Australia and New ZealandPhotos
Thank you Kpea :) That's a relief..will be so glad when this is all done haha.

Good luck to you!!

shivacocoNot TellingAustralia2014-01-09 23:59:00
Australia and New ZealandPhotos

Thank you Ozgirl!


I have just come across information about scheduling the interview appointment online?? I haven't seen or heard of this before, so am now confused.. Did you do this too? I was under the impression packet 4 was when they told us of the interview dates.

shivacocoNot TellingAustralia2014-01-09 22:27:00
Australia and New ZealandPhotos

Hi everyone :)


Can anyone shed some light on how many passport photos are required after the medical? I know 3 are needed for this, but do I need to take anymore for the interview?


Thanks for any help!

shivacocoNot TellingAustralia2014-01-09 21:12:00
Australia and New ZealandHelp about timing & interview rescheduling....

I believe the medical is good for a year. I'm not sure where you are getting the 3-6 months from.

The visa is good for 6 months after date of issue, or the expiry of the medical, whichever comes first. 

You need to deal with the consulate in Sydney, not the embassy in Canberra. They will respond to email only, you can't call them. The email address is

The email that was sent to me for the interview process had linked this site:


for the medical exam.  Quoted:

"Each applicant is required to have a medical examination in connection with an immigrant visa application to the United States. You should, therefore, make an appointment for a medical examination with one of the doctors

Medical reports are valid for three or six months from the date of examination, depending on the examination results.  Your medical report must be valid at the time of your entry into the United States.  If the report is valid less than six months, your visa will be limited to match the validity of your medical report.  Please take this validity period into consideration when scheduling your medical appointment. "


This implies that at the time of interview should they approve the Visa will be valid for maximum of 6 months (if I did medical the same day), am I correct?

I send/reply email directly to , they just haven't replied and it's been 2 days.

K JewelsNot TellingAustralia2014-03-14 01:12:00
Australia and New ZealandHelp about timing & interview rescheduling....

**Post moved from K1 to Australia & NZ. 


I moved your post to the Regional Forums, because your question is specific of your embassy. As a general rule, and as suggested by the previous poster, your best bet should be to contact the Embassy and present the situation directly to them.


Other peoples's experiences can be taken as references, but the embassy always has the first and last word.


Good luck

Thanks for moving my post to the correct forum.  I did try to contact the embassy.  I spoke with someone on the general line and they said the embassy (HQ in Canberra AU) does not answer questions over the phone.  Being a US citizen and former civil servant (miltiary) I am quite disappointed at how helpful and for lack of a better word, unenthusiastic, the person handling the calls did.

I replied to email but haven't heard word from them.  I know every experience is different and vary from consulate to consulate but I was hoping to find related experience for confidence lol :)


K JewelsNot TellingAustralia2014-03-13 20:38:00
Australia and New ZealandHelp about timing & interview rescheduling....

We were sent an email from US Consulate in Australia giving as an interview date for next month.  They said if we can't make it and want to reschedule or cancel please respond withing 5 business days.

After reading about the medical exam and realizing that it is only valid 3-6 months at which time my fiance has to be in the US.  This will not give us enough time to arrange moving as well as terminate employment.  

In addition to that, the appointment date is actually in 25 days.  Some of the documents including police check as well as birth certificate will take us possibly 2-4 weeks to procure.   We are thinking to ask for rescheduling as far as 2 months later than the original date they gave us.

Would this be a problem?  We don't want to appear ungrateful that they have processed our paperwork very fast during the final stages but at the same time we want to make sure that everything is in order.

We also read that the medical exam must be done before the interview yet there are some reviews of the interview in Sydney where people stated they didn't get it done until after or that their visa was approved but pending medical exam.  I dunno where we got the idea that once VISA was approved we had a year to use it but as it turns out it is based on the expiry of the medical exam.   

Any thoughts, experiences?  Thanks :)

K JewelsNot TellingAustralia2014-03-13 19:49:00
Australia and New ZealandSingle Status Certification
I would look at the us embassy's website for that area.

In the Philippines, you need a similar certification, legal capacity to marry, not available in the us, as you guessed. So here we go to the embassy and pay $50 to fill out a paper saying we are single/divorced, and swear to a consular officer that what is on the paper is true.

Called an affidavit in leu of legal capacity to contract marriage, or something close to that here.

Hope you find it, best wishes.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-04-04 21:30:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian police certificates.

This might be off topic, but if the police check with fingerprints is valid for 12 months, could I get it now while i'm waiting for NOA2?

sweetswinksFemaleAustralia2014-03-09 10:01:00
Australia and New ZealandWhat was your processing time?

I'm keen to know this too!

sweetswinksFemaleAustralia2014-03-31 05:33:00
Australia and New Zealandpacket 3 and i-134

The I-134 isn't necessary for the initial petition.

You should fill out another I-134 using recent tax info & pay stubs (it's probably been a while) and send it to her. She'll need to have one with the original, non-copied signature. Make sure to include all the supporting documents, too.

sadavis5Not TellingNicaragua2014-03-23 17:36:00
Australia and New ZealandAmerican in Australia looking to file K1

My Fiance is here with me in Australia also, I guess we are in a fairly similar situation, she has a job to go back to in the US and her family will go as co-sponsors for me so hopefully that all works out with out any issues, I've also lived and worked in the US and have a job to go to once my visa and everything is approved and i have employment authorization, don't know if that will effect anything though.

We had no issues so far filing from Australia, USCIS will send all letters here no problem, you just have to wait about 7 days longer for the post. Do you guys have a co-sponsor available? By the sounds of it very few Australians get rejected for US visas, unless there is a criminal record of you lie on forms... Anyway good luck, will be interesting to see how we go through the process.

Thanks for the reply! We haven't discussed co-sponsor yet but I have family and friends who could do so. I don't have work lined up in the US but I'm sure I can find something when I get there. We plan on staying with my mother since she has room until we find a place of our own and figure out work situation.

How far along in the process are you? I keep hearing the process takes about 3-4 months.
Olives24FemaleAustralia2013-02-17 04:03:00
Australia and New ZealandAmerican in Australia looking to file K1

Hi, my process was straightforward and easy, USC was employed and living in America though. The only difficulty I could see for you is the lack of employment for you, the USC. Have you a co-sponsor? Or do you have work? Have you consider a spousal visa instead? You may find the benefits of that will suit you better than K1. Read the guides and follow the helps and pre-filled forms, putting the package together is easy enough.
Good luck

Hi Chippy girl,

I'm currently working here in Australia. Hoping that will help me. I haven't looked into the spousal visa. Do you reckon it might be better? I'll have a look at the guides.

Great to hear that your process was easy!
Olives24FemaleAustralia2013-01-29 06:59:00
Australia and New ZealandAmerican in Australia looking to file K1

You say 'partner' is this a same sex partnership?

Click on the 'guides' in the tab and follow the instructions for the fiance visa

good luck

Hi Canadian_wife! Partner is an Aussie term that people use all the time when referring to their significant other. Guess it's something I picked up along the way. We're an opposite sex couple. :)

Also looking for some insight or stories from other Aussie/American couples who have gone through the process.
Olives24FemaleAustralia2013-01-28 07:08:00
Australia and New ZealandAmerican in Australia looking to file K1
Hi All,

I'm an American citizen living in Australia with my partner who is Australian. We've been living here together for over a year and and recently applied for a partner visa which would allow me to stay. Recently after several emotional chats about where we'd like to be, we've decided to make plans for the US. Especially since we plan on settling down close to my family and getting married.

I wanted to hear about your experiences in filing for the K1 visa. Also are there any issues with me filing from overseas?

I want to do all my homework (which I've began) before filing.

Fingers crossed I'll be in NYC sometime this year with my Aussie partner. :)

Thanks for hearing me out!
Olives24FemaleAustralia2013-01-28 06:21:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian police certificates.

Hello! I apologise in advance if my post is a little longwinded.

I just had my fingerprints taken two nights ago at my local police station in Inner Sydney. I agree, the instructions for police background checks in Australia for a US visa are quite vague, but as Tassie said in the above post, it's definitely better to go too far than not enough.

For this reason, I opted to get the Federal Police check with fingerprint. I downloaded the application and also the instructions. Note that in the instructions it says: "Please note that fingerprints taken using a Livescan system cannot be accepted." This means that the AFP require ink fingerprints.

Now here's where it gets tricky. Many police stations (at least, the ones in Sydney) only offer digital fingerprints, not ink. The fingerprinting facility tends to be located where the holding cell is. If the station has an offender in the holding cell, then they won't take your prints. It's best to find a station that doesn't have a holding cell so you don't have to keep phoning them over and over to check if they're free to take your prints.

Another problem I encountered is that the individual officers don't actually know much at all about police background checks, and will always tell you something different, I suspect as a deterrent and so they don't have to go out of their way to help you. I call it being a handbrake.

I rocked up to my local police station on Thursday night (fortunately, one of the few in the Inner City that doesn't have a holding cell and only offers ink prints) with all my forms filled out and required ID. I was faced with an argumentative officer who spent a lot of effort giving me the runaround and not being helpful. Had he spent as much effort just helping me and not trying to argue against me, I would not have had to be at said police station for more than an hour!

Anyhoo this officer insisted that because they were NSW police and not Federal, they couldn't do my prints and I would have to go to the Federal police, either in the CBD or at the airport, to get my digital prints.

Fortunately, I'd brought with me the printout of my instructions, which clearly states: "Where a fingerprint check is required, it is your responsibility to obtain a full set of fingerprints from your local police jurisdiction."

Also, the instructions include the list of fees, including fees for when fingerprints are processed by the AFP, and fees for when the fingerprints are supplied to the AFP on application.

Also, the first part of the application has space for the police officer who took your prints to write their details - it says nothing about them having to be a federal officer.

It was by arguing these points, and also because one of the officers on duty phoned another police station for clarification, that they figured out they could in fact take my prints, for a $42 fee that I was more than happy to pay. It was only then that they begrudgingly helped me, grumbling that they had more important things to do.

Because you must leave your envelope containing the application for police check and copies of ID at the police station for them to post on your behalf along with your fingerprints, I suggest getting a receipt for the $42. I have a sneaking suspicion that the cops I dealt with are in no hurry to post the envelope off Canberra.

I hope my post helps you with some clarity. Again, I apologise if it was a little long.

Nikki DFemaleAustralia2014-01-31 19:09:00
Australia and New Zealandvaccinations

Im in Melbourne! Oh thats good that they will do them at the med appointment! Thanks!
Im in Melbourne! Oh thats good that they will do them at the med appointment! Thanks!

NO! DO NOT WAIT TO GET THEM DONE AT THE VISA MEDICAL! If you do, you'll pay a lot more than at your GP. I'm in Sydney and here's what I did: a few weeks before my visa medical appointment, I went to my doctor and he did a blood test for immunity to see if I was vaccinated against measles, chicken pox, rubella, mumps, the heps and also a blood test for syphilis, as I knew that I'd be tested for that for the visa so wanted piece of mind. My results came back about a week later.I was immune to everything except the heps and I was negative to the syph (yay!). Also, I'd had tetanus shots five years prior relating a previous injury, so the GP printed out that evidence.The GP will then give you the vaccinations, if needed, and print out the records of immunisation evidence, which you will then present to your visa medical doctor. It's so much easier to do it that way. And cheaper!

Nikki DFemaleAustralia2014-04-02 05:24:00
Australia and New ZealandRescheduling of Immigration interview at Sydney Consulate AUS

It does seem strange they didn't allocate you the next available appointment (whether it was May or June) but perhaps they are not wanting to schedule anything close to your NOA2 expiry date?


I imagine that if an appointment becomes available in May the notification email will include the same instructions that if you cannot make it then you should contact them within 5 days to reschedule. At that point my guess is they will either allocate you a June slot or put you on the wait-list for that month.


As for your NOA2 expiry date, I would probably get the document ready and signed by your US partner and send it to the Consulate around mid May if you have not had an appointment scheduled by then.


The Consulate has only just changed their process it seems which has cut out a few steps. For some people it means getting their visa faster, but unfortunately for individuals in your situation ####### means here are no longer options to spread out the process.


p.s. Did you include your expected return date to Australia in your emails?

Edited by darin&josh, 20 March 2014 - 07:54 PM.

darin&joshMaleAustralia2014-03-20 19:52:00
Australia and New Zealandpacket 3 and i-134

so I need to send her a copy of my tax return?




While its likely the I-134 you submitted with the original petition will be sent on to the Consulate, it would be safer to complete a new one and send it to your Australian fiancee, along with the required supporting evidence, so that she can include it in the reply to packet 3.


For the Sydney Consulate your most recent W2 and pay stubs should be sufficient to demonstrate your income (the form requests a letter from your employer, but many people are not able to obtain this). Also attach statements of your savings or other accounts as evidence of your assets (if relevant and needed).

Edited by darin&josh, 23 March 2014 - 11:25 PM.

darin&joshMaleAustralia2014-03-23 23:24:00
Australia and New ZealandK1 Interview Payment - Australia.

i was a little concerned by that as well, as I already have an appointment date.


I just used the site to pay my fee, and while the general instructions at the start mentions booking an appointment, when you actually select K-1 visa and go through the steps it only asks for your personal details, address, and payment details. It finishes by providing you with a PDF of your receipt that you can save and print. It doesn't ask you to schedule an appointment.

darin&joshMaleAustralia2014-03-25 20:26:00
Australia and New Zealandvaccinations

I agree, I would contact your GP to get your immunisations up to date rather than have them done at the medical. This will not only save money by not having to pay full price but also having it done properly now will help to avoid getting your immunisations signed off again by a civil surgeon when you apply for AOS (http://www.visajourn...18#entry4971318).


I found this table useful to check which vaccinations I needed to have and I gave it to my GP:


darin&joshMaleAustralia2014-04-02 22:27:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian police certificates.

That is a pretty ordinary experience with fingerprints. Mine was the complete opposite.


With mine I didn't make an appointment or call but it was a quiet outer suburban station with no cells. I rocked up with the paperwork, which was out of date on the website so obtained an up to date one at the station. I filled that out and had my ink prints done, dunno if they even offer digital ones in Tasmania. After that I paid, got a receipt and left it there for them to post, the only downside was they only had water to wash off my hands, so I had to go home with a large portion of ink on my hands, a SMALL price to pay.


The police were really quite helpful for me and had my results back in four business days.

TassieMaleAustralia2014-01-31 20:52:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian police certificates.

I got my packet 3 a few months ago (September 2013) (and received my visa today YAYAYAY) and in the packet there it said:


"Obtaining an Australian Police certificate must be based on a fingerprint check, please refer to the following website: http://canberra.usem...olice_cert.html . "



So that is as much information as I can give. Throughout this whole process its better to go too far than not far enough even if it costs  a few extra dollars.

Edited by Tassie, 31 January 2014 - 01:11 AM.

TassieMaleAustralia2014-01-31 01:09:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Medical Question

I only bought my childhood vaccination records with me and that was more than fine, though I am only in my 20's with no other health problems or surgeries to speak of.

TassieMaleAustralia2014-03-27 09:25:00
Australia and New ZealandK1 Interview Payment - Australia.


For you, and those who filled in their details online. Did you still take a Prepaid Satchel for them to send your passport back to you in? I have triple checked my email and I know of past cases which required you to bring your own, but mine does not stipulate to bring one along with me. Should I take one just incase or do they automatically send it back with their own mail service nowadays? Sorry to half hijack the thread.


I took one along with me, just in case, but is was not needed and they post it using TOLL couriers. Usually arrives the next business day and they provide a tracking number.


Seems like they are phasing out the 'BYO satchel' thing.

TassieMaleAustralia2014-03-28 16:35:00
Australia and New ZealandK1 Interview Payment - Australia.

I paid mine through the website and took the receipt along to the interview. I was never asked for the receipt so I guess everything was fine and dandy.

Also don't worry about the scheduling an appointment part, just go along to your interview :)

Good luck.

TassieMaleAustralia2014-03-27 09:22:00
Australia and New ZealandK1 Interview Sydney - MLC Centre

The building itself is easy to find. Just walk in and ask someone or wander around until you find some elevators :P (thats what I did and ended up arriving 45 mins early because I had the same thoughts as you) 


Once you are on level 10 its impossible to get lost because there is security everywhere. 

TassieMaleAustralia2014-04-04 14:35:00
Australia and New ZealandK1 Interview Payment - Australia.



Today I finally received my Packet 4 Instructions (YAY!!) and was given an interview date set in Sydney, Australia. They ask for payment "K1, K2, K3 & K4 Applicants

K visa applicants pay an application fee like any other nonimmigrant visa applicant. The current application fee for the K visa is USD $240.00. (The AUD equivalent is $264.00).

This fee is currently only payable in person at Australia Post via cash or EFTPOS. Please refer to for further information on payment options. Bring the receipt for this payment to your interview." but when I follow that link, it tells me to log into the website and then to set an interview date AFTER I've paid. But I already have my interview date? How do I pay the fee?


Thank you.

EmmajMaleAustralia2014-03-24 01:22:00
Australia and New ZealandSingle Status Certification

My fiancee and i plan on being married in Fiji in September.

Our wedding cooordinater tells us that i will need a "single status



      As far as i can tell there is no such thing available here in the US.

Where do i get one of these ? how do i get it ?

Has anyone had personal experience with being married in Fiji ?


     i'm eager for any advice or tips as to what to do, whas not to do, etc.


   If we can't get married because we lack one piece of paper there will

be a huge fight over which one of us gets to feed the coordinater to

the sharks.


                                                       Mike & Kim

MikeF29MaleAustralia2014-04-04 20:52:00
Australia and New ZealandRescheduling of Immigration interview at Sydney Consulate AUS

I'm cant say much on the interview scheduling side of things, but if all else fails, when it comes to sending in the extension letter from your Fiance/e, put [URGENT] in the email Topic (along with your case number). They will generally respond to it quicker. I had my NOA2 expiring on the 29th and got my extension letter sent through on the 26th. The shifty thing is they don't confirm that they have extended it- instead they will only contact you if it is rejected. 


"If your request for revalidation is approved your application will automatically be extended & you will not be notified, however, if it is denied, only then will we contact you within 5 business days to you to advise you further."



But definitely get it ready and signed. Just save for when you need to input the date.

Edited by Rinni, 24 March 2014 - 09:10 AM.

RinniFemaleAustralia2014-03-24 09:08:00
Australia and New Zealandpacket 3 and i-134



where does it state that I need this?  I don't see it on the I-134 form



Read under General Instructions for Supporting Evidence:


Part B: Statement(s) from your employer on business stationery stating:

- Date and Nature of Employment

- Salary paid

- Whether the position is temporary or permanent

RinniFemaleAustralia2014-03-24 09:33:00
Australia and New ZealandK1 Interview Payment - Australia.

We had the same questions, but we did what darin & josh did and just paid it online and saved the receipt. We were able to email the consulate and change our interview date for a few weeks later, and received a confirmation email from them a few days later. Good luck!


For you, and those who filled in their details online. Did you still take a Prepaid Satchel for them to send your passport back to you in? I have triple checked my email and I know of past cases which required you to bring your own, but mine does not stipulate to bring one along with me. Should I take one just incase or do they automatically send it back with their own mail service nowadays? Sorry to half hijack the thread.

RinniFemaleAustralia2014-03-28 07:50:00
Australia and New Zealandvaccinations

NO! DO NOT WAIT TO GET THEM DONE AT THE VISA MEDICAL! If you do, you'll pay a lot more than at your GP. I'm in Sydney and here's what I did: a few weeks before my visa medical appointment, I went to my doctor and he did a blood test for immunity to see if I was vaccinated against measles, chicken pox, rubella, mumps, the heps and also a blood test for syphilis, as I knew that I'd be tested for that for the visa so wanted piece of mind. My results came back about a week later.I was immune to everything except the heps and I was negative to the syph (yay!). Also, I'd had tetanus shots five years prior relating a previous injury, so the GP printed out that evidence.The GP will then give you the vaccinations, if needed, and print out the records of immunisation evidence, which you will then present to your visa medical doctor. It's so much easier to do it that way. And cheaper!


OP, Definitely follow this advice. It costs a lot as is without being able to claim anything on Medicare. Depending on your age will depend on what the Dr will check you off for as well. 


I made sure I was up to date with:

- MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella)

- dTap (Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (Whooping Cough))


- Blood Test for immunity of Varicella (Chicken Pox) 


You will get an email from the medical centre stating what is and isn't needed. It does state that you need blood immunities if no records are present. If you're like me and have your Blue Book from when you grew up, and kept all your school records, you should be fine. 

I did not go ahead with the blood test for Syphillis prior to my visa medical so I paid for them to do my blood test. Think it was around $30.



- Hep A and Hep B are optional from what my personal doctor told me. The visa medical Doctor, Dr. Waks (Sydney) checked me off as not needing it but I might pursue it for my own benefit later.




To those asking where the OP is at, double check which forum you are in. This is the Australia and New Zealand sub forum so other vaccines may/ may not apply. :)

Edited by Rinni, 02 April 2014 - 06:33 AM.

RinniFemaleAustralia2014-04-02 06:31:00
Australia and New ZealandWhat was your processing time?

Well, we expected a good (general) 6 month waiting period between NOA 1 and NOA 2. However something happened and we were approved in 20 days. :o It completely threw Tony and I off since I had already planned to visit him around the time the NVC/ US Consulate here would receive my case. Naturally, I had to apply for the NOA 2 extension, which went smooth and they actually didn't comment on it today when I had my interview.

I'm very happy to be approved now and I'll fix up my timeline in my forum signature so you can see the dates of our case.


My suspected comical reasoning behind getting approved in 20 days (NOA 2) is - Someone dropped the pile at the CSC office and ours made the shuffle to the top. Haha!

RinniFemaleAustralia2014-04-01 04:43:00
Australia and New ZealandK1 Interview Sydney - MLC Centre

The building itself is easy to find. Just walk in and ask someone or wander around until you find some elevators :P (thats what I did and ended up arriving 45 mins early because I had the same thoughts as you) 


Once you are on level 10 its impossible to get lost because there is security everywhere. 

Yeah I found it fine last Tuesday. You're a touch late to the thread but I know how daunting Sydney can be so I wanted to make sure before I went. :P I much preferred sitting in the Lobby waiting to take the lift up, than down below in the food court area.

RinniFemaleAustralia2014-04-06 02:07:00
Australia and New ZealandWhat was your processing time?

I'm also curious about the answer. :)  :help:

LilayFemaleTurkey2014-03-31 04:53:00
Australia and New ZealandJust sent packet 3 ...

*** Thread moved from K-1 Process forum to the Australia/New Zealand regional subforum for country-specific advice. ***

TBoneTXMaleEcuador2014-01-17 02:07:00
Australia and New ZealandBirth Certicifate Translation at Interview - Only certified copy
*** Country-specific thread moved from K-1 Process forum to the Australia/New Zealand regional subforum. ***

TBoneTXMaleEcuador2014-01-23 01:37:00
Australia and New ZealandAmerican in Australia looking to file K1

We're going to be going through this soon enough, ourselves. I am visiting him under the VWP in a few months.. for 89 days :P and then bringing him back with me.. I dont know what the easiest thing to do is.. marry him in Australia and then file to go back to the USA together, while he's here.. or just file for the K1 visa and hope for the best :/ We just dont want to be separated any more..

When did you last see him? If you have seen him in the last 2 years then file the K1 now. Then by the time you visit him in the US and come back you'll be close to NOA2. Then you would only need to be back in Australia for a few months (2 or so) before your visa approval.

That's how I'd do it if I were you. OR, you can get married when you're in the US and file the CR-1 visa. Then return to Australia when your time is up and wait for your visa to be approved then move to the US.
VanessaTonyFemaleAustralia2013-03-19 17:39:00
Australia and New ZealandAmerican in Australia looking to file K1

This poses a problem for us as both the petitioner and beneficiary are in Australia. Is there any way to get a suitable check/money order from here? I heard petitioners have filed from Australia so figured there must be a way.

Here are the paying instructions: you'll see it says "Bank drafts, cashier's checks, certified checks, personal checks (See Check Instructions below), and money orders must be drawn on U.S. financial institutions and payable in U.S. funds."

Do you have a friend or family member that could do a check for you? Maybe someone else knows a solution!

Edited by Vanessa&Tony, 27 February 2013 - 05:36 PM.

VanessaTonyFemaleAustralia2013-02-27 17:33:00
Australia and New ZealandAmerican in Australia looking to file K1

They would think it's strange to be married in a court when we don't have to be lol. We'll go for the K visa so we can get married in her state.

When filing though, is the fee still $340? And because we're filing from in Australia is it sufficient to simply go into a bank and ask them to make up a money order in US dollars for that amount, addressed to the USDHS?

I believe the check needs to be from a US bank account. And don't forget not to shorten it. and no. Plenty of people on these boards get married in a court house as opposed to the big ceremony, esp those that arrive on a k1, so that they can file AOS asap :)
VanessaTonyFemaleAustralia2013-02-27 13:53:00