Asia: SouthPakistani filers - Marriage certificate queries


My questions are about my marriage certificate.

1. My marriage certificate/Nikahnama is originally in English. The Imam who solemnized our Nikah brought the Nikahnama papers and they were all in English. Is that okay? I read somewhere they ask for the Urdu one but ours was already primarily in English. Should I get an Urdu translation? :S

2. I've heard that computerized nikahnama's are now being introduced. Do I have to get mine too? Did any recent NVC/interview filer have any experience with it?

Thank you for your help! :)

Regarding #2, I think you might be referring to the 'Registration' which is computerized. I submitted it along with my Nikahnama. The more proof, the better in my opinion.
reelssMalePakistan3/14/2012 18:08
Asia: South3.5 package returned to finance in Karachi no addition requirements ???? Need help please

She sent the complete 3.5 package 22-25 days ago and yesterday American express called to pick the returned package. And no there's no interview letter in hers :( hope she gets it In a week everything in preety much in pending due to this!

I suggest calling them and finding out what's going on. My understanding was that they would've kept the forms and returned the rest. I'm not sure why they would copy the stuff you sent instead of keeping it. When you call, may be they will tell you what you need to do, if there is anything.
ImaginationNot Telling03/19/2012 23:39
Asia: South3.5 package returned to finance in Karachi no addition requirements ???? Need help please

Thank you brother . Gave me hope ! I was super worried what's going on . U said they kept some forms ? My fiancé told me that pretty much everything was returned even 230 n 156k n birth certificate and police report , only thing they Leo is 2 out of 4 photos of her ! So I assume they mist have made copies of everything I guess !

Btw was your interview tough ? Any suggestions?

Its strange that they returned the forms too. How long has it been since they returned the package? Btw, I just remembered that our interview letter came with the returned 3.5 package material (which was 5 days after we sent it). If it has been a week (or not), I would call them to see whats going on.

I have yet to find out about how the interview goes. need prayers. I'll keep you posted. :)
ImaginationNot Telling03/19/2012 23:13
Asia: South3.5 package returned to finance in Karachi no addition requirements ???? Need help please
Like I said in the other post where you asked the same question. NO need to worry. They looked at the docs you sent them but they want them when you go for your interview. Our package was also returned and they only kept the forms and 2 pictures. You will get a letter for interview within 2-3 weeks. We got within a week.
ImaginationNot Telling03/19/2012 19:17
Asia: SouthIslamabad: major problem in visa status need desperate advise please K1-K3
apnamulk2011MalePakistan3/28/2012 21:57
Asia: SouthPakistani filers - Marriage certificate queries
My original nikkah nama is in Urdu and translated it through Notary Public. This is first time I am hearing about primary nikkah nama in English language.
immiprocessNot TellingPakistan3/15/2012 11:24
Asia: SouthPacket 3 Mumbai
Anyone has a clue how will packet 3 arrive from Mumbai Consulate ? Is it through a Courier ( Blue Dart ) ? or through Indian Speed Post ..

usaindMaleIndia2/13/2012 17:39
Asia: SouthJust wanted to say hi....
You are reading that right. Pakistan is very difficult to immigrate from. Many of us have been waiting years. If you are a male there is a 90% chance your going to put in AP, possibly denied, and no limit for AP. Just being honest with you.
SabianFemalePakistan3/24/2012 14:53
Asia: SouthIslamabad: major problem in visa status need desperate advise please K1-K3
I would be honest with the embassy and do what they tell you to do. If you performed a nikah its still a marriage ceremony no matter how small.
SabianFemalePakistan3/29/2012 16:23
Asia: SouthPakistani filers - Marriage certificate queries
By computerized do you mean "nadra" wala nikah Nama ? I will highly recommend to get birth certificate and nikah Nama from nadra . Sorry can't say much about the first question
isl2011FemalePakistan3/15/2012 8:16
Asia: SouthSome General Questions and Feedback about Civil Docs & AOS
I just need to double check about Civil Documents:
1. I need to submit original documents
2. I also need to submit one set of photocopies of all the original documents.

Also, and this is off the topic:

I have been unemployed for the past three because I was living overseas and my father-in-law was primarily supporting us both (husband and wife) there .
On my I-864, I would simply put zero's where ever there is income questions. I do have 50% equity in my house worth $170,000 in Atlanta. However, I have decided to not use assets since my Uncle is joint-sponsoring. Since I have not filed any returns for the past three years, I am submitting a notarized letter along with past three years of IRS publications page 17 that indicates who is required to file taxes with clearly showing minimum income amounts in the table. I am by the way including my 2008 tax transcript since that's the last one I filed before leaving for overseas along with my wife. ( My wife overstayed her Green card required stay limit)

I would just like to know if what I have mentioned sounds plausible explaination.


My joint-sponsor is submitting all the required documentation with his I-864:
Photo copies of last three years with all the pertinent schedules ( Owns Business)
Business License with his name.
Latest Bank Statement
Photocopy of Naturalization Certificate

Edited by Aneel, 01 March 2012 - 07:30 PM.

AneelMalePakistan3/1/2012 19:30
Asia: SouthMarriage is Not Register in Pakistan
What type of marriage paper did you submit? As per Dept. of State website, the acceptable marriage document for the Pakistan is the "Nikahnama" with proper English translation attested/notarized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Nikahnama must clearly have the registrar's stamp on it. for it to be valid. Since your marriage took place recently in 2009, you can register the Nikahnama with local Union council where marriage took place. The council person will need the copy of nikahnama and a copy of NIC card. He will then issue you a Nadra issued computerised nikahnama on Nadra paper.
I wanted to get that myself while I was there but I was married back in 2003 and Nadra stopped issuing computerized marriage certificates for marriages that long ago.
I don't think it will have any negative effect on your case since the Nadra document will simply state the facts which is that you got married on such and such date to such and such person.
AneelMalePakistan3/2/2012 11:53
Asia: SouthPakistani filers - Marriage certificate queries

My questions are about my marriage certificate.

1. My marriage certificate/Nikahnama is originally in English. The Imam who solemnized our Nikah brought the Nikahnama papers and they were all in English. Is that okay? I read somewhere they ask for the Urdu one but ours was already primarily in English. Should I get an Urdu translation? :S

2. I've heard that computerized nikahnama's are now being introduced. Do I have to get mine too? Did any recent NVC/interview filer have any experience with it?

Thank you for your help! :)
princess18FemalePakistan3/14/2012 16:17
Asia: SouthPakistani filers - Marriage certificate queries
yes my nikkah nama was in english and they sent me and RFE and i just simply sent them a letter explaining that IS the original and they said they need 14 business days for a supervisor to look at it, but after they received my letter the case was closed in 5 days. Its done pretty quick. I suggest that you send a letter with your nikah nama stating THAT is the original bearing all the original stamps and seals, not a translation. Good luck!
Sabrina.AsadNot TellingPakistan3/15/2012 20:43
Asia: SouthMarriage is Not Register in Pakistan
Hi vJ's...
after interview and long wait on AP counselor told me that our marriage is not registered in Pakistan. And marriage paper is not acceptable for them and they are refusing visa application
..Thanks God I was there with my husband …after long discussion they give us time to bring prove of marriage from registration authority.
We got marriage in 2009 in Karachi Pakistan and we were not aware that we need to register it with union council we just got marriage paper and come back to UAE and later we submitted it to NVC.
Now my question is if we register our marriage now then our application will become invalid and we have start from beginning.
Can anyone guide us that how can we get prove of our marriage to satisfy counselor

please help me as situation is very critical.
uswifeFemaleQatar3/2/2012 11:15
Asia: SouthInterview Date in Abi Dhabi Embassy
Why long AP in Abu Dhabi embassy?
A&CMalePakistan3/27/2012 0:45
Asia: SouthInterview Date in Abi Dhabi Embassy
i am Pakistani citizen AND I HAVE UAE residence visa. it mean i can get interview date within 2 months?
A&CMalePakistan3/25/2012 3:05
Asia: SouthInterview Date in Abi Dhabi Embassy
Hi everybody!
Anybody know after approving 129f how long u can get interview date for k1 visa in Abu Dhabi embassy?
A&CMalePakistan3/25/2012 2:45
Asia: South3.5 package returned to finance in Karachi no addition requirements ???? Need help please
we had the exact case, where all documents such as bank statements, etc etc were returned to us. I beleive they were considered irrelevant. However, these doucments were sent back with my fiance's interview letter.

So the bottom line is DONT PANIC... they only took documents which mattered to them and were relevent.. :)
workaholicMalePakistan3/20/2012 12:59
Asia: SouthMalaysian Letter of Good Conduct Experation
This information my only apply to the Tokyo Embassy.

We found out today that there is almost no limit to how long a letter of good conduct is valid for if the country is your previous residence. Since Nicole is applying as a resident of Japan, there is no problem as long as she has not lived in Malaysia since she received the letter of good conduct.
PudgeNot TellingMalaysia2/23/2012 19:44
Asia: SouthMalaysian Letter of Good Conduct Experation
Thank you for the advice. We are going to contact the Tokyo Embassy and find out. Our letter of good conduct will be about 3.5 months old when Nicole goes to the interview.
PudgeNot TellingMalaysia2/17/2012 18:13
Asia: SouthMalaysian Letter of Good Conduct Experation
Anyone here know how long a letter of good conduct is good for from Malaysia?

Edited by Pudge, 15 February 2012 - 10:39 PM.

PudgeNot TellingMalaysia2/15/2012 22:36
Asia: SouthAwful Experience with Pakistan Embassy in Washington
This country takes 3 steps backwards and 1 forward so that's how things are ! I was born there and its sad but... God Bless You and everyone.!
sergnaviMaleUnited Kingdom10/23/2011 18:56
Asia: SouthAfter interview How much time is required to clear AP
Mostly how much time is required to clear the administrative process or security clearance after interview?

What are MENA countries?

What they ask for questions about security clearance or Administrative process and who?

Do they let us know that we cleared AP process or not?

Can some one ask about his AP cleared or not or how much time the need to clear it.

If some one is not getting any answer since a year after interview ,What should they do? any calling number or any email.

Thanks Alot.
imranjennyMalePakistan3/3/2012 15:04
Asia: SouthEmail from islamabad embassy.
Thank you everyone who answer my question to what i need.We finally figure out what we need and now he will finally mail the papers out tomorrow and now just waiting on him to send in the paper and then just wait to see what happened next.It's going to be 5month tomorrow and i hope that all they need and we should get some good news from them soon.
S&S88FemalePakistan2/27/2012 15:50
Asia: SouthEmail from islamabad embassy.

I think we are missing part of the email.
What dates are they wanting?

They want HIS jobs only--not everyones

No we are not missing part of the email that what my husband got in the email.i think they want us to write there date of they don't need to know about my job they only need his job.
S&S88FemalePakistan2/26/2012 16:23
Asia: SouthEmail from islamabad embassy.

As states in the memorandum - Washington D.C 20522 (United Stated Department of State)

FOREIGN RELATIVES: If you or your spouse have any foreign relatives, whether residing in the U.S. or abroad, please provide a separate listing that includes the following: (a) their full names, dates and place of birth; (b) current address; © country of citizenship; (d) occupation; (e) current employer; types of contact you have with them (e.g., phone, email, none, etc.)

List your relatives and his relatives, and list their children as well.

Thank you for reply to my post.
S&S88FemalePakistan2/26/2012 16:19
Asia: SouthEmail from islamabad embassy.
My husband got this email from the embassy but i don't know what does it mean by that if someone can help me out and tell what does they need from him. im confused about it do i need to tell them for ever single person what kind of job there were doing around that time or are they just asking about his job and i have to give them my information too or only about my husband family information they need. what if one of the family member who is married do i need to tell them they are married and also tell about there spouse too and if they have any children also tell them about the children too.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please provide us your names, current addresses, place and dates of birth of your brothers and sisters, spouses, children and parents. Please also be specific and detailed about the jobs you have been doing during that time.

U.S Embassy

Consular Section

Immigration Unit

Islamabad, Pakistan

Edited by S&S88, 26 February 2012 - 03:41 PM.

S&S88FemalePakistan2/26/2012 15:39
Asia: SouthPakistani filers - Marriage certificate queries
you should need nadra nikhnama which is registerdand both in engish and urdu u don't need any other translation this same like birh certificate.make sure this should be with proper spelling
maharMalePakistan3/14/2012 19:44
Asia: SouthIslamabad: major problem in visa status need desperate advise please K1-K3
hello u should need to check from the union council of your region that your marriage is registerd because unregisterd marriges are illegal in pakistan and the moulvie who signed nikhanama should submitt nikhnama to the union council within few days.u check in union council and get your nikhnama from union council and Nadra and apply for K3 visa or IR1.for further information about the registration of marrige in pakistan visit
maharMalePakistan3/29/2012 9:27
Asia: SouthPolice Report - Pakistan
Police report is usually obtained at the local police station. The place where ur fiance lives, she can go to local police station and they can prepare one for her. Usually take a week or so. For my fiance, they actaully sent a police guy who came to the town where she lived and ask her neighbors about her(does she lives here, name address check etc).I think they would need a visa size photo too to put on the police report.
rjousufNot Telling02/23/2012 0:41
Asia: SouthJust wanted to say hi....
Thanks for the welcomes...I was reading the AP stats...Are some of these pending ones still going on after one or two years, or am I reading this wrong? So they can keep a case open forever? What about refiling? I know about Morocco, but what is Pakistan like? Lots of fraud from there? I doubt there are as many applications for visas as with Morocco. Anybody have some quick stats on Pakistan? Thanks! PS--I don't see the Moroccan man-bashing here like I do in the MENA forum. (Not saying whether it is deserved or Is that because there are fewer women petitioning for men to come to the USA? Do fewer seem to get through the Pakistan US embassy than the Moroccan one?
Love To TeachNot TellingPakistan3/23/2012 22:31
Asia: SouthJust wanted to say hi....
Hi fellow VJers...Just wanted to see what is going on in this forum. I have been through one visa journey with a Moroccan man that ended in divorce. Too many differences and his anger issues sunk that one. I am now engaged to be engaged to a wonderful man from Pakistan who is mature, kind, and sweet. We have talked for more than a year now and will meet this summer to see how we like each other in person. Meanwhile, I just wanted to see how things go when you try to do a K-1 in Pakistan. Even though I have been through this 5 years ago (was married for 3), I know that it is much harder now to bring someone to the states. And with Pakistan and the US in all the political turmoil, I'm hoping it's not impossible. Just wanted to say hi and get to know some of the folks in this forum. I hope the guys from Pakistan don't have the same reputations as the MENA :innocent:

Edited by SJ's Fiance, 23 March 2012 - 08:57 PM.

Love To TeachNot TellingPakistan3/23/2012 20:56
Asia: SouthUSC visiting Pakistan

Pakistan's official Embassy is in DC but there are Pakistani Consulates in other states such as NY and maybe Texas. You can apply for a tourist / visit visa. It used to be valid for 90 days but after recent conflicts of interests back in Feb 2011, they only issue visa for 30 days unless you know someone inside ;) but even if you get a visa for 30 days, you can get it extended free of cost from U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan.
To apply for any visa, you will need your passport, 4 passport size photographs, a completed and signed passport application form and the applicable fee which is probably $120 I am not sure. Also you will need to submit invitation letter x 2. One from your friend to you stating that he is inviting you to visit Pakistan and other letter from him to whichever embassy or consulate you will apply for visa, requesting them to grant you visa and that he will make sure you do not overstay your visa period and will not become a public charge. You will need to submit a copy of his passport or national identity card as well.
CR1/IR1 visas in Pakistan usually take 6-7 months for approval of your I-130 petition. Then comes NVC process and approval, interview and all. Since Pakistani males are cursed to go through mandatory Administrative Process (most of the time) the whole procedure may take anywhere from 12 - 18 months before you can see your spouse again (unless you are rich enough to pay him some visits).
Nothing can be said about security. Apparently it is safer in Punjab province but we never know ...
Hope this helps.

Thanks, Musashii, yes, this helps a lot. I have a few more questions, and you have been MOST helpful. I am planning to go to Pakistan from Germany approximately the second to third week in June. Would the visa start closer to the time of my anticipated visit? Because otherwise, it would run out before I even got there. It says on their website that DC serves TN, while NYC serves the northeast. Do you think if I just sent it to NY rather than DC, they would reject it? My friend's uncle does know someone inside that embassy and could carry it there personally, but not in the DC one. I don't know how they would feel about my sending it to a diffferent embassy than specified...if that would target our application as a problem. I am worried about them losing my passport or not returning it in time, which would ruin my visit to Germany if there was a delay. We are planning to meet in Germany around June 9, stay there about 10 days, then go on to Islamabad, Pakistan and stay there another 2ish weeks, about 30 days in all, like you said.

We are very blessed to be able to travel to meet each other, but as you know, that gets really expensive. Don't know if we will end up doing K-1 or CR-1, depending on if we decide we want to be an official couple. I brought another man here 4.5 years ago on K-1 visa, but ended up divorced (because of abuse) so don't know how this will impact the future of a K-1 or CR-1 with my friend from Pakistan.

Thanks for all your info and help!!! I appreciate it!!!
Love To TeachNot TellingPakistan4/5/2012 20:09
Asia: SouthUSC visiting Pakistan

I am a USC, and not a Pakistani by birth, and I went to Pakistan 2 times, once recently in Nov in 2011, and yes I had to get visa both times, I had to get an invitation letter, a copy of my fiance ID card and also a copy of his passport and u also need to have all information abt the person who is inviting you, cuz u will have to fill out an application at the consulate,which you will need to know the names of his parents, and address, also u will need 2 passport size pic and $120.00 money order, they didn't ask me any question i just hand in the application in the morning and picked up back my passport with the visa after 4 pm, I hope this helps you.

Hi--and a hello to Gee....I am also planning to travel to Pakistan (in June). I will meet my friend in Germany, then both of us will go to Pakistan to stay at his house. Since I live in TN, it looks like I will have to apply to the embassy in DC for a visa. Is it possible to apply to a different one or must I apply to the one in DC? (His family knows people that work at one in another city so they know he is an honest man.)I can't take off work to drive there, so I will have to mail the application there. What is the typical time to receive your visa from the DC embassy? If I am both a tourist and have a friend there, which visa is best to apply for? How long is this visa for? It looks like there are places to check off how long you want a visa for. Is it suspicious/red flagging if you put one for a year in case I want to go see him my next vacation...maybe in the fall?
Wow, it looks like you got your visitor visa super-fast!!! If we end up deciding to be a couple, what is the typical wait time for a CR-1 visa versus a K-1 in Pakistan? Thank God, he is able to travel to meet me in another country.
Although he says it's not dangerous there (in his area), were there any particular things to watch out for?
He is in the travel industry, which I am afraid might make it harder for us to get a visa for him to move here, along with a few other red flags we have. Anyway, I wish everybody luck and am encouraged that there are not too many horror stories of green card fraud in this forum compared to some others.
Keep the faith!!!! I appreciate any advice/ideas.
Love To TeachNot TellingPakistan4/3/2012 19:01
Asia: SouthAwful Experience with Pakistan Embassy in Washington
Their Embassy services is run by bunch of morons. My mother's Pakistani passport was expired so we went to get new one made here in Houston consulate. They told us they can't make the new electronic passport here and only New York and Los Angeles consulates are able to make the electronic one. I asked if we can or they can mail it in but no they want you to come to their office just so they can take your picture and ask you bio data question. I had to shell out $1400 for me and her to travel to New York urgently and get her the electronic passport so we could travel to Dubai. She always thought she could never pass the U.S. naturalization test because her english is not that good but after we came back from our trip she finally decided it's time to apply. Masallah she passed and became a citizen last Novemeber.
ohitzjahMalePakistan1/29/2012 14:45
Asia: SouthPolice Report - Pakistan
Police report is a background check report or certificate of clearance issued by the Police Department.
monkeyjuice5150Not Telling02/22/2012 23:49
Asia: SouthMarriage Registration Malaysia
I am a USC and will be marrying with an Afghan who lives and studies in Malaysia on a student visa. I emailed the US Embassy in Kuala Lampur to ask about the steps I needed to take to make sure the marriage was done properly. They referred me to the following site. However this says for non-muslims...My fiance and I are both Muslim. Is it still the same steps?
zinnyFemaleAfghanistan2/13/2012 19:34
Asia: SouthUSC visiting Pakistan

:D A High 5 on sharing these tips! :D

I think this discussion, with all the good info & tips here, will help a lot of people in some way who are also on this pathway. Thanks to all who have shared.
Have a blessed week!

SoS8:7FemalePakistan3/12/2012 22:12
Asia: SouthUSC visiting Pakistan

My wife traveled 7 hours (one way) all the way from NC to Washington just so she could get it done same day.
If you have more time, you can use USPS mail or some other service.
Good luck Posted Image

Thats great! Im glad she was able to drive there & had a safe trip there & back. That would not have worked out for me at this point in the process. (Altho, Im very certain there will be more situations coming up that will be more so expedient to travel distance, wait longer, cost more, make arrangements etc..) In relation to visitor visa application process and traveling there to drop it off & get decision personally, besides other personal/business reasons, I also added these things that were wise to consider- 1)If for whatever reason they prolonged the decision (as they, in that particular office, implied over the phone with me), I would also have to find a place to stay overnite (hoping they would only take an extra day at the most). 2) Or if they gave me a decision of not issueing the visa (which is possible, unfortunately but a fact) then more so that would REALLYYYYY make me soooo downhearted.. but Not give up..just delayed..
And so is the common life challenges of this visa journey. I know, because I have been down this road before years ago, but just a different country (K-3, Jordan). As I said before. this requirement of a letter of invitation is new to me, and so is the country (altho there are some similarities).

Its been sent priority with express return envelope...So now I wait & trust in God for what comes next. I trust God, pray & ask, plan, pray, listen to Him, take needed steps, pray, listen to Him & trust Him & give thanks & praise to Him all the way thru.. Just because He is Worthy of All praises & thanksgiving in every season of our lives.

Edited by SoS8:7, 11 March 2012 - 11:20 PM.

SoS8:7FemalePakistan3/11/2012 23:12