Asia: Southwhen have my medical after i get interview date from NVC

here i can have appointmet for even tomorrow and it is us embassy approved medical center.
i can have appointment booked and i have nvc letter stating that my interview is next month on 27th.I dont know if they need letter from embassy or not .thanks alot for answering me thanks alot.

wowww you are lucky to get next day appointment in Pakistan. I wish it could be the same for US embassy approved hospitals in India :)

Good luck with your process! Hope your wife recovers soon! :thumbs:
sunshine_84MaleIndia7/18/2012 17:03
Asia: Southwhen have my medical after i get interview date from NVC


they say 21 days before interview we can have.

The problem is that my wife (us citizen is sick) i wanted to have medical earlear so i can request them for early interview.Thats why i wanted it early .I dont know what to do.She have big cysts on overies and she mostly is in big pain.

If your plan is to get an early interview date, then start that process with US embassy. So that will give you an idea when you should schedule your medical exam. BTW, for any hospitals in India medical is not a walk-in procedure. You need to make an appointment before going for an exam. Check with hospitals in Pakistan as well.
sunshine_84MaleIndia7/18/2012 16:54
Asia: Southwhen have my medical after i get interview date from NVC

I already got a letter that from NVC that process at nvc completed my interview is at islamabad embassy on august 27.Can i have my medical done tomorrow.Please let me know.Thanks

Most of hospitals in India do require an interview letter sent in mail by US embassy. I don't know about hospitals in Pakistan, but if they do accept interview notification email, then I don't see any problem to get your medical done.
sunshine_84MaleIndia7/18/2012 16:45
Asia: Southi had a dream

I respectfully disagree. This thread is not about religion or policitcs, it's about my individual experience as an AOS applicant who happens to be a Muslim.

Dear Valeria, are Muslims precluded or forbidden to post their AOS experience, as opposed to everyone else?

I kindly ask Allah to have mercy and compassion on mods and let this thread to stay here!

I have known many Muslims, and been good friends with a couple...and yet none of the Muslims I have encountered behave as you do. The issues of your Muslim faith, your piety, your attendance at Mosc, or the idea that you plan to do your prayers in the middle of your interview even...are not appropriate for this area of the forums as they do revolve around a religion....

And before you get into more of the "woe is me" and "persecution" garbage, I would say the same to anyone of any faith that made a thread that revolved entirely around that faith...

I am in no need of your prayers for my soul, thanks anyway. Allah has already secured my salvation.

Thanks in advance for moving this to the religion section, mods.
jdhMaleCanada4/5/2012 11:08
Asia: Southi had a dream

Mods, does this belong in this area of the forums?

If you read through this guys posts you will see he is all over the place....

Don't feed the trolls, as one forum member advised.
jdhMaleCanada4/5/2012 10:35
Asia: SouthHelp?Where we stand.Red ,yellow or green zone
I suggest you get coached before you go to your interview!
reason is not to hide any facts, because facts are just facts but to respond to the question properly with an appropriate answer.

Yes I agree with the above response there is a red flags but you as an individual need to prove why your marriage is a bonafide one. I think the fact that she has been living with you in Pakistan for the past 2 years is enough proof. However the interpretation of the interviewer could be differed.

Another question is if she has kids that are under the age of 18 who is taking care of them? If your wife is actually a responsible individual wouldn’t her kids be with her rather then as you said above "drunk and abusive" ex?

Do not make clams or statements of her ex in the interview that is a sure shot to get a denial.

The purpose of the interview first off is to see if your relationship in fact is a bonafide relationship.
Second will be to assess the ability for you to be financially independent individual and not become a indemnifiable cost to the government.

I think it would be advisable that you ask the board to ask you mock interview questions and how best to address questions in the interview.

:thumbs: along with what dwheels76 has said yes its strange you paid for her divorce and you should be prepared to be questioned about that but dont lie about it They know everything or have a way to find out. As long as you can provide without a doubt a good bonafide relationship it should be ok but you will be questioned so plan for direct honest answering

Waoh, we think alike! lol!
sn530MalePakistan7/16/2012 18:31
Asia: SouthMedical Exam

Thank you so much for your reply.

your welcome so much!
sn530MalePakistan7/30/2012 17:49
Asia: SouthMedical Exam
im guessing he is between the age of 21-50? right

Cost of Vaccine = 5230
Cost of Flue = 750
Administration fee = 500
Medical Examination = 4000

if he has to get all those things done including flu shots = 10,480

Current rate of rupee 1 dollar = 94.55 (Todays rate)

Should cost about $110.85 Dollars.

I dont know if they will give him all the vaccine again? i dont think they shoudl have to but i cant be for sure im not a dr.
sn530MalePakistan7/30/2012 17:39
Asia: Southmedical examination done
Congrats where did you go for you medical exam?
sn530MalePakistan7/22/2012 21:40
Asia: SouthChange of First Name

I am kind of new to this topic poll. My question is, how important is it to change your first name? When going through my wedding my name wasn't a Muslim name so the decided to change my name to a Muslim name rather than the name I was born with. Should I change my first name? Or can I keep it the same? How important is your first name, name change when it comes to paperwork?

Hello, I am not sure if you got your answer already but maybe this will help.

"how important is it to change your first name? When going through my wedding my name wasn't a Muslim name so the decided to change my name to a Muslim name rather than the name I was born with.

- So, let me get this right you changed your name?... was this officially done with name change registery?
- I just re-read your post and it seems that you are a bit confused on NAME CHANGE.
1. What is currenty your registerd name? the one that is used to pull up your Credit History information, the one that is on your drivers license and also the one that is registerd to your social security number.

2. Now that you have already started the process for immigration, the consistancy of your name needs to be maintained. meaning your name needs to be the same on all documents and it should be traceable to history (This being the history most gov. agency's are able to pull on individuals... AKA .. Background Check)

If your name is inconsistant in documentation you will be refused, so if the information you are submitting to the immigration is not consistant or you have already submitted some documenation that does not agree with the rest. I Highly suggest you recall your application start again when you have decided what name you want to stay with. Also in the application there is a question of which names have you used previously. Your prior name will be noted there and if it is going to be an issue it will be still represented in the application.

sn530MalePakistan8/21/2012 11:11
Asia: SouthInterview Question
yes offcourse you will be allowed to accompany her during the interview as well as you can stand next to her where is interview is being held this way CO will know husband is available too he can question you too because my wife accompanied me and was questioned too and you will be able to travel in Diplomatic Bus service with her just get your passport with you good luck
Mohsin786MalePakistan7/11/2012 10:53
Asia: SouthAny Applicant for IR1/CR1 from Pakistan
U dont need any translation once you receive your registered marriage certificate from molvi who did your nikkah send it to nadra and have it registered. cos even nadra in islamabad will have your marriage record once you receive your nikkah nama from nadra it will be like birth certificate it will be in urdu and english both and you don't need any translation extra. If u want to also have it registered from foreign office it will be more authentic but remember nadra provides only one copy make sure you make copies
Mohsin786MalePakistan6/17/2012 2:16
Asia: SouthShould I go to the interview with my husband?
Getting nervous at this point is not going to help anyone. Don't want to sound like a wisea$$, but look at it this way, if you are nervous, imagine what your poor spouse is going through. Be positive and supportive and give him the confidence. Trust me, if you have done your chores, this would be a piece of cake. Don't get a heart attack if by any chance he gets into AP. If you are not aware of AP by now, please know that AP (Advance Processing) is pretty much mandatory for all males of certain countries and unfortunately Bangladesh is in that list. However, though I've seen very few coming out without AP, but this is pretty much for granted. How long AP takes, hmmm, 1 month to 1 year or more.

Please don't think that I am trying to scare you or give negative thoughts, rather saying be prepared knowing what could come your way so you don't get surprised. I wish all the best for you and your other half. Just know, being positive is a key part on on the interview process. Check some of the experiences of people lately to get some idea.

Good luck

hellraiserMaleBangladesh8/3/2012 14:34
Asia: SouthShould I go to the interview with my husband?
If embassy is okay with you being present, I would say go. Even if this don't make any difference, I am sure it will provide moral support for your spouse. However, I am not sure if they would allow you to be in the interview room at the same time, but that should not be an issue at all. If I had the chace, I would :-)
hellraiserMaleBangladesh8/3/2012 9:11
Asia: Southpreparing for Interview
Positively rooting on your husbands hope :-)
hellraiserMaleBangladesh8/15/2012 7:20
Asia: Southpreparing for Interview
Don't get disappointed as this is pretty standard practice. There are certain countries from which all male applicants go into an automatic AP. There could be some exceptions, but for BD it's pretty much mandatory. I wouldn't give you a rosy picture saying "it will be over soon", but be aware and prepared. If you get out in few weeks to few months, that's a blessing; however, this can take more than 5 months. Lately 3 USC's hubby's came out of AP who did everything the right way, there wasn't any hiccups in their processing, and seemed perfectly okay and it still took more than 5 months. As such just be prepared for the worst, that way you won't panic or get hurt as badly as others. However, the best part of this is, you will eventually get it. The interview is over and you crossed the biggest hurdle of this process. So congratulations on that and you will get another with all caps once he comes out of AP :-)

Edited by hellraiser, 13 August 2012 - 01:39 PM.

hellraiserMaleBangladesh8/13/2012 13:35
Asia: Southpreparing for Interview
Sounds like you are all set specially with the PCC from UK Just go to the interview with this mindset. Remember AP doesn't mean refusal or rejection or any complication rather some extra additional check. Just takes some extra time and that's all, if your info is good.

Good luck for tomorrow.
hellraiserMaleBangladesh8/13/2012 6:14
Asia: Southpreparing for Interview

Dont worry about the AP. It is very common for the men of this ages. I was also in AP before i was issued an immigrant visa. It takes generally 1-3 months. i got after 1.5 months.

I know how u feel!! but nothing in ur hand.
Hope things gonna be ok soon.
N AhmedNot TellingBangladesh8/13/2012 7:32
Asia: Southmedical examination done

hello I went to hillpark hospital...because they did everything in a single day otherwise other hospitals were taking many days...I wnated to get it done before ramadan..:)

Is Hillpark hospital on the list provided by U.S. Embassy?
MusashiiMalePakistan7/28/2012 9:23
Asia: Southi had a dream
I wish you good rest and I pray you find peace. This process is very stressful for all of us and can cause anyone nightmares. Be sure to take good care of yourself. You are not alone in being upset, stressed, worried and fearful. I think it took courage to share your personal experience and I hope that somehow you feel comfort from doing that.

Allah Hafiz
worth_the_waitFemalePakistan4/5/2012 16:29
Asia: Southcertificates from pakistan

HI VJ members!

1-My interview is in UAE.Any body how to get police certificate from Pakistan. Somebody you can get from your District police office. My question is it need to be attested from frogien office in Pakistan?

2-How to get Unmarried certificate which departments it need to be attested?

First of all you or your family member should visit your local police station and ask them for the police clearance certificate. They will ask for some of your details and then after couple of days they will issue the certificate. it will be a plus point if you will get it attested by foreign office. If you have ever lived in any place other than Kharian for more than six months, you need to get the police certificate from that place as well. After that you should visit the police station in police head office ( guess its near al wasl road because they provide you with the english one) and take it to your interview.
About the marital certificate you have to contact Nadra for that. YOu need more information, inbox me.
BA & MGMaleUnited Arab Emirates6/22/2012 9:36
Asia: SouthHow to get info about someone's marriage(nikah) in Pakistan?

Area Union counsel office should be able to provide you Nikah Nama.

if not, then nikah registrar is the best person to get that info.
BA & MGMaleUnited Arab Emirates8/6/2012 9:56
Asia: SouthHow to get info about someone's marriage(nikah) in Pakistan?
you need to check with nikah registrar of the area.
BA & MGMaleUnited Arab Emirates8/3/2012 13:30
Asia: SouthAny Applicant for IR1/CR1 from Pakistan

U dont need any translation once you receive your registered marriage certificate from molvi who did your nikkah send it to nadra and have it registered. cos even nadra in islamabad will have your marriage record once you receive your nikkah nama from nadra it will be like birth certificate it will be in urdu and english both and you don't need any translation extra. If u want to also have it registered from foreign office it will be more authentic but remember nadra provides only one copy make sure you make copies

In Feb nadra wasnt giving the english certificate in ISLAMABAD. maybe they have started it recently.

Edited by Baqir, 17 June 2012 - 02:00 PM.

BA & MGMaleUnited Arab Emirates6/17/2012 14:00
Asia: SouthAny Applicant for IR1/CR1 from Pakistan
Hi zara,

You do not need translation on Rupee paper. You just need to go to court area and you will find many translators over there. They will give you the format for translation and it will be done on simple paper. For affidavit, they will just stamp the translated papers. My wife did this all for me but i know the process.
BA & MGMaleUnited Arab Emirates6/16/2012 16:30
Asia: SouthI need urgent help with re-filing I-130
You had to have consummated the marriage before filing, not during processing. If you file now, you should be fine! Story sounds familiar... i think i know who you are...
talean nawazFemalePakistan7/11/2012 21:05
Asia: SouthHelp?Where we stand.Red ,yellow or green zone
In our case, the CO did question where the money for my trips to Pakistan came from and it took me about 2 months after interview to find documentation to satisfy the request. They want to make sure that the petitioner is not receiving payment from the beneficiary's side for a visa. You may need to prove where the money came from like i did. Also, dating before a legal separation may cause a red flag. I was not legally divorced when I met my husband, but I was legally separated. Be very prepared!
talean nawazFemalePakistan7/16/2012 22:55
Asia: SouthHelp?Where we stand.Red ,yellow or green zone
Be honest and tell the truth. everything will be fine.

Edited by Forever Love, 17 July 2012 - 12:58 PM.

Forever LoveNot TellingPakistan7/17/2012 12:50
Asia: Southi had a dream

May Allah forgive your sins too, jdh!

I pray to Allah to cleanse your soul of those negative and unfounded assumptions, as
my intent in posting this thread is sincere and truthful, not influenced by jinns or trolls (is it
Christians word for jinns?)

May Allahs' mercy and wisdom shine on you, jdh!


so weird....
love my babyMaleEgypt4/5/2012 10:59
Asia: Southi had a dream

You are right, but that's not what my post is about.

It's about ME suffering these nightmares on the account of being a pious, practicing, mosque going Muslim
in AOS.

I am posting to share my Muslim experience and I want other Muslim applicants to share theirs, so we can mutually
help one another to go through this ordeal.

Hey there i am from Egypt but not muslim but let me tell u if u gone through the visa process in consulate u can go through anything it is not big of a deal u not the only muslim who immigrated to the U.S there are alot of muslims. if your security and background checks are clean u dont need to worry about anything and maybe u need to stop posting these posts u know these posts can get u in a trouble and make the government more suspicious about u. its just an advice and again u dont need to worry about being a muslim.
love my babyMaleEgypt4/5/2012 10:24
Asia: Southcertificates from pakistan
you should contact to pakistani embassy in UAE, and they will direct to to appropriate departments.
immiprocessNot TellingPakistan5/14/2012 9:41
Asia: SouthChange of First Name
I agree with Kyda.
immiprocessNot TellingPakistan8/20/2012 13:02
Asia: Southi had a dream
he is just a troll he is not even a Muslim as in Islam its not allowed to visualise Allah as he has no physical body as human do then how the hell he knew that the gay with his green card was Allah and not Shatan.Because if It was Allah then he will have a saudi visa for you to go and visit and live in the holy land where pakistani muslims are respected right ? the second thing is that a true muslim never care for material things but you want your green card so badly that you cant stop thinking about it even in your dreams .i will never go to a place where i know i will be treated bad just becuase of my religion why not move back to pakistan or saudi arabia and live a peaceful and respectful muslim life come man it will be easy for you
Arif AliMalePakistan4/9/2012 4:21
Asia: SouthChange of First Name

I am kind of new to this topic poll. My question is, how important is it to change your first name? When going through my wedding my name wasn't a Muslim name so the decided to change my name to a Muslim name rather than the name I was born with. Should I change my first name? Or can I keep it the same? How important is your first name, name change when it comes to paperwork?

If your name isn't overly Christian-sounding (like the name Christian, Christina) or it doesn't mean something haram/negative, then I wouldn't worry about officially changing your name. You can just tell your Muslim friends your Islamic name and anyone else you want to call you by that name and they will call you by that name only. There is no need to officially change it and make paperwork more complicated. Why not keep official things straightforward and simple and use your Islamic name in your personal life.

I personally made this decision and I am living in Pakistan right now. Everyone calls me by my Islamic name and many don't even know the name I have for passport and documents. It's just not a big deal. I don't have any regrets for not changing it officially, and I don't plan to do in the future. Its completely up to you.
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan8/20/2012 10:44
Asia: SouthAny Applicant for IR1/CR1 from Pakistan
Other members have said they received an RFE for the urdu nikah nama with translation, in addition to the NADRA. It may be better to send both things instead of NADRA certificate alone.
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan8/25/2012 12:04
Asia: SouthMedical Exam

2 helpful link.


Good Luck
DesibaabaMalePakistan8/4/2012 14:39
Asia: Southmedical examination done

Is Hillpark hospital on the list provided by U.S. Embassy?

Here is link to approved facilities for medical

DesibaabaMalePakistan8/4/2012 14:44
Asia: SouthShould I go to the interview with my husband?

You should go to interview if possible, AND good luck. Every thing will be A-OK :thumbs:
DesibaabaMalePakistan8/4/2012 14:34
Asia: SouthHow to get info about someone's marriage(nikah) in Pakistan?
Area Union counsel office should be able to provide you Nikah Nama.
DesibaabaMalePakistan8/4/2012 14:36
Asia: Southwhoelse are having interview on Aug, on which date

Just me and you lol...

lolzzz...hey yunis any idea when to get the medical done, as you know after interview letter we can do it but when I called Agha khan hospital the person dealing with the immigration services suggest me to ge the medical done by august 1st week so it has an expiry of 6months..when are you planning to get the medical done.or anyelse suggest me......
SarahZeeshanFemalePakistan7/3/2012 2:49