Asia: SouthSponsoring again...

As stated above her K-3 expired while she was in Pakistan, nothing was filed further. She has not been in the US since (As far as I am aware). So what exactly do I have to be concerned with?

My divorce occurred in Pakistan as there was no where for me to file any documentation here. If there is please do tell me where as I have no marriage certificate for USA. I never married her here. I sent my divorce letter to her and the Union Council. Anyone have advice how I can get the Union Council in Pakistan to send me a divorce decree?

Either you have to go or your family member to the union council. They will be able to provide you with the divorce decree. If you face some trouble then a little GREASE :devil: will solve your problem and speedup the process.
BA & MGMaleUnited Arab Emirates10/7/2012 4:00
Asia: SouthPolice record question for pakistan?

if its one city and 2 places?

Make sure you tell the police officer to write both addresses in the certificate.
BA & MGMaleUnited Arab Emirates11/10/2012 10:22
Asia: SouthPolice record question for pakistan?
yes, he will need to get police certificate from all the places where he lived for more than six months and i would recommend you to get them attested from Foreign Affairs if possible because Pakistanis are usually put in AP for verification of documents.

Edited by baqir, 25 October 2012 - 03:54 PM.

BA & MGMaleUnited Arab Emirates10/25/2012 15:51
Asia: SouthEngish vs Original+Translation

In Pakistan, one can have an Urdu nikah nama, as well as an English one. Should one submit the English one only (has seal), or an Urdu one + certified translation, when applying for their spouse?


Urdu one plus certified translation works great. The english only one can confuse them that you forgot to mail in your urdu original, so best bet is to mail urdu + translation. Mail all three if you feel like it because it won't hurt.
PuppyLoveMalePakistan1/14/2013 22:34
Asia: SouthCR-1 Interview at ISL - strict on domicile?
right i can help you regarding domicile issue,i had my cr1 interview in the end of september 2012,result of interview was usuall wife is a USC and she is here from last 5 years,regarding domicile we arranged 2 letters one job letter from our family friend living there n ruuning a resturant and accomodation letter from same family friend,on the day of interview CO asked my wife about domicile and she showed him job letter and accomodation letter and than he had no objection on it and he said these letters are ok..if u need more help regarding domicile just ask us..we will be happy to help u..
virgo2012MalePakistan12/7/2012 13:10
Asia: SouthSponsoring again...

Did you read the rest of my post? I also asked how do I deal with the Union council to get this?

That's what I figured. Now my issue is how I can get the document...sigh.

i think both the parties have to be in the same country for the divorce finalization.better if you go get it from Pak if you were married there.i am not 100 percent sure to be very frank.
kintuMaleIndia10/6/2012 16:06
Asia: SouthSponsoring again...

As stated above her K-3 expired while she was in Pakistan, nothing was filed further. She has not been in the US since (As far as I am aware). So what exactly do I have to be concerned with?

get your divorce decree and send it to the Govt.

Edited by kintu, 06 October 2012 - 03:59 PM.

kintuMaleIndia10/6/2012 15:57
Asia: SouthSponsoring again...
if your Ex-wife is still in US as a result of her K3 (even legally divorced),it is going to be really hard sponsoring your new partner.i wish you good luck Bhaa ;)
kintuMaleIndia10/6/2012 15:36
Asia: SouthChecklist for K-1 Visa Interview
hey this checklist looks good!! it looks like you have everything they may ask for.

Best of luck adnan!!!
zingerMalePakistan9/21/2012 7:23
Asia: SouthMuhammad danish
why are you looking for him?
i might know danish, but i dont know if he is the one!! his second interview was in november, someday maybe mondays!!
zingerMalePakistan1/12/2013 0:15
Asia: SouthEngish vs Original+Translation
In Pakistan, one can have an Urdu nikah nama, as well as an English one. Should one submit the English one only (has seal), or an Urdu one + certified translation, when applying for their spouse?

pm5kNot TellingPakistan1/14/2013 18:56
Asia: Southwhat is required income for affidavit of suport?? we r 4 person...! including my 2 kids...! and i am a petitioner...!
Salam !

Baqir you mean approx $29,000 is enough to sponsor 4 person????
KashjMalePakistan11/8/2012 4:13
Asia: SouthChecklist for K-1 Visa Interview

My interview is on September 23, 2012. I was preparing for interview since I got appointment letter. Here is the checklist for documents.

Applicant Documents

1- Original Birth Certificate + One copy
2- Passport + One copy
3- Police Certificates( UK, UAE, Pak) + Copy of each
4- Medical Report.
5- Two Photograph 2" * 2"
6- Visa Fee payment Receipt

Petitioner Documents

1- Passport + One copy
2- Birth Certificate + One copy
3- I-134 and I-864 + Copies of both
4- 1040EZ and W2 (2009, 2010, 2011)
5- Current Bank Statement
6- Pay stubs of her last job

Co-Sponsor Documents

1- Passport Copy
2- I-134 and I-864 + Copies of both
3- 1040 and W2 (2009, 2010, 2011)
4- Employment Letter
5- Two recent pay stubs
6- Recent Bank Statement

Departments of State Forms

1- DS-230(Part II unsigned) + One Copy
2- DS-156 Two Copies ( Online Form)
3- DS-157 + One Copy
4- DS-156K Unsigned + One Copy

Relationship Proof

1- Shopping Receipt
2- Fiance mom's care packages receipt
3- Letters from family
4- Facebook chat and wall posts
5-Few emails
6- Pictures

Wedding Plans

1- Wedding Dress Receipt
2- Agreements (Park, DJ, US-Caterer, Pakistani-caterer, Photographer)
3- Wedding website
4- Wedding Registry
5-Invitation Cards

Any suggestion and advice will be appreciated.

Thanks everybody for help.

Adnan Ali

Edited by A&C, 21 September 2012 - 03:30 AM.

A&CMalePakistan9/21/2012 3:25
Asia: SouthSponsoring again...
Well I do mainly relatives generally none of us are very close. But I have contacted one person who may assist me in this matter. I will know in a few days whether it works out.

Edited by miansahib, 09 October 2012 - 06:02 PM.

miansahibMalePakistan10/9/2012 18:01
Asia: SouthSponsoring again...

Hire a Family Court Lawyer and He/She should be able to process on your behalf and get the Divorce papers you needed.

Otherwise, find someone in your family OR as suggested by "baqir" in the last response to have your in-laws get it done from Union Council.

Now a days Union Council are not processing documents as the approval staff is not available due to new Baldia setup issues in Sindh-Karachi. I am not sure about other States in the Country.

The good thing is I know my divorce is final. I just need the paper from them. I will find someone I suppose (family is probably out of the question, especially ex in laws).


you must have some of your friends there. Try to talk to them, everything is possible in Pakistan if you have good connections. what about your new in-laws.

I wouldn't ask my new in laws of this just doesn't feel right. Surprisingly I don't have good connections. Unlike other folks who have normal families, unfortunately I will leave it at that.

I will try though.

miansahibMalePakistan10/7/2012 22:12
Asia: SouthSponsoring again...
Since I don't live in Pakistan (tickets are not cheap either), if I can not find a reliable relative (my luck that my family isn't all that), what would you recommend? Would it be possible to hire someone (again trust then becomes the issue)?
miansahibMalePakistan10/7/2012 11:31
Asia: SouthSponsoring again...

get your divorce decree and send it to the Govt.

Did you read the rest of my post? I also asked how do I deal with the Union council to get this?

Yes - of course they will request divorce documentation. Without it, sending petition doesn't make much sense.

That's what I figured. Now my issue is how I can get the document...sigh.

if your Ex-wife is still in US as a result of her K3 (even legally divorced),it is going to be really hard sponsoring your new partner.i wish you good luck Bhaa ;)

SEnd it to where in the Govt??????
miansahibMalePakistan10/6/2012 16:04
Asia: SouthSponsoring again...

if your Ex-wife is still in US as a result of her K3 (even legally divorced),it is going to be really hard sponsoring your new partner.i wish you good luck Bhaa ;)

As stated above her K-3 expired while she was in Pakistan, nothing was filed further. She has not been in the US since (As far as I am aware). So what exactly do I have to be concerned with?

My divorce occurred in Pakistan as there was no where for me to file any documentation here. If there is please do tell me where as I have no marriage certificate for USA. I never married her here. I sent my divorce letter to her and the Union Council. Anyone have advice how I can get the Union Council in Pakistan to send me a divorce decree?

Edited by miansahib, 06 October 2012 - 03:57 PM.

miansahibMalePakistan10/6/2012 15:55
Asia: SouthSponsoring again...
I was married roughly 5 years ago in Pakistan, filed for my spouse at the time...however prior her K3 expired during our separation(never filed for adjustment of status or anything). She was overseas in Pakistan when it expired. Now it appears I will be marrying again (not the same person :) ). My question is if I file for her will they request my divorce documentation from the previous marriage(just trying to get things ready)...honest to goodness I find it a bear to obtain that as I did mail letters of divorce to the town council there, after 3 month the divorce was final but they said they don't send the documentation.

I plan to file the I-130 for her.

Thanks for the help and sorry for the ranting.
miansahibMalePakistan10/6/2012 15:09
You don't need to notarize Packet 3.5 Forms Faisal. Just fill the forms mentioned by SN 530 previous to my comment and attach other documents.
You don't have to pay any fee along with Packet 3.5 except the courier charges there at the American Express or Speedex, which wouldn't be more than 2000 PKR.

Prince 1214MalePakistan11/29/2012 15:01
Asia: SouthEngish vs Original+Translation

In Pakistan, one can have an Urdu nikah nama, as well as an English one. Should one submit the English one only (has seal), or an Urdu one + certified translation, when applying for their spouse?


Sending Urdu one, English Translation & Nadra Nikah Nama will only help you less questions at Interview stage, so I endorse on sending all three together to NVC.
Stay Blessed
HUNKNot TellingPakistan1/16/2013 4:17
Asia: SouthCo-Sponcer for K1 visa Pakistan

They will only accept the equity in the home so if you own it free and clear of financial obligation there will be additional documentation that can be submitted to prove the financial stability.

Yes I do own my home free and clear ... no mortgage ... no liens . I submitted the deed to my home and also my property tax assessment for 2013 showing its value .
They have previously refused to accept this information , but I'm hoping the link from their own government website will change their mind .
Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan1/7/2013 21:02
Asia: SouthCo-Sponcer for K1 visa Pakistan

ok?? have u recvd visa?

No. We are still in AP and waiting to hear if they will accept the documents I sent . I found online that they should accept not only wages, but also my bank account , and the value of my home which I own. However , the embassy is saying they will only take my wages which alone does not meet the financial requirements.

I sent them a link to their own government site , showing that yes they should accept bank accounts and personal property ( my house ) now I am just waiting for a response.
Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan1/7/2013 0:12
Asia: SouthCo-Sponcer for K1 visa Pakistan

did u submit ur own w2?

I did not submit w2's for myself because I dont have any. I am a student
Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan11/17/2012 21:31
Asia: SouthCo-Sponcer for K1 visa Pakistan

Hi I need to know recently read that co-sponsorship for k-1 visa is not allowed in Pakistan ?

Is this true?

Anyone who got approved with a co-sponsor recently ?

Please guide me I really need help as i have already applied for K1 Fiance Visa on behalf on Co-sponcer I am confused after reading all the comments here
I need to know what the reality is please somebody...

My Fiance had his interview on October 15th , and the interviewer did tell him that co-sponsors were NOT allowed. However, he did NOT mark public charge on his refusal sheet. He only marked AP processing and asked for more records on the Co sponsor. So , I am also very confused if they will accept a co-sponsor or not . Again the interviewer said no Co Sponsor , but then asked for w2's of the Co-sponsor. The whole thing is crazy.
Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan11/11/2012 15:14
Asia: SouthSponsoring again...
Can we get an update on what happened?

I'm in a similar situation.
Unity4LifeNot TellingAfghanistan12/2/2012 14:23
Asia: SouthHelp on Divorce Certificate AFTER 2nd marriage please
After doing some research on the internet regarding divorce procedures in Karachi and I've come across 2 terms: "Divorce Deed" and "Divorce Certificate".

Are either one of these acceptable?

Edited by Unity4Life, 02 December 2012 - 01:33 PM.

Unity4LifeNot TellingAfghanistan12/2/2012 13:33
Asia: SouthHelp on Divorce Certificate AFTER 2nd marriage please

Seriously, if that paperwork went through an Imam, at all, he can help you with the Pakistani-Federal level divorce decree.
You need an official government-issued divorce decree , that's what the USCIS and DoS looks for.

Since you're NOT immigrating to the USA, and are seeking this paperwork for Canada, you might want to find a Canada-specific immigration web portal.

I don't troll here at VJ. Ask anyone.

it didn't go through an imam. Why would an imam be required? I typed it up myself, signed it and mailed it to her. I'm seeking paperwork WITHIN Karachi, not in the USA or Canada. You can be from mars and getting a divorce certificate in Karachi is the same as a US citizen getting a divorce certificate in karachi. I retained an attorney to sponsor my wife, but even he does not know what to do in a scenario such as mine since the divorce took place in 2007 and I have no documented proof of it. He said if I apply NOW for the divorce, and it gets dated to current timing, then my marriage becomes null and void.
Unity4LifeNot TellingAfghanistan12/2/2012 3:20
Asia: SouthHelp on Divorce Certificate AFTER 2nd marriage please
Darnell, don't be a troll. If you can't contribute then bother somebody else
Unity4LifeNot TellingAfghanistan12/2/2012 2:30
Asia: SouthHelp on Divorce Certificate AFTER 2nd marriage please

was the talaq letter filed , at all, with an imam at a mosque?
if so, he can help you out with the right Afghani-FEDERAL paperwork , a divorce decree.

No, I typed it up myself and signed it and sent it to her, that's all. What's "afghani-FEDERAL" paperwork? Does such a thing even EXIST?
She was Pakistani, I am Pakistani Afghani. She lived there and I was and am a citizen of Canada. I don't think it matters what the nationalities are nor does it matter if I am in Canada or the USA. At the end the process of marrying in and divorcing in Pakistan/Karachi are all the same. That's where my issue is. Thnx
Unity4LifeNot TellingAfghanistan12/2/2012 2:26
Asia: SouthHelp on Divorce Certificate AFTER 2nd marriage please

I am not sure what to say: about what you saying above. I am sure you granted a final paper at that time, so use that one, IF you going to say you cant find or not sure where is... then I think something not right.. You have to show a paper to union con.. they can issue you certficate as of today, but will show date of divorce 2007.

What paper are you referring to? I talaqed her in accordance with Islam and sent her a talaq letter. I had no clue since I don't live in Karachi that a legal procedure or any type of procedure is required. Nor did she mention anything. We verballly divorced and I sent her a letter and our lives together ended right there. She never received her visa because i cancelled her sponsorship right away.
Unity4LifeNot TellingAfghanistan12/2/2012 1:14
Asia: SouthHelp on Divorce Certificate AFTER 2nd marriage please
I am a Canadian Citizen newly married with a girl residing n Karachi a few months ago, however I cannot start her sponsorship yet. I was married to another girl in 2007 (also in Karachi) and a few months later we divorced (in 2007). She never received her visa because I cancelled it after we divorced. Problem is I didn't know there was a legal procedure involved or any certificates required. I just realized I need a divorce certificate regarding my previous marriage now. How can I obtain a pre-dated divorce certificate dated back to 2007?

I would really appreciate any and all help, PLEASE. I'm afraid if I go to the Union Council now they will date it as if we just got divorced which is incorrect and will totally nullify my current marriage. I also hear it takes months to get anything from them. What do I do? How do i convince Union Council that I divorced my ex-wife in 2007? My ex-wife has re-married since and I have no idea where she is.

Edited by Unity4Life, 01 December 2012 - 10:20 PM.

Unity4LifeNot TellingAfghanistan12/1/2012 22:18
Asia: SouthNeed advise for PCC from Bangalore Police Commissioner Office.
You need to get the PCC from Local Passport Seva Kendra.
I am from Bangalore and I got it done from the Passport Seva Kendra near Lalbagh (near Urvashi Theater)
Bali - RanaeNot TellingIndia1/17/2013 0:08
Asia: Southwhat is required income for affidavit of suport?? we r 4 person...! including my 2 kids...! and i am a petitioner...!

Between your 1012 income (bring paystubs) and your savings you should be ok.

Penguin_ie, with all due respect, it will not be ok. because even with 25K in saving, they will only consider that as 5K because of the rules they use.
ANC_____007MalePakistan11/9/2012 19:57
Asia: Southwhat is required income for affidavit of suport?? we r 4 person...! including my 2 kids...! and i am a petitioner...!
ok so here is what i think you can do.. your 25k will only count as 5k( because when you use your saving account or other assets, they must be five times more than the required annual income) and that 5K will be added to your 15,000 that you made last year.... that will make it 20,000 but still you are below the required amount.

I think you should try to get Co- sponsor who makes atleast 40 K. even 30 K could be enough but your 20K even with the saving will not be enough.

I think if you are making more this year, and you add the 5K into that... will that be 30K? i dont think so... therefore i dont think it will be enough.. YOU MUST GET A Co- Sponsor to help you or your case will be denied.

I have had long discussion with our law firm's immigration attorney over this and she informed me that if you are barely meeting the requirement, they can still deny your case. so make sure you not only get to the minimum but also have little more than minimum.
ANC_____007MalePakistan11/9/2012 19:55
Asia: SouthSponsoring again...
Hire a Family Court Lawyer and He/She should be able to process on your behalf and get the Divorce papers you needed.

Otherwise, find someone in your family OR as suggested by "baqir" in the last response to have your in-laws get it done from Union Council.

Now a days Union Council are not processing documents as the approval staff is not available due to new Baldia setup issues in Sindh-Karachi. I am not sure about other States in the Country.

Edited by Saj & Anam, 07 October 2012 - 01:47 PM.

Saj & AnamNot TellingPakistan10/7/2012 13:46
Asia: SouthCR-1 Interview at ISL - strict on domicile?
Thank you so much! I have been in Pakistan with my husband for about a year now and what I have are valid driver's license, bank statements, a letter from my parents stating we will reside with them, and I'm also applying for my mba. I'm not 100% sure i will have my admission letter by the interview date but I will have the emails that I have you think that would be good enough? Or do I have to go back before his interview?

Also, how long after you submitted your IV application did you receive your interview call letter? When was the interview? And did you travel to the US on a visit visa during those 5 yrs?

So sorry to ask you so many questions but you guys are the closest to our situation. Thank you for your help.
RMARTNot TellingPakistan12/9/2012 9:48
Asia: SouthCR-1 Interview at ISL - strict on domicile?
I just wanted to know how the interviews are at the US Embassy in Isl. Are they strict on the domicile issue if the petitioner is living with the spouse in Pakistan? Also, how long after the IV application is accepted do we receive the interview letter? And, is the interview date usually 4-6 weeks from the date of the interview letter? Any help is greatly appreciated.
RMARTNot TellingPakistan12/7/2012 4:12
Do i need to notarize the K1 (PACKET 3.5) forms??? is there any fee to pay while sending documents (3.5 packet) to embassy.

MO.FAISALMalePakistan11/29/2012 13:40
Can anyone help me with a quick question. How long is the Pakistan Police Certificate Valid for? I've heard anywhere from 6 months to a year and don't know which one is true. Any help in this regards will be appreciated.
ShakGillNot TellingPakistan11/30/2012 5:29