal and my affidavit for my husband. This brief is not to argue for approval, but to get our 87 days back for the RFE that USCIS claimed to have sent to us back in January while neither we or the lawyer received it.

2010-8-16: EOIR-29 form (appeal for I-130) touched on USCIS website. But no status update.

2010-8-27: received a counter brief from USCIS National Benefits Center towards our appeal for I-130. The brief from USCIS was addressed to BIA but copied us and lawyer in. In their brief, they still said that it was valid to reject our case because they did mail us a NOID or RFE (which we did not receive). They also said we filed an untimely appeal - which according to the certified mail delivery status on USPS, the appeal was delivered on time.

2010-9-14: I-485 and I-765 cases got touched on USCIS website on 2010-9-11. I-130 and EOIR-29 no touch. Called USCIS and spoke to a tier-2 immigration service officer. Was told that she can't see anything done for the Sep 11 touch. I asked if I ever put into removal proceedings would that be indicated on the status update? She said no it's separate.
2010-11-8: last day at work as EAD expired but no renewal due to I-130 appeal.
2010-1-3: husband called USCIS counsel and was referred to call BIA (board of immigration appeals). Husband called BIA and spoke to a clerk who confirmed our appeal documents have been with the Board. However the documents have been moved to different departments back and forth. Therefore it might be why my A number does not exist in the BIA's telephone case status system yet. It's good though - at least I know BIA has our appeal documents. From now on, we should follow up with BIA instead of USCIS...
2011-3-2: mailed out an enquiry letter to BIA in virginia asking them the status of the I-130 appeal. Waiting to see if they will respond.
2011-7-2: received BIA's decision: recorded remanded for entry of new decision. It does not mean the Service will approve us. But the Service is now required to reevaluate our case from beginning. The total appeal timeline (from sending out appeal to receiving a decision) is about 1 year and a week.
2011-7-??: Lawyer sent off a letter to USCIS's national benefits center in MO asking them to forward the remanded I-130 to Vermont (because remanded AWA cases are to be reviewed by Vermont now).
2011-7-25: Husband called USCIS 1-800 number. Got transferred 3 times to get to a tier-2 immigration officer. Asked the officer if record shows that the case been forwarded to Vermont service center. The IO said no such record yet but it usually takes time to process. He said if we don't hear anything by 8.15 we should call again.
2011-10: Received written notice from USCIS that I-130 and I-485 were reopened as a result of the remanded I130 appeal. However, the written notice is ALSO a NOID (notice of intent to deny). The NOID asks that we submit further evidence to prove that my husband is not a risk to me, within 87 days limit. Earlier in the year, around May, we were able to work with a criminal psychologist to do a psych report again. At the same time, the psychologist referred us to his associate, a licensed polygraph examiner, to do a polygraph test. We also obtained some more letters from my husband's side of the family. I also did one more affidavit. My husband did an affidavit as well. His is a very long one, like a biography of his childhood, crimes, how we met, how long we had met, how long we've been living together.
2011-10: Same month as we received the re-opening notice / NOID from USCIS, our attorney submitted a new application of EAD for me.
2011-12: Our attorney mailed all evidences to USCIS in response to the NOID
2012-3: started working again, legally, with the EAD!
2012-9: received a written notice from USCIS, Lee Summit, MO, for an interview at Detroit USCIS mid October.
2012-10: Together with our attorney, all 3 of us met with the Immigration Officer at Detroit USCIS. Basic questions, like what line of work I do, and whether I am a terrorist, were asked. However, no questions were asked about my husband's background. However, my husband took this opportunity to let I/O know once again he is not a threat or risk to me and he asked the officer not to take me away from him - very humble and wholehearted.
2012-12: Attorney said we were approved and forwarded the USCIS auto update email to us. I could not believe it - I asked him if the officer at Detroit couuld have hit the wrong button. He emailed the officer next day and got a firm reply that it was approved. So, our attorney did have the contact email address of the officer and a couple USCIS counsel attorneys in Lee Summit MO. He had been following up with those people heavily in the summer.
2012-mid December: received permanent resident card in the mail :)

Have some hope - my husband always tells me those who care and persist will succeed in the end
C0881Female02012-12-29 10:06:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA: 3 years married, no greencard yet
Music678 congratulations to you guys!!! Even though it's not me I am so glad you finally achieve big progress towards your "journey"!!! I also want to know what you guys did to get this worked. Did you hire a lawyer or do it yourself? Please start a new thread to share? I am hopeful too...
C0881Female02010-07-07 09:37:00
IMBRA Special TopicsADAM WALSH ACT WAS BEAT refresing! glad to hear a good news like this, as regards to AWA filers...i'll look forward to your detailed portfolio on your journey to this most wonderful day of yours. i know you've been through a lot...this is indeed so relieving..CONGRATULATIONS!!
i now become to understand and believe that this AWA thing is a case to case basis and this gives hope for those filers who truly believe in themselves.
godbless u both...and goodluck to all those waiting like us.
pumpkin29FemalePhilippines2009-06-03 22:09:00
QUOTE (sfninerboy @ Nov 15 2009, 05:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (nonversation @ Nov 5 2009, 02:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rachel555 @ Nov 5 2009, 10:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi i decided to write in this topic...not sure who is remebering my case but yesterday my fiance got an email saying our petition was Approved!
we filed in september 2007 and we were approved yesterday....i cant really find my words because im still in shock and i feel like can be a joke ahahahha going to let rest of Adam Walsh filers what will happen from now on!
Best wishes AW filers!

Please tell us about your case, and how you got it approved, what steps you took, what happened , etc, what was he charged with in the past, how long ago it had been between then and now, is he still on the registry?

Over the past year or so I have periodically posted on this blog to update you about the status of a fiancé visa petition that a friend of mine filed with the USCIS in September 2007. My friend was convicted of having unlawful sex with a minor in the late 90s. I am an attorney and I agreed to help him navigate the immigration process.

In April 2009, my friend received a Notice of Intent to Deny from the USCIS. The Notice stated that the USCIS intended to deny his petition because he was ineligible to file a family-based immigration petition under the Adam Walsh Child Safety and Protection Act. In June 2009, my friend responded to the Notice by providing evidence to establish that he does not pose any threat or risk to his fiancé.

His evidence consisted of the following items: (1) A detailed personal statement discussing the factual background of his crime, his thoughts about (and expressions of remorse regarding) the unfortunate events that led to his conviction, and some background factual information about his relationship with his fiancé and his feelings for her; (2) a forensic psychological examination conducted by a licensed psychologist who specializes in the evaluation of sex offenders and regularly testifies during the sentencing phase of criminal trials regarding the dangerousness of convicted sex offenders; (3) letter of recommendation from a psychologist with whom my friend has consulted over the years to discuss issues in his life stating that my friend is not a dangerous person and presents no threat or risk to anybody, much less, his fiancé; (4) a certified copy of his criminal record to establish that he has only been convicted of one crime; (5) letters of support from his parents and other family members; (6) letters of support from his fiancé’s parents to demonstrate that they have met my friend, they know about his conviction and they fully support the marriage; (7) a letter from his fiancé stating that she is aware of the conviction and expressing her feelings for my friend; (8) a polygraph exam conducted by a licensed psychologist to show that he has not broken the law or been arrested since his criminal conviction over a decade ago, that his love and feelings for his fiancé are sincere, and that he intends to marry his fiancé and will not abuse her or otherwise mistreat her; (9) letters of recommendation from three of his friends who know about his commitment to his fiancé and his character; (10) letters of recommendation from volunteer organizations for which my friend volunteers; and (11) a letter of recommendation from his employer who knows about his conviction, his commitment to his fiancé and his character.

A few weeks ago my friend received a notice from the USCIS stating that his petition has been approved. The foregoing evidence will obviously not be appropriate for everybody because each case is different. I think you just have to think long and hard about your own personal situation, the people that you know who have credibility and who will go on record to support you and will vouch for your character. The Adam Walsh Act is a high hurdle and your burden of proof is extremely high. Think outside of the box, create a blueprint for the evidence that you need to submit and go get it. I hope this helps all of you and I wish you the best of luck with the process.

With your friend's approval, that he poses no risk to his/her beneficiary..does that also apply if there is a derivative beneficiary?
eagerlyNot Telling02009-12-01 20:36:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA: 3 years married, no greencard yet

Really? Wow.. Thank you.. I can now relax.

eagerlyNot Telling02010-07-06 12:05:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA: 3 years married, no greencard yet
As most people is their means of protecting the non-citizen wife or to quote " Adam Walsh Act is to protect children, to secure the safety of judges, prosecutors, law enforcement officers, and their family members, to reduce and prevent gang violence, and for other purposes." But if that is the case, wives of AWA filers should be immediately sent home or deported if the petitioner is harmful. The long wait doesnt make it logic to say "to protect". Kazuava has been married for 3 years with an AWA filer..i dont understand...or are we just allowed to breath and not to have a second chance in life?

You know kazuava, I really feel like its discrimination. Here is why, your husband could have married an American citizen no questions asked. Sex offender or not, nothing would have been asked, or checked, if he had married a usa citizen. But, because he is married to someone from abroad, they put you guys through all these questions and accusations of proving to not be a "threat" .

So whats the difference? I see no difference, If he had married an American, nothing would be asked at all, or proven, so why does it need to be for you? Just because you aren't American? If thats why, then its discrimination

eagerlyNot Telling02010-06-17 12:24:00
QUOTE (Angie Y Shane @ Jun 3 2009, 01:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello well here is the good news. I received my approval notice today. My case showed enough evidence i Pose no rosk to my wife. ADAM WALH WAS DEFEATED. Adam walsh filers rest at ease, kicking.gif

Application Type: I130 , IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On June 2, 2009, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

I worked very hard on this case. With polygraphs, letters from family memebers. I will work very hard this week for others to know my portfolio of what I sent to get this approved this week. Peaple that prayed for us thank you sooo much. God bless you all.

Shane & Angie


CELEBRATING WITH YOU GUYS... CHEERS! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif


missingyou_01234Not TellingPhilippines2009-06-03 08:41:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA: 3 years married, no greencard yet

Thats awesome! I'm so happy for you guys! Can you tell us the process you guys went through from start to finish?

Thank you Nonversation. I sent you an email.
music678Male02010-07-06 21:38:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA: 3 years married, no greencard yet


Thank you.

I just received from the mail the Notice of action of I-130 of my husband and USCIS approved my husband's petition for me.

I can now relax and enjoy the night tonight.
music678Male02010-07-06 12:21:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA: 3 years married, no greencard yet

That means they've ordered a Greencard!

Really? Wow.. Thank you.. I can now relax.
music678Male02010-07-06 12:01:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA: 3 years married, no greencard yet

I wish you to get a good news soon!!!!!!!!

I just look up my status @ and this what it says; (Please anyone, let me know if this means approved or what?) thanks.

Document production or Oath Ceremony
On July 2, 2010, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

This step applies to applications that result in an applicant receiving a card (such as a green card) or other document (such as a naturalization certificate, refugee travel documents or advance parole). Applications will be in this step from the time the order to produce the card/document is given until the card/document is produced and mailed to the applicant. You can expect to receive your card/document within 30 days of the approval of your application.
music678Male02010-07-06 07:22:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA: 3 years married, no greencard yet

I wish you to get a good news soon!!!!!!!!

We are hoping for a good news. I already cancelled our 2nd wedding to be taken place in my country in Asia for this reason.
music678Male02010-07-02 12:48:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA: 3 years married, no greencard yet
Had an interview today but IO didn't gave us definite answer if I am approved or not. The only hope we are holding are the words he said,"Everything looks fine (with a smile), just wait for 30-60 days for the decision". He didn't talk about the AWA, he just ask for our joint assets. We are hoping for the best at this time.
music678Male02010-07-01 16:46:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAWA: 3 years married, no greencard yet
Hello AWA filers,

I got my Notice of interview today and it will be scheduled on July 1. I hope evrything will go smoothly.
Look at my profile for my timeline. It's almost been 10 months since I filed.
I will update everyone on the progress of our petition so AWA filers, don't lose hope.
music678Male02010-06-13 19:27:00
IMBRA Special TopicsThere is Hope

1997-2009: long distance relationship with my husband (then boyfriend). I have a 10 year b1/b2 visa since 2001. Been seeing each other once a year since 2001.

2008.10.29 travelled to the US to visit him,
2009.4.11 got married, small wedding no gown no tuxedo
2009.4.17 meeting with our immigration attorney. Attorney to file withdrawal of K1, new application for I-485, I-130, I-765 for us
2009.5 attorney filed withdrawal of K1
2009.5 medical check-up done and got sealed report
2009.7.10 receipt from USCIS confirming withdrawal of K1
2009.8 received husband's psych report (by a licensed psychologist in Michigan)
2009.9 husband got certified copies of court records ready + my affidavit stating I am aware of his and he is not a threat to me + friends affidavits
2009.9.16 attorney sent off package to chicago (I485, I130, I765)
2009.9.28 received NOA1 for all of the above peititions (dated 09.24)
2009.9.30 received NOA for biotmetrics appointment (10.23)
2009.10.23 biometrics appointment and I-485, I-765 got touched on USCIS case portfolio
2009.10.26 I-485, I-765 case touched on USCIS site
2009.11.9 email update EAD (I-765) card production ordered
2009.11.10 EAD touched again
2009.11.13 received the same EAD email from USCIS again!
2009.11.14 received interview notice from USCIS in the mail (Dec 17)
2009.11.16 EAD touched again
2009.11.17 EAD touched again
2009.11.18 received EAD card in the mail early morning!!
2009.11.19 Applied for SSN
2009.11.30 I-485 case touched online
2009.12.01 Received SSN card in the mail
2009.12.02 I-485 case touched again
2009.12.07 received interview cancellation letter from USCIS in the mail!
2009.12.18 received biometrics appointment letter for my husband (petitioner) for Jan 4 2010, which we think is STRANGE.
2010.01.14 I-130 case number finally shows up on USCIS website. Initial Review stage.
2010-5-25: I-130 and I-485 been denied. The letter of denial said they mailed us and lawyer a copy of request for further evidence. But neither did we or lawyer got any copy. We are skeptical both copies got lost in mail.

2010-6-24: our lawyer sent off the appeal package for the I-130 by overnight delivery. Packaged was received and signed on 6-25, right on the 30th day since the denial letter was issued.

2010-7-6: received lawyer phone call saying he received a letter from USCIS saying the appeal form he used is not the latest version and the appeal package was rejected. But lawyer said the appeal form he used was downloaded strict from USCIS website one day before he mailed the package out. So it is the current version. Lawyer resubmitted the same package again today asking USCIS not to reject.

2010-7-14: touched but no actual textual update
2010-7-15: touched but no actual textual update
2010-7-19: lawyer received a receipt from USCIS for the I-130 appeal.
2010-7-29: lawyer submitted his brief in support for the appeal and my affidavit for my husband. This brief is not to argue for approval, but to get our 87 days back for the RFE that USCIS claimed to have sent to us back in January while neither we or the lawyer received it.

2010-8-16: EOIR-29 form (appeal for I-130) touched on USCIS website. But no status update.

2010-8-27: received a counter brief from USCIS National Benefits Center towards our appeal for I-130. The brief from USCIS was addressed to BIA but copied us and lawyer in. In their brief, they still said that it was valid to reject our case because they did mail us a NOID or RFE (which we did not receive). They also said we filed an untimely appeal - which according to the certified mail delivery status on USPS, the appeal was delivered on time.

2010-9-14: I-485 and I-765 cases got touched on USCIS website on 2010-9-11. I-130 and EOIR-29 no touch. Called USCIS and spoke to a tier-2 immigration service officer. Was told that she can't see anything done for the Sep 11 touch. I asked if I ever put into removal proceedings would that be indicated on the status update? She said no it's separate.
2010-11-8: last day at work as EAD expired but no renewal due to I-130 appeal.
2010-1-3: husband called USCIS counsel and was referred to call BIA (board of immigration appeals). Husband called BIA and spoke to a clerk who confirmed our appeal documents have been with the Board. However the documents have been moved to different departments back and forth. Therefore it might be why my A number does not exist in the BIA's telephone case status system yet. It's good though - at least I know BIA has our appeal documents. From now on, we should follow up with BIA instead of USCIS...
2011-3-2: mailed out an enquiry letter to BIA in virginia asking them the status of the I-130 appeal. Waiting to see if they will respond.
2011-7-2: received BIA's decision: recorded remanded for entry of new decision. It does not mean the Service will approve us. But the Service is now required to reevaluate our case from beginning. The total appeal timeline (from sending out appeal to receiving a decision) is about 1 year and a week.
2011-7-??: Lawyer sent off a letter to USCIS's national benefits center in MO asking them to forward the remanded I-130 to Vermont (because remanded AWA cases are to be reviewed by Vermont now).
2011-7-25: Husband called USCIS 1-800 number. Got transferred 3 times to get to a tier-2 immigration officer. Asked the officer if record shows that the case been forwarded to Vermont service center. The IO said no such record yet but it usually takes time to process. He said if we don't hear anything by 8.15 we should call again.
2011-10: Received written notice from USCIS that I-130 and I-485 were reopened as a result of the remanded I130 appeal. However, the written notice is ALSO a NOID (notice of intent to deny). The NOID asks that we submit further evidence to prove that my husband is not a risk to me, within 87 days limit. Earlier in the year, around May, we were able to work with a criminal psychologist to do a psych report again. At the same time, the psychologist referred us to his associate, a licensed polygraph examiner, to do a polygraph test. We also obtained some more letters from my husband's side of the family. I also did one more affidavit. My husband did an affidavit as well. His is a very long one, like a biography of his childhood, crimes, how we met, how long we had met, how long we've been living together.
2011-10: Same month as we received the re-opening notice / NOID from USCIS, our attorney submitted a new application of EAD for me.
2011-12: Our attorney mailed all evidences to USCIS in response to the NOID
2012-3: started working again, legally, with the EAD!
2012-9: received a written notice from USCIS, Lee Summit, MO, for an interview at Detroit USCIS mid October.
2012-10: Together with our attorney, all 3 of us met with the Immigration Officer at Detroit USCIS. Basic questions, like what line of work I do, and whether I am a terrorist, were asked. However, no questions were asked about my husband's background. However, my husband took this opportunity to let I/O know once again he is not a threat or risk to me and he asked the officer not to take me away from him - very humble and wholehearted.
2012-12: Attorney said we were approved and forwarded the USCIS auto update email to us. I could not believe it - I asked him if the officer at Detroit couuld have hit the wrong button. He emailed the officer next day and got a firm reply that it was approved. So, our attorney did have the contact email address of the officer and a couple USCIS counsel attorneys in Lee Summit MO. He had been following up with those people heavily in the summer.
2012-mid December: received permanent resident card in the mail :)

Have some hope - my husband always tells me those who care and persist will succeed in the end

WOW...your story sound sooo much like ours. We are almost 4 years deep in the process and still stuck in Vermont...Thank you for sharing your story. Some days are so much harder than others, but your story showed there is a light. Fingers crossed. we have been together for 16 years and married for 4 of those.
CanadianLadyNot TellingCanada2013-03-22 03:36:00
When we went for our initial interview (for the I-130, not the I-175) they didn't allow my husband to come in. They told me about his criminal history and wanted to verify that I knew. They asked how I found out, how I reacted, and why I decided to stay with him. The officer was very nice and seemed just to want to make sure I was entering into the marriage with knowledge about his background. He never did interview us together but approved us on the spot (although this was before AWA was passed). If you've made it through this first step, then USCIS has confirmed that you are not a danger to your wife and I agree with Old Dominion - things should proceed like any other case. Good luck!

QUOTE (Angie Y Shane @ Jun 9 2009, 12:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As for the responces I have recievedd back thank you for those kind blessing. I do have the next step of this process to continie the National Visa Center. I hope they are kind with my past! what was advised to me is that maybe in the interview they feel they can try scareing my wife in the interview. or maybe not My wife knows and they also know she knows.

Now another whole battel begins with this process. Does anyone know how long this next stage will be? we are just a normal I-130 petiton at this point.

PerplexedNot Telling02009-06-09 13:47:00
I'm sorry, but you did BEAT it. The law says that an RSO can't sponsor anyone for permanent residency and you just did so you did win! When there is a winner, there's a loser and in this case, it is AWA. It is USCIS's policy that affords you the opportunity to prove you are not a threat (which if you knew anything about sexual victimization trends, you'd know this law is a farse), not AWA. So good for you!

BTW - and I just can't help myself with this one! If the Government was so intent on protecting immigrant children and adults, why don't all sponsors with a criminal history have to go through this process? I mean, someone with a conviction for drug dealing or multiple DUI's (the 2 leading causes of morbidity and mortality among children) or are free to be sponsors too .....

QUOTE (baron555 @ Jun 3 2009, 06:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
First, Congrats you two. Finally the process will start for you. For you two I am happy.

I must point out that you didn't "beat" the AW regulations, you merely provided enough evidence to support that you are not now a potential threat to your SO and/or your future children.

AW is there to protect the SOs and any potential future children. The folks who fall under AW did something wrong in their past (according to the laws of the state where you resided) and you must provide evidence that proves that you no longer are a threat. I am sorry that some folks did something very stupid when they were young and they get lumped into a broader category with others who truly are threats but we all make choices in our lives, even when young and foolish.

So Shane show that with a lot of hard work and time, if you truly are not a threat, you can do this. If you can not provide the evidence, then too bad for you and AW is working as it should.

PerplexedNot Telling02009-06-04 07:20:00
QUOTE (Angie Y Shane @ Jun 2 2009, 11:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello well here is the good news. I received my approval notice today. My case showed enough evidence i Pose no rosk to my wife. ADAM WALH WAS DEFEATED. Adam walsh filers rest at ease, kicking.gif

Application Type: I130 , IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On June 2, 2009, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

I worked very hard on this case. With polygraphs, letters from family memebers. I will work very hard this week for others to know my portfolio of what I sent to get this approved this week. Peaple that prayed for us thank you sooo much. God bless you all.

Shane & Angie

Shane @ Angie, Congradulations!
Could you please tell us how you showed no risk to your wife? What did the psychologist do on you? And what was exactly mentioned on the doctor's report? We are facing the same challenge right now. Please help us, thanks!!!!

purpleorchidFemaleChina2009-12-02 05:15:00
QUOTE (Rachel555 @ Nov 5 2009, 08:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi i decided to write in this topic...not sure who is remebering my case but yesterday my fiance got an email saying our petition was Approved!
we filed in september 2007 and we were approved yesterday....i cant really find my words because im still in shock and i feel like can be a joke ahahahha going to let rest of Adam Walsh filers what will happen from now on!
Best wishes AW filers!

Hey Rachel,You must feel like sackless after such a long time waiting, right? Congradulations!!!
My husband is a convicted sex offender too. I have a question concerning on our case, please help us out by answering my question if you could.
We received the NOID letter from USCIS in October. However, before they make the final decision, they ask we submit the evidence to show my husband "pose no risk to both me and my daughter". My husband went to see a psychologist and did sevral test including the polygraph test. However, the doctor say they can not issue any absolutely positive report to mention he has no risk since they can not do this to anyone. Could you tell me how you did on your case to show you have no risk to your wife. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
purpleorchidFemaleChina2009-12-02 04:49:00
QUOTE (purpleorchid @ Nov 30 2009, 01:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Angie Y Shane @ Jun 2 2009, 11:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello well here is the good news. I received my approval notice today. My case showed enough evidence i Pose no rosk to my wife. ADAM WALH WAS DEFEATED. Adam walsh filers rest at ease, kicking.gif

Application Type: I130 , IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On June 2, 2009, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

I worked very hard on this case. With polygraphs, letters from family memebers. I will work very hard this week for others to know my portfolio of what I sent to get this approved this week. Peaple that prayed for us thank you sooo much. God bless you all.

Shane & Angie

I am newer to here. Congradulations to you all!!!!

purpleorchidFemaleChina2009-11-30 02:26:00