Asia: SouthMarriage certificate in India
There is a fine line between, Registered marriage and marriage registration.

Registered marriage is in other words a civil marriage.

With what I have talked with the local lawyer, according to him both takes 1 month 10 days time no matter what. One party has to show domicile of that given district for the past 15 days, both man and woman (let it be you are married or you are intending to get married) go to the court house, signs a few documents infront of the district magistrate and then you will have to come back after a months time, sign some more papers and you will be issued with your registered marriage certificate.

Only significant difference is that, if you are intending to get married then your and your would be spouses name will be projected at courts enquiry board and also you guys have to give a publication at local newspapers saying if anyone has any objection regarding this marriage they can contact with the district court for that matter.

Now, there are ways to get through every thing in India and most of the places will, but at least its not the same from where I come from, I did offer the lawyer any extra money but he said nothing can happen, I do have family members working at the district court but they too can't "speed" up the actual process.

Whichever way you choose do let your fiance contact a local lawyer and get things sorted out.

Also, whenever you do make the trip to India, do make sure to have a notarized statement from USA saying how you are free to get married to any consent adult of any nationality. US consulates in India used to issue these no objection letters which are a requirement with Indian courts, but US consulates have stopped it, however they can help you with notarization for $30 fee I guess.

About that link, sorry I don't have it anymore, I am not sure but I do think it was with the OP laurarajesh's case.

Edited by silent, 07 June 2008 - 08:32 AM.

trinketFemaleIndia6/7/2008 8:28
Asia: SouthMarriage certificate in India

Since I have been dealing with this issue myself and preparing for the worst with my i-130; I would like to say that "cash" isnt' always the king.

One of the vj members was denied visa at Delhi on the basis that the USC didn't stay 1 month in India prior to getting the marriage certificate, I guess they got the marriage certificate within a week's time or something like that and the official requirement for let it be an Indian by birth or a foreigner is 1 month 10 days to be exact.

I do realise that not every case is being scrutinised like this and every case is different, but then it's better to do it proper way than being sorry later on. And also with what all I have read, it feels like you can do things giving out cash in some parts of India but not every part.

So may be asking your fiance to contact any of the local lawyers of her/his district will be a good idea.
Also are you a OCI? Just make sure your fiancé go to any local family based lawyer or registrar office and clear up things beforehand.

Oh another thing which I have seen is, if you have less time and your fiancé doesn't live in any municipal area rather his/her domicile comes under any panchayat raj, then a certificate given by the panchayat holds as much value as registering, since panchayat is part of the Indian government.

Please do more searches and see what all options are available for you and your fiancé and move according to that.

Best wishes for your future smile.gif

Edited by silent, 06 June 2008 - 01:56 AM.

trinketFemaleIndia6/6/2008 1:54
Asia: SouthInvesting in India with repatriated monies
The biggest risk I see is damage done to your property by outsider, if you don't have relatives living near by or someone who you trust isn't taking care of the property.

I am not just taking about the physical damage but also your tenants taking over your property over the time of years. So make sure you have foolproof lease agreements and all the other legal aspects are taken care of.
trinketFemaleIndia4/18/2010 16:35
Asia: SouthS/O Travelling for the 1ST TIME
Benedryl (chemical name diphenhydramine - ask for that at the pharmacy in India) will also knock you out - it's an antihistamine that is also used in all OTC sleep aids.
ImuaFemale03/31/2010 19:54
Asia: SouthAn Update
Thanks for the updates and I really admire your resolve. In case nothing comes of all your efforts, try with another petition and good luck. :thumbs:
ELWFemaleIndia3/26/2010 23:01
Asia: SouthNeed Urgent help / advise

My fiancee had her K-1 interview last week at the New Delhi consulate. I was present at the interview alongside my fiancee. The interview went well.........questions asked were expected and things were going well till the point my fiancee was asked whether this was her second passport. The answer was no as my fiancee had never applied for a passport before the one she currently has. After that point the consular officer started to type a letter. Here are the contents of the letter:

Please bear with us as case is under mandatory Administrative processing.......... you will get your passport and visa as soon as the processing is completed.........if you need your passports before that please contact us........
This letter was typed on a white paper unlike the 221(g) format.
They have'nt asked for any more documents from us.
Ours is a second time refile of K-1 visa for the same fiancee - last year our case was denied for not having sufficient evidence to establish a credible relationship and also that our petition had expired. This time we had everything taken care of over 90 photographs, receipts, emails, cards etc.......etc.

My Questions:

1. What does this mean? Mandatory Admin Processing is a very vague and standard terminology the CO's use.
2. I am suspecting it could be a name check issue as her name is quite a common one. Are my suspcions valid? Does it have to do with security check or is it something else.
3. One of our fears is could we again run into the same issue of petition expiry. Admin processing can sometimes take a long time - what if it takes more than a month? Will the CO extend the petition or are they using this (AP) as an excuse to again let the petition expire? I am very suspicious of New Delhi consulates modus operandi.

Please provide any suggesions as to what we should do - just wait and see or contact the CO, congressman, state dept.?

You are probably correct, they are probably running name/background checks at the moment. They tend to do it with people with common names as well as randomly selecting other people for it. They could be looking at all your evidence as well based on the fact you had a denied petition last year for the same fiancee, just to make sure everything is in order. As you have already had your interview they shoulod automatically extend your NOA2 as you are in AP, but you can always email them/mail them a request to extend the experation date pending your AP. You might try contacting your congressman with your fears and a copy of the letter for extension just incase something fishy happens, but hopefully everything will go well :D
DanuFemaleCanada4/9/2010 0:22
Asia: SouthNeed Urgent help / advise
I would either repost in, or ask the admins to move this thread to the India sub-forum. What you are asking is very specific to the New Delhi embassy.

In most consulates, as far as I know, petition validity is not normally used as an administrative weapon to contrive a denial. I believe it's more commonly used as an excuse to close cases in situations where they send out a Packet 3 and never hear from the beneficiary again. The normal practice in most embassies seems to be that the petition validity is automatically and transparently extended if they are in communication with the beneficiary and the case is actually processing.

In most of the more "unfriendly" embassies and consulates, if they want to contrive a denial, they usually seem to do so by denying the validity of the relationship, and subsequently making themselves unavailable to receive evidence to the contrary. That seems to be a much more common "blanket excuse" for denial.

Post-interview AP is very common and is not, in itself, anything to worry about.

In the absence of any specific knowledge of any of the particular shady tactics of the Delhi embassy, what you're describing sounds pretty normal, and not particularly worrisome. The extra delay, with no stated timeframe, is obviously frustrating and it takes it's toll, but nothing here sounds particularly ominous or unusual yet.

If you're really worried about the petition expiry issue, email the embassy expressing your concerns, and make an official request to extend the petition validity. I would not expect it to be a problem. Regarding the AP: as I said, that's pretty normal. All you can do right now is wait. When the delay becomes excessive, several months from now, it may be time to go through your congressman's or senator's immigration liaison, but until then, there isn't much to do but wait them out.

Edited by HeatDeath, 10 April 2010 - 09:17 PM.

HeatDeathMaleCanada4/10/2010 21:15
Asia: SouthMarriage Certificate for Bangladesh
I am going to move this to the Asia, South forum as I think you will get more replys from people who may know the answer to your question.

TayRiversMaleUnited Kingdom9/11/2009 10:59
Asia: SouthS/O Travelling for the 1ST TIME
This happen quite often, sometimes they don't assign you a seat until you reach the layover point, that said at times you might be able to get a seat confirmation at checking, either way the important factor is that you have a confirm reservation.

Important stuff

If there's an indian store in your town that have all the masala, she doesn't need to bring all kind of Masala, in california you really don't need to bring any, so many indian stores in the bay area, you'll find them here without any problem, she can use that space to bring stuff that are really dear to her.

Have a safe flight

LOL, we dont drink...

But, hey is this normal, she has a fully confirmed flight on Etihad Airways.

EY275 - HYD > AUH on seat 18F

Is that normal? TO not have a seat assigned? This is her first time travelling and she's travelling alone, so I dont want her to get denied boarding cause of overbooking or anything. The Airline keeps saying they'll assign it upon checkin...

Edited by Nikita2Charles, 25 March 2010 - 08:17 AM.

Nikita2CharlesNot TellingIndia3/25/2010 8:16
Asia: SouthAn Update
sorry to hear about your struggle, That's one of the main reason, this thing at time feels like a gamble, your life depending on somebody's else mood, I had a friend from Haiti who had the K1 visa denied, on the paper the CO wrote he didn't feel the relationship was geniune despine so many documents and evidence that was submitted.

She contacted the local congressman, and NVC, they sent the case back to Haiti for review and again this time around without a second interview, it was so insulting, the CO mentioned on the letter back to NVC, he feels they are related due to the strong resemblance between the petitioner and the beneficiary.and this relationship is ONLY for the purpose of getting immigration benefits.

If that's the case without any proof and making such wild accusation, they can just order a DNA test between the 2 and my friend would gladly take the test.

So always thanks God that most of us here get a good person on a good day but sometimes you end up with some folks who have no place to be there, how did they get to that post is really a mistery.
Nikita2CharlesNot TellingIndia3/26/2010 21:15
Asia: SouthUsing gold jewellery as assets
You should be fine Sachinky

You guys are over the povery line, so you should be all set, just relax!!

The 2009 Poverty Guidelines for the
48 Contiguous States and the District of Columbia Persons in family Poverty guideline
1 $10,830
2 14,570
3 18,310
4 22,050
5 25,790
6 29,530
7 33,270
8 37,010
For families with more than 8 persons, add $3,740 for each additional person.
Nikita2CharlesNot TellingIndia4/7/2010 12:34
Asia: SouthPakistan - photos
You are asking about the passport size photos, right? Just take 2 extra even if they have received all that they need. You never know.
DanielParulNot Telling04/15/2010 9:37
Asia: SouthCan Petitioner accompany Fiancée to Interview at Chennai?
My bad then coz Daniel was able to come inside as the USC, no questions asked. Can your fiancee still take your passport as evidence that you are in the same country as her and came there for the interview. I know that it is considered a plus as it shows that you care enough to be there.
DanielParulNot Telling04/15/2010 8:06
Asia: SouthCan Petitioner accompany Fiancée to Interview at Chennai?
As a USC nobody can deny you entry into the Consulate (they only need to see your passport for identity proof). Once you are inside, they might ask you to wait in the waiting area while your fiancee goes to the window for her interview. Let your fiancee take your passport to her interview to show that you are right there if they need you. Just the proof that you are there is good enough most times. Good luck!
DanielParulNot Telling04/10/2010 18:50
Asia: Southengagement rings
They are not as important as a mangalsutra according to Hindu customs but I think most people who exchange rings wear them most of the time if not all. All the people I know do atleast.
DanielParulNot Telling04/23/2010 9:43
Asia: SouthRomantic Bollywood movies...with english subtitles
I loved Nanaste London. Daniel loved Akshay Kumar as the Jat boy :lol:

Edited by DanielParul, 24 April 2010 - 09:42 AM.

DanielParulNot Telling04/24/2010 9:41
Asia: SouthNeed Urgent help / advise
I understand your trepidation due to your past experience with the Consulate, but your fiancee having a common name most likely is the trigger for the administrative processing (especially if someone with the same name is flagged in the DOS system for a prior passport issue).

The Consulate would have most likely denied you on the spot if there were grounds, so unfortunately this is most likely a simple AP and what sucks is that you have to wait it out.

The Consulate WILL extend the petition while the AP is in process...

I wish you a speedy AP and success.

az110965MaleCosta Rica4/10/2010 21:07
Asia: Southbiometrics appointment
Many Congrulations to both of you.. :dance: :dance:

Best Wishes (F)
BaniFemaleIndia4/8/2010 16:50
Asia: SouthRomantic Bollywood movies...with english subtitles
i like the movie " MY NAME IS KHAN"
ARMANI KHANMalePakistan4/28/2010 2:48
Asia: SouthMarriage Certificate for Bangladesh
Anyone from Bangladesh can obtain the Marriage Certificate from where the marriage took place, I mean from the exact same Kazi office. Just anybody to go and take the Nikah nama for the reference if the office needs it...

It is easy process... You may need to submit a lil fees though..

Good Luck..

12345678FemaleBangladesh9/11/2009 23:41
Asia: SouthMarriage certificate in India
I was reading up on this since it somewhat pertains to my situation.

Here is a link to the Delhi Government webpage where they explain the 2 different kinds of marriage acts - Hindu Marriage Act and Special Marriage Act.


Under Hindu Marriage Act, it does appear there are any hard and fast rules pertaining to staying the country for 30 days - or special requirements for foreign citizens. However the 30-day rule does apply to the Special Marriage Act.

Also the US Consulate in Delhi does issue Letters of No Objection at no charge. I went there to get my letter and it took a total of about 10 minutes including waiting in a very short line. The lady looked at my passport, gave me the letter and that was it. It has strange verbiage, but it is stamped and signed, and best - it was free.
bobby_kvisaMaleIndia4/6/2010 0:52
Asia: SouthCan Petitioner accompany Fiancée to Interview at Chennai?
I would certainly try to go to the interview, I know I am going to try.

In case they stop you at the main door and do not allow you to enter - or even if they let you enter but stop you at any door along the way before the interviewing window, I would give your US Passport to your fiance. This way she can present your US Passport to the interviewing Consulate Officer and tell them that your fiance is "in the waiting room", or "just outside the Embassy" or wherever you are.
bobby_kvisaMaleIndia4/8/2010 11:30
Asia: SouthInvesting in India with repatriated monies
Taxes are very high in India - for many things consumer taxes are much higher than what you pay in the US.

Make sure you look into this to make sure its factored into your numbers.
bobby_kvisaMaleIndia4/19/2010 13:13
Asia: SouthPayment on Interview Date (CR1)
How much money has to be paid on the day of the interview itself? For the CR-1 visa you make lots of payments to the NVC for IV and AOS, but I have heard that you pay on the day of the interview for fingerprinting or perhaps for the generic "interview" fee.

What is the amount that needs to be paid on the interview date itself - and would they possibly accept credit cards for this payment?
bobby_kvisaMaleIndia4/21/2010 13:04
Asia: SouthPakistan - photos

hi frinds my interview is on 15 april at islamabad embassy as you all know it kindly tell me how many photo graphs we should take to embassy ?
in interview letter it is writtented dat
photo graph has been received and accepted ....
so kindy reply soon kitni pictures ly ker jani chaye????

hi sam 960 you dont mention in your post medical or passport photo any way i can tell you both photo requirement
How many Passport Photo's Required for the medical 2Posted Image How many Passport Photo's Required at the interview 4

Edited by mustafa1232, 12 April 2010 - 10:24 AM.

mustafa1232MalePakistan4/12/2010 10:23
Asia: SouthPakistan - photos

hi frinds my interview is on 15 april at islamabad embassy as you all know it kindly tell me how many photo graphs we should take to embassy ?
in interview letter it is writtented dat
photo graph has been received and accepted ....
so kindy reply soon kitni pictures ly ker jani chaye????

minimum requirement is 2 photo graph but you can take extra photo for further demand
mustafa1232MalePakistan4/12/2010 10:09
Asia: SouthSep-Dec 09 K1 Filers - Islamabad Embassy when did you email the embassy which led to electronic Packet 3.5? This looks like a faster way to go.

and did you submit tax forms along with the I-134?

BTW, Good luck with the interview!

Although I sent my fiancee my 134, I believe she'll take it to the interview as it was not asked for during the 3.5 stage. I had emailed the embassy about a week after it left NVC and got a quick response. The embassy has been responding to all my emails almost immediately.

For everyone's benefit, following is the K1/K3 packet 3.5:

K1/K3 Instruction Packet 3.5 Electronic Version

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please be informed that we now have the electronic version for K1/K3 instruction packet 3.5. Applicant does not have to wait for the packet to be received via mail and submit all the documents listed below via courier service provider along with the packet 3.5 covering letter scanned copy attached herewith.

Applicant should submit the following forms and information by courier http://islamabad.use...r_services.html and applicant living outside Pakistan can should submit the documents via any other reliable courier service provider like Fed-ex, DHL etc.
Applicant living in Afghanistan may send the documents via U.S Embassy, Kabul, Afghanistan.

All the forms except Parent Information Form can be uploaded from

Visa Application Forms

Following are the visa application forms require in original to process the case.

· DS 156 (2 copies with original photos – must be EVAF)
· DS 156 K (This form applies for K1 visa applicants only)
· DS 157 (1 copy)
· DS 230 part 1 only (1 copy)
· Parent information form can be uploaded from http://islamabad.use...entinfoform.doc

Civil Documents

Following original civil documents with translations and copies are required.

· Birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce/death certificate for all prior marriages
· Police certificate(s) from all the cities inside Pakistan applicant(s) lived/living for more than 6 months after reaching the age of 16 years.
· Police certificate(s) from all the countries outside Pakistan (except Afghanistan & India) applicant(s) lived/living for more than 1 year after reaching the age of 16 years.
· 2 Additional photos with white or off-white background (2x2 inches)
· Passport copy of the first 2 pages with applicant’s information (Original passport not required)

Post will review the submitted documents for completeness, and will contact the applicant for further documentation if required. Once the applicant is documentarily qualified, we will schedule him/her for interview. At the time of the interview, the applicant must also provide medical exam results completed by one of the Post panel physicians http://islamabad.use...dical_exam.html

I hope this information will be helpful to you. Please do not hesitate to contact us via email at if you require any further inquiry.

Thanks & best regards

U.S. Embassy
Consular Section
Immigration Visa Unit
Islamabad, Pakistan.
Tel#+92-51-208-2700 (12:30pm to 3:30pm)
kabhattiMalePakistan2/14/2010 14:54
Asia: SouthSep-Dec 09 K1 Filers - Islamabad Embassy

Hey, i looked at your timeline comments. What is packet 3.5? Is it something in between of 3 and 4?
Would you mind discussing a bit of what is the process like for Islamabad after VSC approval, and what supporting docs they asked for.


Packet 3.5 is the request of the police certificates, birth certificate, forms ds 156, 156k, 157 and 230 if I recall. Once completed and sent, the embassy sends interview date and go ahead for medical. I don't think there is Packet 3 anymore.

Edited by kabhatti, 14 February 2010 - 02:20 PM.

kabhattiMalePakistan2/14/2010 14:19
Asia: SouthSep-Dec 09 K1 Filers - Islamabad Embassy

Lets have a place to track our progress...How many of us are out there within this time range?

Did you file at VSC or CSC?
Do you have your NOA2?
Is your interview scheduled?

NOA2, yes
Interview scheduled
kabhattiMalePakistan2/14/2010 12:06
Asia: SouthPCC Problem - Ahmedabad India
Checklist can be obtained from the us consulate website. The checklist is basically packet 3/4 which now can be downloaded from the website. It lists all required for nvc and interview. Goodluck.
robbyrobMaleIndia6/1/2009 11:22
Asia: SouthAn Update
Love will make a way! And you obviously did everything to be with your one true LOVE! I hope things will work out for you soon.
victoriousFemalePhilippines3/26/2010 21:32
Asia: SouthAn Update
I wish I could afford a lawyer. I would definitely do whatever I could. We don't have any immigration lawyers close by so I would have to miss a day of work for each appointment and have the $2500 retainer fee that the ones I contacted wanted. I know that seems like a fairly small amount in the grand scheme of things but if we have to refile, that requires a new visit which is going to be around $4000 total, and if we get reaffirmed I'm going for the interview. It would take all my savings for the trip to get a lawyer with no promise that it would help anything at all. And unfortunately I think we all know how slow the legal system is so while I'm waiting for all the legal stuff the entire visa process could be screwing us over completely and then it would be too late. This whole thing is just so stressful. It's destroying my fiance.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia4/7/2010 11:19
Asia: SouthAn Update
Thanks everyone! I'm planning for this to go both ways. Either it will get reaffirmed and I will go back to Delhi for the interview this time. Or I will go back to India and get married and starting over. I know that means staying there for about 6 weeks but at this point I'm tired and frustrated with a lot of things and I could sure use the vacation from life here. And not matter what, in the end I will have no regrets and I won't wonder if I did everything I could have done. And if if I find something else that I can do, I will do it just to be sure I leave no stone unturned.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia3/28/2010 21:00
Asia: SouthAn Update
The last time I was able to post my fiance's visa had just been "denied" by the CO in a much heated attack on my fiance. I signed a lease because I had to prepare for my fiance's arrival and it had already taken me 6 months to find a suitable house anyway. I spent February packing and moving and I'm still unpacking boxes. My life has been a whirlwind or I would have been back sooner. This has been an extremely stressful time and this visa mess has been a struggle - one I feel should have been unnecessary.

I wrote to my Senator and he completed a Congressional Inquiry. From that I got a personal letter from the CO which danced around the issue of saying he was sorry and was complete BS but nevertheless I got it. I filed a complaint with DOS who took my side based on what they saw this jackass had put in the computer. They also told me to call and file a complaint directly with another agency and provided me contact information with someone there. Then it was just a waiting game. But that didn't stop us and it won't. I will continue my phone calls, I will continue following up on everything.

USCIS has now received my petition back and I've been informed that no one has access to it except the reviewing officer and after asking them a million and one questions was informed there is no way to find out any new information until the review is done. We have to give them until July to complete it. In the meantime we have written to the Indian Prime Minister (I know he doesn't have anything to do with the process however his visa was recently denied by the same we felt it could be good to let him know this kind of behavior did not stop so that maybe...just maybe someone somewhere would listen and kick the right person's butt to get that place back in line). We wrote to President Obama - focusing more on the economic disadvantage of CO's breaking rules and costing taxpayers money for no reason, but mentioning our case nonetheless. I wrote to the Ambassador of the Embassy as well. This kind of behavior cannot go on and someone has to do something. I know that DHS has stepped in and taken away a lot of authority the CO's have already because of bad behavior and I really feel like more needs to be done.

We have not heard back from anyone we wrote to, however I intend to continue writing to President Obama about the current abuse of power in our U.S. Embassies until I hear something back even if my case is over and done. I will be going to New Delhi and I will continue on my fight as long as it takes to be with my fiance. If that means I wind up living in India once I have all of my other business here settled then so be it. But I'm not giving up. Thank you all for your continued support - even if you think I'm crazy for doing all that I'm doing.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia3/26/2010 19:09
Asia: Southengagement rings

I wear both my rings (engagement, wedding) all the time.

However, that has nothing to do with religious customs but just 'cause I like the bling.

Lol....I feel naked without my ring. My fiance on the other hand rarely wears his because the stones catch on his pockets when he digs his phone out and he's scared he's going to lose it or mess it up (and he is terrible about things like that....he leaves it in his pockets and his mom gets pissed when she finds it in the wash hahahaha....). I got my ring in India and there is nothing like it here. It is 2 flowers with the leaves around them and it has 3 different colors of stones in it. I can't imagine not having it on. I know my fiance has told me that people don't pay that much attention to rings over there and they are not an outward show of whether or not you're taken like they are here but my niece wasn't buying that lol. She's only 15 so she really doesn't know yet.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia4/23/2010 16:13
Asia: Southengagement rings
Okay, so I'm debating my niece about Hindu customs and my fiancee is on a trip for the next few days and I'm unable to ask him. Our debate is about the importance of the engagement ring. After a couple has a ring ceremony and have placed rings on each other's fingers how important are they to keep on? In America once you put them on you don't take them off and they are generally worn daily. Is it the same in Hindu/Indian society or can the engagement ring just be worn for special occasions? Would a Hindu/Indian person put their ring away and store it and not wear it daily?
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia4/22/2010 19:18
Asia: SouthRomantic Bollywood movies...with english subtitles

I couldn't sit through Pyaar Impossible. I tried, I really tried but Uday Chopra and that bratty child gave me a helluva migraine.

Lol, the kid got better. But she was a brat, even I wanted to spank her.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia4/24/2010 22:16
Asia: SouthRomantic Bollywood movies...with english subtitles
I just watched Pyaar Impossible and it was a fabulous love story. Very beautiful movie. I think you'll like it.
ms_jinga_lalaFemaleIndia4/23/2010 20:46
Asia: SouthAn Update
Thanks for the update! LOVE can do anything and I am glad you have someone special in your life! Take care and GOd bless
Ak+TkFemaleIndia3/28/2010 11:06
Asia: Southbiometrics appointment
Good Evening all who read this!!!!

My husband got his biometrics appointment letter today..its the day before our wedding reception/party! in milwaukee on April 29th!!!!!

excited thats what we are!
Ak+TkFemaleIndia4/7/2010 21:34