Asia: Southadmin
moved from Philippines Regional Forum to Asia:South Regional forum as the Consulate is in Pakistan
Kathryn41FemaleCanada11/6/2009 11:43
Asia: Southembassy interviews
So you received an interview for December? That's great b/c that means slots are still open. I thought it would spill over to January.
sachinkyFemaleIndia11/13/2009 14:20
Asia: Southembassy interviews
2nd week and 4th week of the month currently for Mumbai.
sachinkyFemaleIndia11/12/2009 18:25
Asia: SouthVFS Details
Thanks, dude! I'm sure your wife's interview will be fine. All the best. Do update us. I'm terribly interested, as you can imagine.
sachinkyFemaleIndia11/3/2009 20:11
Asia: SouthVFS Details
Thanks for replying! That's rubbish that VFS needs everything that was submitted to the NVC. So basically, all I take to the embassy (when my time comes, that is) evidence of relationship or do I need MORE copies of everything?

Sorry, I'm just trying to stay on top of everything.
sachinkyFemaleIndia11/3/2009 19:40
Asia: SouthVFS Details
Just to be clear: Does VFS take all the documents and send it to the embassy? Or do they just make sure that we have everything?

How many copies of the I864/DS230's should I keep?

I'm from Calcutta and will be interviewing at Mumbai. Do I go to the Mumbai VFS or the Calcutta one? I'm confused.
sachinkyFemaleIndia11/3/2009 16:52
Asia: SouthMedical?
Sorry mate, as far as I understand Gardasil is required for female beneficiaries under the age of 26. I'm not looking forward to it, either.
sachinkyFemaleIndia11/12/2009 12:00
Asia: SouthMedical?
Doubtful. From what I understand, you may get an antibody titer test done and get the required vaccinations from your personal physician. But you have to show up on the designated day for your medical and if required they will give you more shots or just the plain physical/HIV/sputum test.
sachinkyFemaleIndia11/10/2009 17:04
Asia: SouthMedical?
Says physical on the site, as well as chest x-rays. Nothing about anaethesia. I assume you can have a titre test done earlier too and just show it them so that they can ascertain what vaccinations are required.
sachinkyFemaleIndia11/10/2009 16:35
Asia: Southadmin
Why do you post in the Philippines forum?
Bob 4 AnnaMalePhilippines11/6/2009 8:46
Asia: SouthVFS Details
QUOTE (sachinky @ Nov 3 2009, 06:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for replying! That's rubbish that VFS needs everything that was submitted to the NVC. So basically, all I take to the embassy (when my time comes, that is) evidence of relationship or do I need MORE copies of everything?

Sorry, I'm just trying to stay on top of everything.

Keep one thing in mind given that you will be submitting your copies at VFS Calcutta, make sure you submit 15 working days before the interview. Here is the list of VFS holidays, so do count your days accordingly whenever you do get your interview date.
trinketFemaleIndia11/4/2009 11:09
Asia: SouthVFS Details
QUOTE (k.loveh @ Sep 28 2009, 10:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The medical report will be submitted at the interview itself. Though you 'can' submit all other doc's at time of interview, it would not be advisable. No. 1-You will still be required to pay the fee's and No. 2- The embassy will have more opportunity to 'review' them if you submit them at VFS whereas, it is hit and miss if you take them to the interview because the CO may or may have the time to look at them. VFS is most definately the better route!

Agree good.gif Also I submitted my medical at VFS, they don't take the x-ray report, actually they don't take the X-ray report anywhere, just the medical report.

Your wife should only take photocopies of DS-230 package, not the i-864 for VFS. But on the interview date, let her take photocopies of everything, from i-130, i-864 and ds-230, because you never know what they might question for and its good if she has things handy. Also all the relationship proofs should be saved for the interview, VFS won't take any of those.
trinketFemaleIndia9/28/2009 13:41
Asia: SouthVFS Details
QUOTE (CTRL+ALT+DEL @ Sep 26 2009, 11:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
please click 'review: embassy/uscis' ( at top of the page. top right. and then select india - and you'll find all the details about embassy visits.

headbonk.gif she asked for VFS not embassy/consulate.

Anyways OP, from what I can tell you about my experience, no one other than the applicant is allowed to enter VFS office.
-- Immigrant visa holders and non-immigrant visa holders are separated.
--There are only 3 IV windows at least at Mumbai VFS.
--They double check every document the applicant has submitted, sometimes the applicant might be asked to take photocopy of certain document, there is a photocopier machine within the building.
-- They spoke with me in English, but I did see the gentleman next to me was conversed in Hindi.
-- How much time it takes? It takes time, because they go through all the documents of the IV applicant, I went through IR-1 visa, so took me only 15 minutes but I had to wait for around 2 hours before I got a call to come to the window. Since your fiance is going through K-1, it will take around half an hour or more is my assumption. How long will he have to wait before his call.......well that will depend upon how many people came to VFS before him.
--Ask him to be relaxed, this isn't the actual interview, VFS Mumbai people were really cool, they don't interview you, their job is to verify all the documents have been submitted correctly or not.
--Yes they will give your fiance a receipt, make sure he keeps it safely because he will need to show that same receipt on the day of his interview, also if he wishes to collect his VISA approved passport from VFS, he will have to show that receipt again.

trinketFemaleIndia9/27/2009 1:11
Asia: SouthMedical?
QUOTE (Baltar @ Nov 10 2009, 03:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do they do a full physical? Xrays? Is anesthesia involved? Is it just a titre test and shots only? what exactly is the doctor supposed to be doing in the medical check?

Yes they do full physical, x-ray, vision and blood test. Doctor does the physical test and ask all kind of questions, doctor also gives the shots. For female its a female doctor and for male its male doctor.

I went to Breach Candy hospital for my test, this is a brief synopsis of whatever I remember from that day

--Arrived at 7:30 am
--Asked to fill up a form and gave 3 passport size photographs
--Nurse took my height, weight measurement, did a vision check, took blood sample
--At around 9:30 am, they gave a break and asked everyone to get back at 10:30 am, asked us to get something to eat.
--Got back, was taken to X-ray room in a different building.
--Got back fro that x-ray room to the initial building, a female elderly doctor took my case
--Did full physical, she asked a list of questions, regarding drug, alcohol usage or any previous mental problem
--During physical she asked about all the small scars and how they were caused
--After physical, we were taken back to another building and they gave us shots, I got 2 shots. I think one was MMR and don't remember the other one.
--After that was asked to come back at 4 pm and collect the medical report from the reception area.

So that's about it, hope this helps.
trinketFemaleIndia11/10/2009 23:28
Asia: SouthMedical?
You have to go through the medical before the VISA interview, once you get your interview date book an appointment with the desired Medical affiliated with the US consulate. Number of shots and other things will depend upon gender, age and previous vaccination records. There is no need to have vaccination records, they will do a blood test of the applicant and will determine what all vaccinations are required. Shouldn't cost more than Rs. 6000 or 7000.

One should get the medical report the same day given there are no problems with your medical.
trinketFemaleIndia11/7/2009 22:52
Asia: Southdriving lessons
Thinking about driving here is easy

You haven't try driving in India, it's basically AN ART FORM

I like to say, there's some kind of control in all that madness,

I was in Madras when I 1st went to India for a project i was working on, After a Day of Driving, i was feeling a little bit OK about it, then later in the evening I was making a Left turn,


I saw a bunch of light coming at me, I basically made that turn into incoming traffic, Good thing it wasn't too busy, I had enough time to make a U turn, Needless to say the next day, I return the car, and starting taking a TAXI.

Nearby the hotel they have Auto Rickshaw which is faster than taxi, because these little bikes can squeeze around traffic quite a bit. From there on I started taking Auto Rickshaw wherever I go.

Click on the link, you'll see

Nikita2CharlesNot TellingIndia11/19/2009 19:49
Asia: Southdriving lessons
It's been less than 5 years, my wife is now an expert driver.

The key to teaching someone driving is Patience and able to hold your heart in your palm.

1) I have a sports car, stick shift, tried teaching my wife with it, she was doing well, but was having some hard time with switching gear, so i got her a Maxima Automatic to practice on, this will eliminate the need for switching gear so she can concentrate on the driving part.

The key to it all, when teaching someone to drive, try not to overly criticizing them, because with with my wife, the more you point out the mistakes she's making, she gets more nervous, and make even worse one, so it's very difficult to hold it and stay quiet, but if it's something major you have to point it out right away.

All i have to say is communication, communication and don't be afraid to speak, we were driving home and my wife was making some critical mistakes that I had to point them out, so that made her nervous.

Even now i am still paying for it, we used to live in an Apt with a Gate, and I always stop the car before the sidewalk, waiting for the driveway to open up, my wife like to pull up right in front of the gate. I blame myself for not speaking out that day and said wait a little bit futher wait for the gate to open then proceed.

To this day i still can't recall why, or why it happened, when the gate started to open up, my wife feet probably slip off the brake, all i know we Ram the gate.

The damaged was a slightly bent gate and it went off the rail, but the Apartment complex charged my car insurance almost $6,000 for the damage.

Needless to say it went on into my record as a car accident and I haven't had a car accident or any ticket for the last 8 years, now my wife car insurance premium is much lower than mine, because I told the insurance company at the time I was the one driving.

So it takes a lot of LOVE AND PATIENCE!!
Nikita2CharlesNot TellingIndia11/19/2009 11:01
Asia: SouthVFS Details
k.loveh - you talking about me???? tongue.gif

Not only can you go to VFS and to the window at VFS with your husband, you can do it for him if you have everything they are requesting [including his passport and a copy of his passport].

The women there are nice and professional. There were a couple of men working there too the times I visited but women were working the windows.

They won't get very in detail with asking info - they have a little check list that they will read aloud and he just needs to hand over each item(s) as requested.

Good luck with the interview and we're here if you need more help!

Edited by catknit, 27 September 2009 - 11:10 PM.

catknitFemaleIndia9/27/2009 23:09
Asia: Southdriving lessons
I agree driving here is easy if you compare to other countries. Or I should say less pressured! I have never been to India but people in my country (Malaysia) drive like crazy. There are plenty of rules but no one seems to even bother! LOL... Sometimes during bumper to bumper traffic jam, you will see cars making their own 5 lanes in a 3-lane road! LOL.. and pedestrians have NO rights on the road! Imagine that!

I have the same problem here sometimes with driving on the correct side of the road. Just like today, I was at the parking lot and I was driving on the wrong side of the road until my instructor said "to the right, to the right" and I did the same thing at this new road (no lines yet)..... The worse was when I was making the turn into the other small lane, I turned into the left hand side of the road... Dang....Luckily there wasn't any incoming traffic. Pheeew.....

More practice!


QUOTE (Nikita2Charles @ Nov 19 2009, 07:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thinking about driving here is easy

You haven't try driving in India, it's basically AN ART FORM

I like to say, there's some kind of control in all that madness,

I was in Madras when I 1st went to India for a project i was working on, After a Day of Driving, i was feeling a little bit OK about it, then later in the evening I was making a Left turn,


I saw a bunch of light coming at me, I basically made that turn into incoming traffic, Good thing it wasn't too busy, I had enough time to make a U turn, Needless to say the next day, I return the car, and starting taking a TAXI.

Nearby the hotel they have Auto Rickshaw which is faster than taxi, because these little bikes can squeeze around traffic quite a bit. From there on I started taking Auto Rickshaw wherever I go.

Click on the link, you'll see

NCWifeFemaleMalaysia11/19/2009 20:11
Asia: Southdriving lessons
Awww... thank you very much for your words of encouragement!!! I actually post sticky notes on my instructor's car. LOL.... I tend to forget to look over my shoulder at this specific corner and that note helps a lot. And I always forget about the blinkers and the hazard lights while backing out... LOL..

Did you mean the written test when you said you were asking about the tractor and DWI question?? Oh... I took the test like 3 weeks ago and it's all still so fresh in my mind now. The guy at DMV said "the questions are not tricky, just bad grammar. Make sure you read it at least twice before answering! " LOL....


QUOTE (ms_jinga_lala @ Nov 19 2009, 07:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm rooting for you! I think you are going to do great. It seems like you are really putting in the effort to do a good job. One things I find is helpful for me in learning things that I normally don't need to know is posting them on sticky notes all over the house. For example, in the state of NC I had to know about tractors driving on the road. (never been on a tractor, don't intend to be on one) I would post that one on the fridge because it's going to be the hardest to remember. While I don't remember the specific question now, my sticky note may have looked like this....
A tractor is allowed to drive on _____ kinds of roads at a speed not exceeding _____mph.

Then I would see it a lot and not forget it.

Another question I remember being asked is how long they can suspend your license for if you are caught driving under the influence of alcohol. I got it wrong lol...I was much stricter than they were. Oh well, should have had that on the fridge too.

Good luck!

NCWifeFemaleMalaysia11/19/2009 20:02
Asia: Southdriving lessons
It is true that "LOVE and PATIENCE" is the key to teach someone driving. When my husband said that he is going to teach me, I was like "Oh dear!!" because he is a very impatient man especially on the road and gets irritated easily! I told him that if he yells at me while I am trying to learn, I will just not drive and not get a job..... so he promised that he won't yell. We went for our first driving lesson last week and I was extremely surprised that he didn't yell, not even one time. In fact he was a great teacher and the end of the lessons he made sure I know that he loves me and proud of me!!!

Even though he has been driving forever, there are some things that he wasn't aware that I should know and do especially when taking the test. So, I actually hired an instructor to drive with me for about 8 hrs so he could teach me things that I should know. I have done 4 hrs so far and I must say it's great. He took me to the DMV site and practice with me the skills that will be tested so I will be more prepared when the day comes to take my test.

I hope I will get a license early December or whenever my husband decides to work on my insurance wacko.gif

NCWifeFemaleMalaysia11/19/2009 18:32
Asia: Southdriving lessons
Okay, let me toss a jar of sugar across the border! smile.gif

I am sorry but your story made me laugh so hard that I woke my husband up! I know it was not meant to be funny but I just don't know why I laughed. As I was reading, I was trying to imagine the scenario and the horror you went through. From what I notice, people here drive so courteously (is that even a word?) compared to people in my country, so it's like they will forgive you when you made a mistake while learning. If that same thing happened to me back home, all the drivers will be cursing, honking, you name it, whether or not you're a student or a regular driver.

I remember when I did my lessons back home, 12 years ago, I also had my parallel parking thing and we have this white and red poles around the parking space, at the practice arena. My instructor was sitting with his friends, conversing and sipping his coffee. I was going forward, reverse, forward, reverse with a stick shift and tight steering wheel. I had my windows down, sweating like crazy in that 100 degrees heat and guess what, I ended up knocking down all the 20 poles and the car was still not parked right. My instructor just shook his head and other student drivers were laughing! So embarrassing!!

Now come to think of it, I think I am a terrible driver! LOL.... I have so many horror, crazy stories just popped up! LOL..


QUOTE (k.loveh @ Nov 15 2009, 11:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ms_jinga_lala @ Nov 14 2009, 08:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A cup of sugar? Anytime!

My fiancee was going to learn to drive the car before he goes to the interview lol. He lasted all of 1 lesson. It was really cute. I know how to drive a stick shift and I remember those days. Well apparently his instructor took him somewhere busy and he kept stalling the car. I think he was a little embarrassed to go back. I had to tell him my horror story which was much worse. I got stuck at the top of a hill in the middle of an intersection and like to never got the car cranked back because I was so nervous. Traffic was having to go around me in the intersection. It was traumatic lol, but I did eventually learn. He was very glad to hear that my car is not a stick shift. He's thinking about being a cab driver when he gets here lol...we will see how that turns out.

May take you up on that cup of sugar! smile.gif

Ah, horror stories of drivers ed! One time when I was 16 and having a lesson as well, I was at this intersection and was supposed to make a right turn. Well, I made a right turn alright but drove too far into the middle of the intersection and made the right turn into the 'left turning lane' of the cars going to the left or opposite direction! Then she (the instructor) started screaming and I started screaming. I stopped right there in the middle of the road not knowing what else to do, then all the cars coming towards me stopped and just sat there staring at us even though they could have kept going since it wasn't their lane I was in. They were all looking at us with the most puzzled expression, not angry, just puzzled. I couldn't move forward and couldn't go backwards and didn't know how to get out of that mess until some guy stepped out of his vehicle and motioned for us to pull into a parking lot entrance in front of his car. Needless to say the driving instructor and me both had to take a break before proceding with that lesson. Even today I still get the weeby-jeebies whenever I think about it.

Edited by NCWife, 15 November 2009 - 02:42 PM.

NCWifeFemaleMalaysia11/15/2009 14:38
Asia: Southdriving lessons
Ooooh this is an amazing thread....

Okay... a little background about me. The last time I actually drove a car was like maybe the day I passed my driving test, 12 years ago, back in my country! And I always had someone drive for me back home. When I got here, I know cars are like our legs, you basically can't go anywhere anytime without knowing how to drive. I need to get a job but I need to learn how to drive first. My mother-in-law offered me her old car (Buick, imagine that LOL) so I can drive and of course also to driver her around since my husband does not allow her to drive anymore.

So, I went to DMV and got my permit a few days ago! Yay!! kicking.gif Excited and nervous at the same time. My husband told me that he will teach since hiring an instructor is totally out of the question, too expensive. I am a little disappointed since I was looking forward to learn with an instructor and my husband is a very impatient person. I know he would yell at me whenever I make a mistake! Anyways, I have no choice but to accept the fact that he is going to be the one teaching me.

Today, before he left for work, he suggested that we go for a quick 15 minutes practice....Boy, I was nervous but I was more surprised! He was so patient and never did yell at me!! LOL... I made so many mistakes and was driving so slow but he was encouraging me the whole time. I tried to park but I did so bad!

Now that he is at work and the car is sitting outside, man I really feel the urge to grab the keys and practice on my own but I know I can't do that!! But then, I am so looking forward to my next lesson! Hehehe.....

By the way, anyone of you live in Charlotte, NC?

NCWifeFemaleMalaysia11/13/2009 22:05
Asia: SouthVFS Details
QUOTE (sachinky @ Nov 3 2009, 04:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for replying! That's rubbish that VFS needs everything that was submitted to the NVC. So basically, all I take to the embassy (when my time comes, that is) evidence of relationship or do I need MORE copies of everything?

Sorry, I'm just trying to stay on top of everything.

I'm having my wife take everything with her to interview. Basically everything we have submitted to date. She is taking all originals with her when she leaves tomorrow night. She is also taking 120 pages of phone bills, 10-15 pages of emails, and both wedding albums along with western union receipts to show that I have been supporting here after we got married. I'll let you know more after Thursday.
gundasMaleIndia11/3/2009 19:45
Asia: SouthVFS Details
QUOTE (sachinky @ Nov 3 2009, 01:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just to be clear: Does VFS take all the documents and send it to the embassy? Or do they just make sure that we have everything?

How many copies of the I864/DS230's should I keep?

I'm from Calcutta and will be interviewing at Mumbai. Do I go to the Mumbai VFS or the Calcutta one? I'm confused.

Here are the VFS offices you can visit

MUMBAI: Tirupati Apartments, Basement 3/A, Bhulabhai Desai Road, Opposite Mahalakshmi Temple, Mumbai 400 026

AHMEDABAD: Shri Ambica Mills, Gujarat Chambers Building, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad

PUNE: 106 Sohrab Hall, 1st Floor, Sassoon Road, Behind Pune Station Junction, Pune

KOLKATA: Om Towers, 4th Floor, 32, Chowringhee road, Next to Park Street Metro, Kolkata

http://mumbai.uscons...reparation.html - All the way at the bottom is where I got the info

As for my wifes case they took medical records, Original Local and Passport PCC and they also asked for the following

Original Birth Cert - Hers
Original Marriage
I-864EZ copy (also had 2 years of paystubs in there)
DS230 copy
3 months of Bank Statements or Bank letter showing average balance and current balance. (She didn't have this because I didn't think it was required since I-864EZ was approved at NVC with 2 years of Paystubs)
Recent Passport Pics

My wife asked them why they needed everything again when NVC had already sent it all to the embassy and she said they want to make sure its her (some BS answer).

They send everything to the embassy for you.

I'll ask my wife if there was anything else
gundasMaleIndia11/3/2009 17:27
Asia: SouthVFS Details
QUOTE (trinket @ Sep 28 2009, 02:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (k.loveh @ Sep 28 2009, 10:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The medical report will be submitted at the interview itself. Though you 'can' submit all other doc's at time of interview, it would not be advisable. No. 1-You will still be required to pay the fee's and No. 2- The embassy will have more opportunity to 'review' them if you submit them at VFS whereas, it is hit and miss if you take them to the interview because the CO may or may have the time to look at them. VFS is most definately the better route!

Agree good.gif Also I submitted my medical at VFS, they don't take the x-ray report, actually they don't take the X-ray report anywhere, just the medical report.

Your wife should only take photocopies of DS-230 package, not the i-864 for VFS. But on the interview date, let her take photocopies of everything, from i-130, i-864 and ds-230, because you never know what they might question for and its good if she has things handy. Also all the relationship proofs should be saved for the interview, VFS won't take any of those.

Thank You K.loveh and Trinket for the help.
gundasMaleIndia9/28/2009 15:13
Asia: SouthVFS Details
QUOTE (trinket @ Sep 27 2009, 02:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (CTRL+ALT+DEL @ Sep 26 2009, 11:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
please click 'review: embassy/uscis' ( at top of the page. top right. and then select india - and you'll find all the details about embassy visits.

headbonk.gif she asked for VFS not embassy/consulate.

Anyways OP, from what I can tell you about my experience, no one other than the applicant is allowed to enter VFS office.
-- Immigrant visa holders and non-immigrant visa holders are separated.
--There are only 3 IV windows at least at Mumbai VFS.
--They double check every document the applicant has submitted, sometimes the applicant might be asked to take photocopy of certain document, there is a photocopier machine within the building.
-- They spoke with me in English, but I did see the gentleman next to me was conversed in Hindi.
-- How much time it takes? It takes time, because they go through all the documents of the IV applicant, I went through IR-1 visa, so took me only 15 minutes but I had to wait for around 2 hours before I got a call to come to the window. Since your fiance is going through K-1, it will take around half an hour or more is my assumption. How long will he have to wait before his call.......well that will depend upon how many people came to VFS before him.
--Ask him to be relaxed, this isn't the actual interview, VFS Mumbai people were really cool, they don't interview you, their job is to verify all the documents have been submitted correctly or not.
--Yes they will give your fiance a receipt, make sure he keeps it safely because he will need to show that same receipt on the day of his interview, also if he wishes to collect his VISA approved passport from VFS, he will have to show that receipt again.

Since we are on this topic I thought I would ask you a question as well. We are in the CR-1 route and I received the interview letter for Nov 5 for my wife, and the only thing they requested was the Passport PCC at the time of interview. So should my wife take that to VFS photo copy and original? Will they take it there or will she just need to take it with her to the interview? Also should she take a photocopy of both the I-864 and DS-230 with her to the VFS? Do they take the medical package at the VFS (medical report and x-rays) or does she take that to interview as well?


gundasMaleIndia9/28/2009 9:12
Asia: Southadmin
QUOTE (night @ Nov 6 2009, 07:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
why they do administrative processing at the embassy? they put me on the administrative process becuase i was not having joint sponsor documents at the time of interview and i send them on the 29 oct but i am still on administrative process, i dont know when that process will be completed? and how long it can take, all my other stuffs are completed but at the time of interview they ask me two new pictures and joint sponsor along with the supporting documents, so can some one tell me how long does it to process a joint sponsor forms and after how long they will call me and ask for my passport, or they would ask for something else again? i am sick of this stressful and long process, i send the jointsponsor w-2's, passport copy, pay slip, her tax returns forms and i-864 form and two pictures of myself, i hope they dont ask me something else that we need this,and i am praying that this administrative process get done soon, caz it sucks, really sucks, any body have been through the administrative? anyway to get out of this process sooner?

AP is a regular thing at ISL, you must wait out the time... dun be frustrated ... just be patient, they will call u for the visa when they r ready.

AP is necessary for many obvious reasons. For national security reasons and others. Plus, you were missing some essential docs.

We had to wait SIXTEEN months for no reason, our docs were compelete nothing missing but his name was stuck in clearance... there are reasons why they do AP and it is time consuming .

Divert your attention and concentrate on other goals in life.


RevivedFemalePakistan11/6/2009 12:44
Asia: SouthI was wondering...
QUOTE (Third @ Nov 9 2009, 08:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (k.loveh @ Nov 9 2009, 05:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Third @ Nov 9 2009, 05:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi guys and gals!!!

I was wondering if you need to pay for finger print for k-1 visa


No, you don't pay for this, at least not separately. This is probably included in the visa application fee.

Thank you k.loveh biggrin.gif

Hey, You're very welcome! smile.gif
k.lovehFemaleIndia11/10/2009 10:03
Asia: SouthI was wondering...
QUOTE (Third @ Nov 9 2009, 05:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi guys and gals!!!

I was wondering if you need to pay for finger print for k-1 visa


No, you don't pay for this, at least not separately. This is probably included in the visa application fee.

Edited by k.loveh, 09 November 2009 - 05:45 PM.

k.lovehFemaleIndia11/9/2009 17:45
Asia: Southembassy interviews
QUOTE (Baltar @ Nov 13 2009, 01:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i called embassy yesterday and they did issue me a interview date, very happy about that

Yay! Congrats! smile.gif

BTW...When is it...the 16th?

Edited by k.loveh, 13 November 2009 - 02:02 PM.

k.lovehFemaleIndia11/13/2009 14:01
Asia: Southembassy interviews
QUOTE (Baltar @ Nov 12 2009, 11:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey, anyone know how often do embassy assign interview dates? I heard something about it being biweekly, but im not sure?

Hi Baltar,

Delhi replied to an email of mine when I asked this same question and said that they scheduled the dates during the first week of each month for the following month. But think that if they have an
opening available will give you one even after that.

Edited by k.loveh, 12 November 2009 - 01:41 PM.

k.lovehFemaleIndia11/12/2009 13:41
Asia: SouthVFS Details
QUOTE (ms_jinga_lala @ Nov 12 2009, 12:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you k.loveh! I had read on here many times of individuals not getting their information back. I was fully prepared not to turn in anything too meaningful lol.

Lol, yeah, I know what you mean...I believed the same in the beginning and was very insecure about it. But Delhi does seem to be sensitive to this.
k.lovehFemaleIndia11/13/2009 15:11
Asia: SouthVFS Details
QUOTE (ms_jinga_lala @ Nov 4 2009, 08:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kaus&Sanu @ Nov 4 2009, 11:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So, I have a question, What does the VFS want from the beneficiary?

The original Wedding album? Pictures? Affidavits? I-864? What should I ask my wife to take when we get to that point of the process?

Also, if the interview is in Chennai, would she be able to submit the information requested at the Hyderabad VFS, If one exists? or must it be the Chennai VFS?

Don't give them anything you would want back (like your wedding album). Give them some copies of the photos. They will want the affidavit of support, all of the beneficiary's documents like birth certificate, police clearance certificate, divorce records, marriage records, etc. See the guides (link is at the top of this page) for a better list and explanation. Sorry, I'm not much help on the VFS question you asked, but you can go to the VFS website and check yourself to find what works best for you.


I would point out to 'kaus&Sanu' that even if you do submit everything that you want back, you will get them returned to you. The reason I know is because at my fiance's first interview in '08' he was placed on AP and they kept everything, but after AP my fiance's passport (without visa) was sent back to him by mail with all photo's, and all other evidence we submitted. This time at his 2nd interview (October 29th, 2009) immediately after they approved him the Visa, they handed everything back to him right there on the spot. I believe it is the evidence you submit to USCIS with your petition that you don't see again.

Edited by k.loveh, 11 November 2009 - 06:43 PM.

k.lovehFemaleIndia11/11/2009 18:43
Asia: SouthVFS Details
QUOTE (k.loveh @ Sep 27 2009, 09:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you don't mind my asking, when is your interview date? Ours is Oct. 29th.

QUOTE (ms_jinga_lala @ Sep 28 2009, 08:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't have an interview date yet. We just got our NOA2 a few days ago. I'm expecting our interview sometime in December or later depending on how long the wait is in Delhi and how fast they catch up before then.

Ahh, I see. Well, it's good that you're trying your best to keep on top of things. And yes, Dec. sounds like a fair enough guess. In the meantime, go to the embassy website and print out those Packet 3 documents and begin working on them now, especially the PCC from the passport office as this seems to take the longest to get.

Then when you get the Packet 3, and you have everything together, you'll be all ready and thus able to send them back the DS-230 and Applicants statement right away. Then soon after, (maybe 1-2 weeks later), you'll get the Packet 4 with your interview date. Yay! smile.gif

The Key though, is to work on Packet 3 check list asap. smile.gif

My best wishes for you and your SO.

k.lovehFemaleIndia9/29/2009 20:13
Asia: SouthVFS Details
QUOTE (catknit @ Sep 27 2009, 11:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
k.loveh - you talking about me???? tongue.gif

Did you recognise yourself in that statement? smile.gif Yeap, I was talking about you! smile.gif

QUOTE (catknit @ Sep 27 2009, 11:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not only can you go to VFS and to the window at VFS with your husband, you can do it for him if you have everything they are requesting [including his passport and a copy of his passport].

The women there are nice and professional. There were a couple of men working there too the times I visited but women were working the windows.

They won't get very in detail with asking info - they have a little check list that they will read aloud and he just needs to hand over each item(s) as requested.

Good luck with the interview and we're here if you need more help!

Catknit is right, we are here if you need more help! smile.gif

Edited by k.loveh, 28 September 2009 - 10:32 AM.

k.lovehFemaleIndia9/28/2009 10:31
Asia: SouthVFS Details
QUOTE (gundas @ Sep 28 2009, 09:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Since we are on this topic I thought I would ask you a question as well. We are in the CR-1 route and I received the interview letter for Nov 5 for my wife, and the only thing they requested was the Passport PCC at the time of interview. So should my wife take that to VFS photo copy and original? Will they take it there or will she just need to take it with her to the interview? Also should she take a photocopy of both the I-864 and DS-230 with her to the VFS? Do they take the medical package at the VFS (medical report and x-rays) or does she take that to interview as well?


The PCC's are also sumbitted via the VFS.

k.lovehFemaleIndia9/28/2009 10:23
Asia: SouthVFS Details
QUOTE (gundas @ Sep 28 2009, 09:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (trinket @ Sep 27 2009, 02:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (CTRL+ALT+DEL @ Sep 26 2009, 11:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
please click 'review: embassy/uscis' ( at top of the page. top right. and then select india - and you'll find all the details about embassy visits.

headbonk.gif she asked for VFS not embassy/consulate.

Anyways OP, from what I can tell you about my experience, no one other than the applicant is allowed to enter VFS office.
-- Immigrant visa holders and non-immigrant visa holders are separated.
--There are only 3 IV windows at least at Mumbai VFS.
--They double check every document the applicant has submitted, sometimes the applicant might be asked to take photocopy of certain document, there is a photocopier machine within the building.
-- They spoke with me in English, but I did see the gentleman next to me was conversed in Hindi.
-- How much time it takes? It takes time, because they go through all the documents of the IV applicant, I went through IR-1 visa, so took me only 15 minutes but I had to wait for around 2 hours before I got a call to come to the window. Since your fiance is going through K-1, it will take around half an hour or more is my assumption. How long will he have to wait before his call.......well that will depend upon how many people came to VFS before him.
--Ask him to be relaxed, this isn't the actual interview, VFS Mumbai people were really cool, they don't interview you, their job is to verify all the documents have been submitted correctly or not.
--Yes they will give your fiance a receipt, make sure he keeps it safely because he will need to show that same receipt on the day of his interview, also if he wishes to collect his VISA approved passport from VFS, he will have to show that receipt again.

Since we are on this topic I thought I would ask you a question as well. We are in the CR-1 route and I received the interview letter for Nov 5 for my wife, and the only thing they requested was the Passport PCC at the time of interview. So should my wife take that to VFS photo copy and original? Will they take it there or will she just need to take it with her to the interview? Also should she take a photocopy of both the I-864 and DS-230 with her to the VFS? Do they take the medical package at the VFS (medical report and x-rays) or does she take that to interview as well?


The medical report will be submitted at the interview itself. Though you 'can' submit all other doc's at time of interview, it would not be advisable. No. 1-You will still be required to pay the fee's and No. 2- The embassy will have more opportunity to 'review' them if you submit them at VFS whereas, it is hit and miss if you take them to the interview because the CO may or may have the time to look at them. VFS is most definately the better route!

Edited by k.loveh, 28 September 2009 - 10:07 AM.

k.lovehFemaleIndia9/28/2009 10:06
Asia: SouthVFS Details
QUOTE (ms_jinga_lala @ Sep 27 2009, 05:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you both!! That was very helpful. He's so cute when he's nervous, but at the same time I can't leave him suffering lol. I think now that he knows what is going to happen he will be ok. If I could afford to stay there for the entire visa process I would then he wouldn't have to worry so much.

Don't we all wish that, that we could be there for the entire visa process... Yeah, I just talked to another VJ'er here who's leaving on a plane tomorrow afternoon to India. She gets to be there throughout the entire process, thanks to her supportive parents. There's also another VJ'er who's already there with her fiance for support as well. I envy them both.

If you don't mind my asking, when is your interview date? Ours is Oct. 29th.

k.lovehFemaleIndia9/27/2009 20:07
Asia: SouthVFS Details
QUOTE (ms_jinga_lala @ Sep 26 2009, 09:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiancee is very shy. He's nervous about if there is a woman at the counter taking his papers, he's nervous they may speak Hindi to him (even though he speaks hindi) short he's a nervous wreck. To calm his fears I promised to ask here for personal experiences with the VFS. What I want to know is are there mostly women employed there? Do they speak the native language of the state, multiple languages or just Hindi? How long do you have to wait to be seen usually? Do they allow/permit/accept/deny for anyone to come to the window/counter with you? Do they look through the documents to double check that you have them all? Do they ask a lot of questions? And last, do they itemize the documents you bring in to give you a receipt or just take them and your money? Do they look through the documents to double check that you have them all? Do they ask a lot of questions? As many details as you can provide are greatly appreciated. Thank you so much in advance!

Hi ms_jinga_lala,

I've called the VFS myself and know for fact that they speak both Hindi and English, so no worries, And yes, there are women working there. But tell him not to worry, they won't bite! smile.gif

They will tell you what to hand them in order, then write down each and every item you've submitted and will give you a reciept of same.

The VFS is not the Embassy, they are a courier service that you are paying with 'your' money. So I don't see them telling someone that they can't accompany them to the counter.

k.lovehFemaleIndia9/27/2009 16:39