Australia and New ZealandSending 8grand from Aus to USA

Be careful using one of the big banks, they rip you off every chance they get. You get a non-competitive exchange rate and they usually stick their hand in your pocket and take out a fair whack as a 'transfer' fee as well. I asked at Bankwest and they were going to charge me an 'admin' fee of $80 - 120 to transfer $10k and on top of that give me a rubbish exchange rate as well.


I was recommended by some people at work to use but I think they have lower transfer limits than what you need, you might want to call them and ask. One of the guys at Tranzfers told me to use (who I think actually own Tranzfers anyway) because they handle larger amounts that you want to transfer.


I transferred $10k to my USA bank account. With Ozforex if you transfer at least $10k then they wave the transfer fee, which was only $15 anyway. The important part for me though was that the official exchange rate at the time was .9674 and Ozforex gave me .9564. The banks were offering something in the range of .9080 - .9150 so when I was transferring $10k, that is a huge difference, I had an extra $500 in my pocket.


Find out what your bank will give you as an exchange rate and see if there's any fees. Then compare that to and Ozforex and see what is the best deal for you. I'm almost sure you will be better off.


Keep us posted, I'd like to know what you find as I'm looking at transferring more money soon when the AUD lifts itself off the canvas...if it does sad.png


EDIT: Wells Fargo also charged me a $15 incoming transfer fee on my $10k. That was nice of them for doing nothing :)

Edited by dodgyJim73, 06 January 2014 - 06:16 AM.

dodgyJim73MaleAustralia2014-01-06 06:14:00
Australia and New ZealandAfter Packet 3, waiting for Packet 4

Mine took about 8-9 business days to receive packet 4. I think I had 19 days between receiving packet 4 and the interview, however my interview was brought forward so it took the timeframe to 15 days.

dodgyJim73MaleAustralia2014-01-20 02:28:00
Australia and New ZealandSending 8grand from Aus to USA

I live in London now, but still have an Australian credit card. I suggest going through an actual Currency Exchange company.


I suggest the following two, as I have found they have the best exchange rates with the lowest fees:


Transferwise - This is the one I use now. It really is the best. The exchange rate is nearly identical to the official rate, and the fees are almost non-existent.


HiFX - I used this previously. Like the above, excellent rate and low fees (just not quite as good!).


I've used Transferwise to move money back home and to my fiancee in the US. It's simple, you can sign in with a google account, and all you have to do is transfer the money to them and they handle the rest.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-04-09 07:53:00
Australia and New ZealandDifferent wages in the USA

That's very true, actually. (Light bulb moment). The lower class tends to be a lot lower class here than in Australia.


That's true. Although that contributes to the far higher cost of living in Australia (the minimum wage argument where if you increase minimum wage the cost of everything else increases).

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-04-29 01:15:00
Australia and New ZealandDifferent wages in the USA

AS above, it really does depend on the field and the demand for quality applicants. I am surprised about the child care though. 

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-04-26 17:35:00
Australia and New ZealandDifferent wages in the USA

I was on $80K before I left Australia for London. My Fiancee lives in Mississippi (one of the cheapest states in the country, but also the wages are lower), I was amazed with how cheap it is. You can easily rent a 2 bedroom apartment there for less than $600 a month. In Brisbane, I would be paying about that a week for a 2 bedroom apartment.


I suggest you look up (or ask your partner) how much rent, etc is. That's usually a good indicator of how much your expenses will be.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-04-09 07:56:00
Australia and New ZealandSending 8grand from Aus to USA

Yes i used ozforex also and they have the best rates for sending large sums of money. Safe and easy

Adrian-DanielleMaleAustralia2014-01-06 19:06:00
Australia and New ZealandWay Down the Road...


from the first time my aussie hubby visited the usa he was amazed at the prices of everything

with economy of scale, think of the 335 million population vs 25 million and how people in each country spends......


moved to oz in 1999 from usa, and overall the three biggest costs I believe now are

housing affordability, be it buying or renting... HUGE



we have lived in two states in OZ, and it is not getting any easier.

private health insurance has gone up every year since its intro in 2000

the job situation in oz is not great either with many companies letting people go, in the hundreds and thousands......

no easy answers, I suppose you have to accept that Australia is very expensive to live in

wait till you see the price of a dozen eggs if soft drink got to you!! LOL (or as my sister said "wow a carton of beer here is crazy")

best of luck

cheers from down under


razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-03-07 00:13:00
Australia and New Zealandsuper and liquid assets? help!!!! please!!

lil, have already taken money out of super yes it can be done, there are some reasons and it has to be documented, there is a dollar limit too

darin, thank you thank you so much, have looked at the info it seems to have a lot of variables, I guess perhaps the most important is what decision will be made, just knowing that some have accepted it is some good news. yes, it is for the Australian home. we have two cars that we own outright and are looking at selling one of those now.

appreciate any and all replies!!



razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-05-12 01:31:00
Australia and New Zealandsuper and liquid assets? help!!!! please!!

has anyone used the amount in their super as part of their liquid assets?

currently you can withdraw money from your super ( although be it a tax penalty)


we are afraid that with no sponsor and our house not yet sold, we should show the money in our super or maybe even take some out....


has anyone used their primary residence only in the affidavit of support?

head spinnin' and worrying....



razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-05-11 08:15:00
Australia and New ZealandWay Down the Road...

I had a greencard for most of my life... and the one thing I couldn't do was move out of the country.... otherwise you will lose your legal permanent residence (LPR).   You can travel and such and in my case even attend college outside the USA but I could not spend more than 6 months out of the year outside the USA or risk losing my legal permanent residency.... I don't know if things have changed now but I would definitely check.  I finally became a citizen in 2011... now I can live wherever I want.  Can someone else offer some advice?


Forgive me for lack of clarification - I was meaning once I have citizenship in the US. Then we'd consider moving back to Australia. I know, it might seem counterproductive, but we figure citizenship opens a ton of doors, and it'll also be that if we ever choose to then move back to the US... y'know? All this work, I know. Even if we were to live a year and one month out of the US, it's better to do that on citizenship than a possible revoked GC. :)


The difference in cost of living definitely becomes much more noticeable after you spend time in the US. The rent my partner pays in Iowa is a quarter of something similar where I am, and eating out and groceries are also a lot cheaper in the US. But the average incomes for Australians (particularly lower and middle level wages) are higher so that should be taken into account when comparing the two.


And while some costs are the same no matter where you are in Australia (600ml coke is always going to be ridiculously expensive), other costs can vary just like within the US. Rent, transport, fuel/gas, even utilities, can vary depending on the area you choose to live.


If you are moving back to spend time with your father and family, then I would probably start looking at the cost of renting/buying in that area, what the employment situation would be like for your US partner, including likely earnings, and then working out if it is manageable to remain a one-income family.


The rest of it just comes down to household budgeting, and it's possible to avoid using credit cards etc, but it takes discipline. I take leftovers to work for lunch, and bring a can of soda from home which works out to 55 cents (if you buy a 24 pack from the supermarket) rather than 2.50 or more at the cafe. When I can't bring myself to buy things such as clothes and electronics at Australian prices, I order items online or buy them in the US when I visit my partner.


As Juan Bravo pointed out, I would also look into making sure all that work to get your residency is not wasted. Do research into what is needed to maintain your LPR.


Great, sound advice. Thank you. I think budgeting will play a huge factor into it.



from the first time my aussie hubby visited the usa he was amazed at the prices of everything

with economy of scale, think of the 335 million population vs 25 million and how people in each country spends......


moved to oz in 1999 from usa, and overall the three biggest costs I believe now are

housing affordability, be it buying or renting... HUGE



we have lived in two states in OZ, and it is not getting any easier.

private health insurance has gone up every year since its intro in 2000

the job situation in oz is not great either with many companies letting people go, in the hundreds and thousands......

no easy answers, I suppose you have to accept that Australia is very expensive to live in

wait till you see the price of a dozen eggs if soft drink got to you!! LOL (or as my sister said "wow a carton of beer here is crazy")

best of luck

cheers from down under



Haha! Yes, I still gawp at the prices we have here. It's crazy. My husband gawps if the shopping bill is over $150. I still think that's very cheap. ;)


Surely it depends on where you want to move back to in Australia? Unfortunately Sydney and Melbourne have both just made it into a 'Top Ten Most Expensive Cities to Live in' (I was surprised Melbourne is included in that) but the strength of the Australian dollar is what is causing all the grief. In the US its really only New York City thats comparatively as expensive. I've moved from London and wouldn't be able to afford to live in NYC and probably San Francisco without a mortgage but everywhere else is incredibly affordable in comparison. I lived in Sydney for 3 year from 1999-2001 and real estate was the biggest issue, rent was ok but buying required a move out to at least the Inner West or North Shore. If you were willing to live in Perth or Newcastle or Adelaide or away from a big city I'm pretty sure cost of living is affordable just like any other country.


At the moment, it appears Broken Hill, or Outback towns are the equivelent in pricing. Houses are $80,000 - on par with over here. I agree. Housing is probably the biggest asset difference. Place my parents' $550,000 home in America (well, depending on the location), and it'd be worth maybe $100,000.


When I first moved to the US I was shocked at how expensive things seemed. That was back when the Australian dollar was half the US. Now they are about equal, when we visit Australia my husband is the one who is shocked at prices. But you can't compare prices directly. Some things are relatively cheaper in the US, some in Australia. Also wages are generally higher in Australia (though so are taxes). I would be earning twice as much in Australia for the same job I have in the US, plus i would be getting superannuation. Eating out is more expensive in Australia, but partly because wait staff in the US an be earning as little as $2.13 an hour plus tips, which is insanely low. 


Buying a house is ridiculously expensive in Australia. Cars are more expensive (but they hold their value better). Rent is variable in both countries, depending on where you live. 


Anyway, if you do end up returning, I think you'll find that once you get over the initial shock that you'll do OK. People tend to focus on things that are relatively more expensive and overlook what is cheaper. 


Yeah, I think so, too (getting over the initial shock). I know others have done it before, and we won't be the first. Thanks for the great input.


I am currently living with my fiance in Australia and can tell you (coming from the US) everything is so damn expensive here lol...  I think the easy ballpark figure is about 2x what I normally pay for items in the US, sometimes as much as 3-4x.

We share a house in Melb CBD with housemates simply because it was convenient to get to.  I was lucky to get a job even before I landed ( I didn't think I was lucky at the time) but it seems like jobs are harder to get here.

You gotta take into consideration the population in the US is about 14x the population of AU and could lead to less demand and increased prices.  We would buy things shipped from China to the US for less cost and faster timing than from China to AU even though AU is a lot closer to China. 

If it makes things easier look at things in percentages and compare things within the local economy vs cross comparison.  I've lived here for almost 2 years now and still find prices appalling when comparing between the two countries.  That said, we've managed to save money here based on my full time work and her part time work.  Quality of life does feel a little better in the sense that there are a lot of holidays over here ( like a whole month off for xmas lol).

If you need assistance to get off your feet there is always Centrelink.  We just manage and budget within range and still enjoy going out.  There are ways to get things from deals (like paying $10 for movies thru Optus vs $20 at the door)... I think if you go on expat forums it would be more helpful.

I'm still looking into this but I think as Americans working in AU there is a $97k exemption on taxes, of course conditions apply.

Hope this gives you another perspective :)


More great advice. Thank you. Mum worked for Centrelink, and said we'd probably qualify, just until we got on our feet.


Thanks all. Given me a lot to think about. I apologise for the neglect on this thread. I forget about this nook in the Internet, occasionally.

SnagFemaleAustralia2014-04-23 20:26:00
Australia and New ZealandWay Down the Road...

So, this might be a bit miscellaneous question. My husband and I have talked about moving to Australia in the next few years (I know, I know, why would we, after ll that darn US immigration paperwork and process? We've gotta be crazy...). It's due to family reasons, such as my father's failing health.


But, I suppose the question is, how do we Aussies do it with the cost of living Down Under? My husband and I hate debt (who doesn't?) and have strived for the past year to get out of it. But, it really seems impossible in Australia to maintain that. Here in the US, we can almost buy a house outright (because houses are $40,000+), groceries add up to around $200 a month for two people, and we live comfortably on one income (I'm a homemaker). However, it just seems unrealistic to do that in Australia.


Funny story - when my husband and I were dating, he came out to Australia. He gawped at the fact that I bought a 600ml bottle of Coke for $3.50. I shrugged and said that was normal for Sydney cafes. When I came to the US two months later, I gawped at the fact that it was $2.50 for a 450ml glass of Coke, unlimited refills. tongue_ss.gif


Yes, I lived in Australia for 21+ years of my life. My parents worked outside the home. Dad worked over 60 hours a week, and we were middle class (and my parents were in some form of debt still). Mum says it's impossible to do in this economy.


This isn't to attack my country. I love it, I miss it, and would dearly like to go back one day. But, I'm unsure how to afford it all. Suggestions? Hints?

Edited by Snag, 05 March 2014 - 10:58 AM.

SnagFemaleAustralia2014-03-05 10:57:00
Australia and New ZealandDifferent wages in the USA

Wages are higher in Australia compared to the US for low to medium level positions. But that tends to reverse once you move up higher on the income/skill level scale. Of course, as you say, it can vary from field to field.

That's very true, actually. (Light bulb moment). The lower class tends to be a lot lower class here than in Australia.

SnagFemaleAustralia2014-04-28 16:08:00
Australia and New ZealandDifferent wages in the USA

Truthfully, I'm not sure I really understand the wage difference. My husband is in the medical field and we're living in the US. His job is non existent in Australia on a full-tim basis. We have found a very rough equivelent, and he'd be earning $8,000ish less in Australia. My mother, who works in child services in Australia, earns almost $10,000 less than that. It all depends on the field and what's being demanded at the time.


I agree with the rent. In Michigan, we got an average one bedroom apartment for $500 a month. I was gobsmacked. You'd pay that a week in the outerskirts of Sydney.  

SnagFemaleAustralia2014-04-24 11:37:00
Australia and New ZealandMedical and surgery scars - breast reduction

I have a deep scar on my leg from an Achilles tendon surgery back six years ago. The doctor didn't look twice at it, no questions were asked, and that's it, really. He was more concerned with vaccines, and getting my blood.

SnagFemaleAustralia2014-05-05 17:35:00
Australia and New ZealandAfter Packet 3, waiting for Packet 4


Yay! Congrats!~ It's all down hill from here smile.png You DEFINITELY need to pay the Visa fee -- either at the post office or online if you're lazy like me. head over here, create a profile and follow the directions to pay. (It's pretty confusing as they'll ask you to schedule an interview but all you need to do at that website is pay.) Make sure you bring the receipt to the interview, it was the second thing I was asked to present.


As for the 3kg Envelope, this is totally optional. I would actually suggest foregoing this one, because the consulate uses TOLL Couriers to mail the packages, which is a lot more safe than Aus Post. Why spend an extra $10 when they'll mail it safely for free, amirite?   


Thanks! I just paid the USd$240 online after making a profile, but it did not give me any option to print the receipt...and the only thing I have received is an email that says "Your payment to CGI Federal'with a transaction number. Did you print this out, is this the 'receipt'? It makes me think it is not the receipt as it does not have the $240 amount mentioned on it at all!

KPeaNot TellingAustralia2014-01-22 20:33:00
Australia and New ZealandAfter Packet 3, waiting for Packet 4


Good idea!


Wow, 50 people is huge! It's great your parents will be able to be there smile.png When you head back to NY you'll have to get in touch with me and we can have a couple of celebratory drinks somewhere! Always nice to keep in touch with fellow Aussie expats!


Yeah, my fiancee bought back a suitcase full of my stuff, and I'll bring five with me when I travel. Anything else I'll get the folks to post to me as I need it. I had no idea how much stuff I owned!


5 suitcases! Haha good luck with that ;) 


Yes luckily my parents are coming over for our fall wedding, so they can bring all my coats, boots etc in time for winter!


That sounds great, I love meeting Aussies in NY :) I used to live in Brooklyn and it was always nice meeting other aussies sharing the same experiences there! Though I can't figure out how to private message on this thing...

KPeaNot TellingAustralia2014-01-21 18:35:00
Australia and New ZealandAfter Packet 3, waiting for Packet 4


She asked if I had one and I said that I did, but then opted to send it with them instead. Toll actually emails you a tracking number, and I also got a phonecall from them when I wasn't home to pick it up. I would HIGHLY reccommend sending it with them smile.png


I am! We're having a simple City Hall wedding and then a dinner party down in a restaurant near the river. Even THAT is expensive, it's insane. When's your big move?  


That sounds good! I might buy one just incase the person who interviews me doesn't offer that to me, then I can aways refund the Aus Post bag.


Yeah we're keeping out celebrations 'intimate' at about 50 people in a nice restaurant and thats still reaching our budget haha. My USC fiance is living here with me at the moment but we're leaving in June but spending about a month in Michigan first before heading back to NY, prob in August. 


I saw your post regarding shipping stuff...I'm not taking any furniture or anything, but have a hell of a lot of clothes and personal items! From memory, each person travelling into the US gets 2x 22kg suitcases checked in for free, and then when my parents come for the wedding later in the year (October) I'm gonna pre-pack suitcases for them to bring for me~


Good luck, not long for you now!

KPeaNot TellingAustralia2014-01-21 18:06:00
Australia and New ZealandAfter Packet 3, waiting for Packet 4


Yay! Congrats!~ It's all down hill from here smile.png You DEFINITELY need to pay the Visa fee -- either at the post office or online if you're lazy like me. head over here, create a profile and follow the directions to pay. (It's pretty confusing as they'll ask you to schedule an interview but all you need to do at that website is pay.) Make sure you bring the receipt to the interview, it was the second thing I was asked to present.


As for the 3kg Envelope, this is totally optional. I would actually suggest foregoing this one, because the consulate uses TOLL Couriers to mail the packages, which is a lot more safe than Aus Post. Why spend an extra $10 when they'll mail it safely for free, amirite?   


Wow really? So if I don't bring an Aus Post envelope they won't even ask me for one and by default they would just send my passport/visa to me via Toll Couriers anyway? I guess the pro about sending via Aus Post and buying the bag is that I would have the tracking number for it.


I see you're going to NY! Me too :) Ps have you started planning the wedding yet? We're in the middle of planning now, a Brooklyn wedding, and my goodness its a lotta $$$$$$ even for a small restaurant venue!

KPeaNot TellingAustralia2014-01-21 17:52:00
Australia and New ZealandAfter Packet 3, waiting for Packet 4

Hey mate,

I just sent off my Packet 3 earlier today, 20/1/14
Reply in this thread when you recieve 4 - would love to know the estimate for peace of mind aswell - I'm sure they're getting around to it!


I just got the Packet 4 email this morning! Scheduled for Feb4th :)



I waited about eleven days. Then I emailed them requesting an interview date because I got impatiant (and was in Sydney over Christmas), and heard back from them the next day.



Thanks! I just got the Packet 4 email from US Consulate this morning! Just to clarify as it does not say in the email...I need to pay USD$240 at Post Office and buy a 3kg express post bag with tracking?

KPeaNot TellingAustralia2014-01-21 17:41:00
Australia and New ZealandAfter Packet 3, waiting for Packet 4

Hey mate,

I just sent off my Packet 3 earlier today, 20/1/14
Reply in this thread when you recieve 4 - would love to know the estimate for peace of mind aswell - I'm sure they're getting around to it!

Sure, will go!


How'd you go with the medical appointment btw? Were they more helpful in setting up an appointment for you?

KPeaNot TellingAustralia2014-01-21 01:48:00
Australia and New ZealandAfter Packet 3, waiting for Packet 4

Hi everyone,


How long does it usually take for the US Consulate Sydney to email Packet 4 after receiving my Packet 3 in the mail? I'd sent mine off about two weeks ago, just wondering if it usually takes longer? And do they usually give you an appointment date close (like next week, a couple weeks etc) or the next month/s?



KPeaNot TellingAustralia2014-01-20 01:07:00
Australia and New ZealandSending 8grand from Aus to USA

I am going to sound really dumb now but I didn't realise you could transfer money from an Australian bank to an American oneoops8rh.gif

Shaunna&TonyMaleAustralia2013-12-31 21:48:00
Australia and New ZealandSending 8grand from Aus to USA

Hey everyone :)


(Really sorry if this has been covered, but unfortunately I am on a pretty crappy computer and anytime I try and use the search function the window freezes).



I am buying a car over in America and a few other bits and pieces and was just wondering what is the easiest and safest way to transfer 8 grand over to the USA? I would like to try and use Western Union as a last resort so just wanted to see what anyone else has used

Shaunna&TonyMaleAustralia2013-12-31 12:15:00
Australia and New ZealandWay Down the Road...

I had a greencard for most of my life... and the one thing I couldn't do was move out of the country.... otherwise you will lose your legal permanent residence (LPR).   You can travel and such and in my case even attend college outside the USA but I could not spend more than 6 months out of the year outside the USA or risk losing my legal permanent residency.... I don't know if things have changed now but I would definitely check.  I finally became a citizen in 2011... now I can live wherever I want.  Can someone else offer some advice?

Juan BravoMaleAustralia2014-03-06 15:07:00
Australia and New ZealandWay Down the Road...

I am currently living with my fiance in Australia and can tell you (coming from the US) everything is so damn expensive here lol...  I think the easy ballpark figure is about 2x what I normally pay for items in the US, sometimes as much as 3-4x.

We share a house in Melb CBD with housemates simply because it was convenient to get to.  I was lucky to get a job even before I landed ( I didn't think I was lucky at the time) but it seems like jobs are harder to get here.

You gotta take into consideration the population in the US is about 14x the population of AU and could lead to less demand and increased prices.  We would buy things shipped from China to the US for less cost and faster timing than from China to AU even though AU is a lot closer to China. 

If it makes things easier look at things in percentages and compare things within the local economy vs cross comparison.  I've lived here for almost 2 years now and still find prices appalling when comparing between the two countries.  That said, we've managed to save money here based on my full time work and her part time work.  Quality of life does feel a little better in the sense that there are a lot of holidays over here ( like a whole month off for xmas lol).

If you need assistance to get off your feet there is always Centrelink.  We just manage and budget within range and still enjoy going out.  There are ways to get things from deals (like paying $10 for movies thru Optus vs $20 at the door)... I think if you go on expat forums it would be more helpful.

I'm still looking into this but I think as Americans working in AU there is a $97k exemption on taxes, of course conditions apply.

Hope this gives you another perspective :)

K JewelsNot TellingAustralia2014-03-13 20:53:00
Australia and New ZealandMedical and surgery scars - breast reduction

And one more thing - GO PENS!


I've been a Bruins fan for 10years hahaha! but I am warming up to Sid and the boys thanks to my fiancé!

sweetswinksFemaleAustralia2014-05-11 08:35:00
Australia and New ZealandMedical and surgery scars - breast reduction

Good luck, fellow Pittsburgher-to-be! The whole process is easier than you think. :-)


Thanks lovely! Very excited to get my NOA2 so I can get back to PGH!

sweetswinksFemaleAustralia2014-05-11 03:35:00
Australia and New ZealandMedical and surgery scars - breast reduction

Thanks everyone for your feedback! I will give an update here once I am at the medical stage, I am currently still waiting for my NOA2!

sweetswinksFemaleAustralia2014-05-06 08:20:00
Australia and New ZealandMedical and surgery scars - breast reduction
I'm not sure what you mean. I am asking a legitimate question and a legitimate answer would be greatly appreciated as I am unfamiliar with what happens at a medical if you have surgery scars.

Are you still taking the strong pain meds? mellow.png

sweetswinksFemaleAustralia2014-03-09 00:05:00
Australia and New ZealandMedical and surgery scars - breast reduction

Hi there,



I am still waiting for my NOA2 but would like to prepare for some things during the wait.


I have surgery scars from a breast reduction for cosmetic reasons from 8 years ago. Will I need a letter from the surgeon who performed this to present the doctor conducting the medical for the visa?


If I cannot get the letter from the surgeon due to them not having the records as it expires after 7 years, is it possible to get a letter from my GP explaining these?



Thanks in advance!

sweetswinksFemaleAustralia2014-03-08 22:07:00
Australia and New ZealandAfter Packet 3, waiting for Packet 4

The feeling of relief was surreal - I started to well up with tears as soon as I got that piece of paper :) And I was nervous too!! I also had nothing to be nervous about, but it's just all very exciting and I guess the 7 month build up doesn't help!!


And I bet that schnitzel tasted good :D


Now just the wait for the physical visa.. I've already booked my flight so hoping the visa comes within the next week!!!


Kate and DanNot Telling02014-04-02 16:52:00
Australia and New ZealandAfter Packet 3, waiting for Packet 4

Hey I was there on 1st of April too!! Congrats :) we made it!!! Only the wait for the physical visa to go . :)

Kate and DanNot Telling02014-04-02 01:14:00
Australia and New ZealandAfter Packet 3, waiting for Packet 4

Thanks for your help on this! I submitted Packet 3 last week and am going crazy waiting for a response!!


By the way, i am also heading to NYC - may be helpful to have some contacts there and also help each other through the next round of documentation!!




.. Fingers crosses not too much longer!



Kate and DanNot Telling02014-03-17 03:08:00
Australia and New ZealandAfter Packet 3, waiting for Packet 4

Hey mate,

I just sent off my Packet 3 earlier today, 20/1/14
Reply in this thread when you recieve 4 - would love to know the estimate for peace of mind aswell - I'm sure they're getting around to it!


We sent in our packet 3 on Jan 7th and received packet 4 email on 21st.  Interview is scheduled for Feb 4th :)

Also, our packet 4 did NOT mention about having to bring any pre-paid return envelopes.  So I am guessing they will use their courier service.


Just a little nervous about the interview, but almost there!!

arunhnMaleAustralia2014-01-24 13:13:00
Australia and New ZealandMedical and surgery scars - breast reduction

Ooh, Bruins! That's bound to cause a little healthy friction at this time of year! I knew nothing of hockey before I met my fiance, but now I wear my Malkin jersey - which is made for a seven-year-old - with pride (yet still a little ignorance. "Where's the crease again?").

Nikki DFemaleAustralia2014-05-11 19:10:00
Australia and New ZealandMedical and surgery scars - breast reduction

And one more thing - GO PENS!

Nikki DFemaleAustralia2014-05-11 04:42:00
Australia and New ZealandMedical and surgery scars - breast reduction

Good luck, fellow Pittsburgher-to-be! The whole process is easier than you think. :-)

Nikki DFemaleAustralia2014-05-10 21:49:00
Australia and New ZealandMedical and surgery scars - breast reduction

For what it's worth for anyone else that reads that this thread in the future, I had my medical on Monday (7/4/14) and the physician asked about past hospitalisations and surgeries, made a note of them based on my verbal explanations of them, and didn't need to see any records. During his examination he was interested mainly on whether it had resulted in any lasting physical impacts or impairments.


And further to this point, for people's piece of mind, I'd also like to add that during my medical (March 24), when the physician asked about past surgeries and I answered, "Yes... I've had implants," her response was, "Well done you for calling them implants!" and swiftly moved on. So no need to worry, silicone sisters!

Nikki DFemaleAustralia2014-04-10 05:29:00
Australia and New ZealandMedical and surgery scars - breast reduction

Hi Sweetswinks,

For what it's worth, I'll be having my medical in two weeks and while I've read and reread countless times all the info and FAQs regarding the medical, I never saw anything in that information in which it said there would be an issue with the fact that a) my breasts are new, and b) I've got scars from my recent augmentation. The examining doctor will not be concerned with your past cosmetic surgery, but rather, by your imunity and the health of your lungs, blood and mind.

Nikki DFemaleAustralia2014-03-09 23:01:00