Asia: SouthK1 Visa after the interview is done.
i am a Pakistani and my finace is a US citizen he applied for my K1 visa in Aug 2011,
i had my interview on 29th of aug 2012 at 8 am.

the interviewer asked me following questions:
1. have you ever visited us before ?
ans: i said yes

Q: can us show me ur previous visa's?
And: i showed him my previous visa's in my passports.

Q: how applied for u
A: my finance

Q:what does he do?
Q: are you guys relatives?
Q: love marriage or arrange?
Q: how arranged you guys?
Q: why are you guys not doing ur ceremony here in pak?

i answered everything and he didn't asked anything else after every answered received kept saying okay then next question and was typing looking at the computer.

well to me everything looked good and it was a quick and easy interview

after that he said ok madiha thats all we need , you will get ur passport within 10-15 days

i asked him if we could book our tickets n do preparations and all
he replied:
madiha we dont recommand this to anybody until they have the visa in the passport in hand because sometimes the mailing get delayed so if all goes well you will get it in 10-15 days

i didnt receive any green paper or anything.
ust a serail number and courier info.

he didnt even asked for our photographs etc.

its been 13 working days i haven't received anything and when i call this no:001 2026631225 they say : we think its still in the processing .
i am afraid if it takes 30-90 days can anyone help please.

thank you.

Edited by zazu, 17 September 2012 - 04:41 PM.

zazuNot TellingPakistan9/17/2012 16:39
Asia: Southi had a dream

Oh, mods, please put this thread in the Politics and Religion forum instead. Please.

regional forum seems better. p&r wouldn't be very nice.

topic title edited to something more accurate

Edited by charles!, 05 April 2012 - 11:58 AM.

charles!MaleBrazil4/5/2012 11:47
Asia: SouthHow to get info about someone's marriage(nikah) in Pakistan?
Topic has been moved from the AOS forum to the Regional forum including Pakistan as a more useful location for the OP to get the information they seek.

Edited by Kathryn41, 03 August 2012 - 08:18 AM.

Kathryn41FemaleCanada8/3/2012 7:03
Asia: Southwhoelse are having interview on Aug, on which date
*** Moving from Waivers to South Asia regional forum ****
Penguin_ieFemaleIreland7/2/2012 4:21
Asia: Southcertificates from pakistan
I suggest posting this in the regional forum for Pakistan. :) You will likely get better answers.

Edited by Coconuts, 14 May 2012 - 08:55 AM.

Penny LaneFemaleCanada5/14/2012 8:53
Asia: SouthInterview Question
Moved from IR-1/CR-1 Process & Procedures to Asia: South regional forum; whether or not the petitioner can accompany the beneficiary to the interview varies from country to country.
Ryan HMaleChina7/10/2012 15:56
Asia: SouthCR1 spouse visa-kabul, afghanistan
Moved from IR-1/CR-1 Process & Procedures to Asia: South regional forum.
Ryan HMaleChina4/2/2012 12:51
Asia: SouthHelp?Where we stand.Red ,yellow or green zone
Moved from IR-1/CR-1 Process & Procedures to Asia: South regional forum; topic is Pakistan specific. Duplicate thread removed.
Ryan HMaleChina7/16/2012 23:06
Asia: Southwhen have my medical after i get interview date from NVC
Moved from IR-1/CR-1 Process & Procedures to Asia: South regional forum; OP's questions about when the medical exam can be conducted is a Pakistan specific question.
Ryan HMaleChina7/19/2012 5:40
Asia: SouthChange of First Name
Moved from IR-1/CR-1 Process & Procedures to Asia: South regional forum. OP's question (and replies) regarding a name change is more specific to Pakistani culture than it is to the visa process.
Ryan HMaleChina8/20/2012 22:51
Asia: SouthAny Applicant for IR1/CR1 from Pakistan
Moved from IR-1/CR-1 Process & Procedures to Asia: South regional forum; topic is specific to Pakistan.
Ryan HMaleChina6/16/2012 10:10
Asia: SouthGreencard holder filing for son
Google "maintaining permanent residency" to find info.

There is no magic number.

There are re entry permits for GC holders that are planning to be away for a while. That is obtained prior to leaving the US.
Anh mapMaleVietnam7/4/2012 0:25
Asia: SouthGreencard holder filing for son
File the I-130. Once approved the current wait is approximately 8 years for F2b
Anh mapMaleVietnam7/3/2012 23:48
Asia: SouthI need urgent help with re-filing I-130

Hi VJ members. I need someone to help me as much as possible. I cannot afford an attorney. Here is how my case .
I got married by proxy (did Nikaah on phone) in October 2011.
Husband was physically present in Pakistan but I was here in the U.S.A.
Filed I-130 petition in November 2011.
Went to Pakistan and had the wedding ceremony in February 2012.
From Feb 2012 to May 2012 I lived with my husband.
In May 2012 I got RFEletter from USCIS saying that I was not present in the wedding in Pakistan which was on October 2011 and to send in proof of my trip during that time. I submitted photos & copies of my passport pages & ticket showing the trip in February 2012. I wrote letter explaining the Nikaah on phone and going later in February to get married,
In July 2012, I got denied letter from USCIS.

I am going to re-file but how should I re-file?

Should I re-file with the same marriage certificate with the date of October 2011 even though I wasnt present in Pakistan, or should I make a new marriage certificate with the date of February 2012 where I was with my husband?

Will USCIS accept my petition if I re-file?

What evidence should I send with my petition?

How can I make my petition case strong to get approved?

Please help me as best as you can with much info and as soon as possible. Thanks and may god bless you.

No you wouldn't use your Nikaah marriage certificate because USCIS already have denied that and I would gather consider it invalid. You are considered married when you went there and got married used that certificate.

Now that you are refiling you can of course use all the evidence you used before I guess. Now add your visit, visa stampsm chats photos of you and family and friends.

As far as making your case strong you really should be directing this towrds the Pakistan forum because males go into Mandatory AP and I don't knw if you have red flags and all. There are many many knowledgeable Pakistan wives here EAbbas is one. I will make sure she reads this. I remember reading youru post from earlier.
dwheels76FemaleNigeria7/11/2012 18:28
Asia: SouthHelp?Where we stand.Red ,yellow or green zone
Just at a glance I see issues aside from relgion, age difference, she's been married twice before and the 4 children. But what I see is she started an online relationship with you while she was still married and NOT separated. She only separated as you stated when she decided to come visit you. Although separated still married and going across the globe to see another man.
Pakistan is hard enough embassy. All the things you asked will you be questioned you may be. There are some big red flags here. But you will be better served when the Islamabad forum folk join in to give you the specifics of what you are facing.

All the best.
dwheels76FemaleNigeria7/16/2012 17:57
Asia: SouthI need urgent help with re-filing I-130
moved to South Asia forum for best response.
Done HereMaleIndonesia7/11/2012 21:39
Asia: SouthI need urgent help with re-filing I-130
To file the I 130 you have to have an immgration recognised marriage. In your case proxy + consumation. You were denied because you didn't have both. So you can file a new one with the old certificate and the "new' consumation evidence.
NigeriaorBustNot TellingNigeria7/11/2012 19:05
Asia: Southi had a dream
Oh, mods, please put this thread in the Politics and Religion forum instead. Please.
ValerieAFemaleCanada4/5/2012 10:43
Asia: SouthInterview Question
each consulate is different, email your embassy directly. I am attending my husband's interview with him next week, but I emailed his consulate to ask beforehand. Good luck!!

Edited by mimolicious, 10 July 2012 - 11:23 AM.

mimoliciousNot TellingJordan7/10/2012 11:22
Asia: Southpreparing for Interview
your husband is REQUIRED to bring police certificates from every country he has lived in for 6 months or more since the age he turned 16. They will not issued the visa without them.

Edited by mimolicious, 12 August 2012 - 11:07 AM.

mimoliciousNot TellingJordan8/12/2012 11:07
Asia: Southi had a dream

Clearly, you have little empathy for your fellow Muslim going through this kind of ordeal.
Or, perhaps, you are not a Muslim and don't know what it means to have an experience as a
Muslim going through AOS. If latter is the case, please reserve your assumptions and comments
for yourself and let other Muslims going through the same share theirs'.

I pray to Allah to bless your heart with more kindness, mercy and compassion ,
so that you would be free of jinns who negatively influence your comments about
pious and well meaning Muslim applicant.
I pray to Allah to forgive your sins!


Thank you for your offer of prayers.
Your not seeing clearly of much of why it doesn't make sense of what you write on here.
I have no negative JINNS influencing me.I retain empathy for my fellow brother, sister, human.
You are going off the deep end and claiming, BECAUSE you are pious and a practicing Muslim, AOS and the process is against you.
My comments are within the Forum's boundaries and actually come from kindness(and maybe embarrassment for you).

Taking your advise...I reserved a lot of comments for myself in writing only this.

I wish you good health in mind and body

InluvFemaleMorocco4/5/2012 10:51
Asia: Southi had a dream

You are right, but that's not what my post is about.

It's about ME suffering these nightmares on the account of being a pious, practicing, mosque going Muslim
in AOS.

I am posting to share my Muslim experience and I want other Muslim applicants to share theirs, so we can mutually
help one another to go through this ordeal.

I wish you good help in finding your solutions but it does not read as a Immigration, Religious, or Freedom of Speech Issue.
Why do you need to keep repeating Muslim experience, being a Muslim we are used to being treated bad, And you are suffering on the account of being pious??? Practicing? You seem to be having OTHER issues, please stop bringing Islam into this.
The way you will be interviewed is based on your relationship with SO. Not that you go to Mosque.

InluvFemaleMorocco4/5/2012 10:23
Asia: Southhow long does it take to get the visa in hands after interview?

hey guys
my husband was interviewed at islamabad embassy and was passed. all of our docoments are complete and they told us that the administrative processesing has to b done now and they'll send the visa within three months. but i was expecting the visa within 7-10 days. what do u guys say?

For Islamabad you basically get the visa when they have completed all the background checks... they told us a minimum of 45 days and a year later we are still waiting for evthing to be complete. We were told our case was fine we had nothing to worry about just the name checks to complete.... That doesn't mean they won't finish within three months and issue your visa but AP can take as long as it takes nobody knows until it's complete.
EAbbasFemalePakistan6/26/2012 21:21
Asia: SouthI need urgent help with re-filing I-130

Hi VJ members. I need someone to help me as much as possible. I cannot afford an attorney. Here is how my case .
I got married by proxy (did Nikaah on phone) in October 2011.
Husband was physically present in Pakistan but I was here in the U.S.A.
Filed I-130 petition in November 2011.
Went to Pakistan and had the wedding ceremony in February 2012.
From Feb 2012 to May 2012 I lived with my husband.

In May 2012 I got RFEletter from USCIS saying that I was not present in the wedding in Pakistan which was on October 2011 and to send in proof of my trip during that time. I submitted photos & copies of my passport pages & ticket showing the trip in February 2012. I wrote letter explaining the Nikaah on phone and going later in February to get married,
In July 2012, I got denied letter from USCIS.

I am going to re-file but how should I re-file?

Should I re-file with the same marriage certificate with the date of October 2011 even though I wasnt present in Pakistan, or should I make a new marriage certificate with the date of February 2012 where I was with my husband?

Will USCIS accept my petition if I re-file?

What evidence should I send with my petition?

How can I make my petition case strong to get approved?

Please help me as best as you can with much info and as soon as possible. Thanks and may god bless you.

You did not file using the fact you were able to consummate your marriage... you should have waited until you were there with him... you should be ok as long as you use the information given to you on your other thread and the info given here with the link provided... Just be sure you frontload this new petition showing you were there AFTER to stay and live with him showing that a the proxy marriage was consummated
EAbbasFemalePakistan7/11/2012 19:00
Asia: SouthI need urgent help with re-filing I-130
I found this link maybe it makes it more clear to you? Sounds as if you can use the date of your proxy marriage but load it with proof you were together AFTER the marriage and without a doubt were able in that time to consummate your marriage. You can't get a different nikah since you already married and you can't change the date you got married. You just need to load this refile with your proxy nikah and complete proof that you were there after the proxy marriage... boarding passes, passport copies of the visa to pakistan, hotel receipts, dinner receipts, loads of pictures of you two together, you two with family, both of you in various places you visited... Frontload this petiton well!!!

9 FAM 40.1 N1.3-1 Consummated
(CT:VISA-1000; 09-03-2008)
For the purpose of issuing an immigrant visa (IV) to a ?spouse,? a proxy
marriage that has been subsequently consummated is deemed to have been
valid as of the date of the proxy ceremony. Proxy marriages consummated
prior to the proxy ceremony cannot serves as a basis for the valid marriage
for immigration purposes.

Quick question... did you file your first petition before going to visit? or AFter

Edited by EAbbas, 11 July 2012 - 06:57 PM.

EAbbasFemalePakistan7/11/2012 18:47
Asia: SouthHelp?Where we stand.Red ,yellow or green zone

Waoh, we think alike! lol!

LOL! yeah!!! well.. honesty is the best... you dont have to worry about what lie you told to cover it up.. you just tell the truth and dont worry about figuring it all out.. and yeah we too have red flags which im sure is why we are in AP but we told the truth we didnt lie and one day our purgatory will be over! INSHALLAH
EAbbasFemalePakistan7/16/2012 18:43
Asia: SouthHelp?Where we stand.Red ,yellow or green zone

Just at a glance I see issues aside from relgion, age difference, she's been married twice before and the 4 children. But what I see is she started an online relationship with you while she was still married and NOT separated. She only separated as you stated when she decided to come visit you. Although separated still married and going across the globe to see another man.
Pakistan is hard enough embassy. All the things you asked will you be questioned you may be. There are some big red flags here. But you will be better served when the Islamabad forum folk join in to give you the specifics of what you are facing.

All the best.

:thumbs: along with what dwheels76 has said yes its strange you paid for her divorce and you should be prepared to be questioned about that but dont lie about it They know everything or have a way to find out. As long as you can provide without a doubt a good bonafide relationship it should be ok but you will be questioned so plan for direct honest answering
EAbbasFemalePakistan7/16/2012 18:27
Asia: Southan Francisco Indian visa outsourcing service Lost my passport
San Francisco,
I Was doing a PIO there and they were asking(USC) for additional documents. My new US passport wasn't good enough for them as proof of US Citizenship. Since it was taking awhile so when we finally got what they were asking for and send it to them, ONLY then they claimed to have mailed me back my passport to Fedex 4 months ago, Another Lie I never changed my Email address and it's the same email address I contacted them, YET they claimed they sent me an email noticed but I never received such email, all this time I thought they had my documents safely on hand.

TO make matter short, these people are slick
1st) They claimed I gave them a FedEx return shipping label as such it's my responsibility to file the lost claim with FedEx, TOTALLY FALSE
When I show them the proof that the Shipping Label was generated by their office, and also confirming with FedEx, the person who sent the documents is the one who has to file the claim, as the recipient there's nothing I can do on My hand.

Also the documents was insured up to $100, that's the max FedEx can returned and it cost me almost $250 to have my passport expedited, I spoke to the assistant manager there and He told me they will file the claim with FedEx and once i get the claim to contact them and he will take it from there.
Since it's been so long since my passport been out of my hand, with Identity theft around and so on, I went to the San Francisco Precinct to make a Report, and the cops there wouldn't take the report saying it doesn't make sense for me to do it, the last person who touch the passport has to file the report in this case Travistaoutsourcing.

HE CALLED ME, so i didn't have anything in writing regarding that statement, when the $100 check to me from FedEx and I called them for the difference, THAT #######< LIER told me they are not responsible for the difference, and their looney secretary told me it's not their responsibility that I had to EXPEDITE the passport, I told them really, then in this case if i file the regular route where it will take more than 3 weeks to get my passport back, are you going to refund me the ticket, she went HECK NO! talking about professionalism, I don't know where the Indian consulate found these people, they are not listed under Better Business Bureau and when I contacted the Indian Consulate they are kicking the ball back to the same folks I am complaining about.

The lady even admitted this is not the 1st time that has happened, so If they know it cost about $250 to have an experdited passport, that's the chance they take and is it my responsibility they only insured the package up to $100?

Edited by Nikita2Charles, 10 July 2012 - 06:33 PM.

Nikita2CharlesNot TellingIndia7/10/2012 18:28
Asia: SouthInterview Question
You can attend the interview with her and ride the bus just make sure you have the interview email and your American passport.
carolynhotstuffFemalePakistan7/10/2012 11:51
Asia: SouthHELP! Should I contact my Senator?
Yes if I were you I would contact my Senator ASAP. If the Senator won't help contact your Congressman.
carolynhotstuffFemalePakistan7/3/2012 18:00
Asia: SouthMedical Exam
Thank you so much for your reply.
carolynhotstuffFemalePakistan7/30/2012 17:48
Asia: SouthMedical Exam
Can anyone tell me how much the medical exam in Pakistan costs in dollars? My husband is going for a new medical exam because his other one expired and he can't remember how much it costs.
carolynhotstuffFemalePakistan7/30/2012 16:54
Asia: Southi had a dream
I think your topic title is a little misleading.

I think AOS can be intimidating for anyone. I am not sure how religion comes into it.

I believe you are welcome to share any of your view/ concerns/ interests/ religion, but maybe this one thread was in the wrong forum. You are expressing your views on being a Muslim and going through AOS, not just a person going through AOS so maybe the politics/religion forum or your regional forum would be more appropriate if you feel your experiences as a Muslim will be/ are different to those of someone of a different religion because of your religion.

I hope that makes sense :blush:

Kind regards and good luck.

Edited by BrittandDan, 05 April 2012 - 11:34 AM.

XanaxFemaleAustralia4/5/2012 11:32
Asia: South2 months and 2 days after interview no visa yet :(
AP really sucks! It could take few months or years based on case to case.
TimeTravelMaleIndia7/2/2012 19:14
Asia: Southi had a dream
Can a Mod please close this thread or thread ban this member? I think we are all starting to go nuts here.
Little_MyFemaleFinland4/5/2012 11:42
Asia: Southi had a dream

Being a Muslim immigrant and going through AOS is even less of a joke.

Possibly, but we won't be able to change existing geopolitical situation.
TygrysMalePoland4/5/2012 10:00
Asia: Southi had a dream
Being an immigrant and going through AOS is no joke.
TygrysMalePoland4/5/2012 9:43
Asia: SouthShould I go to the interview with my husband?
It does not matter specailly for DOS employee, they are well versed in all culture.
Are you sure that you are allowed in the embassy in Bangladesh?
Deep2009Not TellingIndia8/3/2012 8:23
Asia: Southi had a dream
It's not about religion, it's about your geopolitical situation and current US security interests. If these were still Cold War times (I will not insert a joke about Romney, I will not!), then this process would be much more difficult for Russians, etc.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia4/5/2012 11:29
Asia: Southwhen have my medical after i get interview date from NVC

here i can have appointmet for even tomorrow and it is us embassy approved medical center.
i can have appointment booked and i have nvc letter stating that my interview is next month on 27th.I dont know if they need letter from embassy or not .thanks alot for answering me thanks alot.

wowww you are lucky to get next day appointment in Pakistan. I wish it could be the same for US embassy approved hospitals in India :)

Good luck with your process! Hope your wife recovers soon! :thumbs:
sunshine_84MaleIndia7/18/2012 17:03