K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa criminal issues

a co work told me that he could not get a passport becasue he has been arrested for drugs and went to jail for a time .. and another friend of mine boyfriend is was on poroll and say said he could not get one either he was denide

candy35FemaleJamaica2013-06-02 20:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa criminal issues

hey will not get an us passport becasue he has a recorder move on

candy35FemaleJamaica2013-06-02 18:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWith the goverment shutdown, will visa interviews continue?

my boo had his interview today so their working reg their funded by a different part of the gov

candy35FemaleJamaica2013-10-01 20:59:00

my hubby from ja and he said he told the dr he had smoked yrs ago and hes been here 5mo s and the dr said he was fine and have a good trip so it depends


candy35FemaleJamaica2014-03-14 15:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f: Missing letters of intent to marry
i forgot mine also so i no i will be getting an rfe i mailed mine in dec still waiting
candy35FemaleJamaica2013-03-07 20:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List
I guess i will get an rfe because i Didt know u were susspose to send picture and other things showing were in a relationship but i sent copy of my passport it does show that i have been their alot of times
candy35FemaleJamaica2012-12-31 08:26:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Not something I learnt from making this mistake, but something I read elsewhere - don't wear a dress! Either pants/top or skirt/top.
Brando MFemaleWales2012-02-24 18:35:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
There is a question asking if you have ever smoked. I don't believe it was a case of 'do you smoke', rather 'have you ever'. Because I ticked mine 'yes'.

At the medical the dr did ask, but being an ex-smoker it was just a case of saying that I had given up a little while back. Nothing else was asked. I'm sure others can give you more details! I wouldn't be concerned about it though.

Edited by Brando M, 15 January 2012 - 08:24 AM.

Brando MFemaleWales2012-01-15 08:23:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
I had the medical on Dec 2.

Won't go into huge detail, as it was very straightforward, and very much like described in previous posts.

I was amazed at how quick it was though! Hardly any gaps between the 3 stages. All over within about 45 mins. The doctor, who I didn't catch the name of, wish I had, as she was excellent. Very down to earth, friendly, and professional. She did mention that THE big thing the American embassy are interested in is depression, self harming etc, that's what they are very keen to find out about.

All I'll say is - don't be too worried about the medical. I was, as I generally hate doctors (who likes them eh?!), so I was dreading it. But it was so much less stressful than I could have imagined.

Results must have got delivered pretty quick to, as I got the letter from the Embasssy today with interview date.
Brando MFemaleWales2011-12-12 17:34:00
United KingdomCash at london embassy??
On this page - http://www.visajourn...gdom&cty=London

it says:

'The cost is from £14.50 for the basic service, payable by most debit/credit card only as cash is not accepted'
Brando MFemaleWales2011-12-11 09:56:00
United KingdomPre-Pay for K-1 Visa in London?

I actually wrote to the embassy pointing out all their webpage discrepancies (with links to offending pages) and explained how they confuse people. Of course I never got a reply.

They are still allowed in and pay at the payment window between seeing the document lady and the interviewer.

Ah right!

It is daft though, and fair play to you writing to them!

I know it says on the letter before (Packet 3?) that you pay in advance, which makes it even dafter that they don't mention it in the actual interview letter, and THEN have totally different info on the link they provide.

There's that many letters and forms with the process, and tbh, if I'd not been on these forums I may not have remembered the info from packet 3.
Brando MFemaleWales2011-12-21 18:15:00
United KingdomPre-Pay for K-1 Visa in London?
There was no instructions with my appointment letter regards pre-payment, and the link they send - says you pay it on the day.

Pretty shoddy of the Embassy really. If people aren't looking online on the forums, to find this out, what happens when they turn up on the day without paying first?

Edited by Brando M, 21 December 2011 - 01:49 PM.

Brando MFemaleWales2011-12-21 13:47:00
United KingdomLondon medical question...
Some of my records are AWOL too, I guess it's a common occurance! When I went to sort out getting a couple of the vaccinations, they didn't have records of what I'd had in the past (before I moved to Manchester). But no biggy, I got the MMR jab again, others where up to date. If you are headed over during flu season, you need that too.

The medical is nowhere near as bad as I expected. I was really dreading it, but the worry was for nothing! The clinic they use in Knightbridge is really good, very friendly and very efficient staff / doctors.

The doctor told me that they used to screen for HIV, but no longer, something the Obama regime did away with. They still take blood sample, but really, thats as stressful as it got! As I mentioned earlier, the big thing they are interested in is stuff like depression / self harming.
Brando MFemaleWales2012-01-13 12:48:00
United KingdomLondon medical question...
there ain't any way of conning their blood tests and chest x-ray and the physical exam they give you ;)

But i know what you are saying! THE big thing that intestest them apart from what they test for, is mental health, depression, self harming etc.
Brando MFemaleWales2012-01-13 04:45:00
United KingdomConnecting flights??
It should be fine. I'm pressuming this has all been booked on one ticket, and he'll have checked-in for both legs of the journey from his departure airport?

If it's all one one ticket, then worst comes to the worst, they have to get him on the next available flight.

What terminal does he arrive at and what terminal does he depart from? It can take some time to get from one to the other, depending on terminals.

Getting an aisle seat quite near the exit is a good idea, then when the plane doors open he can get to the immigration line hopefully before most of the rest on the flight! Then picking up bags and dropping them off again shouldn't take too long.
Brando MFemaleWales2012-01-13 04:52:00
United KingdomMedical at Knightsbridge tomorrow
good luck! You seem to have got everything very much organised.

I was dreading the medical (as I'm sure many do!), but the whole experience was actually very positive, it's only a small place once you get into their clinic, so not at all daunting. And from the receptionist, to the 3 doctors/nurses you see, all very professional and friendly too. They very much put you at ease.
Brando MFemaleWales2012-01-20 07:16:00
United KingdomMedical Review Knightsbridge Doctors
:She then took my blood test from my hand as she couldnt get a vein in the arm which she said was for HIV/Syphilis:

Not for HIV these days, I don't think anyway. Dr. there told me that they didn't test for that anymore, something the Obama regine had implemented, the test is for syphilis only. Anyway, that's just an aside!

Hopefully everything will be sorted for you very soon! Best of luck with the interview!
Brando MFemaleWales2012-01-20 14:10:00
United KingdomQuestion regarding US visa photos
Didn't you send any with the original application? I'm sure I had to have some for that too. That was for a K1 visa though, so maybe that's different.

As suggested - print 'em yourself! Or use one of the sites suggested like and save the photos on a memory card / USB stick and take it to Boots or similar to print out.

For the ones for the actual interview, I got at Goulds pharmacy in London near the Embassy. But there are other places that will do them too.
Brando MFemaleWales2012-01-22 10:21:00
United KingdomFiance's interview is in two days

That is good to know. I am Kris in the Kris and Jennie if that makes sense, it should do.

I cant wait to get the interview over and done with. I have all the paperwork (or at least I think so, certainly I have everything on the list plus have made photocopies).

The amount of paperwork is rediculous although that is mainly because I am taking everything just in case. I have read previously that London literally just stick to the list but I am covering all options. This process has been a nightmare from the get go mainly because we have had to get paperwork from so many different places (multiple police certs were needed and this has really slowed us down).

Have any of you that have been to London been asked about proof of relationship and what not?

Nope, not asked for any further proof of relationship. I had the interview January 10th this year.

I had taken some extra stuff in case (newer photos than ones sent with application, newer boarding passes, airline bookings), but they didn't ask for anything.

As for the visa, I had the interview on a Tuesday, visa arrived Friday morning.
Brando MFemaleWales2012-01-25 13:37:00
United KingdomIt's my interview on Monday!

Diane had ipod earphones in her handbag. She was given the choice of taking them back to the hotel or throwing them in the bin outside the security booth so in the bin they went! They are very strict about anything with a wire in it.

yeah, so true! I threw my internet banking key in the bin. At least with that, it was free though! Just went into HSBC the next day and picked another one up.

That closest bin to the embassy could be a gold mine, the things that must get chucked in it :D
Brando MFemaleWales2012-01-28 17:30:00
United KingdomIt's my interview on Monday!
Print out the email to take with you.

My interview time was 9am on the letter. Those times are kinda like a guideline more than anything!

I got there just before 8am. First 'checkpoint', they ask for your letter and passport,and check you off a list. Then you wait to go through the security. That only took a few miniutes of waiting. Whereas there where plenty of people, it wasn't a big line.

Remember no electronics and that means those bank internet keys too (if you have one!)! Not just the more obvious things (phone, e-readers, mp3 players...).

Edited by Brando M, 28 January 2012 - 01:32 PM.

Brando MFemaleWales2012-01-28 13:32:00
United KingdomI got my interview on Monday as well :)) wow
good luck! I'm sure you will be just fine. The interview experience was actually pretty cool, no stresses! Just be prepared with the documents they ask for, and you will be ok.
Brando MFemaleWales2012-01-28 18:32:00
United KingdomNear receiving NOA2 -- tips for what is next?

I don't know either. They normally attach the photo to a place on the medical report.

Embassy still has this medical link saying passport photo (page 1) 2011 _1_.pdf
Knightsbridge website still lists passport photo

They do still ask for a photo, so yep, keep on taking 'em!

You have to sign over the top of the actual photo, that is attached to the medical report.
Brando MFemaleWales2012-01-30 12:15:00
United Kingdom'Photo-Me' booths doing US photos now
not sure if this has been posted before, couldn't find it with a quick search!

Anyway, I was in the post office today in Manchester, and noticed that the 'Photo-Me' booth there now does US size photos too. It had a big sticker on the outside advertising that it now does photos that would be of correct size for visas from various countries - USA included.

Just a heads-up :) Cos I know people often ask where to get photos for the interview and visa applications etc.
Brando MFemaleWales2012-01-31 10:37:00
United KingdomNOA2 recieved!
You will get a letter from the Embassy soon, you don't need to contact Vermont. If you have the NOA2, then Vermont visa center already has your file.

Once you get your letter from London, it'll have your London specific case number, which means you can then go ahead and book the medical. And yep - you need to take the police cert. to the medical. They take a photocopy of it, and hand the original back to you.
Brando MFemaleWales2012-02-02 06:29:00
United KingdomK1 - NOA2 arrived, Q about MEDICAL Exam
Check out this link: http://photos.state....ical_letter.pdf

There is details there as to what vaccinations are needed. Also, flu vaccination is also needed, during flu season (thats not on that list I don't think, it's a pretty new requirement).

Yes it is advisable to get this sorted before the medical, but not to worry if not. You are applying for a K1 visa? If so, they aren't needed to actually get into the US, BUT will be needed later. So it's better to get them done in the UK prior to leaving.
Brando MFemaleWales2012-02-05 06:00:00
United KingdomNOA2!!!!!

London doesn't care. You could get approved without a tax return with other good proof. You can be approved without an I-134 if the immigrant has enough funds to self-support. You can have a DIY affidavit but to get all the proper wording in a self-written one would be a hassle. People have been approved with only an employer letter, but I would bring two proofs. Best are tax return or transcript, employer letter, or pay stubs. Pick two.

yeah, that happened with us, they didn't want the tax return. They took the payslips and an official letter from my fiance's employer.
Brando MFemaleWales2012-01-12 17:36:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
A few pointers regards the interview, from someone who had one recently!

  • It's common knowledge that you can't take any electronic items in. The obvious being things such as cell/mobiles, MP3 players, laptops, e-readers. It also means electronic car keys AND internet banking security keys (such as those issued by HSBC).
  • Have your interview letter / email and passport ready as you arrive. The first 'checkpoint' is before you start waiting in line, and you have to show your passport and letter.
  • Be ready for the weather, it's the UK after all ;) You have to wait outside initially (although wait time was only a few minutes when I went), so bring a brolly / rain coat.
  • When waiting to be called for your 'interview', listen out for announcments. The vast majority are called via numbers which flash up cleary on the screens. But occasionally they call by name. That happened to me, and I was glad I wasn't reading, but rather looking and listening, as it really wasn't that loud or obvious.

Brando MFemaleWales2012-02-03 13:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe got Approve!!
Brando MFemaleWales2012-01-31 04:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2011 Filers

Same here Brando, i guess we are few lucky ones that got approved and then they stopped for some reason. Mine was approved in 88 days, now waiting for NVC which might take forever :(

Hi Edi & Sua!

I do believe we just got a letter from the NVC today, not opened it though, waiting for my other half to get home from work! But it has National Visa Center on the front.

Your time line seems to be really close to ours, almost to the days!

Edited by Brando M, 22 September 2011 - 03:30 PM.

Brando MFemaleWales2011-09-22 15:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2011 Filers
We filed in mid June, got the NOA2 last week (date September 13 from Vermont).
Brando MFemaleWales2011-09-22 05:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2011 Filers
I went to the embassy in London today for the interview. Approved, now have to wait for them to send the passport back.

Best wishes to all other June files, hope good news is on it's way!
Brando MFemaleWales2012-01-10 19:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2011 Filers
Got the letters out now, so I can actually post the dates they arrived.

Our petition was recieved June 10, and the NOA1 is dated June 14. Not sure when it actually arrived in the mail.

We got the approved NOA2 last week (mailed out on September 13 from Vermont).

Edited by Brando M, 21 September 2011 - 08:46 AM.

Brando MFemaleWales2011-09-21 08:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2011 Filers
Hi there :)

Kinda late checking in! I registered a while back, but just posting now.

We filed mid June. Just got the I-797 NOA the other day, approved.

We sent the packet to Texas, but the NOA we got recently was sent from Vermont.

I'm going to read the forums tomorrow, and get up to speed with stuff and update my sig with actual dates etc.

Edited by Brando M, 20 September 2011 - 05:29 PM.

Brando MFemaleWales2011-09-20 17:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Approved in 2 months
don't they maybe mean they got the NOA2 within 2 months? That says 'approved' on it I think? As in the petition being approved. Maybe they took that to mean they have a visa approved already?!

Edited by Brando M, 29 January 2012 - 04:08 PM.

Brando MFemaleWales2012-01-29 16:08:00