Asia: SouthPOE's from India
QUOTE (Saddle Bronc @ Nov 20 2009, 05:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
An idea: how about bin the 90-day EAD entirely and book him into Charlotte/Douglas or Raleigh-Durham DIRECTLY as POE? Advantages:
  • when the 90 days runs out, his working will be hosed anyway (barring ultra-ultra-miraculous coincidence of you marrying one day after his landing, sending out I-485/I-131/I-765 packet rightaway AND USCIS processing I-765 within 89 days)
  • added expense of airfare to CLT or RDU (not touching JFK at all) much less than a domestic return to JFK for you
  • pickup journey much easier/less-painful
Drawback: he will not be able to work upon landing (but see above for neutralising factor)

Edit: go with CLT--receives Lufthansa flights from Munichand US Airways (i'll go with official name here) from CDG, Frankfurt and Gatwick.

You make a good point about the EAD expiring. About the only viable job around here that he could get quickly requires almost 2 months of training. They wouldn't even consider hiring him knowing he would only work a month and then have to quit. So if he gets any kind of job, it's not going to pay enough to make it worthwhile for us because I work crappy hours and I would have to drive him everywhere or pay for bus service. That wouldn't be so bad but could easily eat up his paycheck quickly anyway. So it's kind of pointless to try to get him a quicky type job. I think instead it would be more beneficial to let him spend his days applying and adjusting to life here. He's going to be in for a serious culture shock. He's from a very busy and crowded city and I live in the jungle as he says...which translates to a town where your next door neighbor is about 2 blocks away. The closest store is 2 miles away...yeah I need to move lol....he's going to go stir crazy.

I have no intention of getting married the day after he gets here lol. That would be crazy. I love him to death, I don't feel that rushed. 90 days is more than enough to throw together a small wedding (especially since I'm already working on the finer details and purchasing) with all my friends and family and I am not doing a courthouse wedding. I have plans for this event. I'm going to thoroughly enjoy it.

And as he always tells me, money doesn't matter, his parents are going to pay for that thing because it's their duty. (Meaning they are paying all his expenses related to this visa because that is how they do lol.) I think he would feel so much better flying somewhere close to me and then we can go home than having to fly for 2 days then sit in a vehicle for 2 days. That would completely suck. And I'm not giving up until I find something that lands him closer to me.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia11/20/2009 21:56
Asia: SouthPOE's from India
QUOTE (Saddle Bronc @ Nov 20 2009, 05:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rahulv @ Nov 18 2009, 09:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Also to add on let him know this as well...

1. Pass through Immigration (ALONE) whether its JFK or anywhere else.
2. Pass through Customs (ALONE)

only thing that you could help him with would be

1. Either pick him up at JFK and drive back home. (expensive and painful driving)
2. Fly to JFK, Pick him up at JFK, help check-in domestic and fly back home. (more expensive a little bit less painful)

or the best...
3. Pick him up at domestic airport. (not expensive, not painful)

Choice is yours actually his lol.
Actually, Charlotte/Douglas airport is designated as international, as is Raleigh-Durham--in which case, 3 can be "book him to clear customs/immigration at CLT or RDU--and pick him up there (maybe some extra expense for airfare getting foreign fiance to POE--but much less than return-domestic airfare to JFK--with no pain)

I'm trying to do that. I'm checking 3 different websites that find multiple plane tickets at once, I know it's early, but I'm trying to get ahead on some things. I'm hoping something will pop up. Thank you so much for the ideas, I'm still checking. The EAD is not even a huge concern for me to be honest. I actually don't think he's going to be working right away anyway. He has his masters degree and will be looking for a high end job, those don't come around every day. Plus we need time to teach him to drive, get him a vehicle and such. I'm keeping all my options open.

QUOTE (karenros @ Nov 19 2009, 10:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Which part of North carolina do you live in?
I live in the charlotte area.. When i came to the US I came thru DEtroit andmy husband met me andmy brother met me there but since we had family we could stay in Michigan..

We visited india in Apr and I live close to bangalore so we took a direct flight from bangalore to Newark and then we flew to charlotte...

I hadn't thought of trying that option yet, thank you. I live closer to Greensboro. I was hoping the new direct Air India flights to Dulles would be an option but even they stop in NY.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia11/20/2009 21:46
Asia: SouthPOE's from India
He is being very stubborn. Money is an issue right now and even though they don't seem to care, I feel guilty having him get the money from his parents like he wants to. Maybe my real issue is more about pride than it is about being't want to face that one.

I priced everything, it's going to cost me $710 to fly, $400 for train, $225 for the bus. That includes me going to NY and then coming back with him. It doesn't include food, lodging or anything else.

To be honest, I'm a little stubborn too. I don't want to drive that far, I can't stop a bus or a train when I want to get out and stretch. I'm trying to get some other ideas. He is absolutely inflexible on this. I know I'm going to wind up in NY. And I think I'm going to be stuck on a plane. I just know it lol. I'm just fighting it. Eh....Thanks for all of your help.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia11/19/2009 19:34
Asia: SouthPOE's from India
Lol, I just told him some of this stuff and now he's asking me if I can get a train up to meet him and then we come back here by train. OMG....he's tough
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia11/18/2009 23:22
Asia: SouthPOE's from India
QUOTE (Nikita2Charles @ Nov 18 2009, 07:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Come on
My fiancee went through JFK and it was a breeze, you give the officer the envelope and he/she will ask you to follow him to another room that look like a parking ticket courtroom except there's no judge but officers sitting behind the podium, the officer that walk you to the room will give them your brown envelope and they will ask you to take a seat.

Later on they will call you to give you back your passport, with the I94 inside along with the Temporary EAD stamp, then the officer will remind you , you have to get married within 90days and have a nice day.

That part is the easiest of all.

Once he's done with Immigration, there are lot of people there from custom/Airline to help him getting his luggage to his final destination it's less than 2 hours flight, about 1hr 35 to 1hr 50min.

That's helpful, thank you! I tried the money thing, he told me he was going to pay for all of my trip and his as well lol. So that didn't work. As for luggage, I also thought about if I fly up to meet him, I would only need a small bag, so I could take a mostly empty bag and move some of his stuff into mine to avoid over limit fees. I've thought of some of those options.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia11/18/2009 23:16
Asia: SouthPOE's from India
QUOTE (sachinky @ Nov 18 2009, 12:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Umm, you could take the Greyhound if you absolutely hate driving. But if he has a lot of bags that'd be painful.

No, he will not need a visa for Germany. Those are layovers, you just wait in transit.

I was gonna say you need to ask him to man up. But if he's never flown before, that could be kind of scary. So try and assure him that POE's usually aren't a big deal. And it's not like you can meet him at immigrations and customs, any way. No matter what you will have to wait outside the arrival gate. JFK is a busy airport but they go through the passengers quickly. I've been through it countless times.

Oh believe me, so many times I have wanted to tell him man up lol. On the other hand I know him well enough to know that he's just a big nervous mess. He is really a spoiled kid I hate to admit. Before we got engaged he had never went anywhere alone (not even the 11 KM to his aunts house). He tells me all the time he's just a kid, but I don't think so. I know him well enough to know that he's just had everyone do everything for him and now he knows he has to change all of that. I'm working on him lol.

However, I worry some too. I went through Delhi and had a horrible time. It was my first flight ever and when I got there the people who led us in barely spoke English, and when they did it wasn't very well. That I could deal with, but they wouldn't give me my ticket, they just kept telling me to wait. It came time to get on my connecting flight to his city I still didn't have my ticket and I was panicking. That was only the worst part of all that happened while I was there. I was about to lose it and I'm a really strong willed person. I really don't want him to have to go through that and I don't think he could handle it. The changing airports thing worries me a little too. There are so many things I think are going to make this transition rough on him at that airport, not to mention the below 0 weather when he's coming from it being much warmer and he won't likely have a jacket to deal with that kind of stuff. (Did I mention part of his spoiling is my fault lol....omg.)

I told him I can't be at the back with him when they interview him and all of that, he said that was okay, he would just feel comforted knowing I was close by. I really want to be there. I kind of have an idea of taking the vacation and shopping in NY. It could be a lot of fun. Then if I drive I can stop at my moms and they can meet him. Then stop at my dads later and he can meet him, then go home. Of course, if I could get him a direct flight into Washington, that would be equally as good but less hours on the road. Ugh...I know I'm stuck with it lol. I'm going to have to do it, it will be worth it, but I can still fight to try to drive less.

Thank you so much for your response. If I get him the layover somewhere else he won't be so worried about some things. I can talk to him about that.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia11/18/2009 17:55
Asia: SouthPOE's from India
QUOTE (sachinky @ Nov 17 2009, 10:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, I don't know if this will work for you but maybe you guys can stay the night over at the Mariott by JFK. Or is it Newark? It was $95 for a king size double bedroom the last time I stayed there. Drive to NYC. Pick him up from the airport. Order room service and enjoy yourselves at the hotel! Sleep in. And then you can drive back together the next day.

I'm also trying to chart out my flight plan. I need to get from Calcutta to South Bend, Michigan. So that's either Chicago or Detroit. Doubt there's a non-stop flight to either of those.

That is a good idea. I hate driving though....that's my problem lol. I'm just trying to figure out what is going to work out best for the both of us. I can only afford to take so much unpaid personal leave off of work to go get him. I'm not sure I'm going to get that approved either. I'm just trying to minimize the impact and I don't really want to drive 8 hours one day and then have to do it again shortly after. I'm bad..I know lol.

QUOTE (rahulv @ Nov 17 2009, 07:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
how about Charlotte airport via Frankfurt on US Airways from Delhi. If that is closer for you to drive.

Otherwise you would have to drive/fly. If you are driving then he can get a direct flight to JFK.

Will he need any kind of special permission or a visa to enter Germany if he does that? I'm not sure he would accept that either. He's never flown. He's never really left home other than a bus ride to his aunts house which doesn't really count lol. She doesn't live that far away, he could even return the same day if he wanted. He so nervous about all of this, I'm trying to soften the blow as much as possible.

I know Air India offers a direct flight from Delhi to JFK (I've taken it) and his family plans to take him to Delhi so they can all see him off from there. I've looked for any other direct flights to other airports but I've been unable to find anything that doesn't stop at JFK.

The problem really lies in that if they do any kind of interview process at the first airport he lands at he wants to know I'm outside waiting for him when he gets done. I don't have a problem with that, however this time off work thing is going to be a challenge. On all the flights I've checked so far they stop @ JFK then he gets another flight from there to whichever airport. He doesn't want to do that alone. How could I say no to meeting him lol. (Just fussing for a min....he totally didn't meet me in Delhi and I had to deal with that on my own but he says he can't pick up a connecting flight, he needs me at his first stop...bleh....and I know how he feels cause Delhi totally SUCKED for me...long story.) I feel like saying no would be cruel no matter what the reason - to both of us. Knowing he is so close and I could have shortened our wait to be together by a few hours is going to be torture. I don't want him having issues in NY like I had in Delhi and I know if he lands there he is going to have to change airports to come here. How can I leave him in a strange country and a strange city (even to me) and tell him find the ppl at the airport who sell bus tickets to the other airport all by himself. It just seems like something he shouldn't have to go through alone if he doesn't have to you know.

This whole situation is complicated. I need to win the lottery and quit work. I should have started playing like I mentioned months ago when I got my USCIS approval lol. Ugh.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia11/17/2009 22:25
Asia: SouthPOE's from India
Thank you! I did check into the Washington flight but it seems to go through JFK lol. I'm trying to get his landing as close to here as possible because he wants me to be at his POE and then we go the rest of the distance together. JFK is like an 8 hour drive or so (which I think may be needed with all the stuff he wants to bring lol...not sure they allow that much luggage on US Airways, they sure didn't when I flew)
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia11/17/2009 10:44
Asia: SouthPOE's from India
I'm trying to get an idea of how things are going to work after approval when my fiancee has his visa. (just planning for the best) I've been trying to figure out the best way to get him here so that I can meet him at his POE. I've checked on several different flight options and no matter what I search for or which location I put as destination they all seem to be going through JFK, NY. (I live on the east coast) So that leads me to some questions.

If his flight goes through and stops at JFK will they do all the POE stuff there before he gets on his next flight?

Is there any other POE that you all know of that we can get him on a flight out of Delhi directly to that POE instead of JFK?

I know when I went to see him the plane stopped in Delhi and they just kept us in a room and didn't process us for anything. However, coming back here I flew into JFK and they did all the visa checking there then let us go about our own business until we left on our own.

ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia11/17/2009 9:10
Asia: SouthBhangra Pics...of mani and i
You guys look cute together. You guys are similar to me and my honey. He's Punjabi and I'm super pale white lol. We got a lot of stares while I was in India with him, I wonder what it's going to be like when he gets here. I think there will be a lot less staring lol.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia11/15/2009 21:17
Asia: SouthBhangra Pics...of mani and i
QUOTE (Cool_Together @ Nov 26 2009, 08:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have to jump in also and tell you that you are the cutest couple!! biggrin.gif Just had to get my 2 cents in as well. laughing.gif I also hope you get your interview date VERY VERY soon!! All best wishes for your visa journey to go smooth and be quick. Love all of your wonderful pics!!....always wanted to go to India; maybe someday in future.

rose.gif ~Kristie

Thanks Kristie for the Wonderful comments! Yes one day you and ur soon to be husband should definitely visit India! Congrats on your interview date, ours is on Dec 8 at 930am...I have been in India since September helping p repair for the interview and will also join mani to the embassy. We are working with the VFS and going on Monday to turn in all our documents.
Tasha smile.gif
Ak+TkFemaleIndia11/28/2009 8:25
Asia: SouthBhangra Pics...of mani and i
QUOTE (ms_jinga_lala @ Nov 15 2009, 09:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You guys look cute together. You guys are similar to me and my honey. He's Punjabi and I'm super pale white lol. We got a lot of stares while I was in India with him, I wonder what it's going to be like when he gets here. I think there will be a lot less staring lol.

hey ms Jinga lala

i agree soo many stares and alot less when we are in usa so it will be nice.
mani and i got so many stares when we are at college together, we attend same college in India and when we first started dating we sat next to each other and it was so interesting how ppl are rude and stare.
Ak+TkFemaleIndia11/16/2009 4:32
Asia: SouthBhangra Pics...of mani and i
QUOTE (k.loveh @ Nov 14 2009, 12:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ak+Tk @ Nov 13 2009, 11:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (trinket @ Nov 13 2009, 07:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ahh how did I miss this thread. Thanks for sharing, great pics good.gif

THanks K. LoveH for adding the correct link!! heheh
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Thanks for the other comments and i will keep the pics coming and adding videos

Tahsa and MAnin

Can I say something? Tasha is just so adorable...cute as a button and a sweetheart to boot! luv.gif





Ak+TkFemaleIndia11/14/2009 5:06
Asia: SouthBhangra Pics...of mani and i
QUOTE (trinket @ Nov 13 2009, 07:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ahh how did I miss this thread. Thanks for sharing, great pics good.gif

THanks K. LoveH for adding the correct link!! heheh
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Thanks for the other comments and i will keep the pics coming and adding videos

Tahsa and MAnin
Ak+TkFemaleIndia11/13/2009 23:01
Asia: SouthBhangra Pics...of mani and i

Even bettter today Karen, Mani got the video on you tube and now i copied the link and added it to here for you to watch. Mani is wearing orange he is in the front row and in the beginning he is on the right hand side and after they change formation he is on the left hand side the whole time, theres only 2 wearing orange.
He always is smiling with a big smile and great excitement. i will add some more pics also!

love you!
Ak+TkFemaleIndia11/12/2009 0:57
Asia: SouthBhangra Pics...of mani and i
QUOTE (just for u @ Nov 9 2009, 01:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ak+Tk @ Nov 8 2009, 08:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Many of my friends on VJ have been asking for some photos on this gallery on vj but i cant ever get it to work so i tried this website to see if it may wok hope it does hahah if not then look at facebook on our accounts yes.gif

TASHA guys look so cute together! star_smile.gif Very nice pictures!!

THANKS EVERYONE FOR THE SWEET COMMENTS GUYS!!! i added more and will keep adding
Ak+TkFemaleIndia11/9/2009 9:12
Asia: SouthBhangra Pics...of mani and i
QUOTE (Ak+Tk @ Nov 8 2009, 07:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Many of my friends on VJ have been asking for some photos on this gallery on vj but i cant ever get it to work so i tried this website to see if it may wok hope it does hahah if not then look at facebook on our accounts yes.gif


Ak+TkFemaleIndia11/8/2009 7:20
Asia: SouthBhangra Pics...of mani and i
Many of my friends on VJ have been asking for some photos on this gallery on vj but i cant ever get it to work so i tried this website to see if it may wok hope it does hahah if not then look at facebook on our accounts yes.gif

Ak+TkFemaleIndia11/8/2009 7:10
Asia: SouthBhangra Pics...of mani and i
You two look so cutee together. Perfect couple!! Thank you for sharing the link to youtube. I really really enjoyed it very much, very energetic!!
ThirdMaleIndia11/14/2009 17:09
Asia: SouthExpected January Interview
QUOTE (ShwetaGopal @ Dec 4 2009, 11:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have been reading Visa Journey for quiet some time now. My finace's DS 230 was received by the New Delhi embassy on December 4th 2009 kicking.gif .

Couple of questions on my mind -

1) What exactly is this AVR Login ?? People seem to get excited when it fails , can anyone let me know how that works ?

2) How do I check the status of my case from now on till i receive the 4th packet / interview letter ?

3) When should i expect my finace's interview.. how long does it take after they recieve checklist and DS230 ?

Thanks fellows... yes.gif


What my fiance did was call the consulate to check if it was send out. You can also call and check here in USA :-) For your q3 check my timeline :-)
ThirdMaleIndia12/5/2009 17:26
Asia: SouthPOE's from India
If money is no issue than I don't think there is anything to discuss about, choose what is most convenient to you and pick him up from JFK. He is not going to have it any other way anyways.
rahulvMaleIndia11/19/2009 2:13
Asia: SouthPOE's from India
Also to add on let him know this as well...

1. Pass through Immigration (ALONE) whether its JFK or anywhere else.
2. Pass through Customs (ALONE)

only thing that you could help him with would be

1. Either pick him up at JFK and drive back home. (expensive and painful driving)
2. Fly to JFK, Pick him up at JFK, help check-in domestic and fly back home. (more expensive a little bit less painful)

or the best...
3. Pick him up at domestic airport. (not expensive, not painful)

Choice is yours actually his lol.
rahulvMaleIndia11/18/2009 21:43
Asia: SouthPOE's from India
how about Charlotte airport via Frankfurt on US Airways from Delhi. If that is closer for you to drive.

Otherwise you would have to drive/fly. If you are driving then he can get a direct flight to JFK.
rahulvMaleIndia11/17/2009 19:08
Asia: Southdriving lessons
For my wife, It's going to be Grand Theft Auto 4 and a Logitech wheel for the first few months - just to get used to driving a vehicle.. she can run over as many pedestrians as she wants and smash into anything as long as she can run away form (or over) the cops...

BaltarNot TellingIndia10/13/2009 7:58
Asia: Southdriving lessons
Hello ,

I guess the question is , does he know how to drive ? B, How comfortable is he driving on high speed .
What i did was , I got a international Licence before i came here . And then I Just look very carefully while my wife drove me for a week or so . The first step would be getting comfortable driving on the other side . Its hard to get an idea of the clear distance and the lanes Ur driving from the other side . So make him comfortable to drive on the other side . I started driving with in the second week . What we did was in the second week I drove my wife to do grocery shopping and she would tell me advance what i need to do next , Like who have the right away and how yield . In fact she keep telling me the little thing like round way thing , meaning how to enter the round ways while she was driving me . Stop for school bus and pedestrian . all these little things did made a lots of difference for me understanding the driving difference .
Driving on the freeway is different ball game . Speed is very important . I almost got a ticket in the second month of me being here for speed he he . so advice o that part is stay under the speed limit .
The biggest difference was driving a bike here . Their is a lots of respect for bikers which is totally different here .

MokshaFemaleIndia10/4/2009 22:01
Asia: Southdriving lessons
technically, it is illegal to drive a car even with a licensed driver.

but then you as ka question, how did all the 300+million US drivers start driving? did they ALL take driving lessons? or practice on Grand theft auto?

probably not.

u can probably assume if u have some previous driving experience (real driving not Grand theft auto), u can goto a secluded area... such as mall parking lot (at night), or residential area (at night), etc. i don't recomend driving more then 10-20 MPH - and ask your tutor to properly teach u. meaning stop at all stop sings. look both ways, show turn signal, pretend there are cars/pedestrians on the road. and most importantly, learn to start reading signs/numbers while driving.
CTRL+ALT+DELNot TellingIndia10/20/2009 10:37
Asia: Southdriving lessons
lol. might as well take them to derby race or bumper cars
CTRL+ALT+DELNot TellingIndia10/13/2009 8:27
Asia: Southdriving lessons
rather then teaching your SO how ot drive, give them the confidence by hiring a private driving instructor. they'll bring their own special car with breaks on the passenger side as well and teach with confidence. obviously, you can take your SO for a spin in your local rural residential area or shopping mall or roads at night when fewer cars are there. new drivers should be well coached for atleast 500 miles, including highway driving, night driving, rain/snow driving. and don't forgte to show how to change your tire, check for air, fuel, etc .
CTRL+ALT+DELNot TellingIndia10/9/2009 8:14
Asia: SouthBhangra Pics...of mani and i
QUOTE (Ak+Tk @ Nov 8 2009, 08:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Many of my friends on VJ have been asking for some photos on this gallery on vj but i cant ever get it to work so i tried this website to see if it may wok hope it does hahah if not then look at facebook on our accounts yes.gif

TASHA guys look so cute together! star_smile.gif Very nice pictures!!
just for uFemaleIndia11/9/2009 1:16
Asia: SouthJoint Sponsor
It doesn't matter who your co-sponsor is- related or unrelated as long as they qualify to be one!

In a sort of spin-off of your question I DO wonder what they will think if I use my ex-husband as a co-sponsor. He is now a USC (thanks to me) but he was already here in the U.S. when we married. He's the only person I know who would qualify if it came down to having to get one.

Anyone with an opinion on that?
RohiniFemaleIndia11/11/2009 0:44
Asia: Southhow much time do i have to send packet 3.5 back to ISL?
no0pb.gif I just wouldn't sent it until I got the police report if I was you. Make sure everything is COMPLETE in the packet with what they are asking for or they might just send it back. Well, not send it back but you may have a delay in getting an interview scheduled and you don't want that. My fiance did not mail his packet back for like a month (3 days short of a month actually) and we made sure everything they asked for on the list was included. We received the Packet 4 letter just days after we mailed back 3.5 with the interview date on it. Jope this helps & hope they hurry up & get you the police certificate soon!!

Wishes for a smooth visa journey tongue.gif

Cool_TogetherFemalePakistan11/25/2009 19:38
Asia: SouthBhangra Pics...of mani and i
I have to jump in also and tell you that you are the cutest couple!! biggrin.gif Just had to get my 2 cents in as well. laughing.gif I also hope you get your interview date VERY VERY soon!! All best wishes for your visa journey to go smooth and be quick. Love all of your wonderful pics!!....always wanted to go to India; maybe someday in future.

rose.gif ~Kristie
Cool_TogetherFemalePakistan11/26/2009 20:56
Asia: SouthJoint Sponsor
Has anybody actually been asked "why did you get yourself in an interracial marriage?" by a CO? That seems totally inappropriate and like it should be illegal. Has anybody been asked 'what do your parents think about your interracial marriage?" If my hubby is asked that I will have to try hard not to seem very annoyed.

QUOTE (sachinky @ Nov 11 2009, 08:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks you, guys. You've been very helpful with your advice and certainly helped put my mind at ease. I don't know what I'd do without VJ.

No, Trinket, it wasn't because of you that I asked this question. I was asking a different question about whether my cousin's wife would have to sign a I864A even though he makes sufficient income. That's when somebody mentioned that it might look a bit odd that he's my relative instead of my husband. Logically, I know it's not a big deal but I'm close to panic-mode on everything right now. But it's good to know that you had a similar case. Maybe you can point me out to interview review/questions? I'm reading up on everything because I don't believe you can be too prepared for something that will determine the course of your life. But I do appreciate your point about not applying every case to my situation. I tend to do that a lot and consequently flip out quite a bit. Honestly, I couldn't care less about being in an interracial marriage, I love this man and I would've married him if he was white, black, brown, yellow or green for that matter. And my parents only care about my happiness, they just want me to be happy. And they know how happy he makes me. And I'll be glad to explain this any CO.

Rohini, I don't think it'll be an issue.

study_upFemaleZimbabwe12/7/2009 10:09
Asia: SouthNew Delhi finally updated their interview dates
QUOTE (Twisted K @ Dec 4 2009, 12:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
it is for spousal visas

Oh okay okay... I have been going crazy looking for AVR Sign in Screens... rofl.gif

Thanks for responding... good luck.. Hopefully we will get our interviews in January good.gif

ShwetaGopalFemaleIndia12/4/2009 12:10
Asia: SouthNew Delhi finally updated their interview dates
QUOTE (Twisted K @ Dec 4 2009, 11:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
since they have posted their december dates, chances are your interview will be in january. good luck to you good.gif

what exactly do you mean when you said Log in Failed ? and what is AVR ?
ShwetaGopalFemaleIndia12/4/2009 12:03
Asia: SouthNew Delhi finally updated their interview dates
QUOTE (Twisted K @ Dec 4 2009, 07:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yesterday, I sent an email to the New Delhi Embassy website stating that their December 2009 list has not been updated. Here it was, December 3rd, and they still had November 2009. The website has always said they will updated by the middle of the previous month for the next month's interviews <_<. So this morning, when I checked, December 2009 showed. So if you have an interview this month, you can now verify :dance:

I finally confirmed with Embassy officer that they have received my DS230 on December 4th 2009. How long do you think it should take for the interview date ?
ShwetaGopalFemaleIndia12/4/2009 11:25
Asia: SouthExpected January Interview
Thanks Raj .. I think this applies on to spouse visa and i have applied fiancee Visa.. Thanks for the input yes.gif Good luck for your interview.

QUOTE (Raj456 @ Dec 4 2009, 01:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I can answer your Q1 and what it means is...It is the payment website for NVC. This is the site where we go and pay the AOS fee of $70 for both parents and then also paying $400 IV Fee for each parent. This is where once the payment is made the status changes from "IN PROCESS" to "PAID" and then we will be able to print the DOCUMENT COVER SHEET (which has Bar Code and NVC Case Number) that goes along with I-864 and DS-230 documents. Once the case is in the "FINAL REVIEW" status the Login Fails to this site and this means that the CASE at NVC will get complete in a day or two after the login fails. I know this is for parents cases and other similar cases and not sure about your case.

Hope this helps...Good LUck with your process. Thanks, Raj

QUOTE (ShwetaGopal @ Dec 4 2009, 10:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have been reading Visa Journey for quiet some time now. My finace's DS 230 was received by the New Delhi embassy on December 4th 2009 kicking.gif .

Couple of questions on my mind -

1) What exactly is this AVR Login ?? People seem to get excited when it fails , can anyone let me know how that works ?

2) How do I check the status of my case from now on till i receive the 4th packet / interview letter ?

3) When should i expect my finace's interview.. how long does it take after they recieve checklist and DS230 ?

Thanks fellows... yes.gif


ShwetaGopalFemaleIndia12/4/2009 14:28
Asia: SouthExpected January Interview
I have been reading Visa Journey for quiet some time now. My finace's DS 230 was received by the New Delhi embassy on December 4th 2009 kicking.gif .

Couple of questions on my mind -

1) What exactly is this AVR Login ?? People seem to get excited when it fails , can anyone let me know how that works ?

2) How do I check the status of my case from now on till i receive the 4th packet / interview letter ?

3) When should i expect my finace's interview.. how long does it take after they recieve checklist and DS230 ?

Thanks fellows... yes.gif


Edited by ShwetaGopal, 04 December 2009 - 11:30 AM.

ShwetaGopalFemaleIndia12/4/2009 11:28
Asia: Southdriving lessons
I am scared to death to let Claudeth drive unsure.gif I did get her 8 hours of hands-on driving lessons but she has don't nothing with it since.
Jasman0717MalePhilippines11/19/2009 12:57
Asia: Southadmin
moved from Philippines Regional Forum to Asia:South Regional forum as the Consulate is in Pakistan
Kathryn41FemaleCanada11/6/2009 11:43