CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
bump back to page one............

and go!
i wish my former stepmother would take care of her business. i'm tired of collection agencies calling me looking for her! she's never been to my house, i've not had contact with her in over 2.5 years, and yet people still call me looking for her because she sucks at paying her bills. :ranting:
charles!MaleBrazil2010-02-19 22:20:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
and speak of the devil..........i actually got to talk to the former stepmother just a bit ago. she has no idea why all these collection people keep calling me :rolleyes:
but i got her phone number, so the next phone calls that come in can have it :P
charles!MaleBrazil2010-02-19 23:35:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

We had our Auto insurance with Allstate in Florida, they were great, premiums were good, they accepted our Alberta Driver's Abstradts - all good.

So now we need a letter of experience. I have a lot of Alberta insurance history but my Husband doesn't have as much so in order for us to get the best rate, we need that letter.

I first call Allstate last November - sure np, we will mail that out to you. Nothing arrives. So I call back around January - hmm, we will send it to you!

I call back about a week or so ago - no record of your request, but I will ensure this gets done. Oh you can call us back to double check later if you like. Now it is a week later, so I call back. Yes, it has been requested - but it says "hold for response". I get transferred to another department to find out what that means. What it means it that Allstate does not mail out the letter - they will not - you either have it faxed to you or you don't get one, that simple.


Posted Image

imo, it seems customer service in the usa has really gone downhill in the past decade.
charles!MaleBrazil2010-02-22 15:55:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

Lol You should recommend he dress up like a seal for Halloween this year and then you can visit and just beat the living pulp out of him hahaha

charles!MaleBrazil2010-02-23 12:05:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

I've always just used a razor blade to get it off, works wonders for me.

i read that post wrong :blink:
charles!MaleBrazil2010-03-05 19:19:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

Seriously! And those cowards wont even sign their names after they rank a post. Show yourselves, post rankers.

you got a +1 for this post. :thumbs:
reading through off topic, you'll see a bunch of minuses next to some posters and their post isn't offensive at all - it's like this is high school again.
charles!MaleBrazil2010-03-16 23:36:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

Then you have made a mistake!!

Ok, I see that it does it on an individual post basis. Well, that's interesting and thanks to whomever voted my comment above down. :hehe:

i voted you back up :thumbs:
charles!MaleBrazil2010-03-19 13:05:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

I have like the least amount of patience for people who call the office lost and who use a GPS.

I wouldn't mind giving directions if people would just shut up about their GPS. Listen, I don't care what your GPS says, I'm letting you know that you've gone the wrong way! Oh but your GPS says what? Well I am telling you to shut the hell up and listen to me.

It's like they call.. tell me their GPS has led them to the wrong place, I'll tell them where to go, and they'll say: "Oh well my GPS says go here.." Fine go there, what do I know? I just live here!

I swear these are the same people who would say in grade school: "Well that's not true because my mom said..."

Sorry I think I have vented about this before but it happens so often why not vent about it one more time! :D

if they can't read a map and can't use a gps properly, maybe they are too dumb to drive?
charles!MaleBrazil2010-03-24 10:51:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

DING DING! We have a winner! :D

do i win free timbits? :dance:
charles!MaleBrazil2010-03-24 12:09:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

Yea I heard you can do that, IF I were to have a GPS I would want Stephen Hawking to tell me where to go.

why not the voice of cap kirk? or picard? "engage, full speed ahead!"
charles!MaleBrazil2010-03-24 22:14:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

"Would you like lettuce, tomato or onion on your wrap?"
"Lettuce and onion, please. No tomato."

So now I'm picking tomatoes out of my wrap... :bonk:

i can't count how many times i've ordered something without cheese and it comes with cheese! :protest:
charles!MaleBrazil2010-04-26 18:57:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

I quit smoking cigarettes almost 5 years ago. But I didn't really quit completely. I usually will buy a pack once a year and smoke a cigarette. I do it to get sick, and remind myself of how disgusting a habit it is. I will get so nauseated and sick that the mere thought of a cigarette will make me ill even 6 months later.

So, I took my wife to the airport last night for her well overdue trip back home to visit her family. I went to the market after to get a pack of cigarettes. I was absolutely sick when I saw that cigarettes are now $7 in los angeles.

see what taxes do? the same effect and you didn't even have to buy anything! :lol:
charles!MaleBrazil2010-04-29 17:18:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

why do some people like to put people into boxes? grrr..

why can't we just be who we are..?? why do we need labels??

to know what our ingredients and calories per serving are? :unsure:
charles!MaleBrazil2010-06-03 07:55:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

Of people?!? :o

soylent green! :devil:
charles!MaleBrazil2010-06-03 14:25:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

so I have a silly little vent :P

so sometimes I will make muffins or cookies and my hubby will eat them all in a day or two and then complain a few days later that there isn't any cookies etc.. :P it is like....well geez, if you wouldn't eat them all at one time they might last longer :P

so lately I hide some in the freezer so I have some goodies to put in his lunch for work...

maybe you're just a great cook :luv:
charles!MaleBrazil2010-06-04 08:55:00
Canadacars from canada to us
moved from pi regional to canadian regional
charles!MaleBrazil2010-06-05 20:41:00
CanadaP3 ds-230
duplicate topics merged.
charles!MaleBrazil2010-04-26 19:15:00
CanadaZed or Zee
i'm used to either, being around brits for a while. now where's my timbit?
charles!MaleBrazil2009-10-08 07:04:00
CanadaI dream of VJ
i dreamed carla was a mod and she suspended me for not posting coffee in the morning.
charles!MaleBrazil2009-06-05 15:20:00
CanadaI dream of VJ
i'm sure if i had a dream about krikit, it would be about an onion chasing me to stamp "suspended" all over me.
charles!MaleBrazil2009-06-05 17:46:00
CanadaI dream of VJ
QUOTE (MrsCat @ Jun 7 2009, 12:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JillA @ Jun 6 2009, 07:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Krikit @ Jun 6 2009, 11:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Jun 6 2009, 12:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In my mind Trailmix is a mouse, Krikit is a green onion with a face and Katherine is anime.

But it's a nice face. A kind face. A happy face. And she has a nice personality, too. It's not all about looks, you know. tongue_ss.gif

Are you the onion on the right or left Krikit? I always picture you as the one on the right

Lol - me too. I picture Krikit with crazy bushwoman hair and a husband with a military style buzz-cut.

i'm so not gonna touch that one. innocent.gif
charles!MaleBrazil2009-06-07 20:06:00
CanadaI dream of VJ
QUOTE (Krikit @ Jun 7 2009, 08:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here's the "new hairdo" Krikit. Trailmix added it when we were having a conversation about me getting a new hairstyle. I can't remember why we added the lingerie, but I'm sure there must be a thread about it in here somewhere. laughing.gif

whoa krikit's been to victoria's secret. blink.gif
charles!MaleBrazil2009-06-08 13:51:00
CanadaI dream of VJ
QUOTE (trailmix @ Sep 8 2009, 10:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I had several dreams last night and one of them involved you Kathryn! I was in the U.S. (so I don't know why we were doing this) and I wanted to buy books at this book store, so I would transfer the Canadian funds to you and you would pay them in U.S. dollars.

However! You guys then decided to pack up and move back to Canada - so you posted on VJ (I think) that you had done that and I had to go back to the book store and give them new info!

i dreamed krikit and kathryn showed up at my house with a truckload of timbits wub.gif
charles!MaleBrazil2009-09-08 10:59:00
CanadaI dream of VJ
QUOTE (Krikit @ Sep 16 2009, 08:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I had another VJ dream last night! laughing.gif Unfortunately, I woke up 3 hours ago and I've forgotten it now. I remember Trailmix was in it, though. lol

so that's why i had a 2 hour were modding in your sleep! blink.gif
charles!MaleBrazil2009-09-16 08:35:00
CanadaI dream of VJ
QUOTE (Krikit @ Nov 2 2009, 12:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I didn't dream about VJ last night, but I did have one of the VJ members in a dream about something else. I can't remember for sure who it was, but I think it was Almaty. lol

was the dream "terrible and just wrong" whistling.gif
charles!MaleBrazil2009-11-02 16:25:00
CanadaI dream of VJ

I dreamt about VJ again last night! :bonk:

It involved people from the Russia and Philippines forums. Let's just say it was a really annoying dream. :lol:

i'm willing to bet it involved warnings and locked threads :lol:

Edited by charles!, 21 January 2010 - 05:07 PM.

charles!MaleBrazil2010-01-21 17:06:00
CanadaAuto Insurance in the U.S.

USAA is only available to military and their families. Don't know if your eligible, but they are the greatest insurance company on the planet and get my highest endorsement. Their bank and finalcial products rocks as well.

usaa has recently changed their membership requirements to allow anyone who served in the past with an honorable discharge can now join.
children of former military members can join too.
charles!MaleBrazil2010-02-19 22:30:00
CanadaAuto Insurance in the U.S.

Posted Image

appears to be about a 96 RS camaro, with a v-8
charles!MaleBrazil2010-02-21 22:47:00
CanadaIt's Rrrrolll Up the Rim Time!
i just won vj, vancouver, and quebec. who wants quebec?
charles!MaleBrazil2010-03-15 20:28:00
yay canada! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

someone in jersey owes me timbits! :devil:
charles!MaleBrazil2010-02-28 18:13:00
another sign of the apocalypse - a fight in the canadian regional. :blink:
charles!MaleBrazil2010-02-28 19:51:00
CanadaQuestions for my fellow Canadians :-)
from what i've seen, the ead isn't worth the paper it's printed on (that's even if you can get the stamp at your poe). you can't work with it.
as for the dl, it depends on what state you are going to.

Edited by charles!, 08 March 2010 - 01:02 AM.

charles!MaleBrazil2010-03-08 01:01:00
Canadatodays youngins / govt etc.

I'm 24 and hate 98% of my generation.

i'm twice your age and i hate 100% of your generation. :P
charles!MaleBrazil2010-03-07 21:21:00
Canadatodays youngins / govt etc.


it's my purpose in life :hehe:
charles!MaleBrazil2010-03-08 07:07:00
CanadaCanada to switch to plastic bills next year
i wonder if these bills will be bpa free
charles!MaleBrazil2010-03-07 01:55:00
CanadaImporting your guns when you move?
i've notified by pm two of vj's resident gun experts about this topic, they should be here soon.
charles!MaleBrazil2010-03-05 07:51:00
CanadaImporting your guns when you move?
i'm glad we have more gun toting canadians! :dance: :dance: :dance:
charles!MaleBrazil2010-03-05 19:19:00
CanadaCalling Len

You can't contact her on Facebook because she removed everyone from VJ.

not everyone.
charles!MaleBrazil2010-03-05 19:16:00
CanadaMy Apologies
please refrain from the personal insults. this isn't the off topic forum.
charles!MaleBrazil2010-03-04 17:18:00
CanadaMy Apologies

Yep, that's the Canada I know and love. :)

Posted Image :wub:
this is the canada i know and love
charles!MaleBrazil2010-03-04 19:31:00